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The European Union's CARDS Regional


CBIB - Cross-Border Institution Building

CARDS Regional Service Contract 2006/120966

Interim Report

22 DECEMBER 2006

This project is funded by A project implemented by

the European Union BDPA in association with EWC / MDF /
The TA team provided by the contractor BDPA has prepared this report. The findings, conclusions and
interpretations expressed in this document are those of the authors alone and should in no way be taken to
reflect the policies or opinions of the European Commission.
BDPA, Quartier des Chênes, 3 rue Gustave Eiffel, 78286 Guyancourt, France
© European Commission 2006

BDPA would be happy to answer any queries raised in connection with this report or to provide further information if
CBIB – Cross-Border Institution Building Interim Report
CARDS Regional Contract 2006/120966 22/12/2006


Project Title: Cross-Border Institution Building

Project Number: 2006/120966

Countries/regions: Albania; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Croatia; the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; Serbia
(including Kosovo under the UNSCR 1244); and Montenegro
The Beneficiaries:
Albania Ministry of European Integrations
Represented by:
Donika Kastrioti str.
Tel: + 355 4 228 358
Fax: + 355 4 256 267
Bosnia and Herzegovina Directorate for European Integration (DEI)
Represented by:
Kenan Tahmiscic, Head of Department Sector for
Coordination of EU Aid
Fra Andjela Zvizdovica 1/18
71000 Sarajevo
Tel: + 387 33 264 330
Fax: + 387 33 296 473
Croatia Ministry of the Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development
Directorate for Integrated Regional Development
Represented by:
Franka Vojnovic, Head of Department
Vlaska 108
10000 Zagreb
Tel: + 385 1 4695 817
Fax: + 385 1 4695 819
the former Yugoslav Secretariat for European Affairs
Republic of Macedonia Represented by:
Gabriela Konevska – Trajkovska, Deputy Prime Minister
Bul. Ilindenska bb
1000 Skopje
Tel: + 389 2 3239 165
Fax: + 389 2 3113 710
Serbia Ministry of International Economic Relations
Represented by:
Gordana Lazarevic, Assistant Minister
Vlajkoviceva 10
11000 Belgrade
Tel: + 381 11 3346 067
Fax: + 381 11 3244 908
Montenegro Ministry of International Economic Relations and European Integration
Represented by:
Dragan Djuric, Assistant Minister
Stanka Dragojevica 2
81000 Podgorica
Tel: + 381 81 246 264
Fax: + 381 81 225 591
Kosovo under UNSCR UNMIK Office of European Integration
1244 Represented by:
Michaela Friberg – Storey, Director
Central Government Building
South Wing/Office S 314
Pristina, Kosovo
Tel/fax: + 381 38 504 604
The Commission
The Commission of the European Communities (“European Commission”).
Contractor Consortium: (BDPA) (EAST-WEST consulting) (MDF)
Quartier des Chênes, 3 rue Gustave Eiffel
78286 Guyancourt, France
Name of the contact
Mr. Remy Bloch
Project Steering
For members of the project steering committee, please refer to Appendix D

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Financing Agreement - date of signature 22 May 2006

Project start date 16 June 2006

Project completion 22 November 2007

Implementation period 18 months

Total Budget 1,800,000 Euro

Inception Period 16 June 2006 to 30 September 2006

Work Plan 01 October 2006 to 22 November 2007

First Interim Report 22 December 2006

Second Interim Report 22 May 2007

Final report 22 October 2007 (draft)

Interim Report (IR)

Date: 22 December 2006

Period covered: From 22 May 2006 to 22 December 2006

Author: Natasa Gospodjinacki – Team Leader,

CBIB – Cross-Border Institution Building and the project Team

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Table of contents

Project Synopsis ...................................................................................................... 7

Glossary of acronyms .............................................................................................. 8
1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 9
2. Performance indicators................................................................................. 10
3. Project Implementation ................................................................................. 12
3.1 Summary of Project Progress since the Start ...........................................................12
3.2 Project Management in each CBIB office..................................................................16
3.3 Resources used ........................................................................................................22
4. Project Progress and Planning .................................................................... 25
4.1 Result 1: Programme Management Established.......................................................25
4.2 Result 2: Programme Content Developed ................................................................32
4.3 Result 3: Regional Cooperation Increased................................................................39
4.4 Result 4: Project Pipeline Prepared ..........................................................................47
4.5 Progress Made ..........................................................................................................53
4.6 Problems Encountered..............................................................................................53
5. Planning for the next reporting period ........................................................ 55
5.1 Work Plan..................................................................................................................55
5.2 Deliverables ..............................................................................................................55
5.3 Planned use of resources in the next reporting period 1January – 22 May 2007 .....56
APPENDIXES .......................................................................................................... 57
Appendix A – Guidelines and Questions ............................................................................58
Appendix B – Questions and Comments on IPA Implementing Regulations......................59
Appendix C – Priority Identification and Assessment Template..........................................60
Appendix D – Timetable for Cross-border Programme.......................................................61
Appendix E – CBIB Steps for operating structures and "Cross Border Programme" (former
Joint Programming Document) ...........................................................................................62
Appendix F – Cross Border Programmes ToC ...................................................................63
Appendix G – Regional Workshop Albania .........................................................................64
Appendix H – CBIB National Workshop Timetable .............................................................65
Appendix I – Frequently Asked Questions ..........................................................................66
Appendix J – Mission Report ..............................................................................................67
Appendix K – Lesson Learned ............................................................................................68
Appendix L – CBIB Presentations.......................................................................................69
Appendix M – Minutes of the Meetings - Serbia .................................................................70
Appendix N – Minutes of the Meetings - Albania ................................................................71

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Appendix O - Minutes of the Meetings – Bosnia and Herzegovina.....................................72

Appendix P - Minutes of the Meetings – the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.......73
Appendix Q – Data Bases...................................................................................................74
Appendix R – Needs Assessment Analysis Report Bosnia and Herzegovina ....................75
Appendix S – Translation of CfP Greece/Albania ...............................................................76

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Project Synopsis

Project Title Cross-Border Institution Building

EU Publication EuropeAid/120265/D/SV/LB

Project No. CARDS Regional Contract 2006/120966

Beneficiaries Albania; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Croatia; the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia;
Serbia (including Kosovo under the UNSCR 1244); and Montenegro

Objectives ¾ The Contract includes 7 objectives: the project has grouped them in two main
objectives: Strengthen Institutional Capacity for IPA CBC
i. assist the eligible partners in the eligible areas in their involvement in the initial
programming relating to the IPA CBC;
ii. assist the beneficiaries in the Preparation of "Cross Border Programmes"
(former Joint Programming Documents);
iii. assist the beneficiaries in setting up an efficient operation of Joint Cooperation
Structures (Joint Cooperation Committee, Joint Steering Committee; Joint
Technical Secretariat);
iv. extend the project development capacities of all eligible partner organisations in
the eligible areas through the focusing on technical assistance;

¾ Enhance Project Preparation Capacity

v. build upon experience gained under previous funding instruments (CARDS,
Interreg, Phare CBC and Tacis CBC) of cross-border cooperation to improve
capacity in project preparation and project implementation;
vi. build up pipeline of suitable projects for support under the IPA CBC post 2006
vii. assist the eligible partners in the eligible areas to increase cooperation on
practical problems in the border regions.
1. Programme Management Capacities Built
Planned Outputs
2. Programme Content Developed
3. Regional Cooperation Increased
4. Project Pipeline Prepared

Project activities Build Capacities in Programme Management:

1. Carry out Needs Assessment Analysis
2. Provide Institutional support to NA
3. Provide Institutional support for the internal border programme management
4. Establish Joint Management Structures
5. Prepare Operational Guidelines
6. Deliver Training on programme management of JMS Staff “Internal borders"
Develop Programme Content:
7. Prepare "Cross Border Programmes" (former Joint Programming Documents)
Increase Regional Cooperation:
8. Build Cross-border project awareness on national and regional level
9. Prepare and distribute publications
10. Launch large scale mailing to promote programme
11. Prepare and make the Database operational
12. Design and make the Web site operational
13. Establish the Regional Forum
Prepare Project Pipeline:
14. Deliver Training in Project Preparation and Project Cycle Management (internal
& external borders)
15. Provide hands-on support for preparation of project proposals provided

Project start date 22 May 2006

Project end date 22 November 2007

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Glossary of acronyms
AL Albania
AP Action Plan
BG Bulgaria
BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina
CADSES Central European Adriatic Danubian South Eastern Space
CARDS EU Community Assistance (Programme) for Reconstruction, Development and Stabilisation
CBC Cross-border Cooperation
CBIB Cross-border Institution Building
CFCU Central Finance and Contracting Unit at the Ministry of Finance
CfP Call for Proposals
CRO Croatia
CSO Civil Society organisation
DEI Directorate for European Integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina
DFID Department for International Development (UK Government)
EAR European Agency for Reconstruction
EC European Commission
EU European Union
GR Greece
GTZ Deutsche Gessellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit
HQ Headquarters
HU Hungary
IPA Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance
IR Inception Report
ISTE International Short Term Expert
ITA Italy
JCC Joint Cooperation Committee
JMC Joint Monitoring Committee
JMS Joint Management Structure
JSC Joint Steering Committee
JTS Joint Technical Secretariat
KS Kosovo as defined under UNSCR Resolution 1244
LLTE Local Long Term Expert
LSTE Local Short Term Expert
MA Managing Authority
MEI Ministry of European Integration of Albania
MIER Ministry of International Economic Relations of Republic of Serbia
MIEREI Ministry of International Economic Relations and European Integration of Montenegro
MIPD Multi-Annual Indicative Planning Document
MN Montenegro
MSTTD Ministry of Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development of Croatia
m/d man days
NA National Authority
NAA Needs Assessment Analysis
NAC National Aid Coordinator
NGO Non-Governmental Organisation
NP Neighbourhood Programme
NUTS Nomenclature of Units for Territorial Statistics
OP Operational Programme
OSCE Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
PCM Project Cycle Management
Phare Pologne, Hungrie Assistance a la Reconstruction Economique
PIAT Priorities Identification and Assessment Template
RDA Regional Development Agency
RO Romania
SAP Stabilisation and Association Process
SC Steering Committee
SEA Secretariat of European Affairs of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
SIDA Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
SPO Senior Programming Officer
SRB Serbia
S&M Serbia and Montenegro
STE Short Term Expert
SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
TA Technical Assistance
TACIS Technical Aid to the Commonwealth of Independent States
TL Team Leader
TM Task Manager
ToR Terms of Reference
UNDP United Nation Development Programme
UNSCR United Nations Security Council resolution
WP Work Plan
ZELS Association of units of local-self government of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

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This Interim Report builds upon the successful application made by BDPA to the European
Commission (EC) to undertake a contract under the Terms of Reference (ToR) “CBIB –
Cross Border Institution Building“, CARDS Regional Service Contract 2006/120966” dated 22
May 2006. It further builds upon and brings up to date activities that have taken place since
the project start on 16 June 2006.

We are presenting, herewith, the first CBIB Interim Report covering the period from 22 May
to 22 December 2006. The Report shows the progress of the activities, cumulative to the
Inception Report, which was set out in the Work Plan (WP). The Interim Report and its
Annexes also describe a set of verifiable performance indicators which have been achieved,
as well as further activities to be implemented during the coming reporting period (January -
May 2007).

This Interim Report will be submitted to the EC Programme manager and, subsequently, will
be sent and additionally presented to the Steering Committee (SC) members. The SC is
planned to be held on 8 February 2007.

The overall progress of the CBIB project is in line with the WP except for the fact that the
workshops on national level (except the one that was organized in Tirana on 18 December
2006) were postponed to the first quarter of 2007 due to the availability of IPA Regulations
which have set a new approach and direction to CBIB activities. The Inception Report was
corrected accordingly and sent to all SC members on 18 December 2006.

All project partners and beneficiaries in the Region are aware about CBIB and the services it
provides. The implementation of actions to CBIB beneficiaries had already started with some
direct support through capacity building to NA in Call for Proposals (CfP) on their external
borders and in setting up operating structures to start preparing "Cross Border Programmes"
(former Joint Programming Documents). The progress achieved is based on the professional
and trusworthy relationship of the CBIB team with all our Counterparts. The team has gained
the respect and trust of the Counterparts by presenting a combination of know-how,
experience, credibility, as well as empathy for the challenges CBC programmes represent for
developing better cooperation among all Countries in the Western Balkans.

CBIB’s managerial structure has been established, a database of all beneficiaries is

operational, all promotional/visibility tools are developed and the Web site will be operational
before the end of 2006.

CBIB is working within the regional environment providing support to national and local
authorities responsible for CBC programmes and to final beneficiaries interested in
developing good project proposals. Regular meetings are being held with other EU-co-
funded projects as well as with national institutions (Chambers, Associations, RDAs, NGOs,
CSOs, etc.) and international donor organisations. When and wherever possible joint
activities will be planned and implemented, either initiated by CBIB or one of the co-operating

Deviations from the WP are reported in detail in the tables presented under each Result.
They mainly relate to the change in the CBIB approach and focus on IPA CBC which was set
by the availability of the IPA Regulations.

