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eTable Chest' Mitering

. Storage Jig

Vol.2l / No. 115

No. 135 June,2001
DonaldB. Peschke
TerryJ. Strohman
Contrib. Fiitor CraigRuegs€gger
Ait Director ToddIambir0)
S€nior Illustrators ne conmentI hcarquiteolen is, nity to try your handat makjnga drop
DavidIGeyling 'Thnts
r $Far loolunS trfiJject,buL lcaf or rule joint. lh€ storasechest
Dirk V€rSteeg
I betillookalongtjmc1{)bu;kl.'UnJor- grvesyou a charce to work on culting
HarlanV Clark
Gftphic Intern lonatelyfor nnrsto[ us,tinn:- cspe mjlersard edgiDgplywood.And the
ciallyshoDdme- is in shorlsupply. countrywallshe[ is pul logetherwith
CREATTW RDSOURCES So tur lhis issLrc,wc ve comc up rabbetanddadojoiner),.
CaatiD Diktlor fed rn\cek . Proj.d D.ubbu: rsn with quitc a few projcclsthat won't
Mskel ' st Pwi..t Daicn r /€nt welsh t I',1a,
D6irra CluisFLif.h,CEt lekc . Sh., Ct@,t^: Stqe lake nruch r orc lhan a couplc of
c', sleJohnsn . si fl,,,orEt a CayolaEnslard weekcnds 10build,thoushyounishl
SPECI4! PUBLIAqTIONS notknowit by lurkinsat theln. Withthisissucwe'veaddedsomething
Et..lrirs EdiiorDuuslos L Hrck]. A Dtft.tu, Dote P8ollqt.'like the I )rotlleaf Coffec ncwthal I m cxcitedabout.Il's called
etinr . staior Cnthn D.s'?r?r chris closacki 'I'ablc
r ,$e fdlor Cnis l[e{kescr t As6tdnt Edtta6:lael shownon the front covcr,f(rr On'lineltxlrrls,andil's goingto allowus
A Hes,Joscph E.Irq,ln. Crrri. D6{!a'r'vu NFyen examdc.Inslradof spendinslimc lo cxDaJxl lhclrmountof woodworking
. curin tur.4 H€{herBmrc
turninraasctoffour lq{s on thc lathe. nrfolnlation lhatwecanDilovide.
CIRCUIATION I Durrhnse(llhr lcss alreadylurnd Iror exnmplc,if you havc a lathe
S!6dirr sm6 Drhdd sandyBNm r x.e A616
,tdrq6 Wq{h Kqldl r Amddiz Ma,ta{c Ri* funtiN and sandcd.-li coDrplcl{'lhem, all l ard wantto niakcyourownsetof legs
t &6r,,,ld'ih/,,1c hri* waLh. R6rut M.@.eiF hadl0 do w.rscula fewnurliscs.
P(f16. Buiry& Olt d1d tttonad totxrvcmryh; f(n lhe droplcaf coffeetable,lhere
' cd Motdk,4'zlj.r &is s.hlemmer . 4M ciz Ofh{rwaboutlhc Sl('-as(Chcslor arr dinrcnsi(nled dmwin,(savrilable
Md't t]{/!6d tbrli M D€Metuit. * an ht DailM. pa(c 20. 11stafts{Jtllas a basicply- lrn yo l0 viewor dowoload.
Mdi Har3 R Dodellh Or per-
woodbox. llx'n its dr(,ssedup wilh ha|s, yoLrwanl to try your hard at
CORPOTIATESERI'ICES somr pfGmir(lcDroldins.
Dindot of Fisotc.: Mzry R,*hcw . Corholt.r Robij bnildinAa tnalchinssofatable.'ihe
Hutchinstr . Sz t.@/rr. IaB Thnmls . A..e ltFrla Irinally,thc Counlly\\'r'llShelifca- plansnft availablc - all you haveto
Mry J. Schulu ' A(E Raa@bh: Meft peLus . tued 0n pase14canbe quirkly buill do is"click. Ityou dor't haveintcrnel
Prod!.ti,r D,r Cmlsc cnnielez . Etub;n hlblishi(
Drt .ro, Doull{lrsM, Udsrcr. Xd,'* Ajhk *dd Ci usii!. dirnc si{rnallunrbcr And 1() acccss,yor can scnd for the Dlans,
khweb.<L t AFr6 /r4. Sraritlh T@ A CLrt. Inakelhc sheliba{knure intcresrins, sceprgc:15or InorcinformaljoD.
Mimi@J0hnen i ,^/.@M./i, Mu CordunC C Dm .
ty., S't?,4f, Dil. Crnc PoleRn . tahaalaFt Aaaly| wc usedlrcr)ade bcadcdboard. iltWtAG.Bdan Mccallun is our
CarolSchocDDle Wb ConkntMt,.Darid R^o'\ . I.lventhorAhlhescprojeclsran bl] newassislant
PtuLsiatut Dn Mtrhsisii.t . t R ;$r edilor.Brianhasspenl
KiBlen Koele. o/r.. Itr?r NorlL Csnalt . pkti,tion$t buill qrickly, there's still plentyof the pastfcw yearsbuitdirglurniture
lean e lohrcon ' Mdit R\n/Ddinm: bu\ enbal woodworkiog involvcd.l.'orinslance, in New Lrgland, so he's aD "old"
WOODSMITII MAII ORDER lhe coffcelableDrovides an opporl - handat workinsarourdthe shop.
ol./otioas Dntdot: Boh Baier . c6rlwt &tui. W:
J€n.ieEn6. t/zrle Slrir! ton.son . An;r:
UndaJones. ,'..,, s.a,.r Rsr.rJohnn,Audcfli .
.4drir. /rrrt.r Nrncy Dnwney. C!r. 5.u 4.rt-
TamnyTruckenbrod, Ed Arthui AnnaCox.Debo;ah .4
&ch. Apnl Revell,valeneRjley,UndaSleDot raat,6.-
tlvir Cdcy.Nanc?Connelly, MaryCouch,DusrhH6i
qhcrylYsot, Mikc Overby,Al voiri l0v\
Msr: D^ie I8o^ . A$L Moso!.r Tih Thclen . Srra
s4f \,lt del sde,Jim tsdner.lldry 9nnn,Ljry Momen.
HJold Carhm , Mrrt John$n, crsnry ruubn.h, tm
l'tll@. Ort.,rLlrriVicki
Visit other Woodrztl, subscrjbers'workshops,dd seephorosof
w@d!br'r!t l EsN 0r6a ' !) a plbrkhrd b,hund y (F.b..^u , fie projeos{hpyvebuilLIr'. Jlonlinpin '}e newRFadeF
i'sf bLiftf.5J."+"{,1r", Galleryon the Wood.s,l,r website:
Wewantyouto bepart of the Readers' callery!To
!.,1''Lurd'Inbh,toddn n0FFU' U's' fufils') submitphotosof yourfavoritel47oodr nirli orojects
i6r3trRffff Ji?i."i"ysds.Jl*
1J,{i. or vi€wsof your shop,followthe instrucrionsyoull
ffiHffAflfrirydddkb 6ndat theslery
lubsrrpdd auesrms? wrire b Po

wodd rvid. w.b: hhr //*w.rmdsmi$ .on

? prinredinu.s-4"
Drop-Leaf Table.. ... ... ... .. ... ..6
Vith its uunedbgsandd:rop'leaftabletop , pu mal benryrised
to lind tJvt thisyoiect canbebuihin jl{sta few day . The sec.ret?
A sinpb desig andsonzreaAl-malelegs.(Plus,we'veincluded Ihop.Izaf CofreeTable tue6
a r|.atchinqsofarabbon pageIA.)

InDepth.. ... ... ... ... .. ... .. 12

A droplraf is a greatwa1 to extenda ublztop. And rrurkingit
isn'tas complicatedosyou mightthink. All yu needatea couple
ol comnonrouterbiu anda special/ringe.

r ya lSl h e l.f. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4
C o u n tW
To guethiswaII shelfa countT'1look, we usedknor) Dinc,simple
onstnrction,anda beadzd-board back.Arulil yu wantan
attrottiaedispla,cabinet,therearc o\nonal doorsJou canaii to
theshelf. Eitherwa1, it's a quick, eosl-to-buidlxoject.

C l a m p i&nAgs s e m b
. .l.y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2
Gluingup a yoject maybe themostnerue-racking patt of uaod-
wo&ing.Oncetheglueis on, 1ou onll houemin]aer rc getthings
togeths- anAgetit togerher dgh. Thesetipsfrom our sho2will
fulp thingsgosmoothll,no twtter whacthewsenb\.

S t o r aC
g eh e s t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 6
Lifr thelid of thischest,ani yu'll finl plentl of toomfor xorage. &untry Wall Shelf Ncet4
Vhat pu won'tfind is an1 hint thatit's buih fromp\uood and
ready,moAe moldings . J:l:t one tnp m thehornecenterwill getyt
et erythingthat'sneetledto buil.dthishanisomechest.


Tps & TncmilOuss
Whencuttingdelicatetrim the bladeanda stopblock,
on my miter saw,ifs olten and they kick back. Not
the small '\Jvaste"piecesI only is this dangerous,but
want to ke€p for making moreoftenthannot lm lo$
return molding. But fre, ingordamagingtlepieces
quendythesesmallpieces The solutionis as close
will get trapped between as your shop iacnum. By
clarnpingthe nozzleto the
f€nce it acts as a stop for
multiple cuts. Th€n, by
turning on the vacuum
before making a cut, the oike the kind oranges th€ size and shap€of the
pieceswill be suckedinto come in) and insertedit moldingyourrecutting.)
the hos€,out of tie way. into the €nd of the nozzle I cannow mat€ s€veral
Of course,if you suck to catchthe pieces. cuts beforehavingto stop
the piecesinto the vacu- The bagcanbe secured to retrievethe pieces.This
um, they may get dam- with some rubber bands, is a safer method Ior
aged tumbling through but make sure to leave catcbingthe pieces,and
the hoseor lost in a canis enoughslackin the bagto its a dust collector,too.
ter full of sawdusl To pre allow for multiple pieces Jm Vai
vent this, I took a net bag to 6t. (Ihis will dependon Mllhruolle, NcoYol

I was shopping for an roller at the right height
adjustabieroller st nd and for a variery of machines.
decidedI could make my To connectever]'thing,I
own for less. My roller drilled holes at both ends
U standmakesus€ of a saw- ofall the pieces.
horse,andthe only invest- Dowelsare usedto lock
mentsyou'll needto make them together.And knobs
are a roller and a pair of attachedto the endsofthe
woodknobs. dowels make for easy
Staft by screwing the removal when the saw-
roller to a pieceof wood. horsesare neededelse-
Next, I cut a series of wherein the shop.
shims in different thick- Bw H. Bsbq
nessstock,so I cans€tthe Annd:da|,Virytn@

Bevelcof AnotherDegree CleortheAir
On a recent project,I wideenoushto reachlhe The boxfanfilterideahas
wanleda 30' chanJeron oulside cdses of lhe bccnaroundlor years.My
ar edge.HoweverallI had rouler (scc deiail). I idcais a refinenenllothis
wasa45" chan er bit.Not removedthc base plale classicshoptiD.I caDre
warting to bui' a newbit for and usedit as a lemplale acrosssomevinyl sidins
whatwaslikely10beaone when drillins the mounl- Jttbannel at mylocalhome
tine use,I foLrnda wayto ing holes.To ensue an cenlcrlts nonnaiusc;sfor
nake the45' bil work. evenchamfcr,makesufe llnlnnnrsaroonddoolsand
The solutionwasa 15' to keepthc wedgepr!-allet wifflows.I loundit coukl
wedgelor lhe bascof rny lo lhc edsewhenrouting be rsed for mountinstur,
rorter To cnsurca stable Il,.lmclSr,!y'tir nacefillersto boxIans.
base,the wedgehasto be lltud C,rr, l'drrll!ri,, I attachedthe channcl
lo threeedgesoi lhe iDlcl
sidc of the fan by firsl hoklsthc 20r'x 20'rfur
rcmovinsthe plaslicgdll. nacefillcr yel il allowstor
Thcn usinsnafrowwo0d easyaDdquickremovalol
backinsslips, I scrcwcd lhc filtef for cleanirg or
lhc channeli0lhe backirs
slrips, wilh (he srill Thcscfillerswork8r-eal
sandwiche(lin bclwccn. on a hot summerday.YoLr
l:inally,reDlacethc sdll cancloanyourshopair as
advar)lascto this flnl(;i{r(lD,
dcsisn is thal it fifmly srdhrr,\'nAnrir

Ilot lile for Curvcs

U'lrcnusinsadrum sandcr' rmch grindinshorc..lrsl
lo snnrcthcurvedDronlcs, c{ough to fcmove the
rlr':ilr'l, f (,rrl !, r rullr, t., rh..r-ifi ,l,1jril:r.
insidccorncll\.I oitcnrso Nolc: Wren srindir)s,
a finr nrctalwoft;nsfilc lo |rake sufc you havc a
lcavca sun$lh finish.Bul bLrcketoi wal0r to cool
I Inodificrlthe filc to your file.Qucnchins thc
Drcvcntthe cdges [fo|n tool frequentlywill hclp
digsinsinlodrcwo rpiecc. rcd(cethe possibilily of it
U'lMlI didwaslishllysdnd bsirs its tcnlpcf.
dowr thc outcfedgesofthe
file. You doo't havc lC)do

col tcl (t Et{ltnEAns G:T I ORIP
When I us€ contactcement,it seems With nly mild ar0rritis,gettiDsa sood If you have an original shop tip, r,ve
like lhere is alwaysa drip where I did gtip on n]y "Fdamps" can be a pain. would like to hear from you and con-
not want one or excesscem€ntalong By using thin rubber bicycleinner sider publishing your tip in one or
the edge of a laminatetop. Trying to lubes,you can get a better grip on more of our publications.Just write
rub theseoff by handwasmakingmy thosesnlooti clarnphandl€s. down your tip and mail it to:
fingersraw,but usinga tool to scrape Cut the tubeto the lengthneeded, WoodBmith,Tips and Techniques,
it off risked scmtchinsth€ top. and with some ll,l)-Jofor lrbrication, 2200 Grand Avenue, Des Moines,
An easierway is to useth€ abrasive slid€the lube over th€ handle.Tbe lowa 50312.Pleaseinclude your name,
cleanerstick for my belt sanderAlter tr,D-rowill dry in a short time, leaving addr€ss, and daltine phone number
lhe adhesivehashad a chanceio dry, lhe rubber securelyin plac€.-l'he in case we have any questions. IJ you
rub off the unwantedcernentwifiout rubber-covered handlesreq ire less would like, FAx it to us at 511282S741
damagingany surfaces. effort to grip and tighten. or s€nd us an email messageat wood,
Dall Hmp/rre1 Dut Taktn We will pay up
Cdnnelen,In/dnd Bdlcbr- Sfrinss, lva$ V,rs,nid to S200if we publish your tip.

cauoJdinlrs - thereme timeswhm
a lntmorctlwr justa a.q of affee.
a coffeeablehasmhold.

dding dropl€avesto a coffeetable as basicas possible.So iJ youve

givesyouthe bestofboth worlds never built a dropleaf table before,
With the leavesdown, the table is then this is a great project to learn
small,so it won't tate up too much with. There's even a steFby-step
space.And when you need a larger article about the drodeaf joint that
table,you cajl neadydoublethe size startson page12.
ofthe top by quicklyliftittg the leaves There's another reasonwhy this
and pulling out the supports,as projectis a gr€at onefor learning to L Eachleafis kzptbvel witha singla
showl in the insetphoto at right male a droFleafjoint - the table is suryanPiece. A^ot h2dVofla
Drop leavesare more than just a so simple.For instance,I p$chased $eatesahnny fnset sti|.
practical solution - they're also the pine legs already turned. The
interestingto build. The profilesare only thing left to do io them wasc1rt The fifned legs rnadethis sucha
created with two common router the mortises. And the rest of the quick project that we cafie uP with
bits. And the key to a smooth fit is baseisnt anymore diffcltll To con- an interesting modification.With a
getting the drotrleaj hinges posi- nectthe legs,there arejustfour rails few dimensiol changes(andlonger
tioned correcdy.But dont worry, it to make,€achwith a small pieceof legs), you can easily build a sofa
isn't hard to end up with a smooth beadmolding,as you canseein the table that matchesthe coffeetable.
fit. Everltling here has been kept explodedview on the next page. (Io s€€this table,turn to page10)

Construction Details
Q oveaatt otutttstotvs'
36"1x 21%"w x 16 H (LeaveD s awn) NO|E: Fot note on makrn.j
36"1x 36"W x 16"H (Leavet Up) a .lrap teaf (tule)


3it \t\nc nnnt.J
\lt .dlr I You want lo
egs lor Ihis
NO|E: For sal. t.lre loadd mensioneddrawings
v.rion aftt1ts ptaja.t, lromou website.Aso there
areshopdrawnosoi thesola
labe asshown onpage10.


