OTC 18776-PP Risk Based Classification of Offshore Production Systems

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OTC 18776-PP

Risk Based Classification of Offshore Production Systems

Matthew D. Tremblay, ABS; Jorge E. Ballesio, ABS; Bret C. Montaruli, ABS

Copyright 2007, Offshore Technology Conference

The methodology described in this paper has been
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2007 Offshore Technology successfully implemented. Application of this
Conference held in Houston, Texas, U.S.A., 30 April–3 May 2007.
methodology results in a reduction of the number of
This paper was selected for presentation by an OTC Program Committee following
review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents
components to be reviewed by Class, shifting efforts
of the paper, as presented, have not been reviewed by the Offshore Technology towards the safety critical equipment.
Conference and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material, as
presented, does not necessarily reflect any position of the Offshore Technology
Conference, its officers, or members. Papers presented at OTC are subject to
publication review by Sponsor Society Committees of the Offshore Technology
Conference. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper Class Societies have always implicitly considered risk
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Offshore Technology
Conference is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract and incorporated risk mitigation principles in their
of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must
contain conspicuous acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was
Rules. This has been accomplished in many ways
presented. Write Librarian, OTC, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, throughout the history of maritime Classification. Most
U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
improvements and updates to the Rules throughout the
years have been based upon reactions to accidents and
failures. By learning from the experiences of the
Risk based verification methods are being utilized more
maritime industry, Rules are added and updated with
frequently in the offshore industry as a means of
the intention of mitigating Risk in the future. In the
managing and confirming that an acceptable level of
more recent history of Classification Societies (30-40
safety has been attained in the design and fabrication of
years) a more organized collection of information and
production systems. In an effort to integrate this risk
analysis of failure trends had led to further refinement
based approach with Classification and certification
of the Rules. This analysis is commonly performed by
activities, a new process has been developed to obtain
utilizing techniques common to many standard risk
risk based Classification of production systems in lieu
analysis methodologies. The next logical step is to
of the application of prescriptive Classification Rules.
begin utilizing these methodologies as the basis of Class
The information presented in this paper is based upon
alone as opposed to using them to create and improve
practical experience as well as ABS Guides and
upon prescriptive Rules.
Guidance Notes on the application of risk assessment
for Classification.
In 2004, ABS began providing Classification of
production facilities through Risk Based Verification
The fundamental concept of a risk based Classification
(RBV) in lieu of utilizing prescriptive Rules and
approach is the development of a risk assessment to
Guides. Beginning with the FEED phase of
understand the risk contributions of each component
engineering design and continuing through
within the scope, and then use this information to
construction, ABS has been involved in development
develop an installation specific Classification plan. The
and Approval of risk tolerance criteria and performance
application of this plan will shift efforts in
standards for equipment and systems. This involvement
Classification activities (design reviews and surveys)
allows for a large degree of flexibility toward methods
towards the identified critical equipment.
of verifying the safe design and construction production
This paper addresses the advantages of Classification
through risk based verification as well as general
A significant effort was made to coordinate the RBV
methodologies employed from FEED through
scheme for Classification with the QC activities of the
construction and commissioning. This procedure
FPSO owner and builder. This synchronization
constitutes an innovative approach to the Classification
provides all parties (owner, builder, Class Society) with
of offshore installations, which is tailored to the specific
the advantage of each others cooperation and
design features of each installation, as opposed to the
typical prescriptive rules which apply to all installations
of a certain type.