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The narrative part of the Interim report presents completed or ongoing tasks. Where
appropriate, corrective measures will be taken and reported about. The narrative section is
followed by a detailed description of all Activities carried out in the reporting period and which
were planned in the WP. This part of the report is divided for each Activity into one
Ongoing/Completed section and one Planned section for the next reporting period. Where
applicable, deviations and corrective measures are reported for each Activity as well. The
use of project resources in terms of man/days is given thereafter.

This report, including its Appendixes, will be submitted by CBIB project to the Programme
Manager in the EC in Brussels and to the Steering Committee.

2. Performance indicators

Result 1: Capacities in Programme Management built

Provide Institutional support to NA NAA report for Bosnia and Herzegovina


The Regional Workshop: “Cross Border

Cooperation - A tool for Regional
Development” in Tirana on 18 December
2006 organized
Steps for creation of operating structures
Operating structures for IPA CBC appointed
in the former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia, Croatia, Albania, Bosnia and

Result 2: Programme Content developed

Support to establishment of operating A simple “Priorities Identification and

structures for the preparation of "Cross Assessment Template” (PIAT) developed
Border Programmes" (former Joint
Programming Documents)

Comments on IPA Regulations prepared and

submitted to the EC

A “check list” prepared for the preparation of

"Cross Border Programme" (former Joint
Programming Document)

Initial steps for "Cross Border Programme"

(former Joint Programming Document)
preparation started

Table of Content for "Cross Border

Programme" (former Joint Programming
Document) prepared

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Result 3: Increase Regional Cooperation:

Prepare and distribute first set of publications First set of publications prepared

Launch large scale mailing to promote Postponed, since it is connected with

programme National Workshops which have been
postponed to 2007 due to the availability of
IPA Regulations

Prepare and make the Database operational Database finalized

Design and make the Web site operational Web site designed

Result 4 - Project pipeline prepared

No activity was planned for the reporting Package of Call for Proposals translated in
period Albanian.

Set of “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQs)

in English and Albanian prepared

“Lessons learned” paper in English and

Albania prepared

Evaluation report prepared for the Call for

proposal launched by East West Institute -
Small Grants for CBC projects between the
former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,
Albania and Greece.

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3. Project Implementation

3.1 Summary of Project Progress since the Start

Project Management

The service contract was signed with some delay due to administrative issues on 22 May
2006. The kick-off meeting was held in Brussels on 16 June 2006 and it was agreed that the
Inception phase will last until 30 September 2006. Action Plan for the Inception Phase
(Appendix K) was prepared to assure a timely and efficient implementation of the project.

The operational base for the project was set up, as indicated by the ToR, with a central office
in Belgrade, Serbia, and branch offices in Tirana, Albania, in Sarajevo, Bosnia and
Herzegovina and in Skopje, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. All offices are
adequately equipped and staffed (one office manager and one secretary/assistant in
Belgrade; one secretary/assistant in every branch office).

The project Team Leader (TL) has started her duties on 19 June and the office in Belgrade
was fully operational on 15 July. The team of two Local Long Term Experts (LLTE) was set
up respectively between August and September.

The EU Expert for Albania has started his activities on 3 July 2006, and the office was fully
operational by mid July. The LLTE was approved on17 July.

The initially appointed EU Expert for the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia has
suffered a very serious health problem and in order to fill the gap and to timely launch the
inception period, a STE was appointed and started his activities on 17 July. Later on he has
definitively replaced the designated EU key Expert. The Skopje office was fully operational
by the end of July. The LLTE was selected, and approved on 16 August.

In Bosnia and Herzegovina the availability of the designated EU key expert appeared to be
very limited. He arrived on site on 17 July and was not able to comply with the schedule
which was agreed at the moment of the mobilisation. This resulted in a significant delay in
the establishment of the project office in Sarajevo. The office was fully operational only at
beginning of September, and the selection of the LLTE has been completed in November.

The Consultant has addressed this situation as soon as it was visible – at the end of August.
Finally the Consultant asked the EC Programme Manager to replace this expert and the new
EU Expert was appointed to be the project and programming expert in Bosnia and
Herzegovina as from November 2006.

Despite these mobilisation difficulties, and though the summer period was not an easy one
for meeting the main stakeholders and selecting local experts, the inception phase has been
implemented satisfactorily.

Action Plan was prepared for the Inception Phase of CBIB, covering the period from16 June
until 30 September 2006.

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Establishment of contacts with the relevant institutions and stakeholders

From the start, the Team Leader assisted by the key experts, has established contacts
through bilateral meetings with the Project Partners: representatives of the EC Delegations
and EAR in the beneficiary countries, the CARDS Regional CBC Programmes Secretariats,
the ministries responsible for the coordination of Border Region Cooperation. One of the
main goals achieved in these meetings was to solicit the active collaboration and support of
the stakeholders to the project activities, and to carry out a deep and accurate investigation,
needs assessment.

Project Administration and Operational Financial Procedures

To ensure sound and transparent management of EU funds and resources, the Manual of
Internal Procedures was prepared and procedures for mobilisation of ST Experts were

Financial procedures manual was prepared as well and CBIB Team and staff are fully in line
with the procedures. Uniformity of documents and records were created and methodology on
operation among CBIB Team was agreed upon.

Visibility and Data base of CBIB

Brand image and visibility of CBIB through the elaboration of the Logo, brochures and all the
corporate literature was developed and the visibility guidelines of EuropeAid were strictly
followed. Web site was registered and will be operational in January 2007.

Existing information and contact details were gathered in all CBIB Countries and a user
friendly data base to be used by CBIB Team and all interested parties was created. Once the
Web site is operational, the link to this DB will be activated.

Needs Assessment Analysis

Needs Assessment Analysis (NAA) was carried out in order to assess CBC programmes
under way or in preparation, to assess management structures, obstacles and problems
indicated by beneficiaries, as well as capacity needs and bodies responsible for CBC in
national administrations, by assessing the level of understanding of the various funding
mechanisms (Interreg, Phare, CARDS, etc.) and identifying structure that could be used as a

The NAA was conducted on two levels. The first was in the form of a questionnaire, sent by
fax and/or email to relevant contacts in all local and regional authorities. The second was
conducted as a series of more in-depth face to face interviews with a selection of local and
regional authorities to get a more thorough understanding of the situation on the ground.

The project team had around 500 questionnaires returned across the region. All collected
data was elaborated and five single NAA reports were produced (Albania, the former
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo (under the UNSCR 1244), and
Montenegro). All these reports were aggregated in one Needs Assessment Report which
provides accurate mapping of the needs and gaps in knowledge. This provides the project
with a clear indication of where and how to apply human and financial resources. The NAA
Report for Bosnia and Herzegovina was completed by the end of November.

The results of the NAA Report are the integral part of the Inception Report and planning of
the CBIB activities was done accordingly.

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Development of Work plan for project implementation - Inception Report

Based on the NAA Report’s findings, the CBIB WP was discussed with all the Team and the
process of targets was addressed and strategy was formulated. Action Plans for each CBIB
office were developed. These APs are the integral part of the Inception report.

A set of planning instruments and report structures to implement the EU funded project CBIB
was defined and the Team is familiar with the overall and specific tasks. The structure for the
Inception Report was agreed upon, inputs were provided by all CBIB offices and the draft IR
was distributed to SC members for comments on 2 October 2006. The draft Inception Report
was presented officially on October 12, 2006. Its approval has provided the kick off point for
the full scale roll out of the project activities and, thus, the start of the implementation phase.

The CBIB Work Plan has taken into account the activities and results indicated in the ToR,
and the approach was also developed based on the findings of the NAA and the
consultations with our Counterparts.

Implementation phase and planned activities


CBIB team has started with the implementation phase immediately after the SC meeting
finalizing the promotional tools/visibility material (brochure, leaflet and the web page) and has
started with the organization of workshops on national level which were supposed to take
place in each beneficiary country in the first half of December 2006. The detailed list of tasks
for the conference organization was prepared, the dates have been agreed upon, draft
agenda and invitation letters were prepared, topics were discussed, speakers were identified
as well as invitees and other logistics arrangements were carried out.

Due to the fact that the draft IPA Regulations were available in December, it has been
agreed, together with the national partners and the EC Programme manager, to postpone
these workshops for February/March 2007. The agenda will then clearly focus on the
presentation of IPA CBC rules and mechanisms and on presenting the first drafts of
programming documents for the internal borders.

Guidelines for the preparation of "Cross Border Programmes" (former Joint

Programming Documents)

According to the planned activities, the ToR for the definition of guidelines for the
implementation of CBC programmes at the internal borders of the Western Balkans was
prepared. Draft ToR was sent to the EC Programme Manager for comments. The message
from EC was received with the clear instructions that the CBIB focus should be from now on
only on IPA CBC. The reason for this is mainly the availability of IPA Regulations and
implementation rules which will set the frame to all CBIB activities for the whole duration of
the project. Furthermore, it was agreed with the EC that CBIB project should focus mainly on
the future 2007 – 2013 cross border programme under the IPA and that IPA Regulations will
be the only reference for CBC programming on the internal borders of the Western Balkans.

Following this, the CBIB approach and the implementation of the activities had to be
reorganized and Time Table of Activities adjusted. To address this new direction, the
corrigendum to the Inception Report was agreed with the EC Programme Manager.

Nevertheless, no major changes to the WP were foreseen except that the EU STE man/days
will be used for the support to the consolidation of the "Cross Border Programmes" (former
Joint Programming Documents) and that the workshops on national level that were planned

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to take place before the end of 2006, will have to be postponed to the beginning of 2007. The
corrigendum was approved and distributed to all CBIB SC members and Project partners on
December 18, 2006.

Support to National Authorities (NA) in drafting "Cross Border Programmes" (former

Joint Programming Documents)

In order not to slow down its activities affected by this change, the CBIB has given the priority
to the preparation of "Cross Border Programmes" (former Joint Programming Documents),
establishment of operating structures and working groups in all beneficiary countries and the
initial steps have been already taken in order to form the operating structures between
Croatia and Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro, and between Albania and the
former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Kosovo (under the UNSCR 1244).

Furthermore, preparation of "Cross Border Programmes" (former Joint Programming

Documents) has been initiated in all beneficiary countries, where CBIB has prepared a list of
potentially eligible areas according to IPA CBC Implementing Rules (NUTS 3) and has
submitted the list to the NA for consideration. Parallel to that, the table of content of "Cross
Border Programme" (former Joint Programming Document) according to draft IPA
Regulations has been prepared and sent to the EC Programme Manager for comments
received on 22 December 2006.

Provision of Advisory Services and Technical Assistance (TA)

Already during the Inception Phase some assistance to the beneficiaries with current CfP
was provided. CBIB support was requested by the Counterparts in order to ensure that
available funds on CBC programmes 2004-2006 are successfully granted.

CBIB team in Tirana has provided support to the Ministry of European Integration (MEI) to
identify and establish a network of focal points for coordination of CBC activities in central
and local institutions.

Overall, at the line ministries, wherever possible, the approach has been to unify coordination
of CBC programmes with overall coordination of the EU assistance mechanism.
Furthermore, the support to MEI for the finalization of its contribution to Multi-Annual
Indicative Planning Document (MIPD), to the part dealing with CBC, was provided as well.

CBIB team in Sarajevo has established a working relationship with the Directorate for
European Integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina (DEI) to begin the process of creating the
institutions necessary to manage IPA CBC programming.

CBIB team in Skopje has attended the information day organized in Kocani on the Joint Call
for Proposals for the NP Bulgaria/the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and has
provided support for the “partnerships meeting” organized by the Joint Technical Secretariat
(JTS) for Bulgaria/the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia NP, in Kyustendil, Bulgaria.

In December, the team has carried out an assessment of the functioning of the JTS located
in Bulgaria. This assessment has been aimed at identifying the methods applied by the JTS -
monitoring, control, reporting, and support to the beneficiaries and at defining the relations to
be established between the JTS and the sub-JTS. Guidelines and questionnaires to be used
during the assessment have been prepared. The Report and ToR will be available at the
beginning of January 2007.

Meetings were held with the Secretariat of European Affairs of the former Yugoslav Republic
of Macedonia (SEA) and other major stakeholders regarding the establishment of focal

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points for CBC in the line ministries, regions and municipalities. Due to the fact that the
persons in charge of CBC within the SEA were extremely busy with the NP Bulgaria - the
former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Greece - the former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia, this activity is to be finalized in January 2007.

3.2 Project Management in each CBIB office


The EU Expert for Albania, Mr. Sotiraq Guga, started his activities on 3 July 2006. The Local
Long Term Expert, Mrs. Jolanda Trebicka, was approved by the EC on 17 July 2006. The
office manager was also recruited in early July.

The office in Tirana became fully operational as of mid July. The office premises were
chosen to be in the vicinity of MEI.

During the first weeks of operation, the Tirana team managed to meet all the stakeholders of
CBIB project in Albania, even though intensive meetings were difficult during August due to
summer holidays. Key stakeholders they met are the following:

• Ministry of European Integration

• Ministry of Interior (also in charge of local government)
• Ministry of Economy (also in charge of regional development)
• Department of Aid Coordination at the Office of Prime Minister
• Ministry of Public Works and Transport
• Ministry of Environment
• National Chamber of Commerce
• Agency for SME Development
• Association of Municipalities

Regular meetings were organised with representatives of the EC Delegation in Tirana as well
as other donors active in the area, such as UNDP, SIDA, and GTZ. Selected meetings were
organised also with NGOs to get their perspective on cross-border cooperation.

