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Keeping Them on Their Toes,
Vendors in India are busy tweaking their

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playbook to fulfill demands from an evolving
publishing industry
By Teri Tan

estless is the world of publishing. Between cessing (NLP), and expert
Europe’s Plan S and the Cengage/McGraw-Hill systems—repetitive and
merger, the repercussions are plenty, and the rote tasks in the editorial
reverberations widespread, affecting not just pub- processes, for instance,
lishers but also authors, researchers, students, and can be automated with
digital solutions vendors. There is much cause for minimal manual intervention. It makes sense given the shorter
a considerable pause. project-turnaround time, demands for more efficiency, and
Plan S, which calls for open access to almost all of the scien- faster time to market. Bots, chatbots, and robots—they are all
tific information across Europe, is upending the subscription here to stay. (Check out the online article “Full Speed Ahead
business model as we know it. If Plan S gets adopted in other with AI and NLP.”)
regions while more major institutions scrap their journal sub- But with all the tech gadgetry and solutions comes a world
scriptions, how would these publishers maintain their bottom full of distractions and ever-shorter attention spans. So while
line and continue to make new research information available digitized, chunked, and enriched content is well and good, if it
while investing in technology solutions and new products? is not noticed, or purchased and consumed, it all comes to
Speculations swirled around viable alternative business models, naught. There lies the issue of discoverability, and with it mon-
specifically with regard to who gets charged or paid for what. etization. Tagging the appropriate metadata, personalizing the
The S in the plan now seems to stand as much for sustainable as content, and anticipating consumer engagement are some ways
it does for science, speed, solution, and shock. to go about it. Deploying AI and chatbots to uncover new
For India-based digital solutions vendors, their workflows insights from patterns, trends, and overlooked data is another.
have been generating, tagging, and delivering OA articles or (See “Enriching Content for Discoverability,” p. 21.)
journals for some time already. The question now is about fur- For digital solutions vendors, there are ample opportunities
ther lowering the production costs and processing time of these for growth and innovation in the restless and chaotic pub-
OA articles and journals in order to make the whole Plan S lishing world. Fishing in troubled waters, however, is not for
proposition viable for the publishers. (Read the online article the fainthearted. But then again, this is the same group of ven-
“Navigating the Open Access Path.”) dors who managed to convince publishers to enter the world of
As for mergers such as the recent Cengage/McGraw-Hill deal, XML, HTML, and ePub (albeit reluctantly), then got them to
these are veritable nightmares for most vendors. The overlapping venture further afield into the realm of augmented reality, vir-
publishing operations and product lines of these two big com- tual reality, and mixed reality, and have now fully engaged them
panies eventually will translate into vendor and project consoli- in the wonders of AI and NLP. Tenacity, let’s remember, is a
dations, which lead to a shrinking client base. Simultaneously, major part of these vendors’ modus operandi.
the time taken to straighten out the newly merged company will And despite the constant state of flux and frenzy, the pub-
also mean less focus (and investment) on developing new pro- lishing world is slowly and surely forging and defining its digital
grams or products that will go to these vendors. path. For most, it is about combining print with digital to
In the meantime, augmenting and elevating human perfor- hybridize new products. For a select few, it is increasingly about
mance with algorithm-driven decision-making to speed up being digital-only. Whichever path is chosen, digital solutions
production processes continues to gather momentum. With vendors in India are ready to offer their collaboration and appro-
cognitive technologies—in other words, the combination of priate workflows, platforms, and solutions to transform sketchy
artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language pro- ideas into solid products. So what are you waiting for? ■

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY. C O M 3
No One-Size-Fits-All Here
Vendors in India are customizing and retooling their solutions
to cater to different publishing segments and content needs
By Teri Tan