Risk Based Classification of Offshore Production Systems 53


Experience has shown that Classification of production • Survivability (Will the equipment keep on
facilities through RBV can be performed successfully. going for as long as it is needed?)
While prescriptive Classification methods are still the • Interaction/Dependency (Will the equipment
norm, the potential of Class through RBV has been operation be affected by any other factors?)
made evident. Risk based verification provides a
“project specific” approach to Classification of Availability
production facilities that ensures that the significant Availability of a system or equipment is the probability
risks to the facility have been sufficiently mitigated or that it is not in a failed state at a point in time.
Definitions Reliability is a probability of desired performance over
Major Accident Event time in a specified condition e.g. machinery or system
An accident that has the potential to cause substantial reliability, structural reliability, human reliability.
consequences. Substantial consequences are defined as
any one of the following: Verification
• Personnel Safety: at least one death or multiple A verification is a continuous and systematic process by
serious personal injuries which the SCEs are checked and examined to ensure
• Environment: a single release of more that 100 that they conform to the standards (Performance
bbls of oil or chemicals to the environment. Standards) which define their operability.
• Facility: loss of asset and/or loss of production
resulting in a loss in excess US$50,000,000 Written Scheme of Verification
Examples of major accident events are: Written Scheme of Verification (WSV) is often termed
• Fire, explosion or release of a dangerous the Written Scheme of Examination (WSE), or quite
substance simply Verification Scheme. The Scheme documents
• A helicopter collision the examination tasks for each requirement within each
• Diving accidents Performance Standard.
• Major structural damage of the installation The Verification Scheme produced would have to, in
• Loss of stability order to be regarded as a suitable written scheme, give
assurance that the SCEs:
Safety Critical Element • Are suitable and fit for purpose.
Any structure, plant, equipment, system, subsystem or • Remain in good repair and condition.
component part:
• whose failure could cause or contribute Process for Classification through RBV
substantially to a Major Accident Event and The risk associated with an asset or a system can be
which is considered essential for the safety and assessed in relation to different levels and a verification
integrity of the installation, or process can be used to manage such risk. Such a
• which is intended to prevent or limit the effect process is termed Risk Based Verification (RBV).
of a Major Incident, or Through a RBV process, work effort and resources can
be optimized thus leading to improvements in
• used to detect, control or mitigate upon
effectiveness. Clearly a risk assessment is the key in
occurrence of a Major Incident.
conducting a RBV while the findings from the
examination of quality management systems,
Risk Assessment
documents and production activities are important.
An integrated array of analytical techniques (e.g.
reliability, availability & maintainability engineering,
As mentioned before, ABS has developed a
statistics, decision theory, systems engineering and
methodology for Classification of offshore installations
human behavior) that can successfully integrate diverse
aspects of design and operation in order to identify using a risk based verification approach. This section
gives an overview of this procedure. Figure 1 shows the
hazards, analyze accident scenarios and assess risk.
main steps in this procedure, including flow of
information and parties responsible for development.
Performance Standards
A statement in qualitative or quantitative terms of the
performance required of a Critical Element, and which
is used as a basis of verification throughout the life
cycle of the installation. It is established in terms of its:
• Functionality (What the equipment can do?)
• Reliability (Will the equipment do it?)
• Availability (Will the equipment be ready to
do it when required?)

54 Risk Based Classification of Offshore Production Systems


Safety Critical Elements (SCEs)

1 Record SCEs (by type, by system) and
(ABS participation
review. Hazard identification uses brainstorming
Document the SCE Selection Process recommended)
techniques involving a small group of experienced and
Performance Standards (PS) Shipyard/Operator
suitably qualified personnel from various disciplines to
2 Record Performance Standards for each SCE
(ABS participation
identify and analyze hazards. Engineering judgment and

past experience as well as the information in the risk

Class Verification
3 ABS to review the list of SCEs ABS assessment are required to carry out hazard
and the Performance Standard
identification and screening.
Verification Scheme
4 Determine Verification tasks and frequency required to assure
Performance Standard Achievement
Using the definition of Major Accident Events (MAE),
a HAZID exercise can produce the list of MAE. The
Verification Scheme Review
5 ABS Review of SCE Record and Verification Scheme
following is a typical list of Major Accident Events for
an offshore installation is:
•Blow-out •Mooring / Station Holding
Yes Failure
•Dropped Objects •Ship Collision
•Explosion •Structural Failure
Negotiate Operator /ABS •Fire •Towing Incidents
•Helicopter Crash •Toxic Release
Yes (with changes) No Comments
•Loss of Stability •Major Mechanical Failure

