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TAN, Paul Cyrus A.

(Collins, 2012) stated in his book called “Conquering the Fear of Math” that most students feel more
anxious in their mathematics subject that others and can mean that their grades could go lower.
According to the study of (Apurillo, 2015), it states that there is a significant relationship between the
students’ anxiety and their academic performance. This is also proof for the National Achievement Test
results for mathematics in the last three years. The results show that the scores are lowest in 2015 and
highest in 2016.

In order to cope with anxiousness some students listen to music. There are many genres of music such
as rock, pop, jazz, and classical that the students can listen to while reviewing for tests. In Royo’s (2015)
experiment the kindergarten pupils exposed to music coped faster with separation anxiety than those
who do not. This experiment shows that music helps in mental illness but not all types. (Alimangohan &
Matutes, 2011) states that “seratonin, a hormone that helps elevate the mood and reduce depression,
significantly increases as one spends more time listening to music he prefers “. This causes the product
of the experiment Royo did on the kindergarten pupils who listened to music and separation anxiety.

Apurillo, M. (2015). Anxiety: How It Affects Academic Performance. International Journal of Modern
Equation, 10(5), 50-55.

National Achievement Test Results. (n.a. , 2017, February 16). Retrieved from

Royo, J. (2015). Factors affecting attitude towards academic subjects: Inputs for intervention.
International Journal of Modern Education, 5(1). Retrieved from

Alimangohan, J. P., & Matutes, N. M. (2011). Listening to classical music and the production of
serotonin. Philippine Society of Biochemists, 10-15.

Collins, A. A. (2012). Conquering the Fear of Math. Fearson Publishing House, New York.

1. All five of the available literature was used. 3
2. Each literature has been correctly paraphrased. 5
3. The literatures have been organized to form a cohesive whole. 3
4. The RRL follows correct in-text citation. 5
5. References follow correct APA style. 5
6. The paper follows prescribed format: Arial-12, double spaced,
normal margins, justified orientation. 3
7. The RRL does not have more than three grammatical/ 3
typographical errors and other errors in technical writing.

8. The paper is at least 50 percent similar to the output of

another student. -10
9. The output was submitted on or before the deadline. 3
Highest Possible Score / Total Points Earned 30

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