echunk, dice, splice, and repackage—what works Additionally, publishers have also been experimenting with
for publishing content now applies to vendors’ various tools, but not all have been able to provide value. “The
own solutions. After all, one publisher’s size, problems may lie in incorrect identification of company goals
genre, operational needs, and service require- or choice of the right technology, or issues related to the orga-
ments differ from the next, and savvy vendors nization’s current technology stack and implementation of the
know that customization and personalization is new tools,” Majithia explains, adding that “the lack of unifor-
the only way to go. As a result, workflow and content solutions mity, cross-functionality, and awareness has created distrust
in the form of modules, platforms, apps, and subscription about the value of these technologies.”
models—mostly cloud-based, seamless, device-agnostic, and Convincing potential publishing clients to adopt newer and
intuitive—are now de rigueur. better technology is always tough. “Some publishers are still
But with technology coming fast and furious (and often not stuck with the traditional way of working, while some others,
cheap), implementing new, unique, and robust workflows and over a period of time, have developed isolated tools or proprie-
solutions often looks better on paper than in reality. There are tary in-house workflows,” says Nizam Ahmed, founder and
many obstacles, big and small, lying in wait. Ironically, at the CEO of DiTech Process Solutions (as well as 3ClicksMaster).
crux of it, technology poses one major stumbling block. “There is also the perception that certain software will only work
for one publishing segment. For instance, humanities and social
The Technology Conundrum sciences publishers often think that platforms adopted by STM
The variety of digital platforms in the marketplace means that publishers will not work for them.”
publishers are often trying to figure out which one will work The fear of change is holding back the publishing industry, says
not only in terms of generating revenues for them, but also in Yakov Chandy, managing director at TNQ Technologies. “Our
doing so cost effectively, says Indira Rajan, CEO of Lapiz push to move to HTML-only articles through HTML typesetting,
Digital. “Potential technology disruptions require us, as the for instance, is held back by the need to keep producing PDFs,
digital solutions vendor, to ensure that any digital content pro- which is perceived as the format authors and readers love and will
duced is as technology- and future-proof as possible.” not do without. So, change that is sure to come via completely
The shelf-life relevance of the software solutions needs to be connected and interlinked articles or books has yet to happen.”
carefully estimated as part of the investment process, says Vinay Chandy also finds that technology products are still hard to
Kumar Singh, executive director and CEO of Thomson Digital. sell. “Most publishers believe that the services they pay for
“The capabilities of a technology in resolving publishing issues should include the technology products that vendors have cre-
have to be evaluated as well. For example, there is still a debate ated. This is an issue as good technology products need to be
about the pros and cons of blockchain in the publishing world, constantly developed and paid for.”
even though the technology has been relevant and yielding Then there is the customer’s expectations of technology versus
positive results in other sectors such as consultancy, finance, what vendors such as TNQ Technologies can do for them. “With
retail, and other transactional areas.” the use of AI and ML [machine-learning] technologies in our
Skepticism in embracing a new technology is normal, says workflow, we have solid offerings that are useful and attractive
Uday Majithia, assistant v-p of technology, services, and presales to new clients. But increasingly, publishers now need full-ser-
at Impelsys. “It takes some effort and discussions on our part to vice outsourcing, a transition that has become a challenging
show the value of technology. But it is undeniable that digital activity for the sales process,” Chandy says.
technologies bring along operational efficiencies through auto-
mation while enabling experimentation of new business models.” Defining the Digital Path
Consumers are digital-savvy and want content access on the fly, Since finding the perfect digital roadmap is not a simple task,
in smaller bytes, and all interlinked, while content creators are adds Singh, of Thomson Digital, “publishers need consultancy,
playing catch up. “This is partly because consumers have constantly support, and partnership to work on realizing the digital results.
evolving usage patterns that require platforms that can easily
evolve,” Majithia adds. “And in the absence of such platforms, pub- This supplement is published with the support of
the vendors covered in these articles.
lishers may not see the desired ROI and are therefore skeptical.”

4 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY ■ A U G U S T 5 , 2 0 1 9
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Digital Solutions in India 2019

