Commercial Dispatch Eedition 8-1-19

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Thursday | August 1, 2019
$11 million


Athletic spending, declining enrollment tank EMCC fund balance
By Mary Pollitz EMCC President Scott Alsobrooks and two of the school’s board members confirmed those fig-
ures are accurate.
Leadership at East Mississippi Communi- It’s still unclear whether the fund balance will
ty College is scrambling to reverse nearly decrease further for Fiscal Year 2019, which end-
a decade’s worth of deficit spending that ed June 30, because Alsobrooks said EMCC is still
has tanked the school’s general oper- receiving invoices that will be billed to that fiscal
ating fund balance. year. However, he hopes cost-cutting measures
Documents provided to The the school put in place after his arrival as presi-
Dispatch on Wednesday show dent in January will assure at least a break-even
EMCC’s general operating year.
fund balance has fallen Those cost-cutting measures included leaving
more than $10 million non-vital positions vacant after employee attrition
since Fiscal Year 2010 though retirement or resignation, he said.
— from roughly $11 “We’re hopeful that we don’t (end up in the
million to only red),” Alsobrooks said. “We may not end up in
$710,844 by the the red. I will know that in the coming weeks. ...
end of June But, it’s looking very positive. ... We may be in the
2018. red, but just slightly, and hopefully not as much as
we have in years past. They’ve run some mighty
large deficits.”
Still, the board-approved Fiscal Year
2020 budget, a copy of which a
board member provided The
Dispatch on Wednesday,
shows the school plans
to pull almost $1.9 mil-
lion from various
reserve funds to
balance costs
and revenue.
See EMCC, 6A

The above graphic shows East Mississip-
pi Community College’s fund balance over
a 10-year period from 2009 to 2018.

EMCC Enrollment $2,000,000

EMCC Operating Profit/Loss


5,000 $0



4,000 -$3,000,000
2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Lowndes County
District 5 Supervisor
Citizen comment on EMCC
Leroy Brooks, right,
argues with citizen sparks heated exchange
Boomer Brown during
Wednesday’s board of
supervisors meeting
Brooks: ‘I’m insulted Private citizen Boomer Brown
addressed the board of supervi-
at the Lowndes County
Courthouse. Brown
by the fact that you sors during its regular meeting
Wednesday after he said he at-
appeared before the
board and asked them
would walk in here’ tended two EMCC board meet-
to fire the Lowndes ings. He claimed the Lowndes
County-appointed members, who
board members of the were present at the supervisors
East Mississippi Com- District 4 Supervisor Leroy meeting, acted “childish” and
munity College board. Lowndes County deserved bet-
Brooks said he was Brooks had choice words for a citi-
“insulted” Brown would zen demanding the board remove ter. After Brown read his speech,
request that and called the Lowndes County appointees Brooks quickly introduced him-
him “out of order.” on the East Mississippi Commu- self to Brown and proceeded to
Mary Pollitz/Dispatch Staff nity College board of trustees. See Supes, 3A

Weather Five Questions Calendar Coming Sunday Public

1 What toy did an engineer invent in 1943 while Today meetings
experimenting with springs? Aug. 5: Lowndes
■ Sounds of Summer fina-
2 What U.S. state touches an ocean and two County Supervi-
Great Lakes? le: Keith and Margie Brown
sors, 9 a.m., Coun-
3 What Disney World attraction added Captain entertain from 7-9 p.m. at
Barbossa, Davy Jones and Captain Jack Spar- Columbus’ last Sounds of ty Courthouse
row to its lineup in 2006? Summer of 2019. Bring Aug. 6: Columbus
John Aiden Hill 4 What U.S senator set the record for longest City Council regular
filibuster — against the 1957 Civil Rights Act — lawn chairs or blankets to
Second grade, Heritage the Riverwalk for this free meeting, 5 p.m.,
three decades after fathering a daughter with a

91 Low 70
16-year-old African American girl? concert (no coolers or pets). Municipal Complex
High 5 What teaching method includes a large oval Concessions available. 662- Courtroom
Partly sunny, chance t-storms
table where up to 12 students and a teacher 328-6305, 662-328-4491. Aug. 15: Lowndes
discuss various subjects?
Full forecast on Answers, 6B County Supervi-
page 2A.
Today through Sunday sors, 9 a.m., Coun-
■ Artesia Days: Festivities ty Courthouse
Inside in downtown Artesia include Aug. 15: Colum-
a health fair, live music, bus Light and
Business 4B Dear Abby 4B
stickball, dance teams, Don’t miss The Dispatch’s Voter’s Water utility meet-
Classifieds 6B Obituaries 5A
Comics 4B Opinions 4A speakers, baseball, more. Guide, with candidate profiles and ing, 12 p.m., CLW
140th Year, No. 122 Crossword 6B 662-272-5104. precinct info, in Sunday’s paper. office building


2A THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 2019 The Dispatch •

Say What?
Did you hear? “The landscape and the opportunities for safe
Unopened 1987 Nintendo video linkage between drug supply chains has changed.”
HHS Secretary Alex Azar on the U.S. setting up a

game could sell for $10,000 plan to import medicine from Canada. Story, 5A.

“To find a sealed copy ‘in the wild,’

so to speak ... is both an unusual and A Thousand Words
rather historic occurrence”
Valarie McLeckie, video game consignment
director at Heritage Auctions
The Associated Press usual and rather historic
occurrence,” she said. “We
RENO, Nev. — An feel that the provenance
unopened copy of a 1987 will add a significant pre-
cult-classic video game mium for serious collec-
that a Nevada man found tors.”
in the attic of his child- Wata Games, a video
hood home is expected to game grading service,
sell for up to $10,000 at an gave Amos’ copy a rating
online auction. of 8.0 on a 10-point scale.
The boxed game car- Amos said no one in the
tridge of Nintendo’s “Kid family has a recollection of
Icarus” was still in the bag purchasing the game, but
with the receipt for $38.45 the Dec. 8, 1988, purchase
from J.C. Penney’s catalog date hints it may have
department three decades been intended as a Christ-
earlier. mas present.
Scott Amos of Reno told “I can remember the
the Reno Gazette Jour- game. My neighbor down
nal he initially thought it the street had it. I remem-
might be worth a couple ber it being hard, and I
hundred dollars. was never that good of a
But Valarie McLeckie, gamer guy,” he said. “All
video game consignment the family has been trying
director at Heritage Auc- to come up with a hypoth-
tions, says it’s one of the esis ... (My mom) thinks
hardest Nintendo titles to she put it there and never
find in sealed condition. got it back out, and then it
She says there are fewer ended up in the attic.”
than 10 in the hands of vin- The game, based loose-
tage game collectors. ly on Greek mythology,
“To find a sealed copy follows a cupid-like protag-
‘in the wild,’ so to speak, onist named Pit attempt-
not to mention one in ing to rescue Palutena,
such a nice condition and the goddess of light, who
one with such transparent is imprisoned by the evil
provenance, is both an un- Medusa.


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Physical address: 516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39701

Mailing address: P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703-0511
Starkville Office: 101 S. Lafayette St. #16, Starkville, MS 39759 Democrats’ divisions test
Biden’s front-runner strength
By phone................................. 662-328-2424 or 877-328-2430
Former vice president was repeatedly forced to defend have prevented her and
fellow presidential candi-

RATES his decades-old political record against pointed attacks date Cory Booker, both
of whom are black, from
Daily home delivery + unlimited online access*..........$13.50/mo. from his younger, diverse rivals becoming senators.
Sunday only delivery + unlimited online access*...........$8.50/mo. “Had those segrega-
Daily home delivery only*.................................................$12/mo. By STEVE PEOPLES of early front-runner Joe The attacks on Biden tionists had their way, I
Online access only*.......................................................$8.95/mo. and SARA BURNETT Biden’s candidacy. in the second presidential would not be a member
The Associated Press The former vice pres- debate were most vivid
1 month daily home delivery................................................... $12 of the United States Sen-
1 month Sunday only home delivery........................................ $7 ident was repeatedly coming from California ate, Cory Booker would
DETROIT — The ideo-
Mail Subscription Rates....................................................$20/mo. forced to defend his de- Sen. Kamala Harris, who not be a member of the
logical divisions gripping
* EZ Pay rate requires automatic processing of credit or debit card. cades-old political record declared that his willing- United States Senate, and
the Democratic Party in-
against pointed attacks ness to work with seg- Barack Obama would not
tensified on Wednesday
from his younger, diverse regationists in the U.S. have been in a position to
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320) as presidential candidates
Published daily except Saturday. Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi. rivals, who charged that Senate during the 1970s nominate” Biden to be-
waged an acrimonious
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Biden’s eight-year rela- could have had dramat- come vice president, she
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to: battle over health care,
The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 tionship with President ic consequences on the said.
immigration and race
Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc., Barack Obama was not surge of minority candi- When pressed, Biden
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703 that tested the strength
reason enough to earn the dates in political office. repeatedly leaned on his
Democratic nomination. And, she said, it could relationship with Obama.
“We’re talking about
things that occurred a
long, long time ago,”
Biden said. “Everybody’s
talking about how terri-
ble I am on these issues.
Barack Obama knew who
I was.”
The dynamic show-
cased the challenges
ahead for Biden and his
party as Democrats seek
to rebuild the young and
multiracial coalition that
helped Obama win two
presidential elections.
Those differences were
debated on a broad menu
of issues including health
care, immigration and
women’s reproductive
But it was the discus-
sion of race that marked
an escalating rift shaping
the Democratic primary.
At the same time, polls
SOLUNAR TABLE show that Biden has far
The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game. more support from mi-
Thurs. Fri.
Major 1:16a 2:14a nority voters than his
challengers, especially in
Minor 8:30p 9:17p
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
the crucial early voting
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
state of South Carolina.


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Ward 4 qualifying deadline closes Officer released from

with six candidates for council hospital after Southaven
DISPATCH STAFF REPORT He was halfway through his first and ordained minister; Lavonne
Walmart shooting
term, which expires July 2021. Latham Harris, 58, who owns a hair The Associated Press
The qualifying deadline for The candidates running for salon and is president of the Lown-
Ward 4 city council election passed Ward 4 are: Pierre D. Beard, Sr., des County chapter of NAACP; SOUTHAVEN — Authorities say a police offi-
Wednesday, leaving six candidates 31, who owns Golden Triangle Elite Dorothy McClung Lewis, 68, a re- cer who confronted an active shooter at a north-
in the race. and is studying education at East tired public school teacher; and An- ern Mississippi Walmart store and suffered minor
Former Ward 4 Councilman Mississippi Community College; drita Brown, 35, who owns project injuries after he was struck in his bulletproof vest
Fred Jackson resigned from his po- Kegdra Gibbs-Gray, 43, who owns management and event company has been released from a hospital.
sition on July 3, saying he wanted K-Gray Financial Service; Pat Fish- Leighton Legacy. Southaven Deputy Chief Mark Little said in an
to spend more time with his family. er Douglas, 66, a retired educator The election will be held Aug. 20. email that the officer was resting at home Wednes-
day. Police have not identified the officer, who au-
thorities say was protected by his vest when he
was shot Tuesday at the Walmart in Southaven, a
suburb of Memphis, Tennessee.

Authorities say a gunman described as a dis-
gruntled employee also fatally shot two co-work-
Continued from Page 1A ers before he was shot and arrested. Police say the
suspect, Martez T. Abram, underwent surgery at
tell Brown how he was pointees Lance Walters football pro- board meeting, which he a Memphis hospital. Abram will be turned over
“out of order.” and Greg Stewart, Brooks gram. All of said was due to Chairman to authorities once he has sufficiently recovered.
“Your request is out of continued speaking to a sudden, Moore’s behavior toward The store remained closed Wednesday.
order,” Brooks said. “I’m Brown in an impassioned new bud- the other employee. He
insulted by the fact that tone and simply said argu- get comes added the contention with
you would walk in here. I ments and disagreements out where the budget, which was
don’t deal with these gen- are a part of the business they cut related to Moore and the
tlemen that much, but to world. the football employee’s dispute, heav-
come in here and tarnish “People disagree, hell p r o g r a m Sanders ily involves the football
their character, I think me and Harry tore up and everybody goes cra- program, but that is only
you’re completely out of 13 boardrooms on plen- zy. ... They’ve been ac- one part of an issue at
order. ... If (EMCC Pres- ty of occasions,” Brooks cused of something and hand.
ident Scott) Alsobrooks said. “People kill people they should defend them- However, Walters did
wanted to say something, in Mexico every day and selves.” not further specify on the
he should have come. I’m they still locate business Walters approached record the issues between
pissed off. I think you’re there. I’m insulted you the podium and briefly Moore and the employee.
completely out of order. would come in here. You addressed Brown’s con- “(Football) was cut
We should have stopped should have handled cerns.
pretty similarly to the rest
you from the beginning.” things differently.” “I think it’s important
of the budget,” Walters
In Brown’s speech, When Brown asked for everybody to express
said. “It’s real important
he said Lowndes County how he should have han- their concerns,” Walters
that we don’t single out
board members left an dled his concerns, Brooks said. “I joined last April.
football, but we do have
EMCC meeting during said Brown should have In that time, I’ve never
a “staged walk-out” over approached each board missed a monthly meet- the highest (junior col-
a dispute between the member individually rath- ing. The meeting that was lege) football budget in
former EMCC Board er than in a public setting. held the other day was not the state, probably in the
Chairman Jimmie Moore Brooks added that every- on our normal schedule. country. I cannot stand
and an EMCC employee. thing Brown said was … I was not able to attend. to see the community
During a “make up” meet- hearsay. Brown quickly From what I understand, continue to lose money.
ing, Brown said those chirped back simply say- business did get done. I think it’s important we
board members did not ing it was “fact.” “It is true that the cur- address what’s going on.”
show up at all. “Fact is, we should rent situation we have Moore could not be
“There’s a lot of hidden cut the discussion off,” with the football team as reached by press time.
agendas and just flat out Brooks said. “… I think well as some of the other EMCC’s next board
ugliness going on at the you are out of order.” items on the budget are meeting will be at the
EMCC board right now,” Although Brooks at a point of contention,” Scooba campus Monday
said Brown, who is the tried to stop further con- he continued. “EMCC at 7 p.m.
son of the late Sen. Terry versation, Supervisors has been losing money.
Brown. “Our members President Harry Sanders One of the things that was
are right in the thick of it.” defended Walters and clearly apparent when
EMCC’s board of trust- Stewart. I joined last year is that
ees is comprised of two “We have two (EMCC) some information that the
members from each of the board members and they board members needed
counties EMCC serves: give us feedback,” Sand- was not available so some
Lowndes, Lauderdale, ers said. “All of a sudden, decisions were not being
Oktibbeha, Clay, Noxu- I get financial documents. made appropriately.”
bee and Kemper. Those Never had that before. Walters told The Dis-
board members are ap- I think our two board patch after the meeting
pointed by the board of members are doing a very he was one of six mem-
supervisors. Defending good job. The biggest bers of the board who
the Lowndes County ap- problem we have is the walked out of a recent

Miss. declares Hepatitis A outbreak, urges vaccination

The Associated Press Hepatitis A spreads through food or
drink contaminated with feces of an in-
JACKSON — Mississippi health of- fected person, personal and sexual con-
ficials said the state, like others nation- tact with an infected person, and sharing
wide, is seeing an outbreak of contagious
objects with someone who is infected.
liver disease Hepatitis A and urging peo-
Symptoms include nausea, diarrhea, and
ple to get vaccinated.
Twenty-three cases of the disease vomiting; yellowing of the skin and eyes;
have been confirmed in Mississippi and stomach pain, low appetite and fever.
since April, State Epidemiologist Dr. The state Health Department has
Paul Byers said in a statement Wednes- investigated all cases to identify others
day. Over the nine previous years, Mis- who have been in contact and vaccinate
sissippi averaged about five cases a year. them, Byers said.

Marriages and Divorces

■ Blake Phillips and Hayley ■ Emily Rogers and Garrett
Lowndes County Engel; July 18 Eley; July 3
Marriages ■ Daulton Brandenburg and ■ Catharina Suter and Fred
■ Robert Tweedy and Clariss Sierra Funkhouser; July 20 Nelson Suter; July 8
Phillips; July 2 ■ Martin Lampkin and Shontel ■ Gina Patrice Toney Martin
■ Archie Gibson and Delores Taylor; July 22 and Mardio Martin; July 18
Bradford; July 3 ■ Reggilond Taylor and Aisha ■ Magen N. Hudson and Ste-
■ Shawn Franklin and Lisa Jefferson; July 26 phen Chad Hudson; July 18
Seymer; July 3 ■ Daniel Davis and Tambria ■ Rami Dreille Lee Sharkey and
■ Kenneth Swoope and Lata- Tate; July 26 James C. Sharkey; July 17
sha Jones; July 5 ■ Willie Pippens and Areia ■ Terry Lee Taylor Sr. and Bev-
■ John Testerman and Allison Cobb; July 26 erly Ann Cantrell Taylor; July 16
Dahlberg; July 8 ■ Richard Cole and Dee Potter; ■ Leautray O. May and Joan
■ James Daniel and Jessica July 27 White May; July 16
Elkins; July 8 ■ Rodney Williams and Victoria ■ Freddie D. Wilkins Jr. and
■ Preston Kellum and April Bassett; July 29 Shareda Le Anna Moore; July
Jones; July 8 17
■ Kevin Cuevas and Treasa Divorces ■ Thomas Shepperd and Micay-
Crumbliss; July 11 ■ David Lee Crews and Sharon la Michaels; July 18
■ Noah Taylor and Molly Fergu- May Crews; June 28 ■ Billie Jo Spears and Michael
son; July 12 ■ Brett Andrew Bach and Todd Spears; July 15
■ Kye Van Someren and Charl- Jessica Renee Grace Bach; ■ Brenda Williams Gibson and
sie Quinton; July 13 June 27 Joe Nathan Gibson; July 16
■ Jay Slater and Madilyn Petty; ■ Sarah Denise Brooks and ■ Monica Monique Phinizee and
July 13 David Brooks Sr.; June 26 Joshua Obryan Wilson; July 15
■ Steven Robertson and Caro- ■ Kevin O’Bryant and Amanda ■ Garry Scarboro and Penny
lann Steenstra; July 13 W. O’Bryant; June 28 Elaine Jones Scarboro; July 16
■ Timothy Kilpatrick and Seirra ■ Sarity Harrell and Markeyla ■ Amber D. Watson and Johnny
Locke; July 13 Kiante Martin Harrell; June 27 M. Watson; July 17
■ Orion Kellogg and Kaitlin ■ Steven Cory Fleming and ■ Susan L. Stillman and Max-
Davis; July 16 Kaitlyn Ashli Fleming; July 2 well J. Stillman; July 16
■ Terrance Barker and Doneka ■ Allison F. Williams and ■ George Seabrooks and Kelly
Hill; July 18 Charles C. Williams; July 3 Seabrooks; July 19
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Our View

EMCC’s deficit spending needs to be addressed

Since 2009, the East Mississippi is a misplaced priority. And, yes, that relationships with alumni and help es- sity this fall. Five years in the making,
Community College football team includes athletics, even a football team tablish and promote the school’s brand. the Communiversity is a state-of-the-art
has won seven state and five national as dominant as EMCC’s. But when athletics amasses a $1.2 manufacturing skills and technology
championships, a level of success never Over the past 10 years, EMCC’s fund million deficit in a single season or center heralded as the biggest advance-
before seen on its level of football. That balance has fallen from a high of $11 when annual salaries and benefits for ment in community college education in
success brought national attention to million to roughly $1 million as classes the school’s rodeo team — Who knew recent history. It stands to be a show-
the school through the Netflix docu- begin this fall. Those numbers would EMCC had a rodeo team? — balloons piece for our community and a crucial
mentary, “Last Chance U,” whose first have been much worse if the school from $9,000 to $90,000 over a 10-year workforce training center to feed area
two seasons told the story of EMCC’s hadn’t drawn millions from one of its period, it is clear the school’s priorities industry. Proper operation of the Com-
unorthodox ascendancy to the top of auxiliary funds. are desperately out of balance. muniversity is crucial.
community college football. We would While that time-frame parallels the Athletics isn’t the only area that’s los- For at least 10 years school adminis-
like to say you can’t buy that kind of meteoric rise of the EMCC football ing significant money. Lion Hills Center tration — which includes three pres-
publicity. Given what we are learning team, it’s difficult to know to what de- — the old Columbus Country Club — idents (current president Scott Also-
now, however, that’s not entirely accu- gree the cost of that football success is has been running losses of about half a brooks arrived in January) — and the
rate. responsible for the decline in funds. million dollars a year since the school EMCC board of trustees have watched
Those championships and national What is known is EMCC athletics purchased it in 2012. its reserves decline year after year but
exposure have been a source of tremen- generated almost $900,000 in revenue A quick glance at EMCC’s budget for have yet to implement changes needed
dous pride for the school. during the 2018 season, but spent this coming school year shows things to get its financial house in order.
But in that achievement, it is becom- almost $2.1 million. That net loss of are not expected to improve. Steep Either leadership was inexplicably
ing obvious that somewhere along this $1.2 million more than covers EMCC’s enrollment losses over the past decade unaware of the growing funding crisis
remarkable journey, one important budget deficit for the year. are expected to continue, which will or it lacked the will to make difficult,
thing has been lost: A sense of propor- There are two things that should be only further hurt the school’s financial but necessary, changes.
tion. noted here. First, athletics programs at outlook. While the school has other It’s time — past time, in fact — for
The mission of EMCC is preparing community colleges rarely are prof- reserves it can pull from, this trend of EMCC to take a cold, sober look at
students for the workplace or a four- itable. Second, community colleges overspending has to stop. how it funds its programs and restore a
year degree. Anything that impedes, justify the cost of athletics because they Even more ominous is that EMCC long-needed sense of proportion to its
distracts or compromises that mission enhance student experience, maintain will open its $42 million Communiver- operations.

