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Date and time: 22nd November 2016; 11.00-16.30 h

Place: LT 001.
Presentation time: 45 min.; Questions and answers: 15 min.
Please observe that the timings are to be strictly followed.

Assumptions before starting with the projects:
You are all in a well-equipped laboratory. The laboratory has the following facilities.
1. Several furnaces with maximum temperatures 1473 and 1873 K, with temperature controls,
variety of thermocouples, ceramic ware and other facilities for high temperature experiments.
You can get whatever crucible you want. You are expected to take all the precautions so that
you don’t break furnace tubes, destroy crucibles, cause fire accidents etc.
2. Gas cleaning and gas-mixing facilities
3. TGA with DTA
4. Viscosity measurement facility
5. High temperature X-ray diffraction unit
6. X-ray visualization facility along with the necessary software for image analysis, contact
angle and surface tension calculations.
7. Measurement of Thermal diffusivity
You are expected to design your experiments and describe them in detail.

Lecture 1.
Date: 22nd November 2016,
Time: 11.00 – 12.00 h (Presentation for 45 min.)
Project 1; Group 1,
Opposition Group: 2.
JSW is using the following slag composition for desulphurization (all compositions in mass %).
T(C) Al2O3 CaO FeO MgO MnO SiO2
1536 25.9 55 .8 0 .5 6 .0 0 .1 11 .7
In view of the relatively high alumina contents, sulphide capacities estimated from models were
found to be unreliable. Hence experiments have to be carried out.
Temperature range for measurements: 1500 – 1600oC in 50 degrees interval.
The gas flow rates of Ar, CO, CO2, and SO2 were kept at 200, 100, 80, and 20 mL/min,
respectively, keeping the total gas flow rate at 400 mL/min. Describe in detail, your choice of
reaction tube, sample holder, crucibles to hold the slags, calculation of oxygen and sulphur
partial pressures, experimental procedure, especially the sample quenching and precautions
during the experiments. Please give the values of the partial pressures of sulphur and oxygen
for thye given gas mixture at the experimental temperatures.
Calculate, if time permits, the sulphide capacity of the slag, using the parameters provided.
The article is enclosed.

Time: 12.00 h – 13.00 h (Presentation for 45 min.)

Project 2; Group 2,
Opposition Group: 3.

In an attempt to add Cr to steel directly to steel as chromite concentrate, it was suggested that
the gangue materials in the concentrate could be used as the slag former. A calculation of the
slag composition from the gangue materials in the concentrate was as follows:

It is seen that such a slag would have a very high

The targeted slag composition was 37% SiO , 15% Al O , 8% MgO, and 40% CaO ; liquidus
2 2 3
temperature between 1250-1300 C. For making such a trial, addition of fluxes have to be made
which, it is feared would increase the slag volume significantly. Please suggest two methods
for measuring the density of the targeted slag at 1400oC, 1500oC and 1600oC. Describe your
methods in detail including your choice of the crucibles, advantages of the methods of choice.
Calculate the density of the above slag using the parameters given the attachments.
LUNCH BETWEEN 13. 15 AND 14.30 h

Time: 14.30 h – 15.30 h (Presentation for 45 min.)

Project 3; Group 3,
Opposition Group: 4.

Assume that you are in charge of a blast furnace. For optimal operation of the furnace, you must
have on-line measurements of the CO/CO2 ratio in the out-going blast furnace gas. It is
important that the measurement results are directly fed into the process-steering system so that
the charging of the burden is regulated automatically.
Design a suitable measuring devise. You should provide a sketch of the instrument, describe
the measurement unit you design and the procedure to be adopted in detail.

Time: 15.30 h – 16.30 h (Presentation for 45 min.)

Project 4; Group 3,
Opposition Group: 1.

You are in charge of the continuous casting process in a steel plant. The company is purchasing
the casting powder (mould powder) at a high price from a foreign supplier. You are ambitious
and would like save some cost for the company by producing the mould powder in-house. For
this, you are planning to finger-print the mould powder from the supplier by measuring the
following properties of the powder:
1. Chamical composition
2. Phases present
3. Melting rate
4. Viscosity
Describe the methods you will adopt in detail with diagrams of the measurement units,
principles, procedures and precautions.

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