The cost of digitizing is one of the biggest factors for publishers Gopinath, executive v-p at DiacriTech, adding that “for many
to consider. It is a long-term strategic investment and may be medium and small publishers, how to potentially deliver the
a fiscal challenge for some publishers.” content to their clients in a secure and commercially viable
The academic and education segments are facing not just a manner remains the big question. Needless to say, choosing the
digital issue but also other market concerns including adoption, right partners not only for converting files but also for deliv-
usability, and efficacy. “Major publishers have been moving in ering the content to the right market is key to success.”
the right direction for quite some time now and making the
right investments,” says Sriram Subramanya, founder and CEO Of Data and Privacy
of Integra Software Services. When it comes to metadata, there is still much to establish from
Digital has different meanings for different segments, the outset, says Goel, of Cenveo Publisher Services. “Publishers
Subramanya adds. “For the academic segment, they can create still tend to rely on Word document manuscripts as the authority
e-versions along with print, or just e-versions. For the education for all information instead of detailed header files. So informa-
segment, it is about hitting the right balance of delivering unique tion is sometimes missed, or manual intervention is required,
experiences in using products that are available in both print and instead of realizing the full benefits of automation.”
digital. Their digital versions are not copies of their print products, Funding statements, for instance, are often inconsistent, pos-
and a lot of time and effort have gone into reimagining the digital sibly because peer-review systems do not enforce metadata stan-
product’s learning experience, efficacy, and learning outcomes. dards for funder identity. “If this is not caught during the pro-
Large publishers are able to make the right investments and have duction and proofing process, the data can be missed or cor-
the market size to realize their ROI on their digital initiatives.” rupted on its way to aggregators and registration agencies such
There is very little that is holding publishers back from going as HighWire and CrossRef,” Goel adds, pointing out that
digital at this point in time, says Atul Goel, president at Cenveo author names and formatting of article titles are also subject to
Publisher Services. “In fact, many clients are eager to go digital- error in untagged Word files.
only, overlooking that there is still demand from the market for For Mohanty, of HurixDigital, IP protection (vis-à-vis dig-
print.” For now, Goel finds that streamlining the number of ital-rights management) and multichannel access to content are
products being published, especially from higher-ed publishers, two main publishing issues. “Publishers are concerned about
“means that our team is providing more and varied services for the copyright violations and online piracy associated with dig-
larger individual products.” Accessibility, he says, “remains a ital platforms, and their concerns are totally understandable. So
secondary consideration even now, rather than the concept we we offer DRM protection for content to allow publishers to rest
have been advocating of content being ‘born accessible.’” easy with the knowledge that their content is safe on our Kitaboo
In the STM/scholarly segment, the movement toward AI and platform.”
NLP-based editorial workflow has been obvious, says Vidur The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) restrictions
Bhogilal, vice chairman of Lumina Datamatics. “Some parts of “have made Lapiz Digital tread carefully and, as a result, have
the industry are implementing workflow technologies like slowed down our sales process.  We have changed our approach
STEM and online editing, while general trade publishers are not with existing and new prospective clients in the EU in order to
making any changes except for wanting multiple outputs. In comply with GDPR,” v-p Meena Prakash adds.
the education segment, the market is feeling its way along what Adhering to and complying with IT regulations is one
models will eventually drive new forms of value: Should they thing—handling privacy is another. “At Lapiz Digital, we have
be focused on subscriptions, rentals, or micro-transactions? previously handled the personal information of our clients from
Should they greatly lower the price of content while up-selling some of our other businesses for many years,” Prakash says. “We
services? All these issues are still being sorted out, and each of have exercised great diligence in information security. Adapting
these affects how every client is doing business.” and applying the knowledge we have gained over the years to
Additionally, the digital learning industry, as a part of the the current European scenario was, however, a bit of a challenge.
edTech space, is particularly quick to evolve: SecondLife, adaptive Handling data during a business process is quite different from
learning, intelligent tutors, MOOCs, machine learning, and aug- when one encounters it for making contacts in the course of
mented reality/mixed reality are all advancing rapidly. “The busi- business development.”
ness or instructional value of some of these technologies may not Integra Software Services, for instance, has been busy con-
yet be proven, but companies often respond to market pressures ducting workshops across its offices to ensure staff sensitivity
and invest in both the technologies and training,” says Goel, of and critical compliance to GDPR. “This regulation is very much
Cenveo Publisher Services, adding that there remain multiple an extension to our long-standing emphasis on data security and
conflicting standards within the digital solutions industry. maintaining confidentiality of proprietary information. We are
However, many publishing clients who bet heavily on digital also signing mutual GDPR agreements with our customers,”
have successfully monetized their content. “But those who ven- Subramanya says, adding that his company has a well-estab-
tured in half-heartedly are not as successful,” says A.R.M. lished personal-information-management system.