Yes (no changes) Identify Safety Critical Elements

Once the MAEs are identified, SCEs are defined as
Class Assignment
those items of equipment or structures whose failure
6 ABS to Apply Verification Scheme could lead to, or whose purpose is to prevent or limit
Figure 1 the consequences of a Major Accident Event. In
addition to using the HAZID information to identify
SCEs, the following should be considered as
Step 1: Safety Critical Elements complementary sources for such purpose:
The objective of this step is to identify the safety critical • Review of related risk assessments/safety cases
elements within the scope of the design to be Classed.
• Review of related documentation and other
There are a number of tasks that need to be performed
supporting studies
for this step, as described below.
• Asset walk downs
Define Asset Hierarchy • Review meetings
The first step in a risk based verification process of
offshore installations is to define the asset hierarchy. The final list of SCEs should be documented, including
This includes a detailed description of asset in terms of the selection process followed for their identification.
functionality, capacity, operational requirements etc.
Such a description may need to be given at different Step 2: Performance Standards
indenture levels (ie. system level, subsystem level etc.). For each of the SCEs identified, performance of the
elements or sub-elements has to be considered and
Identify Major Accident Event defined, and the so called Performance Standards shall
The approach to system selection and setting of be set.
Performance Standards is to establish a clear link
between hazard, risk and the appropriate risk reducing The Performance Standards should be described in
measures. The risk reducing measures can be terms of:
likelihood of incident occurrence (prevention) as well • Functionality (what the system must do)
as control of consequence (mitigation). The risk based • Reliability and Availability (how ready and
verification approach requires an initial risk ranking capable)
exercise of hazards identified in suitable studies. Using • Survivability (will continue to function when
this approach allows hazards considered comparatively required, under accident conditions)
trivial to be separated from major hazards so that • Interactions and dependencies (assure
attention can be focused on the most significant supporting systems are adequate)
Performance standards can be qualitative and/or
The identification of major accident events can be quantitative. When Performance Standards are
performed through a Hazard Identification (HAZID) qualitative, descriptive words for each element can be
exercise. A HAZID is a structured method for the used. Where sufficient information is available for a
identification of hazards, threats and consequences. quantitative Performance Standard to be set, then it can
Hazard identification aims at identifying and generating be readily incorporated.
a selected list of hazards specific to the design under

Risk Based Classification of Offshore Production Systems 55


The key to being able to set meaningful Performance requirements to ensure that Classification efforts are
Standards for a system/element is to have a clear and efficiently allocated based on the significance of the
concise statement of the role of the system, based on an major accident events and the role of the SCEs in
understanding of the suitability of the system for use in contributing to risk-reduction.
managing the specific hazard and knowledge of the
range of applicability of the system concerned. These Table 1 below shows an example of the Classification
functional statements will be used as the foundation for involvement that was generically chosen for each SCE,
defining the other elements of the Performance depending on the safety critically level assigned to
Standard for the system. each.

Step 3: Class Verification Safety

Class Involvement
This step consists of the formal review by ABS of the Criticality Level
list of identified Safety Critical Elements and the Certificate of Compliance to
defined Performance Standards. Any comments by Level 1 Appropriate Standard – No
ABS are to be resolved with agreement of all parties surveyor attendance required.
involved: shipyard, operator and class. Certificate of Compliance to
Appropriate Standard – Attendance
Step 4: Verification Scheme Level 2
for inspection of completed
In this step, verification tasks are identified in order to component and FAT
verify that the previously defined performance Full Plan Review, Surveyor
standards for safety critical elements are achieved. Once Level 3 Attendance during Fabrication and
reviewed and agreed upon, this scheme will become the FAT
“risk-based Classification rules” for the design to be Table 1
A Verification Scheme is expected to identify errors or
While all defined safety critical elements are required to defects in areas such as specification, selection of
comply with the stated performance standards, the appropriate Performance Standards, design,
verification scheme designed by ABS utilizes the construction or maintenance of elements which have
concept of safety criticality to define the level of effort been identified as safety-critical, so that appropriate
for Classification review purposes of safety critical preventive or remedial action can be taken.
elements. This recognizes that all elements defined as
safety critical are not necessarily equally critical, and The output of this step is a set of tables outlining the
therefore ABS involvement in the Classification process Classification requirements for the safety critical
will be dependent on the assigned risk level. As elements as derived through the risk based verification
explained before, the definition of a SCE is based on scheme.
the severity of possible consequences and the role it
plays in hazard management should there be a failure of Step 5: Verification Scheme Review
that element. In addition to this and for the purpose of Once Safety Critical Elements are identified,
using a verification scheme for Classification purposes, Performance Standards are defined, and a mutually
all SCEs are further classified into three groups based agreed Verification Scheme has been produced, ABS
on a risk level. The methodology to determine safety performs a final review. This review focuses on the
critical levels for each SCE includes an assessment of following:
the following four factors: • Agreement that all SCEs have been identified
1) The applicable failure modes of the safety • Arrangements are in place to verify that their
critical element performance will be achieved
2) The likelihood ranking (qualitative) of the
• Remain suitable to prevent/mitigate the
major accident event that involves the failure
hazards as intended
of the SCE
3) The consequence ranking (qualitative) of the
Any disagreements on any of the above items will
major accident event
require a tripartite meeting so that all parties involved
4) Whether the function of the SCE is to mitigate
can arrive to an agreement. If any modifications are
a major accident event
made, the procedure should iterate back to the
corresponding step (Figure 1), and update the
Based on the above, a safety criticality level (1, 2 or 3)
documents as appropriate, including a new review by
is assigned to each SCE, so that they can be ranked
according to the degree of safety criticality associated
with them.
Step 6: Class Assignment
ABS uses the agreed Verification Scheme to conduct
The purpose of estimating Safety Criticality is to
the design engineering review, including surveying
provide an input to the asset’s Classification

