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Pampanga State Agricultural University Graduate Studies, Summer Class 2019

Republic of the Philippines

Magalang, Pampanga


In partial fulfillment of the requirement in

Horti 201: Advance Fruits and Plantation Crops Production
Under the Instruction of


Institute of Graduate Studies

College of Agriculture System and Technology
Pampanga State Agricultural University


Master of Science in Agriculture, Student

Major in Agronomy

Summer Class, S.Y. 2019

Horti 201: Advance Fruits and Plantation Crops Production

Pampanga State Agricultural University Graduate Studies, Summer Class 2019

Chapter 1: Importance of Fruits and Plantation Crops

I. Introduction

Theobroma cacao, also called the cacao tree and the cocoa tree, is a small (4–8 m (13–
26 ft) tall) evergreen tree in the family Malvaceae, native to the deep tropical regions
of the Americas. Its seeds, cocoa beans, are used to make chocolate liquor, cocoa
solids, cocoa butter and chocolate.

Leaves are alternate, entire, unlobed, 10–40 cm (3.9–15.7 in) long and 5–20 cm (2.0–
7.9 in) broad.
Origin: Mexico and Central America

II. Cocoa Worldwide Status

Top Cocoa Producing Countries in the World

Most of the top 10 cocoa-producing countries come from warm, wet climates similar
to where the bean originated. However, nations across four continents make the top 10,
and the largest contingent does not come from the Americas, with four of the top five
nations found in Africa.
According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, these are the top cocoa
producers in the world:

Table 1: Top Cocoa Producing Countries in the World

Rank Country Production (tonnes)

1 Cote d'Ivoire 1,448,992

2 Ghana 835,466

Horti 201: Advance Fruits and Plantation Crops Production

Pampanga State Agricultural University Graduate Studies, Summer Class 2019

3 Indonesia 777,500

4 Nigeria 367,000

5 Cameroon 275,000

6 Brazil 256,186

7 Ecuador 128,446

8 Mexico 82,000

9 Peru 71,175

10 Dominican Republic 68,021

Source: Worldatlas

Will there be a market for cacao? History…

III. The World's Top Exporters of Cocoa Beans

In the year 2016, the net worth of the cocoa beans export market was approximately
$4.74 billion. The following report provides a breakdown of the top 5 cocoa beans
exporting countries in 2016 according to export value.

Horti 201: Advance Fruits and Plantation Crops Production

Pampanga State Agricultural University Graduate Studies, Summer Class 2019

Table 2: Top Cocoa Producing Countries in the World

Rank Country Export Value (US Dollars)

1 Ghana 1.89 Billion

2 Ecuador 621 Million

3 Belgium 613 Million

4 The Netherlands 439 Million

5 Malaysia 276 Million

Source: Worldatlas

IV. Cocoa Production in the Philippines

The global demand for cocoa is estimated to reach between 4.7 million to 5 million
metric tons by 2020, but a cocoa global shortage is also predicted at 1 million MT the
same year, as reported by the Department of Agriculture. In the Philippines, the local
consumption is at 50,000 MT every year, and the local supply is only around 10,000
MT. To avoid this impending deficit, the Philippines committed to produce 100,000
MT of fermented beans for the export and domestic markets through 40% annual
increase in production by 2020.

Horti 201: Advance Fruits and Plantation Crops Production

Pampanga State Agricultural University Graduate Studies, Summer Class 2019

Key Origins of Cacao Beans Supply, Average 2018-2012

Source: PSA

Table 3: Annual Philippine Cacao Production vs Consumption

Up to the mid-80s Present

Production, tonnes 50,000 12,500

Consumption, tonnes 23,000 55,000

Net Export (Import), 27,000 (42,500)


So, Why The Drop In Production?

CARP. Break-up of large corporate cacao farms for distribution to small farmer-

The large corporate cacao farms had their own production, research, processing and
marketing infrastructures; local institutions were incapable of providing these
necessary supports to the small farmer-beneficiaries.

