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2.1.The Qualitative Descriptive Research Method

was chosen because this study identified and described the problems relating to the
daily speech carried out by the coastal community of Banjaranyar Hamlet, Banjarwati
Village, which is located in the vicinity of Sunan Drajat Islamic Boarding School when
interacting with boarding school residents through interviews. Furthermore, the authors
obtained data on the perceptions that emerged from the Banjaranyar Hamlet community in
Banjarwati Village when they received polite speech from the residents of the Pacan Sunan
Drajat Islamic Boarding School in Lamongan.

3.2 Data Sources

The data sources used in this study are in the form of utterances from the
Banjaranyar Hamlet community in Banjarwati Village in social interactions in the
surrounding neighborhood of the Sunan Drajat Islamic Boarding School. The social
interaction in question is the conversation of the Banjaranyar Hamlet community with
students, administrators, and caregivers of Islamic boarding schools and conversations with
fellow Banjarwati Village people themselves.

3.3 Determination of Informants

This study used informants as many as 15 people consisting of several residents of

Banjaranyar Hamlet and several residents of Sukowati Hamlet. In addition, several
informants were also santri, administrators, and caregivers of the Islamic Boarding School of
Sunan Drajat.
The informant's data is explained in the attachment to the thesis. The selected
informants are expected to be able to provide true data without making up or manipulating
data for other purposes outside the focus of the research.
The informant has the following criteria: (a) The informant knows the culture well
without having to think about it, because it is done automatically from year to year. (b)
Informants are directly involved inthe problems we raise in research. (c) Informants have
enough time to be interviewed. (d) Informants use their language to describe information
without analysis. (e) Informants provide information with interpretations of indigenous
perspectives (Spradley: 1997: 59-70).
3.4 Data Collection Methods

The method of data collection is a method used to collect research data. Data
collection is done by observation, interviews, recording techniques, and recording techniques.
The author first observes to see the situation and circumstances of the environment, then
interviews the coastal communities of Banjaranyar Hamlet Banjarwati Village by conducting
structured interviews to obtain relevant information.
The final step is done with the note-taking technique, which is to record all
incidents from the utterances of the coastal community of Banjaranyar Hamlet, Banjarwati
Village, Paciran Subdistrict, Lamongan Regency.

3.5 Data Analysis Methods

The data analysis of this study uses descriptive qualitative methods that change the
recording data from interviews, as well as ways of communication from the coastal
communities of Banjaranyar Hamlet, Banjarwati Village with the boarders of Sunan Drajat
Islamic Boarding School in the form of written notes and then analyzed with the theory used.
Note the linguistic phenomena that have been recorded, then from the transcription results
have been obtained written data which can then be identified.
The process of identification of each data is carried out to separate which sentences
are often used by the community in general and which are very rarely used by society in
general. After completing the recording technique and recording technique, the next is to
copy into the data card and analyze it, so that the relevant data is obtained.
The following are the details of the steps in the data, as follows: (1) Transcribing
Recorded Data After the author obtains data in the form of speeches from the coastal
communities of Banjarwati village through the recording, then the next transcription

spoken by the coastal community of the village of Banjarwati. (2) Identifying and
Clarifying Data Based on the results of the transcription, written data are obtained which are
then ready to be identified.
The process of identification means recognizing / marking data to separate which
sentences are needed for the next stage, and which ones are not needed. (3) Copying into the
Data Card After the required data has been collected, then the next is the copy of each
identified speech into the data card. It was intended to be easy to classify the speech
according to certain characteristics. (4) Analyzing Data Cards Data obtained are then
analyzed based on existing theories.
From the analysis of the data card will be illustrated the language behavior of
coastal communities in Banjaranyar Hamlet, Banjarwati Village in the Sunan Drajat Islamic
Boarding School environment. (5) Concluding For the last stage, the results of the analysis
will produce conclusions based on the research that has been done.