Other editors Cartoonist View

How stupid can
college kids be?
The stupidity of college students
can be boggling at times. It makes
one wonder about the quality of
American education, particularly
how well or how much young people
are taught about history.
Had three University of Missis-
sippi students fully understood the
story of Emmett Till, we would hope
they would not have thought it cute
or clever to pose, holding long guns,
in front of an already bullet-riddled
sign in Tallahatchie County memori-
alizing Till’s premature death, or to
post the photo onto social media as
some type of a boast.
It also was not very smart, as
their actions reportedly caused the
FBI to look into the matter, and
could still prompt a Department of
Justice investigation as to whether
what they did constituted a hate
crime. Unless there is more evi-
dence to unearth, that’s probably a
stretch, as the photo was taken at
night with no one else around (other
than possibly the photographer), and
the social media post by one of the
three students sounded more like a
bad inside joke among friends than
an attempt to harass or intimidate
people of the opposite race.
Nevertheless, Till’s life and death
are no joking matter. He came in
1955 to this part of Mississippi from
Letters to the editor
Voice of the people
Chicago at the age of 14 to visit
relatives and failed to make it out
alive because he broke a couple of
Southern racial taboos of the time:
He was fresh with a white woman, Questions efficiency of project $20 per square foot. The city is look- for festivals in the county, namely
ing at $100 per square foot. Wow what Caledonia, Artesia and Crawford. As
and he apparently refused to grovel management firm a difference! mayor of Caledonia, I called Repre-
to the white men who were going to The new fire station is progressing
J5’s owner and his corporations sentative Smith and discussed with
teach him a lesson for it. very slowly. In September of 2015 our
don’t seem to be able to manage their him our displeasure with the county
Till’s murder — made worse by Chief said it would be operational by
own business, much less the cities. festivals being left out of the new
the racist attitude of jurors that em- fall of 2016 and would cost $600,000.
They have not paid off all their tax agreement and how I thought it was
powered them to acquit his killers Well that didn’t happen and con-
leins and are accumulating more. The unfair since county residents also pay
despite their obvious guilt — has struction was started July 2016. By
latest being not paying their unem- the 2 percent tax. Jeff agreed that he
been a curse on Mississippi for more September 2017 the cost had risen
ployment taxes to the state. would not support an agreement until
than six decades. Every boneheaded to $1,000,000 and the Chief stated
We recently were downgraded as a all sides could come to an agreement
and racist act, such as this photo, it would be complete by early 2018.
city by Moodys ratings. This will lead and that county residents also were
only continues to reinforce the neg- Robert Smith said the station would
to higher costs for borrowing money. not left out of any arrangement. It was
ative stereotypes about this state in be ready to move in by June 2019. In
Our taxes are going up and we are also requested that all festivals be
the national consciousness. December 2018 Andrews said the
almost bankrupt. We just agreed to budgeted a yearly line item amount to
Ole Miss officials say the univer- city had paid the Biloxi firm Macha-
borrow up to $5,000,000 for the storm eliminate each festival having to “bow
sity has no grounds to discipline the do Patono $28,000 to design the fire
house. Why would we go to Biloxi to and now the Mayor wants to borrow and kiss the ring” of the CVB board in
three students since their actions
get a fire house design? Well could it another $3,000,000 for the street hopes that each festival would receive
didn’t occur at a university function
be because former front man for J5 lights. Every time we borrow money such amount for a festival as deemed
or on campus. College students,
Robyn Eastman is employed by them? for the city it is like you are co-signing appropriate by the CVB board.
after all, do have the right to behave
We have plenty of good architects in with someone for a loan. Now that Representative Smith did in fact
like boorish numskulls away from
school. this area so why go there? The design would be fine if it is someone you trust demonstrate true Leadership in hear-
But someone other than the has recently been redone by J. Wilcutt and you hope they will pay it back so ing all sides to this issue and standing
fraternity that suspended them does design company, a local firm. I wonder you can maintain your credit rating. his ground until a fair agreement
have the authority — and arguably how much more we had to pay for that. Well my question is would you co-sign could be reached. In the two years
the obligation — to use the inci- All of our city projects have been a loan with the city of Columbus? I that I have been Mayor of Caledonia,
dent as a teaching moment for the overseen by J5 and they seem to have know I would not under any circum- Jeff Smith has been Caledonia’s best
three. That someone would be their been done poorly. Our wonderful stances. friend in Jackson, helping secure over
parents. unneeded amphitheater has cost us Kerry Blalock $170,000 in grants and funding for
They could require their sons $3,000,000 of tax dollars. It has no Columbus projects in our town as a direct result
this fall to take a course at Ole seats, no restrooms and no parking. of his position as chairman of the pow-
Miss in civil rights history. If these City Hall cost us $2,000,000 for a com- Endorsement by Caledonia Mayor erful House Ways and Means com-
three were to learn how cruelly and plete renovation only to have a leaking This letter is in response to several mittee. I hope you will agree with me
unjustly not only Till was treated but roof which we had to pay for also. Now writings both in print and on social that there is no substitute for Senior
countless other blacks, who were the fire station is way overdue and media to those persons critical of Leadership in Jackson!
lynched or beaten or humiliated as over-budget. Whenever the J5 team Representative Jeff Smith’s part in the It is my privilege and honor to
a way to try to keep them as sec- shows up it seems to be a lot of extra discussions and lack of a consensus publicly endorse Representative Jeff
ond-class citizens, that would wipe money spent. These are the guys that resulting in the CVB failing to reach Smith for re-election to Representa-
the grin off the students’ faces. It are supposed to come in under budget a final agreement on the 2 percent tive of District 39 and encourage all
might also help them mature into and ahead of schedule. I built a metal county-wide restaurant tax last year. my family and friends to vote for Jeff
better-educated and better-behaving building similar to the fire station on What has not been told is the other Smith on August 6th.
grown-ups. my property in the county three years side of the story and that being the Mitchell “Mitch” Wiggins
Greenwood Commonwealth ago and was able to do it for less than disparity in the distribution of funds Mayor of Caledonia
The Dispatch • THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 2019 5A

Area obituaries
COMMERCIAL DISPATCH Allie Plair. She was In addition to her 6-8 p.m. Wednesday Skelton Funeral Home Byars, Charles Byars,
OBITUARY POLICY formerly employed as a parents, she was pre- at the funeral home. Chapel, with the Rev. Zach Pate and Cole
Obituaries with basic informa-
tion including visitation and
caregiver. ceded in death by her Otts Funeral Home of Joey Lucas and the Rev. Williams.
service times, are provided She is survived by sister, Gloria Jean. Sulligent is in charge of George Shaw officiat- Memorials may be
free of charge. Extended obit- her husband, John She is survived by arrangements. ing. Burial will follow made to the Bethel
uaries with a photograph, de- Outlaw; daughters, her daughters, Hillary Mrs. South was born at Bethel Cemetery. Cemetery Fund, c/o
tailed biographical information Tammie Outlaw of Dian Cook and Neely June 23, 1962, in Peo- Visitation will be one Ken Simpson, 30796
and other details families may Starkville, Dovie Cook Maddox; sisters, ria, Illinois, to the late hour prior to services Hwy. 17, Reform, AL
wish to include, are available Robert McCann and 35481, Stansel Baptist
Williams and Rhonda Elizabeth Edmond- and immediately
for a fee. Obituaries must be
submitted through funeral
Mooney, both of Tupe- son, Linda Holley, Joni Barbara Joan Mills. She following the service Church, P.O. Box 430,
homes unless the deceased’s lo, and Robin Outlaw of Savage, Susan McNeely was a graduate of East at the funeral home. Reform, AL 35481 or
body has been donated to Birmingham, Alabama; and Paula Gibbs; and Peoria High School and Skelton Funeral Home the Hospice of West Al-
science. If the deceased’s son, John H. Outlaw of brother, Gene Allen was formerly employed of Reform is in charge abama, 3851 Loop Rd.,
body was donated to science, Nashville, Tennessee; Saucier. with Buccaneer in of arrangements. Tuscaloosa, AL 35404.
the family must provide official sisters, Betty Young Hamilton, Alabama, Mr. Bailey was born
proof of death. Please submit
all obituaries on the form
and Minna Lindsey, Annie Jackson and as a caregiver. Sept. 25, 1946, in Pick- Joyce Dunser
both of Starkville, In addition to her ens County, Alabama, COLUMBUS —
provided by The Commercial WINFIELD, Ala. —
Emma Mitchell of Pas- parents, she was to the late Grover Bai- Joyce Frances Dunser,
Dispatch. Free notices must Annie Bell Jackson, 92,
be submitted to the newspa- adena, California, and preceded in death by ley and Cora Hammond 78, died July 31, 2019, at
died July 22, 2019, in
per no later than 3 p.m. the Lucilla Harvin of Ches- her sister, Barbara Ann Bailey. He was a U.S. her residence.
Winfield, Alabama.
day prior for publication Tues- apeake, Virginia; broth- Webber. Army National Guard Arrangements are
day through Friday; no later Services will be at
ers, Gwendon Plair She is survived by veteran and a mem- incomplete and will be
than 4 p.m. Saturday for the 1 p.m. Friday at Boyd her husband, Benny
of Washington, D.C., ber of Stansel Baptist announced by Memori-
Sunday edition; and no later Chapel U.M. Church South of Detroit; son,
John Davis of St. Louis, Church. al Gunter Peel Funeral
than 7:30 a.m. for the Monday in Sturgis. Burial will the Rev. Dean South
edition. Incomplete notices Missouri, and Daniel In addition to his Home and Crematory,
follow at Mt. Zion of Fayette; daughters,
must be received no later than Davis of Starkville; 19 parents, he was preced- Second Avenue North
grandchildren; and six Cemetery. Visitation is Melissa South and
7:30 a.m. for the Monday
from 2-6 p.m. today at ed in death by his son, location.
through Friday editions. Paid great-grandchildren. Ruth Ann South, both Brian Keith Bailey.
notices must be finalized by 3 West Memorial Funeral of Detroit, and Carol
p.m. for inclusion the next day Home. West Memo- He is survived by his Anthony Brown
Monday through Thursday; and Marguerite Cook rial Funeral Home of
South of Guin; broth- wife Patsy Landrum SOUTHAVEN —
on Friday by 3 p.m. for Sunday STARKVILLE — ers, Robert McCann Bailey of Reform; son, Anthony Brown, 40,
Starkville is in charge of Detroit and Randy
and Monday publication. For Marguerite Elaine of arrangements. Tim Bailey of Pickens- died July 30, 2019, in
more information, call 662- Saucier Cook died July McCann of Peoria; and ville; brother, David Southaven.
328-2471. She is survived by 12 grandchildren.
29, 2019, at her resi- Bailey of Reform; and Arrangements are
her children, James Pallbearers will be
dence. one grandchild. incomplete and will be
Leon Bell, Henry W. B.J. Mills, Duray Ely,
Ella Outlaw Services will be at
Bell Jr., Mary Bell Maurice Truelove, Ca-
Pallbearers will be announced by Memori-
STARKVILLE — 1 p.m. Friday at St. Jo- Shawn Watt, Norman al Gunter Peel Funeral
Swanigan, Sarah Ann leb South, Terry Webbe
Ella Mae Outlaw, 67, seph Catholic Church, Hall, Michael McKee, Home and Crematory,
Morton, Willie B. and Brandon Hayes.
died July 26, 2019, at with Jason Johnston Greg Pierce, Ricky College Street location.
Jackson, Emanuel Jack-
her residence. officiating. Burial will

Retha Henderson
son and Linda Mont- James Bailey
Services will be at follow at Memorial
Garden Park Cemetery. gomery; stepbrother, REFORM, Ala. —
11 a.m. Saturday at
Visitation will be one Charlie Davis; and 20 James Robert “Bobby”
Lindsey Chapel U.M.
Church, with the Rev. hour prior to services grandchildren. “Pop” “Papa Bear” Retha Jane Hand Henderson,
Sylvester Miller offici- at the church. Welch Bailey, 72, died July 85, died Monday, July 29, 2019,
ating. Burial will follow Funeral Home of Mattie South 31, 2019, at Hospice of at South Hampton Nursing Fa-
at the church cemetery. Starkville is in charge DETROIT, Ala. — West Alabama. cility in Owens Cross Roads,
Visitation will be from of arrangements. Mattie Elnoria South, Services will be AL.
12:30-5:30 p.m. Friday Mrs Cook was 57, died July 29, 2019, at at 11 a.m. Friday at Funeral arrangements have
at Century Hairston born to the late Gene North Mississippi Med- been entrusted to Memorial
Funeral Home. Cen- and Joan Saucier. She ical Center in Tupelo. Gunter Peel Funeral Home &
tury Hairston Funeral attended Mississippi Services are at 2 Crematory, 2nd Avenue North
Home of Starkville is State University and p.m. today at Otts location. Services will be Fri-
in charge of arrange- was a graduate of Funeral Home Chapel, day, August 2, 2019, at 11:00 AM at First Bap-
ments. Homes Jr. College. She with Richie Dubilak tist Church, with Dr. Shawn Parker officiating.
Mrs. Outlaw was was formerly owner and B.J. Mills officiat- Visitation will be one hour before the service.
born Nov. 10, 1951, in and operator of Avant ing. Burial will follow Interment will immediately follow in Friendship
Starkville, to the late Garde Salon and Spa in at Carter Cemetery. Cemetery.
Willie Copeland and Starkville. Visitation was from One of four children of the late George Lofton
and Velma Clay Hand, Mrs. Henderson was born
March 31, 1934, in Meridian, MS. She grew up on
a cotton farm in Collinsville, MS and graduated
from Collinsville High School, where she played
Retha Henderson basketball. She continued playing basketball at

US to set up plan allowing Visitation:

Friday, Aug. 2 • 10-11 AM
First Baptist Church
East MS Community College. She received her
Bachelor’s Degree in Education from the Uni-
versity of Southern Mississippi and her Master’s
prescription meds from Canada of Columbus
Friday, Aug. 2 • 11 AM
First Baptist Church
Degree in Education from Mississippi University
for Women. After a teaching career in Louisiana
of Columbus and Mississippi, she joined her late husband,
‘We want to see proposals from states, safe prescription drugs at
lower prices.”
Friendship Cemetery
Robert Clark Henderson, in his insurance agen-
cy, as agents for Shelter Insurance. She excelled
distributors, and pharmacies that can Stephen Ubl, president
of the industry group
2nd Ave. North Location
in this field and loved seeing her former clients
help accomplish our shared goal of Pharmaceutical Research Joyce Dunser after she had retired.
and Manufacturers of Incomplete The Hendersons moved to Columbus in 1969,
safe prescription drugs at lower prices’ America called the plan 2nd Ave. North Location and Mrs. Henderson absolutely fell in love with
“far too dangerous” her beloved Columbus. She took great pride in
Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar
for American patients. Anthony Brown her city and state and always boasted about her
By RICARDO policymakers and con- “There is no way to guar- College St. Location
hometown. For several years during the Colum-
ALONSO-ZALDIVAR sumers there. antee the safety of drugs bus Pilgrimage, she entertained guests by play-
The Associated Press The U.S. drug indus- that come into the coun- ing the piano as they entered the Pilgrimage
try is facing a crescendo try from outside the Unit- home. She was a member of First Baptist and
WASHINGTON — of consumer complaints ed States’ gold-standard loved her church. She was a member of Koinonia
The Trump administra- over prices, as well as supply chain,” Ubl said in Sunday School Class, participated in Watchman
tion said Wednesday legislation from both a statement. “Drugs com- prayer ministry and served in numerous other
it will create a way for parties in Congress to ing through Canada could
capacities through the years. She served as a
Americans to legally and rein in costs, not to men- have originated from any-
safely import lower-cost
docent at the Lee Home, was a member of Four
tion proposals from the where in the world.” Seasons Garden Club and the Columbus Coun-
prescription drugs from Democratic presidential try Club, participating in numerous ladies’ golf

