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Pronoun atau kata ganti adalah kata yang menggantikan kata benda atau frasa benda. Ada beragam
bentuk pronoun dan fungsinya dalam bahasa Inggris. Hal ini dapat dijadikan strategi untuk menganalisa soal pada
bagian Structure and Written Expression ketika menghadapi tes TOEFL. Anda harus mengidentifikasi kesesuaian
fungsi pronoun tersebut dalam kalimat, apakah sebagai subject, object, atau ungkapan kepemilikan saja.

Selain itu, Anda juga perlu mengidentifikasi rujukan atau kata yang digantikannya dan menganalisa kesesuaian
kategori pronountersebut, apakah singular atau plural, person atau non person, dan male atau female.

Jenis Pronoun
Ada beberapa jenis pronoun, yaitu:

1. Personal pronoun sebagai subjek:

Yaitu I, you, he, she, it, we, dan they.

• I go to school early.
• She had breakfast an hour ago.

2. Personal pronoun sebagai objek:

Yaitu me, you, him, her, it, us, dan them.

• Ali visited me.
• He went to Jakarta with them.

3. Possessive adjective

Yaitu my, your, his, her, its, our, dan their.

Possessive adjective bisa berfungsi sebagai objek juga sebagai subjek, tetapi tidak berdiri sendiri.

• My mother went to Mecca. (subjek)
• I visited our grandmother. (objek)

4. Possessive pronoun

Yaitu mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, dan theirs.

Possessive pronoun merupakan kata ganti kepunyaan yang berdiri sendiri (tidak diikuti kata benda).

• This big house is theirs.
• Tina is a friend of mine.

5. Reflexive/emphatic pronoun

Yaitu myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, dan themselves.

Reflexive pronoun digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang tanpa disadari (gerakan refleks).

• When I was cutting bread, I cut myself.
• She looks at herself in the looking glass.
Emphatic pronoun self form digunakan untuk menegaskan (to emphasize) arti kata.

• I myself got to the office. (saya sendiri)
• He himself made the boat. (dialah sendiri)
• He made the boat itself. (hanya perahu yang dia buat)

Relative Proronoun
Position Person Thing

Subject who that

Possessive whose of which the
Object whom/that that/which
Preposition whom [preposition] which [preposition]

1) The man is my uncle. He is wearing a cap.
The man who is wearing a cap is my uncle.
2) The woman is my mother. She went to Mecca.
The woman who went to Mecca is my mother.
1) The girl is my friend. I saw her last night.
The girl whom I saw last night is my friend.
2) The boy is naughty. The teacher punished him.
The boy whom the teacher punished is naughty.
1) The girl has left the room. I want to talk to her mother.
The girl whose mother I want to talk to has left the room.
1) The man is generous. I borrowed the car from him.
The man from whom I borrowed the car is generous.

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