A Legs(4)' ]rttr3r.t 151.t 1x6 8 No.2 Pan.lrrcsaPine
B E n dR a i s( 2 ) ,) xlth 14t/'
C SideRais(t) 1/i\.]tn 29tt.
D Eid Eead(2) ] k \ . 1 1 2 1 , 1x6 a No 2 Ponderasa Pnre
E s de Eead(2) ./ax 1 211i, a
F T o p( l ) 3 . )\ 2 1 3 6
G teaves(2) 1x8 16 1x3 A Na 2 Pahdercsa Pino
H LeatSupports (2) r,'rx'l,:! lSll

t 18)Z shapedFa5teners Wscrews
(2 pr) Drop-eaf H nqesMscrews
1x3 3 Na.2 PanderasaPrne

(2)#8 x lr,l/ RhWoodscrews

(2)#8Fal Washers Seepaqe35 for 5ources
of tLrrned
egsor for morenJormat
on or turnng yourown egs

' c/edran.e.oi.h€r '

(;cllinsft.:rdyto bilil(lUrisc()flcclrbk o n , n , f w . b s l l c .( l i , r n n n ' (( l c l a i l so n c n ( 1 so l l h r f i x n 1 i s .w i l l s l i l l r x 1 \ 1I o
w a s a b i l L l n r s o r l .l y p i ( a l l v .I s l x f l l h i s r D d l i ) r a c o L r p l fs o u f ( c s { ) l bf clcrncd rlp with a chiscl (l:iJl.2rr,
w i l h a s l f f k { , 1 b o r f d s t h rh l alc t) b. l u f r r ! l l ( e s , l a k ( , r l ( ! ) k r 1 t ) r A cl l 5 . ) i t l l l r k c : rl o l k ' s st i n r c .
soflrd lhfouljh. Ilul hnvins pur t l G t . I l ( \ ' x u s cl I t / r , r s l : 1 1w ( , r ' nAll'. Now that thc l{ :rr1'conr.
c h a s ( { (l h f 1 ( { s a h ( : r ( l yl u r n f ( l ( s ( a l 1 , r { l vl u n r r l , l h o n l y$ l n k l ( , l l t o |rklf. il s tinx li) work orr lhc shoft
lhc box b(low), lllrca(ly hl(l li)11f (lo was.ul r Ii,i{ nrr lis.s. As you f , . / / ( i / s f / j ) a n d t h c l ( r r l l c rv r / . ,
li(\r's sil0rJ..onnry bcmh ll)atl,x)l(rl
nc flycrnnpk lc.'l]x.y had cvcr bce|
ca,r s.r' in lrilIr.I abov(, rrr cor r.l
ot cxch k,a lrrs b(r,r frli(v(rl lo
, r , l / s/ ( ) , a s s h o w ni n l r i s . L
A i c f r u l l i r r sl h c s ct ) i ( c c st o s i z c , r)'
firish sr l({l(lh{)rsh thcI1rsstillalil- rllow for sort brrck( t baf(lwlrc lh. firsl thinl] to do is crcalc thr
( k r v , r i i 1 o( l { ,{ , nl h u r ) . ll[l soli(r us(!llolsscnnt(alabl{. lrirnrs thrl filwilh thf rnorlis$ on
-lhals 'lhis
n ( ) l l , ) s r y y o L rc r l l ! f I h x r ( h v i r Rw o r ' l w o f k w i ( h l h i s t h ( I s s . l l c f c , y o u ( a r )L r s ca l ( r o n
l h ( , s (k s s y , n r | \ r l l A l l y o o l l r r . . ( 1 colL. lrbk (lfsi{r. (l warlcd lh( iDs jis ir yo havf ouf I likr to lay
r r s o n n i J r / ' s ( t r r a rb r h r ) k s i. \ s l o f a t ) f t n r ss r ' 1c k ) s c f 1 o l h , o u l s i ( l ( l h ( t ) i ( { l s d o w n ( t r rl h . l a b l ( s a w
l I l ( l i n n r r s i , r n sy. o u f a r ) l l n d r l h(es of lh( l( ss.) llul you ll wxnl 10 r n ( l l n r s hl h ( r i r o v ( ! a d l d o b l a d ( ,
( l f l x i l ( t l r l m w i | r so 1t h f l c s p f o f i l ( l a y( { r t l I ( n n r 1 i s . ss o l h i s l d n n n . d u s i r u l l x d r )I ( ! r c f r s a s l o t )( | i s . l l ) .
i o f n r f . d s L r Ir s t h e n r s i ( kc o r | c r l Not{ lhxl afl(r' cullirrg llx chf.ks of

E6 A f l u l l x , r n o r l i s c s1 ) a v .b . c r rl d ( l
orlt, thfy cr lr( nqJhc(l(trrl or) llx
lh l.non (1.'i,..:la), you ll nce.l lo
rll;* llx bladc Locul th. sh)uftkTs
ddll t)n ss, r\ sho\ur ir lris. 2. I likc al lhc lo1)iud bol((rI (|is. ilb).
t o u s c r I i n s l r x ! b i l l x r c b c c a u s ei l [ o ] ( H I t . W i t h l h e l e n ( l r sc u l , l h r
allowsy(trrlo drill ovfrlappinslx)lcs. s h ( , l e r e n d f a i l s ( . a nb e s c l a s i ( l e
his way,cvfr) lhou(lr tlx wxlls r(l wlrili, you cul lwo differenl sels ot


turned,you don'tneedalatheto build it -

I purchasedthe legs from a mail-order
source.(Seepag€35-) Mine happenedto
be ls%rllons, "butcher-block"style,pine
lees.But ,rith *re variev of woods,styles r$
and sizesavailable,you caneasilymodi4'
the tablein anynumberof ways.(For one
exampleof this, seepage10)

N0 l:5
norchesin the 1of edgesof dre lwo
sidemils, as;llLrsualedin fig.4.
lirst set olnolches iscutne -
the cenlerotthe rait Jnd createsthe
openinsslha! the leJJsupports will
slidethrough,refer lo l.'ig.9on page
I L These notcheswill €nd up offset
(l'is. la), bul you cnn notch boih
fails a1the same lime, as nxlicated
in Iris. 4. Aler laying oul the posi
lion oi lhc nolches on one rail, sei
thcm bolh loscthcfand reDnrvethe
w a s l c i n a s c i e s o i p s s e so v e r a
dado blade, usnrs the rir) tence to

are two nxn? notchcs to
cul near Ll)ecn(ls oI e:rchsi(le rail.
crcrtc cl{'rrnlrccI(n-lh. drot}
le;LIInrscs hler-llx, nice thios is,
you llhc abk, lo usc the sarre basic llipped to offset.enter
notchet,rcfet to fig.1a
pfoccdnf|'.Jusl l{)wcr lhc 1)la(
f(posili{rr lhc 1rlencc (|ig.4).
GnoovttI AsslMBtY. Ilcftx Ns.rI-
b l i | l , {l l x b r s . , y o u ' l l r e e d t o c l l l
th'N + stDERAtL@ l1lvr
Lhc ft)LrfIails ( 5). llrl sincc thc
rifoovcshrve io br cut olr th. r,s{l|

e I a c c so l t h c f r i l s . t h c k n r gs k k ' m i l s
firsl l.c(l lo bc ori({rtc(l so thr
t c r n o l c l x s f l - ( o l f s e t f r 1 ) n rf a c h
( n l x i r s n x l i o a l { r li n l r i s . l a . I h ( ! l nral( lhf /rl rf,ri1r//l andsnr, tn(nrl oI llx fails (liis. 7a). I'|ul
xll(i ll( gin)vcs cut, yoLl irf(r/ f/r) snlilx I sl:rfl({lwilh 2r,' rvh.n xllxclri s thf bcrd t(, lhc
c r r rs l u l h . l ( i { s a n ( l n r i l st l ) g ( t h c r l wi(l( blanks.foundin{ov.f hollr b x s . , s o c a s yo r r t h c s l u c ; r n db c
B t a D .l i ) ( o m p l o t c t h c b a s c , r l l eds(s at lhc rltll(r labl(. ns show srrc to clean il ut) caf(lully.
thats lllt is to add :X'rhi(k bcrd in lris.(i.'lh.n lhc nrn(lin,.canbc Oth.rwisc, yor m:ry cnd up wilh rl
Dn)ldir)gto th( boll(nn ol cr(h mil. fippc(ll{r wi(l1h(l') so illl stxn(l lillht spol nlicflhc slain is npl)li(!1.

t/i6.rchd- ) Etank fol

over bir'

lt rcuntlaver



Iop, leoves,& Supporls

N o w l l r a l l l x b a s i s f o r t ) l c l cv. ( n r ! ' ) u c r t r r' r ' r l n s ' I ( 1 l r (r j f l i n t ) r L l l ( { I n ' r l n , s u f r t h c i f ( ! l J l (s c r ( l L r pl h r
( a r )b . r j i n r ! ( n l { r , n l h ( . 1 o t )l h l i l ( , i n l l r ' k , r v . sn r r l ( ' l l s t h r l { , t ) . s r u r ( l h i c l i f l r s s .1 l 1 lt ) x ) 'o l i w h r n
r ) r l r r yl l b k s . l ] l { ( r s n x r 1 , l ol l r i s1 1 ) t ) A l s , , $ . i l l r l h l o t )l ) l n ( l $ ) $ i ( l ( . i l i l s I n n . l r ) I n r l ( l l l f d r o r ] k , r f j { ) itn.
t h f u jrl r s l A h r i r lrJt ) l L r r r . p x r r , l .I n r l w i l l b c f a s i ( ! l o l ! r t ) l h , . l ' a ( r s \VI(rr llrI t{)l) a,rd lexv(s r|r
y o u l l l l x l l l r r l a ( k l i r l t j 1 ] ] (l ! v ( ,h r v . s r l i { r x ' ( il 1i l s h . h l ( ! l i I s l r l ) s l h i s s r r x x ) l h , l hv c r r b c c u l 1 1l)i r x l s i z .
i s r )t r l l l l r r l ( l i i l i { r r l t . $ r y . y { n ro r h l n v . 1 , , r | r | r t ) | p 1 w ) ( l : i r ai i. ) . l l i t ) t ) i l l J1 tl x .l ) i ( 1 \ , s1 0w i ( l l l r
G L U t U P P A N t t sl j.f' sl llxl l r ig t o ( l o b , ) r r ( l sr l r Ll i n r , . - l i , ( 1 , )l l r i s , l l f s t i\ ro trolt(in Inlr whf crosscu(
i s r l u ( , u t )l ) x r r t sl i n l h ( ., r , t / l r r i ( l ! h | f u l ) 1 $ o l l r \ r i d ( .t ) l r x i s l h ( . n lirrr, yoI ll \!fl)1 t0 rd(1 r 1(nrgruxil
i , 1 / , rs r 1 r . ' l h , l i n a l( l i x ! r s n n r si t r 1 w i ) ( 1 rl l x s c t ) i r . ( l sa f r ' l h l . y { n rc a i r r y l i ! r ( \ . 1 {trh I n r i l ( r g r u g . ( r r b c l
l i s l ( ! l i r 1 r i s .r i l h ) v , . I f u l k l n x , l l 1 r r 1 h ( ! ) rl o s , l l k r 1 , , l r a l i , t h ( . l . f y ( 1 ,u s ( r t( r ) s s . 1 | t t i | gs l ( { 1 .
t ) r s s , r rr . o u t ) l ( l i t ) s l h l l r i g h ts r v . w i ( l { .1 , , 1t ) r r xl . ( 1 1r t ) r i r , r l b , ) a r ( l s R o U HCDo n N t Rl n s .l l ) l 1 n I L k i n Jt l x
y i , l l s , n r x , l rr(( h . h ( s j l r s lw , , I t i r r ) t r ! i r l , . y , r u | l r i ( l ) l ( 1 r o t I 1x(i j o i r l . l h ( r ) r ] l s i ( l ( . c o f I l c f s
l i N l . \ ! l x r r s r ' l ( 1 1 i . !i [ ) ( l r r f r u { $ , r . 1 l , r l r s r b i s c u i l so r s j ) l i n { . st , , { , 11 l x ,i ( r v . s n . f ( l l o b ( r { n l r ) ( k 1a1s,
i r ' { t h c l r ) ( l i v i ( I r rbl , ) l f ( l s .w { ! 1 { , n r l r t r ) 1 ( r ' t )l l x . l a r ( . sr L l i J - { r)r \ l s h , , w |n r ) I i s . 6 . 1. | 1 ( a c l ) I r d i r l s
all thf( DIx ls rl llx s nx til)r'. O n l r r i , r ' ( . l h n ) gA. s y r n r 1 . s a r x l \ ! i l h r b r t r r ls a wa n ( lt h c n s a n d r d
s c t l i r ) sl h e r s i r l ( b i ' s i ( k w a y , i r ' l { 'I) f p l l n i I l g l h e r r ) t )r n ( l l , l v f s ,

a varictyofwo(xls,slylcs,anrlsizcs,
thisprojcclcanbe quicklymodin{:d.
This urathnrgs(,falablcis jLrstone
rxaDrple0tth;s andit'sever€ar+
icfto brild thanthecoffcc1abk.
Most of the m.rdificatiorrs here
.efairlyobvious. Thc tablehasdii Detailed
fcrent p.oporlions.(lt's taller.nar
rower,d,.ltonsed Andtherearent (incuding
dnydropleavesbecausc the tableis
too narrow l0r the srpports.The
onc changeyou nrisht lnissis that
thc rails are slightly widcr