Nan Clark
Canada for the first time, contenders. Ahead of the
reversing years of refus- tournaments and playing twilight golf with her
2020 election, Trump is husband. On October 20, 2006, she was induct-
als by health authorities feeling pressure to deliver
amid a public outcry over ed into the East MS Community College’s Sports
on years of harsh rhetoric Smithville — Carla Nanette
high prices for life-sus- Hall of Fame for women’s basketball (1952-1954).
about pharmaceutical in- “Nan” Clark, 67, passed away
taining medications. dustry prices.
In addition to her parents, she was prede-
The move is a step on Monday, July 29, 2019, at ceased by her siblings and their spouses, Oth-
Making the announce-
toward fulfilling a 2016 NMMC-Gilmore in Amory. ell Hand (Martha), Genell Hand Secreat (Rea),
ment, Health and Human
campaign promise by Services Secretary Alex
Born in Dyess, Arkansas on Ivan Hand (Margie); and her brothers-in-law and
President Donald Trump. Azar said the administra- November 8, 1951, she was a their spouses, Albert Henderson (Millie) and
It weakens an import ban tion recognizes that pre- daughter of the late Lenard and Willie Rogers (Ruth).
that has stood as a symbol scription drug manufac- June Marshall Clark. Mrs. Henderson is survived by her two daugh-
of the political clout of the turing and distribution is Nan graduated from New ters and sons-in-law, Robin Henderson Allers
pharmaceutical industry. now international. Hope High School in Columbus, and George, Auburn, AL and Renee’ Henderson
But it’s unclear how “The landscape and MS. She owned and operated Tibbs and Jay, Huntsville, AL. She is also sur-
soon consumers will see the opportunities for the Columbus Christian Book Store that her vived by six grandchildren, Taylor Price Bish-
benefits, as the plan has safe linkage between father had opened in 1958, and ran it successfully op (Stephen), Ryan Price, and Lauren Price, all
to go through time-con- drug supply chains has through 2002. Nan was also a pianist and singer of Auburn, AL, Jason Tibbs (Erin) Huntsville,
suming regulatory ap- changed,” Azar said. for many churches, including East End Baptist, AL, Josh Tibbs (Elizabeth Ann) and Robert
proval and later could face “That is part of why, for Immanuel Baptist Church in Columbus, and her Clark Tibbs, all of Birmingham, AL; and two
court challenges from the first time in HHS’s father’s tent revivals. She served as a pianist great-grandchildren, Maddy Blake Bishop and
drugmakers. And there’s history, we are open to for Ethelsville Baptist Church in Alabama, Magnolia Blair Bishop.
no telling how Canada importation. We want to where she led musicals and worship for many Pallbearers will be her grandsons and grand-
will react to becoming see proposals from states, years. She played for several ministries as well, sons-in-law Jason Tibbs, Josh Tibbs, Clark Tibbs,
the drugstore for its much distributors, and pharma- including TV evangelist Jim Whittington, where Ryan Price and Stephen Bishop.
bigger neighbor, with po- cies that can help accom- she met a mutual friend, Eva Mae Lefevre. A Honorary pallbearers will be John Allers,
tential consequences for plish our shared goal of talented musician, Nan could play just about any Johnny Latham, Bill Heath and Sam Bray.
instrument with keys on it. She was of the Baptist The family wishes to thank Thrive At Jones
If you had no idea faith and attended Liberty Grove Church. Farm Assisted Living in Huntsville, South Hamp-
what to get her for Nan had a wonderful sense of humor and loved ton Nursing & Rehab Center in Owens Cross
Valentine’s Day... to laugh. Her greatest love in her life was her Roads, and Kindred Hospice, Huntsville, for
faith in Jesus Christ. She was a loving wife and their loving care, as well as her caregivers prior
Imagine how mother, and an obedient servant of the Lord. She to Mrs. Henderson leaving Columbus.
overwhelming was well known for her heart and had a social Memorials may be made to Love-in-Deed or
arranging her funeral media presence of friends as well. Nan will be The Crossing, c/o First Baptist Church, P.O. Box
would be. dearly missed by those who knew and loved her. 829, Columbus, MS 39703.
Give her the perfect gift, make pre-arrangements as a Nan is survived by her loving husband,
couple with Lowndes Funeral Home & Crematory. Bobby Russell, of Smithville; son, KC Oswalt
(Danielle), Attala, AL; sister, Dana Wynette
Call today for an appointment (662) 328-1808. Clark, Pensacola, FL; and many beloved cousins
of the Marshall family. Sign the online guest book at
No services are scheduled at this time. Paid Obituary - E. E. Pickle Funeral Home 716 Second Avenue North • Columbus, MS
6A THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 2019 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 1A
Alsobrooks said Read more
some of that will EMCC Board members: n OUR VIEW: EMCC’s deficit spending
come from its gener- ■ Spencer Broocks, Oktibbeha County needs to be addressed. Page 4A
al reserve fund that ■ Kathy Dyess, Clay County n LOOKING CLOSER AT EMCC ATHLET-
currently holds about ■ Laddie Huffman, Clay County ICS SPENDING, PAGE 1B.
$13 million, which ■ Teresa Hughes, Noxubee County
sits just at the nation- ■ Linda Jackson, Kemper County We’re always going to have to make
ally recommended ■ Hazel Johnson, Noxubee County
adjustments. We may make cuts to
threshold of 40 per- Alsobrooks ■ Rudy Johnson, Oktibbeha County
certain areas, but hopefully not too
■ Robert McDade, Kemper County
cent of total operations to be held bad.”
■ Jimmie Moore, Lauderdale County
in reserve. Most, he said, will come ■ Ed Mosley, Lauderdale County Alsobrooks attributed declin-
from a special fund set aside to start ■ Greg Stewart, Lowndes County ing enrollment to a national trend.
the Communiversity — an industri- ■ Lance Walters, Lowndes County More and more students are head-
al training facility built on Highway ing to four-year universities or
82 in Lowndes County with local, straight into the workforce.
coming in, it’s just an obvious target
state and Appalachian Regional “We’re in good shape,” Also-
for cuts. We have made cuts there
Commission grant funding that brooks said. “There’s many other
and we will probably have to cut
will open this fall. That special fund community colleges in very similar
more moving forward.”
holds a total of about $3.5 million, situations.”
Alsobrooks added that EMCC
he said. Walters said EMCC is also
will look to cut down on uniform
EMCC’s main campus is in Scoo- looking to petition the state to al-
costs, travel and other non-person-
ba, but also has a Golden Triangle locate funds for dual enrollment,
nel but said he hopes enrollment
campus in Mayhew, the Communi- a program that allows high school
starts to increase to eliminate the
versity and Lion Hills Center and students in the region to take col-
threat of further cuts at the college.
Country Club in Columbus. lege classes. EMCC allows several
Board members Lance Walters
EMCC’s board of trustees is programs locally for that, but the
of Lowndes County and Spencer
comprised of two members from Broocks of Oktibbeha County, ac- college doesn’t receive state fund-
each of the counties EMCC serves: knowledged the strain athletics ing for that student, only tuition in
Lowndes, Lauderdale, Oktibbeha, spending is placing on college oper- some cases.
Clay, Noxubee and Kemper. ations as a whole. “The community college is not
Those members are voted to the “The athletics is the most sig- getting any money for that student
EMCC board from each county’s nificant part,” Walters said. “That, until they come finish that associ-
board of supervisors. to me, is nice to have ates (degree),” Walters said. “They
but it’s not a ‘must are trying to lobby that from the
Athletics spending have.’ We’re looking state. The main thing is focusing on
Athletics proved the primary at how to restrain how to get enrollment up.”
drain to EMCC’s general operat- that, maybe even for
ing fund balance, at just a year until we LINK concerned about
least in FY 2018, the can get our revenue Communiversity’s future
most recent year for up. I don’t want to With EMCC opening the $42
which The Dispatch blame this on all of Walters million Communiversity this fall,
obtained detailed football, but football Golden Triangle LINK CEO Joe
documents. is an opportunity to Max Higgins is worried if the col-
That department (cut). What can we lege’s general fund woes will trans-
spent $2.035 million do with less and still late to the Communiversity’s sus-
that fiscal year, out- Stephens have a competitive tainability.
pacing its revenue football program?” The facility was funded through
by $1.14 million. Non-athletic line Broocks added, $18 million in state bonds, $10.7
items in EMCC’s general fund op- though salary cuts million from the Appalachian Re-
erated at a combined $300,000 sur- were a part of the Broocks gional Commission, $10 million
plus in FY 2018. original proposed from Lowndes County, $2.5 million
The $1.1 million spent in 2018 budget, those cuts never came to from Oktibbeha County, $1 million
on the vaunted EMCC football pro- fruition. According to the FY 2020 from Clay County and $400,000
gram, which has won five junior budget, EMCC did cut a budget for from EMCC.
college national championships un- “additional duty pay for athletics” Higgins, whose organization
der Coach Buddy Stephens and was that cost EMCC $106,000 in FY serves as the region’s industri-
the subject of the first two seasons 2019. al development group, said he is
of the Netflix documentary “Last “That was in the original plan, still hopeful for the Communiver-
Chance U,” exceeded the $895,000 that athletic salaries would take sity and its impact on the region.
in total athletics revenue that year a 10-percent cut,” Broocks said. He added, however, the college’s
all by itself. “That is not what was approved. funding priorities overall need to
Athletics salaries in each sport Their salaries remained the same, change.
have increased across the board but non-personnel (uniforms, “There’s some questions here
over the past 10 years, with total sal- equipment, facility upgrades) did that need to be an-
aries and benefits for the school’s take a cut.” swered, but nobody
eight sports programs rising from wants to talk about,”
$964,275 in 2009 to $1,335,420 in Enrollment decline Higgins told The
2018. Alsobrooks said the direct trend Dispatch. “Our lo-
Football accounts for $734,771 between the college’s declining cal community put
of that, with Stephens hauling in general fund balance also falls in $13.5 million into this
$124,732 and pay for his six as- line with declining enrollment. building. If the school
sistants ranging from $25,000 to EMCC has logged a net student is going through ($10 Higgins
$90,000. The school also provides loss for the past 10 years with a high million in deficits
them with housing and other fringe of 5,308 enrolled in fall 2010 and over a decade), about a million a
benefits. only 4,086 enrolled in fall 2018. year, that ain’t good. … I think it’s
The 2020 budget shows a While enrollment stayed flat in pretty clear what’s happening here:
$232,171 cut throughout athletics, 2019, according to EMCC officials, Workforce development and GED
including a $51,032 reduction in the FY 2020 budget is bracing for programs may be put on the back
football specifically. another 2- to 3-percect dip this year burner so we can win us another
Coaches salaries, however, ap- — as many as another 120 students. football championship.
pear to have stayed the same. “I hope we can find the bottom to “I am taking a wait-and-see at-
“We have made cuts in athlet- this enrollment downward trend,” titude on the Communiversity,” he
ics,” Alsobrooks said. “We’ve cut Alsobrooks said. “If that becomes added. “It is a gem. I hope that two
across the board, every sport. We stabilized, we won’t have to be look- or three decades from now we look
have made some cuts and based on ing at cuts. Right now, looking at back and say that is what changed
enrollment we will probably make our numbers they’re looking OK. this region forever. But if we don’t
other cuts in coming years. You’re We’ve been dropping 3, 4 or 5 per- get the right management and the
right to assume when you have that cent every year since about 2010. right resources, I’m not sure we can
kind of cash out and that revenue We’ve been down every year. … get where we need to go.”

Building permits
■ Yolanda Jones; 425 24th Plumbing permit; Mid America mobile home; Alan’s Mobile
City of Columbus Ave. N.; Electrical permit; Plumbing Home
July 22-25, 2019 Weathers Electric ■ Alissa & Joe Bafford; 1220
■ Kroger; 1829 Hwy. 45 N.;
Remodel; Construction Solu-
■ Ranch House Restaurant;
807 Alabama St.; Electrical
Lowndes County Kidd Rd.; Set up mobile home;
tions, LLC permit; Weathers Electric July 31, 2019 ■ Alissa & Joe Bafford; 1220
■ Keener White Jr.; 1305 3rd ■ Xavier Pippins; 1009 20th ■ Candise Pierce; 1000 Mike Kidd Rd.; Move mobile home;
Ave. N.; Reroof; Kinard Roofing St. N.; Electrical permit; Vertis Parra Rd.; Set up mobile Crowe Transportation
■ Lee & Peter Tortorici; 1219 Lee home; Owner ■ Brian Wiygul; West Plymouth
3rd Ave. N.; Reroof; Kinard ■ Eugene E. Washington; 423 ■ Candise Pierce; 1000 Mike Rd.; Construct s/f residence;
Roofing Summerhaven Dr.; Electrical Parra Rd.; Move mobile home; Robert Karg
■ Raymond Barranco; 292 permit; Same Alan’s Mobile Home ■ Aurora; 200 Aurora Rd.;
Northdale Dr.; Reroof; MRC ■ Amy Weathers; 189 Lintel ■ Andrea Potterf; 2764 Frisco Remodel commercial Building;
Builders Rd.; Electrical permit; Mark Rd.; Set up mobile home; Harrell General Contractors
■ Eugene Imes; 805 15th Thompson Malone’s Electric Co. ■ Aurora; 200 Aurora Rd.;
Ave. S.; Repairs; Renovations ■ S L Properties; 121 Beech ■ Andrea Potterf; 2764 Frisco Construct slab; Harrell Gener-
of MS St.; Mechanical permit; Jack Rd.; Move mobile home; Re- al Contractors
■ Lee Lawrence; 215 1/2 Tus- of All Trades gional Enterprises ■ SDI; 1945 Airport Rd.;
caloosa Rd.; Rebuild storage ■ Castle Columbus III, LLC; ■ Michael Duncan; Highway Construct locker room; Harrell
building; Same 1721 Hwy. 45 N.; Mechanical 12 East; Set up mobile home; General Contractors
■ Magnolia Tennis Club; 626 permit; Jimmy Williams Owner ■ SDI; 1945 Airport Rd.;
Magnolia Ln.; Storm repairs ■ Columbus Housing Authori- ■ Michael Duncan; Highway Construct compressor room;
(stucco); RDI Corporation ty; 401, 403, 405 & 407 16th 12 E.; Move mobile home; Harrell General Contractors
■ Christopher Morgan; 1911B Ave. S.; Plumbing permit; E. Alan’s Mobile Home ■ Michele Phillips; 60 Carroll
14th Ave. N.; Electrical permit; Briscoe Plumbing ■ Buddy Brown Properties; Ln.; Construct s/f residence;
Jimmie Chism ■ Nicholas Staples; 512 1026 Mike Parra Rd.; Set up Owner
■ Nicholas Staples; 512 Alabama St.; Plumbing permit; mobile home; Jessie James ■ Geduld; 150 E. Lakeshore
Alabama St.; Electrical permit; Leon Tabor ■ Buddy Brown Properties; Dr.; Construct s/f residence;
Doughty Brothers ■ Kroger; 1829 Hwy. 45 N.; 1026 Mike Parra Rd.; Move Clardy Home Development

Send in your church event!

Subject: Religious brief
662-241-5000 B


The high cost of winning

EMCC athletics, football upkeep has A 10-YEAR DIFFERENCE

According to documents obtained

outpaced revenue for most of last decade by The Commercial Dispatch

2009 EMCC athletic program

OUR VIEW salaries and fringe costs n Football — $510,612
n Men’s Basketball — $107,008
n EMCC’s deficit spending needs to be addressed.
East Mississippi Community College’s football See page 4A
team is in the midst of a dynasty. n Baseball — $115,392
In 11 years at the helm, coach Buddy Stephens — particularly in regards to football. n Women’s Basketball — $80,718
guided the Lions to five NJCAA national champi- During the 2018 fiscal year, the most recent year n Softball — $61,071
onships — including four in the past six seasons for which The Dispatch has detailed records, the n Rodeo — $0 (Program started in
— six Mississippi Association of Community and football program received $1.07 million in univer- 2010)
Junior College state titles and a 98-13 record. sity funding against total athletic department reve-
While the winning tradition has brought the nue of just $895,405.12.
small school in Scooba acclaim and notoriety, the In all, EMCC spent $2.035 million that year — 2018 EMCC athletic program
EMCC football program’s bottom line reflects a giving the school an overall deficit of $1.14 million salaries and fringe costs
university and athletic department bordering on
in athletic spending. n Football — $734,771
financial ruin.
“I’m not worried about it right now,” Stephens
More startling was the continued investment in n Men’s Basketball — $150,959
said of looming financial questions. “I’m worried
football over the past decade despite financial is- n Baseball — $142,471
about winning ball games right now and I’m wor- sues within the university.
n Women’s Basketball —
Between 2009 and 2018, the EMCC football pro-
ried about what I can control.”
gram received an additional $224,159 in salary and
In documents obtained by The Dispatch
fringe funding. During that same span, the univer- n Softball —$95,444
Wednesday, financial records show EMCC has de-
veloped a history of outspending its athletic budget See EMCC, 2B n Rodeo — $91,565


Astros ace Greinke deal; 2 dozen trades on deadline day
The Associated Press starter Aaron Sanchez and reliever Joe Biagini from
Out of nowhere, the Houston Astros got a huge
Donaldson homers in 10th,
“Houston made some big deals. They’re really
head start on October. good. They were good before,” Red Sox President of
On a dizzying day that featured two dozen trades, Baseball Operations Dave Dombrowski said.
the Astros pulled off the biggest and most startling
deal, adding ace Zack Greinke to an imposing rota-
tion already loaded with All-Stars Justin Verlander
A lot of contenders were busy.
The Chicago Cubs added Detroit’s Nicholas Cas-
tellanos to their lineup, the Phillies got outfielder
lifts Braves over Nationals
and Gerrit Cole. Corey Dickerson from Pittsburgh and the Wash- The Associated Press
Plenty of familiar names were on the go Wednes- ington Nationals acquired relievers Daniel Hudson,
day — Shane Greene and Mark Melancon boosted Roenis Elías and Hunter Strickland. WASHINGTON — Josh Donaldson gave the Atlan-
the Braves’ bullpen, with Scooter Gennett, Jesús In most cases, major leaguers were swapped for ta Braves a little more breathing room in the National
Aguilar, Mike Leake and Tanner Roark among minor leaguers. League East.
those also moving. “When it comes to trades, one thing I’ve learned Donaldson homered against Sean Doolittle in the top
But it was the Astros’ acquisition of Greinke is, just wait,” Cubs manager Joe Maddon said. of the 10th inning, and the Braves pulled out a 5-4 victory
from Arizona for four minor leaguers that quickly “You’ve got to wait until the very end and it plays over the Washington Nationals on Wednesday to take two
became the talk of baseball. The deal came right be- itself out. The 11th hour is the most powerful hour of three in the series and pad their division lead to 6½
fore the deadline for swapping players to still have there is. To get things done before that, it normally games.
them eligible for the postseason. doesn’t work to get what you want. There’s the 11th “It felt good,” Donaldson said. “You know, 0-for-4 with
“We had him high on our list and we didn’t know hour at work.” two (strikeouts) before that. I was able to put a good swing
this was even remotely possible and it really wasn’t Several players whose names swirled in the together and help our team win the game.”
until the last 48 hours and really the last 24 hours tradewinds stayed put. After the Nationals scored twice in the bottom of the
that we started to get traction on something,” Hous- Giants ace Madison Bumgarner, Mets starters ninth to tie the game, Donaldson swatted a fastball from
ton general manager Jeff Luhnow said. Noah Syndergaard and Zack Wheeler and Pirates Doolittle (6-3) over the center-field wall for his 25th ho-
closer Felipe Vázquez remained in place. So did mer of the season.
The AL West leaders and 2017 World Series
champions added two other pitchers, too, getting See Trade Deals, 2B See BRAVES, 2B
2B THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 2019 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 1B
sity’s general fund lost at sive coordinator David from being wrong,” he staunch in his stance that
least $618,010 in seven of Boykin will be paid an said. “I haven’t been told he would not cut any more
the 10 years and enroll- annual salary of $90,000 specific dollar amounts, programs after golf was
ment decreased every that includes a duplex, but I know that there’s a discontinued in 2017.
year from 2011-18. phone and meals, while push from different enti- “We did cut back on
Further, with the ad- defensive coordinator ties to make sure less is some expenses,” he said.
vent of Sullivan-Windham Cliff Collins is slated spent on athletics at the “Certain things for ath-
Field and a renovation of to earn $87,500 with a Scooba campus.” letics you can’t cut, insur-
the Scooba Campus Stu- house, phone and meals The board-approved ance is expensive. There
dent Union, the general included. Fiscal Year 2020 budget, are some areas we’re go-
fund’s total operating For transparency, The however, does not show ing to look at — can you
costs at EMCC jumped Dispatch provided Ste- decreased salaries for the wear the same uniform for
from $26.34 million in phens with a copy of the coaches. another year, or the same
2010 to $32.33 million in 2018 athletic department While the football helmet for three? Every-
2011 — creating a deficit financial records. Though team has been the ex- thing we are going to look
of $2.58 million for that he could not confirm the ceeding beneficiary of at closely. If we can figure
fiscal year. accuracy of EMCC’s 2018 the athletic department’s out how to work smarter
Beyond the large scale deficit, he objected to overspending, it’s not the not harder, we will.”
numbers, a closer look at its note the school spent only EMCC sports pro- EMCC Vice President
Stephens and his assis- $45,726 on awards — gram that has progres- of the Scooba Campus/
tants’ salaries offers an- most notably champion- sively earned a bump in Director of Athletics
other glance at the heavy ship rings. funding. Mickey Stokes could not
investment EMCC made Stephens said this mon- Since its inception in be reached for comment
in football despite not hav- ey was raised through 2010, the Lions rodeo Wednesday.
ing the money to sustain selling reserved seats and team received a more Sunday, Stephens and
it. the cost of the rings was than 1,000 percent in- the Lions open fall camp.
According to financial actually more expensive crease in salaries and Though the team is fo-
documents obtained by than listed. fringes — jumping from cused on chasing a third-
The Dispatch, Stephens In response to the $9,203 in 2010 to $91,565 straight NJCAA title,
earned an annual salary athletic department’s in 2018. an athletic department
of $124,732 in 2016 — a dire spending, EMCC Baseball, men’s and in dire financial straits
number which he later President Scott Also- women’s basketball and could cast a shadow over
said included a stipend to brooks told The Dispatch softball have also all the Thursday night lights
live off campus, a school Wednesday he expects a received major salary at Sullivan-Windham this
gas card, a Nissan, a 10-15 percent reduction boosts over that time span season.
phone and meals. The in operating costs and a as all four programs were “If anyone has a
EMCC head coach said 10 percent decrease in granted increases of at thought or a complaint,
his personal salary has coaching salaries for the least $27,000. we have board meetings
not increased since. football program. Overall, depart- on the first Monday of
The board-approved Stephens confirmed he ment-wide spending in- every month,” Stephens
Fiscal Year 2020 budget is aware of the potential creased $371,145 between said. “I’d ask those peo-
confirmed Stephen’s sala- change. 2009 and 2018. ple to come to the board
ry is scheduled to remain “That’s something Despite the vast spend- meeting if they have a
the same. EMCC offen- that’s probably not far ing, Alsobrooks was problem.”

