Corpo Pardo V Hercules Lumber Luciano

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examine the records and business transactions of the

It appears that Ignacio Ferrer, the acting corporate
LUMBER CO., INC. secretary, has refused to permit Pardo to inspect the
August1, 1924 necessary records at times desired by Pardo.
Street, J The parties agree that as a stockholder Pardo has the
Luciano, Noel Christian O. right to inspect the corporate books. However, the main
Very short case ground of the defense has reference to the time within
which the right of inspection may be exercised.
SUMMARY: Pardo was a stockholder of Hercules Lumber.
He filed this petition for mandamus to compel the ARGUMENTS OF THE COMPANY:
corporation to permit him to inspect the corporate books. 1. Art. 10 of the By Laws state that every shareholder
The company alleges that as per board resolution, the may examine the books of the company and other
shareholders are only given 10 days in March of that year documents pertaining to the same upon the days
to inspect the books. Since Pardo did not inspect the books which the board of directors shall annually fix
within the period authorized by the board, he lost such a. During the BOD meeting held on Feb 16, 1924,
right to inspect. The SC disagreed and held that the the board passed a resolution to the effect that
resolution cannot unduly abridge the right of the the books of the company are available for
shareholder to inspect the books. inspection from March 15 to 25, in appropriate
DOCTRINE: The general right given by statute (that every 2. Board resolution constitutes a lawful restriction on
shareholder or his duly authorized representative or agent the right conferred by the law
may inspect the books) cannot be lawfully abridged to the a. Since Pardo did not inspect within the 10 days
extent attempted by the board resolution. allowed by the resolution,he has lost this right to
It may be admitted that officials in charge of a inspect for this year
corporation may deny inspection when sought at unusual
hours or under other improper conditions but neither can ISSUE: WON the board resolution providing for a specific
the executive officers or the board have the power to time within which corporate books may be inspected is valid
deprive the stockholder of the right altogether.
The law declares that the right of inspection can be HELD: NO
exercised “AT REASONABLE HOURS.” This means at
reasonable hours on business days throughout the year I. The general right given by statute (that every
and not merely during some arbitrary period for a few days shareholder or his duly authorized representative or
chosen by the directors. agent may inspect the books) cannot be lawfully
The motive of the shareholder exercising the right is abridged to the extent attempted by the board
immaterial. resolution
A. It may be admitted that officials in charge of a
FACTS: Antonio Pardo was a stockholder in the Hercules corporation may deny inspection when sought at
Lumber Co. Inc. Pardo files this case for mandamus to allow unusual hours or under other improper conditions
him and his duly authorized agent and representative to

1. But neither can the executive officers or the

board have the power to deprive the
stockholder of the right altogether
B. The law declares that the right of inspection can
be exercised “AT REASONABLE HOURS”
1. This means at reasonable hours on business
days throughout the year and not merely
during some arbitrary period for a few days
chosen by the directors

II. The company also argues that Pardo wants to inspect

the books with improper motives. They allege that
the information he seeks is desired for ulterior
purposes in connection with a competitive firm with
which Pardo is connected
A. SC said that this is entirely apart from the issue
B. The motive of the shareholder exercising the right
is immaterial

DISPOSITIVE: Writ of mandamus is issued.

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