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Statement on the convening of the People’s Parliament

by the ethnic nationalities representatives and

the 1990 election winning members of Parliament
6 November 2010

With the objective of establishing the federal Union through national reconciliation, promotion of
democracy and human rights, we have convened the People’s Parliament at GEPODO HALL,
Karenni State, from the 2nd to the 5th November 2010, with the members of the Parliament elected
in the 1990 elections and the ethnic representatives from the Karen National Union, New Mon State
Party and the Karenni National Progressive Party.

Today the military junta is trying to prolong its life by holding the non inclusive one-sided 2010
elections, based on the 2008 Constitution, without recognising the 1990 elections results and its
winners, including the National League for Democracy, nor recognising the people’s demand for
democracy, equality and self determination.

As a result, we have agreed to oppose such elections and such Constitution. In addition the
Parliament considered essential to set up a strong political leadership that will include a wide range
of democratic and ethnic organizations, in order to cease the existence of the military dictatorship
and build a federal Union.

The Parliament has agreed to support the recent Kalay City Declaration made at the 22 anniversary
of the Zomi National Congress by the Ethnic leaders, political leaders and democracy activists and
pledged to coordinate in order to successfully implement the mentioned political agenda.

Therefore we have convened the People’s Parliament, with the winners of the 1990 elections and
the ethnic representatives on the basis of political equality, to achieve democracy, self
determination that will guarantee a genuine federal Union.

The People’s Parliament will continue to recognise the National Coalition Government of the Union
of Burma, as it will be accountable to the Parliament itself, while cooperating to achieve the
common political agenda.

The People’s Parliament is determined to end the military dictatorship, to achieve peace and a
federal government and to implement human rights and democratic rights. Thus the People’s
Parliament calls on the People of Burma and the international community to cooperate and support
this Parliament for the ethnic equality and self determination that will bring about a democratic
federal union.

For information call:

Khoon Rimond Htoo (Speaker of the People's Parliament) - 66 8068 06229

U Thein Oo (Deputy Speaker of the People's Parliament) - 66 8920 32972

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