As mentioned later in the Report, the inception phase of the CBIB project coincided with the
launch of the Call for Proposals for Albania - Greece programme financed under CARDS
2004 Neighbourhood Programme (NP) and INTERREG III. This occurrence gave to the
Project team a good opportunity to have intensive contacts in three regions eligible for this
Call for Proposals, namely the Region of Vlora, Korca and Gjirokastra. During the info days
for the CfP meetings were held with respective mayors, representatives of regions, NGOs
and other local stakeholders. Other activities of the Project in support of the CfP are reported
in the following sections.

Major activities of the team during the inception phase were to carry out in relation to
conducting the needs assessment and preparation of input to inception report. These two
activities are already reported in details in the Inception Report of the project.

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

The new EU expert, Mr. Brian Mc Carthy, arrived in early November and began to assess the
current situation as described in the Inception Report. With solid support from the Team
Leader and the other EU experts, the delays in Bosnia and Herzegovina were minimised.
The Local Long Term Expert was immediately recruited and the Bosnia and Herzegovina
team established working relationships with the main counterpart, DEI and the EU
Delegation in Sarajevo.

The team completed the NAA (Appendix R) and set up a series of information meetings with
the five Regional Development Agencies in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

The office in Skopje was operational in August. The long term expert and the office manager
were selected and recruited mid august. The possibility to locate CBIB office in the building
of the Secretariat for European Affairs was mentioned. Due to the lack of space, it was not
possible at the time. However, this could possibility be considered again at the end of 2006.

During the period from August to September, the CBIB team organized preliminary meetings
with the national institutions and international organisations concerned with CBC or already
involved in CBC programmes. This included the SEA, the EAR and the Delegation of the
European Union, as well as numerous stakeholders such as: Ministry of Local Self
Government, CFCU within the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Environment (also focal point
for CADSES), Ministry of Transport and Communication, Chambers of Commerce, the
association of the Units of Local Self Government, and major NGOs. It included also
international organisations involved in CBC programmes such as East West Institute and
GTZ. The objectives of these first contacts were to introduce the CBIB project, to understand
the current involvement of these institutions and organisations in the CBC process, to start
building a CBC network in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

The main activity during the inception phase was to carry out the Needs Assessment which
focused particularly on the local stakeholders and potential beneficiaries:

• Direct interviews with mayors, local civil servants and NGOs activists, from all
borders of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
• Organisation of three meetings at the borders with Serbia and Albania (Debar, Kriva
Palanka and Struga). These meetings gathered mayors, local civil servants and
NGOs. The objective was to introduce CBIB project, to hear about the existing level
of cross-border cooperation and about the problems faced by the stakeholders.
• Distribution (e-mail, fax and post mail) and collection of questionnaires drafted by
CBIB Tirana and adaptation to the context of the former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia. Participation in elaborating the findings and preparing the Needs
Assessment Report.

In total, 23 municipalities and about 50 NGOs have been directly contacted (direct interviews
and joint meetings). 21 municipality and 26 NGOs filled out the questionnaires.

During the inception period, the Neighbourhood Programme Bulgaria - the former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia under Cards and Phare was entering its operational phase (Calls for
Proposals, info days, etc). It was important for the CBIB project to follow the implementation
of this programme, to understand the mechanism and problems faced. CBIB participated in
one info day in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia organised by the SEA and one
partnership day organised by the JTS in Bulgaria. In addition, several interviews have been

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conducted with the staff of the JTS established in Kiustendil (Bulgaria) and with Bulgarian
consultants who have participated in preparing the "Cross Border Programme" (former Joint
Programming Document) and the application packages.

CBIB Skopje was in charge, during the inception period, of establishing the first contacts with
the institutions and organisations in charge of CBC in Kosovo. Due to time constraints and
lack of human resources, it was not possible to carry out a Needs Assessment similar to the
one conducted in the other regions covered by CBIB. For the same reason, potential
beneficiaries (border municipalities and local NGOs) could not be approached during that
period. However, we have met the main institutions concerned with CBC and IPA
implementation (the Agency for European Affairs, EAR Pristina, UNMIK Pilar 4) as well as
some key NGOs which were already involved in CBC initiatives (KIPREK and East West

We also had several meetings with the team of international and national consultants
conducting the study funded by Department for International Development (DFID) on CBC in
Kosovo (constraints and opportunities), the idea being to use the findings of DFID study for
defining further actions of the CBIB project in Kosovo.

The output of this mission in Kosovo was a report which has been partly included in the
Inception report. The participation of UNMIK representative in the CBIB Steering Committee
in October 2006 is an indirect output of this mission.

Finally, CBIB Skopje participated in the preparation of the Inception Report and in building
the data base of the project.


During this reporting period the project facilities were rented, the equipment, telephone lines
and Information Technology (Internet, Intranet, and registration of the website) were made
fully operational; with some equipment upgrades, office was equipped and all staff was in

As CBIB central office in Belgrade was established, coordination of the day to day activities
of the CBIB office in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia, in addition to regular coordination of the activities of the CBIB office in Belgrade
and coordination of the CBIB project in the Region, was established.

Needs Assessment was conducted by collecting distributed questionnaires to the local

government, NGOs, Regional Development Agencies and Chambers of Commerce in Serbia
and in Montenegro. Findings were elaborated and report on the NAA for Serbia and for
Montenegro prepared. Inputs from CBIB offices in Tirana and Skopje were collected and
aggregated into one NAA report.

Format for monthly progress report was prepared, and inputs gathered from all CBIB offices.
Report was agreed upon and everybody started to use it. Same was done for the weekly

Template for the Inception Report was prepared, sent to all offices for consultations, agreed
and prepared. Comments by counterparts were received and elaborated in coordination with
the EC Programme Manager. Inception Report was approved by the EC, and distributed to
all Steering Committee members.

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Steering Committee members were appointed. First CBIB Steering Committee meeting was
organised and held on 12 October and the presentation of CBIB project was prepared.

As per request of the EC Programme Manager, and according to the new opportunities as
availabile due to the draft IPA Regulations, Inception Report with all annexes was updated
and corrigendum to the Inception Report produced, submitted to EC and approved.

Template for the Interim Report was prepared, sent to all offices for consultations, agreed
and prepared. Report was sent to the EC on the 22 December 2006.

During the Inception Phase, Work Plan was developed and approved. This Interim Report is
reporting against the planned activities of the Work Plan.

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Result 0: CBIB project in place and operational - Inception phase

The overall purpose: Put the Project into operation, review the overall Project environment, establish contact with stakeholders involved in the
implementation and coordination of the Project and prepare the first work programme
Reporting period 22 May 2006 - 22 December 2006
Expected results from
Ongoing/carried out activities Results of the activities
the Work Plan
0.1 Project mobilisation concluded
1. Project Office is 0.1.1 CBIB Team on the spot 0.1.1 CBIB Team on the spot
established; 0.1.2 CBIB offices operational 0.1.2 CBIB offices operational
0.1.3 Produce Action Plan for Inception Phase 0.1.3 Action Plan for Inception Phase produced
2. Local Long Term
Experts and support 0.2 Project Administration, Finance and Procurement in place
staff is hired; 0.2.1 Prepare Manual of Internal Procedures 0.2.1 Manual of Internal Procedures prepared
0.2.2 Establish procedure for mobilisation of ST Experts 0.2.2 Procedure for mobilisation of ST Experts established
3. Short Term expertise 0.3 Operational Financial Procedures in place
is allocated;
0.3.1 Prepare Manual of Financial Procedures 0.3.1 Manual of Financial Procedures prepared
4. Project 0.3.2 Develop approach for the preparation of the financial 0.3.2 Approach for the preparation of the financial database
implementation database developed
structure and 0.4 Mapping the Workflow of CBIB prepared
communication with 0.4.1 Create uniformity and control of documents and records 0.4.1 Uniformity and control of documents and records created
Project Partners is 0.4.2 Develop professional methodology of operation among 0.4.2 Professional methodology of operation among CBIB staff
established; CBIB staff developed
5. Needs Assessment 0.5 Data base of CBIB prepared
Analysis is carried out; 0.5.1 Acquire existing information 0.5.1 Existing information acquired
0.5.2 Prepare Data base of all contacts (EC bodies, NA, local 0.5.2 Data base of all contacts (EC bodies, NA, local authorities,
6. Project environment is authorities, Beneficiaries, etc.) Beneficiaries, etc.) prepared
assessed, operational 0.6 Visibility of CBIB developed
strategy is defined;
0.6.1 Develop Brand image 0.6.1 Brand image developed
7. Detailed Work Plan for 0.6.2 Design and print out CBIB corporate material 0.6.2 CBIB corporate material designed and printed
the implementation 0.6.3 Register Website 0.6.3 Website registered
0.7 Main Stakeholders & Donors contacted

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period followed by the 0.7.1 Create Awareness in Beneficiary Countries and in its 0.7.1 Awareness in Beneficiary Countries and in its organisations
time schedule and organisations created
sequencing of 0.7.2 Establish cooperation with CBIB counterparts and 0.7.2 Cooperation with CBIB counterparts and partners
individual activities is partners established
defined and agreed 0.8 Needs Assessment carried out
with the EC and
beneficiaries; 0.8.1 Contact Project Partners and Beneficiaries 0.8.1 Project Partners and Beneficiaries contacted
0.8.2 Prepare and distribute questionnaires 0.8.2 Questionnaires prepared and distributed
8. Inception Report is 0.8.3 Organize interviews to collect information 0.8.3 Interviews to collect information organized
prepared 0.8.4 Collect and elaborate data 0.8.4 Data collected and elaborated
0.8.5 Assess structures and programmes and provide 0.8.5 Structures and programmes assessed and
recommendation recommendations provided
0.8.6 Prepare NA report 0.8.6 NA report prepared
0.9 CBIB Work Plan prepared
0.9.1 Clarify Strategic objectives for CBIB 0.9.1 Strategic objectives for CBIB clarified
0.9.2 Agree upon Time schedule and process of developing 0.9.2 Time schedule and process of developing the WP Agreed
the WP
0.9.3 Prepare Action plans for all four CBIB offices 0.9.3 Action plans for all four CBIB offices prepared
0.10 Project Planning Instruments and Reporting Structures developed
0.10.1 Agree upon Inception Report template and approach 0.10.1 Inception Report template and approach agreed
0.10.2 Prepare Inception Report, including detailed Work 0.10.2 Inception Report, including detailed Work Plan prepared
0.11 Steering Committee established
0.11.1 Appoint SC members 0.11.1 SC members appointed
0.11.2 Organize SC meetings 0.11.2 The 1st SC meetings organized
Deviations against
Reasons: Measures undertaken / planned:
Result 0:
Deviation against 0.8
Delay with Needs Replacement of the EU expert NAA for Bosnia and Herzegovina was first priority for the new EU
Assessment Analysis in expert; NAA for Bosnia and Herzegovina produced and
Bosnia and Herzegovina integrated into the final NAA report.
Deviation against 0.10
Change in the Inception Availability of the draft IPA Implementing Regulations Corrigendum to the Inception Report produced
Report requested by the

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3.3 Resources used

Long Term Experts

757 man/days have been used during the reporting period, out of which 371 for EU Experts
and 386 for National LTEs. Those represent the use of 34,80% for EU Experts and 25,73%
for National LTEs against WP.

Short Term Experts

As explained before, no EU STE was recruited in this reporting period due to the change in
the CBIB WP where some planned activities where the use of STE was envisaged were
rescheduled or cancelled. Nevertheless, it is planned that EU short term man days (100
m/d) will be entirely allocated to enhancing programme management of our beneficiaries.
50% will be allocated for supporting the preparation of "Cross Border Programmes" (former
Joint Programming Documents) and 50% for delivering some specific training activities to
the staff working in JMSs. In order to ensure that there is sufficient training provided,
additional training activities on the same subject will be delivered also by the Local Short
Term Expert (26 m/d).

50% of LSTE man days (260 in total) will be used for drafting programme documents which
will require a lot of coordination in local language with NA, local authorities and staff in JMS.
They will be supported by EU Key experts and LLTE located in each beneficiary country.

The remaining 104 man days will be used for training activities in project preparation where
the knowledge of the local language showed to be essential in achieving better and quicker
results and for the hands-on support in preparing project proposals.

Note: The following Chapter details the Activities CBIB has undertaken during the
reporting period as well as planned Activities for the next reporting period.