Trade deals
Continued from Page 1B
Mets closer Edwin Díaz players who were traded bullpen. likely to take over the
and Texas starter Mike in recent weeks. A day after getting closer’s role — Luke Jack-
Minor. And on Tuesday night, reliever Chris Martin son had been the latest to
“Nothing changed for the Cleveland Indians from Texas, the Braves try it for the Braves, and
me. I never expected to agreed to send pitcher got Greene from Detroit was just 17 for 25 in save
be somewhere else until Trevor Bauer to Cincin- and Melancon from the chances.
that happened,” Bumgar- nati in a three-team swap Giants. “They’re excited, I’m
ner said. “I just have a job that brought back out- “We engaged every- excited,” Greene said in
to do and I’m going to do fielder Yasiel Puig. That thing — position players, Anaheim, where the Ti-
it. We’re going to miss a trade became official starting pitchers, the gers played the Los An-
few guys we got rid of. Wednesday, setting off bullpen — right up until geles Angels. “I’m start-
That’s going to be tough.” a full morning and after- the end,” general man- ing a new chapter and
Major League Base- noon of swaps. ager Alex Anthopoulos going to a contender.”
ball made July 31 a hard Wheeler heard the said. “At the end of the
deadline this year for speculation involving day, where we thought
trades. Now, no deals can him. there were deals that
be made until after the “It’s almost happened made sense for us and
World Series. several times and never what we had to give up
“This was a unique did. I’m happy to be here and so on, the bullpen
deadline, it felt,” said and I’m concentrating on made the most sense.
Yankees general man- producing and doing well But we definitely tried
ager Brian Cashman, here,” he said. “It was all some other areas. We
whose AL East-leading there for it to happen and just couldn’t wind up with
team didn’t make any sig- just didn’t. I was ready for a deal that made sense to
nificant moves. it, especially with me be- our organization.”
Pitchers Marcus Stro- ing a free agent after the The 30-year-old
man, Andrew Cashner, season.” Greene has 22 saves and
Homer Bailey and Jason Atlanta concentrated 1.18 ER A and was an All-
Vargas were among the its effort on padding its Star this season. He’s

Continued from Page 1B
“I know what he fea-
tures,” Donaldson said
of the Washington closer
n In an effort to improve their beleaguered bull-
and his former teammate
pen prior to the trade deadline, the Nationals ac-
on the Oakland A’s. “He
quired veteran reliever Daniel Hudson from the To-
had gotten me out two
ronto Blue Jays for pitching prospect Kyle Johnston.
times before that. Today,
They also acquired relievers Hunter Strickland
it was my turn.”
and Roenis Elías from Seattle in exchange for pitch-
Shortly after Donald-
ing prospects Elvis Alvarado, Aaron Fletcher and
son homered, the Braves
Taylor Guilbeau.
bolstered their roster
The Nationals have the worst bullpen ERA in the
with a pair of trades just
majors at 5.97.
before the 4 p.m. dead-
line, acquiring relievers
Atlanta got another Gerardo Parra that tied
Shane Greene and Mark
quality road start from the game at 4.
Mike Soroka, who pitched “These guys play
“Shane Greene has
seven innings and allowed hard,” manager Dave
a 1.00 ERA. So, I think
just three hits, including Martinez said. “They
anyone would take him,”
a leadoff homer to Juan don’t quit. They keep
first baseman Freddie
Freeman said of the All- Soto in the second. fighting, and they play
Star. The Braves acquired That caused his road hard to the end. We just
Greene for a pair of mi- ERA to climb to 1.20 in 11 fell short today.”
nor-league prospects. starts this season. That’s Josh Tomlin worked a
Adam Duvall homered still the best by a Braves scoreless 10th for his sec-
for the fourth time in five pitcher since Greg Mad- ond save.
games. Ronald Acuña dux posted a 1.12 mark Duvall homered off
Jr., Ozzie Albies and Ty- over 15 starts in 1995. Sánchez with one out in
ler Flowers also drove in Washington starter the second to continue a
runs for the Braves, who Aníbal Sánchez allowed
torrid stretch.
went 4-2 on a road trip four runs on 10 hits in five
Since being recalled
through Philadelphia and innings.
from Triple-A Gwinnett
Washington, their top The Nationals rallied
on July 27 after Nick
challengers for the NL against the Braves’ bull-
pen. Markakis broke his left
East title. wrist, Duvall is batting
Atlanta won consecu- Matt Adams hit a
pinch-hit home run .578 with four homers and
tive series in Washington
against Anthony Swarzak six RBIs over five games.
for the first time since
in the eighth to pull with- Soto’s homer to lead off
2013. They also won two
of three in late June. in 4-2. the second was his 20th,
“I don’t get tired of In the ninth, Kurt Su- making him the third
watching that offense,” zuki singled in a run off player in major league his-
manager Brian Snitker Sean Newcomb (5-1), who tory with two 20-homer
said. “It’s amazing how replaced Luke Jackson seasons before his 21st
they keep fighting. You with no outs and two run- birthday. It was also the
know, it was tough to lose ners on. Newcomb limited sixth consecutive game
the lead in the ninth. But the damage from there, he has driven in a run, the
they just keep coming however, getting a dou- longest such streak of his
back.” ble-play grounder from career.
The Dispatch • THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 2019 3B

Guerrieri H,2 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 Umpires_Home, Kerwin Danley; First, John 7-15 3-3 17, Bentley 5-15 0-0 12, Billings 0-4 Jarneski to the AZL White Sox and RHP Ray

St. John H,2 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 Tumpane; Second, Lance Barksdale; Third, 0-0 0, Cazorla 0-2 2-2 2, Coates 0-0 0-0 0, Castro to the DSL Sox.
Montero H,1 2 3 2 2 0 2 John Bacon. Coffey 1-2 0-0 3, Gulich 1-1 0-2 2. Totals 22- CLEVELAND INDIANS — Optioned LHP
American League Glance Chavez S,1-2 1 1 0 0 0
HBP_by Minor (K.Seager). WP_Magill.
2 T_3:05. A_42,025 (50,398). 76 10-15 59. Logan Allen to Columbus (IL). Transferred
RHPs Carlos Carrasco and Dan Otero to the
All Times EDT
Tigers 9, Angels 1
Summer Camps
New York
East Division
W L Pct GB
68 39 .636 —
Umpires_Home, Mike Muchlinski; First, Marty
Foster; Second, Ryan Blakney; Third, Mark
Detroit Los Angeles
ab r h bi ab r h bi
Achonwa 3-7 1-1 7, Dupree 4-14 4-4 12, Laney
1-9 2-2 4, T.Mitchell 0-4 2-2 2, Wheeler 6-12
2-3 15, Burke 0-0 0-0 0, Johnson 2-8 3-3 7,
60-day IL.
Greene to Atlanta for LHP Joey Wentz and OF
TOP Soccer returning to Columbus Tampa Bay 62 48 .564 7½ T_3:26. A_22,539 (49,115). J.Jones cf 4 1 0 0 Fltcher 3b 3 0 0 0
Mercer dh 5 0 1 0 Trout dh 3 1 1 1 K.Mitchell 1-6 1-2 4, McCall 0-0 0-0 0, McCow- Travis Demeritte. Traded OF Nick Castellanos
and cash to the Chicago Cubs for RHPs Paul
Columbus Soccer Organization announced the
59 50 .541 10
43 67 .391 26½ Cubs 2, Cardinals 0 Goodrum ss 3 1 1 1 Upton lf 3 0 0 0 an 3-5 4-9 10. Totals 20-65 19-26 61.
Atlanta 11 14 17 17—59 Richan and Alex Lange. Sent RHP Spencer
Chicago St. Louis Dixon rf 4 1 2 4 K.Clhun rf 3 0 1 0 Turnbull to Toledo (IL) for a rehab assignment.
return of TOP Soccer after a five-year hiatus. Baltimore 36 71 .336 32
ab r h bi ab r h bi Cndlrio 3b 5 1 1 0 Pujols 1b 3 0 0 0 Indiana 13 19 17 12—61
Central Division 3-Point Goals_Atlanta 5-23 (Bentley 2-6, Cof-
TOP Soccer is a program run in partnership with the W L Pct GB Heyward rf 5 0 2 0 Edman 3b 4 0 0 0 J.Hicks 1b 4 0 1 0 Thaiss 1b 1 0 0 0
fey 1-1, Sykes 1-3, Montgomery 1-7, Breland Pressly on the 10-day IL, retroactive to Satur-
Cntrras c 4 0 2 0 De.Fwlr cf 4 0 1 0 V.Reyes lf 4 0 0 0 Simmons ss 2 0 1 0 day. Recalled RHP Bryan Abreu from Corpus
YMCA for 4-19 year olds with special needs. Minnesota 66 41 .617 —
Bryant 3b 4 1 1 0 J.Mrtin rf 4 0 0 0 J.Rgers c 2 3 1 1 Goodwin cf 4 0 0 0 0-2, Hayes 0-4), Indiana 2-16 (K.Mitchell 1-5,
Christi (TL).
Cleveland 63 44 .589 3 Wheeler 1-5, T.Mitchell 0-1, Laney 0-2, John-
Registration forms can be picked up and/or filled Chicago 46 59 .438 19 Rizzo 1b 3 0 1 0 Gldschm 1b 4 0 2 0 G.Bckhm 2b 4 2 2 3 Lucroy c 4 0 2 0 KANSAS CITY ROYALS — Signed 1B Erich
J.Baez ss 4 1 1 0 DeJong ss 4 0 0 0 Rengifo 2b 4 0 0 0 son 0-3). Fouled Out_Coates. Rebounds_At- Weiss to a minor league contract.
out at the YMCA at Sixth St. N. or can be done online at Kansas City 40 70 .364 27½
I.Happ cf-lf 3 0 1 1 Wong 2b 4 0 2 0 Totals 35 9 9 9 Totals 30 1 5 1 lanta 44 (Billings 12), Indiana 43 (McCowan
Detroit 32 72 .308 32½ LOS ANGELES ANGELS — Designated C West Division Schwrbr lf 4 0 0 0 O’Neill lf 3 0 1 0 Detroit 002 020 050—9 14). Assists_Atlanta 17 (Hayes, Breland 4), In- Dustin Garneau for assignment. Reinstated C
Ryan p 0 0 0 0 Gant p 0 0 0 0 Los Angeles 000 001 000—1 diana 14 (K.Mitchell 4). Total Fouls_Atlanta 21,
Sign up will run through Aug. 16 while play will W L Pct GB
Kntzler p 0 0 0 0 T.Webb p 0 0 0 0 DP_Detroit 2, Los Angeles 1. LOB_Detroit Indiana 17. Technicals_Atlanta coach Dream
Jonathan Lucroy from the 10-day IL.
Houston 69 40 .633 — MINNESOTA TWINS — Released RHP Car-
begin Sept. 9 at the Downtown Soccer Complex. Oakland 61 48 .560 8 Kimbrel p 0 0 0 0 Brebbia p 0 0 0 0 5, Los Angeles 8. 2B_Lucroy (8). HR_Dixon (Defensive three second), Hayes. A_5,702 los Torres. Traded OF Jaylin Davis and RHPs
Bote 2b 4 0 0 0 Ravelo ph 1 0 1 0 (14), J.Rogers (1), G.Beckham (5), Trout (35). (20,000).
For further information please contact Tom Velek at Los Angeles 56 54 .509 13½
Hndrcks p 2 0 0 0 Thomas pr 0 0 0 0 SB_Goodrum (12).
Prelander Berroa and Kai-Wei Teng to San
Texas 54 54 .500 14½ Francisco for RHP Sam Dyson. Sent 1B C.J. Seattle 47 64 .423 23
Tuesday’s Games
Almr Jr cf 1 0 0 0 Wieters c 4 0 1 0
Mikolas p 2 0 1 0
Gllegos p 0 0 0 0

Norris W,3-8

5 3 0 0 2 5
Auto Cron to Fort Myers (FSL) for a rehab assign-

Heritage Academy girls soccer earns two shutouts Baltimore 8, San Diego 5
Arizona 4, N.Y. Yankees 2 Y.Munoz lf 2 0 0 0 Ni.Ramirez 1 1 1 1 1 1 Auto Racing Glance NEW YORK YANKEES — Placed 1B Luke Voit
and RHP David Hale on the 10-day IL; Hale
Totals 34 2 8 1 Totals 36 0 9 0 Rosenthal H,2 1 0 0 0 1 2 All Times Eastern
Houston 2, Cleveland 0 NASCAR CUP SERIES retroactive to Sunday. Recalled RHP Jonathan
in early season matches Minnesota 2, Miami 1
Tampa Bay 6, Boston 5
St. Louis
000 001 010—2
000 000 000—0
1 0 0 0 1
1 1 0 0 1
Site: Watkins Glen, New York.
Holder and INF Breyvic Valera from Scranton/
Wilkes-Barre (IL). Traded RHP Joseph Harvey
The Heritage Academy girls soccer team began the Seattle 8, Texas 5 E_Edman (2), Wieters (1), J.Baez (14). DP_St. Los Angeles
Schedule: Saturday, practice, 10:35 a.m. & 1:35 to Colorado for LHP Alfredo Garcia. Sent RHP
Louis 1. LOB_Chicago 8, St. Louis 9. 2B_Hey- J.Suarez L,2-2 4 1-3 4 4 4 3 0 Jonathan Loaisiga to Trenton (EL) for a rehab
season with two wins and two shutouts in the first matches N.Y. Mets 5, Chicago White Sox 2, 11 innings
ward (13), Rizzo (24), J.Baez (28), De.Fowler Cahill 2 2-3 1 0 0 0 1 p.m., (NBCSN), qualifying, 6:40 p.m. (NBCSN);
Toronto 9, Kansas City 2 Sunday, race, 3 p.m., NBCSN.
of the year. Heritage defeated crosstown rival Columbus L.A. Angels 6, Detroit 1 (14), Goldschmidt 2 (12), Ravelo (2), Wieters L.Garcia 1 4 5 5 2 1
Track: Watkins Glen International (circuit, 2.45 OAKLAND ATHLETICS — Placed C Josh
(4). SB_J.Baez (8), Wong (15). JC.Ramirez 1 0 0 0 0 1 Phegley and OF Ramón Laureano on the 10-
Christian Academy 6-0 in the season opener and defeated Kirk Oakland 3, Milwaukee 2, 10 innings
IP H R ER BB SO HBP_by JC.Ramirez (Dixon). miles).
day IL, retroactive to Monday. Designated RHP
Wednesday’s Games Race distance: 220.5 miles, 90 laps.
Academy 8-0 on July 30th. N.Y. Yankees 7, Arizona 5 Chicago Umpires_Home, Jerry Meals; First, John Libka;
Last year: Chase Elliott won after starting third. Andrew Triggs for assignment. Assigned RHP
Hendricks W,8-8 7 7 0 0 0 7 Second, Ron Kulpa; Third, Gabe Morales. Brian Schlitter outright to Las Vegas (PCL).
Heritage brought a multitude of scoring threats to the Toronto 4, Kansas City 1
Ryan H,9 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 T_2:56. A_37,511 (45,050). Last race: Denny Hamlin held off teammate Erik
Recalled C Beau Taylor and OF Nick Martini
Detroit 9, L.A. Angels 1 Jones in Pocono.
victories including goals from Lilly Linton, Sophie Starks, Lizzy Cleveland 10, Houston 4 Kintzler H,14 2-3 0 0 0 0 1
Yankees 7, Fast facts: Kyle Busch leads the series with six from Las Vegas. Sent RHP Marco Estrada to
Kimbrel S,8-10 1 2 0 0 0 2 Stockton (Cal) for a rehab assignment.
Howard, Emma Britt, and others. The Patriots were anchored Minnesota 7, Miami 4 top-five finishes, 12 top-10s and 247 laps led at
by a strong defense led by goalie Haven Tuggle with the
Tampa Bay 8, Boston 5 St. Louis
Mikolas L,7-11 5 2-3 6 1 0 1 3 Diamondbacks 5 Watkins Glen. He’s also the only current driver SEATTLE MARINERS — Traded LHP Roenis
Elias and RHP Hunter Strickland to Washington
Texas 9, Seattle 7 Arizona New York with more than one win in upstate New York.
Gallegos 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 for LHPs Aaron Fletcher and Taylor Guilbeau
support of starting defensive backs Hanna Hardy, Kelly Bell, N.Y. Mets 4, Chicago White Sox 2
Gant 1 2-3 2 1 0 0 2 ab r h bi ab r h bi ...Hamlin won at WGI in 2016. ...Cliff Daniels,
Milwaukee 4, Oakland 2 J.Dyson cf 4 1 1 0 A.Hicks cf 4 0 0 0 who helped Jimmie Johnson win the 2016 and RHP Elvis Alvarado. Traded RHP Mike
Carly Rogers, and Reagan Merchant. Thursday’s Games T.Webb 1-3 0 0 0 1 0
A.Jones ph 0 1 0 0 Judge dh 4 1 1 0 championship, was named the new crew chief Leake and cash to Arizona for INF Jose Cabal-
Brebbia 1 0 0 0 0 2 lero. Selected the contract of RHP Zac Grotz
The Patriots travel to Greenville for a pair of matches in Minnesota (Pineda 7-5) at Miami (Yamamoto
HBP_by Mikolas (Hendricks). Flores 2b-1b 5 0 2 0 Encrnco 1b 3 1 1 0 for Johnson’s No. 48 Hendrick Motorsports
4-2), 12:10 p.m. E.Escbr 3b 5 1 0 1 Grgrius ss 3 0 0 1 Chevrolet team on Monday. Johnson is just from Arkansas (TL) and RHP Gerson Bautista
the Delta versus St. Joseph Catholic School on Thursday and N.Y. Mets (Wheeler 7-6) at Chicago White Sox Umpires_Home, Jansen Visconti; First, Will
D.Prlta lf 4 1 3 1 Torres 2b 4 1 1 1 17th in the standings. from Tacoma (PCL).
Little; Second, Joe West; Third, Andy Fletcher.
Washington School on Friday. (Cease 1-3), 2:10 p.m.
T_3:14. A_43,750 (45,538). C.Wlker dh 2 0 0 0 Urshela 3b 4 1 1 0 Next race: Consumers Energy 400, August 11, TAMPA BAY RAYS — Optioned 3B Daniel Rob-
Milwaukee (Anderson 5-2) at Oakland (Meng- Lamb 1b 2 0 0 1 Maybin rf 4 0 1 1 Michigan International Speedway, Brooklyn, ertson to Durham (IL). Traded RHP Jake Faria
den 5-2), 3:37 p.m. Rays 8, Red Sox 5 K.Marte ph-2b 2 0 0 0 Tuchman lf 4 2 2 2 Michigan. to Milwaukee for 1B Jesus Aguilar. Traded LHP
Fever get 1st home win since June 7, beat Dream Toronto (Thornton 3-7) at Baltimore (Wojciech-
owski 2-3), 7:05 p.m.
Tampa Bay Boston
ab r h bi ab r h bi
Ahmed ss
A.Avila c
4 0 0 0 Romine c 2 1 1 2
2 0 1 0
Adam Kolarek to the L.A. Dodgers for OF Niko
Houston (Cole 12-5) at Cleveland (Salazar 0-0), C.Kelly ph-c 1 0 0 0 TEXAS RANGERS — Optioned LHP Kolby
61-59 7:10 p.m.
Choi dh 4 2 2 0 Betts rf 5 1 3 0
Meadows lf 5 1 1 3 Devers 3b 4 1 1 2 Lcastro rf 4 1 2 1
Site: Watkins Glen. Allard to Nashville (PCL). Traded RHPs Joe
Jarneski and Ray Castro to the Chicago White
Tampa Bay (McKay 1-1) at Boston (Cashner Totals 35 5 9 4 Totals 32 7 8 7
INDIANAPOLIS — Erica Wheeler made a go-ahead layup 10-5), 7:10 p.m.
Heredia lf 0 0 0 0 Bgaerts ss 5 0 1 0
Arizona 000 030 002—5
Schedule: Friday, practice, 12:35 & 2:05 p.m.;
Sox for RHP Nate Jones, international slot
d’Arnud c-1b 5 0 2 1 Mrtinez dh 4 1 3 2 Saturday, qualifying, 11:40 a.m. (NBCSN),
with 11.9 seconds left, rookie Teaira McCowan blocked two Friday’s Games N.Lowe 1b 4 1 0 0 Bnntndi lf 5 0 0 0 New York 020 000 23x—7 race, 3 p.m., NBC. compensations and cash. Placed Jones on the
Boston (Rodriguez 13-4) at N.Y. Yankees (Pax- E_A.Hicks (1). LOB_Arizona 10, New York 4. Track: Watkins Glen International. 60-day IL. Recalled LHP Locke St. John from
shots at the other end and the Indiana Fever beat the Atlanta ton 5-6), 7:05 p.m.
Zunino c 0 0 0 0 Travis 1b 4 0 2 0
2B_D.Peralta (25), Locastro (8), Torres (18), Race distance: 200.9 miles, 82 laps. Nashville.
Av.Grci rf 5 0 1 0 C.Vazqz c 4 0 0 0
Dream 61-59 on Wednesday night. Chicago White Sox (Nova 6-9) at Philadelphia Krmaier cf 4 2 2 2 Chavis 2b 4 1 2 1 Urshela (24), Tauchman (13). HR_Locastro (1), Last year: Joey Logano won from the pole. TORONTO BLUE JAYS — Placed LHP Ryan
(Vargas 6-5), 7:05 p.m. M.Duffy 3b 4 0 1 1 Brdly J cf 4 1 0 0 Tauchman (7), Romine (4). SF_Lamb (1). Last race: Chase Briscoe hunted down Christo- Borucki on the 10-day IL, retroactive to Sunday.
Indiana (7-15) snapped a six-game losing streak and Toronto (TBD) at Baltimore (Brooks 2-4), 7:05 Sogard 2b 4 0 1 0 I P H R ER BB SO pher Bell to win Iowa’s second race. Selected the contract of LHP Buddy Boshers
eight-game home skid that matched the club record for a single p.m. Adames ss 4 2 2 1 Arizona Fast facts: Briscoe led just seven laps in New- from Buffalo. Claimed RHP Brock Stewart off
L.A. Angels (Pena 8-3) at Cleveland (Clevinger Totals 39 8 12 8 Totals 39 5 12 5 Greinke 5 2 2 2 3 7 ton. But he capitalized on Bell’s missed tire waivers from the L.A. Dodgers and optioned
season. Atlanta (5-16) is tied with Dallas for the worst record in 5-2), 7:10 p.m. Tampa Bay 140 001 200—8 Y.Lopez H,17 1 2-3 0 0 0 0 2 strategy to overwhelm the No. 20 Toyota follow- him to Buffalo. Traded RHPs Aaron Sanchez
Detroit (Alexander 0-1) at Texas (Lynn 13-6), Chafin 0 1 1 1 0 0 ing a series of late restarts. ...Logano was one and Joe Biagini and OF Cal Stevenson to Hous-
the WNBA after a season-high sixth consecutive defeat. 8:05 p.m.
Boston 001 100 300—5
Hirano L,3-5 BS,3 1-3 3 3 3 0 0 ton for OF Derek Fisher.
E_N.Lowe (1). LOB_Tampa Bay 6, Boston 9. of just five pole sitters to also win the race in the
Wheeler had 15 points and five steals, and McCowan Kansas City (Sparkman 3-7) at Minnesota (Pe- 2B_Choi 2 (11), Betts (28). 3B_Kiermaier (7). McFarland 1 2 1 1 0 1 series in 2018. ...Point leader Tyler Reddick has National League
rez 8-4), 8:10 p.m. HR_Meadows (16), Kiermaier (11), Adames New York 16 top-10s in 19 races. ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS — Traded SS
added 10 points and 14 rebounds. Indiana led by 13 points in Seattle (Kikuchi 4-7) at Houston (Miley 9-4), (13), Martinez (23), Chavis (17). SF_Devers (2). Tanaka 4 5 2 2 3 4 Next race: B&L Transport 170 at Mid-Ohio, Jazz Chisholm to Miami for RHP Zac Gallen.
the third quarter but Atlanta opened the fourth on a 17-5 run for 8:10 p.m. IP H R ER BB SO C.Green 1 1 1 0 1 0 August 10, Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course, Lex- Traded C John Ryan Murphy to Atlanta for
Kahnle 1 1 0 0 0 2 ington, Ohio. cash. Traded RHP Zack Greinke to Houston for
a 59-54 lead. Wheeler’s basket was Indiana’s only field goal in National League Glance Tampa Bay
Kittredge 2 1-3 2 1 0 0 3 Ottavino W,4-3 1 0 0 0 0 2 Online: RHPs J.B. Bukauskas and Corbin Martin, OF
All Times EDT Britton H,20 1 0 0 0 0 0 Seth Beer and IF Joshua Rojas. Traded C Max
the fourth quarter. East Division
Yarbrough W,10-3 4 1-3 6 4 4 0 3
Cortes Jr. 0 1 1 1 0 0
Stassi to the L.A. Angels for OFs Rainier Rivas
D.Castillo 0 2 0 0 0 0 ELDORA DIRT DERBY
Elizabeth Williams scored 17 points for Atlanta, and Alex W L Pct GB Poche H,8 1 1-3 1 0 0 0 4 A.Chapman S,27-32 1 1 1 1 2 1 Site: Rossburg, Ohio. and Raider Uceta. Designated RHP Joey Kreh-
Atlanta 64 45 .587 — Tanaka pitched to 2 batters in the 5th Schedule: Wednesday, practice, 7:05 & 9:05 biel for assignment. Sent 1B Kevin Cron and
Bentley added 12. Washington 57 51 .528 6½
Roe S,1-5 1 1 0 0 1 1
Chafin pitched to 1 batter in the 7th p.m.; Thursday, qualifying, 7 p.m. (FS1), race, RHP Matt Andriese to the AZL Diamondbacks
Both teams shot under 32 percent from the field, combin- Philadelphia 56 51 .523 7 Porcello L,9-8 5 2-3 9 6 6 1 7 Hirano pitched to 2 batters in the 8th 9 p.m., FS1. for rehab assignments. Transferred OF Blake
New York 52 55 .486 11 Dar.Hernandez 1-3 1 0 0 0 1 Cortes Jr. pitched to 1 batter in the 9th Track: Eldora Speedway (dirt oval, 0.5 miles) Swihart to the 60-day IL.
ing for 7-of-39 shooting from 3-point range and 30 turnovers Miami 41 65 .387 21½ Hembree 1 2 2 2 1 2 Umpires_Home, Brian O’Nora; First, Mark Race distance: 75 miles, 150 laps. CHICAGO CUBS — Traded C Martín Mal-
— From Special and Wire Reports Central Division J.Taylor 1 0 0 0 0 2 Ripperger; Second, Jeremie Rehak; Third, Last year: Briscoe claimed top honors on El- donado to Houston for INF/OF Tony Kemp.
W L Pct GB Walden 1 0 0 0 0 3 Dan Bellino. dora’s dirt. Added RHP David Phelps to the 25-man roster.
Chicago 57 50 .533 — D.Castillo pitched to 2 batters in the 7th T_3:43. A_43,979 (47,309). Last race: Ross Chastain won at Pocono. Optioned RHP Duane Underwood Jr. to Iowa