Horti 201: Advance Fruits and Plantation Crops Production

Pampanga State Agricultural University Graduate Studies, Summer Class 2019

Local Buyers of Cacao Beans

 Bohol’s first chocolate factory, “Chocolate House”, Dalareich Polot, 29, Bus.
 Mgmt. and Entrepreneurship, Php 4M factory in Booy district, Sep. 28, 2017. Six
(6) tonnes of chocolate products per month. Sourced from Mindanao. “We
import”, Elsa Polot. 60 kilos a month purchased.
 Cebu: Casa de Cacao of Raquel Choa, Cacao Queen.
 Theo & Philo – San Juan, MM. Sources its beans from Davao.
 Risa Chocolate – Las Pinas
 Coco Dolce –
 Auro – Cavite

 Universal Robina - Nips, Cloud Nine
 Commonwealth Foods – Hi-Ro, Choco Mallows, Chocolate Chip

V. Cocoa Production in the Philippines

Source: PSA

Horti 201: Advance Fruits and Plantation Crops Production

Pampanga State Agricultural University Graduate Studies, Summer Class 2019

Chapter 2: Classification of Fruits and Plantation Crops

I. Botanical Classification
Cacao (Theobroma cacao) belongs to the genus Theobroma classified under the
subfamily Byttnerioideae of the mallow family Malvaceae. Cacao is one of 17 species
of Theobroma.

The flowers are produced in clusters directly on the trunk and older branches; this is
known as cauliflory. The flowers are small, 1–2 cm (0.39–0.79 in) diameter, with pink

The floral formula, used to represent the structure of a flower using numbers, is ✶ K5
C5 A(5°+5²) G(5). While many of the world's flowers are pollinated by bees
(Hymenoptera) or butterflies/moths (Lepidoptera), cacao flowers are pollinated by tiny
flies, Forcipomyia midges in the subfamily Forcipomyiinae. Using the natural
pollinator Forcipomyia midges for Theobroma cacao was shown to have more fruit
production than using artificial pollinators.

The fruit, called a cacao pod, is ovoid, 15–30 cm (5.9–11.8 in) long and 8–10 cm (3.1–
3.9 in) wide, ripening yellow to orange, and weighs about 500 g (1.1 lb) when ripe.
The pod contains 20 to 60 seeds, usually called "beans", embedded in a white pulp.
The seeds are the main ingredient of chocolate, while the pulp is used in some
countries to prepare refreshing juice, smoothies, jelly, and nata. Usually discarded
until practices changed in the 21st century, the fermented pulp may be distilled into an
alcoholic beverage.

Each seed contains a significant amount of fat (40–50%) as cocoa butter. The fruit's
active constituent is the stimulant theobromine, a compound similar to caffeine.

II. Nutritional Fact

The following is the nutritional facts for raw organic cacao powder (1 ounce)
Calories – 120
Calories from fat – 23
Total fat – 2.5g (4% DV)
Saturated fat – 1.5g (7% DV)
Sodium – 20mg (1% DV)
Total Carbohydrates – 19.0g (6% DV)
Dietary fiber – 7.0g (28% DV)
Protein – 5g
Calcium – 4% DV
Iron – 16% DV
Vitamin A – 0%

Horti 201: Advance Fruits and Plantation Crops Production

Pampanga State Agricultural University Graduate Studies, Summer Class 2019

Vitamin C – 0%
DV refers to the recommended daily value.

III. Uses of Cacao

The husks of cocoa pods and the pulp, or sweating's, surrounding the beans and the
cocoa bean shells can be used. Some examples of these uses are:
 Animal feed from cocoa husk
 Production of soft drinks and alcohol
 Potash from cocoa pod husk
 Jam and marmalade
 Mulch

Once the beans have been fermented and dried, they can be processed to produce a
variety of products. These products include:
 Cocoa butter (chocolate)
 Cocoa powder
 Cocoa liquor