6 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY ■ A U G U S T 5 , 2 0 1 9
Digital Solutions in India 2019

The Urge to Merge (and Control Costs) tiatives and platforms along with content-delivery techniques
Consolidation of small publishers, mostly through acquisition are driving the change in that market.” (Mohanty and his team
by bigger groups, has resulted in a massive volume of work published a white paper, “Can U.S. Higher Education Publishers
heading to larger vendors. “This is a problem: the bigger ven- Leverage a Subscription Model?,” with references to models
dors are often unable to match the service-level expectations of similar to Netflix, Spotify, and the New York Times in March.)
small publishers, which typically require more hand-holding
and personal attention. This reflects negatively on the out- Working It Out
sourcing industry and, in the longer run, may adversely affect For smaller publishers, navigating the speed bumps has affected
the industry growth,” adds Gopinath, of DiacriTech. their ability to explore alternative technologies and platforms
Mergers and acquisitions are definitely shrinking the cus- as core needs have been in flux, observes Carey, of Westchester
tomer base, says Goel, of Cenveo Publisher Services. “Societies Publishing Services. “So by providing as consultative a solution
migrating to commercial publishers to run their journal pro- as possible for publishing clients, Westchester continues to
grams present a similar problem. At the same time, the vendor explore partnerships with best-in-market vendors to help aug-
base is highly fragmented, making it easy for clients to work ment what we can offer our clients, such as the work that
with multiple service providers.” Fablevision and Learnosity do to support our educational clients
For Bhogilal, of Lumina Datamatics, the aggressive consoli- with their digital needs.”
dation and cost-cutting exercise on current businesses are in full Having a 50-year history in providing top-notch market
evidence. “New forms of business only see experimental vol- editorial and production offerings for printed products has been
umes. Theoretically, the spending in new digital products and beneficial to Westchester. “We tend to have an advantage when
solutions should exceed that of traditional publishing models. clients begin exploring digital products,” Carey adds. “Providing
But what works versus what doesn’t is still being explored, digital solutions for products that also have a print component
which means that publishers are understandably hesitant to is a natural extension of what we do, rather than a competitive
commit to vast numbers of new products that would generate digital-only offering. Where we see our clients wresting with
new forms of service.” challenges is usually in defining what digital products will have
Rising costs—of paper, printing, and shipping—and vendor the most ROI for them.”
consolidation definitely have an adverse effect on experimentation One textbook publisher that Westchester works with, for
with new channels, such as AR/VR, says Tyler Carey, chief revenue instance, was encouraged by their marketing department to
officer at Westchester Publishing Services. “Our company is rela- create customized digital editions for every textbook platform
tively shielded, since editorial and production offerings have not in the market. “But for a publisher their size, it may have made
experienced the volatility that printing companies or publishing more sense to focus on just investing in the platforms that will
supply chains—let alone emerging technologies—are facing.” generate the most revenue and exposure for their products,”
But as publishers continue to consolidate their vendor rela- Carey says, adding that this is where his company’s consultative
tionships and cluster around big technology platforms, Maran stance helps to realize clients’ visions, by delivering the best
Elancheran, president of Newgen KnowledgeWorks, sees possible products for print and digital, and working with them
growing opportunities—and a necessity—for vendors large and to define where they are trying to go.
small to collaborate. “Publishers are increasingly looking for Building trust and confidence is often the biggest hurdle in
unique and imaginative solutions to give them the edge in a starting any new relationship. “It takes time to develop trust,
hugely competitive marketplace, and so vendors that can work and we can only do it through experimenting and proving our-
together in the best interests of the publisher will have an edge selves on those first few projects,” says Elancheran, of Newgen
that could unlock a new level of innovation in the industry.” KnowledgeWorks. “Although our technologies and services are
Cost pressure, Elancheran adds, “is a reality that we have lived often transformative for publishers, we never underestimate the
with for many years. It goes together with the agenda to automate confidence that production and editorial staff need to have to
and is a necessary part of addressing the structural efficiencies in risk switching vendors and workflows. Even with existing cli-
the industry. In many ways, we have been victims of our own suc- ents, introducing new workflows and efficiencies can be worri-
cesses in this regard, and the constant drive for efficiency is enabling some when established processes are tried and tested.”
us as an industry to embrace change and to continue to drive for- Meanwhile, publishers are looking at converting their pro-
ward academic and educational endeavors around the world.” duction operations to profit centers and searching for partners
Rising production and distribution costs along with a to help them reach those goals, says Ravi Venkataramani,
plethora of digital avenues have created a fundamental shift in cofounder and CEO of Exeter Premedia Services. “With business
the business model, says Mohanty, of HurixDigital. “For models changing rapidly, publishers are looking for digital solu-
instance, in the U.S. higher-ed publishing sector, the rise in tions partners that will support them through these changes,
demand for affordable study materials has created a need for primarily to provide technology solutions that will streamline
alternative delivery and monetization models. New digital ini- workflows and enhance author experience.”

