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Spread the Word: First Nations Languages in British Columbia.

The land we now call British Columbia is home to more First Nations languages than any other part
of Canada. About 32 First Nations languages are spoken here. But many of these languages are at
risk. For example, there are now fewer than 10 people who can speak the language of the Skwomesh
Nation. Most of the speakers are over the age of 65.

There is a young man named Khelsilem Rivers. Khelsilem is 24 years old. He has learned the
Skwomesh language. He spends much of his time working to keep the Skwomesh language alive.
Khelsilem lives in a house with other young people who want to speak their traditional language
every day.

Why is language so important? Language is how we practice our culture. We share our stories, our
songs, our history, and our teachings through language. Language is part of our identity. People in
our families who were alive before us are called our ancestors. Language connects us to our
ancestors. Knowing our language helps us be healthy in mind, body, and spirit.

Skwomesh is one of the aboriginal languages in British Columbia that is at risk. This means that the
Skwomesh language could be lost forever. It could be lost forever because no one will ever speak
Skwomesh again. Native people are now being helped by university departments to help preserve
their languages. In the past, many Canadians did not respect aboriginal languages and this was
wrong. Hopefully, in the future, native people like Khelsilem Rivers will keep the Skwomesh, and
many other native languages alive. This will help Canada’s aboriginal peoples preserve their culture.

1. How many First Nations Languages are there in British Columbia?

A. ? 25

B. ? Nobody knows

C. ? 32

D. ? 10

2. What do you think "at risk" means?

A. ? healthy

B. ? "in danger" / something that could be lost forever

C. ? not interesting

D. ? safe

3. Who is Khelsilem Rivers?

A. ? He is a father.

B. ? He is a leader in the Skwomesh First Nation.

C. ? He is a young man trying very hard to save the Skwomesh native language.

D. ? He is a teacher.
4. Who does Khelsilem Rivers live with?

A. ? He lives alone.

B. ? He lives with his children.

C. ? He lives with other people who really want to learn and speak the Skwomesh

D. ? He lives with his parents.

5. Why does the reading tell us that language is important?

A. ? Learning languges makes people smarter.

B. ? Language can help us make friends.

C. ? Language is important because of our history, our culture, and our ancestors.

D. ? It can help us get a good job.

6. What could happen to the Skwomesh language?

A. ? Professors could teach Skwomesh in universities.

B. ? The sound system of the languge could change.

C. ? It will become more popular.

D. ? It could be lost forever.

7. What did many Canadians do to aboriginal peoples and their languages in the past?

A. ? Canadians helped aboriginal people record their languages in the English alphabet.

B. ? They helped to preserve the aboriginal languages.

C. ? Canadians did not show respect for native peoples and their languages.

D. ? Canadians were respectful of native languages.

8. What will be the best thing for the Skwomesh language?

A. ? It will die out.

B. ? It will be preserved and many younger people will learn the Skwomesh language.

C. ? A few people will learn Skwomesh.

D. ? It will be taught in universities.

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