Tchoukball 10 Weeks Unit Plan (TBAS)

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 by  Tchoukball  Association  of  Singapore  


(I)  Organisation:  
Duration:  10  sessions,  60  min  lesson.  
Space  and  facilities  required:  1  basketball  court  
Equipment  required:  20  tchoukballs,  4  frames,  2  set  of  coloured  sashes,  20  flat  markers  to  mark  out  forbidden  zones  (5  flat  markers  per  forbidden  zone)  
(II)  Unit  Objectives:  
• Students  are  able  to  pass/receive  while  stationary  and  while  moving  at  the  pre-­‐control  level.  
• Students  are  able  to  execute  a  90  degrees  shot  at  the  frame  at  the  control  level.  
• Students  are  able  to  receive  a  rebounded  ball  from  the  frame  at  pre-­‐control  level.  
• Students  do  not  understand  the  concept  of  1st/2nd/3rd  layer  of  defence  when  playing  a  modified  game.  
• Students  have  zero  knowledge  on  the  game  and  basic  rules  of  Tchoukball.  
Expected  Learning  Outcome:  
At  the  end  of  the  module,  students  are  able  to:  
• Play  a  7  v  7  intra-­‐class  tchoukball  tournament  
• Execute  the  basic  skills  of  passing,  catching  and  shooting  in  game  play  
• Demonstrate  good  footwork  during  passing  and  shooting  
• Move  into  the  right  positions  to  support  teammate  in  attack  when  they  do  not  have  the  ball  
• Demonstrate  the  skills  and  understanding  of  how  to  defend  the  ball  when  a  shot  is  being  made  
• Understand  the  history  and  spirit  of  Tchoukball  (Tchoukball  Charter)  
• Make  good  decision  as  to  when  and  how  to  attack  
• Make  good  decision  as  to  when  to  pass  and  shoot  in  attack  
• Demonstrate  understanding  of  when  and  how  to  support  their  teammates  in  attack  and  defence  
• Demonstrate  knowledge  and  apply  the  basic  rules  of  4  v  4  tchoukball  during  the  game  
• Demonstrate  the  understanding  of  the  principles  of  attack  and  defence  in  Tchoukball  and  apply  the  knowledge  in  a  modified  game  

Copyright  ©  2013.  Tchoukball  Association  of  Singapore.  All  rights  reserved.  

Prepared  by  Tchoukball  Association  of  Singapore  

• Demonstrate  the  value  of  care  by  encouraging  their  teammates  and  helping  one  another  to  improve  their  skills  
• Exhibit  the  value  of  responsibility  by  using  the  time  allocated  for  team  practice  effectively  and  working  together  to  improve  as  a  team  
• Demonstrate  the  value  of  integrity  by  doing  what  is  right  and  encouraging  their  teammates  to  do  what  is  right  (e.g.  admitting  their  opponents  gain  a  point  when  
the  referee  says  otherwise)  
• Respect  the  rules,  the  decision  of  the  officials  and  their  opponents  during  game  play.  
Established  Routines:  
• Forming  of  groups  
• Setting  up  and  keeping  equipment  
• PE  representatives  report  attendance  at  the  start  of  the  lesson  
• Start,  stop,  gather  
• When  teacher  is  giving  instructions,  all  students  are  to  stop  playing  with  the  ball/implement  and  pay  attention  
Skills   Scope  and  Sequence  
Passing   • Stationary  passing  to  stationary  receiver  using  one-­‐handed  passing  
• Passing  with  speed/effort  and  accuracy  
• Passing  over  longer  distances  
Receiving   • Stationary  
• Receive  at  different  levels  from  variety  of  passes  
• Receive  from  different  distances  
• Receive  from  passing  in  different  speed  and  effort  
Shooting   • Stationary  shot  at  90  degrees  
• Stationary  shots  from  the  side  (45  or  60  degrees  shot)  
• 3  steps  shooting  
Defence   • 1st  layer  defence  
• 2nd  layer  defence  
• 3rd  layer  defence  
Attack   • Lateral  passes  before  shooting  
• Support  and  setting  up  play  

Copyright  ©  2013.  Tchoukball  Association  of  Singapore.  All  rights  reserved.  