Horti 201: Advance Fruits and Plantation Crops Production

Pampanga State Agricultural University Graduate Studies, Summer Class 2019

Chapter 3: Environment for Fruits and Plantation Crops

I. Soil and Climate for Cacao

Soil Requirement
Best soil is made-up of aggregated clay or loamy sand with 50% sand, 30-40% clay,
and 10-20% silt.
Deep soil, about 150 cm, highly favors the growth of cacao.
pH = 5.0 to 6.5

Climatic Requirement
Ideal rainfall for cacao cultivation ranges from 1250 to 3000 mm per annum,
preferably 1500-2000 mm with dry season of not more than 3 months.
Temperature ideal for cacao lies between a mean maximum of 30-32°C and mean
minimum of 18°C.
Altitude of the area should lie between 300-1200 meters above sea level. Suitable
temperature is generally found in an altitude up to 700 m.
Cacao thrives best in areas under Type IV climate which has an evenly distributed
rainfall throughout the year.

Suitability Map

Horti 201: Advance Fruits and Plantation Crops Production

Pampanga State Agricultural University Graduate Studies, Summer Class 2019

Chapter 4: Site Development and Land Preparation

I. Establishment of Shade Crops

The leaves of the cocoa seedlings are tender and will be burnt by direct sunlight.
Therefore, in order to protect them and ensure their survival and health, the seedlings
must be shaded from direct sunlight during the first few years. Direct sunlight shuts off
the ability of cocoa leaves to produce carbohydrates through photosynthesis.
Carbohydrate is the source of energy for growth. If no energy is produced, the tree
cannot grow or produce cocoa pods.

Only older cocoa trees can survive the direct rays of the sun. The upper leaves, which
receive direct sunlight, shade the lower leaves that provide energy for the tree and the
cocoa fruit to grow. However, if there is too much shade, cocoa leaves cannot perform
photosynthesis and there is no energy for growth.

Newly planted cocoa trees need 75% shade (25% direct sunlight overall) during their
first year. This can be reduced to a 50% level of overall shade in their second year.
After that, the pod bearing cocoa trees need to be shaded only about 25% density of
direct sunlight for the rest of the cocoa tree’s life span.

Permanent shade crops that have a thin canopy, tall trunk and do not defoliate
seasonally are ideal to intercrop with cocoa trees for long periods. Some suitable crop
bearing varieties are coconut, cashew, longan, durian, mango and mangosteen. Both
cacao and shade trees can be planted as in picture below.

Horti 201: Advance Fruits and Plantation Crops Production

Pampanga State Agricultural University Graduate Studies, Summer Class 2019

Table 4: List of some common and suitable plants to intercrops with cacao.

NAME Filipino or common name


Leuceana Ipil-ipil

Madre de cacao (suitable pepper


Jackfruit Langka

Lansones Lansones

Marang Marang

Durian Durian

Cashew Kasoy

Mango Mangga

Longan Longgan

Pomelo Pomelo

Coconut Niyog

2. TEMPORARY SHADE PLANTS (fast growing)

Sesbania Sesbania

Crotalaria Crotalaria

Flemingia Flemingia

Cassava Kamoteng kahoy or Balanghoy

Maize Mais

Ginger Luya

Abaca Abaca

Papaya Papaya


Pepper –black Paminta

Horti 201: Advance Fruits and Plantation Crops Production

Pampanga State Agricultural University Graduate Studies, Summer Class 2019

Dragon fruit Dragon fruit

Vanilla Vanilla


Lemon grass Tanglad

Peanut Mani

Sweet potato Kamote

II. Propagation and Nursery Establishment

In any crop, good production and income generation start with ensuring the best
quality available for the variety of the crop being produced. Aside from choosing the
variety, propagation techniques and nursery management will be described in this

A. Propagation by seeds

 Collect seeds only from ripe and healthy pods.

