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Get the right start at home:

Make your aquarium a success 1 Place your aquarium shelte-

red from direct sunlight.
Consider how you want it to
look. Find inspiration for great
2 First, place all decoration
material (such as stones or
roots), if you intend to use
some. Then spread out a 1 cm
3 Carefully pour water into the
aquarium, and wet the
bottom layer.
Use a plate or sift to slow down
aquariums on thick layer of substrate where the water jet, in order to avoid
The right aquarium The right plants The right fish under Inspira-
your plants should go and cover
it with at least 4 cm of gravel.
making a mess of the bottom
Involves 3 crucial factors: Involves selecting plants, based Involves 3 crucial factors:
your aquarium conditions:
Light • Maximum 1cm fish per litre water. Prepare the plants: 4 5 Use tweezers for
• Light is the main energy source for plants. A full-grown neon tetra is for instance Remove plastic pot and easy planting.
• Light intensity decides which plants you can Easy are simple plants with few approx. 4 cm long, so a 100 L aquarium stone wool. Shorten the
choose. requirements. They tolerate low should not exceed 25 fish. roots and divide into smaller
• The better the light, the more plant choice you light conditions (under 0.5 W/ plants, suitable for groups
have. litre aquarium water) and manage • Use algae-eating fish, shrimps and
of plants.
without added CO2. snails.
You need: • Selecting fish is a matter of taste, and
Medium plants require stronger Remember to spray 6 Carefully fill the 7 Download Tropica’s App (scan the QR code below). 10
• Bottom substrate to store nutrients for options are numerous. with water every now aquarium with water. It will remind you to change water, add fertiliser, and ensure
the plant roots. light (between 0.5-1.0 W/litre wa- Please ask your dealer about the and then, to keep the that you get well through the first three months with aquarium.
Make sure that the
• Liquid fertiliser for daily use. ter), as well as CO2 addition and behaviour and needs of the fish, and when plants moist at all times. water jet does not hit
• Poss. CO2 addition, promoting plant growth, fertiliser. they should be put in the aquarium after Drying may harm the plants or the bottom After 90 days, the aquarium will have grown to:
and therefore reducing the creation of algae. leaves. layer directly.

Water movement Advanced plants require light

• You need to ensure that the aquarium is intensity of minimum 1 W/litre
equipped with a pump and a filter for water water, extra fertiliser and CO2, as 8 The water Install a timer watch to 9
well as intensive care and plant may look a bit turn off after 6 hours
circulation and collection of small particles.
cloudy for a few of light every day for the first
cutting. days. Don’t worry three weeks. Then increase
– it will get better. gradually to max. 8 hours of
light every day. Too much
NB: Based on a fluorescent tube, type T5 light may result in problems Max. 8 h. of
with reflectors. with algae growth. light per day.

On the back of the folder, you will find links to our website, where you will find plenty of detailed information.
More about... Inspiration for beautiful aquariums
Scan the QR codes and go directly to info on Did you know...?
That the words ”Layout” and
More about the right aquarium ”Aquascape” are often used about
planted aquariums.
The bottom layer Waterchange Layout especially refers to the position of
Gravel, substrate and The easy way to do it?
Layout 43 the different decoration elements such Layout 45
decoration material.
The cube’s 30 x 30 cm is perfect for as stones, roots and plants. A natural layout with a focus on different
a simple hardscape with only one root Aquascape refers to the artistic aspect shapes and colours. Even though the
Light above the Hardscape placed in the middle of the aquarium. of the ”water landscape”, which the aquarium is full of colours, the plants

aquarium What is it? The root will look more natural over time aquarist has created with plants and used are relatively easy to care for.
What do I need to know because it will be covered with moss. other decoration. Scan the QR code and see a video
about light? Scan the QR code and see a video about this Medium aquarium that also

Inspiration Fertiliser and CO2 about this Easy aquarium. includes Easy plants.
See great layouts here. Why and how much?
See the Plant Care

More about the right plants
Plants from A-Z Plant products
Easy, Medium, On wood, in pots and
Advanced. portions...
Which plants where?
Planting Cutting
The best way to do it? Different plant types. The safe way to make
your aquarium a success
Auxiliary plants Tropica’s App
How do they help? How will it help me?

More about the right fish

The right fish Algae-eating fish,
How do I choose? shrimps and snails
They help you keep the
aquarium clean.

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