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY. C O M 7
Digital Solutions in India 2019

To Poach or Not Operational Size Matters

Staff poaching remains a big issue in the highly competitive When it comes to ramping up production during peak seasons,
digital solutions industry since its early days. “Today, the operational scale is always an advantage in the digital solutions
poaching is mostly for employees with some initial experience industry. As a rule, big publishers tend to gravitate toward the
of between six months and a year, and not the more experienced big vendors. “But our services and offerings are not confined to
operations people,” says Rajan, of Lapiz Digital. big customers with huge volumes,” says Singh, of Thomson
Hiring issues are here to stay, Rajan adds. “But once they’re Digital, which operates five delivery centers (three in India, one
hired—be it a fresh or a lateral hire—getting them to under- in Mauritius, and another in New York) and has more than
stand the culture of the company and the corporate work envi- 1,500 employees.
ronment is a major challenge. Attracting, retaining, and “Publishers of any size, work volume, and project complexity
engaging the millennial workforce, and bringing them together will be able to leverage our products and services with the same
to build a successful organization, is not easy. But our induction efficiencies—and our current client roster bears that out. We
and training programs—all based on the sense of belonging— are aware that the viability of a business depends on work
has been proven successful.” volume and that it may be challenging to work with similar
The fight for talent is mostly about developing capabilities efficiency with medium or small-scale publishers. However, our
within the digital solutions industry. “Poaching is par for the tools and automation are easily customizable and our efficiency
course when there is a shortage of talent in every market seg- is definitely not volume-based,” Singh adds.
ment,” adds Subramanya, of Integra Software Services. Larger customers have used the company’s scale, size, and
Poaching is the easiest way to develop digital solutions from financial depth to qualify it for vendor selection, says Rahul
scratch, says Ahmed, of DiTech. “By poaching the head of the Arora, CEO of MPS. “But that is where it ends—at qualifica-
solutions division, for instance, one immediately obtains the tion. Great and reliable delivery through a consultative approach
ideas, architecture, design improvements, and so on. But there powered by market-leading technology is what differentiates
is one big problem: everybody’s solutions become indistinguish- us. We make learning smarter, and this precise mission allows
able from one another.” us to be focused in enabling customer success through smarter
For DiacriTech, establishing production facilities in second- delivery and not just delivering the scope of work agreed upon.”
tier cities is one way of countering staff poaching and reducing Ten out of MPS’s top 15 publishing customers are small and
employee attrition while, at the same time, improving business medium-size companies. Arora explains, “We bring not only
continuity. “Unfortunately, the development of new technology years of experience in innovative publishing solutions, but also
and product solutions tends to happen in main operational hubs, high ROI and robust solutions. We are not a marketing orga-
which are located in the major cities where poaching is ram- nization: we are an operations and technology company. Our
pant,” Gopinath says, adding that “a sense of discipline among work speaks for itself, further bolstering our good reputation
vendors is required to get this sorted out.” with small- and medium-size publishers.”

Online Coverage of the Digital Solutions Industry

The following articles are available online in conjunction with this print report:
● Full Speed Ahead with AI and NLP ● Navigating the Open Access Path ● No Project Is Too Complex

Articles in the Expert Series, penned by invited vendors, examine critical topics impacting both publishing and digital
solutions industries:
● Are You Listening? by Jeyashree Sundaram, sales and business development manager at Lapiz Digital
● Data Analytics, Discoverability, and Monetization by Vinay Kumar Singh, executive director and CEO of Thomson Digital
Related Reads from PW:
● BISG Explores Promise, Reality of Blockchain Technology ● It’s Time to Move to ePub 3.2
● Blockchain for the Book Biz: The Hype vs. the Reality ● Keeping Up with Tech Should Be a Publishing Priority
● European Parliament Approves Controversial Copyright ● Moving Metadata from How to Why

Visit to read the full coverage, and

marketplace to find out more about the vendors featured in this report.

