Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan HR Management: Quarter 1

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Name: Mukunda S Yendigeri
Regn no.: PG161706
2016-17 batch


Question: Complete a TNA for ourselves keeping a two year horizon on a quarterly basis

The TNA explained in this part is for Finance/Accounts Department. This department requires various
types of technical, software, computer applications and soft skills to practice the profession.
Finance/Accounts caters to the needs of book keeping and accountancy and providing MIS Reporting to
the management on a time to time basis. For the department personnel to evaluate himself about the skill
sets required, he has to first evaluate about his existing skill sets required. The employee himself or his
manager can conduct the training need analysis based on the following criteria:

1. Determine the actual requirements

2. Link the requirements with employee behavior
3. Determine whether the TNA is required at individual level or team level or at organization level
4. Viewing the TNA budget provided for the department
5. Identify the trainable competencies
6. Evaluate those competencies
7. Identify the skill gaps
8. Perform the training need analysis based on prioritization

Considering the present scenario as per the question, I will be preparing a TNA for myself in general,
keeping other things constant. This will be based on an assumption basis.

Type of Periodicity of Present skill level Required skill Remarks

training/skill set training level
Year 2017
Quarter 1
Accounting Fifteen days Beginner Intermediate Requirement of
Standards and training in mostly
accounting used standards for
software ex: Asset and
policies, Balance
sheet accounting

Also the
accountant should
learn the
software for
Quarter 2
Preparation of Ten days Intermediate Advanced Advanced level is
financial required since one
statements has to prepare the
statements as per
the statutory
requirement and
there is no scope
for the change in
Quarter 3
Statutory Ten days Intermediate Advanced An accountant has
Requirements to be conversant
with the statutory
requirements since
he has to
pay/remit the
necessary taxes to
the Government
and thereon file
the returns
Quarter 4
MS-Excel and Fifteen days Intermediate Advanced Since the
soft skills like accountant has to
communication, prepare the MIS
writing e-mails reports, he has to
be well conversant
with Excel. He has
to be conversant
with for ex:
formulas in the
excel, Macros for
sorting huge files.

Year 2018
Quarter 1
MIS Reporting One Week Intermediate Advanced An accountant has
to provide MIS
reports based on
the company
requirement basis
on a time to time
basis. This report
in turns helps the
management to
take certain valid
decisions about
the business. So
the accountant has
to be well versed
with the required
reporting skills
Quarter 2
Investments One week Intermediate Advanced The management
has to invest it’s
idle money in
investments which
would be
beneficial to
improve the
conditions by
bringing in extra
income through
income from other
sources. This
provides an
additional help to
earn extra income
Quarter 3
Costing Analysis Fifteen days Beginner Intermediate A company to
reduce its cost of
production should
have a efficient
costing system.
The costing team
should strive at to
eradicate all
expenses by way
of expense
analysis. The team
should also strive
to reduce the
unnecessary high
costs so as to
increase the
profitability of the
firm. To achieve
thIs, the
accountant should
have some
knowledge of
costing system so
as to co-operate
with the costing
Quarter 4
Budgeting One Week Beginner Advanced Any organization
in order to
increase its
profitability should
have a strong
conditions. Each
and every
important activity
should have valid
reasons for its
expense. Only
when the
employee can
really analyse the
budgeting process,
he can provide his
services to the
organization. For
this to achieve, the
employee should
have a strong
budgeting skill

The trainer after the training ought to know about the feedback about the way of his training.

Once the training process gets completed, the regular routine should follow. The manager should interact
with the employee and get to know his feedback about the interview. The manager should ensure that the
employee utilizes his skills(acquired through training) to improve the business of the organization.

The manager should get to know about the learning effectiveness of the training. He should try to
evaluate the employee about the extent of the knowledge the employee has acquired through the
training. The manager should assess the status of the employees’ working capability before and after

The manager should learn about the behavior of the employee after the training. The manager should
assess whether the employee has really improved after the training. The manager should also assess
about the change in employees’ behavioral condition after the training.

Lastly the manager with co-ordination from the management or higher officials should assess about the
benefits the organization has reaped from the employee after providing the training.

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