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Table 3.1: Comparison of planned and used resources by month

Project month
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Total

Team planned 11 21 22 22 21 22 14 15 20 22 21 22 21 15 15 20 20 22 346

Leader used 12 21 22 22 18 22 16 133

remaining -1 3 -2 15 20 22 21 22 21 15 15 20 20 22 213
1 11 20 15 20 18 18 20 20 18 16 11 10 8 8 8 10 8 240
Expert planned
Tirana used 1 21 20 22 13 15 14 106
-7 7 3 4 20 20 18 16 11 10 8 8 8 10 8 134
remaining 10
1 11 2 5 12 22 15 15 20 22 21 22 15 7 10 15 15 10 240
Expert planned
Sarajevo used 0 10 2 0 0 20 15 47

remaining 1 1 5 12 2 15 20 22 21 22 15 7 10 15 15 10 193
7 17 13 20 12 14 15 15 15 18 17 14 15 10 14 14 10 240
Expert planned
Skopje used 7 17 14 21 12 12 83

remaining -1 -1 2 15 15 15 18 17 14 15 10 14 14 10 157

Expert planned 22 33 33 44 32 36 40 44 44 44 44 32 32 44 44 32 600

Serbia 2 used 7 27 23 44 32 133

remaining 15 6 10 36 40 44 44 44 44 32 32 44 44 32 467

Expert planned 11 22 22 22 22 18 22 18 20 22 22 22 10 14 11 11 11 300

Tirana used 11 24 21 21 19 16 112

remaining -2 1 1 3 2 22 18 20 22 22 22 10 14 11 11 11 188

Expert planned 21 22 21 22 20 22 22 22 22 22 22 20 20 22 300

Sarajevo used 0 4 16 20

remaining 21 18 5 22 20 22 22 22 22 22 22 20 20 22 280

Expert planned 13 22 22 22 20 22 22 20 20 20 22 15 11 22 15 12 300

Skopje used 13 22 22 22 16 95

remaining 4 22 22 20 20 20 22 15 11 22 15 12 205

ST Int. planned 20 10 10 10 20 20 10 100

Expert used
remaining 20 10 10 10 20 20 10 100

ST Local planned 10 40 40 30 40 27 23 40 10 260

Expert used 6 4 10

remaining 4 -4 40 40 30 40 27 23 40 10 250

Total planned 13 61 118 142 171 204 202 217 215 243 231 213 210 124 122 164 149 127 2926

used 13 70 105 134 122 158 137 739

remaining -9 13 8 49 46 65 217 215 243 231 213 210 124 122 164 149 127 2189

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Allocation of
Key Expert Key Expert Key Expert 2 Experts Expert
resources per EU STE L STE Team Leader
Skopje Tirana Sarajevo Belgrade
Expert Skopje Expert Tirana
CBIB project in place and
76 76 34 34 58 54 4 16 16 49 49 18 18 55 50 5 6 -6 306 303 3
Activity 0.1: Make CBIB offices
52 52 20 20 28 24 4 11 11 20 20 14 14 25 22 3 170 163 7
Activity 0.2: Carry out Needs
4 4 10 10 20 20 5 5 20 20 4 4 20 20 6 -6 83 89 -6
Activity 0.3: Prepare IR and WP
20 20 4 4 10 10 9 9 10 8 2 53 51 2
Result 1 - Programme
management established
50 50 26 26 80 11 67 74 23 51 43 16 27 75 18 57 95 15 75 45 13 30 55 23 30 75 10 59 618 129 489
Activity 1.1: Support to establish
effective coordination mechanism 3 3 8 5 3 11 5 6 10 5 5 10 5 5 15 9 6 10 5 5 67 37 30
at the central level
Activity 1.2: Support to establish
effective coordination network of
IPA CBC in line
2 2 13 7 6 9 5 4 10 5 5 10 5 5 20 10 8 10 3 5 74 35 39
ministries/regional/local authorities
Activity 1.3: Support to establish
Joint Management Structures
55 8 45 34 6 28 15 6 9 40 8 32 60 15 40 10 3 5 10 4 6 40 2 34 264 52 212
Activity 1.4: Deliver training on
programme management
50 50 50 50 20 20 19 5 14 8 8 15 15 35 35 15 15 10 10 15 15 213 5 208
Result 2 - Programme Content
40 40 130 130 45 10 35 59 12 47 63 2 61 60 11 49 75 18 52 73 20 53 52 2 50 90 90 687 75 612
Activity 2.1: Review IPA
Implementing Rules 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 6 -4 1 1 13 16 -3
Activity 2.2: Provide comments on
IPA Implementing Rules
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 -1 1 1 7 8 -1
Activity 2.3: Prepare "Cross Border
Programmes" (former Joint 42 7 35 56 9 47 60 60 57 8 49 72 15 52 70 12 58 50 50 90 90 667 51 616
Programming Documents)
Result 3 - Regional Cooperation
85 21 64 42 12 30 33 16 17 45 2 43 307 36 269 102 37 63 88 20 66 100 2 98 802 146 656
Activity 3.1: Organize workshops
on national level
15 5 10 8 4 4 9 9 7 2 5 39 5 34 24 5 17 18 18 10 2 8 130 23 107
Activity 3.2: Organize workshops
on local level ("CROSS BORDER
PROGRAMME" (FORMER JOINT 15 15 8 4 4 8 9 -1 7 7 33 33 24 8 16 18 10 6 10 10 123 31 92
Activity 3.3: Organize workshops
on local level (project preparation)
10 10 7 7 8 2 6 6 6 33 33 23 23 17 17 10 10 114 2 112
Activity 3.4: Prepare and distribute
10 6 4 5 3 2 5 2 3 5 5 60 8 52 15 12 3 20 6 14 30 30 150 37 113
Activity 3.5: Prepare and make the
database operational
5 4 1 45 8 35 10 9 1 8 4 4 15 15 83 25 58
Activity 3.6: Design and make the
Web site operational
10 6 4 4 1 3 10 10 65 15 50 3 3 4 4 20 20 116 25 91
Activity 3.7: Establish Regional
20 20 10 10 3 3 10 10 32 32 3 3 3 3 5 5 86 3 83
Result 4 - Project pipeline
prepared 10 10 104 104 20 20 19 19 28 10 18 29 29 45 45 55 55 45 12 33 25 25 380 32 348
Activity 4.1: Prepare training
10 10 10 10
Activity 4.2: Deliver Training in
Project Preparation and Project 54 54 20 20 7 7 8 8 14 14 35 35 20 20 15 15 15 15 188 188
Cycle Management
Activity 4.3: Provide Hands-on
support in preparation of project 50 10 40 12 12 20 10 10 15 15 10 10 35 35 30 12 18 10 10 182 32 150
Project management
Ongoing project management,
40 15 25 12 2 10 15 8 7 15 15 29 15 14 7 7 5 5 10 2 8 133 54 79
Total 100 100 260 10 250 346 133 211 240 83 157 240 106 134 240 47 193 600 133 455 300 95 201 300 112 184 300 20 274 2926 739 2187

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4. Project Progress and Planning

4.1 Result 1: Programme Management Established

Within result 1, the following activities and deliverables were planned for this reporting

Planned Activities:
• Support to establish effective coordination mechanism at the central level

Planned Deliverables:
• Hands-on support to NA started

Carried out activities:

Concerning the provision of institutional support to the National Authorities, as predefined in

the Inception report, the activities related to the establishment of the programme
management are primarily delivered in Albania, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
and Bosnia and Herzegovina, due to the lack of Technical Assistance to NA in each of those
However, support to NA in certain activities such as initiating establishment of operating
structures and working groups, identifying eligible areas and creating the focal points, have
been provided in each beneficiary country.

In the view of the support to the internal border programme management, it was indicated by
the EC that “there will not be any CBC programme among SAP countries under the CARDS
Regional programme 2005/2006”. However, instructions given by the EC are to “consider
needs of relevant borders to make sure that available funds had to be used to assist national
authorities in preparing for the IPA CBC”. Accordingly, the CBIB has reconsidered its
approach and redefined work priorities.


The CBIB team in Tirana has provided support to the Ministry of European Integration to
identify and establish a network of focal points for coordination of CBC activities in central
and local institutions.

As reported under Result 3, the Ministry of European Integration in cooperation with the
CBIB Project organised a Workshop aiming to promote awareness on IPA CBC programmes
and make the first step to establish operating structures with neighbouring countries on the
internal borders. An important objective of this workshop was also to identify “focal points” in
the line ministries as well as regional and local authorities on the internal borders (Shkodra,
Kukesi, Elbasani, Dibra and Korca, who participate in CBC activities for the first time) that will
coordinate IPA CBC activities in the future. Following project’s guidance, the invitation letter
sent out from the National Coordinator emphasises the requests that at least one of the
participants in the workshop is assigned also as a focal point for CBC activities. A data base
of contact points will be finalised during January 2007.

Overall, wherever possible, the approach has been to unify coordination of CBC programmes
with overall coordination of EU assistance mechanism in the line ministries.

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Preparation of job descriptions for each member of the Unit for Regional Cooperation is
postponed for January since the unit is not fully staffed yet. After the move of the ex- Director
of the Directorate for Institutional Support and Integration Process, Mrs. Valbona Kuko, the
position is still vacant. Also, the URC has one vacant position. The selection process for the
new staff is completed but the selected person, who works currently in another position, has
not yet officially taken the position. It was agreed with the Head of Unit that, after the new
staff would take over, the CBIB team will work to design the job descriptions.

First steps for establishing the joint operating structures for the IPA CBC programmes with
the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Kosovo (under the UNSCR
1244) were taken at the regional workshop “Cross Border Cooperation - A tool for Regional
Development” held on 18 December 2006.

The project has provided guidance on the steps needed to establish the operating structure
as well other Joint Management Structures for internal borders.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

The CBIB team in Sarajevo has established a working relationship with the DEI to begin the
process of creating the institutions necessary to manage IPA CBC programming. During
discussions, it was clarified that there is little or no experience within the ministries for
handling cross-border programming. The CARDS Adriatic CBC programme between Italy
and the Western Balkans was managed between the Italian Managing Authority, their JTS
and, from the Bosnia and Herzegovina side, the EC Delegation.

However, Mr. Tahmiscic, Head of Head of Department, Directorate of European Integration

of BiH, Sector of Coordinatio of EU Aid , said that his department would act as prime
facilitator in assisting the CBIB in its objectives of supporting the establishment of suitable
IPA CBC institution. He offered to put the team in contact with the Senior Programming
Officers – SPOs - of the most concerned line ministries. At a subsequent meeting, these
persons were identified.

The SPOs are foreseen as key members of the operating structure responsible for IPA CBC
operational programming issues. No appointments have yet been set because of the need
for clarification with the European Commission regarding the actual modalities concerning
internal border management requirements from the Commission. The outcome will have a
major bearing on the levels of responsibilities and institutional capacity to be committed by
the Bosnia and Herzegovina authorities and thus, CBIB training and support plans.

Senior Programming Officers and Assistant Ministers will be members of the National
Authority Body for programming and implementing CBC programmes. Their responsibilities
will be the following:

• adjustment and implementation of the programme complement;

• ensuring compliance with Community policies;
• compliance with the obligations concerning information and publicity;
• organizing the preparation of the decisions to be taken by the Monitoring and
Steering committees;
• assessment of grant scheme operations proposed for financing, coordination of such
• co-ordinate the work of authorities or bodies designated to implement sub
programmes and measures.

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• approve the terms of reference of calls for proposals (if appropriate);

• approve working procedures
• agree on draft and final documents
• approve working procedures
• approve approach and programming structure
• approve Strategic part of “Cross Border Programmes” (priorities, objectives and
• agree on draft and final documents produced by Drafting Team

CBIB Sarajevo office together with DEI will organize a series of meetings with Senior
Programming Officers during the third week of January 2007. Topic of these meetings will be
the presentation of tasks of the National Authority Body, producing a time plan for
establishing the Drafting Team and the preparation of the “Cross Border Programmes” as

The CBIB team has visited each of the five Regional Development Agencies throughout
Bosnia and Herzegovina. These RDAs are supported by the EU and will play a key role in
the development of the socio-economic description of the target regions. It is also feasible
that some of them could act in the capacity of the Joint Technical Secretariat or Intermediate
Bodies in the programming phase.

It is necessary for each of the cross border cooperation programmes to draw up a "Cross
Border Programme" (former Joint Programming Document) for the two participating
countries. This document forms the basis for implementing the Programme. The team has
examined, in some detail, the elements included in the creation of a "Cross Border
Programme" (former Joint Programming Document) and will contribute to the CBIB project’s
formalised methodology for preparing a common approach to "Cross Border Programmes"
(former Joint Programming Documents) in the Western Balkan beneficiary countries.

CBIB Sarajevo team has begun maintaining regular contact through meetings and phone
discussions with stakeholders with regard to forming the working groups to address issues in
the preparation of the " Cross Border Programme" (former Joint Programming Document).

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

In order to supervise and monitor the implementation of the projects selected under the NP
Bulgaria - the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and further under the NP Greece - the
former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the SEA together with the EAR decided to establish
a sub-JTS located in the south of the country (Strumica). This sub-JTS will be operational in
January 2007 and is considered as a pilot structure, being the first JTS established in the
former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. This experience will highly facilitate the
establishment of the JTSs for CBC programmes at the internal borders. Therefore, the CBIB
project will support this establishment by drafting the ToR of the sub-JTS and by coaching
the staff which was selected in December 2006.

In order to prepare these activities, the CBIB project carried out in December an assessment
of the functioning of the JTS located in Bulgaria. This assessment aims at identifying the
methods applied by the JTS (monitoring, control, reporting and support to the beneficiaries)
and at defining the relations to be established between the JTS and the sub-JTS. Guidelines

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and questionnaires (Appendix A) to be used during the assessment have been prepared.
The report and ToR will be available beginning of January 2007.

Meetings were held with the SEA and other major stakeholders regarding establishing focal
points for CBC in line ministries, regions and municipalities. Due to the fact that the persons
in charge of CBC within the SEA were extremely busy with the NP Bulgaria - the former
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Greece - the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,
this activity is to be finalized in January 2007.

