Background of The Study

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Mobile Legends Bang Bang: Its effect on the behavior of Senior High School Students

Background of the study

With the advancing of technologies nowadays we can have a lot of opportunities to

go with. This advancement help us to live easy but with this progress a lot of online
application was created that affects the attitudes of the people. Psychological factors,
e.g., flow and self-control have been frequently studied in gaming addiction and among
behaviors. Playing games can give rise to a state of flow which led to the loss of self-
consciousness and sense of time(Csíkszentmihályi 1975; Liu et al. 2013). The association
between flow and video-game playing has been studied in nascent studies with different
findings. Most of the students of Northern Antique Vocational School experienced so
many behavioral changes including difficulties in reviewing lessons and notes, changes
of moods, and able to skip eating meals just to play Mobile Legends. As a result the
ability of the students to manage his time was affected of this gaming application.

Northern Antique Vocational School offer's a free education to the people who are
interested to enroll, it is also offer's courses that serves as a foundation for the students.
This school also known as the home of the champions for it's excellent in participating
extra curricular activities. Despite of its achievements the school was facing a serious
behavioral changes within the students, most of the students are exposed to many
online games e.g., Mobile Legends. And as the result, the students failed to pass school
works on time, loss their focus, concentrations, and ability to cope up the lessons in the
certain school.

As used in the study of Wang & Zhu, 2011. According to them, “online game” has
first to be broken down into its basic components: online and game. At its very basic
situation the term online can be referred to any activity that is taking place via use of the
Internet. Game on the other hand according to the Oxford dictionaries (2012) is defined
as an activity or pastime that generates amusement. As an amusement, online game
generates activity that is played over some form of connection or computer network.

According to UNESCO, 2000. Behavior change is based on a simple idea of learning.

It is based on the idea that behaviour followed by reward is more likely to be repeated,
or retained, than not. On the other hand, behaviour which results in an unpleasant
outcome tends to be quickly dropped or disappear.

As cited in the study of Ku et al., 2014. Self control, sometimes called self-regulation,
is the ability to control emotions, anxiety, and behavior to gain possible rewards or avoid
punishment (Timpano et al. 2013). LaRose et al. (2003) describe deficient self-regulation
as diminishing consciousness of self-control because of lacking awareness and attention
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to behaviors. Khang et al. (2013) found that self-control affected users’ flow and
addiction in mobile phones, Internet, and even video games.

Online gaming may temporarily offer social, recreational and personal gratification
but excessive engagement can backfire to addictive behaviors entailing several
pathological behavioral outcomes. Spending excessive time on online gaming hinders
the accumulation of stable real life friendships and the development of social skills
(Muller et al., 2014). Social interaction is displaced to superficial and short-term online
interactions, which produces deterioration of present real-life interactions and in turn
increases social isolation and magnifies feelings of loneliness (Griffiths & Davies, 2005).

Also, somatic complaints in problematic and even at-risk users could derive from
spending prolonged hours on the computer screen and as a result having eye problems,
dizziness, headaches and sleep disturbances (Dreier et al., 2013).

Finally, depressive symptoms either in the form of anxiety or withdrawal may

emerge from the aggregation of all the negative consequences of extensive online
presence, such as alienation from offline interactions and activities, distress over
wasting time online and subsequent family conflicts, academic failure, avoidance of real
life instances and neglect for real life rewards (Tzavela et al., 2015).

Most of the students of Northern Antique Vocational School were involved in

playing online games with that a lot of of changes were happening within the students
especially senior highschool students. As the the result, changes like behavioral changes
is needed to resolve. For example, most of the senior highschool students has lack of
focus, hard to understand lessons, not able to pass requirements on time, getting some
examples of sickness like tardiness, insomnia, mood swings, skipping meals, having a late
night sleep due to the involvement in online games.

Furthermore, the main objective of the present study is to determine the effects of
playing Mobile Legends: Bang bang on the behavior of the students and give some
interventios. And to provide information for the awareness of the students for the
effects of gaming application.
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