DR0P-t.tAfl0ttir.Ar tlrispoint,rhc
leavescan be atlachedto the top
Fith a droFlcaJjonrt. Therearc tNo
stepslo this. lirst the r)rofikrsarc
rouied.'Ihcna pockeris cul nn lhc
k uckleol thc (fis.
8a aril 8b). ULrtl'll go throughthis
processslcl}Dy stepon l)rge l:.
A I I A CT I oPW . hen lhe lcavcs
:LrehiDqcd to the 1ol)r)ancl,thc
( o p c a n b c a t t a c h e d( o l h c b r s c o l
lhe lablc wilh son)eZsharrcdiaslcn-
ers. as you cao s.1,nr lis.1).'lhis is
( l ( r e w i l h l h o a s s e n r b l yu p s i r l r b. $x thl
(town,which m:rkfs il casy lo kcfp
t h c b a s er c n l c r c do n t l x ' 1 o r p) a n c l .
s U P P o R r s .h' loi )k l L r p1 l x ' k a v e so i
thc talrle,I addcd two /(r/ srtt,,/s
/1./),as sh)wn in l.ij.r.i).'1]l sc sli(li
i r r ( l o u l o f l h r b : r s cl | f o u ( h l h (
I r o k l r c si n l h c s i ( k ' r a i l sS . o(hc ll|\t aEcr'oNrl11 i
tlrnt,{1 (li(l w:rscfcal( a ftr((r tnrll'
D f o f i k , o no n c c n d o f . r c h ( | i q l 1 ) ) I
5 t o l I N . x l . l o a l l o wl l x s t ) t ) { n 1 s o'
,r, rttqr',t\rt
t , ) s l n k , ,y o u l l n c r d t o c u l x s l o t i n >.< Dtartt
f a ( h . I ( l n 1l h i s I l t h c r o u t ( f l l b l ( , .
u s i n sr i l ( l i i r .s l m i i j h t l r i t S i I r l ) l y I t-1aotaz
T-,.-l '
d r a wa f o u p l ( o f L r y o u lti r x s o n l h , 7s:'_t
fa- I
l e n ( c .a s s h ) w n i n l . i s l l . ' l h ! r l i r x
lh( pn{1 ut) wilh th. ft-sl hy(nrt linr ts 1'h, N i
a r ) ( l c r f . f t r l l yl o w ( , | i l ( n l o l l r s t ) i r ) l @ l )
n i n s b i l . I \ r s h l l x . p i (c c l o t l x n ( x l
l i n r a | r ( l L r f Do f f t l x f o 1 | t ( rI i . . t ) i D
Inlrxl lh:rl il s sali sl lo (.ul lh( sl(t iI s u r l ' t h l y w . 1 ( s q r 1 a r11{. )t l r r ,b i r s ( ( l , r i r r rl l \ j r J l ) ' l i ) ( l o l h i s . i r j s l i l i 1 l k .
mrltid( prsscs, ncvcf rur)ovini. t h . s u l ) t r ) r l s( r r r l x . s . . u r . r l l ( i r l l r r ( l . r l ( ! r { l l l r ( s L r l ) t r ) r 'l1l .l l ) (
n x , r cl h r t r l L 'w i l l r c l l c hl ) n s s . w i l l rr s n ) s k r o u r r l l i . a ( l s r f f w ( a r r l l { r v ( . s{ ) lr l r ( .l r b l ( , s r i . l.o l | l l r v l | l t , )
Now lhc 1(xi \utrpofts ca In a w a s h f f ) .I r i r ) x l lby ( i ; 1 1 . r x l ( lei t h , r d ( l r s r ) n i i$ ( t l s ( r o l l k L r n ( k r s k l (
alt:rchcd t o l l x l o t )t x r n c l .I ( 1 i i l h i s l l n i s h ( s f e L o x l x l o w ) . l l s r e ( ! ! l t ) l , r r h k . a l . l i u l I l l c o v (f 1 h l 1i I
b y s l i t l i n g l h r r nn r p l a c ca n dn a k i n a i ( k a t o r ] r x l ( s u R f i l r l ) s t ) j ! r ' t i s n r r . ! ( l . l n i l0 r t ) r L j l . : l N

coffceiable and countrywall
shelf (page14) are linishedwith dr€
exact sanc "recipe." (G€x€r.r/
I'tr isles'HoneyMaplefor thc stain
andflojDe's tuogoil varnishfor the
topcoat.)It's not complicatcd,brt fin-
ishing pinedoeshaveits problems.
l(iloT!.If thereare anyknotsin the
pine,it'sagoodidealofill thevoids
with superglue so the klots won't
fall out asdreydry. (S€ephoto.) .r %/rll rnerei&oorada hnot, I
sTAlillIG. Also,to getar evencolor an "rrrtanf' slrc s€.des
,e er I
when staining,I first applya coat of riantpo{. W/]eni,s dry, I
woodconditioner(like M?in{ur). srn l] s41Lt
4@t drr ercess.

jointisall tltree.
Fwrcticnal,elegut,md, a drop.Ienf

ou alreadyknowthe ideabehild a
drogleaf table.Most of the time,
the leaveshang at the sid€s of the
table.Then when you need a larger
tabletop,ifs a simpl€matt€rto lift the
leavesandextendthe supports.
But for me, ,I'o?0a dropleafjoint
(or rule joint) works is more inter-
esting than ?.,/z{rtit does.The joint
combin€stwo matchingpra
6l€s: a roundov€r on the
tabletop and a cove on the
leaJ.Wlen the leal is raised,
its cove waps around and
rests on the tabletop's
roundover This way, the
weight is disfibuted evenly
along the entire edg€ of the
top - notjust on the hinges. Nov iI you're wonderingwhat attachthe leavesto the table
To create these two pro- the "catch" is, you can relax. top with the dropleaf hinges.
^ A &oh-lzafjoint usesrwo files, you'll need a pair of There aren't any surprises with PntPnl PlllILt.There reallyisn't
cdnmonfrolLts to oeatc router bits. And eventhowh this drotrleafjoint There's no dif- anything out of the ordinary about
d sllongirbk exrcruion, matching sets are available, ficult handvrorkor €ven a jig to preparingthe top andleafpanelsfor
there'snothing specialabout build.Its a straighdorwardproce a dropleafjoinl But tlere are a cou-
these bits. IJ you have a %rrround- dure,involvingonly a few steps. ple pointers that will ensure your
over bit and a ,,r! covebil then the The first step is to get your table tabletoplookssood.
only thing to buy are someinexpen- top and leavesglued up and ready. First, when choosingthe boards
sive drotrleaf hinges, as sho\^,nin Then the profiles c?II be routed on for tle panels,it helpsto think of &e
the uppermarginphoto on page13. the panels.And th€ last step is to tabletop as a single panel - not
three separate pieces.This way,
whenthe l€avesare raisedto extend
the tabletop,the grain pattern will
be consistentacrossthe panels.
The other thing to mentionis tlat
all the panelshave to be the same
thickness.The hinges are going to
keep the bottom facesof the panels
flush. So if the thicknessesafe dif-
ferent, you'll end up with a notice
able shoulderon top ofthe table.
ROUT PlOIlttS.Orce the panelsare
ready, fte profiles can be routed
around the edges.You can do ftis
either with a hand-heldrouter or at
tlrc router table.The top of the cof-
fee table (page6) wassmal enough
tllat I did this at the router table.

\Iherr routnr-sthe r) ll
$ a l l 1 1 0s l a r l w i l h r h e ( ) u n d o v e . a, s
showl h I1s ',urldl or all
i ( u - e ( l g e so i t h e t o l ) a r l ( l o n l h e
t h f t e o L l l s i ( l e d g e so f t I e l e a v e s .
A r x l a t t h i s p o i i l , t h e f es r r o l h i n g Rautet -t - 5"

cdlical about thr sftol). .1ustscLthe
bil t0 l.'llvoa r/i'sh(tr,ldcf. 'A
|fr\t stet)is lo rout lhe Love
on thc il]si(1ee(iJIer)feach l{'ai t)rr.l :d'
(|is llJ). llH.s rrally u)lhint:
l f i c l i y x l ) o u 1l h i s c i l l x r I i r l v o L r( l o
\ 1 r r r lL os c l ! t ) l l r ( l x , i r h l r ) i 1 l ( , l ) i l
t a f f l L r l l y .1 u s c ( 1r s c f a l )t ) i r a ! f o f
t h j s . r n ( lc h r r l { ( 1 1i 1 s f i 1b v s . l 1 i r 1 {
t h c c r ) v ca { r i n s t l l u . r ' N r x l , ) v 1 ro
l h r l a b l ( .A ( l i o s lt h r s ( t u r )u r n i l l l x t t t b ,

l B { ) l ) I 1 , 1 1 1n(usl ( h p r r l i ( t l ) . l h ( ' | l
f , ) r t t h c ( { , v c , n rc r c l r l ( r f .
A T T A (l H t A v t 9 .N , ) w t h a l l l r ( , I r 1 )
l l k s h r v ( b . . 1 f o u l ( ! 1 ,i l s l i n ( l o
n l l l c l 1 l x ,l ( r v ( s w i l h l l ( h i n i r ( , s .
s l x ! 1 ( f h a l lo l a ( l . o pl ( a j l r i r u .
i sl r f r w c d l { , l l ) ( . 1 o 1 t ))r u x .(ll . i J j:.I 0 . 1 i l r l rl1l l . \ i n r w a n ll o h , a l ) l ( l ( i s h i l l lif rlirhl ii1.I l)Uillinirsli!hll.Illt)by
l n i l l l f s 1 v. , , r ' l l r 1 ( t . (l1r , f f f r l ( s | a f 1 h , l r i r 1 I I r 'Iri l l k ,w l x , r ! l l i ! . h i r w i l . slit)t)i.{r thinst)r.r'r(rn {nli.n y
l , ^ vt ! ( l i ( l s 1 { )1 u , l ({1j r ( l n r r c k l ( . sr ) L S i r x 1l,h i s / . ' L w j ( 1t .! ! h l i s s l r l r1 t ) h ! i . e . l r l ) b ( l w ( 1 r l h . t i r b l (f l x l
l ] l h i r s ( , s( | l r s : f i r ( l 2 i D . l | l ( l s l r x l l ( ^ vl,r o u l ( \ l i 1 i r 1 ! l r r n { l l ( i r f ,r s s h ^ v r i n I r i l ] . l l .
l n t x ) s i l n , r l n sl l r r h i r r r ( . .l h ( ' l r i s w i l h a r l L ( l i a . s t f r L i s l ibl i l s . l r l " \ f h , r s . r . w i r l l r1 h , l l i r i i . (l o 1 l l
r.|l,)r'rl|jr'rr,1fr" 1,)nrLl(. !,)'Ll ( 1 1 r ' r ) . a s s k , pi r i l r i l ] : . l h r i l . i I i l ( i r l . i sl h s l l o t n r l ( n r l y , rsx. r (w i n
h ( . r ( l s t ) i I l i r l r - , ) u( l o r l1 ' r c ( ! 1l o l r r , c t , a r r r r lr p w i l h i L . h i s c l . I l U l t i r . h h i n , j ( l o b (r i r r v i l h wiry.
l { r , ) w i l 1 , ,b r i l ( l r Ls r ) o , ) l l r . l l l l i | l a r g r i r r ,( l o r ' lJ t . l l ( ! ) l i r s s yi L h n Llll i i s y o r . r r s f ( l ) o ww ( l l l h , l , a j t ) i l o l s
( l f , ) l )l , . a lj , r i f r . l h ( l ( y i s 1 ( JI n r k ( . M o U NHI l n c t sW . ilh rll laur trnlt l l s h ) L r k ht l ) i r r l ( n r r l ) r l i r l l .l n r l i i
s U f { .l h . k I r ( l i l t . l i ) ( s r t ) w i l l r 1 l x . ( l s c u l , t h ( , k a v . s r f t , n i r l ! 1 0l ) ( i l ( l ( ! , s ,r - ' r ncri u ri r t l i l l o t ) i v r nl ( ! l y
s I o r 1 k l ( .of l l l ! . f , r 1 I r ( 1 , ) v (l s' l . i 1 l ( l i rtlarh.(l (l:i!.:j) Sirxl llx tul!ls L y l ( x ) s ( r r i r '1al x ,s . n \ ! s r u r dU S i u Jr l
. r L l , r li r I , i ! . 2 r . O l c , n r f s , .r l r c r s r r r i n l h | l o p p r L , x . l p ( ) s i l ilrl rxr, l r i r g (s . s l i j . | h l l yl h i ( l ( , f s t ) x c . f ( r ' s a n { l i r s
i . { i t r r ( , s sl r o r r r r L , v I r i s l l i l t l i , , r ' l l w r r l l { Js l r f l h r r ' ( .. l u s lI r a k . l l r r f o u | I ( l o v f f .I h . r y o u e r r r r ( l d
l r i r t y . h u l y ( n r. l l ] r { ( t a n a r f l r f a l ( s f l r cl h a l . r ( h h i n g r i s s ( t u r r (1 ol h f Iix, rl,I] irri|rJtscrews.
rnrlsurl,nr'1 b) bl|l{irs thr t)rn,.l r(l{r,)l 1lx.lrbk.ll|r(1lhalthr,c.Il({ Al lhis t!)ir1, th1 lot)
rl{liLirsla l.|c( arxl thfn Infrsuri|{ r J lt l x . k n u r l i l . l i I c s u t )$ i 1 hl l x f u r ' r l l r ( h f { l l 0 1 h ( l r a s e .I l u l
i r " n l l l , l i r r { . 1 ol h ( r h { , u k l u . l u l i r x y o Ul i ( l o r l l f ( , 1 1 x , t r ( t rl n s l ! t r r l ( lr x ! r l i ( , r ( n x , r u 1 ,
'lhis (l
r.nsion is thr (cnt!11inr lio{ il s tirn. 10 rllrfh lltr l( ri. 1 lirins Sirtr1 lIt hiryl.s
l d 1 | . h i . s r l ( n L r r l i l (. l i i r . 2 b ) .A r d r l r n r l x l l i { l i s h t l y1 0l 1 l l o ! p r l s r ) ln!. b(1rr surlacf rrtrrrl
f i n r i l , y o L r( r r | r ! o u l l h ( l r o r k ( 1 . I w.ul(ln r havc rr) hol(l ir $hik l|ll(1. . ( 1 ,l h r ' r l n l r t s i r rl h l b a s c
l l L r t d o r i l w ( r r ! i r l ) o r i ls . l l i l l { l l in! thcscriss llul irsrfr(loi lf vr|rg w i l l I l ( \ ' ( ls h r l k ^ ! l ( n c h . s
fof cl(,rralc., :rs showr nr
rlx, photr)bfl(^r m