The CBIB Skopje also participated together with the CBIB Tirana in facilitating the
preliminary discussions with the Albanian partners related to the preparation of the "Cross
Border Programme" (former Joint Programming Document) for IPA CBC (kick off meeting
held on 18 December 2006 in Tirana).

An important change occurred in December 2006, as the Ministry for Local Self Government
was designated as the lead institution for IPA CBC in place of SEA. SEA will provide
technical support to the Ministry for local Self Government but the overall coordination of the
preparation and the implementation of CBC programmes will be the responsibility of the
Ministry. So far, three persons have been appointed by the Ministry for Local Self-
government for the follow up of CBC programmes. This change leads to a re-orientation of
the CBIB support activities. Particularly, strengthening the capacity of the Ministry of Local
Self Government, in preparing/implementing CBC programmes will be a priority during the
coming months (the team in charge within SEA was reduced but highly experienced).


No additional support related to the result 1 has been provided in Serbia since there is an
ongoing Technical Assistance project in MIER.


As previously reported in the Inception Report, Montenegro is suffering from the lack of staff
within MIEREI, lack of experience with CBC, and lack of technical support.

CBIB has tried to support MIEREI as much as possible during the reporting period. However,
there was no staff from the Montenegrin side that could dedicate themselves to IPA CBC
programming. The visit to Montenegro of the Team Leader of the TA project in MIER with the
aim to propose CBC structure within MIEREI has identified the same problem. Even though a
structure is proposed to MIEREI, it is hard to foresee whether there will be capacities to
establish such a structure without proper TA. CBIB has no capacity to support MIEREI on
daily basis and the lack of the capacity in Montenegro has resulted with cancelling the
participation in the WS in Tirana on 18 December 2006 as well as in the meeting set for 22
December 2006 in Croatia with the objective to establish the operating structure and agree
on the necessary
steps for the preparation of the "Cross Border Programme" (former Joint Programming

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Result 1: Programme Management Established

The overall purpose of Objective 1 is to establish an effective coordination and management mechanism that could ensure efficient implementation of IPA
CBC Programmes.
Reporting period 22 May 2006 - 22 December 2006
Expected results from
Ongoing/carried out activities Results of the activities
the work plan
1. Effective coordination 1.1 Providing institutional support to NA
mechanism 1.1.1 Support to establish effective coordination mechanism 1.1.1 Coaching the URC staff on how to manage the process of
established at the at the central level identification and selection of priorities of eligible beneficiaries.
central level;
Priorities Identification and Assessment Template (PIAT)
2. Effective coordination developed
network of IPA CBC
established at the Support has been provided to MEI, for organizing the Regional
level of line ministries Workshop: “Cross Border Cooperation - A tool for Regional
and regional/local Development”; awareness on IPA CBC raised; Schedule of
authorities; Activities prepared; Invitation Letter; Agenda; Database;
workshop Kit.
3. Joint Management
Structures 1.1.2 Prepare job descriptions and organisational structure 1.1.2 Please refer to deviations
established and
operational for each 1.1.3 Support to establish effective coordination network on 1.1.3 Identification and establishment of a network of focal points
programme/border; IPA CBC at the level of line ministries and regional/local for CBC in line ministries, regions and municipalities conducted.
authorities A data base of focal points created.
4. Capacity built and
support provided to 1.2 Joint Management Structures established
new managers in the 1.2.1 Start consultations with the representatives from the 1.2.1 Regular meetings with SEA in the former Yugoslav
partner countries; national and regional authorities Republic of Macedonia and DEA in Bosnia and Herzegovina and
with other major stakeholders regarding establishing Joint
5. Staff in the JMS and Management Structures for CBC in line ministries, regions and
NA trained in project municipalities held
preparation and 1.2.2 Identify possible bodies/organisations for JMS 1.2.2 In the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, assessment
monitoring; of the functioning of the JTS for NP Bulgaria - the former
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia with the aim to prepare the ToR
for establishing JTS for CBC programmes at the internal borders
has been carried out

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1.3 Providing support to the internal border programme management

1.1.3 Support to establish effective coordination network on Please refer to deviations
IPA CBC at the level of line ministries and regional/local
authorities (AL)
Deviations against
Reasons: Measures undertaken / planned:
Result 1:
Deviation against 1.1
In Albania, preparation of Unit of MEI is not fully staffed and the selective approach is Job descriptions will be prepared once MEI is fully staffed
job descriptions for the not recommended at this point of time
each member of the Unit
of MEI and organizational
structure postponed.
Deviation against 1.3
No activities related to Referring to new information received by the EC concerning Support on the internal borders will be provided in line with
internal border utilization of CARDS Regional funds no Call for Proposals upcoming IPA CBC programme with focus on preparation of
programme management are envisaged on internal borders during the CBIB project JMS.
are to be provided life time.

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Monthly timetable:
Planned activity: Planned work:
Jan Feb Mar Apr May
Continue institutional support to NA z
z z
z z
z z
z z
Prepare job descriptions / organizational structure z
Providing institutional support to NA Support to establish a network of focal points on
IPA CBC at National and regional authorities and
z z
z z
z z
z z
Support to URC/MEI to establish a MIS on the IPA
CBC programmes z
Continue consultations with representatives from
the national and regional authorities z
Establishing Joint Management Structures for
Identify possible bodies/organisations for JMS z
each programme/border
Prepare operational guidelines z
Prepare detailed job descriptions for the staff and
key staff members to be involved z
Define target group z
Prepare training modules z
Training on programme management of JMS staff
Gather material and prepare training packages z
internal borders delivered Conduct introductory training for those involved in
the management of the IPA CBC z
Deliver training module (the EC PCM) z
Deliver advanced training module (project fiche) z

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4.2 Result 2: Programme Content Developed

Within result 2, the following activities and deliverables were planned for this reporting period

Planned Activities:
• Prepare "Cross Border Programme" (former Joint Programming Document) (support
to establishment of operating structures for the preparation of "Cross Border
Programme" (former Joint Programming Document)

Planned Deliverables:
• operating structures for the preparation of "Cross Border Programme" (former Joint
Programming Document) established

Carried out activities:

According to the planned activities, the ToR for the definition of guidelines for the
implementation of CBC programmes at the internal borders of the Western Balkans was
prepared. Draft ToR was sent to the EC Programme Manager for comments. The message
from EC was received with the clear instructions that CBIB focus should be from now on only
on IPA CBC. The reason for this is mainly the availability of IPA Regulations and the
Implementing Rules which will set the frame to all CBIB activities for the whole duration of
the project. Furthermore, it was agreed with the EC that CBIB project should focus mainly on
the future 2007 – 2013 cross border programme under IPA and that IPA Regulations will be
the only reference for CBC programming on the internal borders of the Western Balkans.

Following this, the CBIB approach and the implementation of the activities had to be
reorganized and the Time Table of Activities adjusted. To address this new direction, the
corrigendum to the Inception Report was agreed with the EC Programme Manager.

CBIB team in all four offices took part in extensive evaluation of the draft of IPA Regulations
in order to be fully informed as to the meaning and intentions of the Commission regarding
the application of Regulations with respect to beneficiary country programmes.

Together with project partners in the Western Balkans, CBIB has formulated a series of
clarification questions which were submitted to the EC (Appendix B). The clarification
received from the EC has allowed the CBIB team to continue with certain activities such as
support to NA in creating operating structures, start preparation of "Cross Border
Programme" (former Joint Programming Document) etc.

In order not to slow down its activities affected by this change, the CBIB has given priority to
the preparation of "Cross Border Programmes" (former Joint Programming Documents),
establishment of operating structures and working groups in all beneficiary countries and the
initial steps have been already taken in order to form the operating structures between
Croatia and Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro, between Albania and the
former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and Montenegro and Kosovo (under the UNSCR

First letter was sent from Croatian side to the national authorities of Serbia, Bosnia and
Herzegovina and Montenegro.

At the same time, in Albania and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia an initiative
started at the workshop called “Cross Border Cooperation - A tool for Regional
Development”, held in Tirana. It was done in order to initiate the formation of operating

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structures for CBC with the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and
Kosovo (under the UNSCR 1244).

Furthermore, steps for the preparation of "Cross Border Programme" (former Joint
Programming Document) have been initiated in all beneficiary countries, where the CBIB has
prepared a list of potentially eligible areas according to IPA CBC Implementing Rules (NUTS
3 or as agreed with the EC) and submitted it to the NA for consideration. Parallel to that, the
draft table of content of "Cross Border Programme" (former Joint Programming Document)
according to draft IPA Regulations has been prepared and sent to the EC Programme
Manager for comments. Later on the same will be provided to NA in order to try to apply the
same format for all internal borders of the Western Balkans.


In the absence of the approved IPA Regulations and joint operating structures or other Joint
Management Structures for the preparation of “Cross Border Programmes” (former Joint
Programming Documents), discussions were held with MEI to make initial steps to prepare
the ground for identification of priorities of cross border cooperation at the internal borders.
For this purpose, the Project team is coaching the URC staff how to manage the process of
identification and selection of priorities of eligible beneficiaries.

A simple Priorities Identification and Assessment Template (PIAT) was developed for this
purpose, associated with written instructions. The template is intended to help the URC staff
in the process of recording the priorities to be submitted and their assessment. PIAT is
conceived as a management tool to be used by URC during the upcoming process of
assessment of needs preparation of the "Cross Border Programme" (former Joint
Programming Document). PIAT is attached as (Appendix C).

Bosnia and Herzegovina

The CBIB Sarajevo office prepared a “check list” for the preparation of a typical "Cross
Border Programme" (former Joint Programming Documents) for CBC programmes. It broke
down the tasks into a linear format, beginning with the Area Analysis and culminating with
the priorities being converted into an Action Plan and the required Project Fiches. The
implementing arrangements complete the document.

This was further elaborated and linked with guidelines from Croatia by the team members in
Belgrade. This revised document now forms the basis for discussions with Bosnia and
Herzegovina counterparts to elicit which tasks are needed and where gaps in capacity may

Discussions have also been initiated to establish capacity as the first task of preparing an
accurate “socio-economic description of the target region”.

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

The CBIB participated in two workshops for the finalization of the OP for Cross-border
Cooperation under IPA CBC between Bulgaria and the former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia. The aim was to collect all necessary information and documentation which
would facilitate the preparation of the "Cross Border Programme" (former Joint Programming
Document) for IPA CBC at the internal borders.

In addition to the workshop, the CBIB conducted interviews with the Bulgarian consultants
who participated in the SWOT analysis and with the persons in charge of CBC in the Ministry

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of Regional Development and Public Works of Bulgaria. The aim was to collect the
information about the method applied for the preparation of the OP (role and functioning of
the operating structure, participation of the municipalities and NGOs, etc.).

The operating structure for IPA CBC has been appointed by the government of the former
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and the CBIB project initiated contacts with the members
of the operating structure in December. A first joint meeting of SEA/CBIB with the members
of the operating structure was held at the end of December. The aim is to present the CBIB
project to the members of the operating structure and define an action plan and deadlines for
the preparation of the OP for CBC programmes with Albania and with Serbia and Kosovo
(under the UNSCR 1244) (Appendix D).

The draft of IPA Regulations was reviewed and the comments and questions sent to CBIB


CBIB Belgrade finalised the ToR for the definition of guidelines for the implementation of
CBC programmes at the internal borders (among non-EU member states). Draft ToR was
sent to the EC for comments. The message from the EC was received on changing the focus
on IPA and using IPA Regulations as a tool for CBC programming in the beneficiary

Several meetings have been held with MIER in order to define technical approach and steps
concerning the formation of operating structure, JMSs and "Cross Border Programme"
(former Joint Programming Document) related activities (Appendix E). The idea was to learn
from the experience of NP SCG - Hungary; SCG - Romania and Serbia - Bulgaria. It was
identified that the establishment of the operating structures in the previous CBC programs
were always initiated by the member state or pre-member state countries which are in the
case of Serbia Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria.

Concerning the JTS, the experience is different for each bordering country. In general, JTSs
are always based in the member state/ candidate or potential candidate country.

In Hungary, the JTS is based in Budapest within the institution called VATI (independent
organisation in charge of all CBC programmes in Hungary). The representative of Serbia is
based in Budapest and her costs are fully covered by the Hungarian side.

In Romania, the JTS is based in the bordering region and the representative of the Serbian
side is engaged on the short-term basis with costs also covered by the Romanian side.

For the JTS in Bulgaria no suitable model for financing the Serbian representative was
agreed between the two sides and therefore there is no Serbian representative in this JTS.

As defined in IPA Regulations, the eligible areas should be the bordering NUTS 3 level.
Since there is no NUTS division in Serbia, it was previously agreed with the EC that the
eligible areas are the bordering Counties of Serbia. However, since Serbian counties are
smaller than NUTS 3, it is sometimes possible to include the non-bordering counties with
strong justification. CBIB has proposed a list of potential eligible counties with two extended
areas to be considered by MIER.

It is recommended by MIER to identify the “strong administrative centres” for each border at
the beginning of the programming (i.e. town with regional chamber of commerce, university
or similar – could be more than one) as a driver for the bordering region.

