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A PE teacher found out that her students are very good in dancing.

Which assessment
method did she most likely use?

Select one:
a. Journal entry
b. Traditional assessment

c. Performance-based assessment
The method used most likely included demonstrtion of dancing skills. Hence it is,

d. Portfolio assessment

The correct answer is: Performance-based assessment

Question 2
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Anna took a 100-item test and got a raw score of 75. What does this mean?

Select one:

a. She got 75 items correctly

Since we are talking about her raw score, we are referring to the number of items she got
correctly out of the total number of items

b. Her score is above the mean

c. She surpassed 25 of her classmates in terms of the score
d. She scored higher than 75 of her classmates

The correct answer is: She got 75 items correctly

Question 3
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Which is assured when a table of specifications is used in preparing a test?

Select one:

a. Content validity
With a table of specifications, it is assured that the objectuves of the test match those of the
curriculum. This is content validity

b. Reliability
c. Predictive validity
d. Concurrent validity

The correct answer is: Content validity

Question 4
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Tests whose results are interpreted against an identified mastery level fall are:

Select one:
a. Placement tests
b. Norm-referenced tests
c. Intelligence tests

d. Criterion-referenced tests
Tests constructed with mastery level or criteria in mind are criterion-referenced tests
The correct answer is: Criterion-referenced tests

Question 5
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If the range is a measure of variability, what type of measure is the mean?

Select one:
a. Correlation

b. Central location
The mean is a measure of central location or central tendency

c. Difficulty
d. Discrimination

The correct answer is: Central location

Question 6
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Which of these should a teacher doing an assessment of learning include in her plan?

Select one:
a. Certifying students' achievement
b. Determine the areas of interest of students
c. Giving immediate feedback to students regarding their strengths and weaknesses

d. Designing her instruction


The correct answer is: Certifying students' achievement

Question 7
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A teacher wants to test students' knowledge of the different provinces in Mindanao, their
capital and their tourist attractions. Is an essay test appropriate? Why or why not?

Select one:
a. No, because an essay is difficult

b. No, an objective test is more appropriate

Knowledge is best assessed using an objective type test

c. Yes, an essay test could measure more than what other tests could measure
d. Yes, an essay test can measure any learning target

The correct answer is: No, an objective test is more appropriate

Question 8
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According to Erikson, which of the following is an attribute of a child aged three to five?

Select one:
a. Egocentric
b. Mischievous
c. Altruistic

d. Lazy

The correct answer is: Egocentric

Question 9
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Two groups of scores have the same mean but different standard deviations. If Group A has
a standard deviation of 1.5 and Group B has a standard deviation of 2.8, which of the
following are true?

Select one:
a. The scores of Group B are less dispersed
b. Majority of the scores in Group A are clustered around the mean
c. The scores in Group A have more variability than the scores in Group B

d. Majority of the scores in Group B are clustered around the mean


The correct answer is: Majority of the scores in Group A are clustered around the mean

Question 10
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According to Eriskon, a two-year old child (terrible 2) tends to be:

Select one:
a. Inquisitive
b. Sickly

c. Assertive
Sickly seems detached from the "terrible 2" description as the term implies behavior and not
health status. Playfulness and inquisitiveness are childre's traits easily managed by adults.
Assertiveness is a trait which is usually very hard to tolerate and manage.

d. Playful

The correct answer is: Assertive

Question 11
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Teachers complain that students come to class with no answers to assignments and act as
if they do not know anything about what was taught to them recently. Based on the theory of
information processing, what must teachers do to address these? I. Punish those who
cannot answer questions correctly II. Connect lessons to what students already know so
that learning becomes a meaningful activity for them III. Give positive reinforcements to
those who remember previous lessons

Select one:
a. III only
b. I and III

c. II and III
Punishment according to most researches do not really lead to rewarding outcomes. This
leads us to excluding statement I.

d. II only

The correct answer is: II and III

Question 12
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In a frequency distribution, what is the width or size of the class interval whose true lower
and upper limits are 19.5 and 29.5

Select one:
a. 9.0
b. 5.0

c. 10.0
Given the true limits or boundaries, the class size or class width can be obtained by
subtracting the lower vaue from the upper value. Thus, the class size is 29.5-19.5 = 10

d. 12.0

The correct answer is: 10.0

Question 13
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Would an applicant be admitted if his score in a College Entrance Examination is P15?

Select one:
a. The student has a 15% chance of being admitted

b. The student will not be admitted

The student's score is the 15th percentile. It is the score below which we can find the lowest
15% of all the scores. Since the student's score belongs to that group, it is very likely that
he will not be admitted

c. The student will be admitted

d. The student has an 85% chance of being admitted

The correct answer is: The student will not be admitted

Question 14
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What is the basis of the practice of giving remarks in report cards of studnets in addition to
the numerical grades?

