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Adamson J, Beswick A and Ebrahim, S (2004) Murray J, Young J, Forster A et al (2003) West R, Hill K, Hewison J et al (2010)

Is stroke the most common cause of disability? Developing a primary care-based stroke Psychological disorders after stroke are an
Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, model: the prevalence of longer-term problems

Important Influence of functional outcomes:
12, 171-177 experienced by patients and carers, British a prospective cohort study, Stroke, 41,
Journal of General Practice, 53, 803-807 1723-1727
Anderson S and Marlett N (2004)
‘An understanding of stroke  Communication in stroke: the overlooked
rehabilitation tool, Age and Ageing, 33, 440-443
Parr S, Byng S, Barnes C et al (2004) Summary:
Social exclusion of people with marked
Young J, Murray J and Forster A (2003)
Review of longer-term problems after
will enable social services staff  Backstrom B and Sundin K (2009) The
communication impairment following stroke, disabling stroke, Clinical Gerontology,
York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation 13, 55-65
to be instrumental in identifying experience of being a middle-aged close
relative of a person who has suffered a stroke, Royal College of Speech and Language Key points
emotional and psychological  1 year after discharge from a rehabilitation clinic:
a qualitative study, International Journal of
Therapists, Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland,
The Stroke Association, Speakability (2008) Stroke is a long-term condition
that has significant implications
issues such as depression,  Nursing Studies, 46, 1475-1484 Back to a Life After Stroke.
news/2008_news/scotland_stroke_survivor_ for social services in Scotland.
anxiety, loss of self-esteem  Bendz M (2000) Rules of relevance after
a stroke, Social Science and Medicine, 51,
survey Stroke can negatively affect the
and other mental health  mental health of stroke survivors
life after stroke: 
713-723 Salter K, Bhogal S, Teasell R et al (2008) Post
stroke depression, The evidence-based review and their carers, leading to depression,
British Heart Foundation Statistics Database
problems after stroke’ (2009) Stroke Statistics 2009. British Heart
of stroke rehabilitation, anxiety and low self-esteem.
Foundation and the Stroke Association
Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland (CHSS)
(2009) Improving stroke services: patients’
Salter K, Foley N and Teasell R (2010) Social
support interventions and mood status post
stroke: a review, International Journal of Nursing
the long-term emotional Communication impairment
following stroke has a profound
impact on stroke survivors.
and psychological 
Studies, 47, 616-625
and carers’ views, Edinburgh: Chest, Heart
and Stroke Scotland Scottish Government (2009) Better Heart Better information provision,
Disease and Stroke Care Action Plan. effective communication, social

needs of stroke survivors

Ch’Ng A, French D and Mclean N (2008)
Edinburgh: Scottish Government support and scheduled reviews
Long term perspectives of stroke support
group members, Journal of Health Psychology, Simon C, Kumar S and Kendrick T (2009) of support needs can help address
the long-term emotional and

and their carers

13, 1136 Cohort study of informal carers of first-time
stroke survivors: profile of health and social psychological difficulties of stroke
Clairborne N (2006) Efficiency of a care
changes in the first year of caregiving, Social survivors and their carers.
coordination model: a randomised study
Science and Medicine, 69, 404-410
with stroke patients, Research on Social
Work Practice, 16, 57-66 Stroke Association (2009) Briefing: Social
Care Green Paper Shaping the Future of
Greenwood N and Mackenzie A (2010) Informal
Care Together
caring for stroke survivors: Meta-ethnographic
review of qualitative literature, Maturitas, 66, Stroke Association (2010) Stroke in
268-276 Scotland: Key Facts. Stroke Association
Hare R, Rogers H, Lester H et al (2006) What
do stroke patients and their carers want from
community services? Family Practice, 23,
Mackenzie A, Perry L, Lockhart E et al (2007)
Family carers of stroke survivors: needs, The Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services (IRISS) is a charitable company limited by guarantee.
knowledge, satisfaction and competence in Registered in Scotland: No 313740. Scottish Charity No: SC037882. Registered Office: 151 West George Street, Glasgow G2 2JJ
caring, Disability and Rehabilitation, 29, 111-121
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike 2.5 UK:
Scotland Licence. To view a copy of this licence, visit
scotland/ Copyright © 2010
Design — Printed on FSC certified 100% recycled paper using inks from sustainable and renewable sources
insights 06 life after stroke: the long-term emotional and psychological
needs of stroke survivors and their carers