\\: hn rhr at r all

a , r / r Ll , a r L .r i r i l r a r L s
/i no Jrrlllr rltl,Ls
. t -

Nu. l.l!
\[Arr Srmr

a fewboards,anda handirlof hard-
to buildit Thafsbecause withalew
simplemodificrlions, youcanreally
changethelookof lheproject
Thewallshelfhereltasa country
feel to it becauseit wasbuilt with
knottypine andhasbeaded,board
slatsfor the back.But this Foject
$,ouldlookjust asgoodbuilt out of
mapleor cherry with a pllq'ood
panellor the back.Anotheroption
wouldbeto putacoator twoof paint
onit insteadof thestainandtopcoat
Or if youd like moreof a display
cabinetthana decorative she4then
all youneedto dois adda coupleof
doorsto the ftont, as shownin the
insetphotoatleft.Thiswill incr€ase
81 otting a pa.,of dous, 1ou> theoverallbuildingtimea litde.But
cair transfotmthisdecotutivewaU thesedoorswill really "dressup"
shelfi^n a disbla,J
cabinet..PIa'.s the appea.rance of &e project.And
fot t\r dno$ besinon pase18. sincethey'rejust basicfamesl'ith

natlRtalS, SuPPfttg e €uttllto DIACRAT

Sides 'Ax7Y2-315/a (l) %x7h-25t/t
C Btm.Shelf E Ba* Rail(1)lax2t/,- 25%
B FillerStrips(2) %x%-4!a laxT - 24t/a
D Adj.Shelvesl2') F ToP(1) lax9t/r-271/,
tr6 - A No,2 Pon!.rcta Pine G Cap(1) %x 10%- 29t/t
H Front

lfi - a' No.2 tbndq@ PIne . (2)KeyholeHangeBwAcrews

. (8)Spoon-style Sh€lfSuppons
' (l pkg.)
Beaded Board
16 - A No.2 Pon tet@ Pine
. (24)#4 x %" FhWoodscrews
. (4)#8 x I ,2' FhWoodscrews

Woodsmith No.135
lheres nothinsconlrti
catcdabouttheDr.(Plansfor these
d0orsbesh on fasc 16.)

shelt il's bcsl to starl rvith the
s/./(.cfA), asshownin lis. 1.At SIDE
7'l widc,I thoLrghtil bcstto slLre @
up lhcscpieces(aswcllasallthe
lhis tak.'sr lillle nrorctime,bu(
it hclpsnrininrize aDycupping.
Allcr crtting lhescpicccst) o?u
fiD;shed sizc,ihe firslthinsI di(l @ | r l
wascLrtthc dadofor lhc bolt(r --- t l I
shelfthalconnrclslhc lrro sklcs tl I
b' ,,'o
al (hcbott (|is.2). Vnr can I
sclyoufdadoblad.lolhccx cl SIDE
thickncssofthc sl(,chs I (li(1,
youc:rnr nkeil a bil snralk!anrl
sncak rpon thcfinrlwi(llh
(ladocsin Dnrllil,lrpll.ssfs.
0flhc I
\\rith thc da(1ocs cu1.lhc nfxt
l h i l s l o d o i s r a b b c l h ( s i ( l (s l i ) r l h c @'i'1:"!,'iflf
brck slals(|is.:]). \\rha(y{)uwanl to
e r ) du l )w i t h i s a s l o p l n { lm l t n t l } o t
I b c , l a nb y r r l t n t i n s t l x c n t i r cb c k
cds( of lhe si(l(s arxl lh( n added a
s u l l / ; / r , r ' N ri i / , r / i l n l l l x b o l t ( n ro f
.,(h. (llx sc slxn,l{lcnd op ltrsh wirh
l l x b o l t ( n o l t h . d r d o . : N i n I r i s .l b . )
CUnvtD PRotltt.Ncxl. I Nofkcd on
t h c c u f v (( i p d l l c a l l h c b o t l o r o l
( a c l t s i ( k D i ( c c l - a y i n ao L r tl h r s f
c L ' r v c s; s | 1 d i i l i c L r l lA. u r l , r a d t u s
t(.InDlaw ( ei l l l . l k ec r f c o f b o t h p a r t s
o f t h c c u r v c ,a s y o oc a ns . e i n ] : i s . 4 .
O r t c el h c c u r v | ' i s h n l o L rtth, c p f c
filc can be cLrt\ilh i ban(l saw (n-
srbfc srw). Wheo n)akin!.thc crlt, I Nowalllhrt'slfli is lo (lilla 1|\r Y o u r ) f o b l b l y h : r v c I l ' ll h r ) u { h l
lil( to slrLyon lho wnsli'si(lenndthen holcstof thr lwo :r(ljLrstabl{
shtlvcs l r c h x b o L r l l h rd o o r sy f l , b u t i i y o u
snxl uplo lhc lirowillr.r (ll.lrlllvurdcr (|is. 1a).Y{nrcoukl|rakr irqui(.k p l a nr o r d d l h r m l o t h c s h c l f ,r r ) w
( l : i g . 5 ) . - 1 h i sw a y ,I c r d L r pw i t h a tcurdalcfor this.Of sirnplyLryout w o o l ( lb c r s ( ! x l l i m f 1 0c u l l l x , . r ) r .
smooih cur ve and lro ridses. andddll€achh)lc i livid|L'llly. tisfs forllx'hi|lses, as show b.l(^(

Shelves& Bcrk Rqil
With thc's
limetoaddtheshelves aDdbaclirail,
asshosnin l,ig.6. nrebo(lo|nshcff
:undthc mil :uc lle trfo lieces

si(les.('Ihc oth$two sl)--lves
are adjustlrblc.)
5Htl.vtt.Lil( the sidcs.I
lalufdup thc L.)ttat,shtlf
(( ) aml atLjtBtablr sl1tlt't'
fr) Ir-oIrrtwo Dieccs (|is.
6)..fhc bottdD piec. raD bc
cut t0 sizc figlrt awav, bul
il s bcltcf 1osizf tlx, a(ljLrsl
xblc shelvcsalicr tlx, ollxi'
pn ccs arc assfr bl(rl.
B A ( xR A l lS. i n c rt l x r - ( , i s r i t
an)lhing mrn( 10(lo willr
l h e b o l l o n rs h . l l , I f i x ) v . ( l
(rr lo lhc /,ilr/Ltr/tl //tl rx xl.
bir(.licorncr ollhl snl( s will
hokl lhr l(yh,,lc hrns.fs
l h x ( I L r s f dw h ( . n i 1 w r s l i r r ( l o ln lit(, rss(!rblirll] (hc shcll. I (rrly rl lh. brck, you nuy want to
r r u r n l l h . p r o j ,f l o I l l x , w a i l . ( l c f i ( l c ( lt o J . l c lrl x b r c h n i l f c r d y iul r l.nrtnr'xry s|accf lo Jlt
l ) x c l i| r i i l r v i l ll l t i n l o t l x f r b li)r th( 1(yholcIIrs(!s. Oll(!r li)f bclwrc| tlx si(ksxl lln fi(nrt.
l r c l s i r l l x b a c k o f l h c s i i l ( , s(.l r ' s r l x t h $ ( h a n i j r f s ,1 h r v ( 1 0 . I l s k l t r { l ADJU9TABIt 9Htwts.WIxlr thf J.a[R.
s x r x , k i r s l h a s t h c b o l l ( n ns l l , l f . ) I n { ) r l i s s( . N o l l h i s r i r r ' . A l l y o u l l is ( e[] cul lhc l(ljuslrbk
I l u l b c l i r l l h c p i ( . ( w i l l l l l , y o u l l n c e ( l1 o ( l o i s c u l r { l l | d oa l l ( 1d r i l l s h c l v i st o f i t . l l x i r s n o n . ( r l i n a
r r c . ( ll i ) c t ( r 1 f s ( ) n r ct 1 n ) J l u . s . ' l h i s a ( ( s s l r o l f s l o f ( ; r c h . I n r l I l l l i s l ) l i l h c t u .I r 1 1 1 ^ v .I ( l! a n r / s " s a p
i s ( l o n . b y ( u l l i n s n b b c l s r c f r ) s s drsidb. this rn1)cfsson t) ir{ 20. al thc fn(ls d)(i irrtxrl lh. to
l h c c n d so f l h f r r i l 1 1 : i s . 7 ) . A 5 5 t l l 8 LW Y .i l h 1 l x ,l J x c kr x i l c o n r wi(lth so il woul(l sfl lrxck '/s'lrom
b l ( . l {m i l w i l l a l s o h f l ! h o l { l I ) 1 i 1 .l.l ) c s h c l ii s f c r d y l o b f r s s c n r lh( lru)lcdse, as shown ifi lris. (;b.
thc bcrdcd boa|d brck slais ht(,r b l { { 1 I. s l r f t ( { l b v s [ r i | I ' Jl l x , L o l l o t r r
A s a i n , a l l y o u n . . ( l 1 ( ,d o i s c u l s l l l l b . l w r r n l h r l w o s i ( l c s .l l x l r loP & Ercx
a n o t h . f r a h l x( t h i s t i n x r l ( , r r . l l d ( l i | r s t h c b a c k n i l f l u s hw i l h l l r I \ow lhll lhr assrmbly is coort)lctc,
l h . b a c l tb , ( n l o r n( d s c ( l . i s .r ) l o t ) .S i n f e t h c f r i l h o l ( 1 sl h c s i ( l . s l h . l o p a n { lb a c l io l t h o s h c l i c r n b c
r ( i d r d . I s l a r l c dw i t h t h c t o p s o l l x
slaininsrnd inishing cookl bc conr
plclfd bclorc:rddi|s thc back.
IoP & (A?.AsyoLrca sfe i |iJ:t.!)
abovr' shl, thcre afo act dly thrcc
layefs al thc top ol lhc shclf: a loD
parel. a ca| panel,phs a narrowrail
lhat sghd undcr thc top Aiefslu-
iDs up two blanks, I besan by cut-
lins thc 1.r) f/.1:urd rdt aa;llo size.
Bolh thc top and cxD have a prG
lilc rortcd aloos th-"fronl e(lse and
both cnds. ln each case,I used the
routcf tablc 10 create the profile,
pushins th. workpiece with a
sqLrareblocli to back up the cLrt(so
there'sno chipout).
The top scts a cove proile thats
rouled with a %'r cove bit (Fis.9a).
The ca! scts $hat I call a bullnose

It) Nu.lllJ
profile,bu1r.oudon'tneeda "bull

nose bit.To crealethe profile,l use
o a %'-rad.rormd-over
bit raised%

ASStMBtY. At this point,the top

andcapDieces canbe altachcdto
lhe shelt Both piecesafe flush ff
with the backandare centercrl
sirlc-to-skle.However,thc top -:'
<::- -,-----"..)-.:=
is screwedto the si(]esof the 7
shelt(Ilis.!kl),whilethecapis snn
plygluedir place.
tno r na[. While thc ghrcon rhe
capwasdrvins.I cut a liort nil
fHl to nl belvcco the shclf sides
(|ig. 9). This picceis ghrcdto ihe
bollorntrceof lhc tot)and,iiyoo're
addinsthe(looN,it will scrvcasrhe fAOM m.onenc rdkhet
sl()p.SoilyoLr.l.rinter(llo buikl the RA|L anltif atltlng dao6
dooN,ittl bc cirsiert0 addlhe nrag- d. ,"o", sac'o"
ncliccatchcsto lhis firil b(ti)rf glLl >l ,73.f @
insil in placc,scoboxbfhw i
rlills[. I]eli)rcilstallins tho bead-
(\1bo:rr(ls al lhc b:rck,its a soo(l
i(lcaro n(l(lt' finisht(, th. shr'li (tr
yoLr'rfbril{lin{ lhc dool\, lhcy
shouldb. comrtcrcdfirst.) I usod
tlx samofirrishthal'son (hc drop.
I k r'l colL. trbl(. Alrd thcfc s Dnn-( rn:rrAlDphotoat rishl. Ifyou l)lanon srrrx . I likc thc spacin!.oflhc bcirds
rboulthis;r)lheboxonrns( lL stair)iD!.thc back,yoLr'llwanlto usc lo cnrl Lrplh|' sanx' at cachsi(l(. So l
u((.'li) colnpktcthc shcli all t h c p i n c s l a t s .I l u t i l y o r p l a t l o n s l a r l w i l h t h c . r , r , s l a t , l i o i n , lu p
thatsk.ftto do is a(ldthc bacli,asi prirttins thc bca(lcdborrds a yway. o|c ol ils bcnds with lhc cenl{'r oi
|i,...l0 lfyou wanlto Lrscbcadc(l lhe p lncd Ml)li will savr yoLrsom( -lhon
the shcll. I work oul townrds
bo:rrds:rs I dnl,thcrorrc a coupl0 work. (Sccpasf ll5 for nr(n.c.) lhe e(l,Jes.tlsually,thc lasl lrioccon
prnluclsto chooscfr(nD:solkl|inf Ite(ardlcss of the nratclial yoLr cach cod will ncdl t{r b( trinlDed
or prinrc(lNll)l:,as shown in thi' ( h o o s e ,t h c p r o c c d u f r w i l l b c r l ) c bctorc you can scrcw it h placc.

/ Brdlcd,bodrdila'\

If you areplanningta add the

dooB to the wall shelt its a
good idea to install the wvo
magneticcatchesin the front
rail before thisrail is glued to
the top (Fig.9 above). Beaded beaded boatd,
iee page 35

No. 135
As soonasthe doorshadbeenadded arear even1irlong,andtherailsare
to the 1'€ll shetr,I just couldn'tcall it sizedso the doorswill ft with no
a "shelf anymore- it had become gap betw€€ntlem. CIheyI be
a display "cabinet" I don't know if fimrnedto createthegaplater.)
addingdoorsis enoughto dange drc floRTrsEs r TrIoIs.With thedoor
nane of a project,but they certainv piecesclrtto size,thenextstepis to
do changethe overallappearance. work on the mortise and tenofl
The nice thing is, adding doors jointsthatholdtheframestogether.
doesnt complicatethe shelf proce I mentioned thatthetenonswer€
dure a that much.To make thines an even1nlong,but the mortises
easier,I did cut the hinge mortises areslighdydeeper(lyl6r) to makea
in the side piecesbefore assembly litderoomIor excessglue(!lg. 1a).
(as shown in the box on page 15), To createthe mortises,I drilled
andI alsoaddedlhe ma8neticcatch- ov€rlappingholeswith a Forstner
es io the front mil belore attaching bit and then cleanedup the sides
the rail to the top piece (page 14. andsquaredtheendswithachisel.
Otherwis€,everlthing is drc same. The tenonsare alsosh'aighdor-
SlllilGTII 000t5.The two doors ward (Fig, 1b). t cut mine with a
are designedto be mount€dto the dadoblade,usinganaudliarymiter
front of the shelf with a %'r gap at gaugefenceto supportdle raile
the top of the doors (Fig, 4a). And lsllflltY. After youte sure the
lhe d,olr sti,La (A) arc sized so tenonsft themoftises,youcanglue
they're llush with the squareshoul up thefram€s.(Forsorneclamping
der just below the botlom shelf, as and assemblytips, check out the
indicaiedin Frg. I below articlethatstartsonpage22.)
As alwals, the lenSthof the rsil.s llllll mt CUIS.Beforemouting
(B) requires a little math.To make thedoorsto theshelJ,you'lln€€dto
this as €asyas possible,the tenons creaiealt op€ningfor theglass.This




Woodsmith No.135
is {lone bv 'abbelins lIe i.side
cdses of lhe door as slo$lr in lis.

