Namakkal Abutment - Open 15.4.2016 FINAL

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2- laning of SH -95 from km 13 Design of Bridges

to 2/279 of Mohannur-Namakkal road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 2/279

New Construction of additional 2- Lane bridge on Nala Odai -1 at

Km 2+279 of Mohanur - Namakkal of SH-95

Design of Abutment and foundation for A1 & A2

Bridge No : 2+279

1. Introduction :-

This design note contains design of Abutment foundation, Abutment wall, Abutment cap,
dirt wall, Flywing Wall and Return Wall.

2. Brief Description of Structure:-

Abutment foundation:-
Foundation for the Abutment is envisaged to be open foundation is proposed to rest at
soft rock strata at a depth of 4.00m below bed level wtih bed protection.

Abutment wall:
Abutment wall is envisaged to be solid R.C.C wall with cantilever action. The loads acting
on abutment wall are earth pressure and live load surcharge pressure. In addition to
dead load of superstructure & live load.

Return wall and counterfort for return wall:-

Return wall be designed as a simply supported RCC wall supported in between the
abutment wall and counterfort for return wall.

3. Design Parameters:-

The design parameters shall be as follows:-

* DL = Self weight of structure

* LL = Class A - 2 lane (or) Class 70 R Tracked (or) Class 70 R Wheeled
* Earth Pressure = Soil Properties:-
f = 30 0 d = 2/3 x 30 = 20 0
gsat = 18 KN/ M 3

* Live Load surcharge = Equivalent to 1.2m height of Earth fill = 1.2 x 18 = 21.6 kn/m2

*Wind Forces - Considered as per clause - 209 of IRC: 6-2014

This design calculation is only applicable for both side safety kerb & both sides crash
barrier - type super structure.

Mohanur - Namakkal Mukesh Associates

2- laning of SH -95 from km 13 Design of Bridges
to 2/279 of Mohannur-Namakkal road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 2/279

This design calculation is only applicable for both side safety kerb & both sides crash
barrier - type super structure.

Mohanur - Namakkal Mukesh Associates

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Input data's:
Sl. No Description Normal case Seismic case
1 Formation Level 122.460

2 Top of deck slab excluding wearing coat 122.395

3 Bottom of deck 121.500 (outer side)

4 Top of Abutment cap 121.500

5 Top of Abutment stem 121.200

6 H.F.L 120.600

7 Founding Level 113.889

8 Bed Level 117.889

9 Safe Bearing Capacity 300 Kn / m2

10 Grade of Concrete fck 30 N/mm2

11 Grade of Steel fy 500.000 N/mm2

12 Unit weight of Concrete(Dry) 25 kn / m2

Unit weight of Concrete(Wet) 14 kn / m2
Unit weight of Concrete(PCC) 22 kn / m2

13 C/C of Expansion Joint 8.00 m

14 Thickness of wearing coat 65 mm

15 Width of the super structure & abutment 12.90 m

Width of the foundation 12.90 m

16 Unit weight of earth (Dry) 18 Kn /m3

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Unit weight of earth (Wet) - (cl-710.4.7 ) 10 Kn/m3

17 Live Load Surcharge Pressure 1.200 m height of earth fill.

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

18 Co efficient of Friction (cl- (ii) ) 0.500

19 Depth of slab 0.65 m on outer edge

20 Nature of crossing Skew

Skew Cos Sin

20 0.940 0.342

21 Width of carriageway 10.500 m

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

340 220 200

2000 500
Road Top Level 122.46

600 300 Thick

150 300
150 760
Bed Level


900 1200

4250 610 3000



4250 610 3000



12900 A


TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3


TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

B.O.D 121.500



900 113.889

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Self Weight of Super structure:

Weight of Deck Slab :



Weight of Deck Slab = 8.00 x 0.65 x 25 x 12.90

= 1677 KN/m

Weight per support = 838.5 KN

Crash barrier:-
Area = 0.31 m 2
= 0.31 x 25 = 7.75 KN / m

Total weight of crash barrier / support = 7.75 x 8.00 x 2 / 2 = 62 KN / su

Safety Kerb:-

0.275 + 0.225 x 1.25 x 8.00 x 25 = 62.5 KN


Total weight of safety kerb / support = 62.5 X 2 = 62.5 KN / support

Wearing coat:

= 0.065 x 22 x 10.5 x 8.00 = 60.06 KN / support


Total reaction on Abutment = 838.50 + 62 + 62.5 + 60.06

= 1023.06 KN / support

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

KN / support

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Cos 20 = 0.94
Sin 20 = 0.342

II) Calculation of restoring moment at bottom of foundation :- LWL/DRY condition

S.N Vertical Eccentricity

Description of Load
o Load(KN) about toe (m)

1 (DL + SDL) from super structure 1023.06 3.008

2 Weight of dirt wall:-

0.340 x 0.471 x 12.90 x 25 51.65 3.375

3 Weight of abutment cap:-

0.760 x 0.150 + 0.6389 x 12.9 x 25 96.68 3.177

0.610 x 0.150 + 0.6389 x 12.9 x 25 77.60 3.107


0.5 x 0.15 x 0.150 + 0.6389 x 12.9 x 25 9.54 3.440


4 Weight of abutment wall:(above bedlevel)

3.311 x 0.610 x 12.9 x 25 651.36 3.110

5 Weight of abutment wall:(below bedlevel)

2.800 x 0.610 x 12.9 x 25 550.83 3.110

6 Weight of return wall:-(above bedlevel)

4.250 x 4.571 x 0.600 x 2 x 25 582.80 5.391

7 Weight of return wall:-(below bedlevel)

4.250 x 2.800 x 0.600 x 2 x 25 357.00 5.391
0.5 x 0.300 x 4.250 x 0.600 x 2 x 25 0.77 6.057

8 Weight of counterfort for Return wall: -(above LWL)

0.300 + 1.194 x 4.571 + 4.571 x 2 x 0.500 23.90 7.153

2 2 x 25 - 18

9 Weight of counterfort for Return wall: -(below LWL)

1.194 + 1.800 x 3.100 + 4.000 x 2 x 0.500 21.26 7.153

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

2 2 x 14 - 10

10 Weight of flywing wall :-

0.600 + 1.933 x 2.000 x 0.300 x 2 x 25 38.00 8.163


11 Weight of base slab:-(below bedlevel)

7.860 x 12.900 x 0.900 x 14 1277.56 3.694
0.610 x 12.900 x 0.300 x 14 33.05 3.107
0.500 x 4.250 x 0.300 x 14 x 12.900 115.13 4.725
0.500 x 3.000 x 0.300 x 14 x 12.900 81.27 1.880

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

12 Weight of back side earth:-(above bedlevel)

4.250 x 11.700 x 18 x 4.571 4091.27 5.391

13 Weight of back side earth:-(below bedlevel)

4.250 x 11.700 x 10 x 2.800 1392.30 5.391
0.500 x 0.300 x 4.250 x 11.700 x 10 74.59 6.057

14 Weight of front side earth:-(below bedlevel)

3.000 x 12.900 x 2.800 x 10 1083.60 1.410
0.500 x 0.300 x 3.000 x 12.900 x 10 58.05 0.940
0.600 x 3.000 x 12.900 x 22.000 510.84 1.410

Without front side earth:- 10549.62

With front side earth:- 12202.11

Self weight of abutment and foundation :-

Without front side earth:- 9526.56

With front side earth:- 11179.05

DL + SDL + Self weight (scour alround) 4991.46

Total abutment weight 3968.40

Total Soil Weight 7210.65

Total front side earth 1652.49

Total back side earth 5558.16

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Moment (Kn
- m)











TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3



TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3













TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Cos 20 = 0.94
Sin 20 = 0.342

III) Calculation of restoring moment at bottom of foundation :- HFL condition

S.N Vertical city
Description of Load
o Load(KN) about
toe (m)
1 (DL + SDL) from super structure 1023.06 3.008

2 Weight of dirt wall:-

0.340 x 0.471 x 12.9 x 25 51.650 3.375

3 Weight of abutment cap:-

0.760 x 0.150 + 0.6389 x 12.9 x 25 96.68 3.177

0.610 x 0.150 + 0.6389 x 12.9 x 25 77.60 3.107


0.5 x 0.15 x 0.150 + 0.6389 x 12.9 x 25 9.54 3.440


4 Weight of abutment wall:- (above HFL)

0.600 x 0.610 x 12.9 x 25 118.04 3.107

5 Weight of abutment wall:- (below HFL)

5.511 x 0.610 x 12.9 x 14 607.12 3.107

6 Weight of return wall:-(above HFL)

4.250 x 1.860 x 0.600 x 2 x 25 237.150 5.391

7 Weight of return wall:-(below HFL)

4.250 x 5.511 x 0.600 x 2 x 14 393.490 5.391
0.5 x 0.300 x 4.250 x 0.600 x 2 x 14 0.770 6.057

8 Weight of counterfort for Return wall: -(above HFL)

0.300 + 0.664 x 1.860 + 1.86 x 2 x 0.500 6.28 7.153

2 2 x 25 - 18

9 Weight of counterfort for Return wall: -(below HFL)

0.664 + 1.800 x 5.811 + 6.711 x 2 x 0.500 30.85 7.153

2 2 x 14 - 10

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

10 Weight of flywing wall :-

0.600 + 1.933 x 2.000 x 0.300 x 2 x 25 38.000 8.163


11 Weight of base slab:-(below HFL)

7.860 x 12.900 x 0.900 x 14 1277.56 3.694
0.610 x 12.900 x 0.300 x 14 33.05 3.107
0.500 x 4.250 x 0.300 x 14 x 12.900 115.13 4.725
0.500 x 3.000 x 0.300 x 14 x 12.900 81.27 1.880

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

12 Weight of back side earth:-(above HFL)

4.250 x 11.700 x 18 x 1.860 1664.79 5.391

13 Weight of back side earth:-(below HFL)

4.250 x 11.700 x 10 x 5.511 2740.34 5.391
0.500 x 0.300 x 4.250 x 11.700 x 10 74.59 6.057

14 Weight of front side earth:-(below HFL)

3.000 x 12.900 x 5.511 x 10 2132.76 1.410
0.500 x 3.000 x 0.300 x 12.900 x 10 58.050 0.940
0.600 x 3.000 x 12.900 x 22.000 510.84 1.410

Without front side earth:- 8676.96

With front side earth:- 11378.61

Self weight of abutment and foundation :-

Without front side earth:- 7653.90

With front side earth:- 10355.55

DL + SDL + Self weight (scour alround) 4197.24

Total abutment weight 3174.18

Total Soil Weight 7181.37

Total Front side earth 2701.65

Total Back side earth 4479.72

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

(Kn - m)












TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3



TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3













TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

LWL/DRY condition (Normal case)

IV) Calculation of transverse moment due to dead load and super imposed dead load:-


0.45 10.500 0.45

0.75 0.75


0.6 11.700 0.6


NOTE:- The following calculations are applicable for outer side projection of foundation and also
for the one side returnwall on outer side condition.

For foundation :-
MT due to dead load of super structure = 1023.06x 0.000 = 0.00 Kn.m

MT due to crash barrier = 62.00 x 6.255 - 6.255 = 0.00 Kn.m

MT due to wearing coat = 60.06 x 0 = 0 Kn.m

MT due to safety kerb = 62.50 x 0.000 = 0.00 Kn.m

MT due to sefl weight of dirt wall, = 1350.52 x 0.00 = 0.00 Kn.m

abutment cap&abutment wall

MT due to earth on back side = 5558.16 x 0.00 = 0.00 Kn.m

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

MT due to return wall = 470.29 x 6.150 - 6.150 = 0.00 Kn.m

MT due to flywing wall = 19.00 x 6.3 - 6.3 = 0.00 Kn.m

= =
Net moment due to permenant load = 0.00 - 0.00 = 0.00

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

For abutment :-
MT due to dead load of super structure = 1023.06 x 0.000 = 0.00 Kn.m

MT due to crash barrier = 62.00 x 6.255 - 6.255 = 0.00 Kn.m

MT due to wearing coat = 60.06 x 0 = 0 Kn.m

MT due to safety kerb = 62.50 x 0.000 = 0.00 Kn.m

Net moment due to permenant load = 0.00 - 0.00 = 0.00 Kn.m

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3


TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

HFL condition (Normal case)

V) Calculation of transverse moment due to dead load and super imposed dead load:-


0.75 10.500 0.5


0.6 11.700 0.6


NOTE:- The following calculations are applicable for outer side projection of foundation and also
for the one side returnwall on outer side condition.

For foundation :-
MT due to dead load of super structure = 1023.06 x 0.000 = 0.00 Kn.m

MT due to crash barrier = 62.00 x 6.255 - 6.255 = 0.00 Kn.m

MT due to wearing coat = 60.06 x 0 = 0 Kn.m

MT due to safety kerb = 62.50 x 0.000 = 0.00 Kn.m

MT due to sefl weight of dirt wall, = 873.49 x 0.00 = 0.00 Kn.m

pedestal,abutment cap&abutment wall

MT due to earth on back side = 4405.13 x 0.00 = 0.00 Kn.m

MT due to return wall = 315.71 x 6.150 - 6.150 = 0.00 Kn.m

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

MT due to flywing wall = 19.00 x 6.3 - 6.3 = 0.00 Kn.m

= x =
Net moment due to permenant load = 0.00 - 0.00 = 0.00

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

For abutment :-
MT due to dead load of super structure = 1023.06 x 0.000 = 0.00 Kn.m

MT due to crash barrier = 62.00 x 6.255 - 6.255 = 0.00 Kn.m

MT due to wearing coat = 60.06 x 0 = 0 Kn.m

MT due to safety kerb = 62.50 x 0.000 = 0.00 Kn.m

Net moment due to permenant load = 0.00 - 0.00 = 0.00 Kn.m

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3


TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

VI) Calculation of maximum live load Reaction and tranverse moment at bottom of foundation:-
I) Class A - 2 lane:-
Cos 20 =
Sin 20 =

114 x 2 114 X 2 68 X 2

1.2 4.3 2.26 m

0.2 7.56
Taking moment about A, RB = 119.47 Kn RA = 472.53 Kn

Restoring moment, MR = 472.53 x 3.008 = 1421.37 Kn.m

1.8 1.7 1.8


0.5 0.75 11.15 m 0.75

4.300 m
6.45 m

Transverse Eccentricity = 2.150 M (or) 2.150 m (Square)

2.287 M (or) 2.287 m (Skew)

Transverse moment, M t = 472.5 x 2.287 = 1080.79 - 0.00 = 1080.79

= 472.5 x 2.287 = 1080.79 + 0.00 = 1080.79

ii) 70 R wheeled: -

170 170 170 170 0

1.37 m 3.05 1.37 0 0
1.17 m
0.2 m 7.56 0.20 m

Taking moment about A RB = 242.41 Kn RA = 437.59 Kn

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Restoring Moment, MR = 437.59 x 3.008 = 1316.27 Kn.m

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

1.63 1.93

0.75 11.15 m 0.75
3.845 m
6.45 m

Transverse Eccenctricity = 2.605 m (or) 2.605 m (Square)

= 2.771 m (or) 2.771 m (Skew)

Transverse moment, MT = 437.59 x 2.771 = 1212.68 - 0.00 = 1212.7 Kn.m

= 437.59 x 2.771 = 1212.68 + 0.00 = 1212.7 Kn.m

iii) Class - 70 R Tracked

4.57 m
700 Kn
2.285 m 2.285 m

2.085 m 0.20
0.2 7.56 m

Taking moment about A RB = 193.06 Kn RA = 506.94 Kn

Restoring moment, MR = 506.94 x 3.008 = 1524.88 Kn.m

0.5 1.620 2.060

3.900 m
6.45 m

Transverse Eccentrcity = 2.550 m (or) 2.550 m (Square)

= 2.713 m (or) 2.713 m (Skew)

Transverse moment = 506.940 x 2.713 = 1375.21 - 0.00 = 1375.21

= 506.940 x 2.713 1375.21 + 0.00 = 1375.21

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Reaction and tranverse moment at bottom of foundation:-






TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3






TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

IX) Computation of Earth Pressure:-

Ref code IRC 6-2014, cl 214.1.1

Properties of Soil :-
Density of Soil = 18 kN/m3
f = Angle of internal friction of backfill soil = 30 0
a = Angle of taper at backside of Stem = 0 0
d = Angle of friction bet wall & Earthfill. (f/3*2) = 20 0
i = Surcharge Angle. = 0 0
Safe Bearing Capacity of Founding Strata = 350 kN/m3
Vide Cl:5.7.1 of substructure code.

Factor of Safety Ref code IRC 78-2014, cl 706.3.4

Check for Overturning = Stabilising Moment > 2 For Normal Condition
Overturning Moment 1.5 Under Seismic Condition
Check for Sliding = m x Vertical Force > 1.5 For Normal Condition
Horizontal Force 1.25 Under Seismic Condition
m = Coefficient of Friction = 0.7 Assumed for Rock Stratas

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Calculation of Coeffecient of Active Earth Pressure for inclined back fills .

Based on Substructure Code Ref code IRC 78-2014
Ground Surface Line

a f Line

f = Angle of internal friction of backfill soil = 30 = 0.524

a = Angle of taper at backside of Retaining wall = 0= 0
d = Angle of friction bet wall & Earthfill. (f2/3) = 20 = 0.349
i = Surcharge Angle. = 0= 0
Ka1 = Coeffecient of Active Earth Pressure.
= Cos2 (f - a) 2
Cos2 ( a ) x Cos ( a + d ) 1 + Sin ( f + d ) x Sin ( f - I )
Cos ( a + d ) x Cos ( a - I )
= 0.75
1x 0.9396926 x 2.68448
Ka1 = 0.29731
KaH = 0.27938 KaV = 0.10169
Kp1 = 0.75
1x 0.9396926 x 0.13073
Kp1 = 6.10536

Calculation of Coeffecient of Active Earth Pressure for Vertical back fills .

Degrees Radians
f = Angle of internal friction of backfill soil = 30 = 0.524
a = Angle of taper at backside of Retaining wall = 0= 0
d = Angle of friction bet wall & Earthfill. (f2/3) = 20 = 0.349
i = Surcharge Angle. = 0= 0
Ka2 = Coeffecient of Active Earth Pressure.
= Cos2 (f - a) 2
Cos2 ( a ) x Cos ( a + d ) 1 + Sin ( f + d ) x Sin ( f - I )
Cos ( a + d ) x Cos ( a - I )
= 0.75
1x 0.9396926 x 2.68448

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Ka2 = 0.29731
KaH = 0.27938 KaV = 0.10169

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

IX) Computation of Earth Pressure:-

I) Normal case:-

Co - officient of earth pressure is computed using columb's formula as follows:

ka= Sin2 (b + f)
Sin2 b sin ( b - d) sin ( f + d) sin ( f - a) 2
sin ( b -d) sin ( a + b)

In the Present case,

b= 90 [ The earth face of abutment being vertical]

a= 0 [ Horizontal over burden]

f= 30 [ Angle of internal friction of back fill material]

d= 2/3 f = 2 x 30 = 20.00 [Angle of wall friction]


Substituting these values,

sin2 90 + 30
sin2 sin
90 90 - 20 1+ sin 30 + 20 sin 30
sin 90 20 sin 0 +

KaH = 0.297 x cos d = 0.297 x 0.940 = 0.279

KaV = 0.297 x sin d = 0.297 x 0.342 = 0.102

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

For Normal Condition

Under Seismic Condition
For Normal Condition
Under Seismic Condition
Assumed for Rock Stratas

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3


TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3


TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Calculation of forces & moments due to earth Pressure at bottom of foundation:-

A) Approach retained conditon:- (Normal case)

RTL - 122.46 Cos 20 =

Sin 20 =
4.571 1.86

HFL- 120.600 ka = 0.279

2.711 (Dry)g = 18 KN / M3
Bed level 117.889 5.511 (Wet) g = 10 KN / M3

Top of foundation 115.089
Bottom of foundation 113.889

1) Low Water Level Condition:-

Pressure due to soil = 0.279 x 18.00 x 4.571 x 13.723 = 719.98

Moment @ bottom of foundation = 719.98 x 0.42 x 4.571 + 4.00 = 4262.15

Pressure due to soil below LWL :-

Pressure due to surcharge = 0.279 x 18 x 4.571 x 4.000 x 13.723 = 1260.08

of soil above LWL

Moment @ bottom of foundation = 1260.08 x 4.000 2 = 2520.16 Kn.m

Pressure due to soil below LWL = 0.279 x 10 x 4.000 x 13.723 = 306.30

Moment @ bottom of foundation = 306.30 x 0.42 x 4.000 = 514.58 Kn.m

Total pressure for LWL condition = 719.98 + 1260.08 + 306.30 = 2286.36 Kn

Total moment for LWL condition = 4262.15 + 2520.16 + 514.58 = 7296.89 Kn.m

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

2) High Flood Level Condition:-

Pressure due to soil above HFL :-

Pressure due to soil = 0.279 x 18.00 x 1.86 x 13.723 = 119.21
above HFL 2

Moment @ bottom of foundation = 119.21 x 0.42 x 1.86 + 6.711 = 893.15

Pressure due to soil below HFL :-

Pressure due to surcharge = 0.279 x 18 x 1.86 x 6.711 x 13.723 = 860.25

of soil above HFL

Moment @ bottom of foundation = 860.25 x 6.711 2 = 2886.57 Kn.m

Pressure due to soil below HFL = 0.279 x 10 x 6.711 x 13.723 = 862.18

Moment @ bottom of foundation = x862.18 x 0.42 x 6.711 = 2430.16 Kn.m

Total Horizontal force for HFL 119.21 + 860.25 + 862.18 = 1841.64 Kn

condition =

Total moment for HFL condition = 893.15 + 2886.57 + 2430.16 = 6209.88 Kn.m

B) scour alround condition:- scour level = Protected bed level = 117.889

= x x x =
Since the bed is protected.
No earth pressure & no live load forces and moments acting on foundation

X) Force and Moment due to Fluid Pressure :- (cl-214.1 of IRC - 6 - 2014)

Intensity of fluid pressure = 4.80 Kn/m3

Height of wall = 122.46 - 113.89 = 8.57 m

Force due to fluid pressure = 4.800 x 8.571 x 13.723 = 2419.56 Kn
for entire length 2

Moment @ bottom of foundation = 2419.560 x 8.571 = 6912.68 Kn.m


TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

XI) Calculation of live load surcharge Pressure:


H2 8.571


Live load surcharge = 0.279 x 18.00 X 1.2 = 6.030 Kn / m2


Horizontal force (H2) = 6.030 x 8.571 X 13.723 = 709.27 Kn

Moment at founding
level due to H2 = 709.27 X 8.571 = 3039.58 Kn.m

Total Horizontal force = 709.270 Kn

Total moment at bottom of foundation = 3039.58 Kn.m

XII) Force and moment due to=buoyancy:- x

Buoyancy effect through pore pressure has been considered in self weight
of the substructure, foundation and earth weight it self. So, no need to calculate seperately.

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3






TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3





TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Calculation of forces & moments due to earth Pressure at bottom of foundation:-

A) Approach retained conditon:- (Normal case)

RTL - 122.46 Cos 20 =

Sin 20 =
4.571 1.86

HFL- 120.600 ka = 0.102

2.711 (Dry)g = 18 KN / M3
Bed level 117.889 5.511 (Wet) g = 10 KN / M3

Top of foundation 115.089
Bottom of foundation 113.889

1) Low Water Level Condition:-

Pressure due to soil = 0.102 x 18.00 x 4.571 x 13.723 = 263.22

Moment @ bottom of foundation = 263.22 x 3.61 = 950.2242

Pressure due to soil below LWL :-

Pressure due to surcharge = 0.102 x 18 x 4.571 x 4.000 x 13.723 = 460.67

of soil above LWL

Moment @ bottom of foundation = 460.67 x 3.610 1 = 1663.02 Kn.m

Pressure due to soil below LWL = 0.102 x 10 x 4.000 x 13.723 = 111.98

Moment @ bottom of foundation = 111.98 x 1 x 3.610 = 404.25 Kn.m

Total pressure for LWL condition = 263.22 + 460.67 + 111.98 = 835.87 Kn

Total moment for LWL condition = 950.22 + 1663.02 + 404.25 = 3017.49 Kn.m

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

2) High Flood Level Condition:-

Pressure due to soil above HFL :-

Pressure due to soil = 0.102 x 18.00 x 1.86 x 13.723 = 43.58
above HFL 2

Moment @ bottom of foundation = 43.58 x x 3.61 + 0.000 = 157.3238

Pressure due to soil below HFL :-

Pressure due to surcharge = 0.102 x 18 x 1.86 x 6.711 x 13.723 = 314.50

of soil above HFL

Moment @ bottom of foundation = 314.50 x 3.610 1 = 1135.35 Kn.m

Pressure due to soil below HFL = 0.102 x 10 x 6.711 x 13.723 = 315.21

Moment @ bottom of foundation = x315.21 x x 3.610 = 1137.91 Kn.m

Total Horizontal force for HFL 43.58 + 314.50 + 315.21 = 673.29 Kn

condition =

Total moment for HFL condition = 157.32 + 1135.35 + 1137.91 = 2430.58 Kn.m

B) scour alround condition:- scour level = Protected bed level = 117.889

= x x x =
Since the bed is protected.
No earth pressure & no live load forces and moments acting on foundation

X) Force and Moment due to Fluid Pressure :- (cl-217.1 of IRC - 6 - 2014)

Intensity of fluid pressure = 4.80 Kn/m3

Height of wall = 122.46 - 113.89 = 8.57 m

Force due to fluid pressure = 4.800 x 8.571 x 13.723 = 2419.56 Kn
for entire length 2

Moment @ bottom of foundation = 2419.560 x 8.571 = 6912.68 Kn.m


TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

XI) Calculation of live load surcharge Pressure:


H2 8.571


Live load surcharge = 0.102 x 18.00 X 1.2 = 2.200 Kn / m2


Horizontal force (H2) = 2.200 x 8.571 X 13.723 = 258.77 Kn

Moment at founding
level due to H2 = 258.77 X 8.571 = 1108.96 Kn.m

Total Horizontal force = 258.770 Kn

Total moment at bottom of foundation = 1108.96 Kn.m

XII) Force and moment due to=buoyancy:- x

Buoyancy effect through pore pressure has been considered in self weight
of the substructure, foundation and earth weight it self. So, no need to calculate seperately.

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3






TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3





TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants


Overall Span of superstructure 8.00 m

Overall width of superstructure 12.90 m

1 Self Weight LWL HFL

Abutment weight 396.84 T 317.42 T
Restoring moment 1571.73 Tm 1250.77 Tm

2 Total back side earth

Soil Weight 555.82 T 447.97 T
Restoring moment 3001.37 Tm 2419.98 Tm

3 Total front side earth

Soil Weight 165.25 T 270.17 T
Restoring moment 230.27 Tm 378.20 Tm

3 Earth Pressure - Horizontal

Force due to EP at bottom of footing 228.64 T 184.16 T
Moment due to EP at bottom of footing 729.69 Tm 620.99 Tm

4 Earth Pressure - Vertical

Force due to EP at bottom of footing 83.59 T 67.33 T
Moment due to EP at bottom of footing 301.75 Tm 243.06 Tm

5 Live Load Surcharge - Horizontal Component

Force due to EP at bottom of footing 70.927 T 70.93 T
Moment due to EP at bottom of footing 303.96 Tm 303.96 Tm

6 Live Load Surcharge - Vertical Component

Force due to EP at bottom of footing 25.877 T 25.88 T
Moment due to EP at bottom of footing 110.90 Tm 110.90 Tm

Maximum of Earth / Fluid Pressure Taken for design

7 Fluid Pressure
Force due to EP at bottom of footing 241.96 T 241.96 T
Moment due to EP at bottom of footing 691.27 Tm 691.27 Tm
Length of Abutment = 12.90 m
Length of foundation = 12.90 m
Width of foundation = 7.86 m
Thickness of foundation = 1.2 m

Load Combinations: -

When the live load will be on span, the next train of load on embankment will be atleast 20m away
from the backside of dirt wall, Hence there will be no surcharge pressure effect on abutment when
live load will be on span.

For checking base pressure under foundation, unfactored loads shall be used, As per IRC6-2014

1 Abutment + Earth Pressure only (LWL CASE)

Load Moment
Check for Pressure for LWL case Vertical Horiz Overturn Resisting
DL of Abutment 396.84 T 1571.73 Tm
Soil Dead Load 555.82 T 3001.37 Tm
Earth Pressure / Fluid 228.64 T 729.69 Tm
Vet. Comp of EP / Fluid 83.59 T 301.75 Tm
Total 1036.24 T 228.64 T 729.69 Tm 4874.85 Tm

A) Check for Overturning = Stabilising Moment > 2

Overturning Moment

= 4874.85 = 6.68 safe

B) Check for Sliding = m x Vertical Force > 1.5
Horizontal Force

= 1036.24 x 0.6 = 2.7193697 safe


c) Check for Pressure at bottom of Foundation

X = MR-MO X is the eccentricity of the abutment section w r to

MR = Stabilising Moment = 4874.85 Tm
Mo = Overturning Moment = 729.69 Tm
P = Vertical load = 1036.24 Tm
X = 4m
e = b/2-x
= Eccentricity of the abutment section w.r.t.mid of its base.
= 3.93 - 4
= -0.07 m < 1.31 (b/6)

Ptoe = P/bx(1+6e/b)
= 131.83753 x 0.9465649
= 9.98 T/m2 < 30 T/m2 safe

Ptoe = P/bx(1-6e/b)
= 131.83753 x 1.0534351
= 11.110583 T/m2 > 0 T/m2 Safe

Since the Pressures are found to be within Limits ,the abutment structure is
2 Abutment + Earth Pressure only (HFL CASE)
Load Moment
Check for Pressure for HFL case Vertical Horiz Overturn Resisting
DL of Abutment 317.42 T 1250.77 Tm
Soil Dead Load 447.97 T 2419.98 Tm
Earth Pressure 184.16 T 620.99 Tm
Vet. Comp of EP 67.33 T 243.06 Tm
Total 832.72 T 184.16 T 620.99 Tm 3913.81 Tm

A) Check for Overturning = Stabilising Moment > 2

Overturning Moment

= 3913.81 = 6.3 safe

B) Check for Sliding = m x Vertical Force > 1.5
Horizontal Force

= 832.72 x 0.6 = 2.71297 safe


c) Check for Pressure at bottom of Foundation

X = MR-MO X is the eccentricity of the abutment section w r to

MR = Stabilising Moment = 3913.81 Tm
Mo = Overturning Moment = 620.99 Tm
P = Vertical load = 832.72 Tm
X = 3.95 m
e = b/2-x
= Eccentricity of the abutment section w.r.t.mid of its base.
= 3.93 - 3.95
= -0.02 m < 1.31 (b/6)

Ptoe = P/bx(1+6e/b)
= 105.94389 x 0.9847328
= 8.35 T/m2 < 30 T/m2 safe

Ptoe = P/bx(1-6e/b)
= 105.94389 x 1.0152672
= 8.6049086 T/m2 > 0 T/m2 Safe

Since the Pressures are found to be within Limits ,the abutment structure is
3 Abutment + Earth Pressure + DL + LL + BRAKING + BEARING FRICTION (LWL CASE)
Load Moment
Check for Pressure for HFL case Vertical Horiz Overturn Resisting
DL of Abutment 396.84 T 1571.73 Tm
Soil Dead Load 555.82 T 3001.37 Tm
Earth Pressure 228.64 T 729.69 Tm
Vet. Comp of EP 83.59 T 301.75 Tm
Surcharge (LL+SIDL) 25.88 T 70.927 T 303.96 110.90
DL of Superstructure 83.85 T 252.22 Tm
SIDL 12.45 T 37.45 Tm
WC 6.01 T 18.07 Tm
LL Maximun 54.69 T 164.52 Tm
bearing force 48.08 T 365.97 Tm
Total 1219.12 T 347.65 T 1399.61 Tm 5458.00 Tm
LL +centrifugal 6.719 188.65931
bearing force (trans) 17.49 T 133.15 Tm
24.21 T 321.81 Tm

A) Check for Overturning = Stabilising Moment > 2

Overturning Moment

= 5458.00 = 3.9 safe

B) Check for Sliding = m x Vertical Force > 1.5
Horizontal Force

= 1219.12 x 0.6 = 2.1040653 safe

c) Check for Pressure at bottom of Foundation

X = MR-MO X is the eccentricity of the abutment section w r to

MR = Stabilising Moment = 5458.00 Tm
Mo = Overturning Moment = 1399.61 Tm
P = Vertical load = 1219.12 Tm
X = 3.33 m
e = b/2-x
= Eccentricity of the abutment section w.r.t.mid of its base.
= 3.93 - 3.33
= 0.6 m < 1.31 (b/6)

Ptoe = P/bx(1+6e/b)
= 155.10433 x 1.4580153
= 18.09 T/m2 < 30 T/m2 safe

Ptoe = P/bx(1-6e/b)
= 155.10433 x 0.5419847
= 6.7251341 T/m2 > 0 T/m2 Safe

Since the Pressures are found to be within Limits ,the abutment structure is

4 Abutment + Earth Pressure + DL + LL + BRAKING + BEARING FRICTION (HFL CASE)

Load Moment
Check for Pressure for HFL case Vertical Horiz Overturn Resisting
DL of Abutment 317.42 T 1250.77 Tm
Soil Dead Load 447.97 T 2419.98 Tm
Earth Pressure 184.16 T 620.99 Tm
Vet. Comp of EP 67.33 T 243.06 Tm
Surcharge (LL+SIDL) 25.88 T 70.93 T 303.96 Tm 110.90 Tm
DL of Superstructure 83.85 T 252.22 Tm
SIDL 12.45 T 37.45 Tm
WC 6.01 T 18.07 Tm
LL MIN 47.65 T 143.32 Tm
bearing force 48.08 T 365.97 Tm
Total 1008.55 T 303.18 T 1290.91 Tm 4475.76 Tm
LL +centrifugal 6.719 172.40631
bearing force (trans) 17.49 T 133.15 Tm
24.21 T 305.55 Tm

A) Check for Overturning = Stabilising Moment > 2

Overturning Moment
= 4475.76 = 3.47 safe
B) Check for Sliding = m x Vertical Force > 1.5
Horizontal Force

= 1008.55 x 0.6 = 1.99597 safe


c) Check for Pressure at bottom of Foundation

X = MR-MO X is the eccentricity of the abutment section w r to

MR = Stabilising Moment = 4475.76 Tm
Mo = Overturning Moment = 1290.91 Tm
P = Vertical load = 1008.55 Tm
X = 3.16 m
e = b/2-x
= Eccentricity of the abutment section w.r.t.mid of its base.
= 3.93 - 3.16
= 0.77 m < 1.31 (b/6)

Ptoe = P/bx(1+6e/b)
= 128.31387 x 1.5877863
= 16.30 T/m2 < 30 T/m2 safe

Ptoe = P/bx(1-6e/b)
= 14.979385 x 0.9313817
= 1.116122 T/m2 > 0 T/m2 Safe

Since the Pressures are found to be within Limits ,the abutment structure is
5 Abutment + Earth Pressure + DL + LL + BRAKING + BEARING FRICTION (LWL CASE)+WIND
Load Moment
Check for Pressure for HFL case Vertical Horiz Overturn Resisting
DL of Abutment 396.84 T 1571.73 Tm
Soil Dead Load 555.82 T 3001.37 Tm
Earth Pressure 228.636 T 729.689 Tm
Vet. Comp of EP 83.59 T 301.75 Tm
Surcharge (LL+SIDL) 25.88 T 70.927 T 303.958 110.90
DL of Superstructure 83.85 T 252.22 Tm
SIDL 12.45 T 37.45 Tm
WC 6.01 T 18.07 Tm
LL Maximun 54.69 T 164.52 Tm
bearing force 48.08 T 365.97 Tm
Wind (Long) 7.84 4.44 36.29
Total 1226.96 T 352.09 T 1435.90 Tm 5458.00 Tm
LL +centrifugal 6.719 188.65931
bearing force (trans) 17.49 T 133.15 Tm
Wind (trans) 17.77 145.16
41.99 T 466.96 Tm

A) Check for Overturning = Stabilising Moment > 2

Overturning Moment

= 5458.00 = 3.8 safe

B) Check for Sliding = m x Vertical Force > 1.5
Horizontal Force

= 1226.96 x 0.6 = 2.0908639 safe


c) Check for Pressure at bottom of Foundation

X = MR-MO X is the eccentricity of the abutment section w r to

MR = Stabilising Moment = 5458.00 Tm
Mo = Overturning Moment = 1435.90 Tm
P = Vertical load = 1226.96 Tm
X = 3.28 m
e = b/2-x
= Eccentricity of the abutment section w.r.t.mid of its base.
= 3.93 - 3.28
= 0.65 m < 1.31 (b/6)
Ptoe = P/bx(1+6e/b)
= 156.10123 x 1.4961832
= 18.68 T/m2 < 30 T/m2 safe

Ptoe = P/bx(1-6e/b)
= 156.10123 x 0.5038168
= 6.2917138 T/m2 > 0 T/m2 Safe

Since the Pressures are found to be within Limits ,the abutment structure is
6 Abutment + Earth Pressure + DL + LL + BRAKING + BEARING FRICTION (HFL CASE)+Wind
Load Moment
Check for Pressure for HFL case Vertical Horiz Overturn Resisting
DL of Abutment 317.42 T 1250.77 Tm
Soil Dead Load 447.97 T 2419.98 Tm
Earth Pressure 184.164 T 620.988 Tm
Vet. Comp of EP 67.33 T 243.06 Tm
Surcharge (LL+SIDL) 25.88 T 70.927 T 303.958 Tm 110.90 Tm
DL of Superstructure 83.85 T 252.22 Tm
SIDL 12.45 T 37.45 Tm
WC 6.01 T 18.07 Tm
LL MIN 47.65 T 143.32 Tm
bearing force 48.084 T 365.96732 Tm
Wind Long 7.84 4.44 36.29
Total 1016.38 T 307.62 T 1327.20 Tm 4475.76 Tm
LL +centrifugal 6.719 172.40631
bearing force (trans) 17.49 T 133.15 Tm
Wind (Trans) 17.77 145.16
41.99 T 450.71 Tm

A) Check for Overturning = Stabilising Moment > 2

Overturning Moment

= 4475.76 = 3.37 safe

B) Check for Sliding = m x Vertical Force > 1.5
Horizontal Force

= 1016.38 x 0.6 = 1.9824215 safe


c) Check for Pressure at bottom of Foundation

X = MR-MO X is the eccentricity of the abutment section w r to

MR = Stabilising Moment = 4475.76 Tm
Mo = Overturning Moment = 1327.20 Tm
P = Vertical load = 1016.38 Tm
X = 3.1 m
e = b/2-x
= Eccentricity of the abutment section w.r.t.mid of its base.
= 3.93 - 3.1
= 0.83 m < 1.31 (b/6)
Ptoe = P/bx(1+6e/b)
= 129.31078 x 1.6335878
= 16.90 T/m2 < 30 T/m2 safe

Ptoe = P/bx(1-6e/b)
= 129.31078 x 0.3664122
= 3.7904838 T/m2 > 0 T/m2 Safe

Since the Pressures are found to be within Limits ,the abutment structure is
Span not laid condition
7 Abutment + Fluid Pressure + DL + LL + BRAKING + BEARING FRICTION (LWL CASE)
Load Moment
Check for Pressure for HFL case Vertical Horiz Overturn Resisting
DL of Abutment 396.84 T 0.00### 0.00 0.00 1571.73 Tm
Soil Dead Load 555.82 T 0.00 0.00 3001.37 Tm
Earth Pressure 0.00 228.64 T 729.69 Tm 0.00
Vet. Comp of EP 241.96 T 0.00 0.00 691.27 Tm
Surcharge (LL+SIDL) 25.88 T 70.93 T 303.96 110.90
DL of Superstructure 83.85 T 0.00 0.00 252.22 Tm
SIDL 12.45 T 0.00 0.00 37.45 Tm
WC 6.01 T 0.00 0.00 18.07 Tm
LL Maximun 0.00 T 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tm
bearing force 0.00 48.08 T 365.97 Tm 0.00
Total 1322.80 T 347.65 T 1399.61 Tm 5683.00 Tm
LL +centrifugal 6.719 0 188.65931
bearing force (trans) 17.494 T 133.14683 Tm
24.21 T 321.81 Tm

A) Check for Overturning = Stabilising Moment > 2

Overturning Moment

= 5683.00 = 4.06 safe

B) Check for Sliding = m x Vertical Force > 1.5
Horizontal Force

= 1322.80 x 0.6 = 2.2829968 safe


c) Check for Pressure at bottom of Foundation

X = MR-MO X is the eccentricity of the abutment section w r to

MR = Stabilising Moment = 5683.00 Tm
Mo = Overturning Moment = 1399.61 Tm
P = Vertical load = 1322.80 Tm
X = 3.24 m
e = b/2-x
= Eccentricity of the abutment section w.r.t.mid of its base.
= 3.93 - 3.24
= 0.69 m < 1.31 (b/6)

Ptoe = P/bx(1+6e/b)
= 168.29453 x 1.5267176
= 20.56 T/m2 < 30 T/m2 safe

Ptoe = P/bx(1-6e/b)
= 168.29453 x 0.4732824
= 6.3720677 T/m2 > 0 T/m2 Safe

Since the Pressures are found to be within Limits ,the abutment structure is
- ve is overturning

Total Horizontal Load 396.84 T

Total Vertical Load 1036.24 T
Total Resisting moment 4874.85 Tm
Total Overturning moment 729.69 Tm
Total Trans. Moment 0 Tm

abutment section w r to
he abutment structure is Safe under this condition.
Total Horizontal Load 317.42 T
Total Vertical Load 832.72 T
Total Resisting moment 3913.81 Tm
Total Overturning moment 620.99 Tm
Total Trans. Moment 0 Tm

abutment section w r to

he abutment structure is Safe under this condition.

