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- is generally defined as the sum of an individuals way of life, ranging from the food he or she eats, the
clothes he or she wears, and the house where he or she lives.

Types of Culture

- material things

- Non - material things

*Material things of culture/ Tangible Aspects

- architectural engineering
advancement in medicine

breakthroughs in transportation and communication.

*Non material things of culture

- are the norms and values as well as the intangible aspects of his or her existence: music,dance,poetry
and other forms of expressions that showcase his or her artistry.


- is generally defined as an organised group or groups of interdependent people who share common
territory, language and culture and act together for collective survival and well being.


- refers to the "theory, art and practice of the government."

The Government
- is the concrete example of a political institution.


- as defined in Democratic principle, is a status granted to individuals or institutions to implement the

rule of the law in a society.

3 Government Branches

- Executive

- Legislative

- Judiciary

Executive Body

- Consists of the President, Vice president and Cabinet members

Legislative Body

- Consists of the senate and house of representatives

Judiciary Body

- Consists of the Supreme Court, Regional Trial Court, Municipal Trial Court and Special Court


- is the socially constructed characteristics of being male or female.Gender roles vary from one culture
to another.

Socioeconomic Status

- refers to category of persons who have more or less the same socioeconomic privileges in a society.
3 types of social classes

- upper class

- middle class

- lower class

Upper class consist of;

Elite families

- most productive in terms of resource generation and often times very successful in their respective
fields of interests and endeavours

Two general type of Elite

New rich

- known as the rags to riches; have humble beginnings


- made of descendants of powerful elite families

Middle class

- with income sufficient enough to provide a comfortable decent living.

Lower class

- the largest in terms of number and relatively earns their living through subsistence.

- is the expression of the set of cultural ideas held by a distinct ethnic or indigenous group.


- an organised system of ideas about the spiritual sphere or the supernatural.


- the state of being intellectually gifted and/ or having physically or mentally challenged conditions.


- the legal relationship that binds a person and a country.

- Josol, Joyshel

- Mahilum, Aira

- Conce, Julia Marie

- Cinco, Blessy Mae

- Opelario, Nicka Mae

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