0 :. To allowrlcaranccfof lhr bcadns

(rr the bil, youll .eed lo se( thr
f i a r n r s o n s r ) n c . r s( | i { . 2 a ) . r \ n ( l
s i R e r r o r n ( l b i l c a nl . r 1 a s q r i e
cofner. y(trill nerd lo crnrt)lelc lhe
c ( n - n e rws i l h r c h i s e l( | i s . 2 b ) .
H A ND Go o R s . \ V l l { l r i 1 n r 1 r ,{rl(y l o
h a n s l l r e ( l o r n s .l | ( , f i ' s l s l c p i s 1 o
srl thfnr in pla(.f an(l marli lh|'
a n r ( n r nl lo l f i m o f | c a r h . r n l f f s l l l ( .
ishflhrsirp bd$lcn END SECTION
l h ( , d ( x ) r tso r n r l ( h l h r r r p I l h c
lot) r)f llx do(!s. l'h(n )(nr .irn
s . r c $ r l x I i . a 1 s i r l r )1 h , r r r l i s f s
i n 1 | ( s i ( l c \r ) jl h f s l ! l l ( l i i s .' l ) .
\\Iilh 1l(,hin{.s rrnr.l(!l lo ll(
s l x l l , 1 l ! l . i ( l t r ( N i s l r )r l l r . h l l x ,
( l ( x nl o 1 l ( , I i n ! ] ( s . I i ) r l h i s I u s r { l
c l t x l l i r t r , . l i ) l ( ! 1 ) l h , h i r l ! I (i r r n I
l a l ( l i r r i r . , v r ) Ur a r s l i t )r t ( , n r t x ) r i r f l ' (c)cra55
sIin b(1i!..r ll!, hinr. l(irv(.s
I ! ) s i l i o rl l ( d i ! r o v ( , rl h ,
s l r r l l x r d I n ( , s si 1r l : i r i n s ll h c l r t x .
N o w y n i l l l l i r l n f l r ) . x r ( i L r l l vo t n r r
l l r ( ,1 | ! n I r t l l n r l i l l r ( ,s c . (w h n .
l ( t r r 1 i , n r s 0l|l t r ( | 1 u :
I c l A t t & u o P A 1l h i \ t ! ) i n l ,1 h r i "
l h i r ' h i r h \ s . i r r l x , ( t r ( l ( , r { { lr r r l
irslrlkrl (wlrni rurs 1h( {l(r)rs
r v i l lr r 1 1 lr o h . r d r r ) v r ! l ) ' l l ! i r l r s s \ ' ( n r ' l l\ ! a r r l l r ) s l r i r r L r r li i r i s l r 1 h ( $lur lhc doofs hrv( b.c| prll
I o r ( l o 1 1 l w i r sr / " ' s r r i r l k r l h x r l l k p f , ) j ( . c l I h . | l y , t r r . r I i | l s l r L llll r ( . b r c l i , , nt h c s h ( . 1t1h., t , r r j r f l f i r r b .
oJ)frrirUt hnlr ( i u ( l i n r l n r r s ) .Nrllo s l i r s sN ( ^ ! s a i $ )l l r ( l l J | ( 1 , r r ( l ( l 1 h ( h L r i s( ! r l l x , w r l l u s i r s l l x , 1 ( y h ) 1 .
s ( u f e l h ( l j l l a \ s ,I n r r ( I . l l x r / , r s s ( 1 { r , rl i r , , l ) sr n ( l 1 | { s l l n s l o r 1 l ) c h r L r l l I r . f s. '.! s t n r r k c s u | 1 l h a t i l
s i , r , 1 ( , s h ^ v r ri r r1 i l I ri.l l j L r ll J . l i r l n r L ! r x1 n ( 1 1 . 1 ) (, r i v , i n s { r L l l (n1r1 y o u r ' n , , 1 s r r r * i r ) J ji r l o w a l l s l u ( l s
l r r l i i | l g l h ( s l o pi I l t ) h c f w i l h I n - r ( l s , l l . l f ( n ) lr l r i l( l . i s s . . l rf l r d l b ) .
l l h i r t y ( n r s f r s l r r ( l yr n c l ! r : N

A D o oSr te t ( 4 ) l)x2-21
B D o o r R n l( s4 ) !x2-11
C GdssStop(l) lsx%-48 ch

. (2),! 6 assPdfes(9t1i'x 23% )
. {1 plq) W re Erads(.;,1ong)
. (2) I L! d a Wood Knob5W/screws
. (2 p,) 2 x I 14 Ant 8f H nges Screws
li','rl . (2),rl; -d a BarreStyleNlaqnet.aatches

2 Pandercsa Pi.e (Twa Boatds Needed)

Nu.I li 1i)
Profiles 'l-he
N i n c t i n c s o u t o f t e n ,i ( s p l a t c t o f o l l o w , a n ( l l h c ir lhc f0utcf lalJle. thc bcarinsides on lhe
casier (and hss worl<) to curvcs ! faidy si.r1tc. tdcli is to lastena straighl sc|rp.asshowl nr l,'ig.12.
( u t a s t m i g l r tl i n c l h r n a -lhc
trick l)ere is (fcrt lc|gth ()f scnp 11)lhe basc (oRiltRs.As you roul,
cLrvcd pfofile. Ill( bascol i r r gt h c s t r a i s h ll i . c s t h a t pifcc with cal-])ellrt)c, likc youlloccd10sLor) shoflol
lhc plywood c|esl shown r o n n c c tl l x ' I ( { . A n ( l l f y yoLl sc. i| Iris. L Jusl cachclrd si|ce the rnrlef
o n p a g c : l ( j i s ) e x c e t ) l i ( ! r . inlj to sa|d a slniAh( linc n kr sorc the erlgeol lhc bil wonl ffach into th(
r u r v ( { l p r o f i l e sl h x l $ ' i l h a r 0 1 1 n ds r n ( l c r i s s . f a p a l i s n sw i t h l l x ' l a v cofncl\.'li)corndete llx,
I o f| n t h c s t L l r d y - l o 0 l i i r u r oul lirc. Now all v(,0 l)rv. prollh. chiscla1(nrs the
rt thccorrfll\ aI1 fcl R o U T ITRA 8 t t5. 0 w h a l I l o ( l o i s a ( l j u s lt h ( . h . i s h 1 hyoLrllincslo squnfcol)
x l i v (l y r a s y ' l h c r ( s a l c | l r t d r nl J i l o l l h c | . l u s lhd n r b i t s o t l ) a l

NOIE: Cutvrd p.tlnnn al ptahlc

<,npiet..l wth .ltLrh sr.t1.,

rll(NvIlx rvallcrl)irx,toI ,,s( lx)ll,Nvwall
t ) r g f l 1 ( { ) s i l l i I ] h la g i r i l l s l A l l . f r [ 1 c r 1 ) r j r ) i nl h g(
l l r . w i r l l ,I U s , { l l i ( ! h 0 1 ( l ) c x l i ( ! r o l l l x . l ) l r r ] j ( f s ,a
I r L l l s c r sf . c . s s d j n t i ,l l x ( l x ( l { i)s . L r l i n l | ( 1 , , t1) 1 L i l ,
l o t ) f x i l .A s y , n rc r L Is r c i n a s s l r t r l r i Dl i i i r l . ( l r t t h e
l h e u r r f { i r t ) h o l o .l h c s r ( 1 a ( 1 j0u s l { l ( ! t ) u ) ( n r s h
hris(!s Iuiv(all {,txr)ins lhrt lh( hrurs.fsitslfush
thrl s wirkr irt lhc bollorrr w i l h l h c s L r f i l L r { ) 1l h c
a r l r ln x r r ( ^ v . r a l l l l c 1 o p . I . a i l l. l x r l o r x o v k l (c l i r f .
l r i sl l l ^ v l l h c l ) r | s f f 1 r ) a r ( 1 l i ) r l h , s i r c w h c r d , r( rl chxlkrrs. is p{)siti(nr- lil(,you s.. in lris. il.
catnun lh. hfl(l ol a sf|f$1 u s ( r L l l i n s t r r f b i l 1 , ) nrs lh( (r holli)w 'lhc
s o i t ) o f f t h c l 0 1 )o l '
Idcrlly, thf hrnsfrs ( l r i l l x f l n r j ) l ( o l s h a l l o $ w x l l h a n s e r s )i . t h c w r l l thc bl1r(l.Wh.r you Drcss
s h o u l (llr c l ( j ' u l r t s o y o r l h o l ( s i n t h c d l ( l o , a s so thrl llx'y alisn nilh thc l h r c : r b i n ( , 1a g x i s t t h e
. a n h a r u ll h ( c r b i n . l 0 n shown in lria 2. ] i ( ) ' 1 x ) 1l .r f l r s e f s .W h a t l sall. thc will l( ave
l v : r l l s t L ( l s .( l r r o L r c a n l t0CATtN ilA Gt t 5(.) n c f t h f d o i s d d v c a L r { l i D l ol h r nra {s showing whn i, 10
h n n gt h r c a l ) i r k l o ns l u l s , h a o s . r s I e i D p l a c c .t h f o p u r i s i r c c h h a n g c r drivc th( scrfws. N

:t\l No.1:i5
leof Wedges
Thedropleaveson the cot- (Ul Ino lDGt.To create
Ieetableon page6let you a durable wedse Nith
0 havea bisser tablequic'kly sood gluing suface,it's
whenyou needone,wilh- bestto cut it Forn lie €dge
out takingup a lot offloor of a scrappiece,as shown
space.But the leav€sdo ;n Fis. lb. (l'his can be
poseaproblem-getting donequickly with either a
thern to sit levcl with the band sawor hand saw.)
table!op when they're Potllloil. Once youve
raised.Dvenwith the sul} sot thc wedgescut, lift the
portsfully extended under leafon the tableand pull
lhe leaves,the ieavesmay out the sopport.To help
still sag slishtly. cure me seewhen everything
Iorthisis to siveeachlea{ is level, I like to set a leafandthe suDport(Fic. outline on the leal as
a little boostby usinga straishledg€ on the lable 1). Wler youve sol it shownin l,'ig.1a.'nrenflip
wedgebetveenfie lealand top. Now the wedgecan positionedto whc.c you thetableoverandsluclhc
ljresuppor!. be slipped betweenthe want it. you can nrflfk ils wcdse in placc.N

lhtrhing fiiterr
Wlen I was miterinsthe dlercis a lot ofmatedalt0
doorcasing10makcthe rcnnrvc, il's quickestto
facemoldingsfor lhc ply- stall by shavingth€ back
woodcheston pagc26,I tacewith a blockplane,as
di$over€dlial sonleof tlrc shown in lig. 1. Plane
cornersdklnl meetprop towardsthe poinl of the
crly.Ore pieceof moldins miter, laking light cuts
sathigherthantheDuting and slopping to check
piece,asyoucansecin the your progressfrequently.
photo.The problcmwas \ hen the faces of the (l used ny table saw) ting some tearout. In
that the lh;cknessof the nroldinss arc close to Then sandthe back iace thcsecases,youll haveto
moldine va.ied slishtly aligning,switchto ihe sec- unlilthcfacesof theDrokl usc the sandingrnelhod.
alons its l€ngt}). ondnethodlo finishrp. ingsncct perfeclv To savesomewo.k, slart
'IwofftTfloDs. Therearc 'nris
involvesplacinga Depcndins on the with a coarsegit, lhen
a coupleofways you can pieceot adhesivc-backeddirecljonof the grajn,yoLr switch10a finer gYitasthe
bring the pieces lo the sandpaperon a flat sur- may not be able to plane picce gets closer to fin
same thickness. wlren face,likeyouseein Fig.2. lhe moldirg wilhout get isheddrickness. N


NO|E: Plane back la.e

lightly @tuinq towatds

Ct-ql,pnrc& Assmdgrv
Thesesets n goof-proof
arefuntdin whatpu do
afterdwpiecesmeart mdfuforetlv

eforereachingfor the glue botde,

I alwayspauseand take a d€ep
br€ath.Oncethe glueis applied,
there'snoturningbackIt willslartto
setin just a fewminutes,so things
haveto gorightthefirsttime.
It doesn'tmatter what size or
shapetheassembvis- anedgetG
edge panel or flat frame, simple
draweror largecarcas€, thinedging
sEipsor a largetabletopIarnination.
Eachhasits ownchallenges - and
solutions (which I1l g€t to in a
minute).But there are still some
basicsiepsthat I alwalsfy to take
ISSlilll.Yguttl(t.The first thing
neededis a flat work surfac€.If ith
not,you'll haveto work that much
harderto getyourassembly iat and
square.(Or you may not noticea gluegoeson. For a flat panel,like the project without glue can help
problembeforeit s toolate.) the onein FE. 1,a "csrpentet's
tri- you fnd problems,so you cansolve
A workbenchis a nafuralass€m- angle'drawnacrosstheboardswill them without getbng ftantic. For
bly table,but for smallerprojects,a helpyougetthembackin thesame example, you may discover that
tablesawis anothergoodchoice. orientatiodquickly.Andby writing piecesrced to go togetherin a par-
(Besureto protectthe top surface labelsonmatingpi€cesoffame and tiqrlar order.Or that you don'thave
withpaper)Andforlargeprojects,I caseassemblies(Fig. 2), itll take enoughhandsto get parts together
lay dow! a solidrore doorto even just a glanceto tell whichpiecesgo i$ the time it would t 1€ beforethe
outthebumpsin myshopfloor togetheromtin whatorientation. glue cures. It's best to know this
LAulP lTs.Anotheringredi€ntfor DtYAslt[8u.ButI findthemost before the glue goes on so you can
a smoothassembly glue- call in a helperif needed.
is org@ization. importantpartof a successful
Thetimeto 6gureouttopfrombot- up (andthe€asiestto shortchange)
tomandleftfom right is beforethe is the dry assembly. Clainpingup lttt tttEfl|.E3
ftomtwoor more
boards is one of the most common
glueupsyoute goiqgto fice. Another
is putting simple frames together
Bothassernblies mustendup fat,rvith
strong,tight joints.
(tAilt (oV:[^GI.Onetling to thri{
about (especialy when gluing up
panels) is the numb€r of claflps
you'll need to pu the joints tight.
The reason has to do with how
clampingpressureis distributed.
As you cans€€in fig. 1,clamping
pressure extends out at about 45"