Total Horizontal Load 347.65 T
Total Vertical Load 1219.12 T
Total Resisting moment 5458.00 Tm
Total Overturning moment 1399.61 Tm
Total Trans. Moment 321.81 Tm
abutment section w r to

he abutment structure is Safe under this condition.

Total Horizontal Load 303.18 T

Total Vertical Load 1008.55 T
Total Resisting moment 4475.76 Tm
Total Overturning moment 1290.91 Tm
Total Trans. Moment 305.55 Tm
abutment section w r to

he abutment structure is Safe under this condition.

Total Horizontal Load 352.09 T
Total Vertical Load 1226.96 T
Total Resisting moment 5458.00 Tm
Total Overturning moment 1435.90 Tm
Total Trans. Moment 466.96 Tm

abutment section w r to
he abutment structure is Safe under this condition.
Total Horizontal Load 307.62 T
Total Vertical Load 1016.38 T
Total Resisting moment 4475.76 Tm
Total Overturning moment 1327.20 Tm
Total Trans. Moment 450.71 Tm

abutment section w r to
he abutment structure is Safe under this condition.
Total Horizontal Load 347.65 T
Total Vertical Load 1322.80 T
Total Resisting moment 5683.00 Tm
Total Overturning moment 1399.61 Tm
Total Trans. Moment 321.81 Tm

abutment section w r to
he abutment structure is Safe under this condition.
LOAD COMBINATIONS FOR FOUNDATION - Combinations for Equilibrium as per IRC:6-2014 Table 3.1
Friction for foundation &
1 Abutment + Earth Pressure only (LWL CASE)
factors Load Moment
Check for Pressure for LWL Vertical Horizontal Overturn Resisting
DL of Abutment 0.95 377.00 T 0 T 0 Tm 1493.14 Tm
Soil Dead Load 0.95 528.03 T 0 T 0 Tm 2851.30 Tm
Earth Pressure 1.5 0.00 T 342.954 T 1094.5335 Tm 0.00 Tm
Vert. Comp of EP 1 83.59 T 0 T 0 Tm 301.75 Tm
Total 988.61 T 342.95 T 1094.53 Tm 4646.20 Tm

2 Abutment + Earth Pressure only ( HFL CASE)

factors Load Moment
Check for Pressure for HFL Vertical Horizontal Overturn Resisting
DL of Abutment 0.95 301.55 T 0 T 0 Tm 1188.23 Tm
Soil Dead Load 0.95 425.57 T 0 T 0 Tm 2298.98 Tm
Earth Pressure 1.5 0.00 T 276.246 T 931.482 Tm 0.00 Tm
Vert. Comp of EP 1 67.33 T 0 T 0 Tm 243.06 Tm
Total 794.45 T 276.25 T 931.48 Tm 3730.27 Tm

3 Abutment + Earth Pressure + DL + LL + BRAKING + BEARING FRICTION (LWL CASE)

factors Load Moment
Check for Pressure for LWL Vertical Horizontal Overturn Resisting
DL of Abutment 0.95 377.00 T 0 T 0 Tm 1493.14 Tm
Soil Dead Load 0.95 528.03 T 0 T 0 Tm 2851.30 Tm
Earth Pressure 1.5 0.00 T 342.954 T 1094.5335 Tm 0.00 Tm
Vet. Comp of EP 1 83.59 T 0 T 0 Tm 301.75 Tm
Surcharge (LL+SIDL) 1.5 38.82 T 106.3905 T 455.937 Tm 166.34 Tm
DL of Superstructure 0.95 79.66 T 0 T 0 Tm 239.61 Tm
SIDL 1.35 16.81 T 0 T 0 Tm 50.56 Tm
LL Maximun 1.5 82.04 T 0 T 0 Tm 246.78 Tm
bearing force 1.5 0.00 T 72.126 T 548.950986 Tm 0.00 Tm
Total 1205.93 T 521.47 T 2099.42 Tm 5349.49 Tm
LL +centrifugal 1.5 10.0785 T 282.988964 Tm
bearing force (trans) 1.5 26.241 T 199.720251 Tm
36.3195 T 482.709215 Tm

4 Abutment + Earth Pressure + DL + LL + BRAKING + BEARING FRICTION (HFL CASE)

factors Load Moment
Check for Pressure for HFL Vertical Horizontal Overturn Resisting
DL of Abutment 0.95 301.55 T 0 T 0 Tm 1188.23 Tm
Soil Dead Load 0.95 425.57 T 0 T 0 Tm 2298.98 Tm
Earth Pressure 1.5 0.00 T 276.246 T 931.482 Tm 0.00 Tm
Vet. Comp of EP 1 67.33 T 0 T 0 Tm 243.06 Tm
Surcharge (LL+SIDL) 1.5 38.82 T 106.3905 T 455.937 Tm 166.34 Tm
DL of Superstructure 0.95 79.66 T 0 T 0 Tm 239.61 Tm
SIDL 1.35 16.81 T 0 T 0 Tm 50.56 Tm
LL MIN 1.5 71.47 T 0 T 0 Tm 214.97 Tm
bearing force 1.5 0.00 72.126 548.950986 Tm 0.00 Tm
Total 1001.20 T 454.76 T 1936.37 Tm 4401.76 Tm
LL +centrifugal 1.5 10.0785 T 258.609464 Tm
bearing force (trans) 1.5 26.241 T 199.720251 Tm
36.3195 T 458.329715 Tm
5 Abutment + Earth Pressure + DL + LL + BRAKING + BEARING FRICTION (LWL CASE)+WIND
factors Load Moment
Check for Pressure for LWL Vertical Horizontal Overturn Resisting
DL of Abutment 0.95 377.00 T 0 T 0 Tm 1493.14 Tm
Soil Dead Load 0.95 528.03 T 0 T 0 Tm 2851.30 Tm
Earth Pressure 1.5 0.00 T 342.954 T 1094.5335 Tm 0.00 Tm
Vet. Comp of EP 1 83.59 T 0 T 0 Tm 301.75 Tm
Surcharge (LL+SIDL) 1.5 38.82 T 106.3905 T 455.937 Tm 166.34 Tm
DL of Superstructure 0.95 79.66 T 0 T 0 Tm 239.61 Tm
SIDL 1.35 16.81 T 0 T 0 Tm 50.56 Tm
LL Maximun 1.5 82.04 T 0 T 0 Tm 246.78 Tm
bearing force 1.5 0.00 72.126 0 0.00
Total 1205.93 T 521.47 T 1550.47 Tm 5349.49 Tm
LL +centrifugal 1.5 10.0785 T 282.988964 Tm
bearing force (trans) 1.5 26.241 T 199.720251 Tm
Wind (trans) 0.9 15.99675 130.640324
52.31625 T 613.349539 Tm

6 Abutment + Earth Pressure + DL + LL + BRAKING + BEARING FRICTION (HFL CASE)+WIND

factors Load Moment
Check for Pressure for HFL Vertical Horizontal Overturn Resisting
DL of Abutment 0.95 301.55 T 0 T 0 Tm 1188.23 Tm
Soil Dead Load 0.95 425.57 T 0 T 0 Tm 2298.98 Tm
Earth Pressure 1.5 0.00 T 276.246 T 931.482 Tm 0.00 Tm
Vet. Comp of EP 1 67.33 T 0 T 0 Tm 243.06 Tm
Surcharge (LL+SIDL) 1.5 38.82 T 106.3905 T 455.937 Tm 166.34 Tm
DL of Superstructure 0.95 79.66 T 0 T 0 Tm 239.61 Tm
SIDL 1.35 16.81 T 0 T 0 Tm 50.56 Tm
LL MIN 1.5 71.47 T 0 T 0 Tm 214.97 Tm
bearing force 1.5 0.00 T 72.126 T 548.950986 Tm 0.00 Tm
Total 1001.20 T 454.76 T 1936.37 Tm 4401.76 Tm
LL +centrifugal 1.5 10.0785 T 258.609464 Tm
bearing force (trans) 1.5 26.241 T 199.720251 Tm
Wind (Trans) 0.9 15.99675 T 130.640324 Tm
36.3195 T 458.329715 Tm
Moment - ve is overturning

Total Horizontal Load 342.95 T

Total Vertical Load 988.61 T
Total Resisting moment 4646.20 Tm
Total Overturning Moment 1094.53 Tm
Total Trans Moment 0 Tm
SLIDING = 1.7295792 SAFE

Total Horizontal Load 276.25 T

Total Vertical Load 794.45 T
Total Resisting moment 3730.27 Tm
Total Overturning Moment 931.48 Tm
Total Trans Moment 0 Tm
SLIDING = 1.7255262 SAFE

Total Horizontal Load 521.47 T

Total Vertical Load 1205.93 T
Total Resisting moment 5349.49 Tm
Total Overturning Moment 2099.42 Tm
Total Trans Moment 482.70921 Tm

SLIDING = 1.3875359 SAFE


Total Horizontal Load 454.76

Total Vertical Load 1001.20
Total Resisting moment 4401.76
Total Overturning Moment 1936.37
Total Trans Moment 458.32971
SLIDING = 1.3209499
OVERTURNING = 2.2732014
Total Horizontal Load 521.47 T
Total Vertical Load 1205.93 T
Total Resisting moment 5349.49 Tm
Total Overturning Moment 1550.47 Tm
Total Trans Moment 613.34954 Tm

SLIDING = 1.3875359 SAFE


Total Horizontal Load 454.76

Total Vertical Load 1001.20
Total Resisting moment 4401.76
Total Overturning Moment 1936.37
Total Trans Moment 458.32971

SLIDING = 1.3209499
OVERTURNING = 2.2732014
Length of Abutment = 13 m (Trans dim)
Length of foundation = 13 m (Trans dim)
Width of foundation = 7.86 m (Long dim)
Thickness of foundation = 1.2 m

Table 3.4 Combination of Base Pressure and Design of Foundation

Combination (1) column (2)

1 Abutment + Earth Pressure only (LWL CASE)

factors Load Moment
Check for Pressure for LWL Vertical Horizontal Overturn
DL of Abutment 1.35 535.73 T 0 T 0
Soil Dead Load 1.5 833.72 T 0 T 0
Earth Pressure 1.5 0.00 T 342.954 T 1094.534
Vert. Comp of EP 1 83.59 T 0 T 0
Total 1453.05 T 342.95 T 1094.53

2 Abutment + Earth Pressure only ( HFL CASE)

factors Load Moment
Check for Pressure for HFL Vertical Horizontal Overturn
DL of Abutment 1.35 428.51 T 0 T 0
Soil Dead Load 1.5 671.96 T 0 T 0
Earth Pressure 1.5 0.00 T 414.369 T 931.482
Vert. Comp of EP 1 67.33 T 0 T 0
Total 1167.80 T 414.37 T 931.48

3 Abutment + Earth Pressure + DL + LL + BRAKING + BEARING FRICTION (LWL CASE)

factors Load Moment
Check for Pressure for LWL Vertical Horizontal Overturn
DL of Abutment 1.35 535.73 T 0 T 0
Soil Dead Load 1.5 833.72 T 0 T 0
Earth Pressure 1.5 0.00 T 342.954 T 1094.534
Vet. Comp of EP 1 83.59 T 0 T 0
Surcharge (LL+SIDL) 1.2 31.05 T 85.1124 T 364.7496
DL of Superstructure 1.35 113.20 T 0 T 0
SIDL 1.35 16.81 T 0 T 0
WC 1.75 10.51 T 0 T 0
LL Maximun 1.5 82.04 T 0 T 0
bearing force 1.5 0.00 72.126 548.951
Total 1706.65 T 500.19 T 2008.23
LL +centrifugal 1.5 10.0785 T 282.989
bearing force (trans) 1.5 26.241 T 199.7203
36.3195 T 482.7092
4 Abutment + Earth Pressure + DL + LL + BRAKING + BEARING FRICTION (HFL CASE)
factors Load Moment
Check for Pressure for HFL Vertical Horizontal Overturn
DL of Abutment 1.35 428.51 T 0.00 T 0.00
Soil Dead Load 1.5 671.96 T 0.00 T 0.00
Earth Pressure 1.5 0.00 T 276.25 T 931.48
Vet. Comp of EP 1 67.33 T 0.00 T 0.00
Surcharge (LL+SIDL) 1.2 31.05 T 85.11 T 364.75
DL of Superstructure 1.35 113.20 T 0.00 T 0.00
SIDL 1.35 16.81 T 0.00 T 0.00
WC 1.75 10.51 T 0.00 T 0.00
LL MIN 1.5 71.47 T 0.00 T 0.00
bearing force 1.5 0.00 T 72.13 T 548.95
Total 1410.84 T 361.36 T 1296.23
LL +centrifugal 1.5 10.0785 T 258.6095
bearing force (trans) 1.5 26.241 T 199.7203
36.3195 T 458.3297

5 Abutment + Earth Pressure + DL + LL + BRAKING + BEARING FRICTION (LWL CASE)+WIND

factors Load Moment
Check for Pressure for LWL Vertical Horizontal Overturn
DL of Abutment 1.35 535.73 T 0.00 T 0.00
Soil Dead Load 1.5 833.72 T 0.00 T 0.00
Earth Pressure 1.5 0.00 T 342.95 T 1094.53
Vet. Comp of EP 1 83.59 T 0.00 T 0.00
Surcharge (LL+SIDL) 1.2 31.05 T 85.11 T 364.75
DL of Superstructure 1.35 113.20 T 0.00 T 0.00
SIDL 1.35 16.81 T 0.00 T 0.00
WC 1.75 10.51 T 0.00 T 0.00
LL Maximun 1.5 82.04 T 0.00 T 0.00
bearing force 1.5 0.00 T 72.13 T 548.95
Wind (Long) 0.9 7.05 T 4.00 T 32.66
Total 1713.71 T 504.19 T 2040.89
LL +centrifugal 1.5 10.0785 T 282.989
bearing force (trans) 1.5 26.241 T 199.7203
Wind (trans) 0.9 15.99675 T 130.6403
36.3195 T 482.7092

6 Abutment + Earth Pressure + DL + LL + BRAKING + BEARING FRICTION (HFL CASE)+WIND

factors Load Moment
Check for Pressure for HFL Vertical Horizontal Overturn
DL of Abutment 1.35 428.51 T 0.00 T 0.00
Soil Dead Load 1.5 671.96 T 0.00 T 0.00
Earth Pressure 1.5 0.00 T 276.25 T 931.48
Vet. Comp of EP 1 67.33 T 0.00 T 0.00
Surcharge (LL+SIDL) 1.2 31.05 T 85.11 T 364.75
DL of Superstructure 1.35 113.20 T 0.00 T 0.00
SIDL 1.35 16.81 T 0.00 T 0.00
WC 1.75 10.51 T 0.00 T 0.00
LL MIN 1.5 71.47 T 0.00 T 0.00
bearing force 1.5 0.00 T 72.13 T 548.95
Wind Long 0.9 7.05 T 4.00 T 32.66
Total 1417.89 T 437.48 T 1877.84
LL +centrifugal 1.5 10.0785 T 258.6095
bearing force (trans) 1.5 26.241 T 199.7203
Wind (Trans) 0.9 15.99675 T 130.6403
36.3195 T 458.3297

Moment - ve is overturning
Resisting Total Horizontal Load 342.95 T
Tm 2121.837 Tm Total Vertical Load 1453.05 T
Tm 4502.058 Tm Total Resisting moment 6925.64 Tm
Tm 0 Tm Total Overturning Moment 1094.53 Tm
Tm 301.749 Tm Total Trans Moment 0 Tm
Tm 6925.64 Tm SLIDING = 2.542111 SAFE

Resisting Total Horizontal Load 414.37 T
Tm 1688.54 Tm Total Vertical Load 1167.80 T
Tm 3629.98 Tm Total Resisting moment 5561.57 Tm
Tm 0.00 Tm Total Overturning Moment 931.48 Tm
Tm 243.06 Tm Total Trans Moment 0 Tm
Tm 5561.57 Tm SLIDING = 1.690958 SAFE

Resisting Total Horizontal Load 500.19 T
Tm 2121.84 Tm Total Vertical Load 1706.65 T
Tm 4502.06 Tm Total Resisting moment 7728.17 Tm
Tm 0.00 Tm Total Overturning Moment 2008.23 Tm
Tm 301.75 Tm Total Trans Moment 482.7092 Tm
Tm 133.08 Tm
Tm 340.50 Tm
Tm 50.56 Tm
Tm 31.62 Tm
Tm 246.78 Tm
Tm 7728.17 Tm SLIDING = 2.047197 SAFE
Resisting Total Horizontal Load 361.36
Tm 1688.54 Tm Total Vertical Load 1410.84
Tm 3629.98 Tm Total Resisting moment 6332.29
Tm 0.00 Tm Total Overturning Moment 1296.23
Tm 243.06 Tm Total Trans Moment 458.3297
Tm 133.08 Tm
Tm 340.50 Tm
Tm 50.56 Tm
Tm 31.62 Tm
Tm 214.97 Tm
Tm 6332.29 Tm SLIDING = 2.342555
Tm OVERTURNING = 4.885156

Resisting Total Horizontal Load 504.19 T
Tm 2121.84 Tm Total Vertical Load 1713.71 T
Tm 4502.06 Tm Total Resisting moment 7728.17 Tm
Tm 0.00 Tm Total Overturning Moment 2040.89 Tm
Tm 301.75 Tm Total Trans Moment 482.7092 Tm
Tm 133.08 Tm
Tm 340.50 Tm
Tm 50.56 Tm
Tm 31.62 Tm
Tm 246.78 Tm
Tm 0.00 Tm
Tm 0.00 Tm
Tm 7728.17 Tm SLIDING = 2.039351 SAFE

Resisting Total Horizontal Load 437.48
Tm 1688.54 Tm Total Vertical Load 1417.89
Tm 3629.98 Tm Total Resisting moment 6332.29
Tm 0.00 Tm Total Overturning Moment 1877.84
Tm 243.06 Tm Total Trans Moment 458.3297
Tm 133.08 Tm
Tm 340.50 Tm
Tm 50.56 Tm
Tm 31.62 Tm
Tm 214.97 Tm
Tm 0.00 Tm
Tm 0.00 Tm
Tm 6332.29 Tm SLIDING = 1.944606
Tm OVERTURNING = 3.372111
Length of Abutment = 13 m (Trans dim)
Length of foundation = 13 m (Trans dim)
Width of foundation = 7.86 m (Long dim)
Thickness of foundation = 1.2 m

Table 3.4 Combination of Base Pressure and Design of Foundation

Combination (2) column (3)

1 Abutment + Earth Pressure only (LWL CASE)

factors Load Mome
Check for Pressure for LWL Vertical Horizontal Overturn
DL of Abutment 1 396.84 T 0 T 0
Soil Dead Load 1.3 722.56 T 0 T 0
Earth Pressure 1.3 0.00 T 297.2268 T 948.5957
Vert. Comp of EP 0.85 71.05 T 0 T 0
Total 1190.45 T 297.23 T 948.60

2 Abutment + Earth Pressure only ( HFL CASE)

factors Load Mome
Check for Pressure for HFL Vertical Horizontal Overturn
DL of Abutment 1 317.42 T 0 T 0
Soil Dead Load 1.3 582.36 T 0 T 0
Earth Pressure 1.3 0.00 T 359.1198 T 807.2844
Vert. Comp of EP 0.85 57.23 T 0 T 0
Total 957.01 T 359.12 T 807.28

3 Abutment + Earth Pressure + DL + LL + BRAKING + BEARING FRICTION (LWL CASE)

factors Load Mome
Check for Pressure for LWL Vertical Horizontal Overturn
DL of Abutment 1 396.84 T 0 T 0
Soil Dead Load 1.3 722.56 T 0 T 0
Earth Pressure 1.3 0.00 T 297.2268 T 948.5957
Vet. Comp of EP 1 83.59 T 0 T 0
Surcharge (LL+SIDL) 1 25.88 T 70.927 T 303.958
DL of Superstructure 1 83.85 T 0 T 0
SIDL 1 12.45 T 0 T 0
WC 1 6.01 T 0 T 0
LL Maximun 1.3 71.10 T 0 T 0
bearing force 1.3 0.00 62.5092 475.75752
Total 1402.27 T 430.66 T 1728.31
LL +centrifugal 1.3 8.7347 T 245.2571
bearing force (trans) 1.3 22.7422 T 173.09088
31.4769 T 418.34799
4 Abutment + Earth Pressure + DL + LL + BRAKING + BEARING FRICTION (HFL CASE)
factors Load Mome
Check for Pressure for HFL Vertical Horizontal Overturn
DL of Abutment 1 317.42 T 0.00 T 0.00
Soil Dead Load 1.3 582.36 T 0.00 T 0.00
Earth Pressure 1.3 0.00 T 239.41 T 807.28
Vet. Comp of EP 1 67.33 T 0.00 T 0.00
Surcharge (LL+SIDL) 1 25.88 T 70.93 T 303.96
DL of Superstructure 1 83.85 T 0.00 T 0.00
SIDL 1 12.45 T 0.00 T 0.00
WC 1 6.01 T 0.00 T 0.00
LL MIN 1.3 61.94 T 0.00 T 0.00
bearing force 1.5 0.00 T 72.13 T 548.95
Total 1157.23 T 310.34 T 1111.24
LL +centrifugal 1.3 8.7347 T 224.1282
bearing force (trans) 1.3 22.7422 T 173.09088
31.4769 T 397.21909

5 Abutment + Earth Pressure + DL + LL + BRAKING + BEARING FRICTION (LWL CASE)+WIND

factors Load Mome
Check for Pressure for LWL Vertical Horizontal Overturn
DL of Abutment 1 396.84 T 0.00 T 0.00
Soil Dead Load 1.3 722.56 T 0.00 T 0.00
Earth Pressure 1.3 0.00 T 297.23 T 948.60
Vet. Comp of EP 1 83.59 T 0.00 T 0.00
Surcharge (LL+SIDL) 1 25.88 T 70.93 T 303.96
DL of Superstructure 1 83.85 T 0.00 T 0.00
SIDL 1 12.45 T 0.00 T 0.00
WC 1 6.01 T 0.00 T 0.00
LL Maximun 1.3 71.10 T 0.00 T 0.00
bearing force 1.3 0.00 T 62.51 T 475.76
Wind (Long) 0.8 6.27 T 3.55 T 29.03
Total 1408.54 T 434.22 T 1757.34
LL +centrifugal 1.3 8.7347 T 245.2571
bearing force (trans) 1.3 22.7422 T 173.09088
Wind (trans) 0.8 14.219333 T 116.12473
31.4769 T 418.34799

6 Abutment + Earth Pressure + DL + LL + BRAKING + BEARING FRICTION (HFL CASE)+WIND

factors Load Mome
Check for Pressure for HFL Vertical Horizontal Overturn
DL of Abutment 1 317.42 T 0.00 T 0.00
Soil Dead Load 1.3 582.36 T 0.00 T 0.00
Earth Pressure 1.3 0.00 T 239.41 T 807.28
Vet. Comp of EP 1 67.33 T 0.00 T 0.00
Surcharge (LL+SIDL) 1 25.88 T 70.93 T 303.96
DL of Superstructure 1 83.85 T 0.00 T 0.00
SIDL 1 12.45 T 0.00 T 0.00
WC 1 6.01 T 0.00 T 0.00
LL MIN 1.3 61.94 T 0.00 T 0.00
bearing force 1.3 0.00 T 62.51 T 475.76
Wind Long 0.8 6.27 T 3.55 T 29.03
Total 1163.50 T 376.40 T 1616.03
LL +centrifugal 1.3 8.7347 T 224.1282
bearing force (trans) 1.3 22.7422 T 173.09088
Wind (Trans) 0.8 14.219333 T 116.12473
31.4769 T 397.21909

Moment - ve is overturning
Resisting Total Horizontal Load 297.23 T
Tm 1571.731 Tm Total Vertical Load 1190.45 T
Tm 3901.7836 Tm Total Resisting moment 5730.00 Tm
Tm 0 Tm Total Overturning Moment 948.60 Tm
Tm 256.48665 Tm Total Trans Moment 0 Tm
Tm 5730.00 Tm SLIDING = 2.4031139 SAFE

Resisting Total Horizontal Load 359.12 T
Tm 1250.77 Tm Total Vertical Load 957.01 T
Tm 3145.98 Tm Total Resisting moment 4603.35 Tm
Tm 0.00 Tm Total Overturning Moment 807.28 Tm
Tm 206.60 Tm Total Trans Moment 0 Tm
Tm 4603.35 Tm SLIDING = 1.5989281 SAFE

Resisting Total Horizontal Load 430.66 T
Tm 1571.73 Tm Total Vertical Load 1402.27 T
Tm 3901.78 Tm Total Resisting moment 6407.77 Tm
Tm 0.00 Tm Total Overturning Moment 1728.31 Tm
Tm 301.75 Tm Total Trans Moment 418.34799 Tm
Tm 110.90 Tm
Tm 252.22 Tm
Tm 37.45 Tm
Tm 18.07 Tm
Tm 213.88 Tm
Tm 6407.77 Tm SLIDING = 1.9536477 SAFE
Resisting Total Horizontal Load 310.34
Tm 1250.77 Tm Total Vertical Load 1157.23
Tm 3145.98 Tm Total Resisting moment 5244.75
Tm 0.00 Tm Total Overturning Moment 1111.24
Tm 243.06 Tm Total Trans Moment 397.21909
Tm 110.90 Tm
Tm 252.22 Tm
Tm 37.45 Tm
Tm 18.07 Tm
Tm 186.31 Tm
Tm 5244.75 Tm SLIDING = 2.2373488
Tm OVERTURNING = 4.7197177

Resisting Total Horizontal Load 434.22 T
Tm 1571.73 Tm Total Vertical Load 1408.54 T
Tm 3901.78 Tm Total Resisting moment 6407.77 Tm
Tm 0.00 Tm Total Overturning Moment 1757.34 Tm
Tm 301.75 Tm Total Trans Moment 418.34799 Tm
Tm 110.90 Tm
Tm 252.22 Tm
Tm 37.45 Tm
Tm 18.07 Tm
Tm 213.88 Tm
Tm 0.00 Tm
Tm 0.00 Tm
Tm 6407.77 Tm SLIDING = 1.9463156 SAFE

Resisting Total Horizontal Load 376.40
Tm 1250.77 Tm Total Vertical Load 1163.50
Tm 3145.98 Tm Total Resisting moment 5244.75
Tm 0.00 Tm Total Overturning Moment 1616.03
Tm 243.06 Tm Total Trans Moment 397.21909
Tm 110.90 Tm
Tm 252.22 Tm
Tm 37.45 Tm
Tm 18.07 Tm
Tm 186.31 Tm
Tm 0.00 Tm
Tm 0.00 Tm
Tm 5244.75 Tm SLIDING = 1.8546561
Tm OVERTURNING = 3.2454514
ULS Case

Toe 3000
Heel 4250
Stem 610
Depth mid 1200
Depth End 900

Length of foundation = 12.9 m (Trans dim)

Width of foundation = 7.86 m (Long dim)
Thickness of foundation = 1.2 m

case 1 Abutment + Earth Pressure only (LWL CASE)

case 2 Abutment + Earth Pressure only ( HFL CASE)
case 3 Abutment + Earth Pressure + DL + LL + BRAKING + BEARING FRICTION (LWL CASE)
case 4 Abutment + Earth Pressure + DL + LL + BRAKING + BEARING FRICTION (HFL CASE)
case 5 Abutment + Earth Pressure + DL + LL + BRAKING + BEARING FRICTION (LWL CASE)+WIND
case 6 Abutment + Earth Pressure + DL + LL + BRAKING + BEARING FRICTION (HFL CASE)+WIND

As per Table 3.4 Combination for Base Pressure and Design of Foundation, Combination (1) and (2), Design for max Case

case 1 case 2 case 3 case 4

H = Total Horizontal Load = 342.95 414.37 500.19 361.36
P = Total Vertical Load = 1453.05 1167.80 1706.65 1410.84
My = Total Resisting moment = 6925.64 5561.57 7728.17 6332.29
Total Overturning moment = 1094.53 931.48 2008.23 1296.23
Mx = Total Trans. Moment = 0.00 0.00 482.71 458.33

x 4.0130281 3.964794 3.35155 3.569557

e = -0.0830281 -0.03479 0.57845 0.360443
Ptoe P1 24.788374 = 13.422399 11.21155 24.26428 17.74291
Pheel P2 5.5680451 = 15.238962 11.82337 9.399523 10.08589
P3 = 14.115744 11.44507 18.59071 14.82038
P4 = 14.256724 11.49255 17.43708 14.22614
Toe avg pressure T/sqm = 13.769071 11.32831 21.4275 16.28165
Heel avg pressure T/sqm = 14.747843 11.65796 13.4183 12.15601
Lever arm for CG of toe pressure = 1512.5888 1505.153 1433.805 1455.125
Lever arm for CG of heel pressure = 2148.5883 2135.05 1912.854 2004.373

Upward force due to pressure onT = 41.307214 33.98493 64.28249 48.84494

Moment due to toe pressure Tm = 62.480829 51.15254 92.16855 71.07552
Self Weight of toe slab T = 6.875 6.875 6.875 6.875
Moment due to toe slab self wt = 10.3125 10.3125 10.3125 10.3125

Shear d distance from abut stem = 959 959 959 959

2041 2041 2041 2041
Pressure at d distance = 13.644038 11.2862 22.45063 16.80868
T 27.621299 22.95896 47.67257 35.2599
Self Weight of toe slab D distanc T 5.357625 5.357625 5.357625 5.357625

NET DESIGN MOMENT FOR TOE Tm = 52.168329 40.84004 81.85605 60.76302

NET DESIGN SHER FOR TOE T = 22.263674 17.60133 42.31494 29.90227

Downward load on back side = 16.16 16.16 16.16 16.16
= 145.97209 145.9721 145.9721 145.9721
NET DESIGN MOMENT FOR HEELTm = 11.302167 40.18821 36.88625 42.42004
NET DESIGN SHER FOR HEEL T = 6.014419 19.14643 11.66496 17.0297

2), Design for max Case

case 5 case 6
504.19 437.48
1713.71 1417.89
7728.17 6332.29
2040.89 1877.84
482.71 458.33

3.3187 3.141608
0.6113 0.788392
24.78837 22.39986
9.014534 5.568045
18.76782 15.9755
17.54365 14.66922
21.7781 19.18768
13.27909 10.11863
1430.888 1416.296
1897.52 1806.446

65.3343 57.56304
93.48603 81.5263
6.875 6.875
10.3125 10.3125

959 959
2041 2041
22.86381 20.34621
48.62905 43.62236
5.357625 5.357625

83.17353 71.2138

43.27142 38.26473
16.16 16.16
145.9721 145.9721
38.8834 68.28737
12.25662 25.68857
Design of Foundation
Max of Combination 1 & Combination 2
As per Table 3.4 Combination for Base Pressure and Design of Foundation
Density Concrete 25

Abutment fck 35 Mpa

Ec 32000 Mpa

Section Properties
Load Case
Width of Foundn, B (mm)
Depth of Foundn, D (mm)


Input Data
Density of concrete 25 KN/m3 fy/γs 434.7826
Grade of concrete fck 30 N/mm 2

Modulus of elasticity of concrete Ec 32000 N/mm2 (Table 6.5,IRC 112-2011,Pg 38)

Grade of Steel fy 500 N/mm2
Tensile Strength of concrete fctm 2.5 N/mm2 (Table 6.5,IRC 112-2011,Pg 38)&(P 235)
Partial Modify Fac for concrete γm 1.5 Clause- P-49
Partial Modify Fac for Steel γs 1.15 Clause-6.2.2 P-30
Characteristic Yield Strength of Reinforce fyk 400 N/mm2 Clause-6.2.2 P-29,FIG 6.3
Design Yield Strength of Shear Reinforcem fywd 347.83 N/mm2 (Clause-,IRC 112-2011, P-91)
Ultimate Compressive Strain in concrete єcu 0.0035 (Table 6.5,IRC 112-2011,Pg 38)
Mod.Elas of reinforcing of steel Es 200000 (Clause-6.2.2,Annexure A.4.4.2, P-29 IRC 1
Modular ratio αe 6.25 (Clause-12.4.2,Annexure A.4.4.2,IRC 112
Ultimate Tensile Strain in Steel (fy/γs.E 0.002)
s+ єs 0.0042
Coefficient of influence of the concrete st α 0.67 Clause- IRC 112-2011 P-49
Slenderness Factor λ 0.8 upto 60Mpa (Annexure A.2.9,IRC 112-2011, P-242)
Factor η 1 upto 60Mpa (Annexure A.2.9,IRC 112-2011, P-242)
fcd αfck/γm 13.40 Clause- IRC 112-2011 P-48
Factor Fav = ηfcd/λ 10.72 (Annexure Fig A 2-4,IRC 112-2011, P-243
Factor λ/2 β 0.4



Case 3 Case 4 Case 5 Case 6 Case 3 Case 4
Section property
NO of Web 1 1 1 1 1 1
Width of Beam,B (mm) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Depth of Beam,D (mm) 1050 1050 1050 1050 1050 1050
Design Shear = KN 116.6496 170.297 122.5662 256.8857 423.1494 299.0227
Design Moment = KNm 368.8625 424.2004 388.834 682.8737 818.561 607.630
No of layers = 1 1 1 1 1 1
Dia of Main Bar = mm 25 25 25 25 25 25
Cover to Reinforceme= mm 75 75 75 75 75 75
Dia of Transverse bar = mm 0 0 0 0 0 0
deff provided = 962.5 962.5 962.5 962.5 962.5 962.5
Kav= M/(B*D*D*fav) = 0.037 0.043 0.039 0.069 0.082 0.061

k (Web) = 0.650 0.650 0.650 0.650 0.650 0.650

fcteff Max of 2.9= 2.90 2.90 2.90 2.90 2.90 2.90
Act web = 0.611 0.611 0.611 0.611 0.611 0.611
KC 0.4(1-σc/k1(h/h*)fcteff) 0.269 0.269 0.269 0.269 0.269 0.269
Ast min 889.54 889.54 889.54 889.54 889.54 889.54
Limiting Neu axis depXu max/d = 0.0035/(0.0035+(.8 fy/Es)+0.002) =0.0035/0.0035+єs
Limiting Neu axis depth (x lim) mm 439.0 439.0 439.0 439.0 439.0 439.0
Xu mm 36.3 41.8 38.3 68.1 82.1 60.4
Xu >Xu lim Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe
Ast Required mm 894.9372 1031.612 944.1882 1679.337 2025.17 1489.389

Minimum Reinforcement Requir 0.13% 1365 1365 1365 1365 1365 1365
Dia of bars mm 25 25 25 25 25 25
No Of Bars Required 3 3 3 3 3 3
No Of Bars Provided 6 6 6 6 6 6
Spacing of Bars 165 165 165 165 165 165
Reinf Provided 2943.75 2943.75 2943.75 2943.75 2943.75 2943.75
Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe
Neutral Axis Depth(X) mm 119.4 119.4 119.4 119.4 119.4 119.4
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
Ult.Moment of resistance Secti kNm 1161.6 1161.603 1161.603 1161.603 1161.603 1161.603
MR Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe
Check For Ultimate Shear Strength at Various X (Clause 10.3. of IRC:112-2011)
VRdc Design shear resistance of member without shear reinforcement
Design maximum shear force that can be sustained by the member by crushing of
VRd,max compression struts
VRd,s Design shear force that can be sustained by yeilding of reinforcement
Design value of shear component of force in compression area in case of inclined
Vccd compression chord
Design value of shear component of force in tensile reinforcement in case of
Vtd inclined tensile chord
VRd Design shear resistance of member with shear reinforcement
Vpd Shear component of prestressing tendon
VRd VRd.s + Vccd + Vtd
VEd Design shear force at C/s due to external applied loads + prestressing
VNs Net shear force in web at design section
fctk Characteristic axial tensile strength of concrete (5% fractile)
VNs VEd -Vccd -Vtd -VPd (-ve for downward; Ved is + downwards)

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5 Case 6

VEd 116.6496 170.297 122.5662 256.8857 423.1494 299.0227
Vpd 0 0 0 0 0 0
VNs 116.6496 170.297 122.5662 256.8857 423.1494 299.0227
Depth at critical section 1491 1491
K 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.37 1.37
S = (Ay)c 0.55125
fctk 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8
fctd = fctk/γm 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17
σcp 0 0 0 0 0 0
αcw 1 1 1 1 1 1
v 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54
ρ1 0.0031 0.0031 0.0031 0.0031 0.0021 0.0021
q 45 45 45 45 45 45
For Elements not requiring shear reinforcement as per Cl. 10.3.2
VRd,c [0.12*K(80*r1*fck)^0.33 + 0.15scp] b>w (0.031.K^1.5.fck^0.5+0.15*
d scp) bw.d
VRd,c 324.62 324.62 324.62 324.62 413.64 413.64
VRd,c 287.07 287.07 287.07 287.07 404.29 404.29
VRd,c I*bwc / s * sqrt [ (fctd)^2+k1.scp.fEQ 10.4
Moment of Inertia m4 I 0.096469 0.096469 0.096469 0.096469 0.096469 0.096469
VRd,c 0 0 0 0 0 0
VRd,c 324.62 324.62 324.62 324.62 413.64 413.64
Ved < 3494.8 3494.8 3494.8 3494.8 3494.8 3494.8
VEd, actual 116.6496 170.297 122.5662 256.8857 423.1494 299.0227
Not Reqd Not Reqd Not Reqd Not Reqd Reqd Not Reqd

