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A. School Assignment Examinees' school assignment for the August 4, 2019 CSE-PPT for Professional and Ese seessioja! levels may be generated using ONSA or the Online Notice of School ignment, Examinees are requested to check the availability of ONSA, through the CSC website $, by July 24, 2019, Note: The CSC does not recognize and js not liable for any other postings an any other websites that are not affiliated with, or are engaged in the unauthorized use of the name of, the CSC. To use ONSA, examinees should encodeffill in the required data in the corresponding data fields accurately. following the indicated format. Examines may opt to have a print-out of their Notioe of School Assignment using ONSA. lt examinees cannot access the ONSA and/or still do not know their school assignment one week before the examination day, they should inquire directly with the CSC Regional/Field Office concemed, A complete directory of CSC RegionaliField Offices nationwide is available at the CSC website. B. Things to Bring Bring ONLY the following items on examination day: 1, LD. card — preferably the same |.0. card presented during filing of application. if the 1.0. card to be presented for admission is different from the LD. card presented during filing of application, the examinee must present any of the following accepted |.D. cards, which is preferably valid (not expired): Driver's License/Temporary Driver's License 70.07 must be prasoned togoter with old Diver's Lense, OR alone is not ailowed)/Student Driver's Permit: Passport; PRC License; SSS |.D.; GSIS |.D. (UMID); Voter's LD Voter's Certification; BIR/Taxpayer’s |.D. (arm tpe/Tn cat type wen petum), PhilHealth 1D, (must nove te beoce's name, low pire, signature an rtieosn numew, CompanylOfice |.D:; School 1.D.; Police Clearance/Police Clearance Certificate (with picture); Postal |.D. ‘Barangay 1.0.; NB! Clearance; Seaman's Book; HDMF Transaction Card; PWO 1.D.; Solo Parent 1.D.; Senior Citizen's |.D.; and CSC Eligibility Card {note implanted ony Bogning wit he May 3, 2015 CSE-PPD.. Note: 1. The NOJ.D., NO EXAMINATION Rule is strictly implemented. 2. Photocopy only of 1.0. card, or cellphone photo of 10., shall not be accepted, 3. Alfother 1.0. cards not included in the above list shal not be accepted. 4. AS a last resort, expired |.D. card may be presented for admission on ‘examination day, provided that, the expiry date of the |.D. card is within the receding months of the year reckoning the date of examination (or from January 1, 2019 to August 3, 2019) 2. BLACK BALL PENIS only: 3. Original of PSA/LCR issued Birth Certificate printed on Security Paper (only if .D. card has no date of birth); 4. Appiication Receipt andlor CSC Official Receipt (only if available); 5. Notice of Schoo! Assignment generated thru ONSA (only if available); and 6. Water, or preferred beverage (except alcoholic beverage) placed in clearltransparent container, and/or candiesibiscuits, which shall be subject to inspection by the Room Examiner/Proctor, sam Advisory 2010-0804 CSE.POT_SehestAnignment Inpertant Reminders! Pape 204

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