22 Woodsmith No.135
anslcsI oln tbc hcad ( rd loot) ota
flamp. With:r ilklcr boaM. a clallrl)
0 fovcN a s'idcf arca. ihe idea is 1r)
use cnoush clamps to npply pri's-
s u f ea l o n st h c l i r l l l c n $ h o f t h c j o i I r t
hres. lhis nrfans \rhc| worliins
w i l h n r o i l ( ] b o a f d s . I o ul l n c c d 1 0
lravea icw nrorc chmps on halrd to
t ) u l l r v c f v l h i n st i s h t ( f i s . 1 a ) .
c t N I t R l N G P R t S iSI TUsRi (Ll c s h a v i r ) 1 1
r n o L r g hc l l l l r r p s !. - o u : r l s o$ a l r l l o
nralicsLrfcthc pfcssorr is rcrlerql
o . ( h c i r r ' l , r f r s o l t h r p i (c r s . , q l ) d
sin.c botu(lsfcsling (nr thr pilx.s of
b r r s o i l h . ( l a n r p s( t l f n s i t b c l o r v
l l x s c r c w sr ) l l l ) c c l t l | n p .t h c l ) r c s
siu. is rt)lnn\ir,,i1rlls$1llrs inlt)
llx joirl.-lIl r(sull is an rsscnrlty
l l r r r l . r x l s 1 ob L r r k l (a r n l j o i r ) l i n c s NOfE: Raunded(lampingblack
l h a lr ( j I s r , 1 o ( l o s c t ) . ptotec$ ettgeand.ente6 ptessute
an thi.knessof wot kpiece
W i l h t ) i r . . l s .i r s i n r t t ( s o l u t i , n i s
l o r l l . f n i r l . l l r t , c h n r t ) sr b { ) v ( .r r ) ( 1
l J ( t r ^ !l l l t ) I x l a s s h , n v l il r )l r i { . L
I n r l . v r i rl x r ( , l l x b o a f ( lIsr a ys h i l l
r 1 l )o r r l o w r r l r i o i r l l i r x . ( r s i I r l ll(,(lilitrrl with a lflnr( ass.llrl)ly. 50UAR f Rt A r l l sW . i l h f i n ( , s .l h ! ,
''bornp ir llrc surjicf. Al
t h ( ( n ( l s 1 n 1 l ) (s ( . a s . s . j s t , ) n c r l i | | r r t )i s i s t l x a ( l ( l i l i ( , r rcl o n c c 1 1orI c r ( l i r ! r
o l l l x l v r r l i t ) i ( { 1 sy, ( n rc x r U s ( ,l 1 ] ( u s ( { l x l( i i h o x l . l i l ( y { n 1 s e ic, rl : i s . L r pw i l h r r ) r s s . l r r l ) l yl h a l s s q r r r r c .

t r r ) c l h o ( ls h o $ 1 r i n l h , r r l f r J i r i i r l : . 1 l , r ( . l o ( . , ' n l , !t h c p r l s s r | r ( ,I , C h . c l t i l ( i f i l s s ( l u r n i s c r s v
i l t h l . h 1 l ( c ( u l c f o f l h t ) l n . l . I l i l ! l r r u s . c l a r r t ) i r u l ) l , , r l i sw i l l r j u s l x r s u r . l l r f d i r a ( , r r l s . i r s
l l | ( 1 x s o ( x l b l ( t r vw i l h a | l , )I n a f ' r ( n r ( l ( { l ( { l l ] ( . st h l t a r c l h i . s l r ) r 1 . s l r N n i r I r i ( . 2 . I f l l x , $ { l i r x ! r s i ( ! r s
n r l l k l i s l l ! , ( t u i { l ! , s l r v l y 1 , ,! . 1 a r h i r l { n ,s s r s l h r w { n 1 ( t ) i ( . c cI lsx. s ( r r f l l x s r n x . l h ( t ) x r r li s s q u a r ( . I i '
{0rltr)nrl lJxel( ir lirx, b l i n l ( s l r ( , s l i r ) t r 1 l b , . t ! v ( 1 r )1 l x . Irol,you crr shifi llx clxrrt)sslishlly
( ( 1 r l ( ! i | l gr l r ( p r . s \ r r ( , ( ! r l l l . h n r ) s x r x l r l ! $ o i t ) i r , ( ( sl.i l ( y { , u t 0 w f ( l t h c l o r ) g c r d i a s r n a l a n d
l h i r l n x s s o l l l x , w o r l t t ) i ( 1 1 iss l l i l s c . i n | i J l s . 2r n ( l ? a . thrnr (1:iJ.r.
feliJ.rhl11r 2b)

It s€€msth€rearetwoglueuDques to detemrinewhateachjoinl rceds. lems).Whatyouneedis alhin, even

lionsthatI heara l0l "Hownuch One thing I cantell you is that incoat,as sbownin lle first photo, I Tidr.fnor{ d.L"nt,
glueshoLldI l1se?and"Howmuch bothcases, moreis not better Besidesapplyingtoomuchglue,
clampirg pr€ssureis enough?" Applyins too much glue just anothercommoomistakeis 10lry 1,irt br drnos th'
Therc'sno simpleanswerto either givesyou a lot of squeeze-out to male up for apoorfit by increa$
quesdon. It takessomeexperience clednup later (creatinsotherprot'
irg clampingpressure.Eventhe
strength oI Hercules
stronger.Once the
pieces have made
contactor the joint
enough additional
pressureto hold the
piecesin position.A
t thin bead of glue
l H@ mrch 81rc?Asronsioin!?reed5L Hat 'mch Presswe!\tplr clanttins should appearalong
a rh , elenlarerotslk. Sp€ddt]l€ pres*te nril n uen beand gtu thejoint line,asin the
sllie 0ith d hush d pieceo/ sc?dp. fannsal:ns thejoint Linc

With prnelsandfrarnes,you wantto
cnd up with nat asscmblies. When
slLdnsrp aboxl)Trcassenlty (Iikea
drawcror cab;nelcasc)thegoal;slC)
clamprpassenrblies thataresqude.
A llackrhals setintorabbelswill
makcthisjob a l0l casicrIl canbe
selln place(al leastlcnporaily) to
helpsqrareurrthc picccs(],'ig.l).
And if the casc doesnl h vc a
back,then a sinplc squaringtornr
docs lhe saDretbins (1,'i(.l ). A
picccolhardboafdor plywoodsizcd i
1()fit insidethe cascis nll yoLrreed.
And by clipl)ir)s thc cofnus, you
(iont lmveto wofry thrt itllbecoDrf
a pcmuucntparl ol youf asscrllty.
5t0utli(1.Orxar,fouf sklcdbox{s
arc iaidy straighlftn wardto
blc. Add a (livi(lerof so|]x fixc(i
shclvcs,asill lris.2, :rnrlyoull nccd
lo doa bit nxrc plannins.

Whilcorynrilialinrlil]ati(nr is lo
claDrpLrplhc si{l(sfiI\t, its oftcD
cas(r to wofk fr(,r lhc insi(leoul,
,rsyou cans.c ill l:ij.. 2. tu)d nra y
tnrrs. a l:rrsf cas. is b.s( tr(kl(rl i
lwo stases.(I)l(inl: l liltk .xtft 1 o h c l t ) y o L rl f r ] r l n , - r f i l y h o k l l h c
si(l{ c(lscs oi thc joinl, youil oft('tl
lirncwhtn dfy asscrnblins willlx lr) t)i( shown il llx l( l nluxil. k'tl wilh a g I at th. c. tci Ih|'
yo findthc bcslprocfdurc.) (AUls.Wi(l(.boxfs and crscs prcs, s o l u l i ( ) l hl c r c i s a c a u l - a s c r a p
I:Isc ass.rr)l)ln,sarcllso hafdto cr)l irr ;rddilio|al chrll(!ac r.rcl- pi('cc wilh a slil.Ihlly curvcrl erlJ.c
hol.l losclhef whil( you\'( scIir)!. l i n s l h c 0 i ( ( c s p u l l ( { ll i s h l a c f o s s ( 1 . i 1 {2.a ) . - l h i s c u f v ( c x t ( n d s l h c
lhc clamr)sin phcc. llul you crn lhc crlif. wklth ol lhc jonx.Sincc 'l('ach
o t l h . c l a n r ph c a ( l ss o t l x
qricklycul:rroupl( oI.xtm "h:rn{ls' tlrr)t)s pLrtr)rcssrrfoonly oll (hc (nrt c c n t o ro f l l x j o i n l i s p u l l c dt i s h l .

A conmronwayto checkan assem- Dieceis taperedto fit tishtly into

bly for squre is io measurethediag- thecornersofllre assenbly.
onals.Wlendremeasurenents arc -Io
GAUGI. use the gauge,
equal,you'vcgot asqudre asscmbllr just loosen the wing nut and
GAUOI. Wrile a tapeneasurewill extendthe €ndsof the sauseinto
work for this.I oftenusea simple oppositecorDersof the box, as
squarioggause.This wa)',I don't shown in thl} drawing.Snugthc
haveto reDemberdimensions that wing nutjust enorgh to keepthe
changeasthe assemblyis adjusted. gauge6:on sliding. (This mak€sit
lf you look at the detailin th€ easierto adjustthe gaugeas you
drawingat risht, you ll seethat this checkthe diaeonals.)
gaugeis just a coupleof narrow Now positionthe gauseacross
pi€cesof scrapthat slideagainsl the otber diagonal.If one diasonal
eachother.One piecehas a slot is longer,squeezethosetwo cor- =1-:,
that acceptsa bolt anda dowelthat ners toward eachother and adjust dr?
servesas a guide.Tighteninga lhe clamps.Ch€ckthe diagonals
wing nut locks dre gaugeat a sp€' againand repeatthe processuntil
ci{c lensth.And one end of each the diagonalsar€ of equallength.

No. 1:i5
Whenpltwood is us€din a project, To keep the clamping pres$re you have to
youhaveto considerhow to hidethe centeredon the edging,two things is clamp an
pliesonanyoposed edges.Oneway car be done.Flrst, elel,?tingthe ply- block ac.oss the panel
to do this is by applyinghardwood wood on a spacer strip aligns the then rrm your edging clamps
edSing.The photo at right showsan centerof the panelwith the head of the anchorblock
example- the lid of the pl,.wood the clanp (FA. 1a).And s€cond,the TAPlltc.There are some projects
chestshownon page2A edgeofthe clampingblock is round- where the edgingisn't applieduntil L To hide
(trflflllc !Loq( G€ttingevenpree ed to direcl tle pressureto the cen- after the case is assembled.If the t+Eedcesof tlr
sure adoss a narrow edging strip ter of the edging. back of the caseis alreadyin place, pLruood,thelid
would require lots of clamps posi- EITEXDIIIG (llPS. 1!hen gluing there's no way to get clamps onto
tioned close together The solution edging on a long piece of pl'.rood, the edging. A little trick I use in
show! in Fig. 1 is to use a wide you may not have clamps long thes€situationsis shownin Fig.3. A 26)iswapped
clamping block. Like clamping enough to reach the length of the Iew strips of packing tape can be
wider boardsin a panel,this spreads panel.Fig. 2 showsa way to get the used to hold the edging in place edst^s.
out the pr€ssffe Fom eachclamp. job done with shorter clamps,All while the glue rlries.

Anchot blo.k <haped in

lcrc to llrc
I've found the biggest challenges needa stlongerbondtha.ncontact tog€ther,the brads"bite" into the
whengluing workpiec€sfaceio fac€ cementprovides.In thesecases,I'll matingpieceandkeepit in position.
are keepingthe piecesin placeand us€yellowglue.Theprobl€misthat And sinceit can be tough to get
clampingthem secl.rely. whenthepiecesrre pressed iogeth clampsto the middleof the work-
To lasten two large, llat surfaces et they tend to slide around,like pieces,screwswill help securethe
together I'll usually use contact they'veb€engreased. pieceswhilethegluedries.
c€meDtIt bondsthe piecesin place mlDSr Sntws,Onewayto get (^lJLS.
instandy.But there havebeentimes arcundthis is to drivea coupleof tlose used for caseassemblies)
when I need to be able to make bradsinto one\rorkpieceandsnip comein handy.The curvededge
some slight adjustments as the oft the heads,as shownin Fig. l. putspressurein tie middleof the
pieces are browht together, or I Whenthe trvo piecesare pressed panel,assho*rlin Fig.2.N

'an.l or Dlah. sliaht cuve

to dne.t clanDin' Drestre
r @
lYhat'sdwsesetn builAingthisstrnagechestin a weel<end?
Readynademoldmgs of plywood.
Mdasinfu sheet


very timeI walkthrougha home !0tT JollT l0I. The chest is a ply,
centeror hardwaresiore,I find u,ood box with a plwood lid and
myselJwmdering downaisles,look- bottom.There'src frocy joinery -
ing at things I nevercamein for On just butt joints and miters.The pre-
one of thes€side trip€, my eye was milled moldings (door casings)are
drawnto the displayof door,*indow appliedio the plywoodand give it a
and f,oor moldings. [t seemedlike ft'arneandpanellook.
there shouldbe a wayto put someof lASt 0n E This project offerc a
thesenicely milled moldirgs to use coupleof optionsfor the bottom.As
alressingup a project Thadswhere shown in the main photo, you can
the ideafor this chestwasborn. build a hardwoodbasewith a profile
Anyone looking at this project cut in it Or as you can see in the
would be hard Fessed to tell that it smallphoto,a set oftumed legs can ' - . ' . ' ' . ' '
wasbuilt ftom oneshe€tofplywood, be used.Youcanhrm thes€youself L Bwfeet fiue ^e srmage che'ta
some of that ready-mademolding, or do what I did and order them differcntbok.Tr1.1our ha "at
and a few board feet of hardwood. from a catalog. (See page 28 for oming dwn on tAelatheor atdzr
But thafs exactb what this is. more detailsaboutboth options) themru$-rnate Iran a catabg.

