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Peaches and Cream Lack of utility hampers the Hire an oncall utility/steward
Operations operation since the server will (afternoon shift)
be the one to wash the -other staff like Ms. April
kitchenwares she/he needed should do the run errands in
and they only have one food the kitchen because sometimes
attendant each shift. The Ms. Joan serves and take
operations were running on orders too. Food attendant
skeletal system. should not leave the dining
area so that if there’s a guest
entering the premise he/she
could cater/ attend to them
right away.
This is temporary
recommendations since the
company is cost-cutting as of the

Work efficiency Most of the staff were not mis-en-place

ready for their job/task of the - boil water for tea
day since they didn’t take - boil/cook the tapioca already
initiatives on preparing -prepare the necessary
necessary things for the condiments
operation (Not all staff some - fill all the water bottles with
were busy cleaning the area water
but some were not).Not
properly oriented with their
task or not just doing their
part. Ma’am Joan can do the
Ms. Marilou should undergo training for the meantime.
training on Customer service
thoroughly (the proper FBS

Everybody should help

How to solve the kitchen There are dishes left unwashed cleaning the premise before
issues like cleanliness, order (dumped on the kitchen sink) going home because it might
system. They reason out that they are cause cross-contamination.
too tired of the operation
already that they can’t clean
anymore. I even saw rat
running around.

Order system was not efficient Food attendant must write

that’s why their delivery orders in an order slip the last
system was affected. copy should be sent to the
kitchen for efficient service
delivery and also for proper
sales inventory.
Proper hygiene Server did not tie her hair and Proper hygiene is very
kitchen staff were not wearing important since they are food
required PPE. handlers. The server should
atleast tie her hair. The chef
and barista must wear hairnet
since they are the ones
preparing the food and

Effective Communication in There is an incident that the mis-en-place

the workplace, Unity and customer ordered for milktea - boil water for tea
Discipline it happens that after 20 - boil/cook the tapioca already
minutes the customer follow -prepare the necessary
up on her order but it was not condiments
ready yet. After 15 minutes - fill all the water bottles with
the customer comes back to water
the counter to again follow up
her order but then again it is
still not ready. So, Ms. Joan
went to the kitchen personally,
to check on what’s going on in
the kitchen why orders took so
long to be delivered. She
found out that still the order
(milktea) was not ready yet.
They are still boiling water.
The manager was very upset
and she reprimanded the
people in the kitchen (the
Barista and Chef) but they
keep on rebutting with

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