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Working on the preparation for drafting "Cross Border Programmes" (former Joint
Programming Documents), lessons have been taken from previous CBC programmes in
Serbia. There were different teams working on "Cross Border Programme" (former Joint
Programming Document) for each border. "Cross Border Programmes" (former Joint
Programming Documents) were compiled by a team in the member state/candidate or
potential candidate country. The inputs from the Serbian side were coordinated by the
responsible person in MIER with the support of TA project in MIER. Except collecting
information from relevant institutions such as the Republic Statistical Office, line ministries,
etc, which was done by MIER, the footwork (collecting info from the field) was done by local
offices established with UNDP support in each bordering area. CBIB has started to work on
the format of "Cross Border Programme" (former Joint Programming Documents ) according
to IPA Regulations, and the first draft of the Terms of Reference has been made (Appendix
At the same time, an issue has been raised by the Serbian NA concerning two critical
borders Serbia/the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Serbia/ Montenegro. Both of
those two borders include a part with Kosovo (under the UNSCR 1244) and the decision on
how to approach the preparation of "Cross Border Programmes" (former Joint Programming
Documents) for those borders is not clear yet. Kosovo (under the UNSCR 1244) is eligible
under IPA, but Serbia would like to have a single "Cross Border Programme" (former Joint
Programming Documents) for each border of Serbia including Kosovo (under the UNSCR
1244). Even though CBIB has asked for official statement on this issue, nothing has been
submitted by the Serbian side yet.


In Montenegro, similar activities have been conducted related to the preparation of "Cross
Border Programmes" (former Joint Programming Documents). The steps for the formation of
operating structure and working groups, as well as the "Cross Border Programme" (former
Joint Programming Document) programming cycle including the CBIB proposal for potential
eligible areas have been submitted to MIEREI for consideration.

At the same time, the structure proposed to MIEREI by Eurecna was consulted and CBIB will
try to support the MIEREI in applying this proposal.

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Result 2: Programme Content developed

The overall purpose of Objective 1 is to establish an effective coordination and management mechanism that could ensure efficient implementation of IPA
CBC Programmes.
Reporting period 22 May 2006 - 22 December 2006
Expected results from
Ongoing/carried out activities Results of the activities
the work plan
1. "Cross Border
Programme" (former 2.1 Consult with CBIB, project partners and EC on new IPA Comments from all CBIB offices and Project partners
Joint Programming Regulations/Implementation Rules aggregated, processed and submitted to the EC; Clarification
Document) operating from the EC on IPA Regulations received
structure (16
facilitation meetings) 2.2 Support to preparing “Cross Border Programmes” (former Joint Programming Documents)
created 2.2.1 Define responsible bodies and provide agreement on 2.2.1 Assessment of the current situation and start of the
the detailed time plan facilitation for establishment of the joint operating structure for
2. Preparation of "Cross the borders between Serbia/Croatia, Serbia/Bosnia and
Border Programmes" Herzegovina, Serbia/Montenegro, Serbia/the former Yugoslav
(former Joint Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro/Albania and
Programming Montenegro/Bosnia and Herzegovina through meetings with
Documents)supported relevant ministries in all the beneficiary countries conducted
and "Cross Border Draft proposition for the role of the operating structure and
Programmes" (former working groups agreed with NAs
Joint Programming
Documents) (16 2.2.2 Carry out stakeholder consultation on both sides 2.2.2 Croatian NA takes the lead in the process to establish
workshops) drafted operating structures and to define the needed steps for the
preparation of "Cross Border Programmes" (former Joint
Programming Documents) on the borders with Serbia, Bosnia
and Herzegovina and Montenegro.
The first meeting with Bosnia and Herzegovina was agreed to be
held on 22 December 2006. For Serbia, the first meeting with
Croatian NA is proposed for 16 January.
Albania and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia agreed
about initial steps for the creation of operating structures.

2.2.3 Create operating structures 2.2.3. Steps for the creation of operating structures prepared and
circulated among relevant NAs. CBIB has started with support to
the operating structure for IPA CBC appointed by the

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government of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

2.2.4 Define analytical, strategic and implementation part of 2.2.4 CBIB Skopje office in coordination with CBIB Tirana, SEA
the programme and EAR, has taken the first steps towards the preparation of the
CBC "Cross Border Programmes" (former Joint Programming
Documents) for the former Yugoslav Republic of
Participation in two workshops for the finalization of the "Cross
Border Programme" (former Joint Programming Document) for
IPA CBC between Bulgaria and the former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia. Interviews with the Bulgarian consultants and civil
servants from Bulgarian Ministry for Regional Development who
participated in the SWOT analysis and in coordinating the
activities of the joint operating structure.
Discussion has begun in Bosnia and Herzegovina on identifying
gaps in the capacity to achieve the tasks outlined in the "Cross
Border Programmes" (former Joint Programming Documents).
In Serbia, meeting with MIER organised in order to learn about
experience with CBC programmes with Hungary, Romania and
A “check list” has been prepared for the preparation of "Cross
Border Programme" (former Joint Programming Document), draft
Table of content for "Cross Border Programme" (former Joint
Programming Documents) prepared, according to new IPA
Regulations and using experience from the region. Identification
of potential eligible areas for Albania, Serbia, and Montenegro
listed and proposed to NA for consideration and agreement.

Deviations against
Reasons: Measures undertaken / planned:
Result 2:
Call for Proposals under New information received by the EC HQ foresee that CBC According to the information received from the EC additional TA
CARDS 2005/2006 will funds under CARDS 2005/2006 could be used for additional to CBIB will be strongly recommended.
not be launched on the TA to NA in order to reinforce preparation for IPA 2007-2013
internal borders during
the CBIB project lifetime

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Monthly timetable 2007:
Planned activity: Planned work:
Jan Feb Mar Apr May
Define responsible bodies and provide
agreements on the detailed time plan z
Carry out stakeholder consultation on both sides z
Create operational structure z
Define analytical, strategic and implementation
part of the programme z
Carry out ex-ante and Strategic Environmental
Assessment z
z z
Coordinate preparation of Project fiche with JMS
Preparation of "Cross Border Programmes"
staff z
(former Joint Programming Documents)
Support JSC to prepares Project fiches and
Financing proposal z
Draft chapters of "Cross Border Programme"
(former Joint Programming Document). z
z z
Transmit full draft to the Commission z
z z
Complete second round of consultation (on the
first draft) z
Submit to EC "Cross Border Programme" (former
Joint Programming Document).adopted by the z

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4.3 Result 3: Regional Cooperation Increased

Within result 3, the following activities and deliverables were planned for this reporting

Planned Activities:
• Organize workshops on national level (awareness on CARDS CBC, CBIB and IPA)

• Prepare and distribute publications (first set)

• Prepare and make the Database operational

• Design the Web site

Planned Deliverables:
• First set of publications prepared

• Database prepared and operational

• Web site designed

Carried out activities:

The general cross-border project awareness in relation to IPA CBC has been raised through
various meetings with project partners, national authorities, embassies, local government
representatives, RDAs, NGOs, etc. Also, CBIB has participated in several events relevant to
CBC where it had an opportunity to exchange experience, present the project and establish
new contacts.

Even though a lot of effort has been made in the preparation of the workshops on the
national level, this activity has been postponed in order to be able to present new IPA CBC
Implementing Rules.

Finalising brochures, the web page and leaflets was slightly delayed according to CBIB work
plan due to the need to incorporate new information on IPA CBC. However, CBIB logo and
all printed material has been agreed upon, first draft of CBIB brochures and leaflet prepared
and the text drafted while consulting all CBIB offices and project partners within this reporting
period. Web page layout has been prepared and agreed upon as well.

All CBIB offices have prepared a data base containing details of all national stakeholders and
potential beneficiaries (municipalities and persons in charge within the municipalities, main
NGOs, etc.) and an aggregated data base has been prepared. However, large scale mailing
will be delayed in order to link it to the workshops rescheduled for the first quarter of 2007.


Based on the suggestion of the CBIB Team, the Ministry of Integration in its capacity of IPA
National Coordinator for Albania took the initiative to organise a workshop with the
neighbourhood countries participating in the IPA CBC programmes. The workshop called
“Cross Border Cooperation - A tool for Regional Development” was held in Tirana on 18
December 2006. The main aim of the workshop was to increase the awareness of local
stakeholders on cross-border cooperation opportunities among Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo
(under the UNSCR 1244) and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and facilitate

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discussions between partners involved in implementation of the cross-border cooperation


The CBIB team has provided full support to the URC and high level management of the
Ministry for preparation of related material for the workshop and related organisations.
Financial support has also been provided for the organization of the workshop.

In order to monitor the process of preparation of the workshop, a “schedule of activities and
allocation of responsibilities” was produced and monitored initially on weekly basis and in the
last two weeks before the workshop on daily basis.

The CBIB Team made a presentation of the Project in the workshop. A brief on the CBIB
project was prepared in all languages and included in the workshop folder. For visibility
purposes, the logo of CBIB Project was inserted in all documents related to the workshop.
The letter of invitation submitted to Albanian institutions indicates that this activity was
organised by MEI jointly with CBIB project (Appendix G).

The Team has participated in several meetings with central, regional and local institutions
organised with the purpose to introduce the Project and increase its visibility.

The Team has made brief presentations of the Project in a few public events organised by
different stakeholders. The most notable ones were the “info days” organised for the launch
of Call for Proposal - Neighbourhood Programme – INTERREG III, Greece-Albania, (as
reported under Result 4), where presentations were made for activities organised in three
Southern Regions of Albania, respectively Vlora, Gjirokastra, Korca.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

A series of meetings were held in the five economic regions of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The
meetings were with the Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) and discussions as to how
they could involve cross-border partners took place. Workshops are planned to facilitate the
cross-border dimension with the RDAs taking the lead initiative in establishing contacts.

CBIB Sarajevo informed the Directors of all five RDAs and their teams about general IPA
CBC objectives and how the CBIB project will organize its activities in the regions they
covered. It was also explained how these activities will be carried out in their region.

The CBIB Sarajevo team explained the chain of communication with regards to the project
and with the DEI as the main counterpart of the project. The CBIB team used the opportunity
to explain the potential role of the RDA as a Joint Technical Secretariat or an Intermediate
Body with certain project monitoring or preparation functions. These activities would be
funded out of the TA component of the Programme and thus the RDA would play a central
role in enabling the region to call down IPA CBC funding.

Some of RDAs remarked that the current situation in their region is very good for cross-
border initiatives and they are already working on CBC projects related to Croatian Call for

Two of RDAs signed the memorandum of understanding with their Croatian counterparts
related to CBC projects.

CBIB Sarajevo established regular communication with the above mentioned RDAs (REDAH
Mostar, REZ Zenica, SERDA Sarajevo, ARDA Banja Luka, NERDA Tuzla ) located in the five
main economic regions of BiH. The objective of this communication is raising the awareness

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on the CBC and CBIB project and preparing regional workshops and training activities which
are going to start in 2007.

CBIB Sarajevo had regular meetings and regular communication with the Directorate of
European Integration in order to coordinate IPA CBC activities with main national
stakeholders and partners and to coordinate the organisation of National Workshop for IPA
CBC which will take place in March 2007.

CBIB Sarajevo completed the data base of all potential beneficiaries.

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

In coordination with other CBIB offices, CBIB Skopje planned to organize a national CBC
conference for 20 December 2006: draft agenda, identification of the speakers and
preparatory meetings, list of participants, logistic arrangements, press release (in
cooperation with EAR Skopje) and visibility material. Due to several reasons and particularly
to the fact that the draft of the IPA Regulations became available in December, it has been
finally agreed, together with the national partners, to postpone this conference to
February/March 2007. The agenda will then clearly focus on the presentation of IPA CBC
rules and mechanism and on presenting the first drafts of the programming documents for
the internal borders.

CBIB Skopje participated in the CBC conference organised by OSCE for the municipalities
from Albania, Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The
objective of this conference was to facilitate the establishment of partnerships between these
municipalities. It was for us the opportunity to present the project, to establish contacts and
working relations with potential beneficiaries, to precise a few points related to CBC
principles which were not clear for the participants. It was also the occasion to realize that,
CBC being an attractive topic for many international and national organisations, a lot of
events aiming at explaining CBC principles and at preparing project pipelines are organised
all over the country. The information provided by the organizers is not always accurate which
leads to misunderstanding and unreasonable expectations.

CBIB Skopje established regular communication with the main municipalities located at the
Albanian and Serbian (including Kosovo (UNSCR 1244)) borders. The objective of this
communication is raising the awareness on CBC and CBIB project and preparing the
workshops and training activities which are going to start in 2007.

CBIB had regular meetings and maintained a regular communication with the main
international and national stakeholders and partners (SEA, the other line ministries and
EAR). Particularly, the role of the Ministry of Local Self Government in preparing and
implementing CBC programmes has been discussed with the persons in charge within the
Ministry. The main output so far of these discussions was the planned participation of the
Minister of Local Self Government in the national conference (postponed to February/March

Finally, CBIB updated and completed the data base of the national and local stakeholders as
well as potential beneficiaries.


CBIB office in Belgrade coordinated the preparation of all CBIB National Workshops in the
Region. The detailed list of tasks for the conference organization was prepared in Microsoft
Project (Appendix H) and distributed to all CBIB offices to ease the organization process.

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The dates have been agreed upon, so that there are no overlaps among project offices,
relevant Ministries, EAR offices and the EC Delegations.

In coordination with the Ministry of International Economic Relations of Serbia, important

issues were agreed upon regarding the National Workshop in Serbia, initially planned for 11
December 2006: draft agenda and invitation letter, topics to be discussed, identification of
speakers as well as invitees, choice of the workshop location, and other logistics
arrangements. Also, the visibility material was discussed.

