Organization Structure

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In order to ensure coordination between project groups and to minimize problems in the project implementation, it is necessary to apply successful organizational
methods and system integrity. The consultant will ensure the organization of work between the staff involved. The consultant will determine communication
and responsibilities related to tasks in a systematic manner and will prevent problems that may result in delays in the project. The group leader, on the other
hand, will be in close contact with the exchange of information and communication to avoid misunderstandings.
The services to be carried out within the scope of the project's purpose and objectives and the related activities of the various disciplines will be complemented
by the establishment of design team structures in such a way as to ensure that these groups observe responsibly and taking into account requirements of the
Terms of Reference, project phases and project area specifications.

Project Leader

Civil Engineer Architect Restorer

(3) (3) Architect


Electrical Engineer

Languages and degree of
Years of Experience in partner
Name of expert Proposed position Age Educational background Specialist areas of knowledge fluency from A1 (beginner)
experience country
to C2 (proficient)*

Geology and Hidrogeology, Real estate valuation

Master of second level on Enviromental
Geological Engineer- in the field of agricultural land, forest land,
Science and Technology
Valter Begaj Hydrogeologic Engineer, 21 47 pasture, meadow and fruitless land, Energy No B2
Bachelor degree on Geological-
Private Expert Firefighter audit, Fire protection and safety, Private Expert
Hydrogeologic Engineering
Luljeta Kuçi Hydrotechnic Engineer 28 52 Degree on Hydraulic Engineering Hydrrotechnic Engineering No B2
Burhan Demneri Electrical Engineer 36 69 Degree on Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering No B2
Shqiponja Civici Geodetic Engineer 38 64 Degree on Geodetic Engineering Geodetic Engineering No B2
Gjergji Kotori Mechanical Engineer 41 66 Degree on Mechanial Engineering Mechanial Engineering No B2
Master of Science on Civil Engineering,
Ermal Spahiu Structural Engineer 12 35 Structural Engineering No B2
profile Structural Engineering
Ilirjan Kokalari Civil Engineer 41 67 Degree on Civil Engineering Civil Engineering, Bridge Engineering Yes B2
Diana Mitrushi Architect 40 63 Degree on Architecture Architecture No B2
Civil Engineering, Real Estate Valuation
Ervin Gjermëni Real Estate Valuation Expert 12 37 Real Estate Evaluation Expert No B2
Bachelor degree on Electrical
Engineering, profile Energitics; Master of
Ervis Lami Private Expert Firefighter 4 25 Electrical Engineering, Private Expert Firefighter No B2
Science on Electrical Engineering, profile
Energitics; Private Expert Firefighter
Expert on Enviromental Master of Science on Architecture and Architecture and Urban Design, Enviromental
Klevis Bregu 2 28 No B2
Imapct Assessment Urban Design Imapct Assessment
Bachelor degree on General Chemistry,
Master of Science on Chemistry, PhD on
Assessment of water quality through the
Loreta Vallja Chemist 14 37 Chemistry, natural resources assesment No B2
use of the GC-MS method and other

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