Dialects are distinguished by vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. If the

difference is only based on pronunciation, it is called an accent. Some examples of dialects
are the Coastal Border dialect and Pemalang Pegunungan dialect. Most of the people in
Pemalang are farmers. Work that requires perseverance, patience, and hard work. These
highlands usually have springs directly from the bowels of the earth, this air is used for
everyday life.
The cool, comfortable air in the mountains makes it easy for the heart and mind to
relax. From some circumstances it makes the nature of the average land person serious, like
air, white or yellow, his voice is very smooth and slow. Based on dialectometric calculations
200 basic vocabulary of Swadesh is done using two sources from tourist and mainland areas.
at Pemalang.
The results of the linguistic status of these two isolates are considered to be no
different. However, based on the second narrative, the sources are known about several
different things, Javanese compilation. This is ignored by dialectrometry calculations that use
research instruments that include basic Swadesh vocabulary, while daily conversations are
not enough with basic vocabulary but with appropriate cultural vocabulary at this time.
Different from Coastal communities.
This hot and close to the sea makes the community stronger, more resilient, black or
brown, and its voice louder, louder and faster. This is likened to the waves that roll their
tongue to the shoreline and the hot sun that is close to human skin. Of the several differences
between society and peaks can be seen from several things as follows. Sound Differences
(Phonology) In the hierarchy of linguistic studies phonology is the most basic sequence.
Phonology is a field that offers language sounds
Eva A. Indrariani, Yuninda F. Ningrum, Coastal Javanese Dialect ... 350. as a joint
unit of speech through "combination" between sounds forming syllables or syllables with
uncertain suprasegmantals, such as pressure, tone, stop and duration (Chaer, 2009: 5). A
phonological difference can be grouped into 4 groups, namely differences consisting of vocal
correspondence, vocal variation, consonant correspondence, and consonant variations such as
composition in types of sound changes (Mahsun, 1995: 51) . Pemalang Pesisir Subdialek and
Pemalang Tebing also have alophonic differences as follows.

No. Jawa pesisir Jawa pengunungan

1. Klitong = pergi Klintung = pergi
2. Lendang = kain panjang Slendang = kain panjang
3. Wenih = benih biji tumbuhan Winih = benih biji

Based on the example above differences are raised in phonetic terms or in terms of
phonological differences. This difference is based on the determination of a particular isolek
or sub-dialect. From the example above, there are phonetic differences. Vocal
Correspondence Sound declines in closed syllables, such as.

Semantic Mathematical Differences is one of the linguistic branches that talks about
meaning. According to George (1964: 1) that science examines the meaning. Semantics
according to George is the answer
351. Lingua Scientia Language Journal, Vol. 9, No. 2, November 2017 DOI: less satisfying. According to Tarigan (2009: 3)
semantics is the relationship of signs with objects that are the container for the application of
these signs.
In this case the semantics are divided into two, namely semantics in the broad sense
and semantics in the narrow sense. In the semantics there are eight divisions of meaning
types. One example of the word in Pemalang coastal area and Pemalang gunung is included
in the first type of "cabbage"

Based on the example above it can be classified into type 1 Coastal Pemalang
PegununganBenda: carBenda: vegetableCreation: drivenRoad: eatenProperties: can
moveProperties: fragileNumber: manyNumber: manyLexicon Differences The term word is
something we often hear. Words are things that are often used in activities every day.
According to Chaer (2007: 162) .
The traditional grammar of the tradition usually gives the meaning of words is a
unit of language that has one understanding; or word is a row of letters flanked by two
spaces, and has one meaning. The lexicon comes from the Greek language, lexikon or
lexikos. The meaning of the word is about the word. Lexicon is a group of lexemes in a
language. In Pemalang coastal areas and Pemalang mountains also have differences in
lexicon. There are several words that are only known and used by that particular area.
This is due to a number of things because their time is expanding and the use of
dialect languages is diverse. The difference in the lexicon can be seen from the example as

No. Jawa pesisir Jawa pengunungan

1. Njongkot = duduk Njongkot = duduk
2. Encit= kain sisa Serbet = kain sisa
3. Kenyas = tape Tape = tape makanan dari singkok
4. Meyeg =pusing Senud = pusing
5. Lampar =mainan yang Mayeng = mainan yang tidak memperhatikan
tidak memperhatikan waktu .
Based on the example above there are several different vocabulary in the coastal
barrier area and the Plain barrier. From the vocabulary it is only commonly used in certain
areas. Semantic Differences (Expressions) Humans use compilation languages that have been
revealed. Language that is able to express something so that it is easily discussed and
understood by the other person.
Some people copy something with their distinctive style, dialect, and accent. Speech
is a number of words arranged into sentences that are used to facilitate or explain certain
situations and events. Everyone expresses things according to their habits and is done
In the Pemalang Pesisir area and Pemalang has anything that you can find related to
events such as happy, satisfied, angry, expressing hope, and also to choose the name of the
food. Coastal barrier "" Tai cat "" Necklace intestine "" Necklace intestine "These sentences
are the sentences used for. clarify a situation with certain expectations of Palangalang
Pesisira. "Tai cat": a food. "Necklace of the intestine": giving victory to someone who wears
whatever clothes are suitable and nice to see. Pemalang Pegunungana. "Tai cat": cat cat.
"Bowel Necklace": hoping to have more / more patience