5,IRC 112-2011,Pg 38)

5,IRC 112-2011,Pg 38)&(P 235)

2.2 P-29,FIG 6.3,IRC 112-2011, P-91)
5,IRC 112-2011,Pg 38)
.2.2,Annexure A.4.4.2, P-29 IRC 112-2011)
12.4.2,Annexure A.4.4.2,IRC 112-2011, P-131)

4.2.8 IRC 112-2011 P-49

e A.2.9,IRC 112-2011, P-242)
e A.2.9,IRC 112-2011, P-242)
4.2.8 IRC 112-2011 P-48
e Fig A 2-4,IRC 112-2011, P-243)

Case 5 Case 6 Case 9

1 1 1
1000 1000 10000
1050 1050 1050

432.7142 382.6473 0
831.735 712.138 0
1 1 1
25 25 25
75 75 75
0 0 20
962.5 962.5 942.5
0.084 0.072 0.000

0.650 0.650 0.650

2.90 2.90 2.90
0.611 0.611 6.201
0.269 0.269 0.269
889.54 889.54 9028.20

439.0 439.0 429.9

83.5 71.1 0.0
Safe Safe Safe
2058.98 1753.562 0
1365 1365 13650
25 25 25
3 3 28
6 6 62
165 165 160
2943.75 2943.75 30418.75
Safe Safe Safe
119.4 119.4 11.9
Ok Ok Ok
1161.603 1161.603 4959.394
Safe Safe Safe
Case 7 Case 8 Case 9
432.7142 382.6473 0
0 0 0
432.7142 382.6473 0
1491 1491
1.37 1.37 1.46

1.8 1.8 1.8

1.17 1.17 1.17
0 0 0
1 1 1
0.54 0.54 0.54
0.0021 0.0021 0.0032
45 45 45

0.5+0.15*scp) bw.d Cl.10.3.2 EQ 10.1

413.64 413.64 3235.72
404.29 404.29 2811.09

0.096469 0.096469 0.096469

0 0 0
413.64 413.64 3235.72
3494.8 3494.8 34221.9
432.7142 382.6473 0
Reqd Not Reqd Not Reqd
4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Cos 20 = 0.94
Sin 20 = 0.342

VII) Forces and moment due to longitudinal force:-

I) class - A - 2 lane:- (One lane only being considered as per cl-214.2(a) of IRC - 6-2014)
Horizontal force due to braking, Fh = 0.20 x 296 = 59.20 Kn
Fh / support = 59 2 = 29.60 Kn

HL = 29.6 x 0.94 = 27.82 KN

HT = 29.6 x 0.342 = 10.12 KN

II) 70R Wheeled :-

Horizontal force due to braking, Fh = 0.2 x 680 = 136.00 Kn
Fh / support = 136 2 = 68.00 Kn

HL = 68.0 x 0.94 = 63.92 KN

HT = 68.0 x 0.342 = 23.26 KN

III) 70R Tracked:-

Horizontal force due to braking, Fh = 0.2 x 700 = 140.00 Kn
Fh / support = 140 2 = 70.00 Kn

HL = 70.0 x 0.94 = 65.80 KN

HT = 70.0 x 0.342 = 23.94 KN

Calculation of frictional force from superstructure :- [Ref. Clause of IRC - 6 - 2014]

Frictional force = m Rg

Reaction on abutment due to dead load of superstructure = 1023.06 Kn

Frictional force = m Rg = 0.5 x

= 511.53

HL = 511.5 x 0.94 = 480.84 KN

HT = 511.5 x 0.342 = 174.94 KN

Frictional force per meter length = 511.53 12.90 = 39.65

This force will act at top of abutment cap level I.e. at RL - 121.500

Lever arm at founding level: 122.460 - 113.889 =

Overturning moment (Mo) = 511.53 x 8.57 =

Longidutinal force due to friction = 511.53 KN

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants
4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Overturning moment at = 511.53 x 121.500 - 113.889 = 3893.25

bottom of foundation

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Span loaded condition:- Total Longitudinal force = Fh/2 or m Rg

I) class - A - 2 lane:-
Total force = 511.53 + 0.00 = 511.53 Kn

Overturning moment at = 511.53 x 121.500 - 113.889 = 3893.25

bottom of foundation

II) 70R Wheeled :-

Total force = 511.53 + 0.00 = 511.53 Kn

Overturning moment at = 511.53 x 121.500 - 113.889 = 3893.25

bottom of foundation

III) 70R Tracked:-

Total force = 511.53 + 0.00 = 511.53 Kn

Overturning moment at = 511.53 x 121.500 - 113.889 = 3893.25

bottom of foundation

Span unloaded condition:-

Total force = 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.00 Kn

Overturning moment at = 0.00 x 121.500 - 113.889 = 0.00

bottom of foundation

VIII) Forces and moment due to vertical component of braking force:-

This force will act at 1.2 m above the road level.
I) class - A - 2 lane:-
Vertical reaction = 118.40 x 1.20 + 122.46 - 121.500 = 33.83
+ 7.56 +
Restoring moment at = 33.83 x 3.008 = 101.76
bottom of foundation

II) 70R Wheeled :-

Vertical reaction = 136.00 x 1.20 + 122.46 - 121.500 = 38.86
+ +
Restoring moment at = 38.86 x 3.008 = 116.89
bottom of foundation

III) 70R Tracked:-

Vertical reaction = 140.0 x 1.20 + 122.46 - 121.500 = 40.00
+ +
Restoring moment at = 40.00 x 3.008 = 120.32
bottom of foundation

Centrifugal force =
R = 750 m

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

V = 80 kmph
camber = 3.8%

Centrifugal force = 0.067 x 1000 Kn = 67.19

Moment @ bottom of abutment = 67.19 x 6.411 = 430.755

Moment @ bottom of foundation = 67.19 x 7.611 = 511.38

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

perstructure :- [Ref. Clause of IRC - 6 - 2014]



8.57 m

4383.81 Kn.m

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3


TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3











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4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3




TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants


Wind Speed = 36 m/s (Clause 209.3.7-IRC 6:2014)

Ht of the deck above bed level = 0.65 + 1 (ht of superstr+1m Crash barrie
= 1.65 m
Pressure as per table = 0.464 kN/sqm
Design Pressure Pz= = 0.506182 kN/sqm

Force on Superstructure consider span/2

Force in Transverse direction FT = Pz X A1 X G X Cd (Clause 209.3.3-IRC 6:2014)
G = gust factor = 2
Cd = drag coeff = 1.1 for Slab bridges with b/d>10
1.5 for Box/single beam b/d 2
1.3 for Box/single beam b/d> 6
2.25 for 2 or more Box/ beam b/d 2
1.95 for 2 or more Box/ beam b/d > 6
2.2 for single plate girder
2(1+c/20/dfor multiple plate girders

A1 = 1.65 x 8.00
= 13.2 sqm
FT = 14.69952 kN

Ft acts at 7.371 m from top of foundation

Ft acts at 8.571 m from bottom of foundation

Force in longtidunal direction = 3.67488 kN (Clause 209.3.6-IRC 6:2014)

(25% of transverse)

Force in Vertical (+/-) Fv = Pz X A3 X G X CL (Clause 209.3.5-IRC 6:2014)

CL = lift coeff = 0.75 for Slab / box / girders and plate girders
A3 = 8x 12.90
= 103.2 sqm
Fv = 78.35695 kN

Force on Live Load

acting at 1.5 m above the road level. (superstr ht - crash barrier ht) c
Force in Transverse direction FT = Pz X A1 X G X Cd 2
A1 = 2x 8 (Clause 209.3.6-IRC 6:2014)
= 16 sqm
FT = 19.43738

Force in longtidunal direction = 4.859345 kN (Clause 209.3.46-IRC 6:2014)

(25% of transverse Box/Plate girder bridge
Ft acts at 8.871 m from top of foundation
Ft acts at 10.071 m from bottom of foundation
Force on Abutment Cap
Width of Abutment Cap b = 0.76 m t/b = 16.97368
Height of Abutment Cap h = 0.544455 m h/b = 0.042206
Length of Abutment Cap t = 12.9 m
Cd = 0.8 Table 6 IRC 6:2014
Force in Transverse direction FT = Pz X A1 X G X Cd
A1 = 0.413786 sqm
FT = 0.307195 kN
Ft acts at 6.138773 m from top of foundation
Ft acts at 7.338773 m from bottom of foundation (Clause 209.3.6-IRC 6:2014)
Force in Longtidunal direction = 0.076799 kN (25% of transverse)
Force on Abutment
Width of Abutment b = 0.61 m t/b = 21.14754
Height of Abutment h = 6.111 m h/b = 0.473721
Length of Abutment t = 12.9 m
Cd = 0.8 Table 6 IRC 6:2014
Force in Transverse direction FT = Pz X A1 X G X Cd
A1 = 3.72771 sqm
FT = 2.767452 kN
Ft acts at 6.111 m from top of foundation
Ft acts at 6.111 m from bottom of foundation (Clause 209.3.6-IRC 6:2014)
Force in Longtidunal direction = 0.691863 kN (25% of transverse)

Wind force on moving vehicle : - (Clause 209.3.46-IRC 6:2014,Notes 7)

As per the above clause, the wind intensity on the moving vehicle is taken as 200
acting at 1.5 m above road level

Wind force on moving vehicle = 2 KN /m

Total load on moving vehicle = 0x 2= 0

This force will act at 1.50m above road level.

Moment at bottom of pile cap = 0x 1.5 + 0

= 0 KN.m

Summary of Wind Load

Wind on superstr FT FL
Wind force Vertical 7.835695 T
Wind force Horizontal 14.69952 3.67488 T
Moment at top of foundation 7.371 108.3502 27.08754 Tm
Moment at base of foundn 8.571 125.9896 31.4974 Tm

Wind on Abutment Cap

Wind force Horizontal m 0.307195 0.076799 T
Moment at top of foundation 6.138773 1.885798 0.471449 T
Moment at base of foundn 7.338773 2.254431 0.563608 Tm

Wind on Abutment m
Wind force Horizontal 2.767452 0.691863 T
Moment at top of foundation 6.111 16.9119 4.227975 TM
Moment at base of foundn 6.111 16.9119 4.227975 TM
Total wind load on DL only FT FL
Wind force Horizontal 17.77417 4.443542 T
Moment at top of foundation 127.1479 31.78696 Tm
Moment at base of foundn 145.1559 36.28898 Tm

Wind on LL FT FL
Wind force Horizontal 4.859345 1.214836
Moment at top of foundation 7.371 35.81824 8.954559 Tm
Moment at base of foundn 8.571 41.64945 10.41236 Tm
(With LL load)
(ht of superstr+1m Crash barrier)

09.3.3-IRC 6:2014)

G 2
Cd 1.1

09.3.6-IRC 6:2014)

09.3.5-IRC 6:2014)

CL 0.75

(superstr ht - crash barrier ht) cl209.3.6

(Clause 209.3.6-IRC 6:2014)

G 2
Cd 1.2

09.3.46-IRC 6:2014)
ransverse Box/Plate girder bridge)
G 2

(Clause 209.3.6-IRC 6:2014)

(25% of transverse)
G 2

(Clause 209.3.6-IRC 6:2014)

(25% of transverse)



- 0
4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Design of base raft:- (Normal case) A B


161.63 26.25


4.250 m 3.000 m

90.15 175.44 187.68

P4 P3
Load combination - 18a is critical : (with front side earth - 70R Tracked - HFL/WET)
P max = 247.88 Kn / m <
300 Kn / m2
P min = 90.15 Kn / m2 > 0

Downward load in backside = 2.8 + 3.1 x 18 + 4.571 X 18 + 0.9 +

2 2
= 161.63 Kn / m2

Downward load in front side = 1.20 + 0.9 x 25

= 26.25 Kn / m2

Design of heel slab (Section - AA)

Moment at face of abutment wall =

161.63 x 4.250 2 - 90.15 + 175.44 x 4.250 X 2 X 90.15 + 175.44

2 2 90.15 + 175.44
= 388.820 Kn.m/m
Shear force at the face of the abutment wall =

161.63 x 4.250 - 90.15 + 175.44 x 4.250 = 122.560

Effective depth required =
388.820 x 10 6 d req = 513 mm
1.48 x 1000 Q = 1.48
J = 0.889

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Grade of concrete = 30 Stress in steel = 200 N / mm2

d Provided = 1050 - 75 - 12.5 = 962.5 mm >


Reinforcement required, Ast = 388.82 x 10 6 = 2272.04

0.889 x 200 x 962.5

Use 25 mm Rod
Provide 25 dia 158 c/c at top ( Ast Provided: 3105 mm 2 )

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Check for shear:

V max = 122.56 Kn

Shear stress, tn = 122.56 x 10 3 = 0.127 N / mm2 < 0.301 n / mm2

1000 x 962.5 SAFE

% Ast = 100 x 3105.22 = 0.32 % tc = 0.301 n / mm2 (From table 2B of IRC

1000 x 962.5

Design of toe slab (Section - BB)

Moment at face abutment wall =

247.884 + 187.68 x 3.00 X 2 X 247.884 + 187.68 x 3.00 - 26.25

2 247.884 + 187.68 3

= 907.05 Kn. m/ m

Effective depth required= 907.05 x 10 6 = 783 mm<

1.48 x 1000 SAFE

Effective depth Provided = 1050 - 75 - 8.0 = 967.0 mm

Reinforcement required, Ast: 907.05 x 10 6 = 5276 mm2

0.889 x 200 x 967

Use 25 mm Rod
Provide 25 dia 150 C/C at bottom (Ast provided = 3271 mm2

Check for Shear:

Shear force is calculated at a distance d = 967.0 mm (As per Cl 707.2.4 of IRC 78: 2000)

Shear force = 207.08 + 247.884 x 2.033 - 26.25 x 2.033

= 409.10 Kn/m
Total depth at critical section = 1578 mm

Effective depth at critical section = 1578 - 75 - 12.50 = 1491 mm

Shear stress, t n = 409.10 x 10 3 = 0.274 n / mm2 < 0.220

1000 X 1491 UNSAFE

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

% Ast = 100 x 3270.83 = 0.220 % tc = 0.220 n / mm2 (From table 12B of IRC
1000 x 1491

Distribution Steel:- Min. Ast = 0.15 x 1000 x 1050 = 1575 =

(cl - 707.2.7 of IRC - 78) 100 2

Provide 12 @ 130 c/c AST Provided = 873 mm 2

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

2.033 for shear.


+ 1.2 x 25

175.44 x 4.250
175.44 3


TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

513 mm

2272.04 mm2

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

n / mm2

(From table 2B of IRC - 21)

26.25 x 3.00 2

967 mm


(As per Cl 707.2.4 of IRC 78: 2000)


0.220 n / mm2

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

(From table 12B of IRC - 21)

787.5 mm 2

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

XIII) Force and moment due to wind force;-

(I) Low water level /DRY condition:-
case - a (Ref. cl - 212.2 of IRC - 6 - 2000)
Exposed area of crash barrier = 1 x 8.00 = 8 m2

Exposed area of beam & slab = 0.65 x 8.00 = 5.2 m2

Total exposed area of super structure = 13.2 m2

a k e = 13.2
= 6.6 m2

Average height of super structure

o n
= 1

0.65 = 0.825 m

C.G. of the above area above BL = 0.825 + 121.500 - 117.889 = 4.436 m

Intensity of wind force at this level = 65.18 Kg/m2 = 0.6518 Kn/m2

(Ref table - 4 - of IRC : 6)
Wind force = 6.6 x 0.6518 = 4.3 Kn

Moment at bottom of foundation = 4.3 x 4.436 + 117.889- 113.889 = 36.27 Kn.m

case - b (Ref. cl - 212.4 of IRC - 6 - 2000)

As per the above clause, the wind intensity on the moving vehicle is taken as 3 kn/m
acting at 1.5 m above the road level.

Wind force = 3 x 8.00 = 12 Kn

Lever arm = 1.5+ 122.46 - 113.889 = 10.071 m

Moment at bottom of foundation = 12 x 10.071 = 120.85 Kn.m

Wind force under case-a + case-b = 4.3 + 12 = 16.3 Kn

Wind moment under case-a + case-b = 36.27 + 120.85 = 157.12 Kn.m

case - c (Ref. cl - 212.6 of IRC - 6 - 2000)

As per the above clause the wind intensity on loaded structure is taken as 4.5 kn/m acting at
road top level.

Wind force = 4.5x 8.00 = 18 Kn

Lever arm = 122.46 - 113.889 = 8.571 m

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Moment at bottom of foundation = 18 x 8.571 = 154.28 kn.m

Maximum wind force of (a + b) and c = 18 kn

Maximum wind moment of (a + b) and c = 157.12 Kn.m

case - d (Ref. cl - 212.7 of IRC - 6 - 2000)

As per the above clause the wind intensity on unloaded structure is taken as 2.4 kn/m 2 of the
Exposed area of super structure = 6.6 m2

Wind force = 2.4 x 6.6 = 15.84 Kn

Lever arm = 0.825 + 121.500 - 113.889 = 8.436 m

Moment at bottom of foundation = 15.84 x 8.436 = 133.63 Kn.m

(I) High flood level condition:-

case - a (Ref. cl - 212.2 of IRC - 6 - 2000)
Exposed area of crash barrier = 1 x 7.96 = 7.96 m2

Exposed area of beam & slab = 0.65 x 7.96 = 5.17 m2

Total exposed area of super structure = 13.13 m2

= 13.13 = 6.565 m2

Average height of super structure = 1 + 0.65 = 0.825 m

C.G. of the above area above HFL = 0.825 + 121.500 - 120.600 = 1.725 m

Intensity of wind force at this level = 50.35 Kg/m2 = 0.5035 Kn/m2

(Ref table - 4 - of IRC : 6)
Wind force = 6.565 x 0.5035 = 3.31 Kn

Moment at bottom of foundation = 3.310 x 1.725 + 120.600- 113.889 == 27.92 Kn.m

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

case - b (Ref. cl - 212.4 of IRC - 6 - 2000)

As per the above clause, the wind intensity on the moving vehicle is taken as 3 kn/m
acting at 1.5 m above the road level.

Wind force = 3 x 7.96 = 11.94 Kn

Lever arm = 1.5 + 122.46 - 113.889 = 10.071 m

Moment at bottom of foundation = 11.94 x 10.071 = 120.25 Kn.m

Wind force under case-a + case-b = 3.31 + 11.94 = 15.25 Kn

Wind moment under case-a + case-b = 27.92 + 120.25 = 148.17 Kn.m

case - c (Ref. cl - 212.6 of IRC - 6 - 2000)

As per the above clause the wind intensity on loaded structure is taken as 4.5 kn/m acting at
road top level.
Wind force = 4.5 x 7.96 = 17.91 Kn
Lever arm = 122.46 - 113.889 = 8.571 m

Moment at bottom of foundation = 17.91 x 8.571 = 153.51 kn.m

Maximum wind force of (a + b) and c = 17.91 kn

Maximum wind moment of (a + b) and c = 153.51 Kn.m

case - d (Ref. cl - 212.7 of IRC - 6 - 2000)

As per the above clause the wind intensity on unloaded structure is taken as 2.4 kn/m 2 of the
Exposed area of super structure = 6.565 m2

Wind force = 2.4 x 6.565 = 15.76 Kn

Lever arm = 0.825 + 121.500 - 113.889 = 8.436 m


Moment at bottom of foundation = 15.76 x 8.436 = 132.95 Kn.m

The design force and moments due to wind are tabulated below:-

S.No. Load case
Force Moment
1 LWL/DRY+service condition 18.00 157.12
2 HFL+service condition 17.91 153.51
3 Unloaded condition 15.76 132.95

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3


S. MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m)
Load Description V (kn)
LWL/DRY condition
DL + SDL + self wt. (i)
1a 10549.62 - 48808.39
No Earth on front side
b (ii) Earth on front side 12202.11 - 51111.12
self weight
2a 9526.56 - 45731.03
(i) No Earth on front side
b (ii) Earth on front side 11179.05 - 48033.76
3 Scour alround 4991.46 18794.67
HFL condition
DL + SDL + self wt.
4a 8676.96 - 39784.90
(i) No Earth on front side
b (ii) Earth on front side 11378.61 - 43566.94
self weight
5a 7653.90 - 36707.54
(i) No Earth on front side
b (ii) Earth on front side 10355.55 - 40489.58
6 Scour alround 4197.24 15585.06
i) Class - A -2 - Lane + Centrifugal Force 472.53 - 1421.37
ii) 7OR Wheeled + Centrifugal Force 437.59 - 1316.27
iii) 7OR Tracked + Centrifugal Force 506.94 - 1524.88
8 Longitudinal forces&moments - - -
i) Class - A - 2 - Lane - 3893.25 -
ii) 70R wheeled - 3893.25 -
iii) 70R Tracked - 3893.25 -
iv) Span unloaded condition - 0.00 -
9 Vertical component of braking
i) Class - A - 2 - Lane 33.83 - 101.76
ii) 70R wheeled 38.86 - 116.89
iii) 70R Tracked 40.00 - 120.32
10 Earth Pressure (LWL) - 7296.89 -

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

11 Earth Pressure (HFL) - 6209.88 -

12 Fluid Pressure - 6912.68 -
13 Live Load surcharge Pressure - 3039.58 -
14 Wind Force
i) LWL + service condition - - -
ii) HFL + service condition - - -
iii) Unloaded condition - - -

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Load Combinations: -
When the live load will be on span, the next train of load on embankment will be atleast 20m away from the ba
Hence there will be no surcharge pressure effect on abutment when live load will be on span.
A) Low water level condition :-

I ) No Earth on Frontside condition

a) Span loaded condition:-

Load Combination:- 1 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m)

1 DL+SDL+self wt. (LWL/DRY) 10549.62 - 48808.39
2 LL - Class - A -2 - Lane 472.53 - 1421.37
3 Longitudinal force&moment
i) Class - A - 2 - Lane - 3893.25 -
4 Vertical component of braking 33.83 - 101.76
5 Earth(LWL/DRY) / Fluid Pressure - 7296.89 -
6 Wind Force
i) LWL/DRY + service condition - - -
a)Total without wind 11055.98 11190.14 50331.52
b)Total with wind 11055.98 11190.14 50331.52

Load Combination:- 2 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m)

1 DL+SDL+self wt.(LWL/DRY) 10549.62 - 48808.39
2 LL - 7OR Wheeled 437.59 - 1316.27
3 Longitudinal force&moment
i) 7OR Wheeled - 3893.25 -
4 Vertical component of braking 38.86 - 116.89
5 Earth(LWL/DRY) / Fluid Pressure - 7296.89 -
6 Wind Force
i) LWL/DRY + service condition - - -
a)Total without wind 11026.07 11190.14 50241.55
b)Total with wind 11026.07 11190.14 50241.55

Load Combination:- 3 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m)

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

1 DL+SDL+self wt.(LWL/DRY) 10549.62 - 48808.39

2 LL - 70R Tracked 506.94 - 1524.88
3 Longitudinal force&moment
i) 70R Tracked - 3893.25 -
4 Vertical component of braking 40.00 - 120.32
5 Earth(LWL/DRY) / Fluid Pressure - 7296.89 -
6 Wind Force
i) LWL/DRY + service condition - - -
a)Total without wind 11096.56 11190.14 50453.59
b)Total with wind 11096.56 11190.14 50453.59

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

b) Span unloaded condition:-

Load Combination:- 4 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m)

1 DL+SDL+self wt.(LWL/DRY) 10549.62 - 48808.39
2 Longitudinal force&moment
i) Shear deformation - 4383.81 -
3 Earth(LWL/DRY) / Fluid Pressure - 7296.89 -
4 Live load surcharge - 3039.58 -
5 Wind Force
i) unloaded condition - - -
a)Total without wind 10549.62 14720.28 48808.39
b)Total with wind 10549.62 14720.28 48808.39

c) Span not laid condition:-

Load Combination:- 5 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m)

1 self wt.(LWL/DRY) 9526.56 - 45731.03
2 Earth(LWL/DRY) / Fluid Pressure - 7296.89 -
a)Total without wind only 9526.56 7296.89 45731.03

II ) Earth on Frontside condition

Load Combination:- 6 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m)

1 DL+SDL+self wt.(LWL/DRY) 12202.11 - 51111.12
2 LL - Class - A - 2 - Lane 472.53 - 1421.37
3 Longitudinal force&moment
i) Class - A - 2 - Lane - 3893.25 -
4 Vertical component of braking 33.83 - 101.76
5 Earth(LWL/DRY) / Fluid Pressure - 7296.89 -
6 Wind Force
i) LWL/DRY + service condition - - -
a)Total without wind 12708.47 11190.14 52634.25
b)Total with wind 12708.47 11190.14 52634.25

Load Combination:- 7

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m)

1 DL+SDL+self wt.(LWL/DRY) 12202.11 - 51111.12
2 LL - 7OR Wheeled 437.59 - 1316.27
3 Longitudinal force&moment
i) 7OR Wheeled - 3893.25 -
4 Vertical component of braking 38.86 - 116.89
5 Earth(LWL/DRY) / Fluid Pressure - 7296.89 -
6 Wind Force
i) LWL/DRY + service condition - - -
a)Total without wind 12678.56 11190.14 52544.28
b)Total with wind 12678.56 11190.14 52544.28

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Load Combination:- 8 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m)

1 DL+SDL+self wt.(LWL/DRY) 12202.11 - 51111.12
2 LL - 70R Tracked 506.94 - 1524.88
3 Longitudinal force&moment
i) 70R Tracked - 3893.25 -
4 Vertical component of braking 40.00 - 120.32
5 Earth(LWL/DRY) / Fluid Pressure - 7296.89 -
6 Wind Force
i) LWL/DRY + service condition - - -
a)Total without wind 12749.05 11190.14 52756.32
b)Total with wind 12749.05 11190.14 52756.32

b) Span unloaded condition:-

Load Combination:- 9 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m)

1 DL+SDL+self wt.(LWL/DRY) 12202.11 - 51111.12
2 Longitudinal force&moment
i) Shear deformation - 4383.81 -
3 Earth(LWL/DRY) / Fluid Pressure - 7296.89 -
4 Live load surcharge - 3039.58 -
5 Wind Force
i) unloaded condition - - -
a)Total without wind 12202.11 14720.28 51111.12
b)Total with wind 12202.11 14720.28 51111.12

c) Span not laid condition:-

Load Combination:- 10 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m)

1 self wt.(LWL/DRY) 11179.05 - 48033.76
2 Earth(LWL/DRY) / Fluid Pressure - 7296.89 -
a)Total without wind 11179.05 7296.89 48033.76

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

B) High flood level condition :-

a) Span loaded condition:-

I ) No Earth on Frontside condition

Load Combination:- 11 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m)

1 DL+SDL+self wt.(HFL) 8676.96 - 39784.90
2 LL - Class - A -2 - Lane 472.53 - 1421.37
3 Longitudinal force&moment
i) Class - A - 2 - Lane - 3893.25 -
4 Vertical component of braking 33.83 - 101.76
5 Earth(HFL) / Fluid Pressure - 6912.68 -
6 Wind Force
i) HFL + service condition - - -
a)Total without wind 9183.32 10805.93 41308.03
b)Total with wind 9183.32 10805.93 41308.03

Load Combination:- 12 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m)

1 DL+SDL+self wt.(HFL) 8676.96 - 39784.90
2 LL - 7OR Wheeled 437.59 - 1316.27
3 Longitudinal force&moment
i) 7OR Wheeled - 3893.25 -
4 Vertical component of braking 38.86 - 116.89
5 Earth(HFL) / Fluid Pressure - 6912.68 -
6 Wind Force
i) HFL + service condition - - -
a)Total without wind 9153.41 10805.93 41218.06
b)Total with wind 9153.41 10805.93 41218.06

Load Combination:- 13 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m)

1 DL+SDL+self wt.(HFL) 8676.96 - 39784.90
2 LL - 70R Tracked 506.94 - 1524.88
3 Longitudinal force&moment
i) 70R Tracked - 3893.25 -

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

4 Vertical component of braking 40.00 - 120.32

5 Earth(HFL) / Fluid Pressure - 6912.68 -
6 Wind Force
i) HFL + service condition - - -
a)Total without wind 9223.90 10805.93 41430.10
b)Total with wind 9223.90 10805.93 41430.10

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

b) Span unloaded condition:-

Load Combination:- 14 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m)

1 DL+SDL+self wt.(HFL) 8676.96 - 39784.90
2 Longitudinal force&moment
i) Shear deformation - 4383.81 -
3 Earth(HFL) / Fluid Pressure - 6912.68 -
4 Live load surcharge - 3039.58 -
5 Wind Force
i) unloaded condition - - -
a)Total without wind 8676.96 14336.07 39784.90
b)Total with wind 8676.96 14336.07 39784.90

c) Span not laid condition:-

Load Combination:- 15 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m)

1 self wt.(HFL) 7653.90 - 36707.54
2 Earth(HFL) / Fluid Pressure - 6912.68 -
a)Total without wind 7653.90 6912.68 36707.54

II ) Earth on Frontside condition

Load Combination:- 16 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m)

1 DL+SDL+self wt(HFL) 11378.61 - 43566.94
2 LL - Class - A - 2 - Lane 472.53 - 1421.37
3 Longitudinal force&moment
i) Class - A - 2 - Lane - 3893.25 -
4 Vertical component of braking 33.83 - 101.76
5 Earth(HFL) / Fluid Pressure - 6912.68 -
6 Wind Force
i) HFL + service condition - - -
a)Total without wind 11884.97 10805.93 45090.07
b)Total with wind 11884.97 10805.93 45090.07

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Load Combination:- 17 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m)

1 DL+SDL+self wt(HFL) 11378.61 - 43566.94
2 LL - 7OR Wheeled 437.59 - 1316.27
3 Longitudinal force&moment
i) 7OR Wheeled - 3893.25 -
4 Vertical component of braking 38.86 - 116.89
5 Earth(HFL) / Fluid Pressure - 6912.68 -
6 Wind Force
i) HFL + service condition - - -
a)Total without wind 11855.06 10805.93 45000.10
b)Total with wind 11855.06 10805.93 45000.10

Load Combination:- 18 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m)

1 DL+SDL+self wt (HFL) 11378.61 - 43566.94
2 LL - 70R Tracked 506.94 - 1524.88
3 Longitudinal force&moment
i) 70R Tracked - 3893.25 -
4 Vertical component of braking 40.00 - 120.32
5 Earth(HFL) / Fluid Pressure - 6912.68 -
6 Wind Force
i) HFL + service condition - - -
a)Total without wind 11925.55 10805.93 45212.14
b)Total with wind 11925.55 10805.93 45212.14

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

b) Span unloaded condition:-

Load Combination:- 19 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m)

1 DL+SDL+self wt 11378.61 - 43566.94
2 Longitudinal force&moment
i) Shear deformation - 4383.81 -
3 Earth(HFL) / Fluid Pressure - 6912.68 -
4 Live load surcharge - 3039.58 -
5 Wind Force
i) unloaded condition - - -
a)Total without wind 11378.61 14336.07 43566.94
b)Total with wind 11378.61 14336.07 43566.94

c) Span not laid condition:-

Load Combination:- 20 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m)

1 self wt.(HFL) 10355.55 - 40489.58
2 Earth(HFL) / Fluid Pressure - 6912.68 -
a)Total without wind 10355.55 6912.68 40489.58

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Stability Check:-
I) Stability against sliding:- m = 0.5 (Ref. CL - 706.3.4 of IRC - 78 - 2000)
Factor of safety = mv > 1.50
ii) Stability against overturning:-
Factor of safety = MR 2
S. HL (Kn) FS against MR (Kn.m) MO (Kn.m) FS against
LC V (kn)
NO sliding overturning
1 1a 11055.98 2967.59 1.86 50331.52 11190.14 4.50
2 1b 11055.98 2967.59 1.86 50331.52 11190.14 4.50
3 2a 11026.07 2967.59 1.86 50241.55 11190.14 4.49
4 2b 11026.07 2967.59 1.86 50241.55 11190.14 4.49
5 3a 11096.56 2967.59 1.87 50453.59 11190.14 4.51
6 3b 11096.56 2967.59 1.87 50453.59 11190.14 4.51
7 4a 10549.62 3640.36 1.45 48808.39 14720.28 3.32
8 4b 10549.62 3640.36 1.45 48808.39 14720.28 3.32
9 5a 9526.56 2419.56 1.97 45731.03 7296.89 6.27
10 6a 12708.47 2967.59 2.14 52634.25 11190.14 4.70
11 6b 12708.47 2967.59 2.14 52634.25 11190.14 4.70
12 7a 12678.56 2967.59 2.14 52544.28 11190.14 4.70
13 7b 12678.56 2967.59 2.14 52544.28 11190.14 4.70
14 8a 12749.05 2967.59 2.15 52756.32 11190.14 4.71
15 8b 12749.05 2967.59 2.15 52756.32 11190.14 4.71
16 9a 12202.11 3640.36 1.68 51111.12 14720.28 3.47
17 9b 12202.11 3640.36 1.68 51111.12 14720.28 3.47
18 10a 11179.05 2419.56 2.31 48033.76 7296.89 6.58
19 11a 9183.32 2967.59 1.55 41308.03 10805.93 3.82
20 11b 9183.32 2967.59 1.55 41308.03 10805.93 3.82
21 12a 9153.41 2967.59 1.54 41218.06 10805.93 3.81
22 12b 9153.41 2967.59 1.54 41218.06 10805.93 3.81
23 13a 9223.90 2967.59 1.55 41430.10 10805.93 3.83
24 13b 9223.90 2967.59 1.55 41430.10 10805.93 3.83
25 14a 8676.96 3640.36 1.19 39784.90 14336.07 2.78
26 14b 8676.96 3640.36 1.19 39784.90 14336.07 2.78
27 15a 7653.90 2419.56 1.58 36707.54 6912.68 5.31
28 16a 11884.97 2967.59 2.00 45090.07 10805.93 4.17
29 16b 11884.97 2967.59 2.00 45090.07 10805.93 4.17
30 17a 11855.06 2967.59 2.00 45000.10 10805.93 4.16
31 17b 11855.06 2967.59 2.00 45000.10 10805.93 4.16
32 18a 11925.55 2967.59 2.01 45212.14 10805.93 4.18
33 18b 11925.55 2967.59 2.01 45212.14 10805.93 4.18
34 19a 11378.61 3640.36 1.60 43566.94 14336.07 3.04
35 19b 11378.61 3640.36 1.60 43566.94 14336.07 3.04
36 20a 10355.55 2419.56 2.14 40489.58 6912.68 5.86

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

(Normal case)

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.00 -
0.00 - -

0.00 -
0.00 - -

0.00 -
0.00 - -
0.00 -
0.00 - -

1592.17 67.19 -
1724.06 67.19 -
1886.59 67.19 -
- - -
- 480.84 174.94
- 480.84 174.94
- 480.84 174.94
- 0.00 -

- - -
- - -
- - -
- 2286.36 -

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

- 1841.64 -
- 2419.56 -
- 709.27 -
157.12 - 18.00
153.51 - 17.91
132.95 - 15.76

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

oad on embankment will be atleast 20m away from the backside of dirt wall,
abutment when live load will be on span.