1. 2. 3.
Stroke Stroke is linked to health and
social inequalities:
Policy context: Hare et al, 2006). Depression has been
found to slow recovery from stroke (West
Assessor and a Social Worker’ (Hare et al,
2006, p133). Carers also reported ‘major
regaining their communication abilities,
to the extent that other physical needs
stigma of stroke further isolates survivors
(Bendz, 2000; Hare et al, 2006). After a
depending on the nature and impact of
their impairment. As many stroke survivors
needs of survivors and carers. Staff need
to be able to deliver relevant and timely
A stroke is a brain attack which happens
premature death rates in the most
Scotland et al, 2010) and is associated with increased information deficits’ about the emotional are ignored (Ch’ng et al, 2008). For carers stroke, survivors can experience a decline access social services it is important to information that is suitable to the stage
when the blood supply to part of the brain mortality (Salter et al, 2008). Carers of stroke and psychological impact for survivors ‘handling communication difficulties’ is also in social network relationships as they lose highlight the implications of the research the survivor is at, whether they have
deprived areas are around three times The White Paper Towards a Healthier
is cut off and brain cells are damaged or die. survivors also suffer from ‘significant and how the carer was expected to handle a priority concern (Mackenzie et al, 2007, the opportunities for contact through for practice. just been diagnosed and are in hospital
higher than in the least deprived (British Scotland (Scottish Office, 1999) set a target
Stroke is the third most common cause of psychological distress’ which can begin these problems (Mackenzie et al, 2007; p114). Anderson and Marlett (2004) argue employment and recreation. Social support or are being discharged. Good
Heart Foundation, 2009) to half the death rate from cerebrovascular One key issue is ensuring sufficient
death in Scotland and a major cause of early in the caregiving experience (Simon CHSS 2009). that ‘communication is key to identity’ and is central to wellbeing and it has been found communication also facilitates the
disease in people under 75 between support to either prevent a stroke survivor
severe disability in adults (Adamson et al, stroke survivors with impairments et al, 2009). Some carers report a struggle therefore losing the ability to communicate to protect against depression (Salter et al, involvement of survivors and carers in
1995-2010. This was followed in 2001 by from becoming depressed or where they
2004). It is estimated that about 12,500 and their unpaid carers are likely to to adjust to life after stroke and to grieving can have a significant impact on how 2010) and to help recovery from stroke decision making during discharge planning
the Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) and One of the most profound consequences do, supporting recovery.
people have a stroke in Scotland each year experience a range of social challenges, the loss of the person they knew whilst survivors see themselves. A stroke can (Ch’ng et al, 2008). The findings from a care and care assessments to ensure transition
Stroke Task Force Report (Scottish of stroke for survivors, their families and
and that there are 110,000 stroke survivors including low income and social isolation trying to remain strong for the survivor also cause a crisis of identity for carers, for coordination model where social workers An understanding of stroke will enable to community or residential care is as
Executive, 2001) which focused on the carers is communication impairment.
(Stroke Association, 2010). There is also (Stroke Association, 2010) (Backstrom and Sundin, 2009). example, when a spouse becomes a carer proactively contacted stroke patients to social services staff to be instrumental in effective as possible. Alternative
management of CHD and stroke. A year The Back to a Life after Stroke survey
evidence of a north-south gradient in stroke (Greenwood and Mackenzie 2010). Parr and assess and address unmet mental health, identifying emotional and psychological communication tools such as Talking
people from certain minority ethnic later, the CHD and Stroke Strategy (Scottish Emotional and psychological problems (2008) conducted with 280 people
mortality, with rates in Scotland around colleagues (2004) highlight that ‘particularly psychosocial and environmental needs, issues such as depression, anxiety, loss Mats that use
groups living in the UK including South Executive, 2002) was published which can be compounded by communication in Scotland with communication
50% higher than in London (British Heart in residential and nursing care settings, showed decreased symptoms of depression of self-esteem and other mental health symbols and pictures to help support
Asian and Black and Afro Caribbean highlighted the key priorities for stroke difficulties, both in terms of the information difficulty following stroke found that:
Foundation, 2009). people with severe aphasia were in danger and improved mental health (Clairborne, problems after stroke. Local protocols for decision making for people with
are at greater risk of stroke (Scottish treatment: accurate diagnosis, rapid provided to survivors and carers by
A stroke can cause brain damage which  nearly 90% of respondents had of losing their identity as staff often knew 2006). This suggests that ‘social workers, referral for specialist help when depression communication difficulties can be
Government, 2009) assessment and improved rehabilitation. professionals but also the impact of
can affect physical and sensory functions, difficulties speaking, explaining very little about them and didn’t know how family support organisers or community or other mental health problems are effective. It is also important that staff
The CHD and Stroke in Scotland Strategy communication impairment on survivors.