56 Risk Based Classification of Offshore Production Systems


activities, in order to assign Classification. In this step, separator pose significantly different risks. Another
ABS verifies that the SCEs meets the standards example of this could be as follows in Table 2.
stipulated in the scheme, and assess any deficiencies.
For system/components that were not identified as Gas Knock Out Hydrocarbon
Drum Heat
SCEs, ABS will not conduct a formal Classification Exchanger
review. Technical design review and class survey is not Pressure Vessel Pressure Vessel
required for these systems/components. Instead, these Prescriptive per ABS per ABS
systems/components area expected to comply with Rule Facilities Guide Facilities Guide
3-3/17 3-3/17
appropriate recognized industry standards, and Full Plan Full Plan
verification of such will be accomplished through Prescriptive
Review, Review,
Class Rules
Audits. Verification
Surveyor Surveyor
Attendance Attendance
during during
Experience in Application of Risk Based Fabrication and Fabrication and
Classification FAT FAT
Risk Based Verification is utilized as a means of Safety
determining that a level of safety equivalent to that of Criticality SCL1 SCL3
Classification has been attained without applying the
Full Plan
available prescriptive Rules. By employing a Provide
Risk Based Review,
“verification scheme” approach to RBV, we are able to Classification Surveyor
Verification Certificate of
clearly define steps to this process. This greatly aids in Attendance
Activity Compliance to
defining the RBV schedule, such as determining “hold Appropriate
Fabrication and
points” for design, construction, and verification. Standard
Table 2
Experience has taught us that properly managing the
verification scheme process is at least as important as Another aspect that will have a major impact on
the verification activities themselves. The following identifying the safety critical elements is defining the
sections outline some of the facets of ABS’s scope of the production facility that is being considered
experiences in utilizing this process of Classification for Class through RBV. All systems and equipment
through RBV. whose failure or malfunction would have a direct
impact on the facilities’ ability to meet its performance
Safety Critical Elements criteria should be included. For example, a seawater
As previously described, the first step in utilizing this cooling pump may not directly contact produced
approach is defining the overall performance criteria for hydrocarbons, but if its failure would take a critical
the facility. Aspects such as acceptable down time, produced gas cooler out of service, it should be
injury and mortality rates, acceptable financial or considered as within scope of the safety critical
property loss and environmental impact must be agreed elements.
upon by all parties. The parties in agreement must
include, at a minimum, the owner, the builder and the Performance Standards
Class Society. Performance standards may be established in terms of
functionality, reliability, survivability and/or
These performance standards can then be used to define interaction/dependency. These performance standards
the safety critical elements of the production facility. can be as simple as a fire detection system being
The safety critical elements can be identified by using required to function properly or as complicated as
various methods. Risk tools such as QRA, HAZID, quantifying the efficiency and availability of a piece of
HazOp, and/or FMEA are suitable for this purpose. equipment. Regardless, these performance standards
Safety critical elements can also be established through must be clearly defined and agreed upon by all parties.
other considerations such as design basis or
deterministic insights. A key aspect of developing meaningful performance
standards is understanding the system/equipment’s role
Consideration needs to be given to the level to which as part of the facility. Many times, considering the full
the safety critical elements are individually identified. “downstream” effect of an SCE malfunction/failure is
While it is valid to consider “the hydrocarbon train” a quite difficult. The most useful tool in verifying the all
safety critical element, the team must recognize that this necessary performance aspect has been addressed is
is a system made up of multiple components. Many of analysis of the HazOp of the facility design. By
these components may require different degrees of verifying that the performance standards address each
verification based upon their inherent risk toward their of failure modes identified as needing mitigation, you
surroundings. While both components of “the can be reasonably sure that interaction/dependency
hydrocarbon train”, an HP gas scrubber and an LP issues have been addressed.