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.00 - -
1592.17 67.19 -

- 480.84 174.94
- - -
- 2419.56 -

157.12 - 18
1592.17 2967.59 174.94
1749.29 2967.59 192.94

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.00 - -
1724.06 67.19 -

- 480.84 174.94
- - -
- 2419.56 -

157.12 - 18
1724.06 2967.59 174.94
1881.18 2967.59 192.94

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

0.00 - -
1886.59 67.19 -

- 480.84 174.94
- - -
- 2419.56 -
157.12 - 18
1886.59 2967.59 174.94
2043.71 2967.59 192.94

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.00 - -

- 511.53 -
- 2419.56 -
- 709.27 -
132.95 - 15.76
0.00 3640.36 -
132.95 3640.36 15.76

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.00 - -
- 2419.56 -
0.00 2419.56 -

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.00 - -
1592.17 67.19 -

- 480.84 174.94
- - -
- 2419.56 -

157.12 - 18
1592.17 2967.59 174.94
1749.29 2967.59 192.94

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.00 - -
1724.06 67.19 -

- 480.84 174.94
- - -
- 2419.56 -

157.12 - 18
1724.06 2967.59 174.94
1881.18 2967.59 192.94

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.00 - -
1886.59 67.19 -

- 480.84 174.94
- - -
- 2419.56 -
157.12 - 18
1886.59 2967.59 174.94
2043.71 2967.59 192.94

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.00 - -

- 511.53 -
- 2419.56 -
- 709.27 -
132.95 - 15.76
0.00 3640.36 -
132.95 3640.36 15.76

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.00 - -
- 2419.56 -
0.00 2419.56 -

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.00 - -
1592.17 67.19 -

- 480.84 174.94
- - -
- 2419.56 -

153.51 - 17.91
1592.17 2967.59 174.94
1745.68 2967.59 192.85

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.00 - -
1724.06 67.19 -

- 480.84 174.94
- - -
- 2419.56 -

153.51 - 17.91
1724.06 2967.59 174.94
1877.57 2967.59 192.85

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.00 - -
1886.59 67.19 -

- 480.84 174.94

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

- - -
- 2419.56 -
153.51 - 17.91
1886.59 2967.59 174.94
2040.10 2967.59 192.85

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.00 - -

- 511.53 -
- 2419.56 -
- 709.27 -
132.95 - 15.76
0.00 3640.36 -
132.95 3640.36 15.76

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.00 - -
- 2419.56 -
0.00 2419.56 -

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.00 - -
1592.17 67.19 -

- 480.84 174.94
- - -
- 2419.56 -

153.51 - 17.91
1592.17 2967.59 174.94
1745.68 2967.59 192.85

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.00 - -
1724.06 67.19 -

- 480.84 174.94
- - -
- 2419.56 -

153.51 - 17.91
1724.06 2967.59 174.94
1877.57 2967.59 192.85

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.00 - -
1886.59 67.19 -

- 480.84 174.94
- - -
- 2419.56 -
153.51 - 17.91
1886.59 2967.59 174.94
2040.10 2967.59 192.85

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.00 - -

- 511.53 -
- 2419.56 -
- 709.27 -
132.95 - 15.76
0.00 3640.36 -
132.95 3640.36 15.76

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.00 - -
- 2419.56 -
0.00 2419.56 -

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Calculation of forces and moments at C.G. of abutment base:- (Normal case)

Plan dimension of abutment base 12.9 x 7.860 m

3.930 m 3.930 m 3.930 m 3.930 m

7.860 m

Transferring the forces and moments to C.G of abutment base from toe, ML = 3.93 V + MO
S.No Combin At toe of Abutment base At C.G.
V (Kn) MO(Kn.m) MR (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m) V (Kn)
1 1a 11055.980 11190.140 50331.520 1592.17 11055.980
2 1b 11055.980 11190.140 50331.520 1749.290 11055.980
3 2a 11026.070 11190.140 50241.550 1724.060 11026.070
4 2b 11026.070 11190.140 50241.550 1881.180 11026.070
5 3a 11096.560 11190.140 50453.590 1886.590 11096.560
6 3b 11096.560 11190.140 50453.590 2043.710 11096.560
7 4a 10549.620 14720.280 48808.390 0.000 10549.620
8 4b 10549.620 14720.280 48808.390 132.950 10549.620
9 5a 9526.560 7296.890 45731.030 0.000 9526.560
10 6a 12708.470 11190.140 52634.250 1592.170 12708.470
11 6b 12708.470 11190.140 52634.250 1749.290 12708.470
12 7a 12678.560 11190.140 52544.280 1724.060 12678.560
13 7b 12678.560 11190.140 52544.280 1881.180 12678.560
14 8a 12749.050 11190.140 52756.320 1886.590 12749.050
15 8b 12749.050 11190.140 52756.320 2043.710 12749.050
16 9a 12202.110 14720.280 51111.120 0.000 12202.110
17 9b 12202.110 14720.280 51111.120 132.950 12202.110
18 10a 11179.050 7296.890 48033.760 0.000 11179.050
19 11a 9183.320 10805.930 41308.030 1592.170 9183.320
20 11b 9183.320 10805.930 41308.030 1745.680 9183.320
21 12a 9153.410 10805.930 41218.060 1724.060 9153.410
22 12b 9153.410 10805.930 41218.060 1877.570 9153.410
23 13a 9223.900 10805.930 41430.100 1886.590 9223.900
24 13b 9223.900 10805.930 41430.100 2040.100 9223.900
25 14a 8676.960 14336.070 39784.900 0.000 8676.960
26 14b 8676.960 14336.070 39784.900 132.950 8676.960

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

27 15a 7653.900 6912.680 36707.540 0.000 7653.900

28 16a 11884.970 10805.930 45090.070 1592.170 11884.970
29 16b 11884.970 10805.930 45090.070 1745.680 11884.970
30 17a 11855.060 10805.930 45000.100 1724.060 11855.060
31 17b 11855.060 10805.930 45000.100 1877.570 11855.060
32 18a 11925.550 10805.930 45212.140 1886.590 11925.550
33 18b 11925.550 10805.930 45212.140 2040.100 11925.550
34 19a 11378.610 14336.070 43566.940 0.000 11378.610
35 19b 11378.610 14336.070 43566.940 132.950 11378.610
36 20a 10355.550 6912.680 40489.580 0.000 10355.550

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Calculation of base Pressure

A = 12.9 x 7.860 = 101.39 M2
ZL = 12.9 x 7.860 2 = 132.83 M3 6.450
ZT = 7.860 x 12.9 2 = 218.00 M3

V + ML + MT 6.45
Base Pressure, P = A ZL ZT
1. Load Combination : 1a (Normal)
P1 = 11055.980 + 4308.62 + 1592.17 109.04 + 32.44 + 7.3
101.39 132.83 218.00
2. Load Combination : 1b(wind)
P2 = 11055.980 + 4308.62 + 1749.290 = 109.04 + 32.44 + 8.02
101.39 132.83 218.00
3. Load Combination : 2a(Normal)
P3 = 11026.070 + 4281.05 + 1724.060 = 108.75 + 32.23 + 7.91
101.39 132.83 218.00
4. Load Combination : 2b(wind)
P4 = 11026.070 + 4281.050 + 1881.180 = 108.75 + 32.23 + 8.63
101.39 132.83 218.00
5. Load Combination : 3a(Normal)
P5 = 11096.560 + 4346.030 + 1886.590 = 109.44 + 32.72 + 8.65
101.39 132.83 218.00
6. Load Combination : 3b(Wind)
P6 = 11096.560 + 4346.030 + 2043.710 = 109.44 + 32.72 + 9.37
101.39 132.83 218.00
7. Load Combination : 4a(Normal)
P7 = 10549.620 + 7371.900 + 0.000 = 104.05 + 55.50 + 0.00
101.39 132.83 218.00
8. Load Combination : 4b(Wind)
P8 = 10549.620 + 7371.900 + 132.950 = 104.05 + 55.50 + 0.61
101.39 132.83 218.00
9. Load Combination : 5a(Normal)
P9 = 9526.560 + -994.760 + 0.000 = 93.96 + -7.49 + 0.00
101.39 132.83 218.00
10. Load Combination : 6a(Normal)
P10 = 12708.470 + 8500.180 + 1592.170 = 125.34 + 63.99 + 7.30
101.39 132.83 218.00

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

11. Load Combination : 6b(Wind)

P11 = 12708.470 + 8500.180 + 1749.290 = 125.34 + 63.99 + 8.02
101.39 132.83 218.00
12. Load Combination : 7a(Normal)
P12 = 12678.560 + 8472.600 + 1724.060 = 125.05 + 63.79 + 7.91
101.39 132.83 218.00
13. Load Combination : 7b(Wind)
P13 = 12678.560 + 8472.600 + 1881.180 = 125.05 + 63.79 + 8.63
101.39 132.83 218.00
14. Load Combination : 8a(Normal)
P14 = 12749.050 + 8537.590 + 1886.590 = 125.74 + 64.28 + 8.65
101.39 132.83 218.00
15. Load Combination : 8b(Wind)
P15 = 12749.050 + 8537.590 + 2043.710 = 125.74 + 64.28 + 9.37
101.39 132.83 218.00

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

16. Load Combination : 9a(Normal)

P16 = 12202.110 + 11563.450 + 0.000 = 120.35 + 87.06 + 0.00
101.39 132.83 218.00
17. Load Combination : 9b(Wind)
P17 = 12202.110 + 11563.450 + 132.950 = 120.35 + 87.06 + 0.61
101.39 132.83 218.00
18. Load Combination : 10a(Normal)
P18 = 11179.050 + 3196.800 + 0.000 = 110.26 + 24.07 + 0.00
101.39 132.83 218.00
19. Load Combination : 11a(Normal)
P21 = 9183.320 + 5588.350 + 1592.170 = 90.57 + 42.07 + 7.30
101.39 132.83 218.00
20. Load Combination : 11b(Wind)
P22 = 9183.320 + 5588.350 + 1745.680 = 90.57 + 42.07 + 8.01
101.39 132.83 218.00
21. Load Combination : 12a(Normal)
P23 = 9153.410 + 5560.770 + 1724.060 = 90.28 + 41.87 + 7.91
101.39 132.83 218.00
22. Load Combination : 12b(Wind)
P24 = 9153.410 + 5560.770 + 1877.570 = 90.28 + 41.87 + 8.61
101.39 132.83 218.00
23. Load Combination : 13a(Normal)
P25 = 9223.900 + 5625.760 + 1886.590 = 90.97 + 42.35 + 8.65
101.39 132.83 218.00
24. Load Combination : 13b(Wind)
P26 = 9223.900 + 5625.760 + 2040.100 = 90.97 + 42.35 + 9.36
101.39 132.83 218.00
25. Load Combination : 14a(Normal)
P27 = 8676.960 + 8651.620 + 0.000 = 85.58 + 65.13 + 0.00
101.39 132.83 218.00
26. Load Combination : 14b(Wind)
P28 = 8676.960 + 8651.620 + 132.950 = 85.58 + 65.13 + 0.61
101.39 132.83 218.00
27. Load Combination : 15a(Normal)
P29 = 7653.900 + 284.970 + 0.000 = 75.49 + 2.15 + 0.00
101.39 132.83 218.00
28. Load Combination : 16a(Normal)
P30 = 11884.970 + 12423.790 + 1592.170 = 117.22 + 93.53 + 7.30
101.39 132.83 218.00
29. Load Combination : 16b(wind)

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

P31 = 11884.970 + 12423.790 + 1745.680 = 117.22 + 93.53 + 8.01

101.39 132.83 218.00
30. Load Combination : 17a(Normal)
P32 = 11855.060 + 12396.220 + 1724.060 = 116.93 + 93.33 + 7.91
101.39 132.83 218.00
31. Load Combination : 17b(Wind)
P33 = 11855.060 + 12396.220 + 1877.570 = 116.93 + 93.33 + 8.61
101.39 132.83 218.00

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

32. Load Combination : 18a(Normal)

P34 = 11925.550 + 12461.200 + 1886.590 = 117.62 + 93.82 + 8.65
101.39 132.83 218.00
33. Load Combination : 18b(Wind)
P35 = 11925.550 + 12461.200 + 2040.100 = 117.62 + 93.82 + 9.36
101.39 132.83 218.00
34. Load Combination : 19a(Normal)
P36 = 11378.610 + 15487.070 + 0.000 = 112.23 + 116.60 + 0.00
101.39 132.83 218.00
35. Load Combination : 19b(Wind)
P37 = 11378.610 + 15487.070 + 132.950 = 112.23 + 116.60 + 0.61
101.39 132.83 218.00
36. Load Combination : 20a(Normal)
P38 = 10355.550 + 7120.410 + 0.000 = 102.14 + 53.61 + 0.00
101.39 132.83 218.00

Normal case:-
SBC = 300 Kn / m2
Pmax = 228.83 Kn / m2 < SBC
Pmin = 15.15 Kn / m2 > 0 SAFE

Wind case:-
SBC = 375 Kn / m2 Safe Bearing capacity has been inreased 25% f
as per cl- 706.1.2 of IRC - 78
Pmax = 229.44 Kn / m2 < SBC
Pmin = 14.44 Kn / m2 > 0 SAFE

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

- MR

At C.G. of abutment base

V (Kn) ML (Kn.M) MT (Kn.M)

11055.980 4308.62 1592.17
11055.980 4308.62 1749.29
11026.070 4281.05 1724.06
11026.070 4281.050 1881.18
11096.560 4346.030 1886.590
11096.560 4346.030 2043.71
10549.620 7371.900 0.00
10549.620 7371.900 132.95
9526.560 -994.760 0.00
12708.470 8500.180 1592.17
12708.470 8500.180 1749.29
12678.560 8472.600 1724.06
12678.560 8472.600 1881.18
12749.050 8537.590 1886.59
12749.050 8537.590 2043.71
12202.110 11563.450 0.00
12202.110 11563.450 132.95
11179.050 3196.800 0.00
9183.320 5588.350 1592.17
9183.320 5588.350 1745.68
9153.410 5560.770 1724.06
9153.410 5560.770 1877.57
9223.900 5625.760 1886.59
9223.900 5625.760 2040.10
8676.960 8651.620 0.00
8676.960 8651.620 132.95

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

7653.900 284.970 0.00

11884.970 12423.790 1592.17
11884.970 12423.790 1745.68
11855.060 12396.220 1724.06
11855.060 12396.220 1877.57
11925.550 12461.200 1886.59
11925.550 12461.200 2040.10
11378.610 15487.070 0.00
11378.610 15487.070 132.95
10355.550 7120.410 0.00

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

3.930 3.930



7.860 m

Pmax = 148.78 Kn / m

Pmin = 69.30 Kn / m2

149.50 Kn / m
8.02 Pmax =
Pmin = 68.58 Kn / m2

148.89 Kn / m
7.91 Pmax =
Pmin = 68.61 Kn / m2

149.61 Kn / m
8.63 Pmax =
Pmin = 67.89 Kn / m2

150.81 Kn / m
Pmax =
Pmin = 68.07 Kn / m2

151.53 Kn / m
9.37 Pmax =
Pmin = 67.35 Kn / m2

159.55 Kn / m
0.00 Pmax =
Pmin = 48.55 Kn / m2

160.16 Kn / m
0.61 Pmax =
Pmin = 47.94 Kn / m2

86.47 Kn / m
0.00 Pmax =
Pmin = 101.45 Kn / m2

196.63 Kn / m
7.30 Pmax =
Pmin = 54.05 Kn / m2

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

197.35 Kn / m
8.02 Pmax =
Pmin = 53.33 Kn / m2

196.75 Kn / m
7.91 Pmax =
Pmin = 53.35 Kn / m2

197.47 Kn / m
8.63 Pmax =
Pmin = 52.63 Kn / m2

198.67 Kn / m
8.65 Pmax =
Pmin = 52.81 Kn / m2

199.39 Kn / m
9.37 Pmax =
Pmin = 52.09 Kn / m2

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

207.41 Kn / m
0.00 Pmax =
Pmin = 33.29 Kn / m2

208.02 Kn / m
0.61 Pmax =
Pmin = 32.68 Kn / m2

134.3 Kn / m
0.00 Pmax =
Pmin = 86.2 Kn / m2

139.94 Kn / m
7.30 Pmax =
Pmin = 41.20 Kn / m2

140.65 Kn / m
8.01 Pmax =
Pmin = 40.49 Kn / m2

140.06 Kn / m
7.91 Pmax =
Pmin = 40.50 Kn / m2

140.76 Kn / m
8.61 Pmax =
Pmin = 39.80 Kn / m2

141.97 Kn / m
8.65 Pmax =
Pmin = 39.97 Kn / m2

142.68 Kn / m
9.36 Pmax =
Pmin = 39.26 Kn / m2

150.71 Kn / m
0.00 Pmax =
Pmin = 20.45 Kn / m2

151.32 Kn / m
0.61 Pmax =
Pmin = 19.84 Kn / m2

77.64 Kn / m
0.00 Pmax =
Pmin = 73.34 Kn / m2

218.05 Kn / m
7.30 Pmax =
Pmin = 16.39 Kn / m2

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

218.76 Kn / m
8.01 Pmax =
Pmin = 15.68 Kn / m2

218.17 Kn / m
7.91 Pmax =
Pmin = 15.69 Kn / m2

218.87 Kn / m
8.61 Pmax =
Pmin = 14.99 Kn / m2

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

220.09 Kn / m
8.65 Pmax =
Pmin = 15.15 Kn / m2

220.80 Kn / m
9.36 Pmax =
Pmin = 14.44 Kn / m2

228.83 Kn / m
0.00 Pmax =
Pmin = -4.37 Kn / m2

229.44 Kn / m
0.61 Pmax =
Pmin = -4.98 Kn / m2

155.75 Kn / m
0.00 Pmax =
Pmin = 48.53 Kn / m2

Safe Bearing capacity has been inreased 25% for wind case -

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Design of base raft:- (Normal case) A B


161.63 26.25


4.250 m 3.000 m

15.15 130.69 147.27


Load combination - 18a is critical : (with front side earth - 70R Tracked - HFL/WET)
P max = 228.83 Kn / m <
300 Kn / m2
P min = 15.15 Kn / m2 > 0

Downward load in backside = 2.8 + 3.1 x 18 + 4.571 X 18 + 0.9 +

2 2
= 161.63 Kn / m2

Downward load in front side = 1.20 + 0.9 x 25

= 26.25 Kn / m2

Design of heel slab (Section - AA)

Moment at face of abutment wall =

161.63 x 4.250 2 - 15.15 + 130.69 x 4.250 X 2 X 15.15 + 130.69

2 2 15.15 + 130.69
= 975.070 Kn.m/m
Shear force at the face of the abutment wall =

161.63 x 4.250 - 15.15 + 130.69 x 4.250 = 377.020

Effective depth required =
975.070 x 10 6 d req = 812 mm
1.48 x 1000 Q = 1.48
J = 0.889

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Grade of concrete = 30 Stress in steel = 200 N / mm2

d Provided = 1050 - 75 - 16 = 959 mm >


Reinforcement required, Ast = 975.07 x 10 6 = 5718.54

0.889 x 200 x 959

Use 32 mm Rod
Provide 32 dia 130 c/c at top ( Ast Provided: 6183 mm 2 )

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Check for shear:

V max = 377.02 Kn

Shear stress, tn = 377.02 x 10 3 = 0.393 N / mm2 < 0.352 n / mm2

1000 x 959 UNSAFE

% Ast = 100 x 6183.38 = 0.64 % tc = 0.352 n / mm2 (From table 2B of IRC

1000 x 959

Design of toe slab (Section - BB)

Moment at face abutment wall =

228.830 + 147.27 x 3.00 X 2 X 228.830 + 147.27 x 3.00 - 26.25

2 228.830 + 147.27 3

= 789.27 Kn. m/ m

Effective depth required= 789.27 x 10 6 = 730 mm<

1.48 x 1000 SAFE

Effective depth Provided = 1050 - 75 - 8.0 = 967.0 mm

Reinforcement required, Ast: 789.27 x 10 6 = 4591 mm2

0.889 x 200 x 967

Use 25 mm Rod
Provide 25 dia 99 C/C at bottom (Ast provided = 4956 mm2

Check for Shear:

Shear force is calculated at a distance d = 967.0 mm (As per Cl 707.2.4 of IRC 78: 2000)

Shear force = 173.56 + 228.830 x 2.033 - 26.25 x 2.033

= 355.66 Kn/m
Total depth at critical section = 1578 mm

Effective depth at critical section = 1578 - 75 - 12.50 = 1491 mm

Shear stress, t n = 355.66 x 10 3 = 0.239 n / mm2 < 0.256

1000 X 1491 SAFE

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

% Ast = 100 x 4955.81 = 0.330 % tc = 0.256 n / mm2 (From table 12B of IRC
1000 x 1491

Distribution Steel:- Min. Ast = 0.15 x 1000 x 1050 = 1575 =

(cl - 707.2.7 of IRC - 78) 100 2

Provide 10 @ 97 c/c AST Provided = 812 mm 2

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

2.033 for shear.


+ 1.2 x 25

130.69 x 4.250
130.69 3


TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

812 mm

5718.54 mm2

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4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

n / mm2

(From table 2B of IRC - 21)

26.25 x 3.00 2

967 mm


(As per Cl 707.2.4 of IRC 78: 2000)


0.256 n / mm2

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

(From table 12B of IRC - 21)

787.5 mm 2

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Design of Abutment wall:-

200 220 340
0.960 121.50 121.500
7.371 0.76 H.F.L 120.6

6.411 C.G
B.L 117.889
0.61 115.089

I) Calculation of restoring moment at bottom of Abutment wall :- LWL/DRY condition

S.N Vertical about CL of
Description of Load
o Load(KN) Abutment
wall (m)

1 (DL + SDL) from super structure 1023.06 0.105

2 Weight of dirt wall:-

0.340 x 0.471 x 12.9 x 25 51.650 -0.285

3 Weight of abutment cap:-

0.760 x 0.150 + 0.6389 x 12.9 x 25 96.68 -0.075
0.61 x 0.150 + 0.6389 x 12.9 x 25 77.60 0.000
0.5 x 0.15 x 0.150 + 0.6389 x 12.9 x 25 9.54 -0.355
4 Weight of abutment wall:- (above bed level)
3.311 x 0.610 x 12.9 x 25 651.36 0.000

5 Weight of abutment wall:- (below bed level)

2.800 x 0.610 x 12.9 x 14 308.46 0.000

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Total 2218.35

Self weight of abutment wall :- Total 1195.29

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

(Kn - m)








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4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

II) Calculation of restoring moment at bottom of Abutment wall:- HFL condition

S.N Vertical about Cl of
Description of Load
o Load(KN) Abutment
wall (m)

1 (DL + SDL) from super structure 1023.06 0.105

2 Weight of dirt wall:-

0.340 x 0.471 x 12.9 x 25 51.650 -0.285

3 Weight of abutment cap:-

0.760 x 0.150 + 0.6389 x 12.9 x 25 96.68 -0.075
0.61 x 0.150 + 0.6389 x 12.9 x 25 77.60 0.000
0.5 x 0.15 x 0.150 + 0.6389 x 12.9 x 25 9.54 -0.355

4 Weight of abutment wall:- (above HFL)

0.600 x 0.610 x 12.9 x 25 118.04 0.000

5 Weight of abutment wall:- (below HFL)

5.511 x 0.610 x 12.9 x 14 607.12 0.000

Total 1983.69

Self weight of abutment wall :- Total 960.63

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

HFL condition

(Kn - m)










TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

III) Calculation of maximum live load Reaction and tranverse moment at bottom
of abutment wall :-

I) Class A - 2 lane:-

Vertical load = 472.53 Kn

Moment due to vertical load = 472.53 x 0.105 = 49.62 Kn.m

Transverse moment = 1592.17 Kn.m

ii) 70 R wheeled: -

Vertical load = 437.59 Kn

Moment due to vertical load = 437.59 x 0.105 = 45.95 Kn.m

Transverse moment = 1724.06 Kn.m

iii) Class - 70 R Tracked

Vertical load = 506.94 Kn

Moment due to vertical load = 506.94 x 0.105 = 53.23 Kn.m

Transverse moment = 1886.59 Kn.m

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

IV) Forces and moment due to longitudinal force:-

Span loaded condition:- Total Longitudinal force = Fh/2 (OR) µg
I) class - A - 2 lane:-
Total force = 511.53 + 0.00 = 511.53 Kn

Overturning moment at = 511.53 x 121.500 - 115.089 = 3279.42 Kn.m

bottom of abutment wall

II) 70R Wheeled :-

Total force = 511.53 + 0.00 = 511.53 Kn

Overturning moment at = 511.53 x 121.500 - 115.089 = 3279.42 Kn.m

bottom of abutment wall

III) 70R Tracked:-

Total force = 511.53 + 0.00 = 511.53 Kn

Overturning moment at = 511.53 x 121.500 - 115.089 = 3279.42 Kn.m

bottom of abutment wall

Horrizontal force in longitudinal direction

Longidutinal force due to friction = 0.5 X 1023.06 = 511.53 Kn

Overturning moment at = 511.53 x 121.500 - 115.09

bottom of abutment wall
= 3279.42 Kn.m

V) Forces and moment due to vertical component of braking force:-

This force will act at 1.2 m above the road level.

I) class - A - 2 lane:-
Vertical reaction = 118.40 x 1.20 + 122.46 - 121.500 = 33.83 Kn.

Restoring moment at = 33.83 x 0.105 = 3.55 Kn.m

bottom of abutment wall

II) 70R Wheeled :-

Vertical reaction = 136.00 x 1.20 + 122.46 - 121.500 = 38.86 Kn.

Restoring moment at = 38.86 x 0.105 = 4.08 Kn.m

bottom of abutment wall

III) 70R Tracked:-

Vertical reaction = 140.00 x 1.20 + 122.46 - 121.500 = 40.00 Kn.

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Restoring moment at = 40.00 x 0.105 = 4.20 Kn.m

bottom of abutment wall

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

VI) Calculation of forces & moments due to earth Pressure at bottom of abutment wall:-
A) Approach retained conditon:- (Normal case)

RTL - 122.46 Cos 20 = 0.940

Sin 20 = 0.342
4.571 1.86
HFL- 120.600 ka = 0.279
2.711 (Dry)g = 18 KN / M3
Bed level 117.889 5.511 (Wet) g = 10 KN / M3

Top of foundation 115.089
Bottom of foundation 113.889

1) Low Water Level Condition:-

Pressure due to soil = 0.279 x 18 x 7.371 x 13.72 = 1871.78 Kn
Moment @ bottom of = 1871.78 x 0.42 x 7.371 = 5794.69 Kn.m
abutment wall

Total Horizontal = 1871.78 Kn

Total moment for = 5794.69 Kn.m

2) High Flood Level Condition:-

Pressure due to soil above HFL :-
Pressure due to soil = 0.279 x 18.00 x 1.86 x 13.72 = 119.19 Kn
above HFL 2
Moment @ bottom of = 119.19 x 0.42 x 1.86 + 5.511 = 749.97 Kn.m
abutment wall

Pressure due to soil below HFL :-

Pressure due to surcharge = 0.279 x 18.00 x 1.86 x 5.511 x 13.72 = 706.28 Kn
of soil above HFL
Moment @ bottom of = 706.28 x 5.511 2 = 1946.15 Kn.m
abutment wall
Pressure due to soil below HFL = 0.279 x 10 x 5.511 x 13.72 = 581.29 Kn
Moment @ bottom of = 581.29 x 0.42 x 5.511 = 1345.47 Kn.m
abutment wall

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Total Horizontal force for HFL 119.19 + 706.28 + 581.29 = 1406.76 Kn

condition =
Total moment for HFL condition = 749.97 + 1946.15 + 1345.47 = 4041.59 Kn.m

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

B) scour alround condition:- scour level = Protected bed level = 117.889

Since the bed is protected.

No earth pressure & no live load forces and moments acting on foundation
= x x x x
VII) Force and Moment due to Fluid Pressure :- (cl-217.1 of IRC - 6 - 2000)

Intensity of fluid pressure = 4.800 Kn/m3

Height of wall = 122.46 - 115.089 = 7.371 m

Force due to fluid pressure = 4.800 x 7.371 x13.7234 = 1789.48 Kn
for entier length 2
Moment @ bottom of abutment wall 1789.480 x 7.371 = 4396.75 Kn.m
VIII) Calculation of live load surcharge Pressure:-



Live load surcharge = 0.279 x 18.00 X 1.2 = 6.030 Kn / m2


Horizontal force (H2) = 6.030 x 7.371 X 13.72 = 609.970 Kn

Moment at bottom of
abutment wall = 609.97 X 7.371 = 2248.04 Kn.m
Total Horizontal force = 609.970 Kn

Total Over turning moment = 2248.040 Kn.m

at bottom of abutment wall

IX) Force and moment due to buoyancy:-

Buoyancy effect through pore pressure has been considered in self weight
of the substructure and earth weight it self. So, no need to calculate seperately.

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

VI) Calculation of forces & moments due to earth Pressure at bottom of abutment wall:-
A) Approach retained conditon:- (Normal case)

RTL - 122.46 Cos 20 = 0.940

Sin 20 = 0.342
4.571 1.86
HFL- 120.600 ka = 0.101687
2.711 (Dry)g = 18 KN / M3
Bed level 117.889 5.511 (Wet) g = 10 KN / M3

Top of foundation 115.089
Bottom of foundation 113.889

1) Low Water Level Condition:-

Pressure due to soil =0.1016873 x 18 x 7.371 x 13.72 = 682.21 Kn
Moment @ bottom of = 682.21 x x 0.38 = 259.24 Kn.m
abutment wall

Total Horizontal = 682.21 Kn

Total moment for = 259.24 Kn.m

2) High Flood Level Condition:-

Pressure due to soil above HFL :-
Pressure due to soil =0.1016873 x 18.00 x 1.86 x 13.72 = 43.44 Kn
above HFL 2
Moment @ bottom of = 43.44 x x 0.38 + = 16.51 Kn.m
abutment wall

Pressure due to soil below HFL :-

Pressure due to surcharge = 0.102 x 18.00 x 1.86 x 5.511 x 13.72 = 257.42 Kn
of soil above HFL
Moment @ bottom of = 257.42 x 0.380 1 = 97.82 Kn.m
abutment wall
Pressure due to soil below HFL = 0.102 x 10 x 5.511 x 13.72 = 211.86 Kn
Moment @ bottom of = 211.86 x x 0.380 = 80.51 Kn.m
abutment wall

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Total Horizontal force for HFL 43.44 + 257.42 + 211.86 = 512.72 Kn

condition =
Total moment for HFL condition = 16.51 + 97.82 + 80.51 = 194.84 Kn.m

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

B) scour alround condition:- scour level = Protected bed level = 117.889

Since the bed is protected.

No earth pressure & no live load forces and moments acting on foundation
= x x x x
VII) Force and Moment due to Fluid Pressure :- (cl-214.1 of IRC - 6 - 2014)

Intensity of fluid pressure = 4.800 Kn/m3

Height of wall = 122.46 - 115.089 = 7.371 m

Force due to fluid pressure = 4.800 x 7.371 x13.7234 = 1789.48 Kn
for entier length 2
Moment @ bottom of abutment wall 1789.480 x 7.371 = 4396.75 Kn.m
VIII) Calculation of live load surcharge Pressure:-



Live load surcharge 0.1016873

= x 18.00 X 1.2 = 2.200 Kn / m2

Horizontal force (H2) = 2.200 x 7.371 X 13.72 = 222.540 Kn

Moment at bottom of
abutment wall = 222.54 X 7.371 = 820.17 Kn.m
Total Horizontal force = 222.540 Kn

Total Over turning moment = 820.170 Kn.m

at bottom of abutment wall

IX) Force and moment due to buoyancy:-

Buoyancy effect through pore pressure has been considered in self weight
of the substructure and earth weight it self. So, no need to calculate seperately.

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants


Overall Span of superstructure 8.00 m

Overall width of superstructure 12.90 m

1 Self Weight LWL HFL

Abutment weight 221.84 T 198.37 T
Restoring moment 8.21 Tm 8.21 Tm

2 Soil Retained behind

Soil Weight 555.82 T 447.97 T
Restoring moment 3001.37 Tm 2419.98 Tm

3 Earth Pressure - Horizontal

Force due to EP at bottom of abutment 187.18 T 140.68 T
Moment due to EP at bottom of abutment 579.47 Tm 404.16 Tm

4 Earth Pressure - Vertical

Force due to EP at bottom of abutment 4.34 T 51.27 T
Moment due to EP at bottom of abutment 1.65 Tm 19.48 Tm

5 Live Load Surcharge - Horizontal Component

Force due to EP at bottom of abutment 60.997 T 61.00 T
Moment due to EP at bottom of abutment 224.80 Tm 224.80 Tm

6 Live Load Surcharge - Vertical Component

Force due to EP at bottom of abutment 22.254 T 22.25 T
Moment due to EP at bottom of abutment 82.02 Tm 82.02 Tm
Length of Abutment = 13 m (Trans dim)
Length of foundation = 13 m (Trans dim)
Width of foundation = 7.86 m (Long dim)
Thickness of foundation = 1.2 m
As per Table 3.2 Basic combination
1 Abutment + Earth Pressure only (LWL CASE)
factors Load Moment
Check for Pressure for LWL Vertical Horizontal Overturn
DL of Abutment 1.35 299.48 T T
Soil Dead Load 1.5 833.72 T T
Earth Pressure 1.5 T 280.77 T 869.20
Vert. Comp of EP 1 4.34 T T
Total 303.82 T 280.77 T 869.20

2 Abutment + Earth Pressure only ( HFL CASE)

factors Load Moment
Check for Pressure for HFL Vertical Horizontal Overturn
DL of Abutment 1.35 267.80 T T
Soil Dead Load 1.5 671.96 T T
Earth Pressure 1.5 T 211.01 T 606.24
Vert. Comp of EP 1 51.27 T T
Total 319.07 T 211.01 T 606.24

3 Abutment + Earth Pressure + DL + LL + BRAKING + BEARING FRICTION (LWL CASE)

factors Load Moment
Check for Pressure for LWL Vertical Horizontal Overturn
DL of Abutment 1.35 299.48 T T
Soil Dead Load 1.5 833.72 T T
Earth Pressure 1.5 T 280.77 T 869.20
Vet. Comp of EP 1 4.34 T T
Surcharge (LL+SIDL) 1.2 31.05 T 85.1124 T 364.7496
DL of Superstructure 1.35 113.20 T 0 T 0
SIDL 1.35 16.81 T 0 T 0
WC 1.75 10.51 T 0 T 0
LL Maximun 1.5 82.04 T 0 T 0
bearing force 1.5 0.00 72.126 548.951
Total 526.38 T 352.89 T 1418.15
LL +centrifugal 1.5 10.0785 T 282.989
bearing force (trans) 1.5 26.241 T 199.7203
36.3195 T 482.7092

4 Abutment + Earth Pressure + DL + LL + BRAKING + BEARING FRICTION (HFL CASE)

factors Load Moment
Check for Pressure for HFL Vertical Horizontal Overturn
DL of Abutment 1.35 267.80 T T
Soil Dead Load 1.5 671.96 T T
Earth Pressure 1.5 T 211.01 T 606.24
Vet. Comp of EP 1 51.27 T T
Surcharge (LL+SIDL) 1.2 31.05 T 85.11 T 364.75
DL of Superstructure 1.35 113.20 T 0.00 T 0.00
SIDL 1.35 16.81 T 0.00 T 0.00
WC 1.75 10.51 T 0.00 T 0.00
LL MIN 1.5 71.47 T 0.00 T 0.00
bearing force 1.5 0.00 T 72.13 T 548.95
Total 531.05 T 211.01 T 606.24
LL +centrifugal 1.5 10.0785 T 258.6095
bearing force (trans) 1.5 26.241 T 199.7203
36.3195 T 458.3297
5 Abutment + Earth Pressure + DL + LL + BRAKING + BEARING FRICTION (LWL CASE)+WIND
factors Load Moment
Check for Pressure for LWL Vertical Horizontal Overturn
DL of Abutment 1.35 299.48 T T
Soil Dead Load 1.5 833.72 T T
Earth Pressure 1.5 T 280.77 T 869.20
Vet. Comp of EP 1 4.34 T T
Surcharge (LL+SIDL) 1.2 31.05 T 85.11 T 364.75
DL of Superstructure 1.35 113.20 T 0.00 T 0.00
SIDL 1.35 16.81 T 0.00 T 0.00
WC 1.75 10.51 T 0.00 T 0.00
LL Maximun 1.5 82.04 T 0.00 T 0.00
bearing force 1.5 0.00 T 72.13 T 548.95
Wind (Long) 0.9 7.05 T 4.00 T 32.66
Total 533.43 T 356.89 T 1450.81
LL +centrifugal 1.5 10.0785 T 282.989
bearing force (trans) 1.5 26.241 T 199.7203
Wind (trans) 0.9 15.99675 T 130.6403
36.3195 T 482.7092

6 Abutment + Earth Pressure + DL + LL + BRAKING + BEARING FRICTION (HFL CASE)+WIND

factors Load Moment
Check for Pressure for HFL Vertical Horizontal Overturn
DL of Abutment 1.35 267.80 T T
Soil Dead Load 1.5 671.96 T T
Earth Pressure 1.5 T 211.01 T 606.24
Vet. Comp of EP 1 51.27 T T
Surcharge (LL+SIDL) 1.2 31.05 T 85.11 T 364.75
DL of Superstructure 1.35 113.20 T 0.00 T 0.00
SIDL 1.35 16.81 T 0.00 T 0.00
WC 1.75 10.51 T 0.00 T 0.00
LL MIN 1.5 71.47 T 0.00 T 0.00
bearing force 1.5 0.00 T 72.13 T 548.95
Wind Long 0.9 7.05 T 4.00 T 32.66
Total 538.11 T 287.14 T 1187.85
LL +centrifugal 1.5 10.0785 T 258.6095
bearing force (trans) 1.5 26.241 T 199.7203
Wind (Trans) 0.9 15.99675 T 130.6403
36.3195 T 458.3297

Moment - ve is overturning
Resisting Total Horizontal Load 280.77 T
Tm 11.08 Tm Total Vertical Load 303.82 T
Tm 4502.06 Tm Total Resisting moment 12.73 Tm
Tm Tm Total Overturning Moment 869.20 Tm
Tm 1.65 Tm Total Trans Moment 0 Tm
Tm 12.73 Tm SLIDING = 0.649267 UN SAFE

Resisting Total Horizontal Load 211.01 T
Tm 11.08 Tm Total Vertical Load 319.07 T
Tm 3629.98 Tm Total Resisting moment 30.56 Tm
Tm Tm Total Overturning Moment 606.24 Tm
Tm 19.48 Tm Total Trans Moment 0 Tm
Tm 30.56 Tm SLIDING = 0.907248 UN SAFE

Resisting Total Horizontal Load 352.89 T
Tm 11.08 Tm Total Vertical Load 526.38 T
Tm 4502.06 Tm Total Resisting moment 682.18 Tm
Tm Tm Total Overturning Moment 1418.15 Tm
Tm 1.65 Tm Total Trans Moment 482.7092 Tm
Tm 133.08 Tm
Tm 340.50 Tm
Tm 50.56 Tm
Tm 31.62 Tm
Tm 246.78 Tm
Tm 682.18 Tm SLIDING = 0.894964 UN SAFE

Resisting Total Horizontal Load 211.01
Tm 11.08 Tm Total Vertical Load 531.05
Tm 3629.98 Tm Total Resisting moment 668.21
Tm Tm Total Overturning Moment 606.24
Tm 19.48 Tm Total Trans Moment 458.3297
Tm 133.08 Tm
Tm 340.50 Tm
Tm 50.56 Tm
Tm 31.62 Tm
Tm 214.97 Tm
Tm 668.21 Tm SLIDING = 1.510004
Tm OVERTURNING = 1.102218
Resisting Total Horizontal Load 356.89 T
Tm 11.08 Tm Total Vertical Load 533.43 T
Tm 4502.06 Tm Total Resisting moment 682.18 Tm
Tm Tm Total Overturning Moment 1450.81 Tm
Tm 1.65 Tm Total Trans Moment 482.7092 Tm
Tm 133.08 Tm
Tm 340.50 Tm
Tm 50.56 Tm
Tm 31.62 Tm
Tm 246.78 Tm
Tm 0.00 Tm
Tm 0.00 Tm
Tm 682.18 Tm SLIDING = 0.896792 UN SAFE

Resisting Total Horizontal Load 287.14
Tm 11.08 Tm Total Vertical Load 538.11
Tm 3629.98 Tm Total Resisting moment 668.21
Tm Tm Total Overturning Moment 1187.85
Tm 19.48 Tm Total Trans Moment 458.3297
Tm 133.08 Tm
Tm 340.50 Tm
Tm 50.56 Tm
Tm 31.62 Tm
Tm 214.97 Tm
Tm 0.00 Tm
Tm 0.00 Tm
Tm 668.21 Tm SLIDING = 1.124413
Tm OVERTURNING = 0.562535
4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Stress check:- (Normal case)

Effective depth for stress check = 610 - 40 - 25 =
Width of section is 12900 mm

Effective cover for tension face = 40 + 12.5 = 52.50 mm

Effective cover for compression face: = 40 + 6.0 = 46.00 mm

IRC:112-2011 173 Cl 16.3.1

Vertical reinforcement
1 The diameter of bar should not be less than 12mm.
2 The total area of the vertical reinforcement should be between 0.0024Ac and 0.04Ac outside the locations
3 This reinforcement should be provided at two faces taking into account the axial force and biaxial bending
4 The distance between two adjacent vertical bars shall not exceed 200mm

Diameter of bar = 12 mm SAFE

Minimum Ast for Vertical steel = 0.24 x 12900 x 610 =
Minimum Ast for Vertical steel = 0.4 x 12900 x 610 =
Minimum Ast for either side = 0.12 x 12900 x 610 =
Spacing of bar = 200 mm SAFE

Horizontal reinforcement Cl 16.3.2

1 25% of the vertical reinforcement or 0.001 Ac Whichever is greater
Minimum Ast for either side = 0.1 x 12900 x 610 =

= 25 x 37230 =
Minimum Ast for Comp. steel = 31476 = 10492 mm2

Assume tension steel (Earth face) Provide 25 mm dia 170 C/C
Compression steel (Other face) Provide 12 mm dia 150 C/C

Horizontally on both faces Provide 10 mm dia 108 c/c

Grade of concrete = M 30
Grade of Steel = Fe 415

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Check for shear:-

Design shear force (v) = 2481.75 Kn
Shear stress, tn =

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

545 mm

be between 0.0024Ac and 0.04Ac outside the locations of laps of vertical steel
taking into account the axial force and biaxial bending, but shall not be less than 0.0012 Ac

18885.6 mm2

31476 mm2 Unsafe

9442.8 mm2 SAFE

7869 mm2

9307.445 mm2 SAFE

Provided Ast = 37230 mm2

Provided Ast = 9721 mm2

Provided Ast = 9376 mm2

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

ULS Case

case 1 Abutment + Earth Pressure only (LWL CASE)

case 2 Abutment + Earth Pressure only ( HFL CASE)
case 3 Abutment + Earth Pressure + DL + LL + BRAKING + BEARING FRICTION (LWL CASE)
case 4 Abutment + Earth Pressure + DL + LL + BRAKING + BEARING FRICTION (HFL CASE)
case 5 Abutment + Earth Pressure + DL + LL + BRAKING + BEARING FRICTION (LWL CASE)+WIND
case 6 Abutment + Earth Pressure + DL + LL + BRAKING + BEARING FRICTION (HFL CASE)+WIND

case 1 case 2 case 3

H = Total Horizontal Load = 280.77 211.01 352.89
P = Total Vertical Load = 303.82 319.07 526.38
My = Total Resisting moment = 12.73 30.56 682.18
Total Overturning moment = 869.20 606.24 1418.15
Mx = Total Trans. Moment = 0.00 0.00 482.71

