Invention of The Diaphragm Compressor

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Diaphragm compressor

A diaphragm compressor is a variant of the classic

reciprocating compressor with backup and piston rings and
rod seal. The compression of gas occurs by means of a
flexible membrane, instead of an intake element. The back
and forth moving membrane is driven by a rod and a
crankshaft mechanism. Only the membrane and the
compressor box come in touch with pumped gas. For this
reason this construction is the best suited for pumping toxic
and explosive gases. The membrane has to be reliable
enough to take the strain of pumped gas. It must also have
adequate chemical properties and sufficient temperature

A diaphragm compressor is the same as a membrane


Invention of the diaphragm compressor

In the late 19th century William Burton started a workshop
building pumps and air compressors at Nogent-sur-Oise,
60kM north of Paris, France. Henri Corblin, generally
recognised as the inventor of the metallic diaphragm
compressor, was based nearby in Paris itself and in 1923 he
received a US patent for his invention and design work.

Compression of hydrogen gas with a

diaphragm compressor

A three-stage diaphragm compressor

The photograph included in this section depicts a three-stage

diaphragm compressor used to compress hydrogen gas to
6,000 psi (41 MPa) for use in a prototype hydrogen and
compressed natural gas (CNG) fueling station built in
downtown Phoenix, Arizona by the Arizona Public Service
company (an electric utilities company). Reciprocating
compressors were used to compress the natural gas.[1]

The prototype alternative fueling station was built in

compliance with all of the prevailing safety, environmental and
building codes in Phoenix to demonstrate that such fueling
stations could be built in urban areas.[1]

In the ionic liquid piston compressor many seals and bearings

were removed in the design as the ionic liquid does not mix
with the gas. Service life is about 10 times longer than a
regular reciprocating compressor with reduced maintenance
during use, energy costs are reduced by as much as 20%. The
heat exchangers that are used in a normal piston compressor
are removed as the heat is removed in the cylinder itself
where it is generated. Almost 100% of the energy going into
the process is being used with little energy wasted as reject

In other systems high pressure electrolysis is used.

See also
Gas compressor
Diaphragm pump

1. Alternative Fuel (Hydrogen) Pilot Plant Design Report
(Report INEEL / EXT-O3-00976 of the Idaho National
Laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy)

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