Furthermore, the awareness on the CBIB project was increased through the participation at
the Fourth International SME Conference organized by the Ministry of Economy in Belgrade
on 16 November. The Team Leader presented the CBIB project to the local stakeholders
through the presentation “Cross Border Cooperation Challenges for Economic
Development”. She spoke in general about the CBC, and specifically about project
objectives, beneficiaries, and expected results. The interest as well as the feedback from the
conference attendees was excellent. Awareness was raised on CBC and CBIB among
representatives of local government offices across Serbia, and contacts were established
with Ministries, other donor projects and local authorities. CBIB brief was prepared and
distributed to the conference attendees.

Moreover, the CBIB team participated at the Conference on IPA, organized by the European
Movement in Serbia and the Open Society Fund.

Additionally, work on the CBIB promotional material was carried out. Several companies
(with the EU references) gave their proposals regarding the brochure layout. The input of the
CBIB team was received. Also, the draft text for the general leaflet was developed, and
comments from the experts were incorporated.

The offers for the web page development were received. The structure and the format of the
web page were discussed with the designers who were briefed about the project in order to
be able to adequately organize the web site.

At the regional team meeting, all CBIB members discussed awareness raising issues and
had a brainstorming session regarding promotional material and the project web page.

Finally, CBIB had regular meetings with national and international stakeholders and partners
(MIER, EAR, EC Delegation, etc), as well as with various embassies’ representatives,
donors, NGOs and on-going projects in order to present the CBIB project and better
understand current local situation regarding CBC.


The same was done in Montenegro: the meeting was held in Podgorica with the Ministry of
International Economic Relations and European Integration of Montenegro regarding the
awareness raising activities in that region. Important workshop issues were discussed - such
as draft agenda, topics, speakers, date, venue, etc. For the same reason as mentioned
before, the workshop was postponed for the first quarter of 2007.

Also, the meeting was held in Podgorica with the European Agency for Reconstruction on the
same topic (the CBIB project), as well as with the Centre for the Development of NGOs

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Result 3: Regional Cooperation Increased

Objective: To raise awareness among general population and targets about IPA CBC, cross-border funding opportunities, and the CBIB; to promote the
existence of the CBIB project as a support service; to facilitate networking and the exchange of experiences and ideas among stakeholders in the wider
Reporting period 22 May 2006 - 22 December 2006
Expected results from
Ongoing/carried out activities Results of the activities
the work plan
1. General cross-border 3.1 Cross - border project awareness built on the national and regional level
project awareness in 3.1.1 Rise general cross-border project awareness in relation 3.1.1 In Serbia
relation to IPA CBC to IPA CBC (national level - Serbia) Preparation of the National CBIB Workshop for December 2006
raised; initiated: number of meetings in the EC Delegation, EAR and
MIER discussing institutions and organizations to be invited.
2. Awareness of the Meeting with designer on the promotional material for the
CBIB role in workshops on the national level, location proposed by MIER to
preparation of "Cross be in Uzice at the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Border Programmes" Awareness raised on CBC and on CBIB activities among
(former Joint representatives of local government offices across Serbia by
Programming participating at the Fourth International SME Conference
Documents) and JMS organized by the Ministry of Economy in Belgrade
ensured; Meetings with various embassies’ representatives (relevant EU
member states countries and beneficiary countries), donors,
3. Awareness about the NGOs and on-going projects in order to present CBIB project
project preparation and better understand current local situation regarding CBC.
process ensured; Participation at the Conference on IPA, organized by the
European Movement in Serbia and Open Society Fund.
4. Level of regional
cooperation 3.1.2 Rise general cross-border project awareness in relation 3.1.2 initial organization of national workshop started, day to day
(generating project to IPA CBC (national level -Montenegro) coordination with MIEREI conducted, location in Podgorica pre
ideas and new agreed, date pre agreed
increased. 3.1.3 Rise general cross-border project awareness in relation 3.1.3 In Bosnia and Herzegovina
to IPA CBC (national level – Bosnia and Herzegovina) Preparation for the workshop with DEI started and initial inputs

3.1.4 Rise general cross-border project awareness in relation 3.1.4 In Albania

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to IPA CBC (national level - Albania) Several meeting conducted on central and local level to inform
Albanian stakeholders about the project. Meetings with key
donors, NGOs in order to present CBIB project and better
understand current local situation regarding CBC.
Participation of the CBIB team in the Info Days for launching the
NP/INTERREG III programme Greece-Albania.
Regional workshop “Cross – Border Cooperation - a tool for
Regional Development” organized.

3.1.5 Rise general cross-border project awareness in relation 3.1.5 In the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
to IPA CBC (national level – the former Yugoslav Republic of National conference planned and prepared for 20 December
Macedonia) Participation in the CBC conference organized by OSCE 2
November 2006. 15 municipalities from the former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo (under the UNSCR
1244) were represented. Presentation of CBIB project and of the
principles of CBC. Informal discussions after the conference with
most of the participants: their ideas, needs, existing CBC
Regular communication with the main municipalities located at
the borders with Albania and Serbia (and Kosovo under the
UNSCR 1244)
Regular meetings with the EAR, SEA and other Ministries in line
Workshop planned for beginning of 2007
3.1.6 Rise general cross-border project awareness in relation
to IPA CBC (national level – Kosovo under the UNSCR 1244)
3.2 Publications prepared and distributed
3.2.1 Design and print leaflet/brochure IPA CBC 3.2.1 Leaflet/brochure on IPA CBC designed
3.2.2 Design and print promotional leaflet on the CBIB 3.2.2 Promotional leaflet on the CBIB designed
3.2.3 Design standard presentation on key funding 3.2.3 Standard presentation on key funding mechanisms IPA
mechanisms IPA CBC and CBIB CBC and CBIB designed
3.2.4 Prepare series of background fact sheets 3.2.4 Series of background fact sheets prepared
3.3: Large scale mailing to promote programme ongoing
3.3.1 Mailing to LGUs, CSOs Chambers of commerce, Local 3.1.1 Please refer to deviations
development agencies
3.4 Database prepared and operational
3.4.1 Existing information acquired
3.4.1 Acquire existing information

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3.4.2 Prepare data base of all contacts 3.4.2 Data base of all contacts prepared
3.5 Web site designed and operational
3.5.1 Conduct consultations on the needs with CBIB team 3.5.1 Consultations on the needs with CBIB team and
and Counterparts Counterparts Conducted
3.5.2 Collect information 3.5.2 Information collected
3.5.3 Design website 3.5.3 Website designed
3.5.4 Check first version with CBIB and Counterparts 3.5.4 First version checked with CBIB and Counterparts
Deviations against
Reasons: Measures undertaken / planned:
Result 3:
Deviation against 3.1
National Workshops will Information received from the EC that CBIB should focus National workshops will be organised in the first quarter of 2007
be postponed more in the presentation on IPA CBC
Deviation against 3.3
Mailing will be linked to Information received from the EC that CBIB should focus Mailing will be linked to the Workshops
the Workshops more in the presentation on IPA CBC

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Monthly timetable:
Planned activity: Planned work:
Jan Feb Mar Apr May
General cross-border project awareness in relation Rise general cross border project awareness -
to IPA CBC raised; CBIB launch (National level) z
WS on CBIB role in preparation of "Cross Border WS on CBIB role in preparation of "Cross Border
Programmes" (former joint programming Programmes" (former joint programming z
documents) and JMS documents) and JMS
Print leaflet / brochure on IPA z
Print promotional leaflet on the CBIB z
Prepare standard presentation on key funding
mechanisms, IPA and CBIB z
Publications prepared and distributed
Prepare series of background fact sheets (key
aspects of project preparation &management) z
Select and prepare Case studies of successful
projects & project application z
Translate guidelines and procedures z
z z
Large scale mailing to promote programme Mailings to LGUs, CSOs, Chambers of Commerce z
z z
z z
Data base prepared and operational Create Data base link with Web page z
Website designed and operational Website operational z
Develop topics z
Regional Forum established First regional forum z
Second regional forum z

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4.4 Result 4: Project Pipeline Prepared

Within result 4, the following activities and deliverables were planned for this reporting

Planned Activities:
• No activities were planned

Planned Deliverables:
• No deliverables were planned

Carried out activities:

Support for project preparation has been provided mainly in Albania and the former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia. This support is related to the ongoing Call for Proposals for the
Neighbourhood Programme, INTERREG III, Greece – Albania and Call for Proposals
launched by East West Institute - Small Grants for CBC projects between the former
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania and Greece. Hands-on support was provided
through coaching the applicants in preparation of project proposals.

As a result, CBIB developed a “Lessons Learned” paper for the attention and discussion with
NAs. The aim of this paper is to record the experience gained from this exercise, present
positive aspects that need to be further reinforced and address other identified issues in the
future in order to improve the process.


Participation at the Info Day organized in the framework of launching the Call for Proposals
for the Neighbourhood Program INTERREG III, Greece-Albania.

The Call for Proposals for the Neighbourhood Programme, INTERREG III, Greece – Albania
was launched on 29 July 2006. The Ministry of European Integration organised information
and awareness raising activities called “Information Days” in three eligible regions, under the
CfP, Vlora, Gjirokastra and Korca. A fourth “info day” was organised with line ministries and
other central organizations.

The CBIB Team participated in all four activities and took the opportunity to introduce the
Project. The table below provides information on the Info Days and the input of the CBIB
team for each activity.

Place of Activity Date of activity Support by the CBIB team

Region of Vlora 27 July 2006 - No direct support
Line ministries and - Clarifications of questions related to
21 August 2006
central agencies CfP application procedures
- Clarifications of questions related to
Region of CfP application procedures
29 August 2006
Gjirokastra - CfP package in Albanian language,
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Presentation of CfP application
Region of Korca 4 September 2006
- CfP package in Albanian language,
- Frequently Asked Questions

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At the first and second Info Day, (see above), all information included in the CfP was in
English. The applicants indicated that distribution of the CfP in English was good for
information purposes, but it would have been more helpful if the CfP would have been
provided translated into Albanian as well. Several questions were raised by the applicants
regarding the procedures and application package. CBIB team, assessing the most critical
areas were the majority of questions were raised, prepared a “Frequently Asked Questions”
(Appendix I) format that was distributed in the activities following in other regions. As per
Ministry of European Integration request, the CfP was translated in Albanian (Appendix S).

The CfP for Neighbourhood Programme Greece – Albania was launched on 29 July 2006
and the initial closing day was 29 September 2006. At a later stage the deadline was
postponed to 9 October 2006.

The CBIB Team was requested by MEI and the EC Delegation in Albania to provide support
and coaching to applicants in preparation of project proposals.

Initially, theCBIB team (international and local expert) was able to answer to incoming
requests for help within the existing capacities. In the last weeks, the intensity of requests for
help increased substantially, which led to overflow of requests for support and coaching.
Also, due to the fact that team was in the phase of conducting the needs assessment and
preparation of the input to Inception Report of the Project, coping with the requests for help
became very difficult. Under these circumstances, following the request of beneficiaries, the
request for the approval of the local STE was sent to the EC on the September 14, and the
approval was received on September 21, 2006. A local short term expert was recruited for
ten days (Appendix J). The LSTE, Zana Vokopola, started the assignment on September 22,

CBIB Team provided direct hands-on coaching support to the following institutions:

• General Directorate of Customs

• Ministry of Interior
• General Directorate of State Police
• General Department of Roads (MPTT)
• National Employment Services
• Prefecture of Gjirokstra
• Municipalities of Saranda, Gjirokastra, Korca, Vlora
• Region of Gjirokastra
• Regional Development Agency of Korca
• Foundation for Promoting Employment Services
• National Institute of Culture and Archaeology
• Communes of Leskovik, Zercan

Hands-on support was provided also to MEI for development of the project proposal under
the “Establishment of European Academy in Vlora” which will aim to become a training
centre focusing mainly on CBC activities.

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Considering that Call for Proposals, INTERREG III, Neighbourhood Programme Greece -
Albania was the first experience related to launching the CfP for CBC programmes in this
country, the CBIB Project office developed a “Lessons Learned” paper (Appendix K).

This paper was prepared for the attention and discussion with MEI, with the aim to record the
experience gained from this exercise, present positive aspects that need to be further
reinforced, and other issues identified where attention need to be focused in the future in
order to improve the process.

Some key recommendations deriving from the paper are as follows:

• Ways should be explored to simplify requirements in the Call for Proposals.

Guidelines of applications should be further detailed to provide sufficient guidance to
• It will help the process enormously if the CfP is published in the local language.
• Information and awareness activities should be organized within two weeks from the
launch of CfP, and possibly should be followed up with training support.
• Most (if not all) public institutions in Albania need support with training on
development of project proposals and PCM training is highly needed.
• Due to the fact that the number of Calls for proposals under IPA CBC programmes is
expected to increase, it will be recommended to establish permanent units in public
institutions specialized in preparing project proposal, or at least establish a core
group of people properly trained for this.
• Apart from training, it should be ensured that the staff involved in the process,
should, as a minimum, read the application rules and get familiar with them prior to
starting the development of the project proposals.
• The preparation of the project proposal from public institutions requires team work,
especially where the involvement of different specific area specialists is needed.