For ultimate axial load less than 0.1fcdAc shall be designed as bending elements clause- IRC - 112-2011
H 6.111
T 0.61
10.01803 < 12 SHORT WALL

ULS CASE CHECK As per SP-16 to IS:456 Chart 36

Case case 1 case 2 case 3 case 4 case 5 case 6

B 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
D 610 610 610 610 610 610
fck 30 30 30 30 30 30
Horizontal Load 280.77 211.01 352.89 211.01 356.89 287.14
Vertical Load (Pu) 303.82 319.07 526.38 531.05 533.43 538.11
40.80 41.17 41.35
Mux 12.73 30.56 682.18 668.21 682.18 668.21
0.99 2.37 52.88 51.80 52.88 51.80
Muy 869.20 606.24 1418.15 606.24 1450.81 1187.85
p (% assumed) 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47
d' (mm) 50 50 50 50 50 50
p/fck 0.015587273 0.015587 0.0155872728 0.015587 0.015587 0.015587
d'/D 0.081967213 0.081967 0.0819672131 0.081967 0.081967 0.081967
Pu/fckbD 0.166022541 0.174355 0.0222975283 0.290193 0.291492 0.294047
Mu/fckbD^2 6.955792E-07 1.67E-06 2.88973493E-06 3.65E-05 3.73E-05 3.65E-05
Input Data
Density of concrete 25 KN/m3 fy/γs
Grade of concrete fck 35 N/mm2
Modulus of elasticity of concrete Ec 32000 N/mm2 (Table 6.5,IRC 112-2011,Pg 38)
Grade of Steel fy 500 N/mm 2

Tensile Strength of concrete fctm 2.8 N/mm2 (Table 6.5,IRC 112-2011,Pg 38)
Partial Modify Fac for concrete γm 1.5 Clause- P-49
Partial Modify Fac for Steel γs 1.15 Clause-6.2.2 P-30
Characteristic Yield Strength of Reinforcement fyk 400 N/mm2 Clause-6.2.2 P-29,FIG 6.3
Design Yield Strength of Shear Reinforcement fywd 347.83 N/mm 2
(Clause-,IRC 112-2011
Ultimate Compressive Strain in concrete єcu 0.0035 (Table 6.5,IRC 112-2011,Pg 38)
Mod.Elas of reinforcing of steel Es 200000 (Clause-6.2.2,Annexure A.4.4.2
Modular ratio αe 6.25 (Clause-12.4.2,Annexure A.4.4
Ultimate Tensile Strain in Steel (fy/γs.Es+0.002)
єs 0.0042
Coefficient of influence of the concrete streng α 0.67 Clause- IRC 112-2011 P
Slenderness Factor λ 0.8 upto 60Mpa (Annexure A.2.9,IRC 112-2011,
Factor η 1 upto 60Mpa (Annexure A.2.9,IRC 112-2011,
fcd αfck/γm 15.63 Clause- IRC 112-2011 P
Factor Fav = ηfcd/λ 12.51 (Annexure Fig A 2-4,IRC 112-2
Factor λ/2 β 0.4



case 1 case 2 case 3 case 4 case 5
Section property
NO of Web 1 1 1 1 1
Width of Beam,B (mm) 12900 12900 12900 12900 12900
Depth of Beam,D (mm) 610 610 610 610 610
Design Shear = KN 2807.67 2110.14 3528.93 2110.14 3568.92
Design Moment = KNm 127.29 305.62 6821.80 6682.07 6821.80
No of layers = 1 1 1 1 1
Dia of Main Bar = mm 25 25 25 25 25
Cover to Reinforceme= mm 50 50 50 50 50
Dia of Transverse bar = mm 0 0 0 0 0
deff provided = 547.5 547.5 547.5 547.5 547.5
Kav= M/(B*D*D*fav) = 0.003 0.006 0.141 0.138 0.141
k (Web) = 0.650 0.650 0.650 0.650 0.650
fcteff Max of 2.9= 2.90 2.90 2.90 2.90 2.90
Act web = 4.648 4.648 4.648 4.648 4.648
KC 0.4(1-σc/k1(h/h*)fcteff) 0.382 0.382 0.382 0.382 0.382
Ast min 9633.65 9633.65 9633.65 9633.65 9633.65
Limiting Neu axis depXu max/d = 0.0035/(0.0035+(.8 fy/Es)+0.002) =0.0035/0.0035+єs
Limiting Neu axis depth (x lim) mm 249.7 249.7 249.7 249.7 249.7
Xu mm 1.4 3.5 82.2 80.4 82.2
Xu >Xu lim Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe
Ast Required mm 535.302624638 1287.149 30487.86 29821.77 30487.86

Minimum Reinforcement Required 0.13% 10229.7 10229.7 10229.7 10229.7 10229.7

Dia of bars mm 25 25 25 25 25
No Of Bars Required 21 21 21 21 21
No Of Bars Provided 75 75 75 75 75
Spacing of Bars 170 170 170 170 170
Reinf Provided 36796.875 36796.88 36796.88 36796.88 36796.88
Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe
Neutral Axis Depth(X) mm 99.2 99.2 99.2 99.2 99.2
Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
Ult.Moment of resistance Section kNm 8029.5 8029.475 8029.475 8029.475 8029.475
MR Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe
Check For Ultimate Shear Strength at Various X (Clause 10.3. of IRC:112-2011)
VRdc Design shear resistance of member without shear reinforcement
Design maximum shear force that can be sustained by the member by crushing of
VRd,max compression struts
VRd,s Design shear force that can be sustained by yeilding of reinforcement
Design value of shear component of force in compression area in case of inclined compression
Vccd chord
Design value of shear component of force in tensile reinforcement in case of inclined
Vtd tensile chord
VRd Design shear resistance of member with shear reinforcement
Vpd Shear component of prestressing tendon
VRd VRd.s + Vccd + Vtd
VEd Design shear force at C/s due to external applied loads + prestressing
VNs Net shear force in web at design section
fctk Characteristic axial tensile strength of concrete (5% fractile)
VNs VEd -Vccd -Vtd -VPd (-ve for downward; Ved is + downwards)

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5

VEd 2807.67 2110.14 3528.93 2110.14 3568.922
Vpd 0 0 0 0 0
VNs 2807.67 2110.14 3528.93 2110.14 3568.922
K 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60
S = (Ay)c 2.400045
fctk 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9
fctd = fctk/γm 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29
σcp 0 0 0 0 0
αcw 1 1 1 1 1
v 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53
ρ1 0.0052 0.0052 0.0052 0.0052 0.0052
q 45 45 45 45 45
For Elements not requiring shear reinforcement as per Cl. 10.3.2
VRd,c [0.12*K(80*r1*fck)^0.33 + 0.15scp] bw d > (0.031.K^1.5.fck^0.5+0.15*scp) bw.d
VRd,c 3292.95 3292.95 3292.95 3292.95 3292.95
VRd,c 2632.31 2632.31 2632.31 2632.31 2632.31
VRd,c I*bwc / s * sqrt [ (fctd)^2+k1.scp.fctd] EQ 10.4
Moment of Inertia m4 I 0.244004575 0.244005 0.244005 0.244005 0.244005
VRd,c 0 0 0 0 0
VRd,c 3292.95 3292.95 3292.95 3292.95 3292.95
Ved < 29384.5 29384.5 29384.5 29384.5 29384.5
VEd, actual 2807.67 2110.14 3528.93 2110.14 3568.922
Not Reqd Not Reqd Reqd Not Reqd Reqd

case 4 case 5 case 6

211.01 356.89 287.14
531.05 533.43 538.11
668.21 682.18 668.21
606.24 1450.81 1187.85
458.33 482.71 458.33

.1 IRC - 112-2011 1830

434.7826 N/mm2

(Table 6.5,IRC 112-2011,Pg 38)

(Table 6.5,IRC 112-2011,Pg 38)&(P 235)

Clause- P-49
Clause-6.2.2 P-30
Clause-6.2.2 P-29,FIG 6.3
(Clause-,IRC 112-2011, P-91)
(Table 6.5,IRC 112-2011,Pg 38)
(Clause-6.2.2,Annexure A.4.4.2, P-29 IRC 112-2011)
(Clause-12.4.2,Annexure A.4.4.2,IRC 112-2011, P-131)

Clause- IRC 112-2011 P-49

(Annexure A.2.9,IRC 112-2011, P-242)
(Annexure A.2.9,IRC 112-2011, P-242)
Clause- IRC 112-2011 P-48
(Annexure Fig A 2-4,IRC 112-2011, P-243)

case 6 Case 5 Case 6

1 1 1
12900 10000 10000
610 610 610

2871.39 0 0
6682.07 0 0
1 1 1
25 25 25
50 75 75
0 0 0
547.5 522.5 522.5
0.138 0.000 0.000
0.650 0.650 0.650
2.90 2.90 2.90
4.648 3.717 3.717
0.382 0.382 0.382
9633.65 7704.29 7704.29

249.7 238.3 238.3

80.4 0.0 0.0
Safe Safe Safe
29821.77 0 0
10229.7 7930 7930
25 25 25
21 16 16
75 62 62
170 160 160
36796.88 30418.75 30418.75
Safe Safe Safe
99.2 127.9 127.9
Ok Ok Ok
8029.475 6411.63 6411.63
Safe Safe Safe

Case 6 Case 7 Case 8

2871.392 0 0
0 0 0
2871.392 0 0
1.60 1.60 1.60

1.9 1.9 1.9

1.29 1.29 1.29
0 0 0
1 1 1
0.53 0.53 0.53
0.0052 0.0058 0.0058
45 45 45

K^1.5.fck^0.5+0.15*scp) bw.d Cl.10.3.2

3292.95 2527.03 2527.03
2632.31 1947.38 1947.38

0.244005 0.244005 0.244005

0 0 0
3292.95 2527.03 2527.03
29384.5 21738.5 21738.5
2871.392 0 0
Not Reqd Not Reqd Not Reqd
4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

DESIGN OF ABUTMENT WALL Load combination : 6 b


Input Details:
VERTICAL LOAD= 3038.21 KN Depth
MOMENT.MT= 8692.04 KNM
Breath of the section,b(mm)= 12900
Depth of the section,D(mm)= 610
Tension Rein.Ast( 37229.78
comp. Rein.Asc( 9721.44
Cover to tension rein.Dt(mm)= 53
Cover to comp. Rein.D'(mm)= 46.00
Modular ratio,m= 10
Grade of concrete-Mix=M 30
Steel =S 415 Dt

(Mod with ass. Of N.A)

Eccentricity,e = 41.89667444 mm>0.5 * D Assume N.A X =
Effective depth,d = 558
0.5 * D = 305 fcr= 2.154
Asume depth of N.A,X= 250 mm fst= -2.268
x/d= 0.448430493
K1= 3225000
Determine depth to centroid of stressed area= (0.5K1X+mAstd+(m-1)AscD')/(K1+mAst+(m-1)Asc)
X1= 166.82241671
% Error = -306.51795
b1= (e-X1)/d+1 b1= 0.775918
b2= (X/(2*d))(1-(X/(3*d))) b2= 0.1907003 Final Fcr= 2.1542992
b3= (m-1)(1-(D'/X)) b3= 7.344 Final Fst= -2.2683752

To determine the stresses substitute evaluateed factors in

fcr= (Nd*b1)/(b2bd+b3Asc(1-(D'/d)) fcr= 1.6405354832 N/

fst= (fcr(0.5K1+b3Asc)-Nd)/Ast fst= -7.406012717 N/

Check the above value, X2= 1016.2949

X2 = d/(1+fstm*fcr)

% Error = -306.517952184 < 5%

ZT= 16918350000

Fcr due to MT= 0.5137637536 N/

Fst due to MT= 5.1376375356 N/

Final Fcr= 2.1542992368 N/

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Final Fst= -2.2683751815 N/

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3



250 mm

N/< 10 N/
N/< 200 N/


< 5%

N/< 10 N/
N/< 200 N/

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

X) Force and moment due to wind force;-

(I) Low water level /DRY condition:-
case - a (Ref. cl - 212.2 of IRC - 6 - 2000)
Exposed area of crash barrier = 1 x 7.96 = 7.96 m2

Exposed area of beam & slab = 0.65 x 7.96 = 5.17 m2

Total exposed area of super structure = 13.13 m2

= 13.13 = 6.565 m2

Average height of super structure = 1 + 0.65 = 0.825 m

C.G. of the above area above BL = 0.825+ 121.500 - 117.889 = 4.436 m

Intensity of wind force at this level = 65.18 Kg/m2 = 0.65 Kn/m2

(Ref table - 4 - of IRC : 6)
Wind force = 6.565 x 0.65 = 4.28 Kn

Moment at bottom of abutment wall = 4.28 x 4.436 + 117.889 - 115.089 = 30.97 Kn.m

case - b (Ref. cl - 212.4 of IRC - 6 - 2000)

As per the above clause, the wind intensity on the moving vehicle is taken as 3 kn/m
acting at 1.5 m above the road level.
Wind force = 3 x 7.96 = 11.94 Kn
Lever arm = 1.5 + 122.46 - 115.089 = 8.871 m

Moment at bottom of abutment wall = 11.94 x 8.871 = 105.92 Kn.m

Wind force under case-a + case-b = 4.28 + 11.94 = 16.22 Kn

Wind moment under case-a + case-b = 30.97 + 105.92 = 136.89 Kn.m

case - c (Ref. cl - 212.6 of IRC - 6 - 2000)

As per the above clause the wind intensity on loaded structure is taken as 4.5 kn/m acting at
road top level.
Wind force = 4.5 x 7.96 = 17.91 Kn
Lever arm = 122.46 - 115.089 = 7.371 m

Moment at bottom of abutment wall = 17.91 x 7.371 = 132.01 kn.m

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Maximum wind force of (a + b) and c = 17.91 kn

Maximum wind moment of (a + b) and c = 136.89 Kn.m

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

case - d (Ref. cl - 212.7 of IRC - 6 - 2000)

As per the above clause the wind intensity on unloaded structure is taken as 2.4 kn/m 2 of the
Exposed area of super structure = 6.565 m2

Wind force = 2.4 x 6.565 = 15.76 Kn

Lever arm = 0.825 + 121.500 - 115.089 = 7.236 m

Moment at bottom of abutment wall = 15.76 x 7.236 = 114.04 Kn.m

(I) High flood level condition:-

case - a (Ref. cl - 212.2 of IRC - 6 - 2000)
Exposed area of crash barrier = 1 x 7.96 = 7.96 m2

Exposed area of beam & slab = 0.65 x 7.96 = 5.17 m2

Total exposed area of super structure = 13.13 m2

= 13.13 = 6.565 m2

Average height of super structure = 1 + 0.65 = 0.825 m

C.G. of the above area above HFL = 0.825+ 121.500 - 120.600 = 1.725 m

Intensity of wind force at this level = 50.35 Kg/m2 = 0.5035 Kn/m2

(Ref table - 4 - of IRC : 6)
Wind force = 6.565 x 0.5035 = 3.31 Kn

Moment at bottom of abutment wall = 3.310 x 1.725+ 120.600 - 115.089 = 23.95 Kn.m

case - b (Ref. cl - 212.4 of IRC - 6 - 2000)

As per the above clause, the wind intensity on the moving vehicle is taken as 3 kn/m
acting at 1.5 m above the road level.
Wind force = 3 x 7.96 = 11.94 Kn
Lever arm = 1.5 + 122.46 - 115.089 = 8.871 m

Moment at bottom of abutment wall = 11.94 x 8.871 = 105.92 Kn.m

Wind force under case-a + case-b = 3.31 + 11.94 = 15.25 Kn

Wind moment under case-a + case-b = 23.95 + 105.92 = 129.87 Kn.m

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

case - c (Ref. cl - 212.6 of IRC - 6 - 2000)

As per the above clause the wind intensity on loaded structure is taken as 4.5 kn/m acting at
road top level.
Wind force = 4.5 x 7.96 = 17.91 Kn
Lever arm = 122.46 - 115.089 = 7.371 m

Moment at bottom of abutment = 17.91 x 7.371 = 132.01 kn.m

Maximum wind force of (a + b) and c = 17.91 kn
Maximum wind moment of (a + b) and c = 132.01 Kn.m

case - d (Ref. cl - 212.7 of IRC - 6 - 2000)

As per the above clause the wind intensity on unloaded structure is taken as 2.4 kn/m 2 of the
Exposed area of super structure = 6.565 m2
Wind force = 2.4 x 6.565 = 15.76 Kn

Lever arm = 0.825 + 121.500 - 115.089 = 7.236 m

Moment at bottom of abutment wall = 15.76 x 7.236 = 114.04 Kn.m

The design force and moments due to wind are tabulated below:-
S.No. Load case
Force Moment
1 LWL/DRY+service condition 17.91 136.89
2 HFL+service condition 17.91 132.01
3 Unloaded condition 15.76 114.04

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3


S. ML (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m)
Load Description V (kn)
LWL/DRY condition
1 DL + SDL + sefl wt. 2218.35 82.06 0.00
2 sefl weight 1195.29 -25.36 0.00
HFL condition
3 DL + SDL + sefl wt. 1983.69 82.06 0.00
4 sefl weight 960.63 -25.36 0.00
i) Class - A -2 - Lane + Centrifugal Force 472.53 49.62 1511.55
ii) 7OR Wheeled + Centrifugal Force 437.59 45.95 1643.44
iii) 7OR Tracked + Centrifugal Force 506.94 53.23 1805.97
6 Longitudinal force&moment - - -
i) Class - A - 2 - Lane - 3279.42 -
ii) 70R wheeled - 3279.42 -
iii) 70R Tracked - 3279.42 -
iv) span unloaded condition - - -
7 Vertical component of braking
i) Class - A - 2 - Lane 33.83 3.55 -
ii) 70R wheeled 38.86 4.08 -
iii) 70R Tracked 40.00 4.20 -
8 Earth Pressure (LWL) - 5794.69 -
9 Earth Pressure (HFL) - 4041.59 -
10 Fluid Pressure - 4396.75 -
11 Live Load surcharge Pressure - 2248.04 -
12 Wind Force
i) LWL + service condition - - 136.89
ii) HFL + service condition - - 132.01
iii) Unloaded condition - - 114.04

live load will be -on span, the next train of load on embankment will be atleast 20m away from the b
dirt wall, Hence there will be no surcharge pressure effect on abutment when live load will be on span.
A) Low water level /DRY condition :- 0.5 D = 0.5 x 0.610 =
a) Span loaded condition:- 1.5 D = 1.5 x 0.610 =
Load Combination:- 1 e = ML / V Description V (kn) ML (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m)
1 DL+SDL+self wt. (LWL/DRY) 2218.35 82.06 0.000
2 LL - Class - A -2 - Lane 472.53 49.62 1511.55

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

3 Longitudinal force&moment
i) Class - A - 2 - Lane - 3279.42 -
4 Vertical component of braking 33.83 3.55 -
5 Earth(LWL/DRY) / Fluid Pressure - 5794.69 -
6 Wind Force
i) LWL/DRY + service condition - - 136.89
a)Total without wind 2724.71 9209.34 1511.55
b)Total with wind 2724.71 9209.34 1648.44
e = 3.380 m >1.5D

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Load Combination:- 2 Description V (kn) ML (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m)
1 DL+SDL+self wt.(LWL/DRY) 2218.35 82.06 0.000
2 LL - 7OR Wheeled 437.59 45.95 1643.44
3 Longitudinal force&moment
i) 7OR Wheeled - 3279.42 -
4 Vertical component of braking 38.86 4.08 -
5 Earth(LWL/DRY) / Fluid Pressure - 5794.69 -
6 Wind Force
i) LWL/DRY + service condition - - 136.89
a)Total without wind 2694.80 9206.20 1643.440
b)Total with wind 2694.80 9206.20 1780.330
e = 3.416 m >1.5D
Load Combination:- 3 Description V (kn) ML (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m)
1 DL+SDL+self wt.(LWL/DRY) 2218.35 82.06 0.000
2 LL - 70R Tracked 506.94 53.23 1805.97
3 Longitudinal force&moment
i) 70R Tracked - 3279.42 -
4 Vertical component of braking 40.00 4.20 -
5 Earth(LWL/DRY) / Fluid Pressure - 5794.69 -
6 Wind Force
i) LWL/DRY + service condition - - 136.89
a)Total without wind 2765.29 9213.60 1805.970
b)Total with wind 2765.29 9213.60 1942.860
e = 3.332 m >1.5D
b) Span unloaded condition:-
Load Combination:- 4 Description V (kn) ML (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m)
1 DL+SDL+self wt.(LWL/DRY) 2218.35 82.06 0.000
2 Longitudinal force&moment
i) Shear deformation - - -
3 Earth(LWL/DRY) / Fluid Pressure - 5794.69 -
4 Live load surcharge - 2248.04 -
5 Wind Force
i) unloaded condition - - 114.04
a)Total without wind 2218.35 8124.79 0.000
b)Total with wind 2218.35 8124.79 114.040
e = 3.663 m >1.5D
c) Span not laid condition:-
Load Combination:- 5

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3 Description V (kn) ML (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m)

1 self wt.(LWL/DRY) 1195.29 -25.36 0.000
2 Earth(LWL/DRY) / Fluid Pressure - 5794.69 -
a)Total without wind only 1195.29 5769.33 0.000
e = 4.827 m >1.5D

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

B) High flood level condition :-

a) Span loaded condition:-
Load Combination:- 7 Description V (kn) ML (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m)
1 DL+SDL+self wt.(HFL) 1983.69 82.06 0.000
2 LL - Class - A -2 - Lane 472.53 49.62 1511.55
3 Longitudinal force&moment
i) Class - A - 2 - Lane - 3279.42 -
4 Vertical component of braking 33.83 3.55 -
5 Earth(HFL) / Fluid Pressure - 4396.75 -
6 Wind Force
i) HFL + service condition - - 132.01
a)Total without wind 2490.05 7811.40 1511.55
b)Total with wind 2490.05 7811.40 1643.56
e = 3.137 m >1.5D
Load Combination:- 8 Description V (kn) ML (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m)
1 DL+SDL+self wt.(HFL) 1983.69 82.06 0.000
2 LL - 7OR Wheeled 437.59 45.95 1643.44
3 Longitudinal force&moment
i) 7OR Wheeled - 3279.42 -
4 Vertical component of braking 38.86 4.08 -
5 Earth(HFL) / Fluid Pressure - 4396.75 -
6 Wind Force
i) HFL + service condition - - 132.01
a)Total without wind 2460.14 7808.26 1643.440
b)Total with wind 2460.14 7808.26 1775.450
e = 3.174 m >1.5D

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Load Combination:- 9 Description V (kn) ML (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m)
1 DL+SDL+self wt.(HFL) 1983.69 82.06 0.000
2 LL - 70R Tracked 506.94 53.23 1805.97
3 Longitudinal force&moment
i) 70R Tracked - 3279.42 -
4 Vertical component of braking 40.00 4.20 -
5 Earth(HFL) / Fluid Pressure - 4396.75 -
6 Wind Force
i) HFL + service condition - - 132.01
a)Total without wind 2530.63 7815.66 1805.970
b)Total with wind 2530.63 7815.66 1937.980
e = 3.088 m >1.5D
b) Span unloaded condition:-
Load Combination:- 10 Description V (kn) ML (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m)
1 DL+SDL+self wt.(HFL) 1983.69 82.06 0.000
2 Longitudinal force&moment
i) Shear deformation - - -
3 Earth(HFL) / Fluid Pressure - 4396.75 -
4 Live load surcharge - 2248.04 -
5 Wind Force
i) unloaded condition - - 114.04
a)Total without wind 1983.69 6726.85 0.000
b)Total with wind 1983.69 6726.85 114.040
e = 3.391 m >1.5D
c) Span not laid condition:-
Load Combination:- 11 Description V (kn) ML (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m)
1 self wt.(HFL) 960.63 -25.36 0.000
2 Earth(HFL) / Fluid Pressure - 4396.75 -
a)Total without wind 960.63 4371.39 0.000
e = 4.551 m >1.5D

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

(Normal case)
HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

- -
- -

- -
- -

67.19 -
67.19 -
67.19 -
- -
480.84 174.94
480.84 174.94
480.84 174.94
0.00 -

- -
- -
- -
1871.78 -
1406.76 -
1789.48 -
609.97 -
- 17.91
- 17.91
- 15.76

rain of load on embankment will be atleast 20m away from the backside of
essure effect on abutment when live load will be on span.
0.305 m
0.915 m

HL (Kn) HT (Kn)
- -
67.19 -

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

480.84 174.94
- -
1871.78 -

- 17.91
2419.810 -
2419.810 17.91

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

HL (Kn) HT (Kn)
- -
67.19 -

480.84 174.94
- -
1871.78 -

- 17.91
2419.810 -
2419.810 17.91

HL (Kn) HT (Kn)
- -
67.19 -

480.84 174.94
- -
1871.78 -
- 17.91
2419.810 -
2419.810 17.91

HL (Kn) HT (Kn)
- -

0.00 -
1871.78 -
609.97 -
- 15.76
2481.750 -
2481.750 15.76

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

HL (Kn) HT (Kn)
- -
1871.78 -
1871.780 -

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

HL (Kn) HT (Kn)
- -
67.19 -

480.84 -
- -
1789.48 -

- 17.91
2337.510 -
2337.510 17.91

HL (Kn) HT (Kn)
- -
67.19 -

480.84 -
- -
1789.48 -

- 17.91
2337.510 -
2337.510 17.91

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

HL (Kn) HT (Kn)
- -
67.19 -

480.84 -
- -
1789.48 -
- 17.91
2337.510 -
2337.510 17.91

HL (Kn) HT (Kn)
- -

0.00 -
1789.48 -
609.97 -
- 15.76
2399.450 -
2399.450 15.76

HL (Kn) HT (Kn)
- -
1789.48 -
1789.480 -

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

STRESS CHECK (Normal case)

Load ML(Kn.m) MT(Kn.m)

S.No V (Kn) N.A % Error < 5% Actual fcr Actual fst
1 1a(normal) 2724.710 9209.34 1511.550 153 0.00000 8.578 226.227
2 1b(wind) 2724.710 9209.34 1648.440 153 0.00000 8.578 226.227

3 2a(normal) 2694.800 9206.20 1643.440 153 0.00057 8.573 226.450

4 2b(wind) 2694.800 9206.20 1780.330 153 0.00057 8.573 226.450

5 3a(normal) 2765.290 9213.60 1805.970 153 0.00000 8.585 225.955

6 3b(wind)
2765.290 9213.60 1942.860 153 0.00000 8.585 225.955
for stress check purpose
7 4a(normal)
change value 2218.350 8124.79 0.000 152 0.00000 6.948 184.920

8 4b(wind) 2218.350 8124.79 114.040 152 0.00000 6.948 184.920

9 5a(normal)
ravi: 1195.290 5769.33 0.000 150 0.00002 4.400 119.965
for stress check purpose
10 6a(normal)
change value 2218.350 2000.00 0.000 0 6681.66052 0.009 111.735
11 6b(wind) 2218.350 2000.00 114.040 0 6681.66052 0.016 111.803
12 7a(normal) 2490.050 7811.40 1511.550 154 -0.00021 7.511 196.447

13 7b(wind) 2490.050 7811.40 1643.560 154 -0.00021 7.511 196.447

14 8a(normal) 2460.140 7808.26 1643.440 154 0.00064 7.505 196.668

15 8b(wind) 2460.140 7808.26 1775.450 154 0.00064 7.505 196.668

16 9a(normal) 2530.630 7815.66 1805.970 154 0.00000 7.517 196.177
17 9b(wind) 2530.630 7815.66 1937.980 154 0.00000 7.517 196.177

18 10a(normal) 1983.690 6726.85 0.000 153 0.00000 5.881 155.133

19 10b(wind) 1983.690 6726.85 114.040 153 0.00000 5.881 155.133

20 11a(normal) 960.630 4371.390 0.000 150 0.00002 3.333 90.163

21 12a(normal) 1983.690 82.06 0.000 0 -543.01147 0.009 -45.324
22 12b(wind) 1983.690 82.06 114.040 0 -543.01147 0.016 -45.256

For scour alround condition moment is very less & the vertical load is more, the structure is acting as a compre
member. So, provided steel and section is safe.
(Case - 6a, 6b, 12a & 12b)
The stresses are checked and found to be safe (The stress check sheet is enclosed).

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Permissibl Permissi
e fcr ble fst
10.00 200
13.30 266

10.00 200
13.300 266

10 200
13.300 266
10 200

13.300 266
10 200

10 200
13.300 266
10 200

13.300 266
10 200

13.300 266
10 200
13.300 266

10 200
13.300 266

10 200
10 200
13.300 266.00

& the vertical load is more, the structure is acting as a compression

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

DESIGN OF ABUTMENT WALL (Normal case) Load combination : 12 b


Input Details:
VERTICAL LOAD= 2724.71 KN Depth
MOMENT,ML= 9209.34 KNM
MOMENT.MT= 1511.55 KNM
Breath of the section,b(mm)= 12900
Depth of the section,D(mm)= 610
Tension Rein.Ast( 37230
comp. Rein.Asc( 9721 Breadth
Cover to tension rein.Dt(mm)= 52.50
Cover to comp. Rein.D,(mm)= 46.00
Modular ratio,m= 10
Grade of concrete-Mix=M 30
Steel =S 415 Dt D'

Eccentricity = 3.37993401 M>1.5 * D Assume N.A X = 25 mm

Effective depth,d = 557.50
1.5 * D = 915 fcr= 107.48 N/< 13.3
fst= 415.61 N/< 266
Equating the force due to Tension and compression
b*x*x/2 = mAST (d-x)
% Error = -1508.16 < 5%
x= 57.7205891
y= 363.384893 Final Fcr= 107.481 N/< 10
N.A. Depth X= 152.832152 Final Fst= 415.607 N/< 200
Leverarm Z= 549.166667

fcr = M/(0.5XZ) fcr= 103.997911

fst = M/AstZ fst= 450.436804

fc = Nd/(bx+mAst+(m-1)Asc) fc= 3.48298886

Maximum flexural comp.stress in concrete= fcr+fc

Maximum tensile stress in steel = fst-mfc
Maximum flexural comp.stress in concrete= 107.48 N/
Maximum tensile stress in steel = 415.61 N/
Check the above value, X2= 402.04
X2 = d/(1+fstm*fcr)

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

N.A- X= 25
% Error = -1508.15786 < 5%
ZT= 1.6918E+10
Fcr due to MT= 8.9344E-08 N/
Fst due to MT= 8.9344E-07 N/
Final Fcr= 107.481 N/
Final Fst= 415.607 N/

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3



TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

DESIGN OF ABUTMENT WALL Load combination : 6 b


Input Details:
VERTICAL LOAD= 1309.42 KN Depth
Breath of the section,b(mm)= 12900
Depth of the section,D(mm)= 610
Tension Rein.Ast( 37229.78
comp. Rein.Asc( 9721.44
Cover to tension rein.Dt(mm)= 53
Cover to comp. Rein.D'(mm)= 46.00
Modular ratio,m= 10
Grade of concrete-Mix=M 30
Steel =S 415 Dt

(Mod with ass. Of N.A)

Eccentricity,e = -45.3559591 mm>0.5 * D Assume N.A X =
Effective depth,d = 557.5
0.5 * D = 305 fcr= 0.01
Asume depth of N.A,X= 7.62939453E-06 mm fst= -31.498
x/d= 1.3685E-08
K1= 0.098419189
Determine depth to centroid of stressed area= (0.5K1X+mAstd+(m-1)AscD')/(K1+mAst+(m-1)Asc)
X1= 460.16726037
% Error = -483.31931
b1= (e-X1)/d+1 b1= 0.0932319
b2= (X/(2*d))(1-(X/(3*d))) b2= 6.843E-09 Final Fcr= 0.009967
b3= (m-1)(1-(D'/X)) b3= -54263799 Final Fst= -31.497653

To determine the stresses substitute evaluateed factors in

fcr= (Nd*b1)/(b2bd+b3Asc(1-(D'/d)) fcr= -2.52233E-07 N/

fst= (fcr(0.5K1+b3Asc)-Nd)/Ast fst= -31.59732543 N/

Check the above value, X2= 4.45E-05

X2 = d/(1+fstm*fcr)

% Error = -483.319308317 < 5%

ZT= 16918350000

Fcr due to MT= 0.009967284 N/

Fst due to MT= 0.0996728404 N/

Final Fcr= 0.0099670318 N/

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Final Fst= -31.4976525864 N/

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3



0 mm

N/< 10 N/
N/< 200 N/


< 5%

N/< 10 N/
N/< 200 N/

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3


Input Data
Density of concrete 25 KN/m3 fy/γs 434.78261
Grade of concrete fck 35 N/mm 2

Modulus of elasticity of concrete Ec 32000 N/mm2 (Table 6.5,IRC 112-2011,Pg 38)

Grade of Steel fy 500 N/mm2
Tensile Strength of concrete fctm 2.8 N/mm2 (Table 6.5,IRC 112-2011,Pg 38)&(P
Partial Modify Fac for concrete γm 1.5 Clause- P-49
Partial Modify Fac for Steel γs 1.15 Clause-6.2.2 P-30
Characteristic Yield Strength of Reinforcement fyk 400 N/mm 2
Clause-6.2.2 P-29,FIG 6.3
Design Yield Strength of Shear Reinforcement fywd 347.83 N/mm2 (Clause-,IRC 112-2011, P
Ultimate Compressive Strain in concrete єcu 0.0035 (Table 6.5,IRC 112-2011,Pg 38)
Mod.Elas of reinforcing of steel Es 200000 (Clause-6.2.2,Annexure A.4.4.2, P-
Modular ratio αe 6.25 (Clause-12.4.2,Annexure A.4.4.2,I
Ultimate Tensile Strain in Steel (fy/γs.Es+0.002)
єs 0.0042
Coefficient of influence of the concrete strengthα 0.67 Clause- IRC 112-2011 P-49
Slenderness Factor λ 0.8 upto 60Mpa (Annexure A.2.9,IRC 112-2011, P-
Factor η 1 upto 60Mpa (Annexure A.2.9,IRC 112-2011, P-
fcd αfck/γm 15.63 Clause- IRC 112-2011 P-48
Factor Fav = ηfcd/λ 12.51 (Annexure Fig A 2-4,IRC 112-2011
Factor λ/2 β 0.4

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3


Section property

NO of Web 1
Width of Cap,B (mm) 1500
Depth of Cap,D (mm) 900
Design Shear = KN 981.5 From Stadd
Design Moment = KNm 567.208 From Stadd
No of layers = 1
Dia of Main Bar = mm 25
Cover to Reinforcem= mm 50
Dia of Transverse bar= mm 12
deff provided = 825.5
Kav= M/(B*D*D*fav)= 0.044
k (Web) = 0.650 Clause-12.3.3 IRC 112-2011 P-124
fcteff Max of 2.= 2.90 Clause-12.3.3 IRC 112-2011 P-124
Act web = 0.785
KC 0.4(1-σc/k1(h/h*)fcteff) 0.392 Clause-12.3.3 IRC 112-2011 P-124 E 12.2
Ast min 1669.61
Limiting Neu axis de Xu max/d = 0.0035/(0.0035+(.8 fy/Es)+0.002) =0.0035/0.0035+єs
Limiting Neu axis depth (x lim) mm 376.5
Xu mm 37.3
Xu >Xu lim Safe
Ast Required mm 1609.439

Minimum Reinforcement Required 0.13% 1755

Dia of bars mm 25
No Of Bars Required 4
No Of Bars Provided 12
Spacing of Bars 125
Reinf Provided 5887.5
Neutral Axis Depth(X) mm 136.4
Ult.Moment of resistance Section kNm 1952.4
MR Safe

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Check For Ultimate Shear Strength at Various X (Clause 10.3. of IRC:112-2011)

VRdc Design shear resistance of member without shear reinforcement
Design maximum shear force that can be sustained by the member by crushing of
VRd,max compression struts
VRd,s Design shear force that can be sustained by yeilding of reinforcement
Design value of shear component of force in compression area in case of inclined
Vccd compression chord
Design value of shear component of force in tensile reinforcement in case of
Vtd inclined tensile chord
VRd Design shear resistance of member with shear reinforcement
Vpd Shear component of prestressing tendon
VRd VRd.s + Vccd + Vtd
VEd Design shear force at C/s due to external applied loads + prestressing
VNs Net shear force in web at design section
fctk Characteristic axial tensile strength of concrete (5% fractile)
VNs VEd -Vccd -Vtd -VPd (-ve for downward; Ved is + downwards)

VRd,c 521.00
Ved < 5151.7
VEd, actual 981.5
if need not required to shear reinforcement ,but we provide minimum shea

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Pwmin 0.00085
Asw required mm^2 2555.75
Dia of bar mm 10
Spacing Required 30.72
Spacing provided 300.00
No.of bars 33.00
Asw provided mm^2 2616.667

provide 300.00 mm dia at 10 legged 33.00 mmc/c provided

VRd,s Asw*z*fywd*cotq / s
VRd,max acw*bw*z*v1*fcd/(cotq+tanq)
VRd,max 4636.55
Pwmin 0.00085
Asw min 191.68 mm2
Aswmax 0.5*acw*n1*fcd*bw*s/(fywd)
Aswrequired 455.77 mm2
S=Spacing of stirrups 150 mm
Diameter of stirrup 16 mm
No of legs for stirrups 4 mm
Asw provided 803.84 mm2
Shear reinforcement provided Safe
VRd,s kN 1731.05
Check for additional Longitudinal Steel for shear
DFtd 0.5 xVEd (cot (q) -cot (aa))is angle of stirrups
DFtd 490.75
(Med - MR)/ z = 1864.49
Additional Steel reqd = 0

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Design of Abutment cap :- (Normal case)

As per clause 710.8 of IRC:78-2014, pier / abutment caps should be suitably designed and
reinforced to take care of concentrated point loads dispersing in pier/abutments

Since abutment cap is resting over the abutment wall for the entire width, no moment is induced.

Hence reinforcements are provided as per clause 710.8.7 of IRC:78-2014.

As per clause 710.8.7 of IRC:78-2014, the reinforcement for the pier and abutment cap shall be of
total minimum of 1% steel, assuming a cap thickness of 225mm. The total steel shall be distributed
equally and provided both at top & bottom in two directions. The reinforcement in the direction of the
length of the abutment shall extend from the end to end of the abutment cap while the reinforcement
at right angles shall extend for the full width of abutment cap and be in the form of stirrups.

Dirt wall
Abutment cap

300 121.5
to 121.200
788.91 760

Abutment Wall

For 1 m length

Total area of steel = 1 x 760 x 300 + 788.91

100 2

= 4137.86 mm2

(for safer side actual abutment cap thickness is considered instead of 225mm)

Area of steel per face = 4137.86 = 1034.47 mm2/m

Provide 6 Nos of 16 mm dia bars at top & bottom in the direction of
the length of abutment 1206

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

113.09734 Provide 12 mm dia stirrups at 100 mm spacing in perpendicular direction


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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3


(Table 6.5,IRC 112-2011,Pg 38)

(Table 6.5,IRC 112-2011,Pg 38)&(P 235)

Clause-6.2.2 P-29,FIG 6.3

(Clause-,IRC 112-2011, P-91)
(Table 6.5,IRC 112-2011,Pg 38)
(Clause-6.2.2,Annexure A.4.4.2, P-29 IRC 112-2011)
(Clause-12.4.2,Annexure A.4.4.2,IRC 112-2011, P-131)

Clause- IRC 112-2011 P-49

(Annexure A.2.9,IRC 112-2011, P-242)
(Annexure A.2.9,IRC 112-2011, P-242)
Clause- IRC 112-2011 P-48
(Annexure Fig A 2-4,IRC 112-2011, P-243)

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3


Clause-12.3.3 IRC 112-2011 P-124 E 12.2

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

eed not required to shear reinforcement ,but we provide minimum shear reinforcement.