8 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY ■ A U G U S T 5 , 2 0 1 9
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Digital Solutions in India 2019

Cenveo Publisher Services customer-driven information such as metadata, stylesheets,

Cenveo Learning, which provides unified digital solutions for and typographic rules are now validated against the process
publishers and corporate learning programs, was launched in and reported as a proof of compliance.
March. Employing a team of learning professionals with deep “Smart Suite 2.0 is an integrated end-to-end workflow that
experience in instructional systems, as well as visual and tech- significantly reduces manual intervention while achieving the
nical design, Cenveo Learning bundles educational talent with goal of high-speed publishing with editorial excellence,” Goel
corporate learning capabilities into a robust end-to-end adds.
Available across devices DiacriTech
and platforms, Cenveo Both large and small publishers have successfully adopted
Learning solutions include XEditPro Publishing Suite, DiacriTech’s unified editorial and
adaptive micro-learning production platform. Now in its third iteration, the platform
modules, full-length provides full support for multilingual interfaces and content,
courses, assessment and and it has a changeable theme.
certification products, Enhancements to the platform are many. The security fea-
gamification, animated and ture, for instance, includes IP-based restrictions for user access
live action interactive and limits those users to the operations they are authorized to
videos, and simulations. perform. The project dashboard, meanwhile, can now monitor
“We have long worked with project performance at a much more granular level, especially
publishers, schools, col- for larger projects with multiple milestones. “An audit trail
leges, and universities or log is maintained for all events occurring during the stages
worldwide on learner-cen- Atul Goel, president of Cenveo of publishing,” explains executive v-p Mahesh Balakrishnan,
Publisher Services
tric, 21st-century solutions whose team has added citation autolinking for edited book
for math, ELA, science, social sciences, and other disciplines,” references to the already available chapter- and article-end
president Atul Goel says. “Corporate learning and develop- reference link. The brand new UI/UX is an enhancement to
ment programs will benefit from the application of these core the previous Word-like editing interface.
principles to training modules delivered via evolving tech- “XEditPro version three presents a stable and more respon-
niques and systems, including VR and AR, responsive design, sive platform that has faster rendering of print and web PDF,
rapid development, blended learning, LMS development, HTML, XML, ePub, and Word at any stage of the production
managed services, and consulting.” process,” Balakrishnan adds.
Rajeev Barowalla, v-p of learning, says, “Cenveo is excited ImmersiveGaze, DiacriTech’s product for the AR/VR/MR
to implement the skills and best practices to improve work- realm, is also evolving as a solution for distraction-free headset-
place performance while we continue to create curriculum- based immersive-learning techniques. “New generations of
aligned and immersive educational experiences. Following our schoolkids mostly have access to smartphones and devices, and
proven approach of combining standards-based instruction so we are creating content and storyboards that have an MR
with interactive environments, we are confident that we can angle,” says executive v-p A.R.M. Gopinath, whose team has
transform mundane training materials into engaging and developed a series of biology concepts for a multinational
effective learning across markets.”
As for Smart Suite, Cenveo’s cloud-based ecosystem of
publishing tools, many new features have been added to
make it even smarter. A total of four modules make up
the platform: Smart Edit (for pre-editing, copyediting,
and conversions), Smart Compose (the production engine),
Smart Proof (for capturing edits while allowing valid
XML round tripping), and Smart Track (which has an easy
user interface that logs all content transactions).
“Real-time reporting and validations are now a part of
the workflow,” Goel says, adding that one of the latest
features includes the fully automated issue-production
process. “It cuts down the issue compilation and delivery
process to a few minutes from the time the issue-lineup
information is received.” Cover processing has also been
fully automated. As for the new Smart Reporting feature, Mahesh Balakrishnan (l.) and A.R.M. Gopinath of DiacriTech

10 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y ■ A U G U S T 5 , 2 0 1 9
Digital Solutions in India 2019