Prepared  by  Tchoukball  Association  of  Singapore  

Session   Objectives   Concept(s)  /   Activities   Variation     Values  /  Character   Assessment  
#   Skill(s)   (Drills/Practices/   /  Progression  of  activities   Development  
Modified  Games)   /  Other  Remarks    
1   1)  Understand   Concept(s)   1. Brief  Introduction  of   1. Variation:  Intro  to   Activity  1  &  2   • Students  are  able  
the  origin,   • Tchoukball   Tchoukball  (Creator,   Tchoukball  Powerpoint   • Spirit  of  the  game:   execute  successful  
philosophy  and   Basic  Rules   objective  of  game,   slides  (with  video)   Respect,  Teamwork   passes  and  catches  
basic  rules  of   (focus  on  how   rules  etc)   presentation.   and  Fair  play   to  teammates  
Tchoukball.   to  score,  points   2. Warm-­‐up  Activity:     2. Progression:     consecutively.  
Activity  3  &  4  
scored/  lost)   Zig-­‐Zag  Passing   -­‐  Change  from  2  hands  
2)  To  be  able  to   • Discipline  and   • Students  
(group)   to  1  hand  pass.  
execute  the   Skill(s)   determination  &   understand  the  
3. Practice  Task  1:     3. Progression:    
overarm  pass   • Overarm  pass.   perseverance  to   basic  rules  of  the  
Single  Line  Overarm   -­‐  Increase  passing  
with  accuracy.   • Two-­‐handed  W-­‐ succed   game.  
Passing,  W-­‐shape   distance  between  
3)  To  be  able  to   shape  catching.   Catching  (in  pairs)     students   - How  to  score  
Activity  5  
execute  a  90   • Overhead  shot   4. Practice  Task  2:   -­‐  single  line  passing  in   - Points  scored  /  
• Communication  
degrees  shot   (javelin  throw   Shooting  at  90  degrees   groups,  pass  and  run  to   lost  (referee  
and  teamwork  
successfully.   method)   and  catching   join  the  other  group.   gestures)  
• Underarm  shot   5. Game  Play     4. Progression:    
4)  To  be  able  to   (bowling   -­‐  Introduce  point  lost  
catch  a   method)   (negative  scoring)  
rebounded  ball  
-­‐  Avoid  own  shot;  
from  the  frame  
person  stands  behind  
  5.          Variation:    
               -­‐  Smaller  court  size    
               to  increase    
               participation  and    
               successful  play  
               -­‐  Half  court  game:  4    
Copyright  ©  2013.  Tchoukball  Association  of  Singapore.  All  rights  reserved.  
Prepared  by  Tchoukball  Association  of  Singapore  

Session   Objectives   Concept(s)  /   Activities   Variation     Values  /  Character   Assessment  

#   Skill(s)   (Drills/Practices/   /  Progression  of  activities   Development  
Modified  Games)   /  Other  Remarks    
2   1) To  be  able  to   Concept(s)   1. Warm-­‐up  Activity:   1. Variation:   Activity  1  &  2:   • Students  are  able  
execute  the   • Tchoukball   Single  Line  Passing   Consecutive  20  passes   Discipline  &   execute  successful  
overarm   Rules  of    faulty   (pass  &  run)   without  dropping  the   Determination   passes  and  catches  
pass  with   rebound,    3   2. Practice  Task  1:   ball.   to  teammates  with  
Activity  3:  Fair  Play,  
more   seconds  and  3   Square  Overarm   2. Progression:     change  of  direction  
accuracy.   passes.   Passing   -­‐  Change  direction  of   of  ball.  
2) To  be  able  to   3. Practice  Task  2:   ball  with  use  of  whistle.  
Skill(s)   • Students  are  able  
execute  a   Shooting  from  the  side   (e.g.  1  blow  change   Activity  4:  Spirit  of  the  
shot  from   • Overarm  pass.   (at  45  or  60  degrees)   direction,  2  blows  pass   to  shoot  from  the  
game:  Respect,  
the  side  (45  -­‐   • Two-­‐handed  W-­‐ and  catching   diagonal)   side  (45  –  60  
Teamwork  and  Fair  
60  degrees)   shape  catching.   4. Game  Play   -­‐  Increase  distance  of   degrees)  
successfully.   • Shooting  from     the  square   successfully.  
the  side  (45  –    
3) Understand   -­‐  After  pass,  run  to   • Students  
the  Rules  of     60  degrees)   where  you  pass   understand  the  
faulty     -­‐  After  pass,  run  to   basic  rules  of  the  
rebound,    3   where  you  receive  pass.   game.  
seconds  and   3. Progression:     - Faulty  rebound  
3  passes.   -­‐  Shooter  to  move   - 3  seconds  
4) Understand   around  shooting  area  to   - 3  passes  
the  Team   shoot,  catcher  to  
Defence   observe  where  the  ball  
concept.   is  rebounded  and  move  
-­‐  Introduce  team  
defence  (collective  
4.          Variation:    
               -­‐  Smaller  court  size    
               to  increase    
               participation  and    
               successful  play  
               -­‐  Half  court  game:  4    
Copyright  ©  2013.  Tchoukball  Association  of  Singapore.  All  rights  reserved.  
Prepared  by  Tchoukball  Association  of  Singapore  