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

he abutment wall for the entire width, no moment is induced.

4, the reinforcement for the pier and abutment cap shall be of

a cap thickness of 225mm. The total steel shall be distributed
ottom in two directions. The reinforcement in the direction of the
rom the end to end of the abutment cap while the reinforcement

Abutment Wall


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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3


TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Design of dirt wall: (Normal case)


6.03 2.37

Live load Surcharge Pressure Active Earth Pressure

Earth Pressure
Pressure at top of Pressure at top
Ka γ
ht layer of layer Force/width
EP 0.279 18 0.471 0 2.369 0.56
LLSC 0.279 18 0.471 6.030 6.03 2.84
Calculation of Bending Moment due to live load:
(70R Bogie load governs)
0.471 12.90

Tyre width = 0.81 m

Wearing Coat = 0.065 m
Dispersed width at top of DW = 0.94 m
Load disperseal for cantilever 1.2a+bw 1.88
C/C of the wheels of the axle 1.93 m
Hence effective width of dispersion = 3.81 m

Breaking force due to liveload = 0.2 x 200 = 40.00

20% of 20ton
Bending moment = 18.84 KNm

Effective Bending moment/m = 4.94 KNm/m

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Design moment &Shear

BM Shear ULS Factor Factored moment Factored Shear

EP 0.11 0.56 1.00 0.11 0.56
LLSC 0.67 2.84 1.20 0.80 3.41
Braking 4.94 10.49 1.50 7.41 15.74
Total 8.33 19.71

Thickness of Dirt wall = 300.00 mm

Effective Depth = 245 mm
Cover = 50 mm
Dia of bar = 10 mm
Moment of resistance of Dirt Wall = 0.1648 fckbd2
= 296.764 KNm

Moment of resistance of Dirt Wall MR 296.764

Mu = 8.33 Safe

R = Mu/Fav*b
= 776.85

x/ d = 1- Sqrt (1-(4xRx0.416/d^2))/ (2*416)

= 0.013

Ast = Mu X 1.15 / (fyk x (1-0.416 .X/d)x d)

= 78.6 mm^2
Minimumn Reinforcement (0.13%)
Astmin = 318.5 mm^2

Ast req = 318.5 mm^2

Earth face Vertical Provide 10 dia@ 150
mm c/c = 523.33

Distribution Steel:-

Distribution steel shall be provided for 0.3 times of the Design Bending moment

30% of the bending moment Mu = 2.50 KN.m

R = 233.055
x/ d = 1- Sqrt (1-(4xRx0.416/d^2))/ (2*416)
= 0.00389
Ast = Mu X 1.15 / (fyk x (1-0.416 .X/d)x d)
= 23.4919 mm^2
Ast req = 318.5 mm^2

Other face Vertical & Provide 10 dia@ 150

mm c/c = 523.33

TD. Toll Road

Check Project Ltd.
for Shear:- Asoka Consultants

Shear force = 19.71 KN

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3


CG of F from
bottom Moment/width
0.198 0.110
0.236 0.669

KN (Clause 211.2,IRC 112-2011)

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Factored Shear

fcd = 13.40
Fav = 10.72




TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Design of End counterfort for Return wall:

ka = 0.279 g =

6.03 37.02

Live Load surcharge Pressure Active earth Pressure

Effective width of End counterfort = 0.50 +

Total force transferred from return wall to end counterfort

= 0.5 x 37.02 x 7.371 x

= 324.721 + 105.784 = 430.500 KN

Bending moment at bottom of counterfort:,

= 324.721 x 0.42 x 7.371 +

= 1005.28 + 389.87 = 1395.140 KN. m/ m

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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Cos f

500 1800

Spacing of counterfort (effective width resisted by the CF) 3000 mm

Thickness of the counterfort 750 mm
Length of CounterfortS 2300 mm
Total moment at top of foundation in return wall Force Moment-kNm
From Earth Pressure 324.7205598 1005.2764
From LL Surcharge 105.784 389.87
Total /m width 430.505 1395.14396
Force /Moments resisted by each CF 1291.514 4185.432
Depth of resisting Section 2300.0 mm

Density of concrete 25 KN/m3
Grade of concrete fck 30 N/mm2
Modulus of elasticity of concrete Ec 32000 N/mm2
Grade of Steel fyk 500 N/mm2
Tensile Strength of concrete fctm 2.8 N/mm2
Partial Modify Fac for concrete γm 1.5
Partial Modify Fac for Steel γs 1.15
Characteristic Yield Strength of Reinforcement fyk 400 N/mm2
Design Yield Strength of Shear Reinforcement fywd 347.82608696 N/mm2
Ultimate Compressive Strain in concrete єcu 0.0035
Mod.Elas of reinforcing of steel Es 200000
Modular ratio αe 6.25
Ultimate Tensile Strain in Steel (fy/γs.Es+0.002) єs 0.004173913
Coefficient of influence of the concrete strength α 0.67
Slenderness Factor λ 0.8 upto 60Mpa

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Factor η 1 upto 60Mpa

fcd αfck/γm 13.4
Factor Fav = ηfcd/λ 8.9333333333
Factor λ/2 β 0.4
sc =fcm. ((kn-n^2)/(1+(k+2)n)

Design of Counterfort Return Wall

NO of Web 1
Design Shear KN 324.7205598
Design Moment KNm 1005.276403
Width of Beam mm 750
Depth of Beam mm 2300.0
No.Of Layers 1
Dia of Main. Bar mm 25
Cover to Rein mm 50
Dia of Transverse Bar mm 12
Deff Provided 2225.485422
Kav= M/(B*D*D*fav) 0.028363546
k (Web) 0.650
fcteff Max of 2.9, fctm = 2.90
Act web = 0.964
KC 0.4(1-σc/k1(h/h*)fcteff) 0.392
Ast min 2049.087
Limiting Neu axis depth (x lim) mm 1015.023096
Xu mm 63.85553641
Xu >Xu lim Safe
Ast Required mm2 984.01381601
Minimum Reinforcement Required 0.13% 2049.0865885
Dia of bars mm 25
No Of Bars Required 4
No Of Bars Provided 5
Spacing of Bars 155
Reinf Provided 2453.125
Neutral Axis Depth(X) mm 132.7
Ult.Moment of resistance Section kNm 2308.6
MR Safe

Check For Ultimate Shear Strength at Various X (Clause 10.3. of IRC:112-2011)


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VRdc Design shear resistance of member without shear reinforcement

VRd,max Design maximum shear force that can be sustained by the member by crushing of compression struts
VRd,s Design shear force that can be sustained by yeilding of reinforcement
Vccd Design value of shear component of force in compression area in case of inclined compression chord
Vtd Design value of shear component of force in tensile reinforcement in case of inclined tensile chord
VRd Design shear resistance of member with shear reinforcement
Vpd Shear component of prestressing tendon
VRd VRd.s + Vccd + Vtd
VEd Design shear force at C/s due to external applied loads + prestressing
VNs Net shear force in web at design section
fctk Characteristic axial tensile strength of concrete (5% fractile)
VNs VEd -Vccd -Vtd -VPd (-ve for downward; Ved is + downwards)

Case 1
VEd 324.72
Vpd 0
VNs 324.721
K 1.30
S = (Ay)c 1.9837
fctk 2.0 (Clause A.2.2 of IRC:112-201
fctd = fctk/γm 1.31 (Clause 10.3.1. of IRC:112-20
σcp 0 (Clause 10.3.1. of IRC:112-20
αcw 1 (Clause 10.3.1. of IRC:112-20
v 0.54 (Clause 10.3.2. of IRC:112-20
ρ1 0.0015 (Clause 10.3.2. of IRC:112-20
q 45 (Clause of IRC:112-

For Elements not requiring shear reinforcement as per Cl. 10.3.2

VRd,c [0.12*K(80*r1*fck)^0.33 + 0.15scp] bw d
VRd,c 394.63
VRd,c 419.97
VRd,c I*bwc / s * sqrt [ (fctd)^2+k1.scp.fctd]
Moment of Inertia m4 I 0.689
VRd,c 0
VRd,c 419.97
Ved < 6060.5
VEd, actual 324.72
Not Reqd

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if need not required to shear reinforcement ,but we provide

Pwmin 0.00079
Asw required mm^2 177.46
Dia of bar mm 10
Spacing provided 300.00
No.of bars 2.00
Asw provided mm^2 2616.666667

provide 10 mm dia at 10 legged ###

VRd,s Asw*z*fywd*cotq / s
VRd,max acw*bw*z*v1*fcd/(cotq+tanq)
VRd,max 10909.8988
Pwmin 0.00079
Asw min 118.31 mm2
Aswmax 0.5*acw*n1*fcd*bw*s/(fywd)
Aswrequired 74.58 mm2
S=Spacing of stirrups 200 mm
Diameter of stirrup 12 mm
No of legs for stirrups 2 mm
Asw provided 226.08 mm2
Shear reinforcement provided Safe
VRd,s kN 984.40
Check for additional Longitudinal Steel for shear
DFtd 0.5 xVEd (cot (q) -cot (a)) a is angle of stirrups
DFtd 162.36
(Med - MR)/ z = 650.688227
Additional Steel reqd = 0

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d required = 1395.14 x 10 6 =
1.48 x 5765

D = 2300 Cos f = 2300 x 0.956 =

d provided = 2199 - 40 - 10 -

Ast required= 1395.14 x 10 6 =

200 x 0.889 x 2111

Provide 25 mm rod 8 Nos in 1 layer

Check for shear:

Total shear force: = 0.00 + 0 +

Shear stress = 430.500 x 10 3

5765 x 2111

Shear reinforcement = 430.500 x

200 x

Direction tension = 37.02 + 6.03 x

Shear reinforcement required for direct tension =

Total shear reinforcement = 1.02 +

Provide 2L - 10 mm dia at 101

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18 KN/m3

500 340
3750 122.460

7.371 m


3.750 = 2.380 m

2.380 + 6.03 x 7.371 x 2.380

105.784 x 7.371

KN. m/ m

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tan f = 1.500

tan f = 0.204

cos 22 = 11.530

fy/γs 434.783 N/mm2

(Table 6.5,IRC 112-2011,Pg 38)

(Table 6.5,IRC 112-2011,Pg 38)

Clause- P-49
Clause-6.2.2 P-30
Clause-6.2.2 P-29,FIG 6.3
(Clause-,IRC 112-2011, P-91)
(Table 6.5,IRC 112-2011,Pg 38)
(Clause-6.2.2,Annexure A.4.4.2, P-29 IRC 112-2011)
(Clause-12.4.2,Annexure A.4.4.2,IRC 112-2011, P-131)

Clause- IRC 112-2011 P-49

(Annexure A.2.9,IRC 112-2011, P-242)

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(Annexure A.2.9,IRC 112-2011, P-242)

Clause- IRC 112-2011 P-48
(Annexure Fig A 2-4,IRC 112-2011, P-243)

(0.0035/(0.0035+(.8 fy/Es)+0.002) =0.0035/0.0035+єs)

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f compression struts

compression chord
of inclined tensile chord

ward; Ved is + downwards)

(Clause A.2.2 of IRC:112-2011,P 235)

(Clause 10.3.1. of IRC:112-2011 P-87)
(Clause 10.3.1. of IRC:112-2011 P-87)
(Clause 10.3.1. of IRC:112-2011 P-87)
(Clause 10.3.2. of IRC:112-2011 P-90,EQ 10.6)
(Clause 10.3.2. of IRC:112-2011 P-88)
(Clause of IRC:112-2011 P-82)

EQ 10.4 0.34033
Prestressed Member
Non-Prestressed Member

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reinforcement ,but we provide minimum shear reinforcement.

mmc/c provided

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404 mm

2199 mm

25 - 25 = 2111 mm

3717 mm2

3925 mm2

430.500 = 430.50 KN

= 0.04 N / mm2

10 3 = 1.02 mm2 / mm

2.380 = 102.46 KN / m

102.46 = 0.510 mm2 / mm


0.510 = 1.53 mm2 / mm

mm c/c spacing Ast provided = 1.56 mm 2/ mm

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Design of return wall: (Normal case)

The return wall near base will span between the counterfort and the abutment wall.


6.03 37.02 115.089

Live Load surcharge Pressure Earth Pressure

Active earth Pressure = 0.279 x 18 x 7.371 = 37.02

Live load surcharge Pressure = 0.279 x 18 x 1.2 = 6.03

1 Kn / m

From Stadd Output Refer Annexure-A

Bending moment coefficient: = 2.96

Shear force Coefficient: = 2.45

Design moment &Shear

BM Shear ULS Factor Factored moment Factored Shear

EP 109.43 90.74 1.00 109.43 90.74
LLSC 17.82 14.78 1.20 21.39 17.74
Total 130.82 108.47

Thickness of Return wall = 600.00 mm

Effective Depth = 542 mm
Cover = 50 mm
Dia of bar = 16 mm
Moment of resistance of Dirt Wall = 0.1648 fckbd2
= 1452.369 KNm

Moment of resistance of Dirt Wall MR 1452.369

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Mu = 130.82 Safe

R = Mu/Fav*b
= 12203.43

x/ d = 1- Sqrt (1-(4xRx0.416/d^2))/ (2*416)

= 0.042

Ast = Mu X 1.15 / (fyk x (1-0.416 .X/d)x d)

= 565.1 mm^2
Minimumn Reinforcement (0.13%)
Astmin = 704.6 mm^2

Ast req = 704.6 mm^2

Earth face Horizontal Provide 16 dia@ 200mm c/c = 1004.80

Distribution Steel:-

Distribution steel shall be provided for 0.3 times of the Design Bending moment

30% of the bending momeMu = 39.25 KN.m

R = 3661.028
x/ d = 1- Sqrt (1-(4xRx0.416/d^2))/ (2*416)
= 0.012528
Ast = Mu X 1.15 / (fyk x (1-0.416 .X/d)x d)
= 167.4155 mm^2
Ast req = 704.6 mm^2

Other face Vertical & Provide 12 dia@ 150mm c/c = 753.60


Check for Shear:-

Shear force = 108.47 KN

Shear stress Ԏv =Vu/bd = 0.200132 N/mm 2

100Ast/bd = 0.185387 Refer IRC112:2011,Table A.4.6)
Ԏc = 0.21

If Solid Slab k = 1 (upto Refer IRC112:2011,Table A.4.7)

kԎc = 0.213384

Shear Reinforcement not Required

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and the abutment wall.



Kn / m2

Kn / m2

Kn / m2

305 250

Factored Shear

fcd = 13.40
Fav = 10.72

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Give input
Refer IRC112:2011,Table A.4.6) 0.15 0.2
0.25 0.23
Refer IRC112:2011,Table A.4.7)

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Reinforcement Details of Abutment and Foundation (Normal case)

1. Rein of base raft

a) Heel Slab Longitudinal direction (main rod)

Top rod: 32 mm at 130 mm c/c (main rod)

Bottom rod: 10 mm at 99 mm c/c

b) Toe slab Longitudinal direction (main rod)

Bottom rod: 25 mm at 99 mm c/c (main rod)

Top rod: 10 mm at 130 mm c/c

Distribution steel :-

Top & bottom 10 mm at 97 mm c/c

2. Rein of Abutment wall

Main rod (earth face) 25 mm dia 170 mm c/c

Comp rod (Other face) 12 mm dia 150 mm c/c

Horizontal rod (Both face) 10 mm dia 136 mm c/c

3. Rein of Abutment cap

All faces: Provide 6 Nos 16 mm dia at top & bottom along carriageway
Stirrups 2 legged 12 mm dia stps at 100 mm c/c

4. Rein of Dirt wall

Provide 12 mm at 219 mm c/c vertically on earth face.
Provide 0 mm at 0 mm c/c vertically on other face
Provide Err:509 mm at Err:509 mm c/c horizontally on both faces.

5. Rein of Return wall:

a) Horizontal rod:

Earth face 16 mm at 268 mm c/c

Other face 12 mm at 150 mm c/c

b) Vertical rod

Both faces 10 mm at 200 mm c/c

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6. Rein of counterfort for return wall

Main rod (tension face) 8 Nos 25 mm dia in 1 layers

Stirrups Provide 2-legged 10 mm dia at 101 mm c/c spacing

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mm dia at top & bottom along carriageway

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Schedule of Reinforcement:-

Rod No. Reinforcement Details Remarks

1 25 mm dia @ 99 mm c/c Main rod (Toe slab)
2 10 mm dia @ 97 mm c/c Distribution rod
3 10 mm dia @ 97 mm c/c Distribution rod
4 32 mm dia @ 130 mm c/c Main rod (Heel slab)
5 10 mm dia @ 97 mm c/c Distribution rod
6 10 mm dia @ 97 mm c/c Distribution rod
7 25 mm dia @ 170 mm c/c Main rod (Vertical) Earth face
8 12 mm dia @ 145 mm c/c Main rod (Vertical) Other face
9 10 mm dia @ 136 mm c/c Distribution rod (Horizontal)
10 10 mm dia @ 136 mm c/c Distribution rod (Horizontal)
11 12 mm dia @ 219 mm c/c Main rod (Vertical) Earth face
12 12 mm dia @ 0 mm c/c Main rod (Vertical) Other face
13 12 mm dia @ Err:509 mm c/c Distribution rod (Horizontal)
14 12 mm dia @ Err:509 mm c/c Distribution rod (Horizontal)
15 12 mm dia @ 150 mm c/c Main rod (Horizontal) Earth face
16 16 mm dia @ 268 mm c/c Main rod (Horizontal) Other face
17 10 mm dia @ 200 mm c/c Distribution rod (Vertical)
18 10 mm dia @ 200 mm c/c Distribution rod (Vertical)
19 6 Nos 16 mm dia Top face
20 6 Nos 16 mm dia Bottom face
21 2 Nos 16 mm dia Side face
22 2 Nos 16 mm dia Side face
23 2 legged 12 mm dia @ 100 mm c/c Stirrups
24 10 mm dia @ 200 mm c/c Main rod (Horizontal) Earth face
25 10 mm dia @ 160 mm c/c Main rod (Horizontal) Other face
26 Provide 2L 16 mm dia @ 170 mm c/c Stirrups
S1 16 mm dia - 3 Nos. on each side face Side face Rod (Abutment wall)
H1 25 mm dia - 3 Nos Hanger Rod (Flywing )
H2 12 mm dia - 2 Nos Hanger Rod (Flywing )
B1 12 mm dia - 4 Nos Bracket Rod
B2 12 mm dia @ 150 c/c Bracket Rod
B3 2 Legged 10 mm dia Rings 3 Layers @ 300 c/c Bracket Rod

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Road Top Level 122.460

Bottom Of Deck 121.500
Top of Abutment cap 121.500
Bottom of Abutment cap 121.200
High Flood Level 120.600
Bed Level 117.889
Founding Level 113.889

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Foundation F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7
7860 12900 4250 610 3000 1200 900
Abutment wall A1 A2
760 12900
Return wall R1 R2
4250 600
Flywing W1 W2 W3
2000 300 1333.33
Bearing B1 B2
220 200
Dirt wall D1

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Design of counterfort for Return wall: (Normal case)

2000 500 3750

3.010 600

9.710 1333.333

6.03 37.02 115.089

Live Load surcharge Active earth
Pressure Pressure

Total force on top 0.3m rectangular portion of flywing including earth pressure and live load
surcharge pressure,H = 0.5 x 3.010 x 0.600 x 2.000 + 6.03 x 0.600 x

= 1.810 + 7.24 = 9.05 Kn

Total force on triangular portion = 3.010 + 9.71 x 1.333 x 2.000 + 6.03 x

2 2

= 8.48 + 8.04 = 16.52 Kn

Effective width of End counterfort = 0.5 + 3.75 = 2.375 m


Total force transferred from return wall to end counterfort is ,

= 0.5 x 37.02 x 7.371 x 2.375 + 6.03 x 7.371 x 2.375

= 324.04 + 105.56 = 429.60 Kn

Bending moment at bottom of counterfort,

1.810 0.42 x 0.6 + 6.771 + 8.48 x 2 x 3.010 + 9.710 x

3.010 + 9.710

+ 7.240 0.6 + 6.771 + 8.04 x 1.333333 + 5.43767 + 324.04 X 0.42 x

2 2

x 7.371 = 1555.97 Kn. m/ m


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600 0

tan f = 0.000
7.371 7.371
= 0
f = 0.000 0
600 Cos f

600 0

d required = 1555.97 X 10 6
1.48 x 500 = 1450 mm < 470 mm

D = 600 Cos f = 600 x 1= 600 mm

d provided = 600 - 40 - 10 - 32 - 32 - 16 = 470 mm

Ast required = 1555.97 X 10 6 = 18619.65 mm2

200 x 0.889 x 470

Use 32 mm dia bars

Provide 24 Nos @ 32 # Ast provided = 19292.16 mm2

Check for shear:

Total shear force = 9.05 + 16.52 + 429.60 = 455.17 Kn.

Nominal shear stress, tn = 455.17 X 10 3

500 x 470 = 1.937 n / mm2 <tc max

Shear reinforcement = 455.17 X 10 3

200 x 470 = 4.84 mm2 / mm

Direction tension = 37.02 + 6.03 x 2.375 = 102.24 Kn / m

Shear reinforcement required for direct tension = 102.24 = 0.51 mm2 / mm

Total shear reinforcement = 4.84 + 0.51 = 5.35 mm2 / mm

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Use 10 mm dia bar

Provide 2L - 10 mm dia at 29 mm c/c spacing Ast provided =

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1.333 x 2.000

1.33333 + 5.4377

7.371 + 105.56

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2.2 n /mm2

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5.41 mm2/mm

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3


dont take print


Input Details:
VERTICAL LOAD= 22.58 KN self weight Depth
MOMENT,ML= 1555.97 KNM
Breath of the section,b(mm)= 500
Depth of the section,D(mm)= 600
Tension Rein.Ast( 19292.16
comp. Rein.Asc( 226.08 2-12 DIA Breadth
Cover to tension rein.Dt(mm)= 130
Cover to comp. Rein.D,(mm)= 56
Modular ratio,m= 10
Grade of concrete-Mix=M Err:509
Steel =S 415 Dt D'

(Mod with ass. Of N.A)

Eccentricity = 68.9092117 M>1.5 * D Assume N.A X = 350 mm
Effective depth,d = 470
1.5 * D = 900 fcr= 50.389 N/< Err:509 N/
fst= 227.653 N/< 200 N/
Equating the force due to Tension and compression
b*x*x/2 = mAST (d-x)
% Error = 7.50344 < 5%
x= 771.6864
y= 1430.47906 Final Fcr= 50.389 N/< Err:509 N/
N.A. Depth X= 329.396328 Final Fst= 227.653 N/< 200 N/
Leverarm Z= 353.333333

fcr = M/(0.5XZ) fcr= 50.3278706

fst = M/AstZ fst= 228.263122

fc = Nd/(bx+mAst+(m-1)Asc) fc= 0.061034232

Maximum flexural comp.stress in concrete= fcr+fc

Maximum tensile stress in steel = fst-mfc
Maximum flexural comp.stress in concrete= 50.388905 N/
Maximum tensile stress in steel = 227.65278 N/
Check the above value, X2= 323.73795
X2 = d/(1+fstm*fcr)
N.A- X= 350
% Error = 7.50344 < 5%
ZT= 25000000

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Fcr due to MT= 0 N/

Fst due to MT= 0 N/
Final Fcr= 50.389 N/
Final Fst= 227.653 N/

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(I) Seismic Case:- (Zone - II as per Annex - E of IS :1893(part I):2002 and cl - 222.5 of IRC : 6.2000)
Calculation of horizontal & vertical seismic coefficient :-

(A) Seismic Co - efficient method:-

(i) Calculation of ah :-

ah = bIao

b = Co efficient depending upon soil - foundation type as per Table : 3

I = Factor depending upon the importance of the structure as per Table : 4

ao = Basic horizontal seismic co efficient as per table : 2 = 0.02

ah = 1 x 1 x 0.02 = 0.02

(ii) Calculation of a v :- av = ah= 0.02 = 0.01

(iii) Calculation of l :-
dont take print 2 2

l = tan - 1 ah = tan - 1 0.02 = tan - 1

1 + an 1+ 0.01

B) Response spectrum method:

Z Sa
2 g
Horizontal seismic coefficient Ah =

Z = Zone factor as given in Table-5 = 0.16

I = Importance factor = 1

T = Fundamental period of the bridge member (in sec) for horizontal vibrations
(Refer Appendix - 2)

R = Response reduction factor = 2.5 ( From IRC : 6 - 2000(2004

Sa/g = Depending upon fundamental period of vibration T as given in fig:12

= 2.5
T = 2 D
(sec.) 1000 F

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D = Appropriate dead load of superstructure, and live load in KN (Reaction on Abutment)

Horizontal force in KN required to be applied at the centre of mass of the superstructure for 1 mm
F =
horizontal deflection at the top of pier / abutment along the considered direction of horizontal force

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F= 2 x EIg
L2 x W

L= 8.00 m

E= 5700 x fck 0.5 = 5700 x 30 0.5 = 31220 N / mm2

= 3E+07 KN / m2

I= 7.860 X 12.900 3 = 1406.081 m4


g= 9.81 m /sec 2

W= Dead load of superstructure = 1023.06 KN

F= 2x 31220000 x 1406.081 x 9.81 = ###

8 2
x 1023.06

D= Dead load + live load = 1023.06 + 506.94 = 1530.00 KN

T= 2x 1530.00 = 0.001
1000 x 13154101

As per cl - 222.5 for medium soil, sa = 2.5


Ah = 0.16
2 x 2.5 = 0.2
2.5 2.50 = 0.080

Av = 0.08 = 0.040

l = tan -1 Ah = tan -1 0.08 = tan - 1 0.080 =

1+ Av 1+ 0.040 0.960

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f IS :1893(part I):2002 and cl - 222.5 of IRC : 6.2000)

= 1

pon the importance of the structure as per Table : 4 = 1

0.02 = 1.157

of the bridge member (in sec) for horizontal vibrations

( From IRC : 6 - 2000(2004) )

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e applied at the centre of mass of the superstructure for 1 mm

er / abutment along the considered direction of horizontal force

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N / mm2
KN / m2


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Seismic Case - Design of foundation

II) Permanent Load Calculation : Ah = 0.080 Av = 0.04
LWL condition
S. Actual Vertical Lever Horizont Lever nal
Description of Load Load
No Load arm al Load arm moment
@ toe

1 (DL + SDL) from super structure dont take print

1023.06 40.92 3.008 123.09

81.84 7.611 622.88

2 Weight of dirt wall:- 51.65 2.07 3.375 6.97

4.13 8.091 33.42

3 Weight of Pedestal:- 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00

0.00 7.611 0.00

4 Weight of abutment cap:- 96.68 3.87 3.177 12.29

7.73 7.705 59.56

5 Weight of abutment wall:(above bedlevel) 651.36 26.05 3.110 81.02

52.11 5.656 294.73

Weight of abutment wall:(below bedlevel) 550.83 22.03 3.11 68.51

44.07 2.600 114.58

6 Weight of return wall:-(above bedlevel) 582.80 23.31 5.391 125.66

46.62 6.286 293.05

Weight of return wall:-(below bedlevel) 357 14.28 5.391 76.980

28.56 2.6 74.26

0.77 0.03 6.0567 0.180

0.06 1.1 0.07

7 weight of counter fort for return wall:-

Above LWL 23.90 0.96 0.000 0.00

1.91 0.000 0.00

Below LWL 21.26 0.85 0 0.00

1.70 0.000 0.00

8 Weight of flywing wall :- 38 1.52 8.163 12.41

3.04 7.879 23.95

Total 135.89 271.77 2023.61

Self weight of substructure only 94.97 189.93 1277.64

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Case - Design of foundation




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Seismic Case
III) Permanent Load Calculation : Ah = 0.080 Av = 0.04
HFL condition
S. Actual Vertical Lever Horizont Lever nal
Description of Load Load
No Load arm al Load arm moment
@ toe

1 (DL + SDL) from super structure 1023.06 40.92 3.008 123.09

81.84 7.611 622.88

2 Weight of dirt wall:- 51.65 2.07 3.375 6.97

4.13 8.091 33.43

3 Weight of Pedestal:- 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00

0.00 7.611 0.00

4 Weight of abutment cap:- 96.68 3.87 3.177 12.29

7.73 7.705 59.56

5 Weight of abutment wall:- (above HFL) 118.04 4.72 3.107 14.67

9.44 7.011 66.18

Weight of abutment wall:- (below HFL) 607.12 24.28 3.107 75.44

48.57 3.956 192.14

6 Weight of return wall:-(above HFL) 237.15 9.49 5.391 51.16

18.97 7.641 144.95

Weight of return wall:-(below HFL) 393.49 15.74 5.391 84.850

31.48 3.956 124.53

0.77 0.03 6.0567 0.180

0.06 1.1 0.07

7 Weight of counter fort for return wall:-

Above HFL 6.28 0.25 0.000 0.00

0.50 0.000 0.00

Below HFL 30.85 1.23 7.153 8.80

2.47 0.000 0.00

8 Weight of flywing wall :- 38 1.52 8.163 12.41

3.04 7.879 23.95

Total 104.12 208.23 1657.55

Self weight of substructure only 63.20 126.39 911.58

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dont take print IV) Live Load Calculation

Class -A 70Rw

(50% of the LL) Trans.Eccen 2.287 2.771

S. Actual Lever Horizont Lever
Description of Load Vertical nal
No Load arm al Load arm
Load moment

1 Class - A - 2 lane

Reaction 472.53 9.45 2.287 -

18.90 7.611

Total 9.45 18.90

2 70 R wheeled

Reaction 437.59 8.75 2.771

17.50 7.611

Total 8.75 17.50

3 70 R Tracked

Reaction 506.94 10.14 2.7128

20.28 7.611

Total 10.14 20.28

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Seismic Case

e moment



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Live Load Calculation



e moment










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Seismic Case:-
V) Calculation of earth pressure coefficient :-

Co efficient of earth Pressure

Considering earthquake forces.

ca = 1+ av x cos 2 (f - l - a) 1
cos l cos a cos ( d + a + l)
2 1 + sin (f + d) sin (f - t - l)
cos(a- t) cos ( d

where, an = Vertical Seismic co - efficient equal to ah

ah = Horizontal seismic co - efficient

l = tan - l ah
1 + an
f = angle of internal friction of soil = 30

a = angle which earth face of the wall makes the vertical = 0

t = slope of earth fill = 0

d = angle of friction between the wall and earth fill = 20

(A) Seismic Co - efficient method:- ah = 0.02 av = 0.01

Calculation of l :-
l = tan - 1 ah = tan - 1 0.02 = tan - 1
1 + an 1+ 0.01

1 + 0.01 x cos 2 30 - 1.157 - 0

cos 1.157 Cos 2 0 x cos 20 + 0 + 1.157

1+ sin ( 30 + 20.0 ) x sin( 30 - 0 -
cos ( 0- 0 ) x cos( 20.0 + 0 +

= 0.775 x 1 2
0.932405 1 + 0.62949

Ca = 0.313 x cos 20 = 0.294

B) Response spectrum method: Ah = 0.080 Av = 0.04

l = tan -1 Ah = tan -1 0.08 = tan - 1 0.080 =

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1+ Av 1+ 0.040 0.960

1 + 0.040 x cos 2 30 - 4.764 - 0

cos 4.764 Cos 2 0 x cos 20 + 0 + 4.764

1+ sin ( 30 + 20.0 ) x sin( 30 - 0 -
cos ( 0 - 0 ) x cos( 20.0 + 0 +

= 0.851 x 1 2
0.904907 1 + 0.599734

Co efficient of earth pressure considering earthquake forces = 0.367 x cos

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sin (f + d) sin (f - t - l) 1/ 2
cos(a- t) cos ( d + a + l)

0.02 = 1.157

1.157 )
1.157 )


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4.764 )
4.764 )

20 = 0.345

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VI) Calculation of forces & moments due to earth Pressure at bottom of foundation:-
A) Approach retained conditon:- (Seismic case)

RTL - 122.46
4.571 1.86
HFL- 120.600 ka = 0.345
2.711 (Dry)g = 18 KN / M3
Bed level (LWL) 117.889 5.511 (Wet) g = 10 KN / M3
Top of foundation 115.089
Bottom of foundation 113.889

1) Low Water Level Condition:-

Pressure due to soil above LWL :-
Pressure due to soil = 0.345 x 18.00 x 4.571 x 12.9 = 836.90
above LWL 2

Moment @ bottom of foundation = 836.90 x 0.42 x 4.571 + 4.000 = 4954.30

Pressure due to soil below LWL :-

Pressure due to surcharge = 0.345 x 18 x 4.571 x 4.000 x 12.9 = 1464.71
of soil above LWL
Moment @ bottom of foundation = 1464.71 x 4 2 = 2929.42 Kn.m
Pressure due to soil below LWL = 0.345 x 10 x 4.000 x 12.9 = 356.04
Moment @ bottom of foundation = 356.04 x 0.42 x 4 = 598.15 Kn.m

Total pressure for LWL condition = 836.90 + 1464.71 + 356.04 = 2657.65 Kn

Total moment for LWL condition = 4954.30 + 2929.42 + 598.15 = 8481.87

2) High Flood Level Condition:-

Pressure due to soil above HFL :-
Pressure due to soil = 0.345 x 18.00 x 1.86 x 12.9 = 138.57
above HFL 2
Moment @ bottom of foundation = 138.57 x 0.42 x 1.86 + 6.711 = 1038.19

Pressure due to soil below HFL :-

Pressure due to surcharge = 0.345 x 18 x 1.86 x 6.711 x 12.9 = 999.96

of soil above HFL

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Moment @ bottom of foundation = 999.96 x 6.711 2 = 3355.37 Kn.m

Pressure due to soil below HFL = 0.345 x 10 x 6.711 x 12.9 = 1002.2
Moment @ bottom of foundation = x1002.2 x x 0.42 x 6.711 = 2824.82 Kn.m

Total pressure for HFL condition = 138.57 + 999.96 + 1002.2 = 2140.73 Kn

Total moment for HFL condition = 1038.19 + 3355.37 + 2824.82 = 7218.38
B) scour alround condition:- (scour level = Top of hrd rock = 241.932
No earth pressure =& no live load
x forces
x and
x moments
x acting
x = on foundation

VII) Force and Moment due to Fluid Pressure :- (cl-217.1 of IRC - 6 - 2000)

Intensity of fluid pressure = 4.800 Kn/m3

Height of wall = 122.46 - 113.889 = 8.571 m

Force due to fluid pressure = 4.800 x 8.571 x 12.9 = 2274.38
for entier length 2
Moment @ bottom of foundation = 2274.380 x 8.571 = 6497.9
VIII) Calculation of live load surcharge Pressure:



Live load surcharge = 0.345 x 18.00 X 1.2 = 7.450 Kn / m2

Horizontal force (H2) = 7.450 x 8.571 X 12.90 = 823.72 Kn

Moment at founding
3530.05 Kn.m
level due to H2 = 823.72 X 8.571 =
Total Horizontal force = 823.720 Kn

Total moment at bottom of foundation = 3530.050 Kn.m

Vertical load due to live

load surcharge behind = 4.250 x 12.90 X 1.2 X 18.00 = 1184.22 Kn

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Restoring moment due to

live load surcharge = 1184.220 x Err:509 = Err:509 Kn.m

IX) Force and moment due to buoyancy:-

Buoyancy effect through pore pressure has been considered in self weight
of the substructure and earth weight it self. So, no need to calculate seperately.