cognition, communication and / or Multiple and complex needs can arise in things and talking on the phone to find out’ (p1). Communication difficulties outreach nurses… may have the potential suspected is important. Staff can then communicate clearly with carers to help
Update (Scottish Executive, 2004)
psychological health. This includes: the aftermath of a stroke. These include: Studies have found that there is confusion such as aphasia can lead to little to become part of an individual’s social help to enable survivors and carers get support them in their caring role which
recommended that all health boards have over 80% had difficulties writing
everyday living needs; physical needs; managed clinical networks (MCNs) for and a lack of information about surviving consultation or choice for survivors and they network and provide support that could psychological support from GPs, mental can require a significant adjustment.
mild to severe problems with movement, stroke, prevention of subsequent strokes, almost 60% had difficulties reading risk being seen by service providers as be perceived as effective’ (Salter et al, 2010, health services, voluntary organisations and
emotional and well-being needs; social stroke services. Better Heart Disease and With improved medical treatment, more
usually one sided treatment, services, benefits and adaptions letters, leaflets and newspapers ‘non-compliant’ or ‘unmotivated’ (Parr et al, p623). local support groups. Effective knowledge
needs; communication and cognition Stroke Care Action Plan (Scottish people are surviving stroke and living
visual problems (eg visual field problems) needs; financial, legal and care needs; Government, 2009) was launched following to property (Hare et al, 2006; Mackenzie 80% had difficulties using the internet 2004). A number of research studies of and links with the voluntary sector that
with support needs in the community.
et al, 2007; CHSS, 2009). Some stroke highlight the need for improved may be able to provide additional support
emotional lability (eg uncontrolled re-enablement needs and carer needs.
The services required may include
consultation to reinforce CHD and stroke as
national clinical priorities in Scotland. survivors experienced a lack of information a third had difficulties understanding communication from professionals to
Implications for practice such as self-management training and
While is it important that physical
crying or laughter which may also be what people are saying impairments associated with stroke are
personal care, meals on wheels, respite about what had actually happened to them survivors and carers (Anderson and Marlett, The evidence in this summary highlights carers training is also key.
out of context) addressed it is also vital that mental and
and did not realise they had had a stroke nearly 90% said communication 2004; CHSS, 2009) as well as better that survivors and carers have long-term
care, aids and adaptations as well as
the opportunity to attend day centres
The evidence (Ch’ng et al, 2008). Relevant information difficulties had affected their connections between agencies such as emotional and psychological needs. Most
The evidence points to a high risk of
social isolation for stroke survivors so staff
emotional wellbeing are not neglected as
they underpin recovery. Scheduled reviews
Half of those who survive a stroke (Stroke Association, 2009, p2). Neurological impairments resulting from was required at different times after a independence rehabilitation therapies, employment, importantly, the research shows that poor awareness of this can enable them to help of stroke survivors’ and their carer’s
have some level of impairment: stroke may improve with rehabilitation stroke, for example information about benefits agencies and those in the home mental health directly affects the survivor’s
80% reported their confidence had survivors and carers access day centres, support needs can help ensure that
but often stroke survivors are left with benefits and services was most needed or care setting (Parr et al, 2004). ability to recover from stroke.
one-third have a communication suffered, that communication problems befriending schemes, vocational services are responsive and facilitate
considerable, permanent impairment. after discharge from hospital (Mackenzie
impairment such as aphasia had impacted on their social life and Communication impairment contributes It is important to emphasise that rehabilitation, respite and other sources long-term recovery.
Evidence shows that after a stroke et al, 2007). Some survivors and carers
adversely affected their work. to social problems for survivors and their some stroke survivor’s mental health of social support.
over a third have cognitive problems depression and anxiety are prevalent and ‘were unsure which profession offered IRISS would like to thank Maddy
and stroke is the second major cause carers (Mackenzie et al, 2007). Social problems are neurological in cause and may Effective communication through
often long-term for survivors, continuing which service, and there was particular role Communication deficit has been described Halliday of the Stroke Association
of dementia after Alzheimer’s exclusion and feelings of isolation are not improve and so there are considerable appropriate and considerate information
up to five years after an incidence of stroke confusion about the differences between as ‘overwhelming’, leading some stroke for her contribution to this Insight.
common (Murray et al, 2003; Parr et al, implications for long term support, provision is also essential to supporting the
between 20-50% experience depression. (Murray et al, 2003; Young et al, 2003; an Occupational Therapist, a Home Care survivors to become preoccupied with
2004; Hare et al, 2006). The perceived
(Scottish Government, 2009, p70)
insights 06 life after stroke: the long-term emotional and psychological
needs of stroke survivors and their carers

