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A student investigated how the number of turns of wire on an electromagnet affects how
many paper clips the electromagnet can pick up.

Figure 1 shows the apparatus used.

Figure 1

This is the method used.

1.   Wrap wire around an iron nail.

2.   Count the number of turns of wire.
3.   Connect the wire to a battery to make the electromagnet.
4.   Switch on the electromagnet and place it near the paper clips.
5.   Count the number of paper clips picked up.
6.   Repeat steps 1−5 for different numbers of turns of wire.

The table below shows the results.

Number of turns of wire on Number of paper clips

electromagnet picked up

10 1

25 2

40 4

55 5

60 6

(a)  Plot the data from the table above on Figure 2.

Draw a line of best fit.

Figure 2

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(b)  Describe the relationship between the number of paper clips picked up and the
number of turns on the electromagnet.



(c)  Suggest what would happen if the student used 5 turns of wire in the investigation.

Give a reason for your answer.





(d)  Describe one way the student’s investigation could have been improved.

Give a reason for the improvement.

Improvement ________________________________________________________


Reason ____________________________________________________________


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(e)  Which two factors would affect the strength of the magnetic field around the

Tick two boxes.

The colour of the insulation around the wire

The direction of the current through the wire

The distance from the electromagnet

The size of the paper clips

The size of the current through the wire

(Total 10 marks)

A magnetic toy uses ring-shaped magnets.

Look at Figure 1.

The magnets can move up and down the rod. Ring magnet B appears to float.

Figure 1

(a) The magnetic poles are labelled on ring magnet A.

Label the magnetic poles on ring magnet B.


(b) What would happen if ring magnet B was turned upside down?



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(c) Figure 2 shows four plotting compasses arranged around a wire.

The needle of a compass is a magnet.

Figure 2

In Figure 2 the switch is open and there is no current in the wire.

Explain why the compass needles all point in the same direction.





(d) Figure 3 shows the switch closed.

Figure 3

There is now a current in the wire.

The compass needles change direction.

On Figure 3 draw arrowheads on the three incomplete compass needles to show

their direction.

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(e) What would happen to the direction of the compass needles if the current was



(f) Figure 4 shows a coil of wire in a circuit.

Figure 4

On Figure 4 draw the magnetic field due to the current in the coil.
(Total 9 marks)

Figure 1 shows the magnetic field around a copper wire carrying a current.

Figure 1

(a) What do the arrows on the magnetic field line represent?



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(b) Complete the sentence.

Choose the answer from the box.

decreases increases stays the same

As the distance from the copper wire increases, the

magnetic field strength ____________________ .


(c) Suggest how the field lines on Figure 1 show the variation in field strength.





A student coiled the copper wire a different number of times to form a solenoid.

Each time the student measured the strength of the magnetic field inside the solenoid.

Figure 2 shows the results.

Figure 2

(d) Draw a line of best fit on Figure 2.


(e) Determine the increase in strength of magnetic field when the number of turns on
the coil is changed from 12 to 18




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Increase in strength of magnetic field = ____________________ arbitrary units

(f) How could the strength of the magnetic field be increased?

Tick two boxes.

Increase the current through the solenoid.

Increase the potential difference across

the solenoid.

Increase the temperature of the solenoid.

Spread the turns of wire on the solenoid

further apart.
Use wire with a higher resistance to make
the solenoid.

(g) Figure 3 shows the north and south poles of a solenoid.

Figure 3

Draw field lines to show the magnetic field around the solenoid.

(h) How can the solenoid be made into an electromagnet?


(Total 12 marks)

(a) Electromagnets are often used at recycling centres to separate some types of
metals from other materials.

Give one reason why an electromagnet would be used rather than a permanent

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(b) In this question you will gain marks for using good English, organising
information clearly and using scientific words correctly.

Some students want to build an electromagnet.

The students have the equipment shown below.

Describe how the students could build an electromagnet. Include in your answer
how the students should vary and test the strength of their electromagnet.
(Total 7 marks)

Figure 1 shows a magnet moving into a coil of wire. This movement causes a reading on
the voltmeter.

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(a) Use the correct word from the box to complete the sentence.

generated induced produced

Moving the magnet into the coil of wire causes a reading on the voltmeter because a

potential difference is __________________________ across the ends of the wire.


(b) A student investigated how the number of turns on the coil of wire affects the
maximum voltmeter reading. The student changed the number of turns on the coil of
wire, then moved the magnet into the coil. The student recorded the maximum
voltmeter reading.

To obtain valid data, suggest two variables that the student should control in this

1. _________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________


(c) The student’s results are shown in Figure 2.

(i) One of the results is anomalous.

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Suggest a reason for the anomalous result.


(ii) Draw a line of best fit on Figure 2.


(d) A data-logger can automatically record and store data.

It may have been better for the student to have used a data-logger in his
investigation rather than a voltmeter.

Suggest one reason why.


(Total 6 marks)

(a) Complete the description of the device shown below by drawing a ring around the
correct line in each box.

an electric motor.

(i) The device is being used as a generator.

a transformer.

(ii) The coil needs a flick to get started. Then one side of the coil is pushed by the


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coil and the other side is pulled, so that the coil spins.