Select one:
a. Numerical grades do not reflect all developments being experienced by each student

b. Remarks of any kind motivate the students and their parents

There could be negative remarks

c. Giving remarks is a job of the teacher

d. Numerical grades are meaningless

The correct answer is: Numerical grades do not reflect all developments being experienced
by each student

Question 15
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Which test is most appropriate when trying to determine the student's entry capabilities?

Select one:
a. Diagnostic
b. Standardized
c. Aptitude
d. Placement

The correct answer is: Aptitude

Question 16
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A research showed that more boys are underachievers in school than girls. What could be
an explanation?

Select one:
a. Generally, boys are more easily discouraged than girls
b. In general, boys are less intelligent than girls
c. In general, girls are naturally more intelligen than boys

d. Generally, girls are more diligent than boys

By nature, boys are very active and playful compared to girls.

The correct answer is: Generally, girls are more diligent than boys

Question 17
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Given a distribution of scores with a mean of 62 and a standards deviation of 5, between
which two scores can you find values within one standard deviation from the mean?

Select one:
a. 58 and 67

b. 57 and 67
Adding and subtracting 5 to and from 62 will give the two values: 62-5=57 and 62+5=67

c. 58 and 68
d. 57 and 68

The correct answer is: 57 and 67

Question 18
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Which refers to motivation that comes from within the individual instead of from the outside?

Select one:
a. Extrinsic
b. Achievement

c. Intrinsic
Intrinsic motivation refers to motivation that is driven by an interest or enjoyment in the task
itsef, and exists within the individual rather than relying on any external pressure

d. Affiliation

The correct answer is: Intrinsic

Question 19
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What is the best measure of central tendency to utilize if a group of students has the
following scores: 88, 91, 91, 93, 95, 97, 98, 98, 99?

Select one:

a. Median
b. Mean
c. Mode
d. Mean and Mode

The correct answer is: Mean

Question 20
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What does a teacher do when he makes use of norm-referenced interpretation of scores?

Select one:
a. He identifies a particular content as the frame of reference
b. He identifies the desired performance of the examinees
c. He described the examinee's performance in relation to a level of mastery

d. He compares every examinee's scores with the scores of the others

Be definition, norm-referenced interpretation compares the individual's scores with the
scores of the others

The correct answer is: He compares every examinee's scores with the scores of the others
Question 21
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A teacher expects that after the lesson his students would be able to show their ability to
solve problems with speed and accuracy. He then designed a tool to measure this ability.
Which principle of assessment did he consider?

Select one:
a. Assessment should have a positive consequence

b. Assessment shoud be based on clear and appropriate learning targets

There should be a match between the tool/method and the learning targets/objectives

c. Assessment should be reliable

d. Assessment should be fair

The correct answer is: Assessment shoud be based on clear and appropriate learning

Question 22
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What are the requirements to determine whether observational learning has occurred based
on Bandura's theory? I. Attention II. Motivation III. Retention IV. Motor Reproduction

Select one:
a. I, II, III
b. I and II
c. III and IV
d. I, II, III and IV
Observational learning is the process of learning by watching what others are doing. And as
he watches the model, the person has to have attention, retention, reproduction and

The correct answer is: I, II, III and IV

Question 23
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Which of the following describes a diagnostic assessment?

Select one:
a. A teacher gave a 10-item test to determine the specific lessons which the students failed
to understand
b. A teacher asked questions when the discussion was going on to know who among his
students understood what he was trying to emphasize
c. A teacher administered a test to the incoming Grade IV pupils to determine their

d. A teacher gave a short quiz after discussing thoroughly the lesson to determine the effect
of instruction

The correct answer is: A teacher gave a 10-item test to determine the specific lessons
which the students failed to understand

Question 24
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Which of the following assessment method is more authentic than the others?

Select one:

a. Multiple-choice test
b. Essay test
c. Completion test
d. Portfolio assessment

The correct answer is: Portfolio assessment

Question 25
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Which is implied by a postively skewed distribution of scores?

Select one:
a. The mean, the media and the mode have the same value

b. Most of the scores are high

c. Most of the scores are low
d. The mode is high

The correct answer is: Most of the scores are low

Question 26
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The computed correlation coefficient r between scores in English and Math is 0.75. How
should one interpret this?

Select one:

a. The lower the scores in Math, the higher the scores in English
b. The higher the scores in English, the higher the scores in Math
c. The lower the scores in English, the higher the scores in Math
d. The scores in Math and English do not have any relationship

The correct answer is: The higher the scores in English, the higher the scores in Math

Question 27
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Which theory is illustrated here: A father gives his son a toy everytime the boy cleans his
room. After some time, the boy cleaned his room regularly in anticipation of a toy.