1. 2. 3.
Stroke Stroke is linked to health and
social inequalities:
Policy context: Hare et al, 2006). Depression has been
found to slow recovery from stroke (West
Assessor and a Social Worker’ (Hare et al,
2006, p133). Carers also reported ‘major
regaining their communication abilities,
to the extent that other physical needs
stigma of stroke further isolates survivors
(Bendz, 2000; Hare et al, 2006). After a
depending on the nature and impact of
their impairment. As many stroke survivors
needs of survivors and carers. Staff need
to be able to deliver relevant and timely
A stroke is a brain attack which happens
premature death rates in the most
Scotland et al, 2010) and is associated with increased information deficits’ about the emotional are ignored (Ch’ng et al, 2008). For carers stroke, survivors can experience a decline access social services it is important to information that is suitable to the stage
when the blood supply to part of the brain mortality (Salter et al, 2008). Carers of stroke and psychological impact for survivors ‘handling communication difficulties’ is also in social network relationships as they lose highlight the implications of the research the survivor is at, whether they have
deprived areas are around three times The White Paper Towards a Healthier
is cut off and brain cells are damaged or die. survivors also suffer from ‘significant and how the carer was expected to handle a priority concern (Mackenzie et al, 2007, the opportunities for contact through for practice. just been diagnosed and are in hospital
higher than in the least deprived (British Scotland (Scottish Office, 1999) set a target
Stroke is the third most common cause of psychological distress’ which can begin these problems (Mackenzie et al, 2007; p114). Anderson and Marlett (2004) argue employment and recreation. Social support or are being discharged. Good
Heart Foundation, 2009) to half the death rate from cerebrovascular One key issue is ensuring sufficient
death in Scotland and a major cause of early in the caregiving experience (Simon CHSS 2009). that ‘communication is key to identity’ and is central to wellbeing and it has been found communication also facilitates the
disease in people under 75 between support to either prevent a stroke survivor
severe disability in adults (Adamson et al, stroke survivors with impairments et al, 2009). Some carers report a struggle therefore losing the ability to communicate to protect against depression (Salter et al, involvement of survivors and carers in
1995-2010. This was followed in 2001 by from becoming depressed or where they
2004). It is estimated that about 12,500 and their unpaid carers are likely to to adjust to life after stroke and to grieving can have a significant impact on how 2010) and to help recovery from stroke decision making during discharge planning
the Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) and One of the most profound consequences do, supporting recovery.
people have a stroke in Scotland each year experience a range of social challenges, the loss of the person they knew whilst survivors see themselves. A stroke can (Ch’ng et al, 2008). The findings from a care and care assessments to ensure transition
Stroke Task Force Report (Scottish of stroke for survivors, their families and
and that there are 110,000 stroke survivors including low income and social isolation trying to remain strong for the survivor also cause a crisis of identity for carers, for coordination model where social workers An understanding of stroke will enable to community or residential care is as
Executive, 2001) which focused on the carers is communication impairment.
(Stroke Association, 2010). There is also (Stroke Association, 2010) (Backstrom and Sundin, 2009). example, when a spouse becomes a carer proactively contacted stroke patients to social services staff to be instrumental in effective as possible. Alternative
management of CHD and stroke. A year The Back to a Life after Stroke survey
evidence of a north-south gradient in stroke (Greenwood and Mackenzie 2010). Parr and assess and address unmet mental health, identifying emotional and psychological communication tools such as Talking
people from certain minority ethnic later, the CHD and Stroke Strategy (Scottish Emotional and psychological problems (2008) conducted with 280 people
mortality, with rates in Scotland around colleagues (2004) highlight that ‘particularly psychosocial and environmental needs, issues such as depression, anxiety, loss Mats that use
groups living in the UK including South Executive, 2002) was published which can be compounded by communication in Scotland with communication
50% higher than in London (British Heart in residential and nursing care settings, showed decreased symptoms of depression of self-esteem and other mental health symbols and pictures to help support
Asian and Black and Afro Caribbean highlighted the key priorities for stroke difficulties, both in terms of the information difficulty following stroke found that:
Foundation, 2009). people with severe aphasia were in danger and improved mental health (Clairborne, problems after stroke. Local protocols for decision making for people with
are at greater risk of stroke (Scottish treatment: accurate diagnosis, rapid provided to survivors and carers by
A stroke can cause brain damage which  nearly 90% of respondents had of losing their identity as staff often knew 2006). This suggests that ‘social workers, referral for specialist help when depression communication difficulties can be
Government, 2009) assessment and improved rehabilitation. professionals but also the impact of
can affect physical and sensory functions, difficulties speaking, explaining very little about them and didn’t know how family support organisers or community or other mental health problems are effective. It is also important that staff
The CHD and Stroke in Scotland Strategy communication impairment on survivors.
