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Joriz Niccolo D. Fontelara 11-BOHR

A. Different characteristics of Culture

Culture is shared
Every culture is shared by a group of people, usually inhabiting the same part of the world. The
region they live in, the geographical conditions around them, their country's past, the belief
system and values of its people, and the heritage they are proud of, constitute their culture.

Culture is learned.
Culture is not biologically passed from older generations to the newer ones. It is learned through
experience. The members of a culture share certain ideals which shape their lives. The future
generations learn to follow the same ideals.

Culture changes.
Cultures undergo a gradual change. With passing time, some beliefs change, certain traditions or
rituals are eliminated, language and mannerisms of people change, and thus their culture.
Migration and globalization lead to a mixing of cultures.

Culture takes years to form.

It is true that culture influences us, but it is also true that we influence culture. In fact, culture
evolves over time and takes years to develop. It is not a set of rules made by one or more people
and followed by generations. With passing time, a culture develops and even changes in the

Culture cannot be isolated.

Studies have brought out the fact that no culture can remain in isolation. There is hardly any
social community that is completely isolated from the rest of the world. Every culture is mostly
influenced by cultures of the surrounding regions.

Culture is essential.
Culture gives us an identity. The art and history that we are proud of, the literature we learn from,
our education, and our upbringing shapes our personalities. What we observe around us, what our
folk tales teach us, and what our culture says, is deeply ingrained in our minds.

Culture is transmitted across generations.

Cultural values are transferred across generations in the form of symbols and stories that make
them easier to understand. The beliefs that a culture holds, take the form of customs and rituals
that people are supposed to follow.
B.Aspects of Culture

I chose a Puerto Rico bracelet because that is where my Mom is from. She is full Puerto
Rican and I am half Puerto Rican. Puerto Rico is a dependency of the United States. I lived
there for almost 6 years. That is part of my history.

I chose a pencil because I use a pencil at school. Since I am under 18 years of age it is the law
to attend school. Therefore, I follow the law and participate in the government.

I chose a Band-Aid because My mother is a nurse and uses Band-Aids everyday at work.
She earns money at work and uses that money to add to the economy.

I chose my phone because I use it to text and call people. In this way, I communicate with
them through the languages of English, Spanish, and Text Language.

I chose a book mark with the books of the Bible in Spanish because I attend a Hispanic
Christian Church(Iglesia Roca de Salvación). I am a Christian, that is my Religion.

I chose a ring with Justin's picture on it because he is a music artist and makes music. I love
him and listen to his music all the time. Music is a type of art.

Social Groups
I chose my cheer bow because I am a cheerleader. Cheerleading is a sport, which is a type of
social group.

Daily Life
I brought my really cute summer shirt because that is usually what I wear in the summer on
any day. Since it's not a shirt for a special occasion, wearing the shirt is part of my daily life.

C. Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis

The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is the linguistic theory that the semantic structure of a
language shapes or limits the ways in which a speaker forms conceptions of the world. It
came about in 1929. The theory is named after the American anthropological linguist
Edward Sapir (1884–1939) and his student Benjamin Whorf (1897–1941). It is also known as
the theory of linguistic relativity, linguistic relativism, linguistic determinism, Whorfian
hypothesis, and Whorfianism.

Manali,O.(2018, February 7) 7 Major Characteristics of Culture That are Essential for Life Retrieved July
30, 2019, from

Martin,V.(2013, September 9) 8 Aspects of Culture Retrieved July 30, 2019, from

Nordquist,F. R.(2019, July 3) The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis Linguistic Theory Retrieved July 30, 2019, from

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