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Ambidextrous – Paranoia –
The Explorer can use either hand equally well for any task, The character gains a +2 bonus on Initiative rolls, and the
and does not suffer the –20 penalty for actions using his off GM may secretly Test his Perception to notice hidden
hand. threats. The price of his eternal vigilance is a twitchy
disposition and the inability to relax.
Catfall –
Whenever he falls, he may take an Agility Test as a Free
Action. Success, and each additional Degree of Success, Power Through Pain –
reduces the distance fallen by a number of metres equal to
the character’s Agility Bonus for the purposes of Quick Draw –
determining the Damage from the fall. He can Ready as a Free Action when armed with a Pistol or
Basic class ranged weapon, or a melee weapon that can be
Dark Sight – wielded in one hand.
A creature with this Trait sees normally even in areas of
total darkness, and never takes a penalty for fighting in areas Resistance (Poison) –
of dim or no lighting. He gains a +10 bonus when making Tests to resist the
effects of Poison.
Dark Soul –
Prolonged exposure to darkness has acted as an inoculation Sprint –
against all that is foul, granting the Explorer resilience When taking the Full Move Action, the character can move
against corruption. Whenever he makes a Malignancy Test, an extra number of metres equal to his Agility Bonus. When
he takes half the normal penalty. taking the Run Action, he may double his movement for one
Round. The Explorer gains one level of Fatigue if he uses
Decadence – this Talent two Turns in a row.
When drinking alcohol or similar beverages, he does not
pass out until he has failed a number of Toughness Tests Takedown –
equal to twice his Toughness Bonus. The character also As a Half Action the Explorer may declare that he is
gains a +10 bonus to resist the effects of addiction. attempting a takedown before testing Weapon Skill. If he
hits and would have done at least 1 point of Damage, then
Disturbing Voice – ignore the Damage and the opponent must make a
The Explorer’s voice has particularly baleful or menacing Toughness Test or be stunned for 1 Round. When
qualities, causing others to quail before it. He gains +10 performing a Stun Action, the character does not suffer a –
bonus to all Intimidate or Interrogation Tests when he 20 penalty to his Weapon Skill.
employs this Talent, but suffers a –10 penalty to Fellowship
Tests when dealing with others in a non-threatening manner, Unnatural Agility (x2) –
such as animals, children, or the easily startled. The Characters Agility bonus is Multiplied, This does not
affect Movement. During Opposed Characteristic Tests, on a
Hard Target – success, the bonus multiplier is added to the degree of
Light on his feet, the Explorer dodges and weaves as he success.
moves, skills learned from long years in the line of fire.
When he selects the Charge or Run Actions, opponents Weapon Special Qualities
suffer a –20 penalty to Ballistic Skill Tests made to hit the Razor Sharp –
character with a ranged weapon. This penalty continues until When rolling to attack with this weapon, if the attack roll
the start of the Explorer’s next Turn. results in two or more Degrees of Success, double the
weapon’s Penetration for that attack.
Heightened Senses (Sight, Hearing) –
The character gains a +10 bonus to any Tests specifically Flexible –
involving this sense. Cannot be Parried

Jaded – Snare –
Outrageous events, from death’s horrific visage to xenos On a successful hit, the target must make an Agility Test or
abominations, will not cause Insanity Points or Fear Tests. be immobilised. An immobilised target can attempt no other
Terrors of the Warp still affect the character normally. actions except to try to escape the bonds. He can attempt to
burst the bonds (a Strength Test) or wriggle free (an Agility
Non Imperial – Test) in his Turn. The target is considered helpless until he
This Character was not raised amongst humans, and knows escapes.
little about the culture and history of the Imperium. The
Laws, traditions, religion and superstitions of Mankind are
unfamiliar and alien to Characters with this trait. The
character suffers a -10 penalty on all Common Lore,
Forbidden Lore and Scholastic Lore tests relating to the
Imperium of Man
Crippling –
When a target suffers at least one Damage (after reductions
for Armour and Toughness Bonus) from a weapon with the
Crippling Quality, it counts as being “Crippled” for the
remainder of the encounter or until healed of all Damage. If
a Crippled character takes more than a Half Action on a
single turn, that character suffers Rending Damage equal to
the number in parenthesis (X). This damage is not reduced
by Armour or Toughness Bonus.

Shocking –
A target that takes at least 1 point of Damage from a
Shocking weapon, after Armour and Toughness Bonus,
must make a Toughness Test, though he receives a +10
bonus for every Armour point he has on the location hit.
If he fails, he is Stunned for a number of Rounds equal to
half the Damage he suffered

Bloodfire Grenades –
This poisonous gas attacks the nervous system, causing
terrible burning sensations and convulsive paralysis which
are both extremely painful and potentially lethal. Anyone
within 10 metres of a detonating Bloodfire grenade must
pass a Difficult (–10) Toughness Test or suffer 1d10+3
damage (this damage also has the Toxic quality), bypassing
armour and Toughness. Respirators and sealed armour
provide a +20 bonus to this Test. This grenade may be
thrown, or fired from a grenade launcher.

Shadowfield (Poor Craftsmanship) –

A shadow field is a force field with a Protection Rating of
80. However, should any roll against that Protection Rating
be higher than the Protection Rating, the field immediately
fails and does not provide any further protection until
repaired. Repairing the field requires delicate calibrations,
and it cannot be used again until the user or another
character spends at least an hour working on it and succeeds
at a Very Hard (–30) Tech-Use Test outside of combat.
Any roll of 01-10 also overloads the field, but only for that
one hit.

Corpse Obmulen –
The character gains a +20 to Strength for the duration
of the drug’s effect. After the effect ends, the character gains
a level of Fatigue and must make a Difficult (–10) Strength
Test or suffer 1d10 Strength Damage that lasts for a day or
until he receives another dose of Corpse Obmulen.
All combat drugs remain in effect for 50+2d10 minutes
unless otherwise noted. Every dose taken inflicts physical
and spiritual stress on a character, ageing him and more
rapidly thinning his already-hollow soul. Each dose causes
1d5 Corruption Points upon consumption.

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