cognition, communication and / or Multiple and complex needs can arise in things and talking on the phone to find out’ (p1). Communication difficulties outreach nurses… may have the potential suspected is important. Staff can then communicate clearly with carers to help
Update (Scottish Executive, 2004)
psychological health. This includes: the aftermath of a stroke. These include: Studies have found that there is confusion such as aphasia can lead to little to become part of an individual’s social help to enable survivors and carers get support them in their caring role which
recommended that all health boards have over 80% had difficulties writing
everyday living needs; physical needs; managed clinical networks (MCNs) for and a lack of information about surviving consultation or choice for survivors and they network and provide support that could psychological support from GPs, mental can require a significant adjustment.
mild to severe problems with movement, stroke, prevention of subsequent strokes, almost 60% had difficulties reading risk being seen by service providers as be perceived as effective’ (Salter et al, 2010, health services, voluntary organisations and
emotional and well-being needs; social stroke services. Better Heart Disease and With improved medical treatment, more
usually one sided treatment, services, benefits and adaptions letters, leaflets and newspapers ‘non-compliant’ or ‘unmotivated’ (Parr et al, p623). local support groups. Effective knowledge
needs; communication and cognition Stroke Care Action Plan (Scottish people are surviving stroke and living
visual problems (eg visual field problems) needs; financial, legal and care needs; Government, 2009) was launched following to property (Hare et al, 2006; Mackenzie 80% had difficulties using the internet 2004). A number of research studies of and links with the voluntary sector that
with support needs in the community.
et al, 2007; CHSS, 2009). Some stroke highlight the need for improved may be able to provide additional support
emotional lability (eg uncontrolled re-enablement needs and carer needs.
The services required may include
consultation to reinforce CHD and stroke as
national clinical priorities in Scotland. survivors experienced a lack of information a third had difficulties understanding communication from professionals to
Implications for practice such as self-management training and
While is it important that physical
crying or laughter which may also be what people are saying impairments associated with stroke are
personal care, meals on wheels, respite about what had actually happened to them survivors and carers (Anderson and Marlett, The evidence in this summary highlights carers training is also key.
out of context) addressed it is also vital that mental and
and did not realise they had had a stroke nearly 90% said communication 2004; CHSS, 2009) as well as better that survivors and carers have long-term
care, aids and adaptations as well as
the opportunity to attend day centres
The evidence (Ch’ng et al, 2008). Relevant information difficulties had affected their connections between agencies such as emotional and psychological needs. Most
The evidence points to a high risk of
social isolation for stroke survivors so staff
emotional wellbeing are not neglected as
they underpin recovery. Scheduled reviews
Half of those who survive a stroke (Stroke Association, 2009, p2). Neurological impairments resulting from was required at different times after a independence rehabilitation therapies, employment, importantly, the research shows that poor awareness of this can enable them to help of stroke survivors’ and their carer’s
have some level of impairment: stroke may improve with rehabilitation stroke, for example information about benefits agencies and those in the home mental health directly affects the survivor’s
80% reported their confidence had survivors and carers access day centres, support needs can help ensure that
but often stroke survivors are left with benefits and services was most needed or care setting (Parr et al, 2004). ability to recover from stroke.
one-third have a communication suffered, that communication problems befriending schemes, vocational services are responsive and facilitate
considerable, permanent impairment. after discharge from hospital (Mackenzie
impairment such as aphasia had impacted on their social life and Communication impairment contributes It is important to emphasise that rehabilitation, respite and other sources long-term recovery.
Evidence shows that after a stroke et al, 2007). Some survivors and carers
adversely affected their work. to social problems for survivors and their some stroke survivor’s mental health of social support.
over a third have cognitive problems depression and anxiety are prevalent and ‘were unsure which profession offered IRISS would like to thank Maddy
and stroke is the second major cause carers (Mackenzie et al, 2007). Social problems are neurological in cause and may Effective communication through
often long-term for survivors, continuing which service, and there was particular role Communication deficit has been described Halliday of the Stroke Association
of dementia after Alzheimer’s exclusion and feelings of isolation are not improve and so there are considerable appropriate and considerate information
up to five years after an incidence of stroke confusion about the differences between as ‘overwhelming’, leading some stroke for her contribution to this Insight.
common (Murray et al, 2003; Parr et al, implications for long term support, provision is also essential to supporting the
between 20-50% experience depression. (Murray et al, 2003; Young et al, 2003; an Occupational Therapist, a Home Care survivors to become preoccupied with
2004; Hare et al, 2006). The perceived
(Scottish Government, 2009, p70)
insights 06 life after stroke: the long-term emotional and psychological
needs of stroke survivors and their carers

