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Path of the server log file C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\samples\tm1\PlanSamp\

Most recent records to retain 30

Time offset (in hours) +2
Format the timestamp as ddd d mmmm jjjj - uu:mm:ss
Example: Thu 1 August jjjj - uu:56:58
Highlight messages containing
C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\samples\tm1\PlanSamp\tm1server.log
Severity level Timestamp_format Logger Name
ERROR zo 2 juli 2017 - 22:33:13 TM1.Process
ERROR zo 2 juli 2017 - 22:33:13 TM1.SQLAPI
ERROR zo 2 juli 2017 - 22:33:13 TM1.SQLAPI
ERROR zo 2 juli 2017 - 22:33:13 TM1.SQLAPI
INFO zo 2 juli 2017 - 22:33:13 TM1.Process
INFO zo 2 juli 2017 - 22:32:54 TM1.Process
INFO zo 2 juli 2017 - 22:32:54 TM1.Process
INFO zo 2 juli 2017 - 22:32:42 TM1.Process
INFO zo 2 juli 2017 - 22:32:42 TM1.Process
ERROR zo 2 juli 2017 - 22:32:23 TM1.Process
INFO zo 2 juli 2017 - 22:32:22 TM1.Process
INFO zo 2 juli 2017 - 22:32:17 TM1.Process
INFO zo 2 juli 2017 - 22:32:16 TM1.Process
INFO zo 2 juli 2017 - 22:32:12 TM1.Process
INFO zo 2 juli 2017 - 22:32:11 TM1.Process
INFO zo 2 juli 2017 - 22:30:49 TM1.Server
INFO zo 2 juli 2017 - 22:30:48 TM1.Server
INFO zo 2 juli 2017 - 22:30:48 TM1.Server
INFO zo 2 juli 2017 - 22:30:48 TM1.Server
INFO zo 2 juli 2017 - 22:30:48 TM1.Server
INFO zo 2 juli 2017 - 22:30:48 TM1.Server
INFO zo 2 juli 2017 - 22:30:47 TM1.Server
INFO zo 2 juli 2017 - 22:30:47 TM1.Server
INFO zo 2 juli 2017 - 22:30:47 TM1.Server
INFO zo 2 juli 2017 - 22:30:47 TM1.Server
INFO zo 2 juli 2017 - 22:30:47 TM1.Server
INFO zo 2 juli 2017 - 22:30:47 TM1.Server
INFO zo 2 juli 2017 - 22:30:47 TM1.Server
INFO zo 2 juli 2017 - 22:30:47 TM1.Server
INFO zo 2 juli 2017 - 22:30:47 TM1.Server
Message Text
Process plan_load_budget_odbc: : Execution was aborted. Error file: <TM1ProcessError_20170702203312_62907480_pla
08003[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Connection not open
E16) Cannot connect to ODBC data source Plan_load_data IM002[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name n
IM002[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
Process plan_load_budget_odbc executed by user Admin
Process plan_set_language: finished executing normally, elapsed time 0.00 seconds
Process plan_set_language executed by user Admin
Process plan_set_language: finished executing normally, elapsed time 0.00 seconds
Process plan_set_language executed by user Admin
Process plan_load_budget_to_report_cube: : Execution was aborted. Error file: <TM1ProcessError_20170702203222_50
Process plan_load_budget_to_report_cube executed by user Admin
Process plan_load_budget_to_report_cube: finished executing normally, elapsed time 0.48 seconds
Process plan_load_budget_to_report_cube executed by user Admin
Process plan_load_actual_ascii: finished executing normally, elapsed time 0.20 seconds
Process plan_load_actual_ascii executed by user Admin
TM1 Server is ready
TM1 Server load time (secs) = 9
Starting spy thread. Thread Id: 2384
Error retrieving product information from swidtag file: Software Id tag folder C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\bin64\
Starting RebuildFacetModel thread. Thread Id: 1160
Starting PseudoElement thread. Thread Id: 9812
TM1CubeImpl::ProcessFeeders(in 0ms): Done computing feeders for base cube '}tp_application_root_permissions'.
TM1CubeImpl::ProcessFeeders: Computing feeders for base cube '}tp_application_root_permissions'.
TM1CubeImpl::ProcessFeeders(in 0ms): Done computing feeders for base cube '}ElementSecurity_}tp_applications'.
TM1CubeImpl::ProcessFeeders: Computing feeders for base cube '}ElementSecurity_}tp_applications'.
TM1CubeImpl::ProcessFeeders(in 1ms): Done computing feeders for base cube '}ElementAttributes_plan_chart_of_accoun
TM1CubeImpl::ProcessFeeders: Computing feeders for base cube '}ElementAttributes_plan_chart_of_accounts'.
TM1CubeImpl::ProcessFeeders(in 0ms): Done computing feeders for base cube '}DimensionFormats_plan_time'.
TM1CubeImpl::ProcessFeeders: Computing feeders for base cube '}DimensionFormats_plan_time'.
TM1CubeImpl::ProcessFeeders(in 1ms): Done computing feeders for base cube '}DimensionFormats_plan_format_templat
Nr of error lines:
_load_budget_odbc.log> This shape
represents a table
t found and no default driver specified. slicer. Table slicers
are supported in
Excel or later.

If the shape was

modified in an
earlier version of
Excel, or if the
workbook was
7480_plan_load_budget_to_report_cube.log> : Dimension
in ExcelJan-2040
2007 not found in dimension plan_time
or earlier, the slicer
can't be used.

iso-swid\ does not exist.

zo 2 juli 2017 - 22:32:54
zo 2 juli 2017 - 22:32:42
zo 2 juli 2017 - 22:32:17
zo 2 juli 2017 - 22:32:12
Process name Run time
plan_set_language 0.00
plan_set_language 0.00
plan_load_budget_to_report_cube 0.48
plan_load_actual_ascii 0.20

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