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BESTCAP Career College, Inc.

COPIES: 57 Malacampa, Camiling, Tarlac CHECKED:

DAY 1 English – Grade 8 ___________
Third Quarterly Assessment

Name: _____________________________________________________ Score: __

Grade/Section: __________________________Signature of Parents: ________________ 60
Directions: Identify the following statement if it is an apostrophe, imagery, oxymoron or paradox. Write your
answer on the space provided before the number.
____________1. The eerie silence was shattered by her scream.
____________2. Her face blossomed when she caught a glance of him.
____________3. This is another fine mess you have got us into.
____________4. Deep down, you’re really shallow.
____________5. “Uggghh, cellphone! Why won’t you load my messages?”
____________6. This is a genuine imitation Rolex watch.
____________7. He could hear the footsteps of doom nearing.
____________8. You are clearly confused by the situation you have found yourself in.
____________9. This is the beginning of the end.
____________10. He felt like the flowers were waving him a hello.
____________11. “Oh Starbucks, how I love you!”
____________12. I can resist anything but temptation.
____________13. His new girlfriend really is pretty ugly.
____________14. Twinkle, twinkle little star. How I wonder what you are?
____________15. She was like a breath of fresh air infusing life back into him.
____________16.”O happy dagger! This is your sheath. Thus let me rust and die.”
____________17. Her singing was enough to raise the living dead.
____________18. You can save money by spending it.
____________19. “O Romeo, Romeo! Where are you now?”
____________20. It’s weird not to be weird.


Directions: Read and analyze the following sentences. Identify the underlined verb if it is transitive or intransitive
by writing TV or IV above the verb. If the verb is transitive, box the direct object.
1. I bought a bicycle so I can go to school faster.
2. He reads books to help him fall asleep.
3. We moved the tables next to each other.
4. Jim is sleeping, so don’t be so loud.
5. The boy laughed so hard that milk came out of his nose.
6. She sat down patiently waiting for her homework.
7. The family turned off the light and went to sleep.
8. The train stopped abruptly and the crowd starts to worry.
9. In order to catch up in class, she wrote an essay.
10. My grandmother stirred coconut milk into the pan.
11. The rice cakes were cooked by Lola Ida.
12. Miguel removed the pot from the stove when it was hot.
13. Noel donated school supplies for less fortunate children.
14. Mike likes mangoes with his sticky rice.
15. They waited but nobody helped them find their room.


Directions: Read the following paragraph, then underline the verbs used.
Cartoon superheroes are made up of a number of common traits. They have extraordinary powers and abilities. They
vary greatly, but superhuman strength, the ability to fly and the ability to project energy are often common. Batman and
Green Hornet possess no superpowers but they know martial arts. Most superheroes risk their own safety in the service of
good. Many refuse to kill an opponent, even though they threaten the safety of others. Many superheroes use a descriptive
or symbolic code name. A supporting cast of characters includes the hero’s friends and family. Superheroes often have a
secret headquarters or base.
“Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the DESIRES of your HEART.”
Psalms 37:4
Prepared by:
Teacher in English 8


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