1. 2. 3.
Stroke Stroke is linked to health and
social inequalities:
Policy context: Hare et al, 2006). Depression has been
found to slow recovery from stroke (West
Assessor and a Social Worker’ (Hare et al,
2006, p133). Carers also reported ‘major
regaining their communication abilities,
to the extent that other physical needs
stigma of stroke further isolates survivors
(Bendz, 2000; Hare et al, 2006). After a
depending on the nature and impact of
their impairment. As many stroke survivors
needs of survivors and carers. Staff need
to be able to deliver relevant and timely
A stroke is a brain attack which happens
premature death rates in the most
Scotland et al, 2010) and is associated with increased information deficits’ about the emotional are ignored (Ch’ng et al, 2008). For carers stroke, survivors can experience a decline access social services it is important to information that is suitable to the stage
when the blood supply to part of the brain mortality (Salter et al, 2008). Carers of stroke and psychological impact for survivors ‘handling communication difficulties’ is also in social network relationships as they lose highlight the implications of the research the survivor is at, whether they have
deprived areas are around three times The White Paper Towards a Healthier
is cut off and brain cells are damaged or die. survivors also suffer from ‘significant and how the carer was expected to handle a priority concern (Mackenzie et al, 2007, the opportunities for contact through for practice. just been diagnosed and are in hospital
higher than in the least deprived (British Scotland (Scottish Office, 1999) set a target
Stroke is the third most common cause of psychological distress’ which can begin these problems (Mackenzie et al, 2007; p114). Anderson and Marlett (2004) argue employment and recreation. Social support or are being discharged. Good
Heart Foundation, 2009) to half the death rate from cerebrovascular One key issue is ensuring sufficient
death in Scotland and a major cause of early in the caregiving experience (Simon CHSS 2009). that ‘communication is key to identity’ and is central to wellbeing and it has been found communication also facilitates the
disease in people under 75 between support to either prevent a stroke survivor
severe disability in adults (Adamson et al, stroke survivors with impairments et al, 2009). Some carers report a struggle therefore losing the ability to communicate to protect against depression (Salter et al, involvement of survivors and carers in
1995-2010. This was followed in 2001 by from becoming depressed or where they
2004). It is estimated that about 12,500 and their unpaid carers are likely to to adjust to life after stroke and to grieving can have a significant impact on how 2010) and to help recovery from stroke decision making during discharge planning
the Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) and One of the most profound consequences do, supporting recovery.
people have a stroke in Scotland each year experience a range of social challenges, the loss of the person they knew whilst survivors see themselves. A stroke can (Ch’ng et al, 2008). The findings from a care and care assessments to ensure transition
Stroke Task Force Report (Scottish of stroke for survivors, their families and
and that there are 110,000 stroke survivors including low income and social isolation trying to remain strong for the survivor also cause a crisis of identity for carers, for coordination model where social workers An understanding of stroke will enable to community or residential care is as
Executive, 2001) which focused on the carers is communication impairment.
(Stroke Association, 2010). There is also (Stroke Association, 2010) (Backstrom and Sundin, 2009). example, when a spouse becomes a carer proactively contacted stroke patients to social services staff to be instrumental in effective as possible. Alternative
management of CHD and stroke. A year The Back to a Life after Stroke survey
evidence of a north-south gradient in stroke (Greenwood and Mackenzie 2010). Parr and assess and address unmet mental health, identifying emotional and psychological communication tools such as Talking
people from certain minority ethnic later, the CHD and Stroke Strategy (Scottish Emotional and psychological problems (2008) conducted with 280 people
mortality, with rates in Scotland around colleagues (2004) highlight that ‘particularly psychosocial and environmental needs, issues such as depression, anxiety, loss Mats that use
groups living in the UK including South Executive, 2002) was published which can be compounded by communication in Scotland with communication
50% higher than in London (British Heart in residential and nursing care settings, showed decreased symptoms of depression of self-esteem and other mental health symbols and pictures to help support
Asian and Black and Afro Caribbean highlighted the key priorities for stroke difficulties, both in terms of the information difficulty following stroke found that:
Foundation, 2009). people with severe aphasia were in danger and improved mental health (Clairborne, problems after stroke. Local protocols for decision making for people with
are at greater risk of stroke (Scottish treatment: accurate diagnosis, rapid provided to survivors and carers by
A stroke can cause brain damage which  nearly 90% of respondents had of losing their identity as staff often knew 2006). This suggests that ‘social workers, referral for specialist help when depression communication difficulties can be
Government, 2009) assessment and improved rehabilitation. professionals but also the impact of
can affect physical and sensory functions, difficulties speaking, explaining very little about them and didn’t know how family support organisers or community or other mental health problems are effective. It is also important that staff
The CHD and Stroke in Scotland Strategy communication impairment on survivors.
cognition, communication and / or Multiple and complex needs can arise in things and talking on the phone to find out’ (p1). Communication difficulties outreach nurses… may have the potential suspected is important. Staff can then communicate clearly with carers to help
Update (Scottish Executive, 2004)
psychological health. This includes: the aftermath of a stroke. These include: Studies have found that there is confusion such as aphasia can lead to little to become part of an individual’s social help to enable survivors and carers get support them in their caring role which
recommended that all health boards have over 80% had difficulties writing
everyday living needs; physical needs; managed clinical networks (MCNs) for and a lack of information about surviving consultation or choice for survivors and they network and provide support that could psychological support from GPs, mental can require a significant adjustment.
mild to severe problems with movement, stroke, prevention of subsequent strokes, almost 60% had difficulties reading risk being seen by service providers as be perceived as effective’ (Salter et al, 2010, health services, voluntary organisations and
emotional and well-being needs; social stroke services. Better Heart Disease and With improved medical treatment, more
usually one sided treatment, services, benefits and adaptions letters, leaflets and newspapers ‘non-compliant’ or ‘unmotivated’ (Parr et al, p623). local support groups. Effective knowledge
needs; communication and cognition Stroke Care Action Plan (Scottish people are surviving stroke and living
visual problems (eg visual field problems) needs; financial, legal and care needs; Government, 2009) was launched following to property (Hare et al, 2006; Mackenzie 80% had difficulties using the internet 2004). A number of research studies of and links with the voluntary sector that
with support needs in the community.
et al, 2007; CHSS, 2009). Some stroke highlight the need for improved may be able to provide additional support
emotional lability (eg uncontrolled re-enablement needs and carer needs.
The services required may include
consultation to reinforce CHD and stroke as
national clinical priorities in Scotland. survivors experienced a lack of information a third had difficulties understanding communication from professionals to
Implications for practice such as self-management training and
While is it important that physical
crying or laughter which may also be what people are saying impairments associated with stroke are
personal care, meals on wheels, respite about what had actually happened to them survivors and carers (Anderson and Marlett, The evidence in this summary highlights carers training is also key.
out of context) addressed it is also vital that mental and
and did not realise they had had a stroke nearly 90% said communication 2004; CHSS, 2009) as well as better that survivors and carers have long-term
care, aids and adaptations as well as
the opportunity to attend day centres
The evidence (Ch’ng et al, 2008). Relevant information difficulties had affected their connections between agencies such as emotional and psychological needs. Most
The evidence points to a high risk of
social isolation for stroke survivors so staff
emotional wellbeing are not neglected as
they underpin recovery. Scheduled reviews
Half of those who survive a stroke (Stroke Association, 2009, p2). Neurological impairments resulting from was required at different times after a independence rehabilitation therapies, employment, importantly, the research shows that poor awareness of this can enable them to help of stroke survivors’ and their carer’s
have some level of impairment: stroke may improve with rehabilitation stroke, for example information about benefits agencies and those in the home mental health directly affects the survivor’s
80% reported their confidence had survivors and carers access day centres, support needs can help ensure that
but often stroke survivors are left with benefits and services was most needed or care setting (Parr et al, 2004). ability to recover from stroke.
one-third have a communication suffered, that communication problems befriending schemes, vocational services are responsive and facilitate
considerable, permanent impairment. after discharge from hospital (Mackenzie
impairment such as aphasia had impacted on their social life and Communication impairment contributes It is important to emphasise that rehabilitation, respite and other sources long-term recovery.
Evidence shows that after a stroke et al, 2007). Some survivors and carers
adversely affected their work. to social problems for survivors and their some stroke survivor’s mental health of social support.
over a third have cognitive problems depression and anxiety are prevalent and ‘were unsure which profession offered IRISS would like to thank Maddy
and stroke is the second major cause carers (Mackenzie et al, 2007). Social problems are neurological in cause and may Effective communication through
often long-term for survivors, continuing which service, and there was particular role Communication deficit has been described Halliday of the Stroke Association
of dementia after Alzheimer’s exclusion and feelings of isolation are not improve and so there are considerable appropriate and considerate information
up to five years after an incidence of stroke confusion about the differences between as ‘overwhelming’, leading some stroke for her contribution to this Insight.
common (Murray et al, 2003; Parr et al, implications for long term support, provision is also essential to supporting the
between 20-50% experience depression. (Murray et al, 2003; Young et al, 2003; an Occupational Therapist, a Home Care survivors to become preoccupied with
2004; Hare et al, 2006). The perceived
(Scottish Government, 2009, p70)

