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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X
Raboca Drive 2, Suntingon, Bugo, Cagayan de Oro City
Tel. No. 8526088,

Narrative Report

On the 23rd day of January, the grade 7-sunflower performed their RHGP
activity namely “Family That Eats Together Stays Together”. The students
were group into 10 to 11 members and tasked to create a scenario wherein
what table etiquette/practices they usually apply in their individual homes
during special events like Birthdays, Christmas or New Year. Also they are
able to assigned group mates who will portray as their grandparents, father,
mother, uncles, aunts, cousins, and children. This activity shows the various
“kaugalian” or norms that the students observed throughout their time eating
with their family members. The class was divided into 3 groups, the first
group used Christmas Eve Dinner wherein all the family members where
dressed up nicely and was there to eat Noche Buena together. Before eating,
the one who acts as the father asked everyone to pray. After eating, they also
exhibit the idea of exchanging gifts which makes the students reminisce their
Christmas experience. While on the other hand, the second group used the
idea of double birthday celebration of a boy and a girl. They said to have a
cake and make the birthday celebrants make their own wishes as they blow
their candles. Their practice was not to tell any of the family members about
their wishes only each of them will know about it. Lastly, the third group
performs the concept of a Barangay Fiesta, which shows the abundance of
food on the table. Then they tend to have a mini altar wherein an image of a
saint was printed, also they put food beside of it. In order to remember the
saint of that specific fiesta.

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