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Observer’s Diary

(to be filled by Observer and original to be retained at the exam centre with one copy to the Observer)

1 Name of the Observer & KTU ID:

2 Date: Time of arrival of Observer:

3 Name of Examination(s), Semester and scheduled starting time of the Exam(s):

4 Time of First Question Paper Download:

5 Name of Staff members present near the QP Downloading Computer, printer and QP
Packing area:

6 Time of Last Question Paper Download:

7 Whether the Question Papers were packed in the Covers and sealed before leaving the
Examination control room?

8 According to Chief Superintendent, whether the CCTV is working (whether its turned ON
and it records the Examination control room activities?)

9 Time of Last Invigilator leaving the Examination control room:

10 Actual Time of commencement of Exam: (if there were any delay in commencement of
exam beyond the scheduled time in any of the Exam halls, indicate the hall number along
with reason for delay.)

11 No. of Malpractice issues reported: (mention register number of students)

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12 Any uneven events noted during the examination:

13 Scheduled Time of End of exam:

14 Actual Time of End of exam:

15 Time of Last Invigilator reaching the Examination control room along with returned Answer

16 Whether Answer books were packed as per instructions from KTU and sealed on the same

17 Time of completion of Packing of Answer books:

18 Remarks:

I hereby declare that the details furnished above are based on my observations at the Exam
centre and are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Name and Signature of Observer:

Time of Leaving:
Name and Signature of Chief Suptdt.:
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