Adamson J, Beswick A and Ebrahim, S (2004) Murray J, Young J, Forster A et al (2003) West R, Hill K, Hewison J et al (2010)

Is stroke the most common cause of disability? Developing a primary care-based stroke Psychological disorders after stroke are an
Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, model: the prevalence of longer-term problems

Important Influence of functional outcomes:
12, 171-177 experienced by patients and carers, British a prospective cohort study, Stroke, 41,
Journal of General Practice, 53, 803-807 1723-1727
Anderson S and Marlett N (2004)
‘An understanding of stroke  Communication in stroke: the overlooked
rehabilitation tool, Age and Ageing, 33, 440-443
Parr S, Byng S, Barnes C et al (2004) Summary:
Social exclusion of people with marked
Young J, Murray J and Forster A (2003)
Review of longer-term problems after
will enable social services staff  Backstrom B and Sundin K (2009) The
communication impairment following stroke, disabling stroke, Clinical Gerontology,
York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation 13, 55-65
to be instrumental in identifying experience of being a middle-aged close
relative of a person who has suffered a stroke, Royal College of Speech and Language Key points
emotional and psychological  1 year after discharge from a rehabilitation clinic:
a qualitative study, International Journal of
Therapists, Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland,
The Stroke Association, Speakability (2008) Stroke is a long-term condition
that has significant implications
issues such as depression,  Nursing Studies, 46, 1475-1484 Back to a Life After Stroke.
news/2008_news/scotland_stroke_survivor_ for social services in Scotland.
anxiety, loss of self-esteem  Bendz M (2000) Rules of relevance after
a stroke, Social Science and Medicine, 51,
survey Stroke can negatively affect the
and other mental health  mental health of stroke survivors
life after stroke: 
713-723 Salter K, Bhogal S, Teasell R et al (2008) Post
stroke depression, The evidence-based review and their carers, leading to depression,
British Heart Foundation Statistics Database
problems after stroke’ (2009) Stroke Statistics 2009. British Heart
of stroke rehabilitation, anxiety and low self-esteem.
Foundation and the Stroke Association
Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland (CHSS)
(2009) Improving stroke services: patients’
Salter K, Foley N and Teasell R (2010) Social
support interventions and mood status post
stroke: a review, International Journal of Nursing
the long-term emotional Communication impairment
following stroke has a profound
impact on stroke survivors.
and psychological 
Studies, 47, 616-625
and carers’ views, Edinburgh: Chest, Heart
and Stroke Scotland Scottish Government (2009) Better Heart Better information provision,
Disease and Stroke Care Action Plan. effective communication, social

needs of stroke survivors

Ch’Ng A, French D and Mclean N (2008)
Edinburgh: Scottish Government support and scheduled reviews
Long term perspectives of stroke support
group members, Journal of Health Psychology, Simon C, Kumar S and Kendrick T (2009) of support needs can help address
the long-term emotional and

