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Spatial Planning Vs.

Sectoral Planning
Planning is the mental and practical preparation in a step by step form to initiate any sort of
work and complete it successfully in order to achieve certain goals already in the mind of
planner. When planning is carried out on certain specific region whether it is a small part of
the earth surface or the Earth as a whole, it is known as regional planning.

Types of Regional Planning:

Generalized and common types of planning are countless in number; they depend upon the
type of work. For example, agricultural planning, Transport planning, mining planning,
Educational planning etc. On the basis of their own individual characteristics various types of
planning are there. They are as follows:

1. Capitalistic
3. (write the types what your teacher has written)

Spatial Planning

Spatial planning is rooted over space or territory. It is a kind of regional planning where
planning is made on certain physical as well as socio-cultural and economical region. It refers
to the methods used by the public sector to influence the distribution of people and activities
in spaces of various scales. Spatial planning includes land
use, urban, regional, transport and environmental planning. Other related areas are also
important, including economic and community planning. Spatial planning takes place on local,
regional, national and inter-national levels and often result in the creation of a spatial plan.
Spatial economic development is a vital part of government’s national economic policy focus.
Good policy choices and well-executed planning can ensure balanced economic development
of a nation and can help to address marginalisation and poverty, particularly in rural areas.
According to European Conference of Ministers responsible for Regional Planning (1983)
"Regional/spatial planning gives geographical expression to the economic, social, cultural and
ecological policies of society. It is at the same time a scientific discipline, an administrative
technique and a policy developed as an interdisciplinary and comprehensive approach
directed towards a balanced regional development and the physical organisation of space
according to an overall strategy."
1. Spatial planning focuses only in the overall development of certain region.
2. It is an approach in regional planning.
3. Spatial planning put emphasis on Socio-economic development of the region.
4. It varies from one region to other.
5. It is more holistic in nature.
6. It is more objective.
7. Spatial planning is much applicable in developing as well as underdeveloped
Sectoral planning

Sectoral planning is deeply based on various sectors of economic activities such as Primary,
Secondary, Tertiary and Quaternary Economic sectors. It is concerned with linear planning
and certain infrastructural facilities in various sectors in the economy in particular and in the
Society in general.

It promotes economic development in major sectors of the economy. This will include the
promotion of rural economic development (Agricultural sector) and the development of
industrial policy frameworks for sectors, in order to support various Industrial Policies.

Sectoral planning is divided into supra-local and local sectoral planning. On the one hand, it
deals with linear, cross-community infrastructures, generally at state levels (e.g., highways,
railways, tramways, magnetic levitation railways, airports, mining, waterways, protection
areas, tipping sites, and waste incineration plants), and, on the other, with the local level (e.g.,
roads), where local authorities are responsible for sectoral planning.

Sectoral Planning promotes policies tos a number of key sectors, chosen for their labour-
absorbing capacity, technological contribution to the economy, or earning of foreign exchange.
Sectoral planning is directed at addressing both weak economic performance and large scale
job losses (distressed sectors) as well as regeneration of economic activity in particular
regions and areas.


1. Sectoral Planning focuses on the planning and development of particular sector of

2. It is rather systematic approach.
3. Sectoral planning helps in developing certain sector of economy as a result overall
development of a region is not possible in this planning.
4. It is more subjective.
5. Sectoral Planning is much useful in sdeveloped nations.

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