Session   Objectives   Concept(s)  /   Activities   Variation     Values  /  Character   Assessment  

#   Skill(s)   (Drills/Practices/   /  Progression  of  activities   Development  
Modified  Games)   /  Other  Remarks    
3  &  4   1) To  be  able  to   Concept(s)   1. Warm-­‐up  Activity:   1.        Questioning:   Activity  1:   • Students  to  be  able  
keep  low   • Tchoukball   Eagle  &  the  Chicks   -­‐  How  did  you  manage  keep   Commitment,   to  defend  a  first  
and  move   Rules  of   (Objective  is  to  get   the  eagle  from  catching  the   Teamwork   layer  shot  
quickly  in   travelling,   students  to  be  quick   chicks?   successfully.  
Activity  2:  
defence.   stepping  on  line   on  their  feet,  keep   -­‐  What  kind  of  stance  did   Students  to  be  able  
Concentration,  Courage,   •
2) To   and  landing.   body  low  and  to  move   you  adopt  when  you  are  the   to  take  3  steps  and  
understand   and  shift  together  as  a   mother  hen  or  the  chicks?     shoot  successfully.  
and  be  able   team)   -­‐  How  did  your  legs  move?     Activity  3:  Discipline   • Students  
to  defend   • 3  steps  shooting   2. Practice  Task  1:   2.        Progression:   and  Determination   understand  the  
first  layer   • First  layer   First  Layer  Defence                -­‐  Shooter  to  shoot    
Activity  4:  Spirit  of  the   basic  rules  of  the  
shots.   defence   3. Practice  Task  2:                  harder.  
game:  Respect,   game.  
3) To  be  able  to   (keeping  body   3  Steps  Shooting                -­‐  Student  to  run  in    
Teamwork  and  Fair   -­‐  Travelling  
take  3  steps   low  and  eyes  on   4. Game  Play                and  catch  the  ball  
play   -­‐  Stepping  on  line  
to  have  more   ball)                    -­‐  Students  to  defend   -­‐  Landing  
effective                  in  pairs  or  in  3s.    
shots.   3. Progression:  
4) Understand   -­‐  Form  a  line  to  practice  
the  Rules  of     3  steps  first,  then  take  3  
travelling,   steps  and  make  a  shot  at  
stepping  on   the  frame  (3  defenders).  
line  and   -­‐  Circular  rotation  of  
landing.   shooters  and  defenders    
-­‐  Include  passer  and  2nd  
layer  defender  for  more  
advanced  students).  
4.          Variation:    
               -­‐  Smaller  court  size    
               to  increase    
               participation  and    
               successful  play  
               -­‐  Half  court  game:  4    
Copyright  ©  2013.  Tchoukball  Association  of  Singapore.  All  rights  reserved.  
Prepared  by  Tchoukball  Association  of  Singapore  

Session   Objectives   Concept(s)  /   Activities   Variation     Values  /  Character   Assessment  