and their carers

13, 1136 Cohort study of informal carers of first-time
stroke survivors: profile of health and social psychological difficulties of stroke
Clairborne N (2006) Efficiency of a care
changes in the first year of caregiving, Social survivors and their carers.
coordination model: a randomised study
Science and Medicine, 69, 404-410
with stroke patients, Research on Social
Work Practice, 16, 57-66 Stroke Association (2009) Briefing: Social
Care Green Paper Shaping the Future of
Greenwood N and Mackenzie A (2010) Informal
Care Together
caring for stroke survivors: Meta-ethnographic
review of qualitative literature, Maturitas, 66, Stroke Association (2010) Stroke in
268-276 Scotland: Key Facts. Stroke Association
Hare R, Rogers H, Lester H et al (2006) What
do stroke patients and their carers want from
community services? Family Practice, 23,
Mackenzie A, Perry L, Lockhart E et al (2007)
Family carers of stroke survivors: needs, The Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services (IRISS) is a charitable company limited by guarantee.
knowledge, satisfaction and competence in Registered in Scotland: No 313740. Scottish Charity No: SC037882. Registered Office: 151 West George Street, Glasgow G2 2JJ
caring, Disability and Rehabilitation, 29, 111-121
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike 2.5 UK:
Scotland Licence. To view a copy of this licence, visit
scotland/ Copyright © 2010
Design — Printed on FSC certified 100% recycled paper using inks from sustainable and renewable sources

Adamson J, Beswick A and Ebrahim, S (2004) Murray J, Young J, Forster A et al (2003) West R, Hill K, Hewison J et al (2010)

Is stroke the most common cause of disability? Developing a primary care-based stroke Psychological disorders after stroke are an
Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, model: the prevalence of longer-term problems

Important Influence of functional outcomes:
12, 171-177 experienced by patients and carers, British a prospective cohort study, Stroke, 41,
Journal of General Practice, 53, 803-807 1723-1727
Anderson S and Marlett N (2004)
‘An understanding of stroke  Communication in stroke: the overlooked
rehabilitation tool, Age and Ageing, 33, 440-443
Parr S, Byng S, Barnes C et al (2004) Summary:
Social exclusion of people with marked
Young J, Murray J and Forster A (2003)
Review of longer-term problems after
will enable social services staff  Backstrom B and Sundin K (2009) The
communication impairment following stroke, disabling stroke, Clinical Gerontology,
York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation 13, 55-65
to be instrumental in identifying experience of being a middle-aged close
relative of a person who has suffered a stroke, Royal College of Speech and Language Key points
emotional and psychological  1 year after discharge from a rehabilitation clinic:
a qualitative study, International Journal of
Therapists, Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland,
The Stroke Association, Speakability (2008) Stroke is a long-term condition
that has significant implications
issues such as depression,  Nursing Studies, 46, 1475-1484 Back to a Life After Stroke.
news/2008_news/scotland_stroke_survivor_ for social services in Scotland.
anxiety, loss of self-esteem  Bendz M (2000) Rules of relevance after
a stroke, Social Science and Medicine, 51,
survey Stroke can negatively affect the
and other mental health  mental health of stroke survivors
life after stroke: 
713-723 Salter K, Bhogal S, Teasell R et al (2008) Post
stroke depression, The evidence-based review and their carers, leading to depression,
British Heart Foundation Statistics Database
problems after stroke’ (2009) Stroke Statistics 2009. British Heart
of stroke rehabilitation, anxiety and low self-esteem.
Foundation and the Stroke Association
Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland (CHSS)
(2009) Improving stroke services: patients’
Salter K, Foley N and Teasell R (2010) Social
support interventions and mood status post
stroke: a review, International Journal of Nursing
the long-term emotional Communication impairment
following stroke has a profound
impact on stroke survivors.
and psychological 
Studies, 47, 616-625
and carers’ views, Edinburgh: Chest, Heart
and Stroke Scotland Scottish Government (2009) Better Heart Better information provision,
Disease and Stroke Care Action Plan. effective communication, social

needs of stroke survivors

Ch’Ng A, French D and Mclean N (2008)
Edinburgh: Scottish Government support and scheduled reviews
Long term perspectives of stroke support
group members, Journal of Health Psychology, Simon C, Kumar S and Kendrick T (2009) of support needs can help address
the long-term emotional and

and their carers

13, 1136 Cohort study of informal carers of first-time
stroke survivors: profile of health and social psychological difficulties of stroke
Clairborne N (2006) Efficiency of a care
changes in the first year of caregiving, Social survivors and their carers.
coordination model: a randomised study
Science and Medicine, 69, 404-410
with stroke patients, Research on Social
Work Practice, 16, 57-66 Stroke Association (2009) Briefing: Social
Care Green Paper Shaping the Future of
Greenwood N and Mackenzie A (2010) Informal
Care Together
caring for stroke survivors: Meta-ethnographic
review of qualitative literature, Maturitas, 66, Stroke Association (2010) Stroke in
268-276 Scotland: Key Facts. Stroke Association
Hare R, Rogers H, Lester H et al (2006) What
do stroke patients and their carers want from
community services? Family Practice, 23,
Mackenzie A, Perry L, Lockhart E et al (2007)
Family carers of stroke survivors: needs, The Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services (IRISS) is a charitable company limited by guarantee.
knowledge, satisfaction and competence in Registered in Scotland: No 313740. Scottish Charity No: SC037882. Registered Office: 151 West George Street, Glasgow G2 2JJ
caring, Disability and Rehabilitation, 29, 111-121
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike 2.5 UK:
Scotland Licence. To view a copy of this licence, visit
scotland/ Copyright © 2010
Design — Printed on FSC certified 100% recycled paper using inks from sustainable and renewable sources

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