Data collection is done by referring and proficient method techniques. The

researcher conducts listening, participates in dialogue, and listens to the contents of the
conversation and direct informants.
Data analysis uses the method of intralingual matching data analysis, namely the
method of analysis by comparing lingual elements, both in one language and in several
different languages. Based on the collected data, the researcher conducted the analysis by
comparing the data both in form, sound, and meaning.
In the research that had been carried out with the data that had been collected and
analyzed the shape, sound, and meaning of the researcher doing the presentation the data
from the analysis according to the data are contrasted and categorized.
Presentation of the results of data analysis using information methods, namely the
presentation of the results of the analysis using words and not using symbols or direct
symbols (Sudaryanto, 2015: 141). The method of presenting the results of this data analysis,
the researcher by describing or describing the results of the study. RESULTS AND
DISCUSSION In the world, there are many different dialects. Dialects are variations of
language from a group of speakers whose numbers are relative, which differ from one place
to a particular region or area (Chaer, 2010: 62-63). Whereas according to the Greek language
dialect is called dialektos which means a variant of a language according to the user. Giving
dialects based on factors
Dialects are distinguished by vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. If the
difference is only based on pronunciation, it is called an accent. Some examples of dialects
are the mountain dialect of coastal and the dialect of Pegunungan. The mountain
communities in mostly work as farmers.
Work that requires perseverance, patience, and hard work. These highlands usually
have springs directly from the bowels of the earth, they are used for everyday life. The cool,
comfortable air in the mountains makes it easy for the heart and mind to relax. From some
circumstances it makes the nature of the mountainous people serious, its nature flows like
water, white or yellow, its voice tends to be smooth and slow.

Based on dialectometric calculations, 200 basic Swadesh vocabularies were

performed in a limited way using two sources from the coast and mountains in Pemalang.
The results of the language status of the two isolates are considered to be no different.
However, based on the narratives of the two informants it is known that there are several
different things when speaking Javanese.
This is caused by dialectrometry calculations using research instruments in the form
of Swadesh basic vocabulary, while daily conversations are not enough with basic vocabulary
but with cultural vocabulary prevailing at this time. Different from coastal communities. This
hot and close atmosphere makes the people strong, more resilient, black or brown, and their
voice tends to be loud, loud, and fast.
This is likened to the waves that roll their tongue to the shoreline and the hot sun
that is close to human skin. Of the several differences between coastal and mountainous
communities can be seen from several things as follows.

The pegununggan community has a soft and smooth volume, due to the centralized
residential pattern that does not allow them to speak in high tones. Relationship and good
work also influence the volume of the tone of the mountain community. The calm state at the
foot of the mountain brings a calm and comfortable impression in communicating well.
Coastal communities have high volume, this is because they have to adjust to their geography
and place of residence.
The elongated settlement pattern causes them to have to increase the volume due to
the remote residence, besides that they have to raise their volume due to the sound of coastal
winds and strong coastal waves. They raise the volume to be heard when communicating.

Chaer, Abdul. 2007. Linguistik Umum.Jakarta: Rineka
Cipta.___________. 2009. Fonologi. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.___________. 2010.
Sosiolinguistik. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.Djajasudarma,
T. Fatimah. 1993. Metode Linguistik: Ancangan Metode Penelitian dan
Eresso.George,Yule. 1964. Analisis Semantik dan Pragmatik. Jakarta:
Pustaka Pelajar.Mahsun. 1995. Dialektologi Diakronis Sebuah Pengantar.
Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.______. 2014. Metode Penelitian
Bahasa.Mataram: PT Raja Grafindo Persada.
Tarigan, Henry Guntur. (2009). Pengajaran Semantik.Bandung:
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