Risk Based Classification of Offshore Production Systems 57


Class Verification equipment’s failure/malfunction could impact these

At this stage of the process, it becomes the Class events.
Society’s task to review and Approve the safety critical
elements and their performance standards. This review Verification Scheme Review/Class Assignment
serves to verify that the level of performance being At this point in the scheme, ABS essentially assumes its
required of the facility meets the intent of Class and usual roll of verification agent. The only difference in
provides an equivalent level of safety to that established ABS’ activities at this point is that instead of applying
by the prescriptive requirements. Provided the Class its prescriptive Rules, ABS is applying the verification
Society was included as an equal partner in the first scheme developed for the project. For items not
stages of this process, this Approval should be a simple identified as safety critical elements, the roll of the ABS
function of documenting the procedure up to this point. engineer or surveyor is limited. It is the builder’s
If the safety critical elements and their performance responsibility to manage the documentation provided by
standards have been defined prior to including the Class the equipment/system vendors and make these
Society in this process, their Approval can be a documents available to the surveyor. The surveyor will
cumbersome, time consuming exercise. audit this documentation on a limited basis to verify
that the equipment/systems comply with appropriate
Any aspects of the safety critical elements or the recognized standards.
performance standards deemed by ABS to require
revision or improvement will be raised as quickly as Advantages and Drawbacks of Classification
possible to the project team. Resolution of these issues through Risk Based Verification
needs to be approached as a team effort. All parties When considering whether to use risk based verification
must be in agreement with any revisions made. This as a means of Classing a production facility, certain
can be a delicate exercise based upon the need to aspects of the approach should be considered. There
balance the necessary performance of the facility with are many advantages to utilizing this approach that
any impact to schedule and cost. This reinforces the should be weighed against the factors that could serve
need to complete this phase of the scheme as early as to hinder the process.
possible in an effort the give the builder the opportunity
adjust and purchase orders or specification accordingly. The most obvious advantage is that RBV clearly
identifies the critical components of the production
Verification Scheme facility. While these safety critical elements could also
Once Approval of the safety critical elements and their be identified through an ordinary HAZID exercise,
performance standards has been obtained, a means of incorporating this identification into the Classification
verifying that these performance standards are met process serves two functions. Firstly, the experience
needs to be established. A list of verification activities and training of the ABS surveyors and engineers can be
for each safety critical element should be created. The applied to the identification of SCEs. This assures that
verification activities will also need to be submitted for the failure modes normally considered applicable by
review and Approval by the Classification society. Class are voiced in the earliest phases of the project.
These verification activities commonly refer to Secondly, it allows the ABS to allocate its resources to
verifying compliance with industrial (API, ASME, the areas of greatest need, right from the start of the
NACE…) or project specific specifications. The project.
verification activities need to consider the design and
construction/commissioning aspects of the safety By their nature, prescriptive Rules are written in a
critical elements. As the design and procurement generic manner to attempt to account for all types of
phases of the project progress, it is advantageous to failure modes encompassing a variety of designs.
develop a detailed schedule for all verification However for some designs, these generic Rules could
activities. This allows for an execution plan to be drive the efforts of the Class Society toward aspects of
agreed upon. It also assures that all parties are provided the facility that may not be safety critical for that
the opportunity to participate in any design review or specific design. By concentrating its efforts on the
testing as determined to be necessary. specific elements of the facility that have been
determined to be safety critical, the ABS is able to
As indicated in Table 2, the assignment of safety provide the most efficient and effective input to the
criticality levels for each element can greatly impact the project.
overall verification effort. The assignment of safety
criticality levels can be one of the more challenging The increased scrutiny of the safety critical elements
aspects of the scheme. This is most commonly due to effectively provides a greater asset protection as well as
the differing perspectives of each member of the team. an improved efficiency of the facility. Commonly the
This challenge is best mitigated by maintaining focus design is modified in its early stages with the intention
on the likelihood and consequence rankings developed of reducing the number of safety critical elements.
for each accident event and how the subject These modifications are commonly either more reliable