#   Skill(s)   (Drills/Practices/   /  Progression  of  activities   Development  
Modified  Games)   /  Other  Remarks    
5  &  6   1) To  be  able  to   Skill(s)   1. Warm-­‐up  Activity:   1.        Questioning:     Activity  1:   • Students  to  be  able  
take  3  steps   • First  layer   Tap  the  Knees     -­‐    How  did  you  manage  to  hit   Determination   to  take  3  steps  and  
and  shoot   defence   (Link  to  preparation  in   your  friend’s  knees?     shoot  successfully.  
Activity  2:  
with  more   (keeping  body   receiving  a  ball:  -­‐  move   -­‐    How  did  you  manage  to   Students  to  be  able  
Concentration,  Courage,   •
confidence   low  and  eyes  on   faster  when  body  is   avoid  getting  hit?     to  move  and  defend  
and  ease.   ball)   kept  low  and  always   2.        Variation:   a  first  layer  shot  
2) To  be  able  to   • 3  steps  lateral   on    your  toes)                -­‐  Catcher  to  receive     Activity  3:  Discipline   successfully.  
move  and   passes   2. Practice  Task  1:                and  execute  a     and  Perseverance   • Students  to  be  able  
defend  first   • 3  steps  lateral   3  Steps  Shot  +  First                successful  pass  to       to  execute  3  steps  
Activity  4:  
layer  shots   pass  and  shoot   Layer  Defence  (in                shooter.   lateral  pass  to  
Concentration  and  
successfully   pairs  or  3s)                Progression:   teammates  
and  with   3. Practice  Task  2:                  -­‐  Shoot  different     successfully.  
more   3  Steps  Lateral  Passes                angles  at  defenders.   Activity  5:  Spirit  of  the   • Students  to  be  able  
confidence.   4. Practice  Task  3:     3. Variation:   game:  Respect,   to  receive  a  lateral  
3) To  be  able  to   Lateral  Passes  and   Complete  20  successful   Teamwork  and  Fair   pass  and  execute  a  
execute  3   Shoot   passes   play   successful  shot.  
steps  lateral   5. Game  Play   4. Variation:    
passes  to     -­‐  Student  to  shoot  after  
teammates   receiving  1st  lateral  pass  
successfully.   -­‐  Student  to  shoot  on  
4) To  be  able  to   either  2nd  or  3rd  lateral  
execute  3   pass.  
lateral   Progression:  
passes  then   -­‐  When  coach  whistle,  
shoot.   player  receiving  the  
pass  to  shoot.  
5.          Variation:    
               -­‐  Smaller  court  size    
               to  increase    
               participation  and    
               successful  play  
               -­‐  Half  court  game:  4    
Copyright  ©  2013.  Tchoukball  Association  of  Singapore.  All  rights  reserved.  
Prepared  by  Tchoukball  Association  of  Singapore  

Session   Objectives   Concept(s)  /   Activities   Variation     Values  /  Character   Assessment  

#   Skill(s)   (Drills/Practices/   /  Progression  of  activities   Development  
Modified  Games)   /  Other  Remarks    
7  1) Evaluate  their   Skills  Competition   Skills  Stations  as  follows:   Task  cards  used  for  students   • Integrity  and   • Self/Team  
passing,   1. Skills  stations  to   Station  1  –  Pass  and  catch   to  self-­‐teach  within  their   Teamwork   assessment  at  the  
catching  and   assess  the  skills   Station  2  –  3  Steps  Passing     groups  and  self-­‐assess.   • Concentration  and   respective  stations.  
shooting   of  the  students.     Station  3  –  Place  the  ball     Students  record  their  own   Perseverance   • Score  sheets  
ability  as  an  2. Performances  at   Station  4  –  The  furthest   score  to  develop  their    
individual  and   the  stations  are   throw     integrity.  
as  a  team.   given  points   Station  5  –  Catch  the  ball      
2) Learn  to   and  the  team’s   Station  6  –  Hit  the  cones  
challenge   points  tallied.    
oneself  to  do     Students  can  practise  at  
his  or  her  best   the  various  stations  before  
in  the  different   the  actual  competition  so  
stations,  as   as  to  warm  up  and  be  
well  as  to   familiar  with  the  different  
encourage  one   skills  set  required.  
another  in  a  
3) Learn  about  
ones’  strengths  
weaknesses  in  
Copyright  ©  2013.  Tchoukball  Association  of  Singapore.  All  rights  reserved.  
Prepared  by  Tchoukball  Association  of  Singapore  

Session   Objectives   Concept(s)  /   Activities   Variation     Values  /  Character   Assessment  