Woodsmith No.135
O Details
Wt.l an'l erst ta 'niall

0 Ptr n)illr.1 doat.atntg

ana9uttatnrntr\.(t t ton h.n)..entcf

fonoue and sraore ahahs

hofdinq on 'twaod p;nel

: \4t: 7 2 " O r t 1 22 5 8 d .F t)

Oak (TwaBoatds@2 75 Bd. Ft. E

Ahe 4x8 sheetaf j/l Dakplwaad

Five of T oak daat dsiho
6 .1 rA' t tA aakquanet ouhd

(2) ri pry- I6 x 30 (4) 'h x ( 1 2 ) + 8 x I L F hW o o d s c r e w s
Panel5 H Quarter RoLrfd % 15rh
B lJPr'16\11 t tid/Btm Panels (2) il pry lSfr x 30 ( 8 ) 4 d F i ns h N a l s
jlx 1r/.- 321/) ( 1 p a l 2 1 b x 1 . / t 6 N o N 4 o d i sH
c F r l B kc a p N 4 o lnd! 1 4 ) l : r x l % 3 2 I LdFrl/Bk t\lldg 12) e nges

I D Sde CapVloldng (a) ttixli/t

H o r z F r o n v B a c k M d( 4g ) P r o
e rx 3 0
Ld S i d eM o d n q ( 2 )
Base Fronr8ack (2)
w/ Screws
. 16 Lightw€ qht Chan (Black)
HonzSid€N4old ng (4) Prorexl8l'l M BaseSde (2) ,:. x 4 2D .12) #6xtb RhWoodscrews
G VerrPan€lvlod ng 18) Profexl5L . 12) lr'1dia.Fet Dots

No.lila t7

Thecaseisreallyquitesimple.Its @
justaf llvood boxwithbuttjoints. f
PAHltt. Slarlby ruttingto sizc
Urel;0r t/ird.lrr,./s fAl andthe
snlr,/)(,./s f,4).asin lrig.1.
to| andbotlomedscs0f
Ur--pturelswill becove'edby Drokl
ing. Il) helrralisnthc moklins,a
t(nrgueis cul on thc top andbot
l(rn dsc oi cachpancl.As l.'is.
Ib shows,lhis lonsuervillit ilrto l
a sroovein lhc rroklins.
rnakesurclhc knrsLrcsrnd
groovesfil snugly,I madca lcsl
g,[lge by cul(ing a J]f(!)vc in I
p i c c c o t s c r a p .a s s h ( ^ v ni n l h c
rn gi . arc lwo kcy Iroinlslo
liccp in nrirnlas)'(trrrrakr lhc slLrsc.
l : i r s t i, l y o u u s . a L l r ( l a d ob l a d cy. o u
can casilyrlLrpli.alcthc lJl1xrvcIatcrl
Artd s.c(!xl. mirkf surc lhc dist rcc
fr(,r or( cdr( ol lhc scflp lo thr /;rI
si(k. of llx sroovc .(trals llx, lhi(li
n c s so f r p r c l ( | i s . l b ) .
\ Y i t hl l x J t a u g .( l ( r x . y o . x D t n r l
il to uscls you ukc lhc lonlau.s.
i s d o r r cb y c u t l i ] l sn b b c l s o I
t h ( l ( s c d s . s o l t h c D a r xl s .l i k . y ( n r
src ir l:ig. ). (Sav. llx lcsl gl s..
I t l l c o r n { i h r ( l yr u x i l h l c r ,
AS9U[ltxAII{r-lhc loDlIlu.shirv.
/,r,A r',, !d,l ,4, bcfn cut, is 11a(lylo bfgl(rl
rp. As yoLrscc in lriit. lr, a ftw iails
i n e a c hb r l l t j ( , i n h t . l l ) k e c pt h c c r s f
rli{ncd whil( 1hccLrnrl)srfc rDplicd.
M o l o l t l c . ' l h fm o l d i u go n t h c t o t ) Gnoovt E CoVt.'llrcrrcxtst(Dis to bladcuntil iljrlst grvcs thc boltuD ol
ao(l bolt(nn cdsrs ol thc cllsf hnl( s crlllhrsroovcin o:rh nxtdinsDiccc. thcsroovr. Now youil rcady lo cut
thc plylvood(dscs. lt lllso provi(lcs his rcquifis thc s:uncsctupyorl thcsroovc in cachc:rp|xtdingpirrc,
solirlsufirc(s lof :rtlachi|sthobollurl us.d \!hfn cLrtlinglhf lfsl gargc. j t l s rl i k f y ( , us c ei l r l , i s . : i .
p a n c l r n dt h | h i n g . sl o f t h c l n l h t ( i : ScttiosIp thc r/1"d:r(lol]l:r(lfis sirn- Altcr thr rro0vos arc complftcd,
mal{c lhc oroldi s, rip fouf Dl{cnorsh.ll)sitiorinsthf dp lcnco a : t { ' c o v c i s r o u t c do n t h c o o l s i d c
.lirnlt)lt li(1)) tlrrhliIi|: (( ) tir\dtort pl:rc ihr lcstsaugc
is c:rst',to(,..tust d s c o l o a ( hp i o c o( l , i s . 4 ) .
ritlr.(t,,t.ltli l N 1 1 ) l1 0 i o i s h c d ovcf thr bl:rdc,andslnlcthc lc|cc MlItR9.Oncflhc covcisdone,thc
rvi{llhand cul lhe|ll to foLlshlrnl<lh. asainstlhr sausc.Thcn :rdjrlstlhc cap nroklirss can bc mitcrcd to fit

i1i-321, o.

\u. 115
found lhc ('s.. (s( lhr box bfi(Nv cachpi(re iJrplmci(n lhrl$!nrirnrlcs W | i k ( l r y l l l l i n i tl h c r x t ( l i n s s ,I
I ( n a l i r ) o nm n k i n { t x r i c c l m i k r s . ) "srrb.'
illook in lh( slrc t0 l i , ! n d l h n t s o n xt i n r (s t h r s L r f i a ( o (t
-l'o (A5t il0lDlllc. ' l h |
c I l l h . N ) l ( l ; n { 1 of i I i s h e ( l snks ol thc { , r x p i ( ( s t ( x x lp f o r d o t l h f : r d j i ) i n
0 l ( r s l h , n u k ( f l m i l (f c u l o n o n cc n d .
)io\ txrsitionthc pi(cf on lhc rasc
rhrsl apprrr to be lianx and Dancl
c{)nslruclirn wilh a hncy pfollk.olr
iIlit pi(.c (l,is.5a).Snllc llxcsli)f1his
prlttcnr nfr oD pagc21.
w i l h t h c i n s i ( l cc ( nn c r I i s n c dw i t l r lh( ianri s. Imnx] isr(trnlly O n c cn l l { h r c o f D c r s f i It,h c n n t d
thc insid( cofncf ot thc (asc. :rs do(,rcrsinl.rsh1(11 lo cach lir(f ol lhr i|ss rff ijlLr({1ir) place.'lhe hofizolr
s h o w ni n l r i s . l c . ' l h ( ' | rn r l l | ko n t h c rhcsl (scf nrafsin Dholoat ishl). l r l p i ( ( r s l f c f r s y 1 0( i a n r | . h r l I
r ) r o l ( l i n ,l{h c l o r n ( i o nr ) i l h . o l h f f iifsl pi{crs lo cul tr)nr thc i i r L r ntdh a t t i l { h l (n i n { ( h m r ) sa r f o s s
i n s i ( l (c o n x ! o i l h . r a s . . d o o r c a s i n { a f fl h r r r f ; : 0 , r / i , r l i l - l h r ' ( a s (l o h i ' l dl h . v f r t i c a ln r ) l d n r s
Srtcr( ulron lh. rDoldnr!.sfinish.{l ; , r s f / t , / " 1 .A s y o L ru r i l . f l h . s ( . c a u ! 1 1 t h . i D s i { 1((d J . (o I l l x , n r t d
l(rr!'1hunljl lhc (lisla (c ff(rn shor( | i ( r 1 s . l h d i s l : u c cl f ( ! n l o n l .p. o i r r t inl.l lo lilt off lh( crsc. So irs I.i,{. 5
poirtt10shorl po;D(.qLralslhc irsi(l 1r)l(nr!.1r)inlshoLrklnulrh thc klrrh shows.l al.laiD jusl hcl(l tlx l)i( (1,sin
wnldroI llx: casc.Nowjusl frp(allhis aD(lwidlhoilhc casc.tjscLlanrt)s(rn, |lacc Lrntilthc shrc !.mltr(l.
procedu lor lhc olhH picces. shrc ycl) lo hokl Ihcst |irfts lilahl 0 U A R I t R - R 0 U t l Dl i.l'lli n) t h r c o r
(tAllPlilc.(;hrin{ lhc cap Inoklins asainst thc crp mddings whilc thc ncrs,lcrrslhsof pl'{'nudc t/s' qrr r1.r'
!) lecase was easyenoLrsh.Irstead eishl pic(es ot arltlrl /,(rfl ,/o/rl- ,1,r/r.1rfl)areFluedinlo lhe l?ccssl,s
of iuD)blinswilh clamps,I jusl hel(l ; r r l a j ) a f c c u l t o f i l b c l $ ( e n l h (m . bclwt'cn thr t)rnel nroldinss.

There'san easyway to checkihat Now checkthe corner carefully

your miter gaugeis setto a perfect with a try square.
45' angle.All youneedis a sh-ajsht ff the corneris exaclly90', theD
pieceof scrapanda square, you're readyto cut perfectmiters.
With the miter gaugeset to 45', If tbere's a sap between the
pushtbe scrapthrough the blade, squareand the workpieces,or a
leavinga short (3!'or so) cutofl gap in the miter joint, makevery
Then llip the cuto{f overandplace slight adjushnentsto the miter
the two miteredendsagainsteach gaugeuntil the test providesa
othet like you seein the drawing. precise90" corner,

No. i:15 29
lid & BottomPqnel
Now lhat the case is built and lhe
moklingshavebeenaDplied.;ls $ne
1()add a lnl and abotlom. Y f
PLYWooD PA[rrs.Ifyou rakea lmk
at Flg. 7, yor'll see tlut the /&l and
Lath,t rtukLs (I) ^re plywood^t\d
stari oul lhe exactsamesize.
After thesepaflelsarecLrt10size,
the botlorn can be faslene(l t{) lhe
case.Jusl cenler it on the bottom oI
t h e c a s ea n d d f i l l s h a n k a D d p i l o (
t I:igs.7 a d 7a.'nrc screwskeep lhc
Darel lrom std;Ig tur)und ff i1s illue(l
: L h.lJ,dlirn ,ri nr pl:rce.I)on t worry abool the Dly-
li,l,r, i,,{,( 'l,i wood e(lgesshowins.'llx,y'll b. cov-
i,,ndj. .t"rt, d cfod later when yor :r(ldihe bnsc.
rrro(. jxfff ,'/ Now you cnn tLrr| youf rtkJrtio
nt.lrrs !' l)1..f lotlx li(1l),Lne1.'l his picrc iswrlit)tx1l
u n Jl , r r rr i i r , r f t - wilh hrrdrvo(xl ,{)/.hril l./, ^-).'lln
I n o k l i r Ui s r r r i l ( ! 1 at lo f i l a n n n n ll h c
l ) a n c l .l i ) I r ( l p p o s i t n t r ) i l , I l i k c l o u s (
r s l x ) r t ,r n i t ( ' f t { l p i c( c o l n r ( n d i t u a. s
you ca sfe in tlrc nmfsi photo.
lvhcn slrins ihf nn)ldioson, try to arc h' plywaad, molding

sct both fac.s nush wilh llr,sUfirrc

o f t h c p l y w o o dl.t u l y o uc : r nc o u n t o n
hrvinslo (lo 1 litll(,l(nrch'ol)sa|(liIls sfl oi bun litl.'llx box brl)w lrls As )'ou Ilrit(r lhl brsc pn,c.s t1)
t o d 0 i s t o . a s el h c d c t a i l sr l ) { , u l( l o i r ut h i s . ) l { r s l h , y o u w x n l 1 { )c r ( l r l t ) w i l h r
1 o l ) : r n ( l b o t t o r ] r . d s cosl l l x l n l b y l,rrf /n,r//r(./i (rl rn(l 1hc fnunclhatfilssnug,u1nrxl ll x b(nlutr
fo firsr/s" forr (lovffs o thcrrr.V)ll ldsl i,r,r /J/) ar. cul lo lirish.d t)ancl.IJul 11!tlcllrlx! llrlt il s brll(.r
c : r ns o et h i s i n l r i s . 7 b . wi(llh rud to foLrshl(lralh (|is. iJ). lo hrv. thc Di(cfs n l)lir lorrs th:rn
APNoISAtt.Al this point, you ralr t l 1r ' r l L l(rn D . f r r r cn r i l i { s , l ( r s h o f l .I t r n r st ) i ( . c sw i l l s l i l l m c c l
bcsirr worli on lhc aDfon basc thrt b L r (l h i s l i r D . i r s l ( , i r lo f p i v o t i r Ul h . 1 1t h . c o r n c $ . w h i l ( t ) i ( c $ l h a l a f r
wnl)s ruul|xl thc bottonrof thc.hrst. lxrrd ofllx nril(! ,{xurtc,thc bhdc is 1 o os h o r l w i l l c n r l u p w i l h l w o c o r .
of lheprole cen ( l h c c h c s l c r n a l s ( ,b c b u i l t w i r h : r l i l l . ( l l o , l 5 a s s l x ) w ri)n | i s . i l .


ffyou preferdrelookofdle bunf€€l youl

ne€dio addtrim arouDd$e bottompanel
to hide the pl,ryood edges.The trim is
%rrquarterround (alsocaledbaseshoe),
miteredto fit aroundthe panel.
The fe€t]verernaibrdered, althoush
you couldturn them youls€ff.(S€epage
35 for sourcesandpatterninJormation).
Sincethe top ofeachfootis endgrain.
I wanted a solid glue bond. So I chose
epoxyto securet}le f€el To keepthefeet
in placewhile the epoxycured,I drilled
a shalow hole in the top of the foot and
alsointo eachcornerofthe bottompanel.
t For anore "open"look,.sor canadt but Then, as shown at risht, a dowelhelps
feet ar,l saneqwter-tounl basenodins. holdthe footin placewhileth€ gluedries.

N o .1 3 5
PRofltt.Now that t}le basepieces
are the right width and lensth, ifs
o timeto shapethe profileon eachone.
Thefrst thing to do is to lay out each
profile using the pattern shown
belo\flmenyou lookat Frg.10,you]l
se€tbat th€ profile can be roughed
outon$e bandsaw(oruseajig saw).
The arcs at each end are easily
brought to 6nal shapewith a drum
sanderin the dril press.The straight
profilebetweenthemwascleanedrip cno99 SECI|ON
witi aflushtrim bit in theroutertable.
(Detailsaboutthis a.reon page20.)
With the profile completed,$e
basecan be glued to the cap mold-
ing aroundthe bottom panelof the
case.And to r€inlorceeachcornet a
glueblockis addedbehhd eachjoinl
This isjust a pi€ceof 3/arlsquare
that you canseein Fis. &.

Oncethe baseis com-

J,';" fl,1:!t;,:i
plete,dle lid canbe attachedwith the
nGmortisehinges.To do this,just
screwthehinsEsto thelid.Thenhave backwardas it's opened.This is fllit5fl,Tbe finishon this chestwas
someonehelpholdthe lid in position ariachedwith a coupleof screwsto a blend of four different starns.The
on the caseandscrewthe hingesto the insideofthelid andtheinsideof €rcctmixturecrn befoundin Sources
the capnolding. $e chest(Fig.1l). And to keepthe on page35.For more aboutmiing
The lastbit of hardwareto add is lid from banging,acoupleoffelt dots your o$n customstains,seeTalking
a chainthat keepsthe lid from falling areaddedto thefont cornelsthe lid. Shopon page34.O

5' -l EASIPRotllIPAII[R]{
to apenfat enash
n beort of he way.

Ilvn o8ningun Iu.