 Select seeds that are uniform in size. Discard seeds that are swollen and of
different shape
 Select bigger seeds since the possibility high that they would produce vigorous
and fast growing seedlings are high.
 Remove mucilage that covers the seeds by rubbing the seeds with sawdust or
 Wash the seeds to effectively remove the mucilage.
 Cacao seeds are sensitive to fungal attacks and could lead to non-germination. It
is best to soak cleaned seeds in fungicide solution for about 10 minutes. Follow
strictly instructions indicated in labels.
 Spread the seeds on wet sacks and cover with wet newspaper for 24 hrs.
 Keep it moist but well ventilated to avoid formation of fungi.
 Start collecting seeds that show sign of germination (a pig tail-like root appears
on one side). Usually, germination starts after two days.
 Sow the pre-germinated seeds not more than 1 cm deep in prepared polybags. Be
sure seeds are sown with the pigtail-root pointed downwards.
 Use select 8″ x 10″ polybags. The soil must reach 2 to 3 cm from the top of the
plastic bag.
 Potting medium
 mix completely composted organic materials to improve the soil characteristics
such as water holding capacity, nutrient content and soil texture.

Horti 201: Advance Fruits and Plantation Crops Production

Pampanga State Agricultural University Graduate Studies, Summer Class 2019

B. Nursery Establishment and Management

Nursery establishment for cacao seedling are similar to most tree crop nurseries.
Young seedlings will require ample shading, constant supply of clean water and
drainage. There are also other requirements written in the books but the ones stated
here are general characteristics of nursery good for cacao seedlings.

 Choose site which are near roads so that new roads will not be necessary
 Choose flat grounds. Work area must not entail more effort from uneven ground
work place.
 Availability of quality water sources like good water table for shallow wells,
presence of irrigation canals or other natural water source like river or creeks.
Also, free from saline waters.
 Free from water-logging and presence of nearby drainage facilities
 For cacao seedlings, shading material is a must. 0 to 2 month old seedlings require
70 to 80% shade. However, gradual removal of shading is recommended to
prepare seedlings for field planting. Shading materials may use materials in the
vicinity of the nursery itself. This is to avoid additional expenditures.
 The period of keeping the seedlings in the nursery affects the arrangement of the
bags. Polybag arrangement must be systematically carried out to facilitate
maintenance and grafting. Normally, a twin row with alternate path of 45 cm in
width is recommended. In order to enhance the seedling growth and to avoid the
seedling etiolation, the seedlings are usually spaced further apart from each other
when the seedlings are 2 to 3 months old.
 The distance is 25 to 30 cm apart starting from the middle point of the polybag.
The distance gradually increases when the seedlings are kept in the nursery for a
longer period.

Weeding: Weeds do not normally cause problems in the nursery and those that appear
can be removed without much expenditure on labor. On the other hand, weeds
growing along spaces in between the blocks may be controlled by cutting down with
scythes. The use of herbicide is not recommended. Therefore weeding could be done
manually or by mulching with available materials such as rice hull.

Fertilizer application is carried out after the first leaf hardens and should be based on
the result of soil analysis. If analysis is not available, incorporate 15-35 grams of
diammonium phosphate (18-48-0) per bag depending on the size of polybag. The use
of granular fertilizer is also done when the leaves are dry to avoid leaf scorching.

Culling/Selection: To ensure uniform growth and development of the seedlings to be

planted in the field, cull out the poor-growing seedlings in the nursery. This practice
may be carried out by removing the bags containing seeds which did not germinate
and small, crinkled seedlings.

Horti 201: Advance Fruits and Plantation Crops Production

Pampanga State Agricultural University Graduate Studies, Summer Class 2019

Transplanting: To reduce the seedling shock during transplanting, it is necessary to

rotate the polybag to a few degrees one week before field planting. It is done for the
seedlings whose leaves have hardened and especially for those which roots have
penetrated the ground. Watering has to be done for a few days later. Field planting
must be started at the onset of the rainy season. Unless irrigation is available, field
planting during the dry season is not advisable

III. Staking and Spacing

Planting points are to be marked with stakes using suitable size and length of cable
wire or guide from straight line planting.