Select one:
a. Associate learning

b. Operant conditioning
The situation here is prsented as an interrelation of an action (cleaning the room) and
reward/response (father is giving the boy a toy). This can be catergorized as operant

c. Classical conditioning
d. Pavlonian conditioning

The correct answer is: Operant conditioning

Question 28
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A teacher decides to use performance-based assessment. What can you expect to happen
in his classroom?

Select one:
a. He will evaluate his students through varied evidences of learning
b. He will evaluate his students in a very objective manner

c. He will evaluate his students as they actually demonstrate their skills

Performance-based assessment involves either demonstration of skills or creation of
products. The teacher will very likely evaluate his students as they demonstrte their skills.
This is likely subjective and might take several class periods

d. He will evaluate his students within the class period


The correct answer is: He will evaluate his students as they actually demonstrate their skills

Question 29
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Students are to be rated individually on their ability to recite a poem. The teacher lets them
recite individually. What should the teacher use in rating the performance of the students
considering that she has only one hour to spend in evaluating her 25 students?

Select one:
a. Analytic rubric

b. Both holistic and analytic rubric

c. Holistric rubric
d. Either holistic or analytic rubric

The correct answer is: Holistric rubric

Question 30
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A teacher wants to determine if the students' scores in their periodic examination is reliable.
What reliability test can she use if the students already left for the break and she was only
able to administer one test?

Select one:
a. Parallel forms

b. Kuder-Richardson
Since it is not possible to administer another test (whether the same test or an equivalent
version), Kuder-Richardson fits the requirement

c. Test-Retest
d. Test-Retest with Parallel Forms

The correct answer is: Kuder-Richardson

Question 31
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Who among the teachers described below is performing assessment?

Select one:
a. Mr. Santos, who is counting the scores obtained in a test
b. Ms. Abad, who is administering a test to her students
Ms. Abad is doing testing

c. Dr. Dela Paz, who is planning for remedial instruction after finding out that his students
performed poorly in the test
d. Mrs. Lucia, who is computing the grade of the students after completing all their

The correct answer is: Mrs. Lucia, who is computing the grade of the students after
completing all their requirements

Question 32
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If you are asessing for learning, which of the following will you most likely do?

Select one:
a. Reporting the performance of the students to their parents
b. Giving grades to students

c. Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of students

This option describes diagnostic assessment as it goes hand in hand with instruction. Other
options happen after evaluation

d. Recommending new policies in grading students


The correct answer is: Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of students

Question 33
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All of the following prevent teachers and students from searching for the truth and findinng it

Select one:
a. A mask
b. A defense

c. An open mind
In the process of acquiring truth, it is best to be open in mind and other faculties. Other
options are not good choices as they discourage a state of openness.

d. A mindset

The correct answer is: An open mind

Question 34
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A teacher wanted to teach the students baking skills. His check-up quiz was a written test
on the steps of baking. What characteristic of a good test does it lack?

Select one:

a. Content validity
There is a mismatch between the learning objectives and the test objectives

b. Reliability
c. Scorability
d. Predictive validity

The correct answer is: Content validity

Question 35
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A teacher asked her students to demonstrate how to cook adobo. What learning target is
she assessing?

Select one:
a. Products

b. Knowledge
c. Reasoning
d. Skills

The correct answer is: Skills

Question 36
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What type of valaidity does a practive test possess if its results reflect how students will
eventually perform in their actual examination?

Select one:

a. Predictive
A test possesses predictive validity if its results correlate with future measures

b. Content
c. Concurrent
d. Construct

The correct answer is: Predictive

Question 37
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A social science teacher created an essay test for the objective "identify the heroes of the
Philippine Revolution." Is there a match between the assessment method and the stated
objective? Why or why not?

Select one:
a. Yes, because an essay test can measure any type of objective
b. Yes, because an essay test is easier to construct than an objective test

c. No, since he should have prepared an objective type test

An objective which involves identification is best measured using an objective type test

d. No, since conducting oral questioning is better


The correct answer is: No, since he should have prepared an objective type test

Question 38
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Which theory holds that a teacher should consider both internal and external factors that
affect the behavior of the student? This would supposedly help her understand the learner
and provide more effective ways to help them learn.

Select one:

a. Gestalt theory
b. Skinner's operant conditioning theory
c. Lewin's field theory
d. Pavlov's conditioning theory

The correct answer is: Lewin's field theory

Question 39
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Which of the following is/are correct? I. Testing is a process where an instrument is used to
measure a characteristic II. Measurement is the process of qualifying a given characteristic
III. Evaluation is the analysis of quantitative and qualitative data for decision-making IV.
Assessment is the gathering of quantitative and qualitative data

Select one:

a. I, II and III
b. I and II only
c. II and IV only
d. I, III and IV

The correct answer is: I, III and IV

Question 40
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If a Grade 1 pupil is asked why he does certain things and the child replies that it is because
a parent told him to do so, Kohlberg claims that the child is already in the _____ level(s) of
moral development.

