Physical Assessment

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(Performed August 15, 2018)

General Survey: Conscious, coherent, not in respiratory distress

SKIN -normal color, warm and dry

- Cellulitis (bed sore) on lower back
- no jaundice
HEENT HEAD: Normpocephalic, no lesions with equally distributed tied

EYES: Pupil equally round and reactive to light accommodation.

- Anicteric sclera
- Pale conjuctiva
- No discharges, swelling or redness

EARS: Normal, has no hearing problems

- No discharges, swelling or redness

NOSE: patent nares

- nasal structure alignment is straight


- No dental caries
- pink lips
- no palpable nodules
HEART - Distinct heart sounds, normal rate, regular rhythm.
CHEST AND - equal chest expansion
LUNGS - no lagging
- no chest retractions
- no difficulty of breathing noted
ABDOMEN - soft and flabby
- non tender
EXTREMITIES - tattoo on left inner forearm
A. Health Perception and Patient was able to do his Complies with the
Mgt. daily activities such as medications given and
working as a fisherman and prescribed by the physician.
others. Self-medication when
sick and rarely seek
B. Nutritional and Metabolic The patient had a good His appetite has changed and
appetite. He likes to eat pork, began eating less since he was
vegetables and fish as their placed in a nursing home.
staple food. He was a habitual
C. Elimination Patient has soft, formed stool. Patient uses a diaper. He
He has a light yellow to amber urinates and defecates daily
color urine. Both excretion without any pain or
occur daily with no difficulty discomfort. Has a brownish
color stool.
D. Activity-Exercise Patient does household chores Patient is no longer
and works as a fisherman to ambulatory. He is often
provide for his children’s observed laid in bed or seated
needs. He was also able to on a wheelchair. He needs
bathe himself without help or complete assistance from a
supervision. caregiver to bathe himself.
E. Sleep-Rest Patient has no difficulty Patient exhibits regular sleep
sleeping .He has enough rest pattern observed amongst
interval with 4-6 hours of elderly.
sleep daily.
F. Cognitive-Perception Patient is oriented to time, Patient exhibits relatively
place and person. He responds good memory recall. However
well to verbal and physical he was observed with slurred
stimuli. He is functional and speech.
G. Self-perception/Self- Patient was popular among Patient has an aversion
concept women he was also friendly towards talking about his wife
and has a high self-esteem. and children.It was evident
that the inability of his family
to visit him in the nursing
home affects him emotionally.
H. Role-relationship Patient was in a common law Patient has been separated
relationship with multiple from his family for so many
women and he had 4 children. years even before he was
he was the main provider of taken in by the nursing home
their family where he was able after he was found by the
to make ends meet thru his job DSWD in Nasugbu, Batangas.
as a fisherman.
I. Sexuality-Reproductive Patient was in a multiple Patient had no recent sexual
relationships with different activities.
J. Coping/Stress Tolerance Growing up patient had a Patient tries to repress his
strong family support. He had thoughts and feelings about
good relations with his his family specifically towards
siblings. his wife and children. It was
observed that he refuses to
speak about matters of his
family prior to being found
homeless in Nasugbu,
K. Value-Belief Patient is Catholic. A mass is held every day at
the nursing home, attended by
the staff and residents.
However, due to patient’s
inability to ambulate he is
unable to attend the said

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