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Case 1 :
Gan et al, in ( 2 0 0 6 )
A b a n k i n g a n d n o n - e l e c t r o n i c b a n k i n g . T h e d e c i s i o n t o u s e electronic
banking was hypothesized as function of service quality dimensions, perceived risk factors,
user input factors, price factors, service product characteristics, individual factors and
demographic variables such as age, gender, marital status, income, etc. The findings in the
paper showed that the output from the logistic regression indicated that the service quality,
perceived risk factors, user input factors, employment, and education are the dominant
variables that influence consumers' choice of electronic banking and non-electronic banking

Case 2:

Bauer, in (2007)

Study revealed that the e-banking portals has a significant impact on the consumers quality
perception in the internet providing banks which serves a promising start for the best
establishment of an effective quality management. The empirical model study validated a
measurement model for web – quality model based on security, trust, basic service quality,
value, trust, responsiveness, buying services to achieve the best customer satisfaction.

Case 3:

Malhotra, in (2008)

Study on: Segments bank customers by resistance to mobile banking.

Highlighted about the role of self efficiency in bank customers risk perceptions towards the
internet banking. Further, it demonstrated that psychological barriers are even higher
determinants of the resistance than the usage and value, which are construct related to ease of
use and to the usefulness determining the acceptance.

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