(b) Suggest two changes to the device, each one of which would make the coil spin

1. _________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________


(c) Suggest two changes to the device, each one of which would make the coil spin in
the opposite direction.

1. _________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________

(Total 6 marks)

When a conductor carrying a current is placed in a magnetic field a force is exerted on the

This is called the motor effect.

(a)  Describe how the direction of the force can be determined using Fleming’s Left
Hand Rule.









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The photograph below shows apparatus to demonstrate the motor effect.

The piece of wire is fixed so that it cannot move.

This is the method used.

1.   Place the pair of magnets in their holder on the balance.

2.   Set the reading on the balance to zero.
3.   Pass a current through the wire.
4.   Record the new reading on the balance.

(b)  When there is a current in the wire, the reading on the balance increases.

Explain in terms of forces why the reading increases.







(c)  In one experiment, the teacher determined that the force on the wire was 2.14 mN

The current in the wire was 0.32 A

The length of wire within the magnetic field was 0.048 m

Calculate the magnetic flux density between the two magnets.

Use the Physics Equations Sheet.

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Give your answer to 2 significant figures.








Magnetic flux density = ________________ T

(Total 11 marks)

A student placed a permanent magnet on a top-pan balance.

He clamped a straight piece of wire so that it was suspended in the magnetic field.

Figure 1 shows the apparatus.

Figure 1

(a) When a current passed through the wire from A to B, the reading on the balance

Explain why.



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(b) The student increased the current in the wire.

Sketch a graph on Figure 2 to show the relationship between the current and
magnetic force on the wire.

Label the axes, with the independent variable on the x-axis.

Figure 2


(c) The length of the wire in the magnetic field in Figure 1 is 4.8 × 10–2 m

The current in the wire is 0.80 A

The reading on the balance is 1.2 × 10–3 kg

Gravitational field strength = 9.8 N/kg

Calculate the magnetic flux density of the permanent magnet.






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Magnetic flux density = ____________________ tesla

(Total 11 marks)

A teacher used the equipment shown in the figure below to demonstrate the motor effect.

(a) Describe how Fleming’s left-hand rule can be used to determine the direction in
which the rod will move when the switch is closed, and state the direction.










(b) Increasing the current can increase the force acting on the copper rod.

Give one other way in which the size of the force acting on the copper rod could be

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(c) The copper rod in the figure above has a length of 7 cm and a mass of 4 ×10–4 kg.

When there is a current of 1.12 A the resultant force on the copper rod is 0 N.

Calculate the magnetic flux density.

Gravitational field strength = 9.8 N / kg







Magnetic flux density = __________________ T

(Total 10 marks)

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Mark schemes

(a)  correct plotting of all points
allow 1 mark for three or four correctly plotted
allow ± ½ a square

line of best fit


(b)  as (number of) turns increases, number of paperclips increases

allow positive correlation

(c)  no paperclips would be picked up


(electro)magnet would not have been strong enough

magnetic field would not have been strong enough

(d)  take repeat readings (1)

to allow a mean to be calculated (1)

allow to identify / exclude anomalies
allow to reduce the effect of random errors
allow to assess the repeatability of the data


extend range of data (1)

to see if pattern continues (1)

allow to identify / exclude anomalies


use smaller intervals for number of turns (1)

to be able to see the pattern in the data more clearly (1)

allow to identify / exclude anomalies


use smaller paperclips (1)

to be able to detect smaller changes in strength of magnetic field

or so fewer turns required to pick up one paperclip (1)


increase strength of electromagnet (1)

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allow increase current

so fewer turns required to pick up one paperclip (1)

Max 2 marks

(e)  the distance from the electromagnet


the size of the current through the wire


(a) S – top, N – bottom

(b) touch / attracted to magnet A


(c) the magnetic needles point to the north pole


because The Earth has a magnetic field

accept the needles align to the Earth’s magnetic field for 2


(e) point in the opposite direction

change direction is insufficient

(f) uniform field lines through the wire coil.


field lines curving round the top and bottom of the wire coil.

arrows indicating direction from N to S

do not accept conflicting arrows

(a) the direction of the magnetic field

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(b) decreases

(c) the distance between the field lines

allow the closer the lines the stronger the field for 2 marks

is smaller where the field is stronger

allow where the lines are close the field is strong for 1 mark

(d) straight line drawn within 1 mm of all points on the graph


(e) 1.3 – 0.9


0.4 arbitrary units


(f) increase the current through the solenoid

if more than 2 boxes are ticked deduct 1 mark for each extra
box ticked

increase the potential difference across the solenoid


(g) at least one field line on each side of the solenoid


an arrow to indicate the field going from North to South pole

(h) add an iron core

allow a description of this, eg wrap the wire around an iron
adding a core is insufficient

(a) an electromagnet can be switched off

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accept a permanent magnet cannot be switched off

an electromagnet is stronger
accept control the strength

(b) Marks awarded for this answer will be determined by the Quality of Written
Communication (QWC) as well as the standard of the scientific response.
Examiners should apply a ‘best-fit’ approach to the marking.