Most common distance :

High density 1.5 to 2.0 x 6.0 m = 2,300 trees/ha. Double hedge row
Low density = 3 x 2m = 1666 plants/ha or 2.5 x 2.5 m = 1600 plants/ha

Depending on the shade from existing trees and tree crops, and soil fertility, the
planting density of cocoa varies from 400-1100 plants/ha. In the case of intercropping

Horti 201: Advance Fruits and Plantation Crops Production

Pampanga State Agricultural University Graduate Studies, Summer Class 2019

in coconut and cashew, the density of cocoa averages about 600 plants/ha. Basal
fertilizers are very important to enhance the growth of young cocoa trees in the
establishment stage.

Appropriate Planting of Cacao

 Right time to plant is during early morning or late afternoon.

 It is not advisable to plant seedling with young and soft flush leaves as they are
susceptible to sunburn, planting shocks or stress.
 Best season to plant in the field is during the onset of rainy season.
 Size of the hole should be big enough to accommodate the ball of the soil mass.
 Normally, a hole of 30 cm wide x 30 cm long and 30 cm deep.
 In holing, the surface of soil should be separated from the sub-soil.

Horti 201: Advance Fruits and Plantation Crops Production

Pampanga State Agricultural University Graduate Studies, Summer Class 2019

Chapter 5: Preparation of Planting Materials

I. Selection of Varieties
There are many varieties of cacao but the National Seed Industry Council has
registered and approved only 9 varieties/clones of cacao. NSIC approved clones are
the following:

1. BR25 (CC-99-05)
 Reddish (red with green) pod color when still young that turns yellow as it
 Leaves are elliptical in shape with wavy leaf margins.
 Leaf length and width ratio is 11.0 cm is to 4.04 cm.
 First flowering starts at 16.12 months and fruiting follows at 17.70 months.
 There are many varieties of cacao but the National Seed Industry Council has
registered and approved only 9 varieties/clones of cacao. NSIC approved clones
are the following:
 Some of the nine varieties are as follows:
 1. BR25 (CC-99-05)
 Reddish (red with green) pod color when still young that turns yellow as it
 Leaves are elliptical in shape with wavy leaf margins.
 Leaf length and width ratio is 11.0 cm is to 4.04 cm.
 First flowering starts at 16.12 months and fruiting follows at 17.70 months.

2. ICS 40
 Leaf shape is elliptical with wavy leaf margin.
 Leaf length and width ratio is 29.95 cm is to 10.01 cm.
 Starts to flower at the age of 17.63 months and fruiting follows at 19.63 months.

Horti 201: Advance Fruits and Plantation Crops Production

Pampanga State Agricultural University Graduate Studies, Summer Class 2019

 Pod shape is Cundeamor describe as a variety with elongated cylindrical fruit with
ridges, a rugose surface, pronounced bottleneck and sharp point.
 Pod length and width ratio is 16.02 cm is to 9.45 cm. Pod color is green when
young and turns yellow when mature with wall thickness of 1.35 cm.
 Pod index is 16.2 pods/kg with 44 beans per pod. Canopy diameter is 195 cm.
Bean is striped.
 Moderately resistant to insect pests and diseases

3. UIT 1 (CC-99-02)
 It has an elliptical leaf shape with wavy leaf margin.
 Leaf length and width ration 22.36 cm is to 8.13 cm.
 It flowers at the age of 16.80 months in the stage of first fruiting.
 Pod shape is Cundeamor. Pod length is 20.07 cm and width of 8.65 cm.
 Pod is yellow when old from the original color of green color of green when still
young with wall thickness of 1.02 cm.
 Pod index is 21.69 pods/kg having 46 beans/pod. Bean is violet in color.
 Canopy diameter is 278 cm. Moderately resistant to insect pests and diseases.