Select one:
a. Between pre and post conventional

b. Pre-conventional
Grade 1 pupils are usually between 6-7 years old, which is according to Kohlberg belong tp
pre-conventional levels. Pre-conventional stage presents obedience and punishment
orientation. The child assumes that powerful authorities hand down a fixed act of rules
which must be unquestioningly obeyed.

c. Post-conventional level
d. Conventional

The correct answer is: Pre-conventional

Question 41
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According to ______, infants must have an environment that provides multi-sensorial

stimulation if we are to maximize their cognitive development.

Select one:
a. Gardner
b. Erikson

c. Piaget
Piaget is cognitive in nature. Piaget who popularized cognitive theory mentioned its four
stages namely: (1) Sensormotor, (2) Pre-operational, (3) Conrete and (4) Formal
operational. Among the stages, sensorimotor is highly connected to multi-sensorial

d. Goleman

The correct answer is: Piaget

Question 42
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People will likely imitate those who get rewarded for their behavior as well as those with
whom they want to have similarities. What part of Bandura's learning theory is this?

Select one:
a. Reflection
b. Assumption

c. Motivation
Motivation is one of the requirements in Bandura's theory. People are most likely to imitate
other who they see being rewarded for their behavior

d. Extinction

The correct answer is: Motivation

Question 43
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John took a percentile-ranked test and got a 65. What does this mean?

Select one:
a. 65% of the students who took the test scored higher than him
b. He got 65% of the items correctly

c. 65% of the students who too the test scored lower than him
Since we are talking about percentiles, a 65th percentile or is a score below which we can
find the lower 65% of the exam takers. Hence, 65% of the students who took the test scored
lower than John.

d. He got 65% of the items wrong


The correct answer is: 65% of the students who too the test scored lower than him

Question 44
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After discussing the lesson on multiplication of fractions, Ms. Ramos gave a short quiz to
find out how well the students have understood. What type of assessment did she use?

Select one:
a. Diagnostic assessment
b. Placement assessment
c. Summative assessment

d. Formative assessment
A quiz, which goes hand in hand with instruction is formative in nature

The correct answer is: Formative assessment

Question 45
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If Q3 is the 75th percentile, to what does the median correspond?

Select one:
a. 60th percentile
b. 25th percentile

c. 50th percentile
The median is that value below which we can find 50 percent of all the scores. The 50th
percentile is defined the same way

d. 40th percentile

The correct answer is: 50th percentile

Question 46
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A child who has the capacity to understand and make use of words is already in which
stage of Piaget's development theory?

Select one:

a. Pre-operational
Cognitive process during the pre-operational stage increases the ability to store words and
language structures

b. Formal operational
c. Concrete operational
d. Sensorimotor

The correct answer is: Pre-operational

Question 47
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According ro Erikson, which conflict involves reaching out beyong one's own immediate
concerns to embrace the welfare of the society and the condition in which individual is
preoccupied with their material possessions?

Select one:
a. Intimacy vs. Isolation

b. Generativity vs. Stagnation

According to Erikson's psychological stages of human development, specifically during the
middle childhood, the person is in the Generativity vs. Stagnation stage wherein the focus is
on embracing the welfare of the society and of future generations

c. Industry vs. Dependency

d. Integirty vs. Despair

The correct answer is: Generativity vs. Stagnation

Question 48
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A teacher will rate his students on how well they use certain laboratory equipment. Which
mode of assessment is most appropriate?

Select one:
a. Checking journals
b. Portfolio assessment
c. Traditional assessment

d. Performance-based assessment
Since the focus is on how wel the students use the equipment, it is best that the teacher
observe the students as they use them. In this case, performance-based assessment is
most appropriate

The correct answer is: Performance-based assessment

Question 49
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Which statement can be said about two distributions of scores when their means are equal?

Select one:
a. The distributions of scores are not necessarily identical
b. Each distribution of scores in heterogeneous
c. Each distribution of scores is homogeneous

d. The distributions of scores are identical


The correct answer is: The distributions of scores are not necessarily identical

Question 50
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Which of the following is the basis for using punishment to cause a behavior to occur with
less frequency?

Select one:
a. Punishment does not strengthen a response

b. Punishment weaknes a response

According to Thorndike, punishment is a consequence that causes a behavior to occur with
less frequency. Thorndike theorized that if the response in a connection is followed by a
satisfying state of affairs, the strength of the connection is considerably increased whereas
if followed by an annoying state of affairs, the strength of the connection is marginally

c. Punishment strengthens the response

d. Punishment does not weaken a response

The correct answer is: Punishment weaknes a response

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