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Combined Bending and Direct Stress

Combined Bending and Direct Stress

Many situations arise where a part will be subjected to both bending and direct longitudinal stress.
When this is the case we can use the now familiar principle of superposition. In other words, to
determine the overall stress distribution we add together the stress distribution due to bending and the
stress distribution due to the direct stress. This is shown pictorially below. In the diagram (a) represents
the stress distribution due to bending, (b) the stress distribution due to the direct stress and (c) the overall

It should be noted that the principle of superposition can only be used if the relationship between
“causes” and “effects” is always one of direct proportionality. For stresses and strains this means that
the limit of proportionality must not be exceeded.

Worked Example
A column is 200 mm high and of regular cross-section 100 mm x 50 mm. It is acted upon by a load of
5 kN applied centrally but at an angle of 20o to the columns axis, as shown below. Determine the
maximum tensile and compressive stresses at the base of the column.

5 kN

200 mm
100 mm

Resolving the load into two components:

Axial load = 5×103 × cos 20 = 4.698×103 N

Bending load = 5×103 × sin 20 = 1.710×103

Bending moment = 1.710×103 ×0.2 = 342 Nm

𝑏𝑑 3 0.05×0.13
Second moment of area 𝐼 = 12
= 12
= 4.16×10−6 m4

Distance from NA to point of maximum bending stress is 𝑦 = 0.05 m

𝑀𝑦 342×0.05
Bending stress 𝜎𝑏 = ± 𝐼
= ± 4.16×10−6 = 4.11×106 N/m2 = 4.11 MN/m2

F 4.698×103
Direct stress 𝜎𝑑 = A = 0.1×0.05
= 9.396×105 N/m2 = 0.94 MN/m2 compressive

Pictorially we have:

3.17 MN/m2

-5.05 MN/m2

4.11 MN/m2

-4.11 MN/m2
-0.94 MN/m



Diagram showing individual stress distributions together with their addition

Notice that the position of the neutral axis has moved from its original position to some new position.

Eccentric Loading

In the diagram below (a) shows the end of a short column with a load applied at a distance x from the
centroid. At (b) equal and opposite loads F have been applied at the centroid; these do not affect the
column equilibrium. Diagrams (c) and (d) show that the forces can be separated as an axial load at the
centroid together with a couple. We therefore see that and eccentric load is equivalent to a load F at the
centroid together with a bending moment Fx, and results in a combination of direct stress and bending.

Tutorial Problems

1. A short concrete column of solid circular cross-section 400 mm diameter supports a mass of 15
tonne. The line of action of the load is displaced 40 mm from the columns axis. Determine the
maximum compressive stress in the column and show by a diagram how the stress varies across
the section. Concrete is weak in tension and, if cracking is to be avoided, no part of the column
must be subjected to tensile stress. In view of this, what is the maximum eccentricity at which
the load may be applied.
(2.106 MN/m2, 50 mm)

2. The body of a simple clamp shown below is to be cut from steel plate 20 mm thick. It is to exert
a maximum clamping force of 4 kN and must be capable of applying this force 15 cm from the
edge of the material being gripped. If, at the section ab, the tensile stress is not to exceed 70
MN/m2, what is the maximum width of d at this point?

(5.67 cm)

3. The cranked tie bar shown below carries a total load F kN. Calculate the maximum value of F
if the tensile stress in section X-X is limited to 75 MN/m2.

(90.3 kN)

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