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Bugzilla Tutorial

( For Reporting I.T. related Bugs / Issues)

About Bugzilla

Bugzilla is an advanced system for reporting bugs, problems, new

requirements related to the I.T. systems at Baba Group.

You can access Bugzilla in your web browser at or

The first url / link ( is meant for in-house

users accessing bugzilla from the intranet (local network or LAN) at
A-34 Sector 60. The second url / link (
is meant for accessing bugzilla from external locations like your home
or a unit or a depot or your phone.

Shown below is the Home Page of Bugzilla.

Creating an account

To use Bugzilla, you must first create an account in Bugzilla. To Open an Account, Click on the
[NewAccount] option in the toolbar at the top of the Bugzilla home page.

You will then see the following screen:

Enter your email account id at E.g. if your email id is then enter E12345 in
the Login: field. Note is already added after the field. Press [Send] after entering your email
id. Note that the Login ID must be a valid email ID in the baba email system because Bugzilla will send
an email to this account. If everything is Ok then you will see the following message screen:

In case of any error you will see an error message in red.

Now, you must check your email for a message from bugzilla-admin. A sample message is shown
below. The message will contain a link to confirm your account id. Click on the link to confirm your
account and you will be automatically redirected to Bugzilla in your web browser. If your browser
does not open then you can copy and paste the link in your browser and confirm your account.

You can now start using Bugzilla.

Subject:Bugzilla: confirm account creation

Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2019 11:57:36 +0530 (IST)
From: bugzilla-daemon@IMISWEBDB.BABA.IN

Bugzilla has received a request to create a user account

using your email address (

To continue creating an account using this email address, visit the following link by March 15, 2019 at 11:57 IST:

If you did not receive this email before March 15, 2019 at 11:57 IST or
you wish to create an account using a different email address you can begin
again by going to:

PRIVACY NOTICE: Bugzilla is an open bug tracking system. Activity on most

bugs, including email addresses, will be visible to the public. We recommend
using a secondary account or free web email service (such as Gmail, Yahoo,
Hotmail, or similar) to avoid receiving spam at your primary email address.

If you do not wish to create an account, or if this request was made in

error you can do nothing or visit the following link:

If the above links do not work, or you have any other issues regarding
your account, please contact administration at
Welcome to Bugzilla
Login to your Bugzilla account on the Bugzilla home screen. Your login id will be displayed on the top
right of the screen as shown in the example below.
Reporting a bug / issue

Click on [New] or [File an Issue/Bug] to create a new bug report.

Select a Classification under which you want to report a bug. Typically, you will select IMIS to report a
bug in the IMIS system.
After selecting IMIS you will be asked to select a Product to which the bug is related. The products
screen will show a list of applications like Accounts Receivable, Stores, Sales, etc.

After selecting a product you will see a screen like this. This screen shows a list of old bugs related to
the product that you hjave selected. This helps you to check if your bug has already been reported by
someone else or if this is an old bug that has re-appeared.

You can click on a bug to view it or re-submit it with your comments.

If you want to enter a new bug then scroll down to see the rest of the screen.
Create a new bug

Fill as much detail about the bug as possible. Some of the fields are marked with a red *; you must
select an option or fill the required information for these fields. You can also attach a file with a
screenshot or other information about the bug.

Click on [Submit Issue/Bug] button to submit your bug.

Bug Created

After successful creation of a bug report you will see a screen like this.
Bugzilla will automatically send an email to the development team with a CC to you. After this you will
receive an email every time the development team or anyone else updates the status of the bug or
adds any comments to it. You can review the bug at any time and add more comments to it, if
required. You can click on the link for the bug in the emails that you receive from bugzilla to view the
bug or search for it using the search options on any of the screens.

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