publisher and deployed these in a private school as their proof Recently, 3CM started offering a new module for end-to-end
of concept on advanced teaching methodologies. journal-publishing requirements. “JMaster allows the users to
“We also launched our own game-based physics education publish their articles at the click of a button. It provides a
module, Vaco from Venus, on the iStore and Playstore. The goal unique set of features for seamless journal publishing, such as
is to help the character Vaco get to its spaceship through automated DOI generation, online copyediting, author packet
solving science-based activities and understanding the con- generation, auto-issue building, and email notifications for
cepts involved,” Gopinath adds. production managers and authors. There is also a math-type
The company’s true XML-first InDesign production solu- editor for equations and formulas,” Ahmed says, adding that
tion has also undergone major updates. “InXML now works JMaster, which can process approximately 500 pages per
with the latest version of InDesign and is used primarily for minute, has the ability to produce extensive publications with
clients wanting an InDesign-based solution. InXML is highly highly complex layouts.
automated with multiple outputs—Word, XML, PDF, ePub, Aside from that, JMaster can process Unicode data and
and HTML5—generated at a click of a button. So we are able comes with copyediting rules for all languages, thus enabling
to fast track projects with ease,” adds Gopinath, whose focus multilingual publications. “Production managers can track
remains on “bringing about cloud-based solutions for design- the status of their journals in the 3CM platform, allowing for
intensive publications.” Gopinath explains, “We are inte- better planning of print and digital products,” Ahmed says.
grating InXML with XEditPro to achieve this goal, which will “Since JMaster is easily configurable, it delivers quick solu-
see almost all design and editorial work done using XEditPro’s tions to specific requirements without quality compromise.”
web interface.” The success of 3CM, which was established in 2016, has
prompted Ahmed to focus on his company’s ability to provide
DiTech Process Solutions technology solutions for end-to-end publishing services. “We
DiTech’s acquisition of eAthena in December 2018 has want DiTech Process Solutions to be known as a technology-
brought about special skills solution provider rather than just a service provider.”
and domain expertise. “This
was the first company to Exeter Premedia Services
develop regional Indian- Kriya, Exeter’s cloud-based publishing platform, continues to
language e-books for Kindle, focus on its goal (and slogan) to “deliver happy authors.” “It
and it was among the first is being enhanced functionally as well as technologically to
few to launch animated chil- ensure that its workflow and capabilities provide a superior
dren’s e-books,” company experience for authors, publishers, and all users of the system,”
founder and CEO Nizam company cofounder and CEO Ravi Venkataramani says. “We
Ahmed says, adding that have added significant new capabilities across the spectrum of
eAthena, a specialist in cap- publications—journals, books, abstracts, newsletters, and
turing medieval hand- directories, for instance.”
written documents, has For books, the team has built a dedicated cloud-based solu-
worked very closely with tion on Kriya that streamlines the entire life cycle of book
several U.K.-based organi- Nizam Ahmed, founder and CEO production. “The solution
zations and universities on of DiTech Process Solutions and comes with all the features
such projects. “So we now 3ClicksMaster that make Kriya an effi-
gained a foothold in this specific domain and acquired new cient publishing platform,”
niche clients. There is huge potential in this area, and we want Venkataramani says. “These
to further grow this going forward.” include an integrated con-
Then there is 3ClicksMaster (3CM), a separate company tent-management system
developed and owned by DiTech that offers a cloud-based for versioning and storage/
automated cross-media publishing platform of the same name. retrieval for revised edi-
The 3CM platform combines three separate processes: creation tions, versions, supporting
(which covers copyediting and XML conversion), design (auto- files and metadata; XML-
flowing-created XML into InDesign or predetermined DTDs), driven automation; proof-
and publishing (creating print PDF, XML, ePub3, and and-edit on the flow; and
HTML5 on the fly). Customizable, flexible, and editable, the intuitive interfaces.”
3CM platform is designed for web, print, and mobile content. The core new capability
Several global nonprofit organizations have adopted 3CM for Ravi Venkataramani, cofounder and is a stronger book-planning
their publications. CEO of Exeter Premedia Services and project-management

