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Criterion “A”: Knowing and Understanding (_/8)

Student’s name:

1. Define Invasion Sports & Games; (1-2)

2. State In which country did the sport of soccer/football originate; (1-2)

3. Recall who, where and when has invented Basketball; (1-2)

4. Define and explain the basic Team Handball defensive formation; (3-4)

5. Describe the situation in which the referee would award the attacking team with a
penalty kick, free throw, and a 7 meter throw; (3-4)

6. Name the position of a player in Basketball and Team Handball team that plays in
offense mostly with his/her back towards the opponent’s goal. (3-4)

7. List all aspects of personal fitness that get affected by regular participation in Invasion
Games/Sports like Soccer, Team Handball and Basketball? (5-6)

8. Identify and explain at least 2 concepts that are common for all Invasion Games and
Sports; (5-6)

9. Name and explain rules in all three, Soccer, Team Handball and Basketball, that are
created to keep attacking players away from the object of defense, limit the time for the
attackers while being really close to it, or to prevent attackers to get too close to it at
first place! (7-8)

10. Explain the purpose or teaching Invasion Games and Sports at first place! (7-8)

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