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dont take print









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S. MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m)

Load Description V (kn)
LWL condition
DL + SDL + sefl wt. Normal 10549.62 - 48808.39 0.00
1a (i) No Earth
on front side Seismic 135.89 2023.61 -
Normal 12202.11 - 51111.12 0.00
b (ii) Earth on front side
Seismic 135.89 2023.61 -
sefl weight Normal 9526.56 - 45731.03 0.00
2a (i) No Earth
on front side Seismic 94.97 1277.64 -
Normal 11179.05 - 48033.76 0.00
b (ii) Earth on front side
Seismic 94.97 1277.64 -
Normal 4991.46 18794.67 0.00
3 Scour alround
Seismic 94.97 1277.64 -
HFL condition
DL + SDL + sefl wt. Normal 8676.96 - 39784.90 0.00
4a (i) No Earth
on front side Seismic 104.12 1657.55 -
Normal 11378.61 - 43566.94 0.00
b (ii) Earth on front side
Seismic 104.12 1657.55 -
sefl weight Normal 7653.90 - 36707.54 0.00
5a (i) No Earth
on front side Seismic 63.20 911.58 -
Normal 10355.55 - 40489.58 0.00
b (ii) Earth on front side
Seismic 63.20 911.58 -
Normal 4197.24 15585.06 0.00
6 Scour alround
Seismic 63.20 911.58 -
Normal 472.53 - 1421.37 1080.79
i) Class - A -2 - Lane
Seismic 9.45 165.46
Normal 437.59 - 1316.27 1212.68
ii) 7OR Wheeled
Seismic 8.75 157.44
Normal 506.94 - 1524.88 1375.21
iii) 7OR Tracked
Seismic 10.14 181.86
8 Longitudinal forces&moments - - - -
i) Class - A - 2 - Lane - 3893.25 - -
ii) 70R wheeled - 3893.25 - -
iii) 70R Tracked - 3893.25 - -
iv) span unloaded condition - 0.00 - -

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9 Vertical component of braking

i) Class - A - 2 - Lane 33.83 - 101.76 -
ii) 70R wheeled 38.86 - 116.89 -
iii) 70R Tracked 40.00 - 120.32 -
10 Earth Pressure (LWL) - 8481.87 - -
11 Earth Pressure (HFL) - 7218.38 - -
12 Scour alround condition - 0 - -
13 Fluid Pressure - 6497.90 - -
14 Live Load surcharge Pressure 1184.22 3530.05 Err:509 -

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Load Combinations: -
When the live load will be on span, the next train of load on embankment will be atleast 20m away from the back
wall, Hence there will be no surcharge pressure effect on abutment when live load will be on span.
A) Low water level condition :-
I ) No Earth on Frontside condition
a) Span loaded condition:-
Load Combination:- 1 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m)
1 DL+SDL+self wt. (LWL) 10549.62 - 48808.39 0.000
seismic 135.89 2023.61 -
2 LL - Class - A -2 - Lane 472.53 - 1421.37 1080.79
seismic 9.45 165.46
3 Longitudinal force & moment
i) Class - A - 2 - Lane - 3893.25 - -
4 Vertical component of braking 33.83 - 101.76 -
5 Earth(LWL) / Fluid Pressure - 8481.87 - -
Total 11201.32 12375.12 52355.13 1246.25
Load Combination:- 2 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m)
1 DL+SDL+self wt.(LWL) 10549.62 - 48808.39 0.000
seismic 135.89 2023.61 -
2 LL - 7OR Wheeled 437.59 - 1316.27 1212.68
seismic 8.75 157.44
3 Longitudinal force & moment
i) 7OR Wheeled - 3893.25 - -
4 Vertical component of braking 38.86 - 116.89 -
5 Earth(LWL) / Fluid Pressure - 8481.87 - -
Total 11170.71 12375.12 52265.16 1370.12
Load Combination:- 3 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m)
1 DL+SDL+self wt.(LWL) 10549.62 - 48808.39 0.000
seismic 135.89 2023.61 -
2 LL - 70R Tracked 506.94 - 1524.88 1375.21
seismic 10.14 181.86
3 Longitudinal force&moment
i) 70R Tracked - 3893.25 - -
4 Vertical component of braking 40.00 - 120.32 -
5 Earth(LWL) / Fluid Pressure - 8481.87 - -
Total 11242.59 12375.12 52477.20 1557.07
b) Span unloaded condition:-
Load Combination:- 4 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m)
1 DL+SDL+self wt.(LWL) 10549.62 - 48808.39 0.000
seismic 135.89 2023.61 -

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2 Longitudinal force&moment
i) Shear deformation - 511.53 - -
3 Earth(LWL) / Fluid Pressure - 8481.87 - -
4 Live load surcharge 1184.22 3530.05 Err:509 -
Total 11869.73 12523.45 Err:509 0.00
c) Span not laid condition:-
Load Combination:- 5 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m)
1 self wt.(LWL) 9526.56 - 45731.03 0.000
seismic 94.97 1277.64 -
2 Earth(LWL) / Fluid Pressure - 8481.87 - -
Total 9621.53 8481.87 47008.67 0.00

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II ) Earth on Frontside condition

Load Combination:- 6 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m)
1 DL+SDL+self wt.(LWL) 12202.11 - 51111.12 0.000
seismic 135.89 2023.61 -
2 LL - Class - A - 2 - Lane 472.53 - 1421.37 1080.79
seismic 9.45 165.46
3 Longitudinal force&moment
i) Class - A - 2 - Lane - 3893.25 - -
4 Vertical component of braking 33.83 - 101.76 -
5 Earth(LWL) / Fluid Pressure - 8481.87 - -
Total 12853.81 12375.12 54657.86 1246.25
Load Combination:- 7 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m)
1 DL+SDL+self wt.(LWL) 12202.11 - 51111.12 0.000
seismic 135.89 2023.61 -
2 LL - 7OR Wheeled 437.59 - 1316.27 1212.68
seismic 8.75 157.44
3 Longitudinal force&moment
i) 7OR Wheeled - 3893.25 - -
4 Vertical component of braking 38.86 - 116.89 -
5 Earth(LWL) / Fluid Pressure - 8481.87 - -
Total 12823.20 12375.12 54567.89 1370.12
Load Combination:- 8 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m)
1 DL+SDL+self wt.(LWL) 12202.11 - 51111.12 0.000
seismic 135.89 2023.61 -
2 LL - 70R Tracked 506.94 - 1524.88 1375.21
seismic 10.14 181.86
3 Longitudinal force&moment
i) 70R Tracked - 3893.25 - -
4 Vertical component of braking 40.00 - 120.32 -
5 Earth(LWL) / Fluid Pressure - 8481.87 - -
Total 12895.08 12375.12 54779.93 1557.07
b) Span unloaded condition:-
Load Combination:- 9 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m)
1 DL+SDL+self wt.(LWL) 12202.11 - 51111.12 0.000
seismic 135.89 2023.61 -
2 Longitudinal force&moment
i) Shear deformation - 511.53 - -
3 Earth(LWL) / Fluid Pressure - 8481.87 - -
4 Live load surcharge 1184.22 3530.05 Err:509 -
Total 13522.22 12523.45 Err:509 0.00

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c) Span not laid condition:-

Load Combination:- 10 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m)
1 self wt.(LWL) 11179.05 - 48033.76 0.000
seismic 94.97 1277.64 -
2 Earth(LWL) / Fluid Pressure - 8481.87 - -
Total 11274.02 8481.87 49311.40 0.000

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III) scour alround condition:-

Load Combination:- 11 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m)
1 DL+SDL+self wt.(LWL) 4991.46 - 18794.67 0.000
seismic 94.97 1277.64 -
2 Longitudinal force&moment
i) Shear deformation - 511.53 - -
3 Earth(LWL) / Fluid Pressure - 0.00 - -
Total 5086.43 511.53 20072.31 0.000
B) High flood level condition :-
a) Span loaded condition:-
I ) No Earth on Frontside condition
Load Combination:- 12 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m)
1 DL+SDL+self wt.(HFL) 8676.96 - 39784.90 0.000
seismic 104.12 1657.55 -
2 LL - Class - A -2 - Lane 472.53 - 1421.37 1080.79
seismic 9.45 165.46
3 Longitudinal force&moment
i) Class - A - 2 - Lane - 3893.25 - -
4 Vertical component of braking 33.83 - 101.76 -
5 Earth(HFL) / Fluid Pressure - 7218.38 - -
Total 9296.89 11111.63 42965.58 1246.25
Load Combination:- 13 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m)
1 DL+SDL+self wt.(HFL) 8676.96 - 39784.90 0.000
seismic 104.12 1657.55 -
2 LL - 7OR Wheeled 437.59 - 1316.27 1212.68
seismic 8.75 157.44
3 Longitudinal force&moment
i) 7OR Wheeled - 3893.25 - -
4 Vertical component of braking 38.86 - 116.89 -
5 Earth(HFL) / Fluid Pressure - 7218.38 - -
Total 9266.28 11111.63 42875.61 1370.12
Load Combination:- 14 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m)
1 DL+SDL+self wt.(HFL) 8676.96 - 39784.90 0.000
seismic 104.12 1657.55 -
2 LL - 70R Tracked 506.94 - 1524.88 1375.21
seismic 10.14 181.86
3 Longitudinal force&moment
i) 70R Tracked - 3893.25 - -
4 Vertical component of braking 40.00 - 120.32 -
5 Earth(HFL) / Fluid Pressure - 7218.38 - -
Total 9338.16 11111.63 43087.65 1557.07

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

b) Span unloaded condition:-

Load Combination:- 15 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m)
1 DL+SDL+self wt.(HFL) 8676.96 - 39784.90 0.000
seismic 104.12 1657.55 -
2 Longitudinal force&moment
i) Shear deformation - 511.53 - -
3 Earth(HFL) / Fluid Pressure - 7218.38 - -
4 Live load surcharge 1184.22 3530.05 Err:509 -
Total 9965.30 11259.96 Err:509 0.00

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

c) Span not laid condition:-

Load Combination:- 16 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m)
1 self wt.(HFL) 7653.90 - 36707.54 0.000
seismic 63.20 911.58 -
2 Earth(HFL) / Fluid Pressure - 7218.38 - -
Total 7717.10 7218.38 37619.12 0.000

II ) Earth on Frontside condition

Load Combination:- 17 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m)
1 DL+SDL+self wt(HFL) 11378.61 - 43566.94 0.000
seismic 104.12 1657.55 -
2 LL - Class - A - 2 - Lane 472.53 - 1421.37 1080.79
seismic 9.45 165.46
3 Longitudinal force&moment
i) Class - A - 2 - Lane - 3893.25 - -
4 Vertical component of braking 33.83 - 101.76 -
5 Earth(HFL) / Fluid Pressure - 7218.38 - -
Total 11998.54 11111.63 46747.62 1246.25
Load Combination:- 18 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m)
1 DL+SDL+self wt(HFL) 11378.61 - 43566.94 0.000
seismic 104.12 1657.55 -
2 LL - 7OR Wheeled 437.59 - 1316.27 1212.68
seismic 8.75 157.44
3 Longitudinal force&moment
i) 7OR Wheeled - 3893.25 - -
4 Vertical component of braking 38.86 - 116.89 -
5 Earth(HFL) / Fluid Pressure - 7218.38 - -
Total 11967.93 11111.63 46657.65 1370.12
Load Combination:- 19 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m)
1 DL+SDL+self wt(HFL) 11378.61 - 43566.94 0.000
seismic 104.12 1657.55 -
2 LL - 70R Tracked 506.94 - 1524.88 1375.21
seismic 10.14 181.86
3 Longitudinal force&moment
i) 70R Tracked - 3893.25 - -
4 Vertical component of braking 40.00 - 120.32 -
5 Earth(HFL) / Fluid Pressure - 7218.38 - -
Total 12039.81 11111.63 46869.69 1557.07
b) Span unloaded condition:-
Load Combination:- 20 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m)

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

1 DL+SDL+self wt 11378.61 - 43566.94 0.000

seismic 104.12 1657.55 -
2 Longitudinal force&moment
i) Shear deformation - 511.53 - -
3 Earth(HFL) / Fluid Pressure - 7218.38 - -
4 Live load surcharge 1184.22 3530.05 Err:509 -
Total 12666.95 11259.96 Err:509 0.00

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

c) Span not laid condition:-

Load Combination:- 21 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m)
1 self wt.(HFL) 10355.55 - 40489.58 0.000
seismic 63.20 911.58 -
2 Earth(HFL) / Fluid Pressure - 7218.38 - -
Total 10418.75 7218.38 41401.16 0.000
III) scour alround condition:-
Load Combination:- 22 Description V (kn) MO (Kn.m) MR (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m)
1 DL+SDL+self wt.(HFL) 4197.24 - 15585.06 0.000
seismic 63.20 911.58 -
2 Longitudinal force&moment
i) Shear deformation - 511.53 - -
3 Earth(HFL) / Fluid Pressure - 0.00 - -
Total 4260.44 511.53 16496.64 0.000

Stability Check:-
I) Stability against sliding:- m = 0.7 (Ref. CL - 706.3.4 of IRC - 78 - 2000)
Factor of safety = mv > 1.25
II) Stability against overturning:-
Factor of safety = MR 1.5
S. HL (Kn) FS against MR (Kn.m) MO (Kn.m) FS against
LC V (kn)
NO sliding overturning
1 1 11201.32 3169.18 2.47 52355.13 12375.12 4.23
2 2 11170.71 3169.18 2.47 52265.16 12375.12 4.22
3 3 11242.59 3169.18 2.48 52477.20 12375.12 4.24
4 4 11869.73 3992.90 2.08 Err:509 12523.45 Err:509
5 5 9621.53 2657.65 2.53 47008.67 8481.87 5.54
6 6 12853.81 3169.18 2.84 54657.86 12375.12 4.42
7 7 12823.20 3169.18 2.83 54567.89 12375.12 4.41
8 8 12895.08 3169.18 2.85 54779.93 12375.12 4.43
9 9 13522.22 3992.90 2.37 Err:509 12523.45 Err:509
10 10 11274.02 2657.65 2.97 49311.40 8481.87 5.81
11 11 5086.43 511.53 6.96 20072.31 511.53 39.24
12 12 9296.89 2785.91 2.34 42965.58 11111.63 3.87
13 13 9266.28 2785.91 2.33 42875.61 11111.63 3.86
14 14 9338.16 2785.91 2.35 43087.65 11111.63 3.88
15 15 9965.30 3609.63 1.93 Err:509 11259.96 Err:509
16 16 7717.10 2274.38 2.38 37619.12 7218.38 5.21
17 17 11998.54 2785.91 3.01 46747.62 11111.63 4.21
18 18 11967.93 2785.91 3.01 46657.65 11111.63 4.2
19 19 12039.81 2785.91 3.03 46869.69 11111.63 4.22
20 20 12666.95 3609.63 2.46 Err:509 11259.96 Err:509

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

21 21 10418.75 2274.38 3.21 41401.16 7218.38 5.74

22 22 4260.44 511.53 5.83 16496.64 511.53 32.25

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

(Seismic case)

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.00 - -
0.00 - -
0.00 - -
0.00 - -

0.00 - -
0.00 - -
0.00 - -
0.00 - -

1080.79 - -
1212.68 - -
1375.21 - -
- - -
- 511.53 -
- 511.53 -
- 511.53 -
- 0.00 -

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

- - -
- - -
- - -
- 2657.65 -
- 2140.73 -
- 0.00 -
- 2274.38 -
- 823.72 -

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

ad on embankment will be atleast 20m away from the backside of dirt

t on abutment when live load will be on span.

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.000 - -
1080.79 - -

- 511.53 -
- - -
- 2657.65 -
1246.25 3169.180 0

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.000 - -
1212.68 - -

- 511.53 -
- - -
- 2657.65 -
1370.12 3169.180 0

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.000 - -
1375.21 - -

- 511.53 -
- - -
- 2657.65 -
1557.07 3169.180 0

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.000 - -

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

- 511.53 -
- 2657.65 -
- 823.72 -
0.00 3992.900 0

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.000 - -
- 2657.65 -
0.00 2657.650 0

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.000 - -
1080.79 - -

- 511.53 -
- - -
- 2657.65 -
1246.25 3169.180 0

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.000 - -
1212.68 - -

- 511.53 -
- - -
- 2657.65 -
1370.12 3169.180 0

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.000 - -
1375.21 - -

- 511.53 -
- - -
- 2657.65 -
1557.07 3169.180 0

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.000 - -

- 511.53 -
- 2657.65 -
- 823.72 -
0.00 3992.900 0

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.000 - -
- 2657.65 -
0.000 2657.650 0

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.000 - -

- 511.53 -
- 0.00 -
0.000 511.530 0

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.000 - -
1080.79 - -

- 511.53 -
- - -
- 2274.38 -
1246.25 2785.910 0

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.000 - -
1212.68 - -

- 511.53 -
- - -
- 2274.38 -
1370.12 2785.910 0

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.000 - -
1375.21 - -

- 511.53 -
- - -
- 2274.38 -
1557.07 2785.910 0

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.000 - -

- 511.53 -
- 2274.38 -
- 823.72 -
0.00 3609.630 0

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.000 - -
- 2274.38 -
0.000 2274.380 -

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.000 - -
1080.79 - -

- 511.53 -
- - -
- 2274.38 -
1246.25 2785.910 0

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.000 - -
1212.68 - -

- 511.53 -
- - -
- 2274.38 -
1370.12 2785.910 0

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.000 - -
1375.21 - -

- 511.53 -
- - -
- 2274.38 -
1557.07 2785.910 0

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

0.000 - -

- 511.53 -
- 2274.38 -
- 823.72 -
0.00 3609.630 0

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.000 - -
- 2274.38 -
0.000 2274.380 0

MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

0.000 - -

- 511.53 -
- 0.00 -
0.000 511.530 0

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Calculation of forces and moments at C.G. of abutment base:- (Seismic case)

Plan dimension of abutment base 12.9 x 7.860 m

3.930 m 3.930 m 3.930 m 3.930 m

7.860 m

Transferring the forces and moments to C.G of abutment base from toe, ML = 3.93 V + MO
S.No Combin At toe of Abutment base At C.G. o
V (Kn) MO(Kn.m) MR (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m) V (Kn)
1 1 11201.320 12375.120 52355.130 1246.25 11201.320
2 2 11170.710 12375.120 52265.160 1370.120 11170.710
3 3 11242.590 12375.120 52477.200 1557.070 11242.590
4 4 11869.730 12523.450 Err:509 0.000 11869.730
5 5 9621.530 8481.870 47008.670 0.000 9621.530
6 6 12853.810 12375.120 54657.860 1246.250 12853.810
7 7 12823.200 12375.120 54567.890 1370.120 12823.200
8 8 12895.080 12375.120 54779.930 1557.070 12895.080
9 9 13522.220 12523.450 Err:509 0.000 13522.220
10 10 11274.020 8481.870 49311.400 0.000 11274.020
11 11 5086.430 511.530 20072.310 0.000 5086.430
12 12 9296.890 11111.630 42965.580 1246.250 9296.890
13 13 9266.280 11111.630 42875.610 1370.120 9266.280
14 14 9338.160 11111.630 43087.650 1557.070 9338.160
15 15 9965.300 11259.960 Err:509 0.000 9965.300
16 16 7717.100 7218.380 37619.120 0.000 7717.100
17 17 11998.540 11111.630 46747.620 1246.250 11998.540
18 18 11967.930 11111.630 46657.650 1370.120 11967.930
19 19 12039.810 11111.630 46869.690 1557.070 12039.810
20 20 12666.950 11259.960 Err:509 0.000 12666.950
21 21 10418.750 7218.380 41401.160 0.000 10418.750
22 22 4260.440 511.530 16496.640 0.000 4260.440

Calculation of base Pressure

A = 12.9 x 7.860 = 101.39 M2

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

ZL = 12.9 x 7.860 2 = 132.83 M3 6.450

ZT = 7.860 x 12.9 2 = 218.00 M3

V + ML + MT 6.45
Base Pressure, P = A ZL ZT
1. Load Combination : 1
P1 = 11201.320 + 4041.18 + 1246.25 110.48 + 30.42 + 5.72
101.39 132.83 218.00
2. Load Combination : 2
P2 = 11170.710 + 4010.85 + 1370.120 = 110.18 + 30.20 + 6.28

3. Load Combination : 3
dont take print
132.83 218.00

P3 = 11242.590 + 4081.3 + 1557.070 = 110.88 + 30.73 + 7.14

101.39 132.83 218.00
4. Load Combination : 4
P4 = 11869.730 + Err:509 + 0.000 = 117.07 + Err:509 + 0.00
101.39 132.83 218.00

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

5. Load Combination : 5
P5 = 9621.530 + -714.190 + 0.000 = 94.90 + -5.38 + 0
101.39 132.83 218.00
6. Load Combination : 6
P6 = 12853.810 + 8232.730 + 1246.250 = 126.78 + 61.98 + 5.72
101.39 132.83 218.00
7. Load Combination : 7
P7 = 12823.200 + 8202.410 + 1370.120 = 126.47 + 61.75 + 6.28
101.39 132.83 218.00
8. Load Combination : 8
P8 = 12895.080 + 8272.850 + 1557.070 = 127.18 + 62.28 + 7.14
101.39 132.83 218.00
9. Load Combination : 9
P9 = 13522.220 + Err:509 + 0.000 = 133.37 + Err:509 + 0.00
101.39 132.83 218.00
10. Load Combination : 10
P10 = 11274.020 + 3477.370 + 0.000 = 111.19 + 26.18 + 0.00
101.39 132.83 218.00
11. Load Combination : 11
P11 = 5086.430 + 428.890 + 0.000 = 50.17 + 3.23 + 0.00
101.39 132.83 218.00
12. Load Combination : 12
P12 = 9296.890 + 4682.830 + 1246.250 = 91.69 + 35.25 + 5.72
101.39 132.83 218.00
13. Load Combination : 13
P13 = 9266.280 + 4652.500 + 1370.120 = 91.39 + 35.03 + 6.28
101.39 132.83 218.00
14. Load Combination : 14
P14 = 9338.160 + 4722.950 + 1557.070 = 92.10 + 35.56 + 7.14
101.39 132.83 218.00
15. Load Combination : 15
P15 = 9965.300 + Err:509 + 0.000 = 98.29 + Err:509 + 0.00
101.39 132.83 218.00
16. Load Combination : 16
P16 = 7717.100 + -72.540 + 0.000 = 76.11 + -0.55 + 0.00
101.39 132.83 218.00
17. Load Combination : 17
P17 = 11998.540 + 11518.270 + 1246.250 = 118.34 + 86.71 + 5.72
101.39 132.83 218.00
18. Load Combination : 18

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

P18 = 11967.930 + 11487.940 + 1370.120 = 118.04 + 86.49 + 6.28

101.39 132.83 218.00
19. Load Combination : 19
P19 = 12039.810 + 11558.390 + 1557.070 = 118.75 + 87.02 + 7.14
101.39 132.83 218.00
20. Load Combination : 20
P20 = 12666.950 + Err:509 + 0.000 = 124.93 + Err:509 + 0.00
101.39 132.83 218.00
21. Load Combination : 21
P21 = 10418.750 + 6762.910 + 0.000 = 102.76 + 50.91 + 0.00
101.39 132.83 218.00
22. Load Combination : 22
P22 = 4260.440 + 758.420 + 0.000 = 42.02 + 5.71 + 0.00
101.39 132.83 218.00

SBC = 375 Kn / m2 Safe Bearing capacity has been inreased 25%

as per cl- of IS : 1893(part I) : 2002.
Pmax = Err:509 Kn / m2 < SBC
Pmin = Err:509 Kn / m2 > 0 Err:509

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

- MR

At C.G. of abutment base

V (Kn) ML (Kn.M) MT (Kn.M)

11201.320 4041.18 1246.25
11170.710 4010.85 1370.12
11242.590 4081.3 1557.07
11869.730 Err:509 0.00
9621.530 -714.190 0.000
12853.810 8232.730 1246.25
12823.200 8202.410 1370.12
12895.080 8272.850 1557.07
13522.220 Err:509 0.00
11274.020 3477.370 0.00
5086.430 428.890 0.00
9296.890 4682.830 1246.25
9266.280 4652.500 1370.12
9338.160 4722.950 1557.07
9965.300 Err:509 0.00
7717.100 -72.540 0.00
11998.540 11518.270 1246.25
11967.930 11487.940 1370.12
12039.810 11558.390 1557.07
12666.950 Err:509 0.00
10418.750 6762.910 0.00
4260.440 758.420 0.00

3.930 3.930

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3



7.860 m

Pmax = 146.62 Kn / m2
Pmin = 74.34 Kn / m2

6.28 Pmax = 146.66 Kn / m2

Pmin = 73.70 Kn / m2

7.14 Pmax = 148.75 Kn / m2

Pmin = 73.01 Kn / m2

0.00 Pmax = Err:509 Kn / m2

Pmin = Err:509 Kn / m2

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Pmax = 89.52 Kn / m2
Pmin = 100.28 Kn / m2

5.72 Pmax = 194.48 Kn / m2

Pmin = 59.08 Kn / m2

6.28 Pmax = 194.50 Kn / m2

Pmin = 58.44 Kn / m2

7.14 Pmax = 196.60 Kn / m2

Pmin = 57.76 Kn / m2

0.00 Pmax = Err:509 Kn / m2

Pmin = Err:509 Kn / m2

0.00 Pmax = 137.37 Kn / m2

Pmin = 85.01 Kn / m2

0.00 Pmax = 53.40 Kn / m2

Pmin = 46.94 Kn / m2

5.72 Pmax = 132.66 Kn / m2

Pmin = 50.72 Kn / m2

6.28 Pmax = 132.70 Kn / m2

Pmin = 50.08 Kn / m2

7.14 Pmax = 134.80 Kn / m2

Pmin = 49.40 Kn / m2

0.00 Pmax = Err:509 Kn / m2

Pmin = Err:509 Kn / m2

0.00 Pmax = 75.56 Kn / m2

Pmin = 76.66 Kn / m2

5.72 Pmax = 210.77 Kn / m2

Pmin = 25.91 Kn / m2

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

6.28 Pmax = 210.81 Kn / m2

Pmin = 25.27 Kn / m2

7.14 Pmax = 212.91 Kn / m2

Pmin = 24.59 Kn / m2

0.00 Pmax = Err:509 Kn / m2

Pmin = Err:509 Kn / m2

0.00 Pmax = 153.67 Kn / m2

Pmin = 51.85 Kn / m2

0.00 Pmax = 47.73 Kn / m2

Pmin = 36.31 Kn / m2

Safe Bearing capacity has been inreased 25% for seismic case -
as per cl- of IS : 1893(part I) : 2002.

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Design of base raft:- (Seismic case)


126.48 14.70

4.250 m 3.000 m

Err:509 Err:509 Err:509


Load combination - 7 is critical:- (with front side earth - 70R wheeled - LWL)
P max = Err:509 Kn / m2
P min = Err:509 Kn / m2

Downward load in backside = 2.8 + 3.1 x 10 + 4.571 x 18 + 0.9 +

2 2
= 126.48 Kn / m2

Downward load in front side = 1.2 + 0.9 x 14 = 14.70 Kn / m2

Design of heel slab (Section - AA)
Moment at face of abutment wall =

126.48 x 4.250 2 - Err:509 + Err:509 x 4.250 X 2 X Err:509 + Err:509

2 2 Err:509 + Err:509
= Err:509 Kn.m/m
Shear force at the face of the abutment wall =

126.48 x 4.250 - Err:509 + Err:509 x 4.250 = Err:509

Effective depth required =
Err:509 x 10 6 d req = Err:509 mm
2.220 x 1000
Q = 2.22
Grade of concrete = 30 J = 0.889
Stress in steel = 300 n / mm2

d Provided = 1200 - 75 - 16 = 1109 mm >


TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Reinforcement required, Ast = Err:509 x 10 6 = Err:509

0.889 x 300 x 1109

Use 32 mm Rod
Provide 32 dia Err:509 c/c # at top ( Ast Provided: Err:509 mm 2 )

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Check for shear:

V max = Err:509 Kn

Shear stress, tn = Err:509 x 10 3 = Err:509 N / mm2 < ### n / mm2

1000 x 1109 Err:509

% Ast = 100 x Err:509 = Err:509 % tc = Err:509 n / mm2 (From table 2B of IRC

1000 x 1109

Design of toe slab (Section - BB)

Moment at face abutment wall =

Err:509 + Err:509 x 3.00 X 2 X Err:509 + Err:509 x 3.00 - 14.7

dont take print

2 Err:509 + Err:509 3

= Err:509 Kn. m/ m

Effective depth required= Err:509 x 10 6 = Err:509 mm<

2.22 x 1000 ###

Effective depth Provided = 1200 - 75 - 10.0 = 1115 mm

Reinforcement required, Ast: Err:509 x 10 6 = Err:509 mm2

0.889 x 300 x 1115

Use 20 mm Rod
Provide 20 dia Err:509 C/C # at bottom Ast provided = Err:509 mm2

Check for Shear:

Shear force is calculated at 'd' distance from face of abutment wall = 1115 mm

Shear force = Err:509 + Err:509 x 1.885 - 14.7 x 1.885

= Err:509 Kn/m
Total depth at critical section = #DIV/0! mm

Effective depth at critical section = #DIV/0! - 75 - 10.00 = #DIV/0! mm

Shear stress, t n = Err:509 x 10 3 = Err:509 n / mm2 < Err:509

1000 X #DIV/0! ###

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

% Ast = 100 x Err:509 = Err:509 % tc = Err:509 n / mm2 (From table 2B of IRC

1000 x #DIV/0!

Distribution Steel:- Min. Ast = 0.15 x 1000 x 1200 = 1800 =

(cl - 707.2.7 of IRC - 78) 100 2

Provide 10 @ 87 c/c AST Provide = 902.30 mm 2

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

1.885 for shear.


+ 1.2 x 14

Err:509 x 4.250
Err:509 3


Err:509 mm

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Err:509 mm2

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

n / mm2

(From table 2B of IRC - 21)

14.7 x 3.00

1115 mm


Err:509 n / mm2

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

(From table 2B of IRC - 21)

900.0 mm 2

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4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Seismic Case - Design of abutment wall

I) Permanent Load Calculation : Ah = 0.080 Av = 0.04
LWL condition
S. Actual Vertical Lever Horizont Lever
Description of Load Load nal
No Load arm al Load arm

1 (DL + SDL) from super structure 1023.06 40.92 0.105 4.30

81.84 6.411 524.68

2 Weight of dirt wall:- 51.65 2.07 -0.285 -0.59

4.13 6.891 28.47

3 Weight of Pedestal:- 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00

0.00 6.411 0.00

4 Weight of abutment cap:- 96.68 3.87 -0.075 -0.29

7.73 6.505 50.28

5 Weight of abutment wall:(above bedlevel) 651.36 26.05 0.000 0.00

52.11 4.456 232.20

Weight of abutment wall:(below bedlevel) 550.83 22.03 0.00 0.00

44.07 1.400 61.70

Total 94.94 189.88 900.75

Self weight of substructure only 54.02 108.04 371.77

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

se - Design of abutment wall




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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Seismic Case
II) Permanent Load Calculation : Ah = 0.080 Av = 0.04
HFL condition

Vertica Lever Horizont Longitudi

S. Actual Lever
Description of Load l Load arm al Load nal
No Load arm

1 (DL + SDL) from super structure 1023.06 40.92 0.105 4.30

81.84 6.411 524.68
2 Weight of dirt wall:- 51.65 2.07 -0.285 -0.59
4.13 6.891 28.46
3 Weight of Pedestal:- 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00
0.00 6.411 0.00
4 Weight of abutment cap:- 96.68 3.87 -0.075 -0.29
7.73 6.505 50.28
5 Weight of abutment wall:- (above HFL) 118.04 4.72 -0.075 -0.35
9.44 5.811 54.86
Weight of abutment wall:- (below HFL) 607.12 24.28 0.00 0.00
48.57 2.756 133.86
Total 75.86 151.71 795.21
Self weight of substructure only 34.94 69.87 266.23

III) Live Load Calculation

Class -A 70Rw

dont take print

(50% of the LL) Trans.Eccen 2.287 2.771
S. Actual Lever Horizont Lever
Description of Load Vertica nal
No Load arm al Load arm
l Load moment
1 Class - A - 2 lane
Reaction 472.53 9.45 2.287 -
18.90 6.411
Total 9.45 18.90
2 70 R wheeled
Reaction 437.59 8.75 2.771
17.50 6.411
Total 8.75 17.50
3 70 R Tracked
Reaction 506.94 10.14 2.7128
20.28 6.411
Total 10.14 20.28

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Seismic Case

e moment


Live Load Calculation


e moment




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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

IV) Calculation of forces & moments due to earth Pressure at bottom of abutment wall:-
A) Approach retained conditon:- (Seismic case)

RTL - 122.46
4.571 1.86
HFL- 120.600 ka = 0.345
2.711 (Dry)g = 18 KN / M3
Bed level (LWL) 117.889 5.511 (Wet) g = 10 KN / M3
Top of foundation 115.089
Bottom of foundation 113.889

1) Low Water Level Condition:-

Pressure due to soil above LWL :-
Pressure due to soil = 0.345 x 18 x 4.571 x 12.9 = 836.90 Kn
above LWL 2
Moment @ bottom of = 836.90 x 0.42 x 4.571 + 2.8 = 3950.02 Kn.m
abutment wall
Pressure due to soil below LWL :-

Pressure due to surcharge = 0.345 x 18 x 4.571 x 2.8 x 12.9 = 1025.30 Kn

of soil above LWL
Moment @ bottom of = 1025.3 x 2.8 2 = 1435.42 Kn.m
abutment wall
Pressure due to soil below LWL = 0.345 x 10 x 2.8 x 12.9 = 174.46
Moment @ bottom of = 174.46 x 0.42 x 2.8 = 205.16 Kn.m
abutment wall
Total pressure for LWL condition = 836.90 + 1025.30 + 174.46 = 2036.66 Kn

Total moment for LWL condition = 3950.02 + 1435.42 + 205.16 = 5590.6 Kn.m

2) High Flood Level Condition:-

Pressure due to soil above HFL :-
Pressure due to soil = 0.345 x 18.00 x 1.86 x 12.9 = 138.57 Kn
above HFL 2
Moment @ bottom of = 138.57 x 0.42 x 1.86 + 5.511 = 871.91 Kn.m
abutment wall

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Pressure due to soil below HFL :-

Pressure due to surcharge = 0.345 x 18.00 x 1.86 x 5.511 x 12.9 = 821.15 Kn
of soil above HFL
Moment @ bottom of = 821.15 x 5.511 2 = 2262.68 Kn.m
abutment wall
Pressure due to soil below HFL = 0.345 x 10 x 5.511 x 12.9 = 675.83 Kn
Moment @ bottom of = 675.83 x 0.42 x 5.511 = 1564.29 Kn.m
abutment wall
Total pressure for HFL condition = 138.57 + 821.15 + 675.83 = 1635.55 Kn
Total moment for HFL condition = 871.91 + 2262.68 + 1564.29 = 4698.88
x Kn.m
B) scour alround condition:- scour level = 117.889
No earth pressure & no live load forces and moments acting on abutment wall.

V) Force and Moment due to FluidxPressure
x :-x (cl-217.1
x of IRC - 6 - 2000)

Intensity of fluid pressure = 4.800 Kn/m3

Height of wall = 122.46 - 115.089 = 7.371 m

Force due to fluid pressure = 4.800 x 7.371 x 12.9 = 1682.11 Kn
for entier length 2
Moment @ bottom of abutment wall 1682.110 x 7.371 = 4132.94 Kn.m
VI) Calculation of live load surcharge Pressure:-


dont take print


Live load surcharge = 0.345 x 18.00 X 1.2 = 7.450 Kn / m2

Horizontal force (H2) = 7.450 x 7.371 X 12.90 = 708.390 Kn

Moment at bottom of
abutment wall = 708.39 X 7.371 = 2610.77 Kn.m
Total Horizontal force = 708.390 Kn

Total moment at bottom = 2610.770 Kn.m

of abutment wall

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

VII) Force and moment due to buoyancy:-

Buoyancy effect through pore pressure has been considered in self weight
of the substructure and earth weight it self. So, no need to calculate seperately.

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3


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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3


S. ML (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)
Load Description V (kn)
LWL condition
DL + SDL + sefl Normal 2218.35 82.06 0.00 - -
wt. seismic 94.94 900.75
sefl weight Normal 1195.29 -25.36 0.00 - -
seismic 54.02 371.77
HFL condition
DL + SDL + sefl Normal 1983.69 82.06 0.00 - -
wt. seismic 75.86 795.21
sefl weight Normal 960.63 -25.36 0.00 - -
seismic 34.94 266.23
Class - A -2 - Normal 472.53 49.62 1080.79 - -
Lane seismic 9.45 142.78
Normal 437.59 45.95 1212.68 - -
ii) 7OR Wheeled
seismic 8.75 136.44
Normal 506.94 53.23 1375.21 - -
iii) 7OR Tracked
seismic 10.14 157.53
6 Longitudinal force&moment - - - - -
i) Class - A - 2 - Lane - 3279.42 - 511.53 -
ii) 70R wheeled - 3279.42 - 511.53 -
iii) 70R Tracked - 3279.42 - 511.53 -
iv) span unloaded condition - 115.09 - 1023.06 -
7 Vertical component of braking
i) Class - A - 2 - Lane 33.83 3.55 - - -
ii) 70R wheeled 38.86 4.08 - - -
iii) 70R Tracked 40.00 4.20 - - -
8 Earth Pressure (LWL) - 5590.60 - 2036.66 -
9 Earth Pressure (HFL) - 4698.88 - 1635.55 -
10 Scour alround condition - 0 - 0.00 -
11 Fluid Pressure - 4132.94 - 1682.11 -
12 Live Load surcharge Pressure - 2610.77 - 708.39 -

Load Combinations: -
When the live load will be on span, the next train of load on embankment will be atleast 20m away
from the backside of dirt wall, Hence there will be no surcharge pressure effect on abutment when
live load will be on span.

A) Low water level condition :- 0.5 D = 0.5 x 0.760 = 0.380 m

a) Span loaded condition:- 1.5 D = 1.5 x 0.760 = 1.140 m
Load Combination:- 1 e = ML / V Description V (kn) ML (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)
1 DL+SDL+self wt. (LWL) 2218.35 82.06 0.000 - -
seismic 94.94 900.75

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

2 LL - Class - A -2 - Lane 472.53 49.62 1080.79 - -

seismic 9.45 142.78
3 Longitudinal force&moment
i) Class - A - 2 - Lane - 3279.42 - 511.53 -
4 Vertical component of braking 33.83 3.55 - - -
5 Earth(LWL) / Fluid Pressure - 5590.60 - 2036.66 -
Total 2829.10 9906.00 1223.57 2548.19 0.00
e = 3.501 m > 1.5 D

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Load Combination:- 2 Description V (kn) ML (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)
1 DL+SDL+self wt.(LWL) 2218.35 82.06 0.000 - -
seismic 94.94 900.75
2 LL - 7OR Wheeled 437.59 45.95 1212.68 - -
seismic 8.75 136.44
3 Longitudinal force&moment
i) 7OR Wheeled - 3279.42 - 511.53 -
4 Vertical component of braking 38.86 4.08 - - -
5 Earth(LWL) / Fluid Pressure - 5590.60 - 2036.66 -
Total 2798.49 9902.86 1349.12 2548.19 0.00
e = 3.539 m > 1.5 D
Load Combination:- 3 Description V (kn) ML (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)
1 DL+SDL+self wt.(LWL) 2218.35 82.06 0.000 - -
seismic 94.94 900.75
2 LL - 70R Tracked 506.94 53.23 1375.21 - -
seismic 10.14 157.53
3 Longitudinal force&moment
i) 70R Tracked - 3279.42 - 511.53 -
4 Vertical component of braking 40.00 4.20 - - -
5 Earth(LWL) / Fluid Pressure - 5590.60 - 2036.66 -
Total 2870.37 9910.26 1532.74 2548.19 0.00
e = 3.453 m > 1.5 D
b) Span unloaded condition:-
Load Combination:- 4 Description V (kn) ML (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)
1 DL+SDL+self wt.(LWL) 2218.35 82.06 0.000 - -
seismic 94.94 900.75
2 Longitudinal force&moment
i) Shear deformation - 115.09 - 0.00 -
3 Earth(LWL) / Fluid Pressure - 5590.60 - 2036.66 -
4 Live load surcharge - 2610.77 - 708.39 -
Total 2313.29 9299.27 0.00 2745.05 0.00
e = 4.020 m > 1.5 D
c) Span not laid condition:-
Load Combination:- 5 Description V (kn) ML (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)
1 self wt.(LWL) 1195.29 -25.36 0.000 - -
seismic 54.02 371.77
2 Earth(LWL) / Fluid Pressure - 5590.60 - 2036.66 -
Total 1249.31 5937.01 0.00 2036.66 0.00
e = 4.752 m > 1.5 D
d) scour alround condition:-
Load Combination:- 6 Description V (kn) ML (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

1 DL+SDL+self wt.(LWL) 2218.35 82.06 0.000 - -

seismic 94.94 900.75
2 Longitudinal force&moment
i) Shear deformation - 115.09 - 0.00 -
3 Earth(LWL) / Fluid Pressure - 0.00 - 0.00 -
Total 2313.29 1097.90 0.00 0.00 0.00
e = 0.475 m > 0.5 D

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

B) High flood level condition :-

a) Span loaded condition:-
Load Combination:- 7 Description V (kn) ML (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)
1 DL+SDL+self wt.(HFL) 1983.69 82.06 0.000 - -
seismic 75.86 795.21
2 LL - Class - A -2 - Lane 472.53 49.62 1080.79 - -
seismic 9.45 142.78
3 Longitudinal force&moment
i) Class - A - 2 - Lane - 3279.42 - 511.53 -
4 Vertical component of braking 33.83 3.55 - - -
5 Earth(HFL) / Fluid Pressure - 4698.88 - 1682.11 -
Total 2575.36 8908.74 1223.57 2193.64 0.00
e = 3.459 m > 1.5 D
Load Combination:- 8 Description V (kn) ML (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)
1 DL+SDL+self wt.(HFL) 1983.69 82.06 0.000 - -
seismic 75.86 795.21
2 LL - 7OR Wheeled 437.59 45.95 1212.68 - -
seismic 8.75 136.44
3 Longitudinal force&moment
i) 7OR Wheeled - 3279.42 - 511.53 -
4 Vertical component of braking 38.86 4.08 - - -
5 Earth(HFL) / Fluid Pressure - 4698.88 - 1682.11 -
Total 2544.75 8905.60 1349.12 2193.64 0.00
e = 3.500 m > 1.5 D
Load Combination:- 9 Description V (kn) ML (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)
1 DL+SDL+self wt.(HFL) 1983.69 82.06 0.000 - -
seismic 75.86 795.21
2 LL - 70R Tracked 506.94 53.23 1375.21 - -
seismic 10.14 157.53
3 Longitudinal force&moment
i) 70R Tracked - 3279.42 - 511.53 -
4 Vertical component of braking 40.00 4.20 - - -
5 Earth(HFL) / Fluid Pressure - 4698.88 - 1682.11 -
Total 2616.63 8913.00 1532.74 2193.64 0.00
e = 3.406 m > 1.5 D
b) Span unloaded condition:-
Load Combination:- 10 Description V (kn) ML (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)

dont take print

1 DL+SDL+self wt.(HFL) 1983.69 82.06 0.000 - -
seismic 75.86 795.21
2 Longitudinal force&moment
i) Shear deformation - 115.09 - 0.00 -

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road
Design of Bridges
Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

3 Earth(HFL) / Fluid Pressure - 4698.88 - 1682.11 -

4 Live load surcharge - 2610.77 - 708.39 -
Total 2059.55 8302.01 0.00 2390.50 0.00
e = 4.031 m > 1.5 D

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

c) Span not laid condition:-

Load Combination:- 11 Description V (kn) ML (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)
1 self wt.(HFL) 960.63 -25.36 0.000 - -
seismic 34.94 266.23
2 Earth(HFL) / Fluid Pressure - 4698.88 - 1682.11 -
Total 995.57 4939.75 0.00 1682.11 0.00
e = 4.962 m > 1.5 D
d) scour alround condition:-
Load Combination:- 12 Description V (kn) ML (Kn.m) MT (Kn.m) HL (Kn) HT (Kn)
1 DL+SDL+self wt.(HFL) 1983.69 82.06 0.000 - -
seismic 75.86 795.21
2 Longitudinal force&moment
i) Shear deformation - 115.09 - 0.00 -
3 Earth(HFL) / Fluid Pressure - 0.00 - 0.00 -
Total 2059.55 992.36 0.00 0.00 0.00
e = 0.482 m > 0.5 D

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Stress check :- (Seismic case) XX
Effective depth for stress check = 610 - 40 - 16 =

Width of section is = 12900 mm

Effective cover for tension face = 40 + 10.0 = 50.00 mm

Effective cover for compression = 40 + 6.0 = 46.00 mm

Minimum Ast = 0.2 x 12900 x 610 = 15738 =
100 2

Assume tension steel:- Provide 20 mm dia 150 C/C

Compression steel:- Provide 12 mm dia 200 C/C

Grade of concrete = M 30 Grade of Steel = 500

Check for shear:- Design shear force (v) = 2745.05 Kn

Shear stress, tn =
n = 2745.05 x 10 3
bd 12900 x 554.00 = 0.384 N / mm2 <

% AST = 100 x 27004.00 = 0.380 % tc = 0.422 N / mm2

12900 x 554.00

Distribution Steel:-

Provide horizontally on 12 mm dia 185 C/C Provided

both faces

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

554 mm

7869 mm 2

Provided 27004.0 mm2

Provided 7291.08 mm2

0.422 N / mm 2 SAFE

(From table 2B of IRC - 21)

7882.25 mm2

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

STRESS CHECK (seismic case)

Load ML(Kn.m) MT(Kn.m)
S.No V (Kn) N.A % Error < 5% Actual fcr Actual fst
1 1 2829.100 9906.00 1223.570 159 22.39390 20.331 715.272
2 2 2798.490 9902.86 1349.120 159 22.44143 20.313 715.169
3 3 2870.370 9910.26 1532.740 159 22.32987 20.357 715.411
4 4 2313.290 9299.27 0.000 158 22.10305 19.050 672.394
5 5 1249.310 5937.01 0.000 158 22.71709 12.066 430.241
6 6 2313.290 1097.90 0.000 214 23.17424 2.943 70.355
7 7 2575.360 8908.74 1223.570 158 21.45715 18.401 642.643
8 8 2544.750 8905.60 1349.120 158 21.51058 18.382 642.542
9 9 2616.630 8913.00 1532.740 158 21.38519 18.427 642.782
10 10 2059.550 8302.01 0.000 157 21.22471 17.101 599.861
11 11 995.570 4939.75 0.000 156 21.08234 10.136 357.633
12 12 2059.550 992.36 0.000 204 20.65598 2.915 71.248

The stresses are checked and found to be safe (The stress check sheet is enclosed).