on the air
St. Louis 57 50 .533 — (PCL). Designated RHP Oscar De La Cruz for
Milwaukee 57 52 .523 1
Umpires_Home, Sean Barber; First, Mike Win- Blue Jays 4, Royals 1 Fast facts: Chastain, nicknamed the “Water-
melon Man” because of his family’s ties to wa- assignment.
Cincinnati 50 56 .472 6½ ters; Second, Rob Drake; Third, Tim Timmons. Toronto Kansas City termelon farming, smashed yet another melon CINCINNATI REDS — Traded OF Taylor
Pittsburgh 47 61 .435 10½ T_3:50. A_33,046 (37,731). ab r h bi ab r h bi in Long Pond after solving Pocono’s “Tricky Trammell to San Diego, which sent OF Franmil
West Division
W L Pct GB Indians 10, Astros 4
Bchette ss 5 1 3 1 Mrrfeld 2b 3 0 0 0
Biggio 2b 3 2 1 0 A.Grdon lf 4 0 0 0
Triangle.” Chastain has now won twice since
his victory in Iowa was overturned because of
Reyes, LHP Logan Allen and 3B Victor Nova
to Cleveland. Traded LHP Scott Moss and
Los Angeles 71 39 .645 — Grrl Jr lf 1 0 0 0 H.Dzier rf 3 0 0 0
AUTO RACING San Francisco 55 53 .509 15
Houston Cleveland
ab r h bi ab r h bi T.Hrnan cf 3 0 1 1 Soler dh 4 0 0 0
a height issue. ...Eldora has produced six dif- OF Yasiel Puig to Cleveland, which sent RHP
Trevor Bauer to Cincinnati. Traded RHP Tanner
ferent winners in its six seasons on the circuit.
6 p.m. — NASCAR Gander Outdoors Truck Arizona
San Diego
54 55 .495 16½
50 57 .467 19½
Sprnger cf 4 0 0 0 Lindor ss 5 2 3 0 Smoak 1b 3 0 1 1 Cthbert 3b 3 0 1 0
Grichuk cf-rf
4 0 0 0 O’Hearn 1b 3 0 0 0
None of those drivers started on the pole. Roark and cash to Oakland for OF Jameson
Hannah. Traded 2B Scooter Gennett and cash
Altuve 2b 3 0 1 0 Mercado cf 3 2 1 0 Next race: Corrigan Oil 200, August 10, Michi-
Series: qualifying, Rossburg, Ohio, FS1 Colorado 50 59 .459 20½ Brntley lf 4 0 0 0 C.Sntna 1b 5 1 1 3 Galvis dh 4 1 1 1 Strling cf 3 0 1 0
McKnney rf-lf 4 0 0 0 N.Lopez ss 3 0 0 0
gan International Speedway. to San Francisco for a player to be named. As-
Tuesday’s Games Bregman 3b 3 1 1 0 Kipnis 2b 4 1 2 3 Online: signed C Ryan Lavarnway outright to Louisville
8 p.m. — NASCAR Gander Outdoors Truck Baltimore 8, San Diego 5 Alvarez dh 3 1 0 0 Jo.Rmir 3b 4 0 0 0 Drury 3b 4 0 1 0 Gllgher c 3 1 1 1 FORMULA ONE (IL). Reinstated RHP David Hernandez from
Arizona 4, N.Y. Yankees 2 Correa ss 4 2 2 1 Luplow lf 4 1 2 0 McGuire c 4 0 1 0 HUNGARIAN GRAND PRIX the 10-day IL.
Series: The Eldora Dirt Derby, Rossburg, Philadelphia 4, San Francisco 2 Gurriel 1b 4 0 1 3 Bauers dh 3 1 0 0 Totals 35 4 9 4 Totals 29 1 3 1 Site: Budapest, Hungary. COLORADO ROCKIES — Designated LHP
Atlanta 11, Washington 8 Reddick rf 4 0 1 0 R.Perez c 3 2 2 4 Toronto 000 001 120—4 Harrison Musgrave for assignment.
Ohio, FS1 Pittsburgh 11, Cincinnati 4 R.Chrns c 4 0 0 0 Naquin rf 4 0 0 0 Kansas City 001 000 000—1
Schedule: Friday, practice, 5 & 9 a.m.; Sat-
urday, practice, 6 a.m., qualifying, 9 a.m. LOS ANGELES DODGERS — Optioned RHP
Minnesota 2, Miami 1 DP_Toronto 1, Kansas City 1. LOB_Toronto
3:55 a.m. (Friday) — Formula One: The N.Y. Mets 5, Chicago White Sox 2, 11 innings
33 4 6 4 Totals
013 000 000— 4
35 10 11 10
8, Kansas City 4. 2B_Bichette (1), Biggio (7),
(ESPN2); Sunday, race, 9:10 a.m., ESPN2
Track: Hungary Ring (circuit, 2.72 miles).
Tony Gonsolin to Oklahoma City (PCL). Re-
instated RHP Dylan Floro from the 10-day IL.
T.Hernandez (11). HR_Bichette (1), Galvis (16),
Hungarian Grand Prix, practice session 1, St. Louis 2, Chicago Cubs 1
L.A. Dodgers 9, Colorado 4
Cleveland 030 034 00x—10
Gallagher (2). SB_Biggio (8), Gurriel Jr. (6).
Race distance: 190 miles, 70 laps. Signed RHP Tyler Thornburg to a minor league
E_Lindor (6). DP_Cleveland 1. LOB_Houston Last year: Lewis Hamilton won from the pole. contract.
Hungary, ESPN2 Oakland 3, Milwaukee 2, 10 innings
Wednesday’s Games
8, Cleveland 5. 2B_Correa (14), Gurriel (27),
IP H R ER BB SO Last race: Max Verstappen claimed his second MIAMI MARLINS — Acquired OF Jesus San-
Lindor (23), Mercado (15). HR_Correa (13), victory of 2019 in Germany. chez and RHP Ryne Stanek from the Tampa
CFL FOOTBALL Atlanta 5, Washington 4, 10 innings C.Santana (23), Kipnis (9), R.Perez 2 (18). Waguespack 6 3 1 1 2 2 Fast facts: Hamilton finished ninth in Hock- Bay Rays for RHP Nick Anderson and RHP
Cincinnati 4, Pittsburgh 1 S_Mercado (5). Mayza W,2-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 enheim, by far his worst result of the season, Trevor Richards.
6 p.m. — Winnipeg at Toronto, ESPN2 N.Y. Yankees 7, Arizona 5 IP H R ER BB SO Biagini H,10 1 0 0 0 0 1 after hitting the wall near the end of the race. MILWAUKEE BREWERS — Traded RHP Mar-
L.A. Dodgers 5, Colorado 1 Houston Shafer S,1-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 cos Diplan to Minnesota for cash.
GOLF San Francisco 5, Philadelphia 1 Urquidy L,1-1 4 8 6 6 1 1 Kansas City
Hamilton still leads the series by 41 points.
...The win pushed Verstappen within 22 points PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES — Optioned RHP
Minnesota 7, Miami 4 Junis L,6-10 7 6 4 4 2 6
5 a.m. — LPGA Tour Golf: Women’s British N.Y. Mets 4, Chicago White Sox 2
1 0 0 0 0
1 3 4 4 1
2 K.McCarthy 1 1 0 0 1 0
of Finland’s Valtteri Bottas for second. Bottas
was among six drivers who failed to finish on a
Edgar Garcia to Lehigh Valley (IL). Designated
3B Mitch Walding and OF Dylan Cozens for as-
Kennedy 1 2 0 0 1 1
Open, first round, England, GOLF Chicago Cubs 2, St. Louis 0
Milwaukee 4, Oakland 2
Sneed 1 0 0 0 1 1
Junis pitched to 2 batters in the 8th
wet track in Germany. signment. Sent RHP Jerad Eickhoff to Clearwa-
B.Abreu 1 0 0 0 0 0 Next race: Belgian Grand Prix, September 1, ter (FSL) for a rehab assignment. Signed RHP
1 p.m. — PGA Tour Golf: Wyndham Champi- Thursday’s Games
Minnesota (Pineda 7-5) at Miami (Yamamoto
Cleveland HBP_by Waguespack (Cuthbert).
Umpires_Home, Chad Whitson; First, Bill Mill-
Spa-Francorchamps Circuit, Stavelot, Belgium. Blake Parker to a minor league contract.
Plesac W,6-3 5 6 4 4 3 3 Online: PITTSBURGH PIRATES — Traded OF Corey
onship, first round, Greensboro, N.C., GOLF 4-2), 12:10 p.m. Goody H,6 1 0 0 0 1 1 er; Second, Doug Eddings; Third, Chris Conroy.
T_2:23. A_14,480 (37,903).
INDYCAR Dickerson to Philadelphia for international
San Francisco (Rodriguez 4-5) at Philadelphia O.Perez 1 0 0 0 1 0 Last race: Scott Dixon won at Mid-Ohio to stay signing bonus money and a player to be named.
5 a.m. (Friday) — LPGA Tour Golf: Women’s (Arrieta 8-8), 1:05 p.m. Cimber 1 2-3 0 0 0 1 0 Reds 4, Pirates 1 in the title hunt. ST. LOUIS CARDINALS — Traded INF Jedd
N.Y. Mets (Wheeler 7-6) at Chicago White Sox Hand 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Next race: ABC Supply 500, August 18, Pocono Gyorko, international cap space and cash to
British Open, second round, England, GOLF (Cease 1-3), 2:10 p.m. Urquidy pitched to 4 batters in the 5th
Pittsburgh Cincinnati
Raceway, Long Pond, Pennsylvania. the L.A. Dodgers for LHP Tony Cingrani and
Milwaukee (Anderson 5-2) at Oakland (Meng- ab r h bi ab r h bi
HORSE RACING den 5-2), 3:37 p.m.
Plesac pitched to 1 batter in the 6th
A.Frzer 2b 4 0 0 0 Winker rf 3 2 3 1 Online:
RHP Jeffry Abreu.
Rynolds rf 4 0 0 1 R.Iglss p 0 0 0 0
12 p.m. — Saratoga Live, FS2 Chicago Cubs (Lester 9-6) at St. Louis (Fla-
herty 4-6), 7:15 p.m.
Umpires_Home, Chris Segal; First, Vic Car- S.Marte cf 3 0 0 0 Votto 1b 4 0 0 0 NORTHWEST NATIONALS Wieck to the Chicago Cubs for RHP Carl Ed-
apazza; Second, Hunter Wendelstedt; Third, Bell 1b 4 0 1 0 E.Sarez 3b 4 1 1 2 Site: Kent, Washington wards Jr. Sent RHP Garrett Richards to Lake
MLB BASEBALL Cincinnati (DeSclafani 6-5) at Atlanta (Fried
11-4), 7:20 p.m.
Laz Diaz. Ri.Rdri p 0 0 0 0 Gennett 2b 3 0 1 0 Schedule: Friday, qualifying, 6:30 & 9:45 p.m.; Elsinore (Cal) for a rehab assignment.
T_3:10. A_23,961 (35,225). Me.Cbrr lf 4 0 0 0 Ervin ph-lf 1 0 0 0 Saturday, qualifying, 5 & 8 p.m.; Sunday, finals, SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS — Traded LHP
12 p.m. — San Francisco at Philadelphia OR San Diego (Lucchesi 7-5) at L.A. Dodgers (Ker- 6:45 p.m., FOX. Drew Pomeranz and RHP Ray Black to Milwau-
shaw 9-2), 10:10 p.m. Giants 5, Phillies 1 Moran 3b 4 0 1 0 VnMeter lf-2b 2 1 1 0
Track: Pacific Raceways. kee for INF Mauricio Dubon. Traded RHP Mark
Minnesota at Miami (11 a.m.), MLB Friday’s Games San Francisco Philadelphia Newman ss 4 0 1 0 Lrenzen p-rf 0 0 0 0
El.Diaz c 3 1 2 0 Senzel cf 4 0 3 1 Last year: Antron Brown won his first finals of Melancon to Atlanta for RHPs Dan Winkler and
Milwaukee (Davies 8-4) at Chicago Cubs (Quin- ab r h bi ab r h bi 2018 outside of Seattle. Tristan Beck. Recalled RHP Jandel Gustave,
3 p.m. — Milwaukee at Oakland OR NY Mets tana 8-7), 2:20 p.m. Belt 1b 3 0 0 0 C.Hrnan 2b 4 0 1 0 Agrazal p 1 0 0 0 J.Iglss ss 4 0 0 0
Last event: Billy Torrence won in Top Fuel. RHP Dereck Rodríguez and LHP Andrew Su-
Chicago White Sox (Nova 6-9) at Philadelphia Ystrzms lf 4 1 1 0 Segura ss 4 0 2 0 Feliz p 0 0 0 0 Brnhart c 3 0 0 0
at Chicago White Sox (2 p.m.) (games joined (Vargas 6-5), 7:05 p.m. Posey c 5 1 1 2 Hoskins 1b 4 0 0 0 C.Dckrs ph 1 0 0 0 L.Cstll p 3 0 1 0 Fast facts: Greg Anderson (Pro Stock) and An-
drew Hines (Pro Stock Motorcycle) also won in
arez from Sacramento (PCL).
N.Y. Mets (Matz 6-6) at Pittsburgh (Williams Strtton p 0 0 0 0 Peraza 2b 1 0 0 0
in progress), MLB 3-4), 7:05 p.m.
Sndoval 3b 3 1 1 1 B.Hrper rf 2 1 0 0
B.Crwfr ss 4 1 1 0 Ralmuto c 4 0 1 0 Liriano p 0 0 0 0 Sonoma. ...In Funny Car, Robert Hight won his Kyle Johnston to Toronto for RHP Daniel Hud-
J.Osuna ph-1b 1 0 1 0 50th career event. Hight beat Matt Hagan for son. Reinstated RHP Justin Miller from the
6 p.m. — Chicago Cubs at St. Louis OR Cincinnati (Wood 0-0) at Atlanta (Gausman
3-6), 7:20 p.m.
Pillar cf 4 1 1 2 Kingery cf 4 0 0 0
Panik 2b 3 0 1 0 Haseley lf 3 0 0 1 Totals 33 1 6 1 Totals 32 4 10 4 his second straight Sonoma victory, clocking 60-day IL and designated him for assignment.
Pittsburgh 000 000 010—1 in at 325.45 mph compared to Hagan’s 316.60. Designated RHPs Michael Blazek and Javy
Houston at Cleveland, MLB San Francisco (Bumgarner 6-7) at Colorado Slater rf 4 0 2 0 Franco 3b 3 0 1 0
Cincinnati 102 000 10x—4 ...Hight, a two-time world champion, is just the Guerra for assignment. Transferred LHP Jonny
(Lambert 2-2), 8:40 p.m. Smrdzja p 2 0 0 0 Vlsquez p 2 0 0 0 third Funny Car driver ever to reach 50 wins. Venters to the 60-day IL.
9 p.m. — San Diego at LA Dodgers, MLB Washington (Ross 0-3) at Arizona (Ray 9-7), Watson p 0 0 0 0 Morgan p 0 0 0 0 DP_Pittsburgh 1. LOB_Pittsburgh 6, Cincinnati
8. 2B_J.Osuna (7), Senzel 2 (18), L.Castillo (1). ...Anderson’s victory was the 93rd of his career. American Association
9:40 p.m. Moronta p 0 0 0 0 Morin p 0 0 0 0 Next event: NHRA Nationals, August 15-18, GARY SOUTHSHORE RAILCATS — Signed
NFL FOOTBALL San Diego (Lauer 5-8) at L.A. Dodgers (Bue- Vogt ph 1 0 0 0 Neris p 0 0 0 0 HR_Winker (15), E.Suarez (29). SB_Newman
Brainerd International Raceway, Brainerd, RHP Andrew Cartier and OF Daniel Gardner.
hler 9-2), 10:10 p.m. Will.Sm p 0 0 0 0 Quinn ph 1 0 0 0 (9), VanMeter (2).
7 p.m. — Preseason: Denver vs. Atlanta, Eflin p 0 0 0 0 IP H R ER BB SO Minnesota. KANSAS CITY T-BONES — Sold the contact