#   Skill(s)   (Drills/Practices/   /  Progression  of  activities   Development  
Modified  Games)   /  Other  Remarks    
8  &  9   1)  Understand   Concept(s)   1. Warm-­‐up  Activity:     1. Variation:   Activity  1:   • Students  
the  team   • Team   Single  Line  Passing   -­‐  Passing  in  pairs  or   Concentration  and   understand  the  
formation  and   Formation  in   (pass  &  run)   group  of  4   Perseverance   basic  rules  of  the  
different   Tchoukball   2. Teaching  Instruction   Progression:   game.  
Activity  2  &  3:  
positions  in  a   (LW,  RW,  FP  &   1:   -­‐  Increase  distance  after   - 3  consecutive  
Tchoukball   CP)   Understanding  Team   every  20  consecutive   shots  
game.   • 2nd  Layer   Formation  (LW,  FP,   passes  until  half  court.   • Students  
Defence   RW,  CP)   2.          Coach  to  show  the     understand  the  
2)  Understand  
• 3rd  Layer   3. Teaching  Instruction                  different  positions  on     Activity  4:   different  positions  
the  basic  team  
Defence   2:                  court.   Determination,   on  court  and  the  
defence  in  
• Tchoukball  Rule   Understanding  the  3   3. Procedure:     Commitment,  Mental   movement  of  the  
of  3  consecutive   layers  of  defence  in   -­‐  Coach  will  get  players   Toughness  and   positions  during  
3)  Understand   shots   Tchoukball   of  a  team  (with  specific   Perseverance  to   the  3  layers  of  
the  basic  rule  of   Skill(s)   4. Practice  Task   position)  to  move  into   Succeed   defence  formation.  
3  consecutive   • Passing   (a) 3  steps  shot   their  respective  defence   • Students  are  able  
Activity  5:  Spirit  of  the  
shots   • Catching   (b) Lateral  passes   positions  as  the  other   to  pass,  catch  and  
game:  Respect,  
• Shooting   (c) Lateral  passes  &   team  players  pass  the   shoot  with  a  basic  
4)  Learn  the   Teamwork  and  Fair  
• Moving  into   shoot   ball.     level  of  accuracy  as  
importance  of   play  
position  to   5. Game  Play     Variation:     an  individual  and  
defend.   (Full  Court)   -­‐  Attacking  team  can  roll     as  a  team.  
cooperation  and  
  -­‐  7  aside   the  ball  if  the  players  are  
-­‐  Positions  given   unable  to  pass  the  ball  
in  a  Tchoukball  
  4.          Coach  to  carry  out    
               practice  task  based    
               on  students’  ability    
               and  performance  for      
               the  different  skills.  
5.          Variation:    
               -­‐  Smaller  court  size    
               to  increase    
               participation  and    
               successful  play  
Copyright  ©  2013.  Tchoukball  Association  of  Singapore.  All  rights  reserved.  
Prepared  by  Tchoukball  Association  of  Singapore  

Session   Objectives   Concept(s)  /   Activities   Variation     Values  /  Character   Assessment  

#   Skill(s)   (Drills/Practices/   /  Progression  of  activities   Development  
Modified  Games)   /  Other  Remarks    
10   1) Mini   Mini  Tchoukball   Round  robin  competition   • Students  will  referee,   • Spirit  of  the  game:   • Culmination  of  all  
Tournament   Tournament   umpire  and  keep  score   Respect,  Teamwork   previous  lessons;  
2) Incorporates   • Round  Robin   for  the  tournament.   and  Fair  play   Students  are  able  
an  element   games  within   • Coach  will  provide   • Integrity,  Attitude,   to  exhibit  what  
of   the  league.   fixtures  and  oversee  the   Responsibility  and   they  have  learnt  in  
competition   7  aside  game:   tournament.   Commitment   the  previous  
3) Opportunity   -­‐  5  groups  of  8   • Coach  to  capture   lessons  in  the  
for  students   students  (1   teachable  moments  on   tournament.  
to  apply   substitute  in  each   umpiring  and  players’   -­‐  Understanding  
what  they   team)   behaviour  and  attitude   tchoukball  rules  
have  been   -­‐  1  game  consists  of   on  court   through  refereeing  and  
taught.   2  periods  of  7  mins   Variation:   game  play  
with  3  mins  interval.   • Smaller  court  size  to   -­‐  Executing  the  
  increase  participation   following  skills:  
and  successful  play   Passing,  Catching,  
  Shooting,  Defending.  

Copyright  ©  2013.  Tchoukball  Association  of  Singapore.  All  rights  reserved.  

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