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Intermediate Ten (I10)

International Language Standard Reference

(CEFR - Level B2)
Unit Course Goals Course Objectives Student Learning Outcomes

Global: Person can understand the main point of clear

standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in To discuss beauty trends using the present perfect and the past simple.
work, school, leisure, etc. He / She can deal with most
situations likely to arise while traveling. He / She can describe The student can discuss beauty trends in the present and past in a
Students will be able to discuss (beauty) trends. (e.g. I've never heard of it. / I've had the site for about a month now. /
experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and concrete manner.
briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans. In August, I went back home for my sister's wedding. / You've already
had almost a thousand hits.)
Global: Person can understand the main ideas of complex
texts on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical
discussions in their field of specialization. He / She can interact To talk about career changes using the present perfect simple and
with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular
interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for
either party. He / She can produce clear, detailed text on a wide Students will be able to talk about career changes. The student can talk about career changes in a concrete manner.
range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue (e.g. She's been writing the book for over a year. / She's written a book
giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options. about how to set up a new company.)

Spoken interaction: Person can exploit a wide range of simple

To talk about learning languages using the -ing form.
language to deal with most situations likely to arise while
traveling. He / She can enter unprepared into conversation on Students will be able to talk about learning The student can talk about learning languages in a concrete
topics that are familiar, of personal interest, or pertinent to
every day life. 4 languages. (e.g. Writing is really difficult. / I hate making mistakes. / My speaking is manner.
really good.)

Spoken interaction: Person can interact with a degree of

fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with To complain using fixed expressions.
native speakers quite possible. He / She can take an active part The student can complain using fixed expressions in a casual
in discussion in familiar contexts and can account for and Students will be able to complain.
(e.g. They're really getting on my nerves. / The thing that annoys me conversational exchange.
sustain views clearly by providing relevant explanations and
the most is… / They're driving me crazy. / I can't stand…)

Spoken interaction: Person can keep going comprehensibly

in order to describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes The student can listen and make inferences from a mid-length
and ambitions. He / She can briefly give reasons and To make inferences (p. 9)
radio program about foreign language speakers.
explanations for opinions and plans. He / She can narrate a
story or relate the plot of a book or film and describe reactions.
The student can read for specific information in a mid-length article
Spoken production: Person can present clear, detailed To read for specific information (p. 6)
about new careers.
descriptions on a wide range of subjects related to his / her field
of interest, expanding and supporting ideas with subsidiary
points and relevant examples. He / She can explain a viewpoint The student can write a mid-length informal email about someone
on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of To write an informal email using fixed expressions.
he/she used to know using fixed expressions.
various options.

To discuss the future of food using future forms.

Listening: Person can guess the meaning of occasional The student can discuss the future of food using a variety of
unknown words from the context and understand sentence Students will be able to discuss the future of food. (e.g. Chocolate will soon be as expensive as caviar. / I'm going to
meaning if the topic discussed is familiar. He / She can speak with almond farmers there. / That's going to continue in the
generally follow the main points of extended discussion around future.)
them provided speech is clear and in standard language. He /
She can follow clear speech in every day conversation. He /
She can understand straightforward factual information about To describe the fast-food business using time clauses.
common every day or job-related topics, identifying both general
messages and specific details. He / She can understand simple Students will be able to describe the fast-food The student can describe the fast-food business in a concrete
(e.g. As soon as you enter, you notice the bright lighting. / Most
technical information. business. manner.
children want to eat fast food before they've even set foot in a
Listening: Person can understand standard speech of spoken restaurant.)
English at a normal rate and follow even complex lines of
argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar. He / She To make predictions about life in the future using the future continuous
can understand the essentials of lectures and most TV news and future perfect.
and current affaits programs and can understand the majority
of films in standard dialect.
Students will be able to make predictions. The student can make predictions about life in the future.
(e.g. I'll have written the report by Thursday. / I won't have confirmed
the meeting.)

5 To check understanding using fixed expressions.

Reading: Person can understand straightforward texts on The student can check understanding using fixed expressions in a
Students will be able to check understanding. (e.g. Does that make sense? / Could you say that again? / Do you
subjects related to their fields of interest. He / She can find and casual manner.
understand general information needed in every day material, mean "overnight" when you say…? / One things I don't understand
such as letters, brochures, and short official documents. He / is…)
She can search one long or several short texts to locate specific
information. He / She can recognize the general line of
To describe a dish (food) using fixed expressions.
argument in a text but not necessarily in detail. He / She can
understand the description of events, feelings, and wishes in The student can describe a dish using fixed expressions in a
Students will be able to describe a dish.
personal letters well enough to correspond with a friend or (e.g. Typical dishes use lots of… / I recommend… / It comes with… in concrete manner.
acquaintance. He / She can understand clearly-written it. / It takes a long time to prepare!)
straightforward instructions for a piece of equipment.
The student can listen for specific information in an interview with
Reading: Person can understand articles and reports To listen for specific information (p. 18)
concerned with contemporary problems in which the writers an expert in the fishing industry.
adopt particular stances or viewpoints. He / She can
understand contemporary literary prose and can adapt style and The student can summarize a mid-length article about the fast-food
To read and summarize a text (p. 16)
speed of reading to different texts and purposes, using business.
appropriate reference-sources selectively.

To write a wiki entry following an outline. The student can write a mid-length wiki entry about food.

To talk about movies and remakes using the passive voice.

Students will be able to talk about movies and The student can talk about movies and remakes in a concrete
remakes. (e.g. "Yojimbo" was remade by Sergio Leone. / It is set in the Old West. manner.
/ It is widely believed that…)
Writing: Person can write very brief reports, which pass on
routine factual information and state reasons for actions. He / To describe services using the have something done structure.
She can write personal letters describing experiences, feelings,
and events in detail. He / She can describe basic details of Students will be able to describe services. The student can describe services in a concrete manner.
unpredictable occurrences. He / She can describe dreams, (e.g. We had our photo taken. / I had my credit card stolen.)
hopes, and ambitions and can take messages describing
enquiries, problems, etc. He / She can describe the plot of a
book or film and describe his / her reactions to it.
6 Students will be able to make generalizations.
To make generalizations using fixed expressions.
The student can make generalizations about entertainment using
Writing: Person can write clear, detailed text on a wide range (e.g. In most cases, people… / It's often the case that…. / More often fixed expressions.
of subjects related to his / her interests. He / She can write an than not, …/ What often happens is…)
essay or report, passing on information or giving reasons in
support of or against a particular point of view. He / She can The student can paraphrase some concepts in a radio show about
write letters highlighting the personal significance of events and To paraphrase (p. 26)
unusual hobbies.
The student can guess meaning from context in a mid-length article
To guess meaning from context (p. 29)
about computer games.

The student can write a mid-length review about a show/game in a

To write a review about a show/game following an outline.
concrete manner.

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