Canton, Ohio, NBC Brewers 4, Athletics 2 Totals 33 5 8 5 Totals 31 1 5 1 Pittsburgh

Agrazal L,2-2 3 2-3 6 3 3 0 5
of RHP Brian Ellington to the Seattle Mariners.
Signed OF Jordan George.
Milwaukee Oakland San Francisco 000 005 000—5 WORLD OF OUTLAWS MILWAUKEE MILKMEN — Signed RHP Steve
ab r h bi ab r h bi Feliz 1-3 0 0 0 0 0
PAN AMERICAN GAMES Cain cf 5 1 1 1 Semien ss 4 1 1 0
Philadelphia 000 000 100—1
DP_San Francisco 1, Philadelphia 1. LOB_San Stratton 2 3 0 0 1 1 Friday-Saturday, Federated Auto Parts Race- Hagen.
Liriano 1 1 1 1 1 1 way at I-55, Pevely, Missouri. ST. PAUL SAINTS — Signed LHP John Kili-
9:55 a.m. — Pan American Games Lima Yelich rf 5 0 1 1 Martini lf 3 0 0 0
Braun lf 4 0 2 0 M.Chpmn 3b 3 0 0 1
Francisco 7, Philadelphia 5. 2B_Panik (17),
Ri.Rodriguez 1 0 0 0 0 0 Online: chowski.
Realmuto (21). HR_Posey (6), Sandoval (14), SIOUX FALLS CANARIES — Released RHPs
2019: Men’s Soccer Group Stage : Men’s Cincinnati

Soccer Group Stage - Panama vs Ecuador,

Gamel pr-lf 0 1 0 0 M.Olson 1b 3 0 1 0
Grandal dh 4 1 1 0 K.Davis dh 4 0 1 0
Hiura 2b 3 0 1 0 Canha cf 4 0 0 0
Pillar (13). S_Samardzija (5).

San Francisco
IP H R ER BB SO L.Castillo W,10-4 7 6 1 1 0
R.Iglesias S,20-23 1 0 0 0 0
1 Golf Trevor Jaunich and Adam Stockwell. Signed
RHP Harrison Cooney.
Mstakas 3b 3 0 1 1 Grssman rf 4 0 0 0 Samardzija W,8-8 6 3 0 0 1 5 L.Castillo pitched to 2 batters in the 8th
HBP_by Agrazal (Barnhart), by Agrazal (Wink-
Golf Glance Pastrana.
Pina c 3 0 0 0 Hrrmann c 3 1 2 0 Watson 1 1 1 1 1 1 All Times Eastern Atlantic League
Thames 1b 4 0 0 0 Pinder ph 1 0 0 0 Moronta 1 1 0 0 0 1 er). LPGA TOUR and ROYAL & ANCIENT
12 p.m. — Pan American Games Lima Arcia ss 4 1 2 0 Barreto 2b 2 0 0 0 Will.Smith 1 0 0 0 0 1 Umpires_Home, Ramon De Jesus; First, Dave GOLF CLUB
HIGH POINT ROCKERS — Sold the contract of
Rackley; Second, Eric Cooper; Third, Larry LHP Alberto Baldonado to Sultanes de Monter-
Profar ph-2b 2 0 2 1
2019, ESPNU Totals 35 4 9 3 Totals 33 2 7 2
Velasquez L,3-6 5 4 2 2 3 6 Vanover.
Site: Milton Keynes, England.
rey (Mexico). Sent RHP Tyler Herron to Sioux
T_2:45. A_20,886 (42,319). Falls (AA) to complete an earlier trade. Signed
12:55 p.m. — Pan American Games Lima Milwaukee 101 100 010—4 Morgan 1-3 3 3 3 0 0 Course: Woburn GC. Yardage: 6,585. Par: 72. OF Jared Mitchell.
2019: Men’s Soccer Group Stage : Men’s
Oakland 001 000 100—2
E_Lyles (3). DP_Oakland 1. LOB_Milwaukee
1 2-3 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0
3 Braves 5, Nationals 4, Purse: $4.5 million. Winner’s share: $675,000.
Television: Thursday-Friday, 6 a.m.-1 p.m. (Golf
NEW BRITAIN BEES — Released 2B Vinny
Siena. Signed SS Ryan Jackson.
Soccer Group Stage - Mexico vs Argentina,
7, Oakland 8. 2B_Yelich (22), Braun (20), Hiu-
ra (11), Moustakas (23), Semien (27), M.Olson
Eflin 1 1 0 0 2
Velasquez pitched to 2 batters in the 6th
2 10 innings Channel); Saturday, 7-11 a.m. (Golf Channel),
11 a.m.-2 p.m. (NBC); Sunday, 7:30-11:30 a.m.
Atlanta Washington Jones and Ricky Schafer.
(15), Herrmann (3), Profar (15). HR_Cain (8). Umpires_Home, Bruce Dreckman; First, Al- ab r h bi ab r h bi (Golf Channel), 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m. (NBC).
ESPNU SF_M.Chapman (3). fonso Marquez; Second, Chad Fairchild; Third, Acn Jr. rf 5 1 2 1 T.Trner ss 4 0 1 0 Defending champion: Georgia Hall.
Frontier League
IP H R ER BB SO Mike Estabrook. Race to CME Globe leader: Jin Young Ko.
5:25 p.m. — Pan American Games Lima Milwaukee T_3:02. A_31,313 (43,647).
Albies 2b 5 0 1 1 Eaton rf 5 1 1 0
F.Frman 1b 5 0 0 0 Rendon 3b 4 1 1 0 Last week: Jin Young Ko won the Evian Cham-
Craport, OF Kenny Meimerstorf and RHP Cam-
eron Vige.
Lyles W,6-7 5 3 1 1 2 4
2019: Men’s Soccer Group Stage : Men’s Albers H,6 1 1 0 0 0 2 Twins 7, Marlins 4 Dnldson 3b 5 1 1 1 J.Soto lf 3 1 2 1 pionship.
Notes: This is the first time since 1960 that
Duvall lf 5 1 2 1 Suzuki c 3 0 1 1 Brock Riley.
Soccer Group Stage - Jamaica vs. Uruguay, Jeffress H,12 1 2 1 1 0
Ju.Guerra H,13 1 0 0 0 1
Minnesota Miami
ab r h bi ab r h bi
Incarte cf 5 1 2 0 Parra 1b 4 0 0 0 LPGA majors were held in consecutive weeks.
Joyce Ziske won the Women’s Western Open
Flowers c 4 0 2 1 B.Dzier 2b 4 0 0 0 Michael McCraith.
ESPNU Hader S,24-26 1 1 0 0 0 0 Kepler rf 1 2 1 1 Rojas ss 4 1 1 0 Camargo ss 3 1 1 0 Dlittle p 0 0 0 0 and Mickey Wright won the LPGA Champion- BASKETBALL
Oakland Adranza rf-1b 1 0 0 0 H.Rmrez rf 2 0 0 0 Soroka p 2 0 1 0 V.Rbles cf 4 0 0 0 ship in 1960. ... Jin Young Ko is the first woman National Basketball Association
SWIMMING Bre.Anderson L,9-7 7 8 3 3 0 3 J.Plnco ss 5 0 0 0 Chen p 1 0 0 0 Swarzak p 0 0 0 0 A.Sanch p 1 0 0 0 since Inbee Park in 2015 to win at least two ma- ATLANTA HAWKS — Signed F Ray Spalding.
Trivino 2-3 1 1 1 3 1 Garver c 5 2 2 3 Rivera 1b 1 1 1 0 Joyce ph 1 0 0 0 Rainey p 0 0 0 0 jors in one season. ... Ariya Jutanugarn won the
7 p.m. — USA Swimming National Champi- Wang 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 E.Rsrio lf 4 1 2 2 Bri.And 3b 4 1 1 4 L.Jcksn p 0 0 0 0 Kndrick ph 0 0 0 0 Women’s British Open the last time it was held
Damion Lee and Ky Bowman to two-way con-
Soria 1 0 0 0 0 1 Sano 3b 2 0 0 0 N.Wlker 1b 3 0 1 0 at Woburn in 2016. ... Ko returns to No. 1 after
onships: Day 2, Palo Alto, Calif., NBCSN WP_Trivino. Gnzalez 1b-rf 4 1 1 0 Gerrero p 0 0 0 0
Newcomb p 0 0 0 0 Suero p 0 0 0 0
Tomlin p 0 0 0 0 M.Adams ph 1 1 1 1 her victory in the Evian Championship. Her
Umpires_Home, Nick Mahrley; First, Cory Bla- Schoop 2b 4 0 1 1 Brigham p 0 0 0 0 LOS ANGELES LAKERS — Named Jason
TBT BASKETBALL Rodney p 0 0 0 0 current ranking includes 27 finishes in the top Kidd, Lionel Hollins, Phil Handy, Miles Simon,
ser; Second, Jeff Nelson; Third, Jim Wolf. Buxton cf 4 0 1 0 Cooper ph 1 0 0 0 Ad.Snch 2b 1 0 1 0 10, including five victories on the LPGA Tour Mike Penberthy and Quinton Crawford assis-
6 p.m. — Chicago Regional: Carmen’s Crew T_2:56. A_14,864 (46,765). Berrios p 2 1 0 0 S.Cstro 2b 4 0 1 0
Cruz ph 1 0 0 0 Grndrsn lf 3 0 0 0
Totals 40 5 12 5 Totals 34 4 8 3 and two victories on the Korean LPGA. ... Lexi
Thompson skipped the Women’s British Open
tant coaches and Greg St. Jean, Dru Anthrop
vs. Eberlin Drive, Quarterfinal, Chicago, Ill., Mets 4, White Sox 2 Poppen p 0 0 0 0 Prado ph 1 0 0 0
011 101 000 1—5
010 000 012 0—4 last year, saying she needed a mental break
and Jon Pastorek player development coaches.
New York Chicago T.Rgers p 0 0 0 0 Alfaro c 3 0 0 0 DP_Atlanta 3, Washington 1. LOB_Atlanta 7, from the game. ... Hall last year became the Guduric to a multi-year contract.
ESPN ab r h bi ab r h bi Puello cf 3 0 0 0 Washington 5. 2B_Acuna Jr. (14), Albies (29), second woman from England to win the Wom- FOOTBALL
McNeil rf-lf 5 0 0 0 L.Grcia cf 5 1 2 1 Alcntra p 1 0 0 0 Duvall (1), Inciarte (8), Flowers 2 (8), T.Turner en’s British Open. The other was Karen Stup-
8 p.m. — Chicago Regional: Jackson TN vs. Cnforto cf-rf 3 1 1 2 Goins 3b 4 0 2 0 Berti rf 2 1 1 0 (23). HR_Donaldson (25), Duvall (4), J.Soto ples in 2004. ... Yani Tseng (2010-11) is the only
National Football League
BUFFALO BILLS — Waived/injured OL Jere-
P.Alnso 1b 4 0 0 0 J.Abreu 1b 3 0 0 1 Totals 33 7 8 7 Totals 33 4 6 4 (20), M.Adams (17). SB_Acuna Jr. (25), Inciarte player to win back-to-back since the Women’s
Golden Eagles, Quarterfinal, Chicago, Ill., Cano 2b 4 0 1 0 A.Reed dh 2 0 0 0 Minnesota 003 040 000—7 (6). S_Soroka (6). British Open became an LPGA major in 2001.
miah Sirles.
W.Ramos c 4 0 1 1 We.Cstl ph-dh 0 0 0 0 Miami 000 000 004—4 DALLAS COWBOYS — Released OL Larry
Next week: Aberdeen Standard Investments
ESPN Altherr pr-cf 0 1 0 0 El.Jmen lf 4 0 0 0 LOB_Minnesota 5, Miami 2. 2B_E.Rosario

