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Upper Bicutan National High School

Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City

Foreign Literature

Cyberspace, as a means of mobilization in terms of socialization and information

sourcing is a major part that plays a significant role in the lives of students. As a

growing innovation, browsing and strolling through the cyberspace is a must. When

teens engage themselves to interactive provisions of the implied effects of

Cyberspace usage on teen's academic competencies can either enhance or somehow,

put the users in a deep trouble. As a researcher, it relies on my findings how the

Internet can be helpful or destructive.

Researchers of the National University of Malaysia used Albert Bandura's

principle of "behaviour" as a major factor that correlates to the cognitive and

biological events that reflects to the external outputs. Morever, students tend to

rearrange their schedules to sustain their heavy internet use. The satisfaction of the

human mind makes these teens use the virtual world more. As per K. S. Young's

"Cyberpsychology and Behavior", the activity promotes health unconsciousness and

leads user to stay up late rather than spend time to rest. Hypersomnia, or excessive

sleepiness, is a condition in which a person has trouble staying awake during the day,

is experienced by most students and back aches that is causing sleep deprivation and

fatigue. From this, the users can severely suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (K. S.

Young, 2004).

Furthermore, the effects can be reflected with their daily outputs at school,

the alertness and presence of mind. From Morahan-Martin studies about internet

addiction entitled "Internet Abuse: Addiction? Disorder? Symptom? Alternative?

Upper Bicutan National High School
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City

Explanations?", an individual faces behavioural problems brought by the excessive

internet in terms of socialization and interpersonal relations. Discussing further, the

inability to control emotions and the long hours of surfing online are related and

isolating's oneself has the most tendency that over usage can bring. Academically

speaking, this excessive activity would bring users closer to procrastination and

would tolerate them to prioritize self-satisfaction more than the academic capabilities.

Additionally, the possibility of looking for comfort that they might get from the

virtual world and get updates from personalities or binge watch for their favourite

television series or movie sequels.

Notwithstanding, this research study covers up the psychological aspects and

behavioural patterns that might lead to the abusive use of the Internet. The theories

discussed in this research study works on the perimeter of the student's internal and

external factors. As a researcher, the outcomes of the research study that we will be

conducting will be a factor to testify the results and provide more specific solutions

that students can easily apply and induce in their lifestyle.

Upper Bicutan National High School
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City

Upper Bicutan National High School
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City

Upper Bicutan National High School
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City

Local Study

Navigating through the implied effects of Social Media to the students'

performances in terms of their academic competencies. When these Social

Networking Sites affect the youth, the changes are seen generally. To find out, the

Lyceum of the Philippines conducted a research on the relevance of the Internet usage

to academic performances.

Emerging cyberspace usage among teens is becoming the frontier of the

communication and expression of own self specifically to SNSs. The SNSs usage is

practiced excessively can affect the academic standing of the teen users. According to

a study conducted by Chorey in 2010, professors noticed that students who work with

gadgets more have failing grades and their reason is time mismanagement, Karpinski

and Kirschner confirms. Karpinski validates that among SNSs, Facebook is the most

used and users are already dependent on this software tool for fun and


Researcher Isaac Morallo used online platforms to collect data and analyzed the

purpose of Use, the Grade Point average and the effects of SNSs to these users. The

imperative point that the study has is that users responded directly that SNSs are good

and powerful tools of communication and social interaction that occurs virtually. The

research study refers future researchers by maximizing the potentials of SNSs in

terms of being a vehicle of changing the effects of these platforms towards academic

competencies of students who use the internet in a long duration

Upper Bicutan National High School
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City

To conclude, these effects cause students to have failing grades and time

mismanagement. Conversely, the researchers will help us identify the pattern that lies

under the phenomenon and reduce or eliminate its effects before students experience

a more severe effects in their lifestyles.

Upper Bicutan National High School
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City

Upper Bicutan National High School
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City

Upper Bicutan National High School
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City

Local Literature

Social Media is a foundational network that connects people between year

2004 and 2006, after communication software reached development. Internet users

had grown its population up to 75% and these users use the cyberspace for

communication, blogging and information sourcing (Ahmed et al. 2011). From this,

we can conclude that could affect had started spreading from the day the Internet was


Colleges and senior high school graduating batch tend to use the internet more

that is intended to be purposed. Users felt that by Facebook and Myspace will be their

home on the internet. However, specific activity grows as a habit that always continue

to get worse each day to the extent of spending 84% of their time using gadgets to

access the internet (Suhail, Kausar, and Zobia Bargees 2006). Delegate researchers

Dr. Remedios Kulidtod and Nahida Pasagui seek upon using sampling procedures

within the range of selective sampling, where in students who use the internet

frequently. Furthermore, researchers also conducted a survey for the academic

standing of these respondents and base with the data connected, specifically the

General Point Average of the students. Conversely, acquiring the information that

should be met will now lead to the process of analyzation and statistical analysis are

implied to the collection of data with the use of statistical formula.

Additionally, as a response to the lapses and weaknesses of the research study,

as a researcher to imply the same study, the research study needs to add up more data

to work on to in terms of Entertainment whom nowadays is a factor why students

Upper Bicutan National High School
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City

practice lazy attitude and irresponsibility of the acts that reflects to their academic

standing. Providing a more effective way of making solutions to apply and to

completely produce a beneficial outcome.

Upper Bicutan National High School
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City

Upper Bicutan National High School
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City

Upper Bicutan National High School
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City

References (Foreign Literature):

Young, K.S. “Internet Addiction: Symptoms, Evaluation, and Treatment” Innovations

in Clinical Practice, 17: 1-17. Pittsburg, United States. 1999.

Young, K.S. “Internet Addiction: The Emergence of a new clinical practice”.

Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 1: 237-244. Pittsburg, United States. 1999.

Young, K.S. “Internet Addiction: Internet Addiction: A New Clinical Phenomenon

and Its Consequences. American Behavioral Scientist, 48: 402-415. Pittsburg, United

States. 1999.

Morahan-Martin, J. Internet Abuse: Addiction? Disorder? Symptom? Alternative

Explanations?. Social Science Computer Review, 23(1): 39-48.2005.

Rederences (Local Literature):

Kulidtod, Remedios, C. 2nd International Conference on Educational Amangement

and Administration, Volume 45. “Effects of Social Networking Media to the

Academic Performance of the Students”. 2017.

Pasagui, Nahida, S. 2nd International Conference on Educational Amangement and

Administration, Volume 45. “Effects of Social Networking Media to the Academic

Performance of the Students”. Mindanao, Philippines. 2017.

Guy, R. The use of Social Media for Academic Practice: A Review Related

Literature. Tennessee State University,, pp. 2-8. Tennessee, United

States. 2005.

Bandura, A. “Self-Efficacy: The Exercise of Control”. New York, NY :Freeman.


Upper Bicutan National High School
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City

References (Local Study):

Morallo, Isaac, M. “Students’ Academic Performances in Lyceum of the Philippines-

Laguna”. Laguna, Philippines. 2018.

Ahmed et al. “A look out for academic impacts of Social network-ing sites (SNSs):

A student based perspective. African Journal of Business Management”, 5(12), 5022-

5031. 2011.

Suhail, Kausar, and Zobia Bargees. “Effects of excessive Internet use on

undergraduate students in Pakistan.” CyberPsychology & Behavior 9.3: 297-307.



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