No.135 31
MffgRtr{c IG
Wik rhisjig,ycrucanbereadytocutperfectmitersin seconds.
,\nd unk
ix piuoting
fence,he jigwitlwatkonbothsidBs
of dwsawbbde.
I hechallensewi$ mitersis tharone
.Lselupisnever€nough. Afteryouve
miteredoneendofa 6_ame piece,tie
otherendsdll n€edsanopposing45"
mjt€r This meansmovingto theoppc
site side of the blade and adjusting
the angleof the miter gauge.
That's why I like the mitering jig
sentin by Heffy Tong of Riverside,
CA. There's practicallyno setup
time at all - no matterwhich sid€of
the bladeyou'reon,asshownin the
drawingsbelow That's becausehis
jig is a slidingbasewith a pivoting
fenc€and two presetstops.Once
the jig is set up, there'sno more
fussing with any microadjustrnents table saw You want the baseover- be at least double this measur€-
trying to end up with a perlectfit. siz€d to begin wilh so it can be ment.(l mademineaneven12rr.)
Plus,cutting to a layoutline is easy. tdmmed to exact width after the ADD RUilItR.Wilh the basecut to
All you haveto do is align the mark runnerhasbeenadded(Fig.1). rough size,the next stepis to add
with the edgeot tle base. I shouldnotethatthe dimensions the runner Sizethis pieceto ride
Note: I built this mitering jig shownhere are for the Deltacon- smoothlyin the miter gaugeslol.
entirelyout of:|arrpl).woodbecause factor's model table saw But it's But mal<esure the fit isn't sloppy.If
it r,von'texpandand contractlike easyfig]lre to out how big to make you havea loose-fiftingrunner,it
hardwood.This meansthere'sless your base.Find the miter gaugeslot will aJfeclthe accuracyof the jig.
chance the fence will warp and that'sturthestfrom the sarrblade With the runnercut to size,you
throw off the accuracyof theji& (usuallythe one on the risht side) cancut a dadoin the baseto hold it.
slzt 8ASt.To makethe jig, the first and measurefom the bladeto the Becausethe miter gaugeslots on a
stepis to sizethe baseto fit your ja? sid€ofthis slot.Thebaseshould tablesawaren'tthe samedistance
fiom theblade.thisrunnerwon'!be
centeredon the base.Like the size
of the base,$e exactpositionof this
runner will dependon your particu
lar tablesawmodel.
There's nothing triclf' aboutthis.
Since the base is oversized,just
positjonthe runner sothat oneedg€
will be trimmed %'r or so. This
shouldleaveplenryof "exiJa' for
tdrnming the opposit€edge.
ADD RUilItR.Now the runner can
Simple base with fence. Thisjig is justa slitl Pivoting fen(e. Ihe piwting fenceresaagainst be glued to the base,and the edges
ing hasewith a fencethats automaticallysetat presetstops,so thejg canbe quicklyswitched of the basecan be finnned to final
45o,so therc'salmostno set-up time. from onesideaf the blade to the other size,as in Fig. 1. Then to complete
32 No.135
thebase,younccdlo dill a 'l'-dia. t/: dD hale NorE: ti.j E
hole rvith a shallowcounlerbore .entPPd.n builtwith
1r' PlYwaad
thatscentefcdon the wnlth oi the ':--<'.---
runier (t'ig.1a).This will hold thc
carriag€boltthalsecur-"s ihe fencc.
tIlCL At this point. il s tirnc to
workor thc pivolingfencethatwill
supportthc workt;eces.Likc thc
base.this pllvood pieceslartsort
ove|sized, asshorvnin lrig-2.
lhe lencc will be lrinrue(l to
lenslr laler,so tof now.all youreed
lered on thc wid(h of the iercc.
thc fcncccanbe mouotcdt0
the bascwilh a cari.ige bolt,wash
ei auda plastickDolr(l:is.2).
9r0Pt.All lha(s lclt to do is to add
thc slops. sizc of lhcsc surall
p i e c ( . si s n l c d l i ( a l , b u l t h c i r p o s i
lion on thc jis is. So lo Inakc il msy
to a(ljrst lhc stops, I drilk{l thrc(
holcs in cach. as showl nr I'is. iJ:r.
ccntcf hol( is ovcrsizcdso lhc
stops can bc ildjust({l slitihtly.-lh.
ortsirlc lrvo holcs will b{ uscd 10
lock thc lrn ccs ;| plncf (/l," lh.y
,l hnvcbcfn posifinx{l cor fc(lly.
\v Dosili(') lhc slol)s ilritially, I
uscd a larJ..( , pliNtic 15" tdansl(, rs
in l.'is. il. Scl lll liansk llush with
lhc cdsc of lh. b,rsc an(l ti,lhl
a g a i n s ll h c t ( c c . ' l h c n w i l h l h f an(l n squrrc. Aurl il yr)Ln r cc{lto fcDeallhis proNdurc lo finc lurc'
slop llush :rgrinsl thc tunct, scr'w m a k . a r t yr ( l j u s l m c n l s , l o o s c nthe t h ( p o s i l n r ro I t h c o t h c r s l o p . ' l h f
lhc stor)lo Lhc bxse,rlsins a rou d' scr(N alld nrldsc thf slotrsli,llrlly. only diff({'nt. is lhal llris tinre
hea(l scfta! (xnd washcf) nr rhc A l l r r t h . s l o t )i s j L r s lw l x r f y o u y o u \ r ' r r o n r g1 0 b c w o f k i n J {o o t h c
"lork(!l'irr placf ()t)u)si((si(lc ol thc sawbladc.
oveNizedcfolcf holc (1ii1... lla). w l | n l ; 1 ,i l c a o b c
TISTtfluP. \lrith thc stopssc|(lc(l wilh lwo n,rthordsrfcws (lris. lt. I O|( nxnl ihlns. Iivcn llx)oslr thc
to lhe baso. yor'r'r rcady to chcck d i ( l nt w a n l t o l a k ( l h c c h a n c .o f t h ! frn(c will wofk in lwo posilnms on
the ansle of lh. leoce:rnd (hc posi scfcws sh;tling thc slops iury, so cach snkr oiihc bladt,l like to havc
tion of cttchstop (l i1{.4). (l wortcrl bciore addirtsthe scfcws,I clarrrtxtl thc wo*pn cc Iacc thc bla(lewhcn'
on one ala fine hofl].) In lhcbox o,r lhe tunce (l slop tosellx'r ar)d cvcr |ossible. as in lhe fholo at lctt.
pase29,1hrrcs a quich li| tor (loir)( then clxrrpcd thc lcnce lo {he b.ts.'. This wr),, llrc foncc will back up the
this thal r.{Uircs jusl a s0aP lluco Now thni ooc slop is sel, You carl cul conplLnely.N

lJ youve desic!€d and built an original

woodworkingjig andwouldlike to seeit fea-
tured on this page, send your idea to
lYoods,nirr, Read€r'sJis, 2200 Grand
Avenue,DesMoines,IA 50312.
ff we publish your jis, we wil send you
S100,plus a full set o{ Wood'smithback
issueswith binders.Includea sketch (or
photo), an explanationof how it's used,and
pleaseincludea da,time phonenumber

W}len it came time to A Iew tipshere.
choosea stan for the ply- First, you'll find
wood chest on page 26, I ifs easierto make
knew exacdywhat color I a light stain dark-
wanted.The problem was er than to make a
tiatitrvasnta\€ilableinan dark stain lighter
offthe-shelf stain. So I Also,asthe saFng
decid€dtomjxitupmls€lf. goes(sorto0, oil
(Youcan readmore about based starns and
it on the oppositepage.) water-bas€dstains
It's really not as tricky don't mix. You'll
as it might sound.That's also get better
becaus€over the y€ars, resultsif you only
I've made my own ver. mix similar stains
sionsofthe stainsample ofthe samebmnd.
boardsyou seehangingat sAli?tts. You'll
the hardware store (see likely needa num'
leftphotobelow). ber of attemptsto get the different twes of lighting
sample.A s€t of measur-
(Usloil Nl,ll{Ds.lvhen colorjust right. To speed ing spoonsis perfectfor
aJfect how it will look.
you needa colorthal isn't things along,I II mix up mat looks right in the
dippilg up smallarnounts
commercially available, severalsarnplesin a row. light of your shop may
in the right proportions.
the placeto start is with eachbuildingon the last ToP (o^li. There islook noticeably different
the sampleboards.Just one. For example,after in daylight.So make sure
anotherthing to consider
find a stain that's closest brushing the first sarnple you checkyour samplein
as you choose a color,
to the color you want. on thetestpiece,l'llmeas the room in which the
Applying a top coat, such
Then try to determine ure out and add more of projectwill actuallysit.
as a varnish or shellac,
what color needs to be the darker stain to the tctP | ft(otD. After fnd-
will alterthe color of the
added to it to get the mixture.Ifthe color isn't ing the stain and the top
stainsligh0]aSobrush the
shadeyou'd like. Find the quite right, just repeatthe coat that you like, it's a
top coat onto a stain sam-
stainon the sampleboard process.You can see the good id€ato write it dot)!Il.
ple to seewhat the color
closest to that second resultsin the photoabove. This males it much easier
wil actuallylook like.
colorand start mixingand Remembetallyou need lloHTlllc.As you choose
to duplicate the finish in
experimenting, is a little bit of stain for a caseyou have to repair a
a color.keep in mind that
ck or if you wantio build
a matchingprojecl
One way to do this is to
v,/rite the information on
the proj€ctin an out of the
way spot,like the back of
a draw€r or under a table
top. But if you give ihe
project away,your infor-
mation goes with it. So
you rnayalsov,/antto keep
a "recipe file" with the
Sarnpk Bocr&. Piecesresdedlran the Fib. Regnk\3x5fle ca s in a linnedboxnarneof each project and
s(JeppiL allDu rou to seehotuthesa''.e area peiectwayto keepa recordaf what the finish you used on it
'tai^ laol<s
m di{lercntspecies
of uDod. snin andrapcoatwu luledon each$oiect. (s€esecondphoto).N

Woodsmith No.135
Souncrs TAIl
Sinrilc,r 'ptoject
Most of the hardwareand ,Prod?rcts.The style we built. Just measurethe (seebelow).lrol( for thc
suppliesne€dedto buildthe used is 'Butcher Block inside of the doors "Online Extras" button
projectsin this issueare Pine."Otherleg stylesin belw€enthe rabbetsand whenyougetdrere.
lhc fol.l.ottittg
availablefrom localhard- different types oi wood subtracl%irfor clearance. flillsH.(;ettingjust the
wareslores,homecent€rs, are available6:omsomeof risht color for the chest
woodworking slores,or th€ sourcesin the nargin. IIOTAGE(HESI wasa challenge, to saythe
ftom lhe mailorder sources You can probably pick up lcast.I endcdup mixins
listedat right.The materi- w ,l $tElt all $e mateialsneededfor logcthcrfour slainsfi-om
alstst wi$ eacharticlewill Buildinsthe basicversion the stonge cheston page G€refol fi)rislcs I('- the
tell you exactlywhatyou of the cabiret shownon 26at yourlocalhomecen- first coal.This consisted
needto buildthe project. page14doesD'ttake much ter The only hardwarc of three Darts of Red
hardware.The keyhole needed is a fewscr€wsand Mahogany,t\i'o parts ot
corltataStE hanscrs,shelf supports, brads,a pairofnGlnortjsc WalDut, andoneparteach
Thereisnt muchhardware screws,andbradsshould hinges,and a lensthol of H0ncy Maple and
neededtor thecoffeelable be availablc at moslhard- chainto keepthe lkl fronr AntiqLrc Chcrry.Atlerthis
on page6.Younraybe able warestores.Or chcckwith fallingback.If youuml iind haddricd,I brushedon a
to find lhc Z-shape(lfas- the soLrrcesat right. thchinges,chcckwilh the secoDdconl ot jLrst the
'ltere ItedMahosany
tcnerslocally.If not, they are a couplcof
canbc ofderedalongwith options for the bcadcd mokling Lrsedon l"orthc topcoal,lwiDc(l
the dropledjhingesfronr bo.rd Lrsed for lhe back.lf lhc facesis door casins. on lhrce coalsoi /10t.,:s
oncof thes0urcesa! righl. you'llbe painlinsit, chcck I)iffcrent Iunrb€r yards Irursoilvarnish.
oti-ttltt[rTtas.As showr at a holnecentcrto secif may carry (lifferdrt p()-
(ln Dage10,wilh jusl a few they carry beadedboard files,so lo0k aroundrntil 0l|.ul rIlMs
changcs,you canbuild a madc froln MDr and youlindoncyoulikc. BY lllll
malching sofa table. If alreadyprincd. If yourc tult ftu. bun tccl If yoLrkl
nlhcr ord(f anyoi
youil likc measured shoD applyirga finish,look for canbe o c|.edDrenado, our On lineIixuasby rnail,
drawingsior this project, realwoodbeadedboard. or you can tut-n th€m sond a selfa(ldrcsscd,
visil our websilc (sce D00ns.Arldingthc doors youNelf.'lhefd t weuscd stanrpcd,#10 businfss
below) and click on the 10the cabineladdssoDrc camcftom r)r,rl 1lir,.f
''OnlineIlxfas button. nmro hardware. Hcrc (scc ,Da,1$n).'l hcytc
f youtl like to ll.y your aqain,you can probably only availablein ash,but P O.llox8,12
hand at turning lhe legs find thc wood knobs, ash is a close nulch lo i)es Moin{:s,lA 50:}04
foreilhertable,lhe dimen- hinges, and masnelic oak, which is what wc . On the envcbpc,plcasc
sions fof this are also catchesat a localstore,or use(I1(, bu;klthe chest. spccifywhich of the fol-
available on oLrrwebsite. try the soorccsat rishl. TUnlliloDlAGnat{. lf you lowinsyouwouldlik{::
RIADI"fiADI UGt.We fJur- ]'he glass should be waDtlo turn re bun feet, BunFoolPallern
chascdour lurned legs orderedfroma localglass you caDdourload the pat- CoffccTable l-c8
ftom Gft]td Rit\r' Wtnd shop afler the doors arc lefn from our websile SofaTableDmwingsN

To order a hardwarekit trom lryoodsmith Project

Srrrrr'a,pleaseuseoffTbll Freeoder lirc, seeb€low.
Ifs op€nMondaythroughFriday,trom8AM to 5PM . "On-lineExlrzs"- Plds, Panerns,& More
Ceotaal Time.Beforecailing,pleasehaveyourVISA . Over100woodworkincl lps Ornhe O||hr (!do c s.rrLr
Mastercard, or Discoverclld ready. . \4sit Olr Read€6FYojk.tPhotoGallery Clicl on Sublcribor S€Nicesol
Ifyouwantto ma in yourorder,callthenumber . Pr'ojectPLnsYouC& Domload wl,twvmdsnith,@m
belowfor moreinlormation concerning shipping . Catalosof ProjectKic, Tools,Jics& n@s
chargesaswellasanyapplicable salestax. ' Foruns for Woodworkinc. Tools& Classin€ds . ou{! yatrmfi{ n !d !dd6
. tinks to Otber\{oodworliinc Sites
1.800-444-7527 . O.der lvoodrnitl/S/'opNot"s Backlssu's
fyhtrotdrhg, u.r (6yWl35
Note:hic?sstbjut to cha4esfrerAugd 2M1.
. hd oolilynr F'ndll 116

N o -1 3 5
- 91".--


uhrn ror nredrt tr: I)l1r |:a ?j l(r,l srd' ar dr,rcajr o

wrfteuihliv ru, cdu0rr i,r'!d hirianl d /Mr ry'hnsc\,a,
ftFib.d on ld.qc I7. Irilrrs In rhc rzrlicsan or 2age6

l S.orqgeCh!s.. Peifecdrrird ro,rU bedlincnJ,dlh|r, d i,cepsdkr, Comel Wall Shef. Tirs cr,!1ntrrI'oJcctu'iA ia lndd€d-
che* cdnl,e ftrL in d u'e€lrnd/ron oncstuctofphuood anl mru hoardb.qk, caneuherbebuiha an olxn slEf or ut'h rhe
rer l'marb moirlingsfom rtu lome cenrc'.llim roFrsc 26Id d.t1!t ghs doorssiolin /lere.lnsbacnorobesinontase 14.

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