Ladies Scottish Open.
Allen Jr. Signed LB Justin Phillips.
J..Dvis lf 4 1 1 0 Jay rf 4 0 2 0 GREEN BAY PACKERS — Waived/injured CB
WNBA BASKETBALL Nido c 0 0 0 0 Ti.Andr ss 4 0 0 0
(16), Gonzalez (14), Buxton (29). HR_Kepler
(29), Garver (20), E.Rosario (23), Bri.Ander-
Soroka 7 3 1 1 3 3 Online: and
Javien Hamilton. Claimed LB Markus Jones off
Swarzak H,13 1 1 1 1 0 0 waivers from Baltimore.
6 p.m. — Phoenix at Connecticut, CBSSN T.Frzer dh 4 1 2 1 J.McCnn c 4 0 1 0
A.Rsrio ss 4 0 0 0 Y.Sanch 2b 4 1 1 0
son (16).
L.Jackson 0 2 2 2 0 0 WYNDHAM CHAMPIONSHIP HOUSTON TEXANS — Activated NT Walter
Newcomb W,5-1 BS,1 1 1 0 0 1 1 Site: Greensboro, N.C. Palmore and TE Kahale Warring from the NFI
7 p.m. — New York at Dallas, NBA Hchvrri 3b 2 0 0 0 Minnesota Tomlin S,2-4 1 1 0 0 1 0 Course: Sedgefield CC. Yardage: 7,127. Par: list.
Totals 34 4 6 4 Totals 34 2 8 2 Berrios W,10-5 7 2 0 0 0 11 Washington 70.
9 p.m. — Las Vegas at Los Angeles, ESPN2 New York 000 001 003—4 Poppen 1 1-3 4 4 4 0 3 A.Sanchez 5 10 4 4 1 6 Purse: $6.2 million. Winner’s share; $1,116,000.
Chicago 001 000 001—2 T.Rogers 2-3 0 0 0 0 2 Rainey 1 0 0 0 0 0 Television: Thursday-Friday, 2-6 p.m. (Golf
X GAMES E_Ti.Anderson (17). DP_Chicago 1. LOB_New Miami Suero 2 1 0 0 0 1 Channel); Saturday-Sunday 1-2:45 p.m. (Golf
York 8, Chicago 9. 2B_T.Frazier (9), Goins (4). Alcantara L,4-10 4 2-3 6 7 7 5 5 Perez cultural affairs director.
Channel), 3-6 p.m. (CBS Sports).
8 p.m. — X Games Minneapolis 2019: moto HR_L.Garcia (6). SF_J.Abreu (5). Chen 2 1-3 2 0 0 1 2
Doolittle L,6-3
1 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 0
0 Defending champion: Brandt Snedeker.
MIAMI DOLPHINS — Waived P Stone Wilson.
IP H R ER BB SO Guerrero 1 0 0 0 0 0 Activated TE Dwayne Allen from the PUP list.
x, skateboarding, Minneapolis, Minn., ESPN New York Brigham 1 0 0 0 0 0
A.Sanchez pitched to 2 batters in the 6th FedEx Cup leader: Brooks Koepka.
Last week: Brooks Koepka won the WGC-Fe- TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS — Waived TE
L.Jackson pitched to 2 batters in the 9th Donnie Ernsberger and OT Riley Mayfield.
deGrom 7 5 1 1 2 11 Umpires_Home, Mike Everitt; First, Lance Bar- Umpires_Home, Phil Cuzzi; First, Todd dEx St. Jude Invitational and Collin Morikawa
J.Wilson W,2-1 1 2 0 0 1 1 rett; Second, Chris Guccione; Third, Bill Welke. won the Barracuda Championship. Waived/injured S Orion Stewart. Signed
Tichenor; Second, Adam Hamari; Third, Ben WR Matthew Eaton and GTE Scott Orndoff.
Ed.Diaz S,24-29 1 1 1 1 0 3 T_2:41. A_8,567 (36,742). May. Notes: This is the final tournament of the FedEx
Chicago Cup regular season. The top 125 players in the Claimed OT William Poehls off waivers from
AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL Giolito 7 3 1 1 3 9 Dodgers 5, Rockies 1 T_3:14. A_31,576 (41,313).
standings retain full PGA Tour cards for next Indianapolis.
11 p.m. — Great Western Sydney at Syd-
Bummer 1 0 0 0 1
Colome L,3-2 2-3 3 3 0
Cordero 1-3 0 0 0 0
1 2
Los Angeles Colorado
ab r h bi ab r h bi
Pderson lf 4 0 0 0 Blckmon rf 4 0 1 0
Basketball year and are eligible for the FedEx Cup play-
offs. ... Alex Noren is at No. 125 by two points
over Austin Cook and Richy Werenski. ... Every
Batson on IR. Waived WR Joe Parker. Agreed
to terms with WRs Tanner McEvoy and Papi
ney, FS2 WP_J.Wilson. Muncy 3b 4 0 0 0 Story ss 4 1 1 0 WNBA Glance player from No. 103 through No. 138 in the Fe- White.
Umpires_Home, Mark Wegner; First, Greg Gib- Beaty 1b 5 0 0 0 Arenado 3b 4 0 1 1 All Times EDT dEx Cup is in the field. Dominic Bozzelli (No.
AUTO RACING son; Second, Stu Scheuwater; Third, Nic Lentz. Bllnger rf 3 1 0 0 Dahl cf 4 0 1 0 EASTERN CONFERENCE 139) was first alternate at the start of the week. C Casey Dunn. Waived G Tyler Catalina.
T_3:27. A_25,812 (40,615). C.Sager ss 4 1 1 0 Desmond lf 3 0 0 0 W L Pct GB ... With his victory last week, Brooks Koepka Signed OT Donald Penn and G Hugh Thornton.
3:55 a.m. — Formula One: The Hungarian Will.Sm c 4 1 1 3 Y.Alnso 1b 3 0 0 0 Connecticut 14 6 .700 — HOCKEY
Grand Prix, practice session 1, Hungary,
Rangers 9, Mariners 7 Verdugo cf 4 1 4 0 Oberg p 0 0 0 0 Washington 13 6 .684 ½
already has clinched the $2 million bonus for
leading the FedEx Cup in the regular season. National Hockey League
Seattle Texas Negron 2b 4 1 2 2 W.Davis p 0 0 0 0 Chicago 11 9 .550 3 ... Even with $10 million in bonus money for the COLORADO AVALANCHE — Signed D Sam-
ab r h bi ab r h bi Ryu p 2 0 0 0 Estevez p 0 0 0 0 New York 8 11 .421 5½ uel Girard to a seven-year contract extension.
ESPN2 M.Smith rf 5 0 1 1 Choo rf 5 1 1 1 P.Baez p 0 0 0 0 Hampson 2b 2 0 0 0 Indiana 7 15 .318 8
leading 10 players in the regular season, Paul
NEW JERSEY DEVILS — Re-signed D Will
Casey at No. 8 is the only player from the top 10
Butcher to a three-year contract.
7:55 a.m. — Formula One: The Hungarian J.Crwfr ss 4 0 1 2 Da.Sntn 1b 5 2 3 0
Do.Sntn dh 5 1 1 0 Andrus ss 5 1 1 0
J.Trner ph 1 0 0 0 McMahon ph-2b 1 0 0 0
J.Kelly p 0 0 0 0 Wolters c 3 0 1 0
Atlanta 5 16 .238 9½
in the field. Casey can move up as high as No.
4 in the Wyndham Rewards, which would be
Grand Prix, practice session 2, Hungary, Narvaez c 4 0 1 0 Pence dh 5 1 3 1
T.Bckhm lf 1 0 1 1 W.Clhun lf 4 2 1 3
White ph 0 0 0 0 Marquez p 2 0 0 0
Chrgois p 0 0 0 0 McGee p 0 0 0 0
W L Pct GB worth an additional $500,000. ... Jordan Spieth drei Vasilevskiy to an eight-year contract. Trad-
ed F Ryan Callahan and a 2020 fifth-round draft
Las Vegas 14 6 .700 — (No. 67) is playing for the first time since losing
ESPNU Court lf 3 0 0 0 Odor 2b 3 1 2 1 K.Jnsen p 0 0 0 0 D.Mrphy 1b 1 0 1 0 Los Angeles 11 8 .579 2½ a playoff to Patrick Reed in 2013. ... Two-time pick to Ottawa for G Mike Condon and a 2020
T.Mrphy ph 1 0 0 0 Frsythe 3b 5 1 2 2 Totals 35 5 8 5 Totals 31 1 6 1 Seattle 12 9 .571 2½ major champion Martin Kaymer, at No. 146, is sixth-round draft pick.
5:30 p.m. — NHRA Drag Racing: Friday Nitro Vglbach 1b 4 1 0 0 DShelds cf 4 0 1 0 Los Angeles 000 000 005—5 Phoenix 10 9 .526 3½ playing for the first time in four years. COLLEGE
Au.Nola 2b 4 3 3 1 Mathis c 4 0 2 0 Colorado 000 000 001—1 Minnesota 10 10 .500 4 CONFERENCE CAROLINAS — Named Bri-
Seattle, Seattle, Wash., FS1 K.Sager 3b 3 1 1 0 E_McMahon (8). DP_Los Angeles 1, Colorado Dallas 5 15 .250 9
Next week: The Northern Trust.
Online: an Hand assistant commissioner for external
Broxton cf 4 1 2 2 1. LOB_Los Angeles 7, Colorado 4. 2B_Verdu- Tuesday’s Games relations.
4:55 a.m. (Saturday) — Formula One: The Totals 38 7 11 7 Totals 40 9 16 8 go (21), Dahl (28), Wolters (13). 3B_Story (5). Washington 99, Phoenix 93
Last week: Bernhard Langer won the Senior CHOWAN — Named Hayley Nejman acrobat-
Seattle 110 300 020—7 HR_Will.Smith (5), Negron (2). ics and tumbling coach.
Hungarian Grand Prix, practice session 3, Texas 210 030 30x—9 IP H R ER BB SO
Connecticut 100, Chicago 94
Las Vegas 86, Dallas 54
British Open.
Next tournament: Dick’s Sporting Goods Open
Hungary, ESPN2 E_Choo (4), Odor (8), Court (1). DP_Texas 1.
LOB_Seattle 8, Texas 10. 2B_Do.Santana (20),
Los Angeles
Ryu 6 3 0 0 1 1
Wednesday’s Games on Aug. 16-18. Yousef Hattar athletics communications as-
Indiana 61, Atlanta 59 Charles Schwab Cup leader: Scott McCarron.
GOLF Pence (16), Odor 2 (20), Mathis (5). HR_Au.No- P.Baez 1 0 0 0 0 1 Thursday’s Games Online: LANDER — Named Jordan Jacobs strength
la (4), Broxton (5), Choo (18), W.Calhoun (7). J.Kelly W,5-3 1 1 0 0 0 1 Phoenix at Connecticut, 7 p.m. and conditioning coach.
5 a.m. — LPGA Tour Golf: Women’s British
Open, second round, England, GOLF
SB_J.Crawford (5), Do.Santana (7), Pence (4).

Chargois 0 2 1 1 0
K.Jansen S,26-30 1 0 0 0 0
New York at Dallas, 8 p.m.
Las Vegas at Los Angeles, 10 p.m.
Friday’s Games
Transactions MUHLENBERG — Named Sarah Leavenworth
softball coach.
PRESBYTERIAN — Named Robert Acunto
1 p.m. — PGA Tour Golf: The Wyndham LeBlanc L,6-4 4 1-3 10 6 6 1 2 Marquez 6 2 0 0 0 10 Washington at Seattle, 10 p.m Wednesday’s Moves athletic director and Will Whiddon men’s soccer
Gearrin 2-3 2 0 0 0 2 McGee 1 0 0 0 1 3 BASEBALL goalkeeper coach.
Championship, second round, Greensboro, Magill 1 1-3 3 3 2 1 3 Oberg 1 2 0 0 1 1 Dream-Fever, Box American League RHODE ISLAND COLLEGE — Named Sarah
E.Swanson 1 2-3 1 0 0 1 2 W.Davis L,1-5 1-3 4 5 5 1 1 ATLANTA (59) BALTIMORE ORIOLES — Optioned RHP Middleton assistant women’s basketball coach.
N.C., GOLF Texas
Minor W,9-6 5 7 5 5 3 5
Estevez 2-3 0 0 0 1
Chargois pitched to 2 batters in the 9th
1 Breland 2-6 0-0 4, Hayes 3-13 4-6 10, Mont-
gomery 1-7 0-0 3, Sykes 2-11 1-2 6, Williams
Chandler Shepherd to Norfolk (IL).
SOUTH CAROLINA — Named Jennifer Mc-
Grath assistant equestrian coach.
4B THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 2019 The Dispatch •

Looking for starters at Hall of Fame Game? Try the O-lines
By BARRY WILNER most. That’s what the Broncos competing for starting jobs at to try to get a picture with Mike has been “phenomenal catching
The Associated Press have in veteran Joe Flacco, ac- right guard and right tackle, re- standing next to his bust. That the ball down the field.”
quired from Baltimore. spectively. Lindstrom was listed will be cool.” Blake spent last season
CANTON, Ohio — It’s the Flacco won’t play against At- as the starter on the team’s first Here are some other note- learning from the likes of Jones
first preseason NFL game, lanta. depth chart, while McCary is worthy themes for the game and Mohamed Sanu while on
which means most starters get McGovern’s low snaps out of behind veteran Ty Sambrailo. two days before former Falcons the practice squad, and he is
to visit the Pro Football Hall of the shotgun have been a prob- The Falcons have the weap- tight end Tony Gonzalez, for- having a strong camp.
Fame, then watch the young- lem this summer, just as they ons to be dynamic on offense, mer Broncos defensive back The veteran defensive coor-
sters go at it. were last season when he took but not if Matt Ryan (who also Champ Bailey and the team’s dinator now in his first job as a
So if you’re looking for any over for an injured Matt Par- will sit Thursday night) doesn’t late owner, Pat Bowlen, are in- head coach doesn’t want to use
likely regulars on the field adis, who left in free agency in get protection and Devonta ducted into the hall. Also enter- a lot of stuff in the preseason,
Thursday night for the Falcons the offseason. Freeman doesn’t have room to ing are Ed Reed, Kevin Mawae, preferring to test his young
and Broncos, focus on the offen- Offensive coordinator Rich run. Ty Law, Gil Brandt and Johnny players and see what they’ve
sive lines. Scangarello hopes the blockers One of the all-time greats Robinson. got. He said he wants to puts
Denver’s new coach, Vic Fan- get tested. among offensive linemen will Falcons wide receiver Julio his players in difficult situations
gio, will start three O-linemen “Yeah, let’s see who can be on hand: Mike Munchak. Jones already has said he won’t “just to see who can handle it.”
who could be in the opening day block a good pass rusher with- Fangio said one thing he was play in any preseason games. “For instance, if I’m pretty
lineup: left tackle Garett Bolles, out chipping them,” Fangio looking forward to was seeing He skipped all preseason confident they might be throw-
rookie left guard Dalton Risner said. “Even though they’ve got the OL coach’s bronze bust in games last season before lead- ing it, instead of giving a cor-
and center Connor McGovern. the box loaded, let’s see if we the Hall of Fame. ing the NFL with 1,688 yards ner some help, we’ll see if he
All need work on cohesion, a can run the ball up the middle.” “I’m sure Munch will be receiving. Jones said he’ll be can cover his guy. Play a light
must for any blocking unit, but Atlanta’s front line battles there charging a fee to take a coaching young receivers and is box even though we think they
particularly when the quarter- have first-round picks Chris picture with the guys with his especially interested in seeing might be running it, things like
back is more stationary than Lindstrom and Kaleb McGary bust,” Fangio said. “I’m going Christian Blake, who he said that,” Fangio said.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: she’s hurting. My table (discolored from spilling
My father’s relationship with a caustic material) and sofa
behavior has my father is suf- (spilled wax and cigar burns).
been very pecu- fering because of I know he doesn’t do this
liar lately. He and this. I asked him intentionally, but nonetheless,
Mom have been to come to family it makes me irate. And it is
married for 45 counseling with constant. He apologizes for it,
years. Of course, me, my siblings yet it occurs repeatedly.
all marriages go and mother. He Is there anything I can do
through ups and refuses. I’m pray- to change this, or must I ac-
downs. They have ing about this. I cept the incremental destruc-
had their share of just don’t know tion of my home? And if that’s
ZITS health problems.
Both are doing
what else we can
do. Please help.
the case, what can I tell myself
to make me less angry about
OK but are deal- — PERPLEXED it? — MRS. DESTRUCTO IN
Dear Abby TER: You cannot A certain amount of wear
of my father’s force your father and tear is normal. But your
actions, I’m afraid for my into family counseling, but you husband may be one of those
mother’s emotional state. He and your siblings can continue people — many people are
stays gone for long periods of to give your mother emotional — who “lives” on the sofa.
time throughout the day and support during this difficult Much of your problem might
sometimes stays out until the time, and that’s what I urge be eliminated if you made sure
early morning of the next day. you to do. I don’t know what that snacks are consumed in
She always stays up until he your father is up to and neither the kitchen and no beverages
gets home. When she calls or do you. But if it becomes nec- more colorful than water are
GARFIELD texts him, at times he doesn’t
respond. I’ve also called or
essary, a private detective can
fill you in, I’m sure.
enjoyed in front of the tele-
vision. If that’s not feasible,
texted him while he was out. DEAR ABBY: I am in a consider durable, stain-resis-
When I tried talking to him, he loving and rewarding marriage. tant fabrics when you re-cover
said he doesn’t have to explain Because we have no children, your sofa.
himself. He’s not the best at my husband and I are best
staying on track when it comes friends who devote most of our Dear Abby is written by
to taking care of himself. It’s time to each other. My issue is Abigail Van Buren, also known
like he is living another life. with some of his habits. as Jeanne Phillips, and was
I’m not sure what’s going He is kind of clumsy, founded by her mother, Pauline
on between my parents. I just and this has resulted in the Phillips. Contact Dear Abby
know I don’t like to see Mom destruction of many things in at or P.O.
treated this way because it’s our home — our carpet (spills Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA
disrespectful, and I can see that can’t be cleaned), coffee 90069.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY TAURUS (April 20-May 20). losable things is what makes
(August 1). The new regimen Maybe it’s not your job to get that which you haven’t and can’t
you start this month will rock everyone on the same wave- seem to lose so wonderfully
your world, giving you the length, but if you miss that part, yours. Appreciate.
increased vitality to uphold your job won’t go very smoothly. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
your standards. You strive for Listen to find out where people Resentment takes up energetic
friendliness, compassion and are. Then you can build a bridge space. It creates a blockage.
community even while exhibiting to where you need them to be. New opportunity opens up to
strength and competitive GEMINI (May 21-June 21). you just as soon as you lose
instinct. It’s these contrasts of Every environment has a tone. your resentment over that old
character that make you popu- To perpetuate and maintain thing that, for whatever reason,
lar and give you an edge in busi- the tone is an act of respect. just didn’t happen.
ness. Sagittarius and Pisces Some tones need or deserve VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
BABY BLUES adore you. Your lucky numbers to be interrupted and reset, The legendary New York Yan-
are: 9, 40, 2, 22 and 18. but for the most part today’s kees catcher Yogi Berra said,
ARIES (March 21-April 19). social interaction requires only “When you come to a fork in the
The accuracy in which you say matching. road, take it.” With great enthu-
a person’s name and recall the CANCER (June 22-July 22). siasm, you’ll somehow manage
details of an event or accom- There’s so much that can be to advance several trajectories
plishment will be crucial to the lost — keys and friends, dimes, at once today.
success of a conversation. socks, points, heart, will, LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
Practice first to be safe. concentration. The magnitude of Physical and emotional space is
the theme. People are different
in their requirements of this.
Assume nothing, and lightly test
boundaries the way you might
check an electric fence to see
if it’s on.
21). You have no interest in
simply being active. What does
it matter unless you’re also
productive? Efficiency matters
to you, and you’ll point out the
wastes of time and energy in
order to make a better plan.
Dec. 21). Some breeds of
horse can pull three times their
weight. You’ve a kinship with
the centaur today, as you’ll be
given much more work than the
others. That’s probably because
MALLARD FILLMORE you can handle it.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). The way you make introduc-
tions will be important, whether
you’re introducing yourself or
others. People learn how to con-
sider one another through social
cues. Getting this right will set
off a nice chain of events.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). It would be easy to obsess
with the extremes of the situa-
tion. Rigid perspectives jut out,
defining the edges of what’s
acceptable. Over time, they get
FAMILY CIRCUS worn by wind and water. They
soften, crumble and recess.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). Take your time in consid-
ering options. No decision is a
decision, possibly the best one.
This is especially applicable to
financial matters. Avoid recur-
ring commitments. Things will
be different tomorrow.

Living on a knife edge

The Dispatch • THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 2019 5B

Business moves with Mary

New fabric store opens in Columbus Friday

PLUS: Coffee shop “Fabric stores are
kind of hard to find,”
Development is gaining
a new tenant.
opens today in Caledonia Willcutt said. “They are
dwindling everywhere
I Just Have to Have
It, a women’s boutique,

athy Willcutt is determined across the nation. We is branching out to
to keep fabric work and sew- wanted to keep it alive its third location in
ing relevant in the Golden and going in this area. Starkville this month
Triangle. I’ve sewn for around at 401 University Dr.,
Willcutt has mastered sew- 45 years. … It’s been a Suite 4.
ing through numerous training dream to always teach The boutique first
classes and nearly 45 years of the craft and keep it opened in Madison,
practice. On Friday, she’ll open alive.” and opened a second
Magnolia Heirlooms Mary Pollitz location in Oxford.
Magnolia Heirlooms, 404 Wilkins
will be open Monday The Dispatch could not
Wise Road, for those interested
through Friday from 11 a.m.-6 reach a store representative by
in quilting, sewing and learning
p.m. and Saturdays from 10 a.m.-2 press time today. According to its
more about her craft.
p.m. Facebook page, the store’s oper-
She will offer classes for Out in Caledonia, you’ll find a ating hours are Tuesday through
children to adults and beginner new coffee shop opened this morn- Saturday 11 a.m.-6 p.m.
to expert. Interested customers ing. The Grind, 9681 Wolfe Road, I Just Have to Have It will offer
can stay up to date on the com- will be open Monday through every girl the perfect outfit for
pany’s Facebook page until the Saturday 6 a.m.-6 p.m. If you’re rush, tailgating or a weekend at
website launches. Customers can looking for a caffeine buzz and insanely affordable prices. Stay up
start their own projects with all need some coffee to start your day, to date on the boutique’s Facebook
the supplies needed to quilt, sew head over to The Grind to find hot page for its opening day.
or embroider. She will also offer or ice coffee and macchiatos. Got business tips? Email them to
personalized monogramming. Over in Starkville, the Midtown

Business briefs
Hollis named director of Cardiology awarded Steele National Association of
Lauren Hollis has Baptist Memorial Hospi- earned her Music Merchants as a
been named director tal-Golden Triangle Chest bachelor’s 2019 NAMM Top 100
of human Pain Center accreditation degree in music store. The recog-
resources with primary percutane- biology, nition occurred during
for North ous coronary intervention with a the annual NAMM Top
Mississippi for its demonstrated ex- minor in 100 dinner during the
Medical pertise and commitment political sci- Summer NAMM Show
in treating patients with Steele
Center-West ence, from at Music City Center in
Point. chest pain. Louisiana State Univer- Nashville, TN.
Hollis The hospital earned sity in Baton Rouge in Allen McBroom, who
comes to the accreditation based 2006. She completed her
Hollis along with Jim Beaty,
NMMC- on a rigorous onsite eval- master’s degree in bio- owns the multiple-award
West Point from OKIN uation of the staff’s ability medical science in 2011
winning music store,
America Inc. in Shannon, to evaluate, diagnose and at the University of Mis-
treat patients who may accepted the award on
where she has worked sissippi Medical Center
be experiencing a heart behalf of Backstage
since April 2017. She in Jackson. She earned
attack. her medical degree from Music from Joe Lamond,
served as an industrial CEO of NAMM.
engineer/sales service Hospitals that have William Carey College of
there for more than a earned ACC Chest Pain Osteopathic Medicine in
year before being named Center with primary PCI Hattiesburg in 2015.
human resources man- accreditation have proven After one year with
ager. exceptional competency East Central Health
Hollis earned a in treating patients with Network in Meridian,
bachelor’s degree in heart attack symptoms Dr. Steele completed her
industrial engineering and have primary PCI family medicine residen-
from Mississippi State available 24/7 every day cy at North Mississippi
University in Starkville of the year. As required Medical Center in June.
in 2017. She completed a to meet the criteria of the She is a board-certi-
master’s degree in busi- accreditation designa- fied family physician and
ness administration with tion, they have stream- a member of the Amer-
a concentration in human lined their systems from ican Medical Associa-
resources from Columbia admission to evaluation tion, American College
Southern University in to diagnosis and treat- of Osteopathic Family
Gulf Shores, Alabama ment all the way through Physicians, American Os-
this year. to appropriate post-dis- teopathic Association and
She and her husband, charge care and recom- American Association of
Clinton, have two daugh- mendations and assis- Family Physicians.
ters. She enjoys spending tance in patient lifestyle She and her husband,
time with family, activ- changes. Dr. Jordan Steele, have
ities with her children two sons, Barrett and
and exercising. She will Steele joins West Point Reese. She enjoys sports,
complete her certification
for professional human
Medical Clinic and the outdoors and spend-
ing time with her family.
resources (PHR) in the
Urgent Care
Janee’ Routh Steele
coming year.
D.O., joined West Point Backstage Music
Medical Clinic and Ur- recognized
Baptist Golden Triangle gent Care. Backstage Music in
earns accreditation A native of Baton Starkville was official-
The American College Rouge, Louisiana, Dr. ly recognized by the

Powell Fed raises as many

questions as answers with rate cut
By MARTIN CRUTSINGER articulate the Fed’s strate- It’s the first rate cut since
AP Economics Writer gy and what might prompt December 2008 during
future rate cuts at a time the depths of the Great
WASHINGTON — when the risk of a reces- Recession, when the Fed
The Federal Reserve sion in the United States slashed its rate to a record
cut its key interest rate seems relatively low. low near zero and kept
Wednesday for the first The Dow Jones Indus- it there until 2015. The
time in a decade to try trial Average tumbled to economy is far healthi-
to counter the impact finish down 333 points, or er now despite risks to
of President Donald 1.2 percent. The yield on what’s become the lon-
Trump’s trade wars, stub- the 10-year Treasury note gest expansion on record.
bornly low inflation and fell to 2.01 percent from But Powell stressed
global weakness. 2.06 percent late Tuesday, that the Fed is worried
It left open the possi- a sharp drop. about the consequences
bility of future rate cuts, The central bank re- of Trump’s trade war and
but perhaps not as many duced its benchmark rate sluggish economies over-
as Wall Street had been — which affects many seas.
hoping for. During a news loans for households and “Weak global growth
conference, Chairman Je- businesses — by a quar- and trade tensions are
rome Powell struggled to ter-point to a range of 2 having an effect on the
find just the right words to percent to 2.25 percent. U.S. economy,” he said.