Level 3 (5 – 6 marks):
there is a description of how the electromagnet is made
there is a description of how the strength of the electromagnet can be varied
there is a description of how the strength of the electromagnet can be tested

Level 2 (3 – 4 marks):
there is a description of how the electromagnet is made
and either
there is a description of how the strength of the electromagnet can be varied
there is a description of how the electromagnet can be tested

Level 1 (1 – 2 marks):
there is a basic description of how to make an electromagnet
there is a basic description of how the strength of the electromagnet can be varied
there is a basic description of how the electromagnet can be tested

Level 0 (0 marks):
No relevant / correct content

examples of the points made in the response

Details of how to make an electromagnet

• wrap the wire around the nail
• connect the wire to the power supply (with connecting leads and croc clips)
• switch on the power supply
accept a current should be sent along the wire

Details of how to vary the strength of the electromagnet

• change the number of turns (on the coil)
• change the current (through the coil)
• change the separation of the turns
allow change the potential difference (across the coil)
accept wrap the coil more tightly

Details of how to test the electromagnet

• suspend paperclips from the electromagnet
• the more paperclips suspended, the stronger the electromagnet is
• clamp the electromagnet at different distances from the paperclip(s)
• the further the distance from which paperclips can be attracted the stronger
the electromagnet is
• test before and after making alterations to change the strength

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• compare the results from before and after making alterations
• use de-magnetised paper clips
accept count the number of paperclips
with different current or p.d. or no. of turns
or core and see if the number changes/increases

(a) induced

(b) any two from:

• use the same (strength) magnet
same size magnet is insufficient
• the speed that the magnet is moved
accept movement of the magnet
• the area of the turns
same type / length of wire is insufficient
• the magnetic pole being moved towards the coil (of wire).
use the same voltmeter is insufficient

(c) (i) voltmeter misread

number of turns miscounted
result misread is insufficient
human error is insufficient
allow the magnet was moved at a (slightly) different speed
(into the coil) than for the other readings
allow spacing between the turns had changed

(ii) line of best fit passing through all points except (100, 0.034)
line does not need to go back to origin

(d) any one from:

• can re-check data / readings.
accept can go back to data
• can take more readings (in a given time)
can store data is insufficient
• easier to identify maximum value.
automatically records data is insufficient
accept is more accurate
accept eliminates human error

(a) (i) an electric motor

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(ii) force

(b) any two from:

• more powerful magnet

do not allow ‘bigger magnet’

• reduce the gap (between magnet and coil)

• increase the area of the coil

• more powerful cell

do not allow ‘bigger cell ߣ
accept battery for cell
accept add a cell
accept increase current / potential difference

• more turns (on the coil)

allow ‘more coils on the coil ߣ
do not allow ‘bigger coil ߣ

(c) reverse the (polarity) of the cell

allow ‘turn the cell the other way round’
accept battery for cell

reverse the (polarity) of the magnet

allow ‘turn the magnet the other way up’

(a)  place thumb and first two fingers (of left hand) at right angles to each other

first / index finger indicates (direction of) magnetic field

allow forefinger for first/index finger
do not accept electric field

second / middle finger indicates (direction of) current


thumb (then) shows (direction of) force

allow motion / thrust
a clearly labelled diagram can score up to 4

(b)  there is a downwards force on the magnets


(because when there is a current in the wire) there is a magnetic field around

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the wire

which interacts with the magnetic field of the (permanent) magnets


(c)  0.00214 = B × 0.32 × 0.048

this mark may be awarded if F is incorrectly / not

this mark may be awarded if F is incorrectly / not


0.1393 (T)
an answer that rounds to 0.14 (T) scores 3

0.14 (T)
allow answer consistent with their incorrectly /
not converted F to 2 significant figures
allow an answer from an incorrect calculation to
2 significant figures
an answer of 0.14 (T) scores 4 marks
an answer of 140 scores 3 marks

(a) the current creates a magnetic field in the wire

which interacts with the magnetic field from the permanent magnet

Flemming’s left hand rule says the force on the wire is upwards

so the force on the permanent magnets is downwards


(b) x-axis labelled current and

y-axis labelled (magnetic) force
ignore units on labels

straight line through the origin


(c) W = mg = 1.2 × 10-3 × 9.8


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W = 0.01176

0.01176 = B × 0.80 × 4.8 × 10-2


B = 0.31
an answer of 0.031 scores 3 marks
an answer of 0.31 scores 5 marks

(a) thumb, index finger and third finger are held mutually at right angles

index finger shows the direction of the magnetic field from North to South, third
shows the direction of the current from positive to negative terminal

the thumb then shows the direction of the force acting on the copper rod

so the copper rod will move upwards


(b) any one from:

use a stronger magnet

increase the magnetic flux density

increase the length of the copper rod in the magnetic field

coil the copper rod


(c) W = 9.8 × 4×10–4 = 3.92 × 10–3


conversion of the length 7cm to 0.07m


3.92 × 10–3 = B × 1.12 × 0.07


B = 3.92 × 10–3 / 0.0784


B = 0.05 (T)
allow 0.05 (T) without working shown for the 5 calculation

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