Horti 201: Advance Fruits and Plantation Crops Production

Pampanga State Agricultural University Graduate Studies, Summer Class 2019

4. K 1
 It has an elliptical leaf shape with smooth leaf margins.
 Leaf length is 31.31 cm with a mean width of 13.44 cm.
 It flowers at 23.20 months and bears fruit at 25.10 months.
 Pod shape is Amelonado with a superficial ridges and a smooth surface.
 Rugosity also appear in some cases. Pod index is 19.20 pods/kg of dried beans
 Pod length is about 17.97 cm and has width of about 8.67 cm.
 Pod is red in color while still young and becomes yellow/orange when mature.
 It has a pod wall thickness of around 1.80 cm. Bean color is violet and a hundred
beans weigh about 182 grams. It is moderately resistant to known insect pests and

5. K 2
 Leaf shape is elliptical with smooth leaf margins.
 Leaf length is 32.73 cm with a mean width of 12.52 cm.
 It flowers at 21.10 months and bears fruit after three months or at 24.12 months.
 Pod shape is Amelonado and is red in color while still young and becomes
yellow/orange when mature.
 It has a pod wall thickness of around 1.40 cm with 34 beans per pod.
 Pod index is 25 pods/kg of dried beans.
 It is moderately resistant to known insect pests and diseases..

Horti 201: Advance Fruits and Plantation Crops Production

Pampanga State Agricultural University Graduate Studies, Summer Class 2019

II. Vegetative Propagation

Vegetative propagation gives more advantage in terms of reproduction of true-to-type
trees, more uniform growth, early to bear flowers, and the clone perpetuates most if
not all important characters of the original seedling mother tree like pod value, bean
size, fruit wall thickness and others. Major consideration in vegetative propagation is
the use of the selected varieties mentioned above.

Types of Vegetative Propagation

 Patch Budding – This is the propagation of true-to-type trees using buds from any
of the nine NSIC approved clones.
 Nodal Grafting – Propagation on the sides of the seedling using nodes.
 Conventional cleft grafting – This propagation technique is similar to the
procedure used in grafting mangoes. Rootstocks are cut horizontally leaving only
two leaves behind. Scion of selected variety is attached to rootstocks with an
inverted V shape and fastened to each other using thin plastic sheet covering all
wounds to prevent drying.

Horti 201: Advance Fruits and Plantation Crops Production

Pampanga State Agricultural University Graduate Studies, Summer Class 2019

Horti 201: Advance Fruits and Plantation Crops Production

Pampanga State Agricultural University Graduate Studies, Summer Class 2019

Chapter 6: Plant and Soil Nutrient management

I. Fertilization
In the absence of soil analysis (PCARRD, 1989) recommended rates of fertilizer
application for various ages of trees as shown below.

Table 5. Fertilizer Application/Plant

Months after
field planting


1 6.4 6.4 6.4

4 8.5 8.5 8.5

8 8.5 8.5 8.5

12 12.8 12.8 12.8

18 17.0 17.0 17.0

24 27.0 27.3 38.5

TOTAL 80.5 80.5 91.7

Horti 201: Advance Fruits and Plantation Crops Production

Pampanga State Agricultural University Graduate Studies, Summer Class 2019

Chapter 7: Regulation of Flowering and Fruiting

I. Pruning
 Pruning is done to increase cacao production
 Reduce pest and diseases infestation
 Control the shape and height of the tree
 Control the shape and height of the tree, to ensure easy access for harvesting.

II. Rehabilitation of Old Cacao Trees by Side Grafting

Rehabilitation can be carried out by removal or replacement of the existing
unproductive trees: through side grafting or through bark grafting. Side grafting
involves the utilization of scions from plants known for high yield and quality beans to
be side grafted to existing unproductive trees in the plantation.

Horti 201: Advance Fruits and Plantation Crops Production

Pampanga State Agricultural University Graduate Studies, Summer Class 2019

Chapter 8: Application of Crop Protection Principles

I. Insect Pest Management


Bagging Insecticide spraying

Horti 201: Advance Fruits and Plantation Crops Production

Pampanga State Agricultural University Graduate Studies, Summer Class 2019

◆ These suck sap from flowers, tender shoots and pods. These excrete
“honeydew” resulting in the development of sooty mold fungi on the leaves
and pods.
◆ Management: Foliar spray with Thiacloprid (@ 2ml per liter) twice at 5 days

◆ Shrivelling and mummifying of cherelles or very young pods.
◆ Management: Spray with Dimethoate or Profenophos or Buprofezin @ 2ml per


◆ Shrivelling and mummifying of cherelles or very Damage: Premature shedding
of flowers and curling of leaves. Transmittal of virus from other plants.
◆ Control: Dimethoate @ 2ml per liter.