Get promoted? Win an award? Send us your business brief.
6B THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 2019 The Dispatch •
Legal Notices 0010 Carpet & Flooring 1150 Bargain Column 4180 Apts For Rent: Other 7080 Autos For Sale 9150
The following vehicle MONGOOSE 20 inch GULF STATES AUTO
has been abandoned at bike & 26 inch bike, AUTOMOTIVE SALES
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ing, 4009 HWY 373,
Columbus, MS 39705: Large old mirror, $10. COTTONDALE, AL
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VIN# POCKET KNIVES, two, 205−562−2188
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PUT UP FOR SALE ON Fireplace Insert, $100.
UPHOLSTERY 2008 Nissan Altima
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GUST, 2019 AT 6:00 CLEANING 2.5; 4dr, White, $7,900
A.M. AT ATLAS RECOV- 1 Room − $40 Burial Plots 4250 2009 Nissan Altima
ERY & TOWING, 4009 2 Rooms − $70 2.5; 4dr, Gray, 49K
HWY 373, COLUMBUS, 3+ Rooms − $30 EA 2 BURIAL PLOTS in Miles, $6,900
MS 39705. Rugs−Must Be Seen Memorial Gardens, 2014 Nissan Maxima S
Car Upholstery Columbus, MS. Both 3.5; 4dr, Black 55K
Witnessed under my Cleaning Available plots together & beside Miles, $12,900
hand on this the 22nd 662−722−1758 the lake. $4,250 for 2006 Honda Accord SE,
day of July, 2019.
both. 662−549−5209. 4dr, Gray, 116K Miles,
/s/Frank Stump $5,900
Excavating 1300 Farm Equipment & Supplies 2008 Honda Accord
Publish: 7/25 & 4420 EXL, 4dr, Silver, 117K
8/1/2019 CLAY GRAVEL, fill Miles, $7,900
The following vehicles clay, & top soil for FOR SALE Hay baler,
COLEMAN 2011 Honda Accord

rake, and cutter. Call
have been abandoned sale! Easy access
Ernie at 662−549− RENTALS
off 82 East. Can Miles, $8,900
at Atlas Recovery &
Towing, 4009 HWY load & deliver. 8948 for more info. TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS
2014 Honda Accord YESTERDAY’S
373, Columbus, MS Stokes Excavation: 1 BEDROOM EXL; 4dr, White, 58K Sudoku is a number-
TRACTORS: 2017 Case
placing puzzle
Sudoku based on
is a number-
1 7 9 8 2 4 3 5 6
662−689−0089. IH 75C Cab, H, A, 2 BEDROOMS Miles, $14,900

2016 Honda Accord
a 9x9 grid
placing with based
puzzle severalon 3 8 2 5 7 6 1 4 9

2019 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

1994 Mercades E32 loader, buddy seat,
Sport; 4dr, Gray, 66K
General Services 1360 4WD, loaded, 76 hrs.
Miles, $14,900 agiven
9x9 grid with several
numbers. The object 6 4 5 1 9 3 2 8 7
$44,500. 2017 JD
given numbers.
is to place The object
the numbers
© The Dispatch
2 9 3 4 5 7 8 6 1
5075E, loaded, buddy 2017 Honda Accord
1999 Ford Expedition LIFE SKILLS plus seat, cab, H, A, radio, DEPOSIT Sport Special Edition, is
1 to place
to 9 in thethe numbers
empty spaces
VIN# computer training for 4WD, loader, 106 hrs.
4dr, Silver, 79K Miles,
9 ineach
the empty spaces
row, each 8 5 1 9 6 2 4 7 3
1FMRU176XXLC05924 $14,900
women. H.S. diploma or $43,900. 662−251−
equivalent. Tues. & 4539 or 662−574− CREDIT CHECK 2018 Honda Accord so that each
column row, each
and each 3x3 box 7 6 4 3 8 1 9 2 5
1994 Toyota Corolla column
containsand theeach
same3x3 box
VIN# Thurs. starting Sept. 3. 1887.
Touring; 4dr, Red, 48
Miles, $24,900 contains the same number
number 5 3 7 2 4 9 6 1 8
1NXAE09B1RZ178513 Christian Women’s Job
Corp. 662−722−3016. Furniture 4480 662-329-2323 2017 Honda Civic EX; only once. The difficulty
only once. The difficulty 4 1 6 7 3 8 5 9 2
4dr, 5K Miles, $14,900 level increases from
2007 Chevy Impala
VIN# TWO PIECE FURNITURE 2017 Honda Civic Sport level increases from
Monday to Sunday. 9 2 8 6 1 5 7 3 4
2G1WB58K579384244 Licensed & Bonded− SET. New loveseat and 2411 HWY 45 N Hatchback EX; 4dr, Red, Monday to Sunday. Difficulty Level 7/31

carpentry, painting, & chaise for sale. Dark COLUMBUS, MS 26k Miles, $16,900
IF THESE VEHICLES ARE demolition. Landscap− brown and aqua blue,
NOT CLAIMED THEY $385. 662−242−2884. SUV’S:
WILL BE PUT UP FOR ing, gutters cleaned,
SALE ON THE 22ND bush hogging, clean−up Leave a message. Commercial Property For 2008 Toyota 4Runner
Rent 7100 SR5; 4dr, Blue, 113K
DAY OF AUGUST, 2019 work, pressure washing, Garage Sales: North 4520 Miles, $11,900
AT 6:00 A.M. AT ATLAS moving help & furniture
RECOVERY & TOWING, repair. 662−242−3608. OFFICE FOR RENT. 2009 Honda CR−V Lx;
4313 HWY. 373, across 4dr, White, 95K Miles,
4009 HWY 373, from the Little Kitchen 30x15. Separate air
COLUMBUS, MS HILL’S PRESSURE conditioner & bathroom. $7,900
39705. Restaurant. Fri & Sat 8a 2011 Honda CR−V EXL;
WASHING Commercial/ −12p. Women, men & $400/mo. Located in
Residential. House, Caledonia. Call 662− 4dr, Blue, 55K Miles,
Witnessed under my toddler boy/girl clothing, $9,900
concrete, sidewalks & 574−0082.
hand on this the 22nd home decor, furn/ 2018 Honda HR−V EX;
day of July, 2019. mobile washing. Free antiques, men’s
est. 662−386−8925. 4dr, Silver, 8K Miles,
outdoor & much more. $17,900
TASK MANAGERS Garage Sales: New Hope 4530 2017 Ford Edge SEL;
Publish: 8/1 & Painting, assembly, 4dr, White, 15K Miles,
3,000 sq. ft. truck
8/8/2019 cleaning, handyman 101 AUTUMN LN. terminal, 9,500 sq. ft.
services. Call or text Assorted clothing, shop & 3,200 sq. ft.
The following vehicles 662−648−9274. Vans:
have been abandoned household items, furn, office/shop. Buildings
at Roberts Auto Shop, etc. FRI (8/2) & SAT 2010 Odyssey EX; 4dr,
Lawn Care / Landscaping can be rented together
4009 Hwy 373 Colum- (8/3) from 8a−12p. 135K Miles, Silver,
or separately. All w/
bus, MS 39705. 1470 excellent access & Hwy.
Garage Sales: Other 4560 82 visibility. 662−327−
2012 Honda Odyssey
2008 Hummer H3 TERRA CARE
EXL; 4dr, 44K Miles,
5GTEN13E288177241 Phone: 662−549−1878 IN STEENS 1st Saturday
Landscaping, Property of August 2019 from 7a Houses For Rent: Northside Trucks:
2010 Jeep Liberty Clean Up, Plant Care, −12p. Includes LIVE 7110 2014 Toyota Tacoma
VIN# Bush Hogging, Herbicide chickens, ducks, 4X4 Baja Edition;
Spraying. turkeys, guineas, along 3BR/1BA, CH/A, Double Cab, 98K Miles,
IF THESE VEHICLES ARE with h/h items, tools, fenced backyard, newly $17,900
NOT CLAIMED THEY JESSE & BEVERLY’S clothes. If bad weather, remodeled. Conv to 2017 Freightliner
WILL BE PUT UP FOR LAWN SERVICE. it will be the 2nd shopping. Dep & lease Cascadia; 155K Miles,
SALE ON THE 22ND Mowing, cleanup, Saturday of August. For req. $650/mo. Red, $60,000
DAY OF AUGUST, 2019 landscaping, sodding, & more information, call 662−352−4776.
at 6:00 A.M. AT tree cutting. 356−6525. 662−889−8985. Miscellaneous:
4009 HWY 373, 2016 JLG 4069LE 35
Tree Services 1860 General Merchandise 4600 COLONIAL Hours Scissor Lift;
39705. TOWNHOUSES. 2 & 3 Green, $25,000
Bucket truck & stump sectional, 3−piece bedroom w/ 2−3 bath
PUBLISH: 8/1 & townhouses. $600 to Campers & RVs 9300
8/8/2019 removal. Free est. chocolate coffee/end
Serving Columbus $750. 662−549−9555.
table set, wood poker
IN THE CHANCERY since 1987. Senior Ask for Glenn or text.
table (seats 8),
COURT OF LOWNDES citizen disc. Call Alvin @ fireplace insert, double
COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI 242−0324/241−4447 oven, Maytag dryer, oval
"We’ll go out on a limb French doors, 4BR/2BA. 2501 5TH
IN THE MATTER OF THE AVE. N. in Propst Park.
ESTATE OF OLLIE DOR- for you!" chandeliers & more.
$650/mo. plus $650
IS HINTON, DECEASED 662−574−5888.
J&A TREE REMOVAL dep. 662−574−0495.
CAUSE NO. 2016-0351 Work from a bucket USE KENNEL DIP® to
truck. Insured/bonded. treat fleas, ticks, Mobile Homes for Rent 7250 2008 FLEETWOOD
CHERYL DE’MEIR Call Jimmy for free mange, stable flies &
estimate, mosquitoes where they 2BR/2BA TRAILER,
TIONER slides, washer/dryer, in
662−386−6286. breed. At Tractor Supply New Hope school dist. motion satellite, outside
( $500/mo & $500 dep.
SUMMONS TO UN- Clerical & Office 3050 kitchen & entertainment
KNOWN BENEFICIARIES No pets, no drugs, no
Sporting Goods 4720 partying. Call b/t 10a−
center. 350 cummins
RECEPTIONIST/OFFICE w/ 27k miles, new tires
THE STATE OF MISSIS- ASSISTANT: Prefer ELLIPTICAL MACHINE 7p. 662−386−4292. & batteries. Title in
SIPPI some experience with NO TEXT MGS. hand. $120k neg.
Sole Elliptical E35 in
QuickBooks Payroll; excellent condition. Nice Columbus. 662−574−
TO: The unknown stat- other responsibilities
utory beneficiaries un- quiet machine. $399 6100.
include telephone and RENT A fully equipped
der MISS. CODE ANN. § general office duties. 662−574−1561
11-7-13 of Ollie Doris camper w/utilities & Motorcycles & ATVs 9400
Monday-Friday, 7:30-4.
Hinton, deceased, and Please send resume to: Pets 5150 cable from $145/wk −
any and all persons RESUME $535/month. Columbus 1993 KAWASAKI ACROSS
claiming or having a leg- PO Box 9586 VOYAGER XII Only
al or equitable interest
UND puppies for sale.
& County School
25,500 miles. Runs 1 Broadway offering
Columbus, MS 39705 locations. 662−242−
in the Estate of Ollie Reds & creams. Ready 7653 or 601−940− & looks good. No 5 Town square
Doris Hinton deceased. General Help Wanted 3200 to go 7/13! Call 205− 1397. problems. $3500 OBO. 10 Circle dance
596−3264. 501−545−7750.
You have been made a THE COMMERCIAL 11 Was radiant
Respondent in the Peti- Dispatch is seeking a Apts For Rent: Northside 7010 Office Spaces For Rent 7300 1999 ROADSTAR 1600 12 Galoots
tion filed in this Court by mechanically-minded Only 45k miles. Hard
Cheryl De’ Meir Jones individual to work in its 3−4BR/2BA DUPLEX. OFFICE SPACE FOR bags, rider & passenger 13 City near Capri
Calmese, Petitioner, pressroom. Applicants LEASE. 1112 Main St., 14 Turkey feature
seeking a determina- Newly renovated. Large back rests w/ luggage
must be comfortable
tion and adjudication of working around heavy backyard, HUD accep− Ste. 5. 3700 sq. ft. rack, has windshield. 16 Pacific or Moun-
wrongful death benefi- Plenty of private Ready to ride! $3500
machinery, adhering to ted, at 1008 6th Ave. tain
ciaries and for other re- tight deadlines and N., near Military Rd. Call parking. 662−327− OBO. 501−545−7750.
lief in a Petition to De- must have an eye for 662−425−0332. 9559. 20 Shrewd
termine Wrongful Death detail & quality. Flexible
Beneficiaries and for Au- hours are a must. Must FOX RUN APARTMENTS
23 Vast expanse
thority to Compromise Houses For Sale: Northside 32,414 miles, in good 24 Weeper of myth
pass drug test. Email 1 & 2 BR near hospital.
Doubtful Claim of Es- resume to $595−$645 monthly. 8150 condition. $4,950. 25 Dropped tomato
tate and for Statutory Military discount, pet 662−352−4776.
Beneficiaries for Dam- or drop resumes off at area, pet friendly, and 1909 ROBERSON ST. sound
ages under Miss. Code 516 Main St, 3BR/2BA, $625/mo + 27 Flamenco cheer
Ann. § 11-7-3 and Oth- Columbus, MS 39701. furnished corporate
er Relief filed in the No phone calls please. apts. 24−HOUR
$625 dep. No pets or
smoking, inside or out.
28 Trial panel
Noweta's Green Thumb ON SITE SECURITY. No HUD. 662−549− 29 Rocket part
You are summoned to
is accepting
applications for ON SITE MAINTENANCE. 3328. 32 Cell sound 7 Piercing tool 28 Music’s Quincy
appear and defend delivery personnel. ON SITE MANAGEMENT. 36 Pleistocene 8 Last letter 30 DVR option
against the Petition filed Driver must know the 24−HOUR CAMERA Houses For Sale: Other 8500
against you in this ac- area & have good
period 9 Spots 31 Corona, e.g.
tion at 9:30 a.m. on the driving history. 662−386−4446. MORTGAGE/HOUSE 39 Neighborhood 11 Treasure guard- 33 Spoken
21st day of August,
2019, in the Chancery
Apply in person @
1325 Main St.
FOR SALE. 4BR/2BA. 40 Topeka’s state ian 34 Anchor’s offering
Apts For Rent: West 7050
Courtroom of Lowndes M-F: 3-5 & SAT: 9-1.
2108 Paulette Rd. 41 Hound’s hands 15 Mosquito attack 35 Comfort
Take down
County, Mississippi, No phone calls. Macon, MS. $263,000.
and in case of your fail- 662−708−0071. 42 Tribal leader 17 Ibsen’s home 36 Mamie’s hus-
ure to appear and de- 43 Different
that “for rent”
fend, a judgment will be Management Positions 3250 18 At hand band
entered against you for THE COLUMBUS ARTS Lots & Acreage 8600 19 Puts away 37 Baseball’s
the money or other COUNCIL seeks an
things demanded in the office manager to per- Apartments 356.7 ACRES ON HWY.
sign and get DOWN 20 Shortly, in poems Ripken
1 “Pygmalion” writer
Petition. form a wide range of & Houses 69 S. 5 mi. from
fast results 21 Farm sight 38 Conclude
2 Rain dance tribe
1 Bedrooms
Columbus. 30−year old
administrative, event
You are not required to and support activities. 22 Foot features
file answer or other Full job description 2 Bedroooms
mature pines, green
fields, good hunting. with an easy 3 Metal sources 25 Warbled
pleading but you may do available at 4 Laundry basin
so if you desire. 3 Bedrooms $3000/ac. Bud Phillips,
662−549−2302. classified ad. 5 Shop tool
26 Record for future
30 hours per week; broadcast
Issued under my hand $10+/hr based on ex- Furnished & 6 Singer Jennifer
and seal of said Court, perience. Send cover
this the 11th day of Ju- letter and resume to Unfurnished LOWNDES CO: 153
Call today
ly, 2019. jan.columbusarts 1, 2, & 3 Baths ACRES on Hwy 50 E at
to place end of Brewer Rd. 4
Lowndes County, Mis- Lease, Deposit
Medical / Dental 3300 & Credit Check
green fields, exc
hunting, sand, gravel & your ad.
clay deposits. More info
BY: /s/ Shantrell W.
Granderson, D.C.
ABERDEEN Has 327-8555
call 205−799−9846 or
205−695−2248. 328-2424
Positions Available for:
PUBLISH: 7/18, 7/25,
& 8/1/2019 RN MDS Nurse Apts For Rent: Other 7080 Five Questions:
$1000 Sign on Bonus 1BR/1BA APTS FOR 1.75 acre lots. Good/

1 Slinky
CNA’s 2nd & 3rd shifts RENT. College Manor bad credit. 10% down,
Experience Preferred Apts, directly across as low as $299/mo.
Apply in person at from MUW. Completely Eaton Land. 662−361−
505 Jackson St, 7711.
renovated, incl granite
2 New York
Aberdeen. EOE
countertops, SS appls &
Truck Driving 3700 W/D. 12 mo lease, dep Autos For Sale 9150
req, $695/ mo. No
Let your
3 Pirates
fingers do the driver w/ Class A Li- Crew Cab, 2WD, Auto,
of the
walking. cense needed to haul DOWNTOWN: 2BR/1BA,
Air, tow pkg, tool box,
scrap metal & flat cars. CH&A, 1 story, W/D,
Find your custom stereo & seat
Call 662-434-0007 or historic district, 1 block
662-364-6303. covers. Very good cond.
dream job in from downtown, $575/
262k mi. Ask $4800.
mo. + $575 dep. NO
the classifieds! Air Conditioners 4030 PETS. 662−574−8789. 662−889−8987.

2.5 TON AC UNIT & 3

Peaceful & Quiet area.
4 Strom
FURNACE. Used. Works
5th St. 2BR/1BA. 1100
stick shift, gold, 4 door, Thurmond
well, recently upgraded. sqft $700/mo. W/D. 4 cyl, 60k miles, cold WHATZIT ANSWER
$900 OBO. Deck on back. Avail Aug AC. $2,500.
662−574−0062. 1st. 662−327−2588. 662−549−5358. 5 Harkness Log cabin

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