58 Risk Based Classification of Offshore Production Systems


or back-up equipment added to eliminate or reduce the RBV methodology provides a means of Classification
likelihood of single points of failure. that is project specific and customer focused.

A key component of Classification through risk based The availability of risk based Classification provides
verification is the analysis done in the early stages of industry with an alternative to the traditional
the design. Many times, the basic design phase of the prescriptive Classification environment. The
facility is complete prior to a contract being signed with concentration of Classification resources on safety
a Classification Society. Completing early stage RBV critical elements results in a more “project specific” risk
activities without the participation of the Class Society reduction for the facility. This ever improving
can lead to long term consequences relating to scope efficiency can only serve to aid the mission of the ABS
and scale of the safety critical elements. This is most and industry stakeholders to promote the security of
evident is cases where the contract with the builder is life, property and the natural environment.
signed based upon specifications created prior to
including the Class Society in the RBV process. For Acknowledgements
the RBV Classification approach to function efficiently, The Authors would like to thank STAR Deepwater
the early, most important stages of the RBV process Petroleum Limited and Daewoo Shipbuilding and
must include al least the three key parties: the owner, Marine Engineering Co., Ltd. for their cooperation
the builder and the Class Society. Classing the Agbami FPSO production facility. The
Authors would also like to thank Merih Univar, Joel
A lack of commitment to the RBV process by any of Rosenstein and Brian Barton of ABS for their help in
the key parties can lead to considerable confusion when communication their experiences on the Agbami FPSO
establishing the verification activities for the equipment project.
and systems. The impact of any ambiguity or
disagreement relating to the verification activities or References
performance standards will most greatly impact the 1. Development of Risk Based Verification
builder. One of the most difficult aspects of utilizing Procedure, Technical Report No. 1621532-R-02, ABS
this RBV-based process is how the flexible nature of Consulting, December 2006.
the verification scheme impacts equipment 2. A Guide to the Integrity, Workplace Environment
procurement. Most builders are able to estimate and Miscellaneous Aspects of the Offshore Installations
workload and base contract quotations on previous and Wells (Design and Construction, etc) Regulations
experience constructing similar facilities. If the RBV 1996”, HSE Book, 1996. HSE Books, Suffolk, UK,
scheme determines that particular builder furnished 1996.
equipment need be subjected to non-standard
verification activities or performance standards, there
can be a significant impact to procurement activities.
This impact is even more significant on longer lead
items that may require purchase orders to be issued
before the verification activities are scheduled to be
completed. This only goes to reinforce the fact the
most significant key to a successful RBV Classification
project is complete cooperation between all parties
involved. Examples of this cooperation can be as
simple as inviting all parties to any meeting related to
the verification scheme or as complex as an in depth
review of the detailed project schedule to confirm the
builder is provided the opportunity to properly define
equipment specification for their purchase orders for

Classification through risk based verification has
proven itself a viable option in today’s regulatory
environment. Technological advances and innovative
approaches to risk management push design and
construction towards the limits of the capabilities of
prescriptive Rules. The ability of the ABS to respond
to the needs of industry and provide a highly responsive
service necessitates a more flexible approach to
Classification methods. The inherent flexibility of the

Risk Based Classification of Offshore Production Systems 59

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