Horti 201: Advance Fruits and Plantation Crops Production

Pampanga State Agricultural University Graduate Studies, Summer Class 2019

◆ Ladybugs: Natural Predators of Aphids

II. Disease Management

Vascular Streak Dieback (VSD)

◆ Caused by air-borne fungal pathogen. 3-5 months incubation period before
symptoms are visible. Wet weather conditions promote infection. Prune for
aeration and sunlight penetration to reduce moist conditions. Uproot & burn
diseased plants.

Horti 201: Advance Fruits and Plantation Crops Production

Pampanga State Agricultural University Graduate Studies, Summer Class 2019

Cacao Pod Rot

◆ Phytophthora palmivora > Parasitic fungi.
◆ Management: Remove infected pods. Spray with fungicide. Bury.

Stem Canker

◆ Phytophthora palmivora > Fungi. Water-soaked lesion in the outer bark oozing
reddish brown liquid. Apply Fungicide

Horti 201: Advance Fruits and Plantation Crops Production

Pampanga State Agricultural University Graduate Studies, Summer Class 2019

Chapter 9: Harvest, Post Harvest and Processing

I. Pod harvesting
Don’t harvest green pods and avoid over ripe pods because bean size and quality will
be reduced. Use secateurs to harvest cleanly and safely, to protect flowering cushions
Pod maturity: 5-6 months

Proper Harvesting

II. Pod storage

We should collect pods and store for 7 – 9 days for quicker fermentation and better
flavor of cocoa beans.

III. Pod opening and bean removal

 The best way is to use a non-sharpened steel blade to crack the pod then twist the
pod open. You can also use a wooden hammer or crack two pods together.
 Discard the placenta, pulp and soft or empty beans, germinated beans and damaged
beans from the bean mass.
 Correct pod disposal is important to avoid pest and disease buildup. The safest
ways are composting or burying after drying. Avoid leaving pod husks on the
ground, as insects and diseases can spread from these pods.

Pod Opening and Bean Removal

IV. Bean fermentation
During cocoa bean fermentation, it is important to:

Horti 201: Advance Fruits and Plantation Crops Production

Pampanga State Agricultural University Graduate Studies, Summer Class 2019

 Turn the bean mass after 2 days (48 hours) and 4 days (96 hours)
 Drain the juices (sweatings) from the bean mass
 Only use properly constructed wooden boxes with slats, or baskets
 Cover the beans with banana leaves and jute bags or cloth rags
 Fermentation will be completed in about 5- 6 days
 All mixing of beans should be made by wooden tools or hands

V. Bean Drying
Once the beans have been fermented they must be dried immediately under the sun on
drying trays or baskets turned regularly. It is important to:
 Cover with plastic shelters during rain or remove the beans to a dry spot.
 During drying separate bean clusters, remove pod placenta, and flat, damaged or
germinated beans.

NOTE: Avoid using wood fired kilns that produce smoke- this is not an approved
drying method and will result in smoke contaminated cocoa!
7.5% Moisture

Horti 201: Advance Fruits and Plantation Crops Production

Pampanga State Agricultural University Graduate Studies, Summer Class 2019

VI. Bagging and Storage

Keep bags of beans on a wooden palette in a dry and ventilated place. Don’t put hot
beans into plastic bags to avoid mould and moisture increased.

Horti 201: Advance Fruits and Plantation Crops Production

Pampanga State Agricultural University Graduate Studies, Summer Class 2019

• Puentespina Farms, Malagos, Davao del sur

Horti 201: Advance Fruits and Plantation Crops Production

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