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Good evening

Good evening to u

I wonder if I could to hand in my homework tomorrow

Yes u can at any time tomorrow

That’s very kind of u, I owe u one

I must get down to work, Everyone in my class is making progress with their studies , but I’m falling
behind, I must try to catch up with the other students in my class, and remaining with the same level

I wonder if we can postpone or put off our meeting until tomorrow

Yes we can do it

I want to tell u something

I’m not sure if I get any mistakes in this homework; so can u cheek or go through my homework to
see if there are any mistakes

I’m very grateful for ur assistance

Thanks for helping me out

I’d like to know how much I have to pay

Thank a lot for driving me home

See u later see u soon, farewell sleep well good dreams

How is ur father

I’m afraid he is seriously ill

Have a good time

Sorry ! Am I interrupting u ?

How can I serve u

Have I hurt u ?


Greetings, good byes

Greetings and wishes

Can I give u my homework tomorrow

Can I hani in my homework tomorrow

Can u cheek my homework to see if there are any mistakes

Can u go through my homework to see if there any mistakes

Can we postpone our meeting until tomorrow

Can we put off our meeting until tomorrow

I must begin my work

I must get down to work

I didn’t pass the exam

I didn’t get through the exam

I passed the history exam with only 54 percent

I scraped through the history exam with only fifty four percent

Everyone in my class is making progress with their studies , but I’m getting worse and worse

Everyone in my class is making progress with their studies but I’m falling behind

I’m coming down with a cold

I smoke twenty cigarettes a day

I go through twenty cigarettes a day

It took me a week to get over with my last cold

It took me a week to recover from my last cold

She’s remaining with the same level as the other students in class

She’s keeping up with the other students in class

I must try to reach the same level with the other students in my class

I must try to catch up with the other students In my class

I think I caught my clod from jim

I think I picked up my cold from jim

I must reduce the amount I smoke

I must cut down the amount I smoke

My weight has increased recently

I’ve put on weight recently

Describing things

better worse

near far

full empty

smooth rough

ripe raw

narrow wide

thick thin

heavy light

expensive cheap

quick slow

dry wet

describing people

generous miserly

agile heavy

greedy temperate

wise silly

dexterous inept

clever clumsy

industrious lazy

polite rude


a little / a lot/lots (of)

a little / much

few many

more than less than

enough too

he has much money

he has a lot of money

he has more than enough

he has too much money

she has more less friends than her sister

some prepositions and adverbs

about: we talked about the weather

above: the plane rose above the clouds

across: she swam across the river .

after: come after nine

among ; he’s well known among them

around : he walked around the station ; meet me around eight

at: wait for me at the entrance

below : boats passed below the bridge

before : don’t come before nine

between : he sat between me and ali

behind ; look behind u

down : look down

downstairs: the restaurant is downstairs

during : he talked during the show

for :I bought this for u

from I bought this from the store

in : your pocket-book is in your pocket

inside : no one is inside

in front of: a man fell in front of the bus

near : the station is near the hotel

next to : he sat next to me

out: he’s out

of : it’s made of iron .this pocket-book of ali

on : put your bag on the table .

outside: he went outside

since : I haven’t seen him since yesterday

towards: he walked towards the hotel

through : he looked through the window

to: walk with me to the station

up : the lift went up

under : he put his head under the pillow

upstairs: he went upstairs

until : wait until six o’clock



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