The “Lessons Learned” paper is attached to the Appendix K.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

This process has not yet begun. Bosnia and Herzegovina has no external border partner –
with the exception of the new Adriatic CBC programme which will include Herzegovina and
some bordering municipalities.

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

CBIB Skopje participated in the evaluation of the projects submitted by municipalities and
NGOs after the Call for Proposals (Small Grants) launched by the East West Institute for
CBC projects between the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania and Greece. 23
projects were submitted.

The objectives were:

• To establish good cooperation with an organisation having good experience in

supporting CBC at the internal borders with Albania but also with Serbia and Kosovo
(UNSCR 1244).
• To assess the capacities of local stakeholders, which are also potential beneficiaries
for IPA CBC and to identify the main weaknesses. If the ideas developed in these

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projects were often interesting, the formulation of the projects was in most of the
cases extremely confusing, which underlines the necessity to organize trainings in
project preparation.

Meetings were set up with the organizations and institutions involved in training activities for
municipalities and NGOs (UNDP, ZELS, and Ministry of Local Self Government). A common
observation is that the municipalities are solicited by many national and international
organisations offering trainings in the field of decentralization, project preparation, etc. The
lack of coordination and harmonisation of these training activities leads to absurd situations
(civil servants spending most of their working time in trainings and seminars, etc). All
organisations are therefore stressing the necessity for the CBIB project to participate in the
coordination body established by the Ministry of Local Self Government and supported by

This process has not begun yet.

This process has not begun yet.

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Result 4: Project Pipeline Prepared

Objective: To enhance capacities for project proposal preparation; To improve understanding of IPA CBC Programme, its rules and procedures; To increase
quality and quantity of proposals submitted; To increase number of projects in pipeline
Reporting period 22 May 2006 - 22 December 2006
Expected results from
Ongoing/carried out activities Results of the activities
the Work Plan
1. Increased quality of 4.1. Training in Project Preparation and PCM (internal & external borders)
project proposals; 4.1.3. Training on PCM to regional and local government and 4.1.3 In the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia meetings
NGOs held and contacts made with the national and international
2. Increase in number of organisations offering training to municipalities. CBIB will
projects funded; participate in the existing coordination of training programmes.
3. Increase in number of 4.2. Hands-on support for preparation of project proposals
projects in pipeline; 4.2.1 Hands on support for preparation of project proposals 4.2.1 Participation in the info day organized with the Deputy
(Albania) Ministers on the Call for Proposals for the Greece - Albania NP
4. Decrease in number Participated in three info days for the launch of CfP for the
of rejected proposal; Greece-Albania NP organized in separate days for Regions of
Vlora, Gjirokastra and Korca
5. Positive reaction to Hands on support to key applicants (mainly from public
support services of institutions) for CfP for Greece/Albania programme.
CBIB. Hands on support to MEI for development of the project proposal
under GR/AL NP (establishment of European Academy in Vlora).
Preparation of the “Lessons Learned” from the CfP, INTERREG
III, Neighbourhood Programme Greece - Albania. Capacity of the
final beneficiaries in projects preparation and main weaknesses
are identified. The whole package of CfP translated in Albanian.
Set of “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQs) in English and
Direct support provided. Report of the STE, Zana Vokopola.
“Lessons learned” paper prepared in English and Albanian

4.2.3 Hands on support for preparation of project proposals 4.2.3 Support was provided in evaluation of 23 CBC projects
(the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) (CfP launched by East West Institute-Small Grants for CBC
projects between the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,
Albania and Greece. Evaluation report is prepared.

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Deviations against Result 4: Reasons: Measures undertaken / planned:

None at this time. None at this time. None at this time.
Monthly timetable:
Expected Results Planned Activities:
Jan Feb Mar Apr May

Training in Project Preparation and PCM (internal Preparation of training modules z

& external borders)
Training on PCM to central Government z
Hands-on support for preparation of project
proposals - Albania z
z z
z z
z z
z z
Hands-on support for preparation of project Hands-on support for preparation of project
proposals proposals - Bosnia and Herzegovina z
z z
z z
Hands-on support for project proposals - the
former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia z
z z
z z
z z
z z

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4.5 Progress Made

Even though the CBIB team had entered into the Implementation phase only two and half
months ago and has additionally encountered some delays due to the availability of the IPA
Regulations which has set a new direction for the project activities and resulted in the need
for a corrigendum to the Inception report, the CBIB had managed to carry out its activities
with no major delays.

Due to the fact that the whole project focus will be on IPA CBC only, workshops on national
level which had to be postponed to the first quarter of 2007 will be used to give additional
information with regard to programming documents. Nevertheless, the awareness about the
CBIB project and CBC in general was already raised in the whole region through some direct
activities, but mainly through participation in the activities organized by other organizations
relevant to CBC.

All CBIB offices have managed to establish good working relationships with the Beneficiaries
and by the end of January 2007 operating structures on all borders will be established (3 are
already established during this reporting period) and the process for the preparation of
"Cross Border Programmes" (former joint programming documents) in all Countries of the
WB will be initiated.

4.6 Problems Encountered

As reported in the Inception Report, there are still the same key issues to be addressed in
order to ensure proper and efficient implementation of the project:

• Number of borders for which the "Cross Border Programmes" (former joint
programming documents) will have to be prepared;

• The lack of TA in most of the countries;

• CBIB project lifetime;

• CBIB resources.

Number of borders and the status of Kosovo

CBIB has planned its activities on eight (8) borders taking into account that no activities could
be carried out between Serbia and Kosovo (under the UNSCR 1244) until the status will be
clearly defined. Nevertheless, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Albania have
already initiated talks with Kosovo (under the UNSCR 1244) with the aim to start the process
of drafting "Cross Border Programmes" (former joint programming documents) since Kosovo
(under the UNSCR 1244) is the full beneficiary of IPA component II. CBIB project is
requested by all parties to assist in the process and to provide concrete support with
Institutional Capacity Building, awareness activities and in supporting the programming

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Current Technical Assistance to National Authorities

As already reported in the CBIB Inception Report, two TA programmes in Croatia and Serbia
are supporting line ministries responsible for CBC and will be running until mid 2008.

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, a TA EC project to DEI was launched and will start its activities
in the second half of 2007 when CBIB project will be already phasing out.

In the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, in Albania, in Montenegro and in Kosovo

(under the UNSCR 1244) there is no TA programme and CBIB project is already requested
to support the ongoing CfP at the external borders.

The capacities of the NA in these Countries are low and in all cases their units in charge of
CBC programmes are understaffed.

CBIB is also implementing all planned activities from the WP in Montenegro and is providing
support from the office in Belgrade, and for the activities with Albania from the CBIB office in
Tirana. Unfortunately, the establishment of the CBIB office in Podgorica is not possible due
to budget constraints. The support to the MIEREI should therefore be considered otherwise
than on daily basis contact, so as to ensure that capacity building is properly and quickly
addressed, as well as the programming process without further delays.

The same situation can be described for Kosovo (under the UNSCR 1244) where again the
CBIB office in Belgrade together with the CBIB office in Skopje are in charge of following up
the planned activities. As mentioned above, Kosovo (under the UNSCR 1244) is a full
beneficiary of IPA component II and expects the CBIB to provide support in all stages of the
programming process in addition to capacity building and awareness activities.

CBIB resources and project lifetime

Resources in terms of EU key expert man/days (Tirana, Skopje, Sarajevo) as well as

incidental budget available within the CBIB project are, as reported in the Inception Report,
limited. Nevertheless, the CBIB experts will make the necessary effort to follow the work plan
and ensure the quality of outputs with the existing resources. They will coordinate and use
the support of the existing TA projects in Serbia and Croatia in addition to some other donor
projects in the Region even if additional resources should be necessary for carrying out some
of the programming steps such as the training of staff, preparation of the project pipeline and
support to establishing the JMS to be operational after the approval of "Cross Border
Programmes" (former joint programming documents).

As already mentioned, a considerable gap would be created if CBIB will be phasing out and
nobody else - additional technical assistance with the CARDS regional allocation 2005 and
2006 - takes over the support to assist in launching the CfP, preparing project proposals, and
providing training support in the evaluation, implementation and monitoring process. All this
should be done as ongoing support/training to NA and JMSs staff (once established) while
supporting the final beneficiaries in preparing good project proposals.

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5. Planning for the next reporting period

Since no major changes were made to the WP presented in the Inception report, all activities
will be developed accordingly and therefore also the narrative part presented in it remains the
same for the next reporting period.

5.1 Work Plan

The project will continue under the following plan for the next period:

Result 1 - Programme management established

Activity 1.2: Support to establish effective coordination network of IPA CBC in line
ministries/regional/local authorities
Activity 1.3: Support to establish Joint Management Structures
Activity 1.4: Deliver training on programme management

Result 2 - Programme Content developed

Activity 2.3: Prepare "Cross Border Programmes" (former Joint Programming Documents)

Result 3 - Regional Cooperation Increased

Activity 3.1: Organize workshops on national level

Activity 3.2: Organize workshops on local level ("Cross Border Programmes" (former Joint
Programming Documents)/JMSs)
Activity 3.4: Prepare and distribute publications
Activity 3.5: Prepare and make the database operational
Activity 3.6: Design and make the Web site operational
Activity 3.7: Establish Regional Forum

Result 4 - Project pipeline prepared

Activity 4.1: Prepare training modules

Activity 4.2: Deliver Training in Project Preparation and Project Cycle Management
Activity 4.3: Provide Hands-on support in preparation of project proposals

5.2 Deliverables
• Hands-on support to NA continued
• Support to setting up Joint management structures started
• Training on programme management delivered
• Operating structures and Working Groups established
• Draft "Cross Border Programmes" (former Joint Programming Documents) prepared
• Workshops on national level organised
• Workshops on local level ("Cross Border Programmes" (former Joint Programming
Documents)/JMSs) organized
• Publications distributed
• Web site operational
• Regional Forum established
• One training module in Project Preparation and Project Cycle Management delivered

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5.3 Planned use of resources in the next reporting period 1January – 22 May 2007

EU STE L STE Team Key Key Key 2 Experts Expert Expert Expert Total
Allocation of resources per Leader Expert Expert Expert Belgrade Skopje Tirana Sarajevo %
activity Skopje Tirana Sarajevo
Result 1 - Programme management established 50 26 47 33 9 17 65 26 20 20 313 26.24
Activity 1.2: Support to establish effective coordination
network of IPA CBC in line ministries/regional/local 2 6 2 7 11 10 9 47 3.94
Activity 1.3: Support to establish Joint Management
25 22 2 5 30 7 4 6 101 8.47
Activity 1.4: Deliver training on programme management 50 26 20 5 5 5 35 8 6 5 165 13.83
Result 2 - Programme Content developed 50 130 27 26 43 25 50 41 37 31 460 38.56
Activity 2.3: Prepare “Cross Border Programmes” (Joint
Programming Documents)
50 130 27 26 43 25 50 41 37 31 460 38.56
Result 3 - Regional Cooperation Increased 13 15 10 36 80 17 27 35 233 19.53
Activity 3.1: Organize workshops on national level 2 4 0 8 15 8 8 8 53 4.44
Activity 3.2: Organize workshops on local level ("Cross
Border Programme" (former joint programming 2 4 5 15 15 5 5 10 61 5.11
Activity 3.4: Prepare and distribute publications 1 2 5 10 20 3 4 12 57 4.78
Activity 3.5: Prepare and make the database operational 1 5 1 7 14 1.17
Activity 3.6: Design and make the Web site operational 2 1 20 2 25 2.10
Activity 3.7: Establish Regional Forum 5 4 3 5 1 5 23 1.93
Result 4 - Project pipeline prepared 54 5 1 15 10 5 15 16 10 131 10.98
Activity 4.1: Prepare training modules 1 8 10 5 0 24 2.01
Activity 4.2: Deliver Training in Project Preparation and
Project Cycle Management
54 5 3 5 10 8 6 91 7.63
Activity 4.3: Provide Hands-on support in preparation of
project proposals
4 8 4 16 1.34
Project management 4 4 5 16 8 5 2 12 56 4.69
Ongoing project management, reporting 4 4 5 16 8 5 2 12 56 4.69
Total 100 210 96 79 82 104 208 104 102 108 1193 100

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Appendix A – Guidelines and Questions

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Appendix B – Questions and Comments on IPA

Implementing Regulations

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Appendix C – Priority Identification and Assessment


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Appendix D – Timetable for Cross-border Programme

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Appendix E – CBIB Steps for operating structures and

"Cross Border Programme" (former Joint Programming

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Appendix F – Cross Border Programmes ToC

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Appendix G – Regional Workshop Albania

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Appendix H – CBIB National Workshop Timetable

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Appendix I – Frequently Asked Questions

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Appendix J – Mission Report

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Appendix K – Lesson Learned

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Appendix L – CBIB Presentations

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Appendix M – Minutes of the Meetings - Serbia

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Appendix N – Minutes of the Meetings - Albania

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Appendix O - Minutes of the Meetings – Bosnia and


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Appendix P - Minutes of the Meetings – the former

Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

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Appendix Q – Data Bases

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Appendix R – Needs Assessment Analysis Report

Bosnia and Herzegovina

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CBIB – Cross-Border Institution Building Interim Report
CARDS Regional Contract 2006/120966 22/12/2006

Appendix S – Translation of CfP Greece/Albania

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