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Permissi Permissi
ble fcr ble fst
Err:509 300
Err:509 300
Err:509 300
Err:509 300
Err:509 300
Err:509 300
Err:509 300
Err:509 300
Err:509 300
Err:509 300
Err:509 300
Err:509 300

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3



Input Details:
VERTICAL LOAD= 2829.10 KN Depth
MOMENT,ML= 3398.39 KNM
Breath of the section,b(mm)= 500
Depth of the section,D(mm)= 5555
Tension Rein.Ast( 5559
comp. Rein.Asc( 339 Breadth
Cover to tension rein.Dt(mm)= 89.5
Cover to comp. Rein.D'(mm)= 58
Modular ratio,m= 10
Grade of concrete-Mix=M 30
Steel =S 415 Dt D'

(Mod with ass. Of N.A)

Eccentricity,e = 1201.226538 mm>0.5 * D Assume N.A X = 1000
Effective depth,d = 5465.5
0.5 * D = 2777.5 fcr= 13.22 N/<
Asume depth of N.A,X= 1000 mm fst= 65.48 N/<
x/d= 0.182965877
K1= 500000
Determine depth to centroid of stressed area= (0.5K1X+mAstd+(m-1)AscD')/(K1+mAst+(m-1)Asc)
X1= 991.68026017
% Error = -273.221
b1= (e-X1)/d+1 b1= 1.0383398
b2= (X/(2*d))(1-(X/(3*d))) b2= 0.0859035 Final Fcr= 13.221625 N/<
b3= (m-1)(1-(D'/X)) b3= 8.478 Final Fst= 65.483596 N/<

To determine the stresses substitute evaluateed factors in

fcr= (Nd*b1)/(b2bd+b3Asc(1-(D'/Dt)) fcr= 12.459739444 N/

fst= (fcr(0.5K1+b3Asc)-Nd)/Ast fst= 57.864738595 N/

Check the above value, X2= 3732.2103

X2 = d/(1+fstm*fcr)

% Error = -273.221034 < 5%

ZT= 231458333

Fcr due to MT= 0.761885706 N/

Fst due to MT= 7.61885706 N/

Final Fcr= 13.22162515 N/

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Final Fst= 65.48359565 N/

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3


15.00 N/
300 N/


< 5%

15 N/
300 N/

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3



Input Details:
VERTICAL LOAD= 2829.10 KN Depth
MOMENT,ML= 9906.00 KNM
MOMENT.MT= 1223.57 KNM

dont ta
Breath of the section,b(mm)= 12900
Depth of the section,D(mm)= 610
Tension Rein.Ast( 27004
comp. Rein.Asc( 7291.08 Breadth
Cover to tension rein.Dt(mm)= 52.5
Cover to comp. Rein.D,(mm)= 46
Modular ratio,m= 10
Grade of concrete-Mix=M Err:509
Steel =S 415 Dt D'

Eccentricity = 3.5014669 M>1.5 * D Assume N.A X = 159 mm

Effective depth,d = 557.5
1.5 * D = 915 fcr= 20.331 N/< Err:509 N/
fst= 715.272 N/< 300 N/
Equating the force due to Tension and compression
b*x*x/2 = mAST (d-x)
% Error = 22.3939 < 5%
x= 41.8666667
y= 308.407984 Final Fcr= 20.331 N/< Err:509 N/
N.A. Depth X= 133.270659 Final Fst= 715.272 N/< 300 N/
Leverarm Z= 504.5

fcr = M/(0.5XZ) fcr= 19.1460996

fst = M/AstZ fst= 727.124961

fc = Nd/(bx+mAst+(m-1)Asc) fc= 1.18533088

Maximum flexural comp.stress in concrete= fcr+fc

Maximum tensile stress in steel = fst-mfc
Maximum flexural comp.stress in concrete= 20.33143 N/
Maximum tensile stress in steel = 715.27165 N/
Check the above value, X2= 123.39371
X2 = d/(1+fstm*fcr)
N.A- X= 159
% Error = 22.3939 < 5%
ZT= 1.6918E+10
Fcr due to MT= 7.23221E-08 N/

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Fst due to MT= 7.23221E-07 N/

Final Fcr= 20.331 N/
Final Fst= 715.272 N/

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

DESIGN OF ABUTMENT WALL (Seismic case) Load combination 2


Input Details:
VERTICAL LOAD= 2798.49 KN Depth


MOMENT,ML= 9902.86 KNM
MOMENT.MT= 1349.12 KNM
Breath of the section,b(mm)= 12900
Depth of the section,D(mm)= 610
Tension Rein.Ast( 27004
comp. Rein.Asc( 7291.08 Breadth
Cover to tension rein.Dt(mm)= 52.5
Cover to comp. Rein.D,(mm)= 46
Modular ratio,m= 10
Grade of concrete-Mix=M Err:509
Steel =S 415 Dt D'

Eccentricity = 3.53864405 M>1.5 * D Assume N.A X = 159 mm

Effective depth,d = 557.5
1.5 * D = 915 fcr= 20.313 N/< Err:509 N/
fst= 715.169 N/< 300 N/
Equating the force due to Tension and compression
b*x*x/2 = mAST (d-x)
% Error = 22.44143 < 5%
x= 41.8666667
y= 308.407984 Final Fcr= 20.313 N/< Err:509 N/
N.A. Depth X= 133.270659 Final Fst= 715.169 N/< 300 N/
Leverarm Z= 504.5

fcr = M/(0.5XZ) fcr= 19.1400307

fst = M/AstZ fst= 726.894478

fc = Nd/(bx+mAst+(m-1)Asc) fc= 1.172505961

Maximum flexural comp.stress in concrete= fcr+fc

Maximum tensile stress in steel = fst-mfc
Maximum flexural comp.stress in concrete= 20.312537 N/
Maximum tensile stress in steel = 715.16942 N/
Check the above value, X2= 123.31813
X2 = d/(1+fstm*fcr)
N.A- X= 159
% Error = 22.44143 < 5%
ZT= 1.6918E+10
Fcr due to MT= 7.9743E-08 N/

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Fst due to MT= 7.9743E-07 N/

Final Fcr= 20.313 N/
Final Fst= 715.169 N/

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

DESIGN OF ABUTMENT WALL (Seismic case) Load combination 3


Input Details:
VERTICAL LOAD= 2870.37 KN Depth
MOMENT,ML= 9910.26 KNM
MOMENT.MT= 1532.74 KNM
Breath of the section,b(mm)= 12900
Depth of the section,D(mm)= 610
Tension Rein.Ast( 27004
comp. Rein.Asc( 7291.08 Breadth
Cover to tension rein.Dt(mm)= 52.5
Cover to comp. Rein.D,(mm)= 46
Modular ratio,m= 10
Grade of concrete-Mix=M Err:509
Steel =S 415 Dt D'

Eccentricity = 3.45260716 M>1.5 * D Assume N.A X = 159 mm

Effective depth,d = 557.5
1.5 * D = 915 fcr= 20.357 N/< Err:509 N/
fst= 715.411 N/< 300 N/
Equating the force due to Tension and compression
b*x*x/2 = mAST (d-x)
% Error = 22.32987 < 5%
x= 41.8666667
y= 308.407984 Final Fcr= 20.357 N/< Err:509 N/
N.A. Depth X= 133.270659 Final Fst= 715.411 N/< 300 N/
Leverarm Z= 504.5

fcr = M/(0.5XZ) fcr= 19.1543332

fst = M/AstZ fst= 727.437656

fc = Nd/(bx+mAst+(m-1)Asc) fc= 1.202622106

Maximum flexural comp.stress in concrete= fcr+fc

Maximum tensile stress in steel = fst-mfc
Maximum flexural comp.stress in concrete= 20.356955 N/
Maximum tensile stress in steel = 715.41143 N/
Check the above value, X2= 123.49551
X2 = d/(1+fstm*fcr)
N.A- X= 159
% Error = 22.32987 < 5%
ZT= 1.6918E+10
Fcr due to MT= 9.05963E-08 N/

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Fst due to MT= 0.000000906 N/

Final Fcr= 20.357 N/
Final Fst= 715.411 N/

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

DESIGN OF ABUTMENT WALL (Seismic case) Load combination 4

Input Details:
VERTICAL LOAD= 2313.29 KN Depth
MOMENT,ML= 9299.27 KNM
Breath of the section,b(mm)= 12900
Depth of the section,D(mm)= 610
Tension Rein.Ast( 27004
comp. Rein.Asc( 7291.08 Breadth
Cover to tension rein.Dt(mm)= 52.5
Cover to comp. Rein.D,(mm)= 46
Modular ratio,m= 10
Grade of concrete-Mix=M Err:509
Steel =S 415 Dt D'

Eccentricity = 4.01993265 M>1.5 * D Assume N.A X = 158 mm

Effective depth,d = 557.5
1.5 * D = 915 fcr= 19.05 N/< Err:509 N/
fst= 672.394 N/< 300 N/
Equating the force due to Tension and compression
b*x*x/2 = mAST (d-x)
% Error = 22.10305 < 5%
x= 41.8666667
y= 308.407984 Final Fcr= 19.05 N/< Err:509 N/
N.A. Depth X= 133.270659 Final Fst= 672.394 N/< 300 N/
Leverarm Z= 504.833333

fcr = M/(0.5XZ) fcr= 18.0752384

fst = M/AstZ fst= 682.138772

fc = Nd/(bx+mAst+(m-1)Asc) fc= 0.97448471

Maximum flexural comp.stress in concrete= fcr+fc

Maximum tensile stress in steel = fst-mfc
Maximum flexural comp.stress in concrete= 19.049723 N/
Maximum tensile stress in steel = 672.39393 N/
Check the above value, X2= 123.07718
X2 = d/(1+fstm*fcr)
N.A- X= 158
% Error = 22.10305 < 5%
ZT= 1.6918E+10
Fcr due to MT= 0 N/

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Fst due to MT= 0 N/

Final Fcr= 19.05 N/
Final Fst= 672.394 N/

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

DESIGN OF ABUTMENT WALL (Seismic case) Load combination 5



Input Details:
VERTICAL LOAD= 1249.31 KN Depth
MOMENT,ML= 5937.01 KNM
Breath of the section,b(mm)= 12900
Depth of the section,D(mm)= 610
Tension Rein.Ast( 27004
comp. Rein.Asc( 7291.08 Breadth
Cover to tension rein.Dt(mm)= 52.5
Cover to comp. Rein.D,(mm)= 46
Modular ratio,m= 10
Grade of concrete-Mix=M Err:509
Steel =S 415 Dt D'

Eccentricity = 4.75223123 M>1.5 * D Assume N.A X = 158 mm

Effective depth,d = 557.5
1.5 * D = 915 fcr= 12.066 N/< Err:509 N/
fst= 430.241 N/< 300 N/
Equating the force due to Tension and compression
b*x*x/2 = mAST (d-x)
% Error = 22.71709 < 5%
x= 41.8666667
y= 308.407984 Final Fcr= 12.066 N/< Err:509 N/
N.A. Depth X= 133.270659 Final Fst= 430.241 N/< 300 N/
Leverarm Z= 504.833333

fcr = M/(0.5XZ) fcr= 11.5399242

fst = M/AstZ fst= 435.503509

fc = Nd/(bx+mAst+(m-1)Asc) fc= 0.526277939

Maximum flexural comp.stress in concrete= fcr+fc

Maximum tensile stress in steel = fst-mfc
Maximum flexural comp.stress in concrete= 12.066202 N/
Maximum tensile stress in steel = 430.24073 N/
Check the above value, X2= 122.10699
X2 = d/(1+fstm*fcr)
N.A- X= 158
% Error = 22.71709 < 5%
ZT= 1.6918E+10
Fcr due to MT= 0 N/

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Fst due to MT= 0 N/

Final Fcr= 12.066 N/
Final Fst= 430.241 N/

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

DESIGN OF ABUTMENT WALL (seismic case) Load combination : 6



Input Details:
VERTICAL LOAD= 2313.29 KN Depth
MOMENT,ML= 1097.90 KNM
Breath of the section,b(mm)= 12900
Depth of the section,D(mm)= 610
Tension Rein.Ast( 27004.00
comp. Rein.Asc( 7291.08 Breadth
Cover to tension rein.Dt(mm)= 52.5
Cover to comp. Rein.D'(mm)= 46
Modular ratio,m= 10
Grade of concrete-Mix=M Err:509
Steel =S 415 Dt D'

(Mod with ass. Of N.A)

Eccentricity,e = 474.6054321 mm>0.5 * D Assume N.A X = 214
Effective depth,d = 557.5
0.5 * D = 305 fcr= 2.943 N/<
Asume depth of N.A,X= 214 mm fst= 70.355 N/<
x/d= 0.383856502
K1= 2760600
Determine depth to centroid of stressed area= (0.5K1X+mAstd+(m-1)AscD')/(K1+mAst+(m-1)Asc)
X1= 144.99752854
% Error = 23.174242
b1= (e-X1)/d+1 b1= 1.5912249
b2= (X/(2*d))(1-(X/(3*d))) b2= 0.1673706 Final Fcr= 2.9425316 N/<
b3= (m-1)(1-(D'/X)) b3= 7.0654206 Final Fst= 70.355116 N/<

To determine the stresses substitute evaluateed factors in

fcr= (Nd*b1)/(b2bd+b3Asc(1-(D'/d)) fcr= 2.9425316016 N/

fst= (fcr(0.5K1+b3Asc)-Nd)/Ast fst= 70.355115938 N/

Check the above value, X2= 164.40712

X2 = d/(1+fstm*fcr)

% Error = 23.17424192 < 5%


Fcr due to MT= 0 N/

Fst due to MT= 0 N/

Final Fcr= 2.942531602 N/

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Final Fst= 70.35511594 N/

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3



### N/
300.0 N/


< 5%

### N/
300 N/

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

DESIGN OF ABUTMENT WALL (Seismic case) Load combination 7


Input Details:
VERTICAL LOAD= 2575.36 KN Depth
MOMENT,ML= 8908.74 KNM
MOMENT.MT= 1223.57 KNM
Breath of the section,b(mm)= 12900
Depth of the section,D(mm)= 610
Tension Rein.Ast( 27004
comp. Rein.Asc( 7291.08 Breadth
Cover to tension rein.Dt(mm)= 52.5
Cover to comp. Rein.D,(mm)= 46
Modular ratio,m= 10
Grade of concrete-Mix=M Err:509
Steel =S 415 Dt D'

Eccentricity = 3.45922124 M>1.5 * D Assume N.A X = 158 mm

Effective depth,d = 557.5
1.5 * D = 915 fcr= 18.401 N/< Err:509 N/
fst= 642.643 N/< 300 N/
Equating the force due to Tension and compression
b*x*x/2 = mAST (d-x)
% Error = 21.45715 < 5%
x= 41.8666667
y= 308.407984 Final Fcr= 18.401 N/< Err:509 N/
N.A. Depth X= 133.270659 Final Fst= 642.643 N/< 300 N/
Leverarm Z= 504.833333

fcr = M/(0.5XZ) fcr= 17.3161548

fst = M/AstZ fst= 653.49183

fc = Nd/(bx+mAst+(m-1)Asc) fc= 1.084882977

Maximum flexural comp.stress in concrete= fcr+fc

Maximum tensile stress in steel = fst-mfc
Maximum flexural comp.stress in concrete= 18.401038 N/
Maximum tensile stress in steel = 642.643 N/
Check the above value, X2= 124.0977
X2 = d/(1+fstm*fcr)
N.A- X= 158
% Error = 21.45715 < 5%
ZT= 1.6918E+10
Fcr due to MT= 7.23221E-08 N/

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Fst due to MT= 7.23221E-07 N/

Final Fcr= 18.401 N/
Final Fst= 642.643 N/

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

DESIGN OF ABUTMENT WALL (Seismic case) Load combination 8


Input Details:
VERTICAL LOAD= 2544.75 KN Depth
MOMENT,ML= 8905.60 KNM
MOMENT.MT= 1349.12 KNM
Breath of the section,b(mm)= 12900
Depth of the section,D(mm)= 610
Tension Rein.Ast( 27004
comp. Rein.Asc( 7291.08 Breadth
Cover to tension rein.Dt(mm)= 52.5
Cover to comp. Rein.D,(mm)= 46
Modular ratio,m= 10
Grade of concrete-Mix=M Err:509
Steel =S 415 Dt D'

Eccentricity = 3.49959721 M>1.5 * D Assume N.A X = 158 mm

Effective depth,d = 557.5
1.5 * D = 915 fcr= 18.382 N/< Err:509 N/
fst= 642.542 N/< 300 N/
Equating the force due to Tension and compression
b*x*x/2 = mAST (d-x)
% Error = 21.51058 < 5%
x= 41.8666667
y= 308.407984 Final Fcr= 18.382 N/< Err:509 N/
N.A. Depth X= 133.270659 Final Fst= 642.542 N/< 300 N/
Leverarm Z= 504.833333

fcr = M/(0.5XZ) fcr= 17.3100515

fst = M/AstZ fst= 653.261498

fc = Nd/(bx+mAst+(m-1)Asc) fc= 1.071988365

Maximum flexural comp.stress in concrete= fcr+fc

Maximum tensile stress in steel = fst-mfc
Maximum flexural comp.stress in concrete= 18.38204 N/
Maximum tensile stress in steel = 642.54161 N/
Check the above value, X2= 124.01329
X2 = d/(1+fstm*fcr)
N.A- X= 158
% Error = 21.51058 < 5%
ZT= 1.6918E+10
Fcr due to MT= 7.9743E-08 N/

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Fst due to MT= 7.9743E-07 N/

Final Fcr= 18.382 N/
Final Fst= 642.542 N/

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

DESIGN OF ABUTMENT WALL (Seismic case) Load combination 9


Input Details:
VERTICAL LOAD= 2616.63 KN Depth
MOMENT,ML= 8913.00 KNM
MOMENT.MT= 1532.74 KNM
Breath of the section,b(mm)= 12900
Depth of the section,D(mm)= 610
Tension Rein.Ast( 27004
comp. Rein.Asc( 7291.08 Breadth
Cover to tension rein.Dt(mm)= 52.5
Cover to comp. Rein.D,(mm)= 46
Modular ratio,m= 10
Grade of concrete-Mix=M Err:509
Steel =S 415 Dt D'

Eccentricity = 3.40628977 M>1.5 * D Assume N.A X = 158 mm

Effective depth,d = 557.5
1.5 * D = 915 fcr= 18.427 N/< Err:509 N/
fst= 642.782 N/< 300 N/
Equating the force due to Tension and compression
b*x*x/2 = mAST (d-x)
% Error = 21.38519 < 5%
x= 41.8666667
y= 308.407984 Final Fcr= 18.427 N/< Err:509 N/
N.A. Depth X= 133.270659 Final Fst= 642.782 N/< 300 N/
Leverarm Z= 504.833333

fcr = M/(0.5XZ) fcr= 17.3244351

fst = M/AstZ fst= 653.804318

fc = Nd/(bx+mAst+(m-1)Asc) fc= 1.102268166

Maximum flexural comp.stress in concrete= fcr+fc

Maximum tensile stress in steel = fst-mfc
Maximum flexural comp.stress in concrete= 18.426703 N/
Maximum tensile stress in steel = 642.78164 N/
Check the above value, X2= 124.2114
X2 = d/(1+fstm*fcr)
N.A- X= 158
% Error = 21.38519 < 5%
ZT= 1.6918E+10
Fcr due to MT= 9.05963E-08 N/

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Fst due to MT= 0.000000906 N/

Final Fcr= 18.427 N/
Final Fst= 642.782 N/

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

DESIGN OF ABUTMENT WALL (Seismic case) Load combination 10


Input Details:
VERTICAL LOAD= 2059.55 KN Depth
MOMENT,ML= 8302.01 KNM
Breath of the section,b(mm)= 12900
Depth of the section,D(mm)= 610
Tension Rein.Ast( 27004
comp. Rein.Asc( 7291.08 Breadth
Cover to tension rein.Dt(mm)= 52.5
Cover to comp. Rein.D,(mm)= 46
Modular ratio,m= 10
Grade of concrete-Mix=M Err:509
Steel =S 415 Dt D'

Eccentricity = 4.0309825 M>1.5 * D Assume N.A X = 157 mm

Effective depth,d = 557.5
1.5 * D = 915 fcr= 17.101 N/< Err:509 N/
fst= 599.861 N/< 300 N/
Equating the force due to Tension and compression
b*x*x/2 = mAST (d-x)
% Error = 21.22471 < 5%
x= 41.8666667
y= 308.407984 Final Fcr= 17.101 N/< Err:509 N/
N.A. Depth X= 133.270659 Final Fst= 599.861 N/< 300 N/
Leverarm Z= 505.166667

fcr = M/(0.5XZ) fcr= 16.2289043

fst = M/AstZ fst= 608.583911

fc = Nd/(bx+mAst+(m-1)Asc) fc= 0.872335933

Maximum flexural comp.stress in concrete= fcr+fc

Maximum tensile stress in steel = fst-mfc
Maximum flexural comp.stress in concrete= 17.10124 N/
Maximum tensile stress in steel = 599.86055 N/
Check the above value, X2= 123.67721
X2 = d/(1+fstm*fcr)
N.A- X= 157
% Error = 21.22471 < 5%
ZT= 1.6918E+10
Fcr due to MT= 0 N/

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Fst due to MT= 0 N/

Final Fcr= 17.101 N/
Final Fst= 599.861 N/

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

DESIGN OF ABUTMENT WALL (Seismic case) Load combination 11


Input Details:
VERTICAL LOAD= 995.57 KN Depth
MOMENT,ML= 4939.75 KNM
Breath of the section,b(mm)= 12900
Depth of the section,D(mm)= 610
Tension Rein.Ast( 27004
comp. Rein.Asc( 7291.08 Breadth
Cover to tension rein.Dt(mm)= 52.5
Cover to comp. Rein.D,(mm)= 46
Modular ratio,m= 10
Grade of concrete-Mix=M Err:509
Steel =S 415 Dt D'

Eccentricity = 4.96173047 M>1.5 * D Assume N.A X = 156 mm

Effective depth,d = 557.5
1.5 * D = 915 fcr= 10.136 N/< Err:509 N/
fst= 357.633 N/< 300 N/
Equating the force due to Tension and compression
b*x*x/2 = mAST (d-x)
% Error = 21.08234 < 5%
x= 41.8666667
y= 308.407984 Final Fcr= 10.136 N/< Err:509 N/
N.A. Depth X= 133.270659 Final Fst= 357.633 N/< 300 N/
Leverarm Z= 505.5

fcr = M/(0.5XZ) fcr= 9.71179479

fst = M/AstZ fst= 361.872608

fc = Nd/(bx+mAst+(m-1)Asc) fc= 0.423996882

Maximum flexural comp.stress in concrete= fcr+fc

Maximum tensile stress in steel = fst-mfc
Maximum flexural comp.stress in concrete= 10.135792 N/
Maximum tensile stress in steel = 357.63264 N/
Check the above value, X2= 123.11155
X2 = d/(1+fstm*fcr)
N.A- X= 156
% Error = 21.08234 < 5%
ZT= 1.6918E+10
Fcr due to MT= 0 N/

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Fst due to MT= 0 N/

Final Fcr= 10.136 N/
Final Fst= 357.633 N/

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

DESIGN OF ABUTMENT WALL (seismic case) Load combination : 12


Input Details:
VERTICAL LOAD= 2059.55 KN Depth
MOMENT,ML= 1097.90 KNM
Breath of the section,b(mm)= 12900
Depth of the section,D(mm)= 610
Tension Rein.Ast( 27004.00
comp. Rein.Asc( 7291.08 Breadth
Cover to tension rein.Dt(mm)= 52.5
Cover to comp. Rein.D'(mm)= 46
Modular ratio,m= 10
Grade of concrete-Mix=M Err:509
Steel =S 415 Dt D'

(Mod with ass. Of N.A)

Eccentricity,e = 533.077614 mm>0.5 * D Assume N.A X = 204
Effective depth,d = 557.5
0.5 * D = 305 fcr= 2.915 N/<
Asume depth of N.A,X= 204 mm fst= 71.248 N/<
x/d= 0.365919283
K1= 2631600
Determine depth to centroid of stressed area= (0.5K1X+mAstd+(m-1)AscD')/(K1+mAst+(m-1)Asc)
X1= 142.21505596
% Error = 20.65598
b1= (e-X1)/d+1 b1= 1.7010988
b2= (X/(2*d))(1-(X/(3*d))) b2= 0.1606435 Final Fcr= 2.9148755 N/<
b3= (m-1)(1-(D'/X)) b3= 6.9705882 Final Fst= 71.248192 N/<

To determine the stresses substitute evaluateed factors in

fcr= (Nd*b1)/(b2bd+b3Asc(1-(D'/d)) fcr= 2.9148754549 N/

fst= (fcr(0.5K1+b3Asc)-Nd)/Ast fst= 71.248192058 N/

Check the above value, X2= 161.8618

X2 = d/(1+fstm*fcr)

% Error = 20.65597957 < 5%


Fcr due to MT= 0 N/

Fst due to MT= 0 N/

Final Fcr= 2.914875455 N/

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Final Fst= 71.24819206 N/

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3


### N/
300.0 N/


< 5%

### N/
300 N/

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Design of Abutment cap:- (Seismic case) Ah = 0.080

-refer normal case- Av = 0.04

Design of dirt wall:- (Seismic case )

7.45 5.96 121.500
Live load Surcharge Active Earth
Pressure Pressure

Active earth Pressure = 0.345 x 18 x 0.960 = 5.96 kn /m2

Live load surcharge pressure = 0.345 x 18 x 1.2 = 7.45 kn /m2

Total horizontal force = 0.5 x 5.96 x 0.960 + 7.45 x 0.960

= 10.01 Kn/m

Moment at bottom of dirt wall due to = 0.5 x 5.96 x 0.960 x 0.42 x

earth pressure & liveload surcharge
pressure + 7.45 x 0.960 x 0.960 = 4.59 Kn.m/m

Calculation of Bending Moment due to live load: 1.93

(70R Bogie load governs) 2.13
0.960 12.90

Breaking force due to liveload = 0.2 x 200 = 40.00 KN

Effective width of dispersion = 2.130 + 1.930 + 0.86 +

= 5.450
Load / m = 40.00 5.450 = 7.340 Kn/m
Seismic case = 0.150 Kn/m
Total = 7.490 Kn/m

This force will act at 1.2 m above the road surface. i.e., this load acts at a height of
1.2 + 0.960 = 2.160 m from the base of dirt wall

Moment at base of dirt wall = 7.490 x 2.160 = 16.18 Kn.m

Due to longitudinal force

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Total bending moment = 4.59 + 16.18 = 20.77 Kn.m/m

Effective depth provided = 340 - 40 - 12 = 294 mm


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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

d required = 20.77 x 10 6
2.22 x 1000 = 97 < 294 mm

Ast required = 20.77 x 10 6 =

0.889 x 300 x 294 264.89 mm2 > min. Ast

Minimum Ast = 0.12 x 1000 x 340 = 408.00 = 204.0

100 2

Use 12 mm dia bar

Provide 12 # at 426 mm c/c vertically on earth face

Ast provided 265.35 mm 2 /m

Distribution Steel:-
Distribution steel shall be provided for 0.3 times of the Design Bending moment

30 % of the bending moment = 0.3 x 20.77 = 6.23 Kn.m

AST required = 6.23 x 10 6 = 79.45 mm 2 <

0.889 x 300 x 294
Use 10 mm dia bar

Provide 10 # at 192 mm c/c vertically on other face. Provided = 408.85

Provide 10 # at 384 mm c/c horizontally on both face. Provided = 204.43

Check for Shear:-

Shear force = 10.01 + 7.490 = 17.50 Kn

Shear stress, tv = v = 17.50 x 1000 = 0.060 N/mm 2

bd 1000 x 294

For Slabs, the permissible shear stress in concrete witout shear reinforcement is K tc. Where K is
the value given in table 12c and tc given in table 12B.

%AST = 100 x 265.4 = 0.09 %

1000 x 294

tc from table 12B = 0.268 N/mm 2

K value as per table 12c, for a depth of 340 = 1

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

K tc = 0.268 x 1
= 0.268 N / mm 2 > tv SAFE
Hence shear reinforcement is not required.

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Design of flywing wall:- (Seismic case)

7.45 2000 500

9.310 600 2000 6
12.010 267 0.27 1800 2
13.670 267 0.27 6
3 6
15.330 267 0.27 3 4 1000 1333.33333
16.980 267 0.27 6 6 600 1.333
18.640 6 200
19.460 267 0.27
12.010 7.45 6
Counterfort for
return wall

Shear force and Bending moment:-

nt No. Total Horizontal Pressure Moment at face of counter fort
Length of
From (W) kn / m2 kn.m/m (wL2/2)
1 2.000 9.310 18.62
2 1.800 12.010 19.46
3 1.400 13.670 13.40
4 1.000 15.330 7.67
5 0.600 16.980 3.06
6 0.200 18.640 0.37

Maximum Bending moment = 19.46 kn .m/m

Overall depth Provided = 300 mm

d Provided = 300 - 40 - 16 - 10 = 239 mm


d required = 19.5 x 10 6
2.22 x 1000 = 94 < 239 mm
Ast required = 19.5 x 10 6 = 305 mm2 <
300 x 0.889 x 239

Use 10 mm dia bars

Provide 10 # at 257 mm c/c horizontally on earth face

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Ast provided = 305.5 mm 2 /m

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Minimum Ast = 0.12 x 1000 x 300 = 360.00 mm2


Use 10 mm dia bars

Provide 10 # at 218 mm c/c horizontally on other face

Ast provided = 360.09 mm 2 /m

Check for shear:-

Shear force n = 12.01 x 1.800 = 21.62 Kn.

Shear stress, tn = 21.62 x 10 3

1000 x 239 = 0.09 n / mm2 < tc max

for with shear reinforcement beam, tc max = 3.300 n/mm2

(Refer - Table 12 A of IRC - 21)
Shear reinforcement = ASW = V = 21.62 x 10 3
SV ds X d 300 x 239 = 0.30 mm 2 /mm

Minimum shear ASW = 0.4

reinforcement: 0.87 Fy

ASW = 0.4 x 1000 = 1.53 mm2 / mm

sv 0.87 x 300

Use 16 mm dia bars

Provide 2L 16 # stirrups at 262 c/c

Ast provided = 1.530 mm2/mm

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

kn /m2




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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3


> min. Ast


mm 2

mm 2 /m

mm 2 /m

ss in concrete witout shear reinforcement is K tc. Where K is

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Counterfort for
return wall


Min .Ast

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

mm 2 /mm

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Design of return wall: (Seismic case)

The return wall near base will span between the counterfort and the abutment wall.

7.371 m

7.45 45.77 115.089

Live Load surcharge Pressure Earth Pressure

Active earth Pressure = 0.345 x 18 x 7.371 = 45.77 Kn / m2

Live load surcharge Pressure = 0.345 x 18 x 1.2 = 7.45 Kn / m2

53.22 Kn / m2
1 Kn / m

300 305
Bending moment coefficient: =1 (other face)

Shear force Coefficient: = 0.070

Maximum moment: = 53.22 x 1 = 53.22 Kn.m /m

d Provided = 600 - 40 - 16 = 552 mm


d required = 53.22 x 10 6
2.22 x 1000 =
155 mm < 552
Ast required = 53.22 x 10 6
300 x 0.889 x 552 = 361.50 mm2

Use 16 mm dia bars

Provide 16 # at 555 mm c/c horizontally on other face

Ast provided = 362.09 mm 2 / m

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Minimum Ast = 0.12 x 1000 x 600 = 720.00 mm2


Use 10 mm dia bars

Provide 10 # at 109 mm c/c horizontally on earth face

Ast provided = 720.18 mm 2 / m

Distribution steel:
Ast = 720 = 360.00 mm2

Use 10 mm dia bars

Provide 10 # at 218 mm c/c vertically on both faces

Ast provided = 360.09 mm 2 / m

Check for shear:

Shear force = 0.070 x 53.22 = 3.73 Kn

Shear stress, tn = V = 3.73 x 10 3 0.007 n /mm2

bd 1000 x 552 =

tv < tc = 0.310 n/mm2 SAFE

% Ast = 100 x 362.09 = 0.07 %

1000 x 552

tc = 0.310 n /mm2 (from table 2B of IRC - 21)

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3



Input Details:
VERTICAL LOAD= 23.49 KN self weight Depth
MOMENT,ML= 1923.25 KNM
Breath of the section,b(mm)= 500
Depth of the section,D(mm)= 600
Tension Rein.Ast( 3215.36
comp. Rein.Asc( 226.08 2-12 DIA Breadth
Cover to tension rein.Dt(mm)= 90
Cover to comp. Rein.D,(mm)= 56
Modular ratio,m= 10
Grade of concrete-Mix=M 30
Steel =S 415 Dt D'

(Mod with ass. Of N.A)

Eccentricity = 81.8926975 M>1.5 * D Assume N.A X = 256 mm
Effective depth,d = 510
1.5 * D = 900 fcr= 70.908 N/< Err:509 N/
fst= 1407.056 N/< 300 N/
Equating the force due to Tension and compression
b*x*x/2 = mAST (d-x)
% Error = 33.24527 < 5%
x= 128.6144
y= 528.124076 Final Fcr= 70.908 N/< Err:509 N/
N.A. Depth X= 199.754838 Final Fst= 1407.056 N/< 300 N/
Leverarm Z= 424.666667

fcr = M/(0.5XZ) fcr= 70.7632212

fst = M/AstZ fst= 1408.50361

fc = Nd/(bx+mAst+(m-1)Asc) fc= 0.144800809

Maximum flexural comp.stress in concrete= fcr+fc

Maximum tensile stress in steel = fst-mfc
Maximum flexural comp.stress in concrete= 70.908022 N/
Maximum tensile stress in steel = 1407.0556 N/
Check the above value, X2= 170.89211
X2 = d/(1+fstm*fcr)
N.A- X= 256
% Error = 33.24527 < 5%
ZT= 25000000

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to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Fcr due to MT= 0 N/

Fst due to MT= 0 N/
Final Fcr= 70.908 N/
Final Fst= 1407.056 N/

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

1. Rein of base raft (Seismic case)

a)Heel Slab Longitudinal direction (main rod)

Top rod: 32 mm at Err:509 mm c/c

b)Toe slab Longitudinal direction (main rod)

Bottom rod: 20 mm at Err:509 mm c/c

Transverse direction (Both back & front side) (Distribution)

Top & bottom 10 mm at 87 mm c/c

2. Rein of Abutment wall

Main rod (earth face) 20 mm dia 150 mm c/c

Comp rod (Other face) 12 mm dia 200 mm c/c

Horizontal rod (Both face) 12 mm dia 185 mm c/c

3. Rein of Abutment cap

All faces: Provide 6 Nos 16 mm dia at top & bottom along carriageway
Stirrups 2 legged 12 mm dia stps at 100 mm c/c

4. Rein of Dirt wall

Provide 12 mm at 426 mm c/c vertically on earth face.
Provide 10 mm at 192 mm c/c vertically on other face
Provide 10 mm at 384 mm c/c horizontally on both faces.

5. Rein of fly wing

Horizontal rod:

Earth face 10 mm at 257 mm c/c

Other face 10 mm at 218 mm c/c

Stirrups 2 legged 16 mm dia stps at 262 mm c/c

6. Rein of Return wall:

a) Horizontal rod:

Earth face 10 mm at 109 mm c/c

Other face 16 mm at 555 mm c/c

b) Vertical rod

Both faces 10 mm at 218 mm c/c

7. Rein of counterfort for return wall

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

4- laning of NH -45 from km 333/000 Design of Bridges
to 421/273 of Trichy-Dindigul road Design of Abutment for Bridge No: 388/3

Main rod (tension face) 16 Nos 16 mm dia

Stirrups 10 mm dia at 125 mm c/c

Comparing to the normal case & seismic case reinforcements, Provide normal case reinforcement.
Because, Normal case design gives the highest reinforcement than the seismic case.

TD. Toll Road Project Ltd. Asoka Consultants

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