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module. Additionally, Kriya for Books also provides a dash- Gyldendal, Macmillan, McGraw-Hill Education, Pearson, and
board view of titles in production and enables the publisher Profil Klett—Kitaboo is known for winning multiple industry
to have complete control and visibility into the entire process. awards, especially the Brandon Hall Group Excellence Award
“This is particularly important given the longer production for six consecutive years since 2012.
cycles and complexity of books compared to other publication As for Kitaboo’s payment gateway, it is a bespoke feature
formats, such as newsletters or journals,” COO Sowmya that is built based on client requirements. “Kitaboo can enable
Mahadevan says, pointing out that Kriya has a subscription- a PCI-DSS-compliant payment-solution integration for
based pricing model for different formats. e-stores and online commerce. This helps publishers reach out
Kriya is built with the ability to support custom workflows to consumers directly and monetize their content seamlessly
based on client requirements. Mahadevan explains, “We look behind a pay wall,” explains Mohanty, whose company also
at any customization request as it applies to our philosophy of offers a comprehensive K–12 digital content library with more
converting production to a profit center. We carefully consider than 2,500 science and mathematics videos.
and implement such requests and share the results with our These instructional learning nuggets, he says, are based on
community. As a result, Kriya is always evolving per industry a global K–12 curriculum, developed by experts in various
needs and not based on specific client needs.” subjects, and approved by teachers. The videos have been
As for the time needed for a publishing client (or stake- tested in classrooms worldwide, and they can be customized
holder) to get comfortable and up to speed with Kriya, to the language needs of various markets along with the
Venkataramani says that the publishing platform is built to English-language edition.
be as intuitive as possible. “We are constantly challenging Then there is Kitaboo Insight, HurixDigital’s mobile-first
ourselves to improve the user experience. We have added training platform for enterprises, which continues to gain
guided workflows, enhanced user interfaces, navigation tools, traction among training and development teams in various
help guides, alerts, and notifications. These have enabled our organizations. It enables enterprises to deliver training con-
authors to use Kriya with little to no training and to complete tent to employees via mobile devices while helping to create
their review. Our publishers also have a similar experience and interactive digital content that is tailored to organizational
are able to get up to speed with Kriya very quickly.” goals.
Recently, Mohanty has created a new team (Hurix
HurixDigital Technology Services) to focus on AI and NLP-driven content
Kitaboo, HurixDigital’s flagship product and interactive solutions and products. “In the longer term, our focus is on
e-book platform, continues to undergo enhancements to reflect offering scalable cloud solutions, mobile and web applications,
changing industry needs QA testing, managed cloud solutions, and Big Data analytics
and the latest technology. to publishers and enterprises.”
“ We h a v e a d d e d a u g -
mented reality and created Impelsys
Kitaboo AR to stay ahead At Impelsys, projects with key partners such as the American
of the digital publishing Heart Association and Laerdal Medical have strengthened its
curve and help our clients goal to build a company whose larger mission goes beyond
to deliver more varied con- making a profit. “We want to be an entity with a purpose,
tent on digital platforms,” which is to make an impact
CEO Subrat Mohanty says, by spreading knowledge
adding that Kitaboo AR through technology and
“has seen considerable making the world a better
traction among publishers place for everyone,” says
and enterprises, a few of Uday Majithia, assistant
whom have signed up for v-p of technology, services,
customized development and presales. “We want our
Subrat Mohanty, CEO of of the AR feature.” technologies to touch as
HurixDigital Kitaboo now has more many lives as we can and
than six million users in 25 different languages across 20 coun- help people to learn and
tries. “Over the years, we have added new features and upgrades grow professionally and
based on the latest AI/NLP technologies and development, personally.”
resulting in Kitaboo growing from strength to strength,” The company’s platform Uday Majithia, assistant v-p of
Mohanty says. Aside from having a client roster of who’s who iPC Scholar (previously technology, services, and presales at
in the publishing industry—including Grupo Anaya, known as iPublishCentral Impelsys

12 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y ■ A U G U S T 5 , 2 0 1 9
Digital Solutions in India 2019

Scholar), for instance, has been adopted in emerging markets lates into significant savings in production costs.” Currently,
such as the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and Latin America. more than 1,000 journals adopt iAuthor.
In the U.S., a prominent oncology society is now building an “Many publishers have started to implement digital-first
authoritative LMS that can support a blended model of profes- and digital-only products in order to reduce cost and time to
sional learning for its members, which include nurse practi- market, and making the final products more accessible price-
tioners, doctors, and clinical support staff. wise,” adds Subramanya, whose company operates from 10
“This solution, based on our core iPC technology, will be an offices in six countries (including India).
online university that supports individual plus institutional Integra’s Digital Solutions Center of Excellence, with its
business models in which partner hospitals can assign relevant 300-strong team, is helping publishers make a smooth digital
courses for their employees,” Majithia explains, adding that transition. “We offer end-to-end digital content management,
“it will host video- and assessment-based courses, discussion including instructional design, content development, 2-D/3-D
forums, and podcasts on the first development phase. The next graphics, animation, audio/video services, AR/VR, HTML5
phase will see the platform hosting the society’s e-books and development, assessments, and accessibility-based content,”
also a separate skills-assessment platform.” Subramanya says. “Most of our platforms and products are
As for iPC Health, it is now helping in the up-skilling and assisting publishers to re-engineer many aspects of their work-
professional development of more than 2,000 healthcare per- flows and achieve digital-only workflows.”
sonnel across multiple hospitals in India. “The platform is The market, he says, is still in flux. “While we see OERs
enabling these hospitals to enhance patient safety and healthy and MOOCs competing with traditional publishers, we also
care outcomes and, in turn, promoting standardization of care see big education publishers such as Pearson and Cengage
across different facilities in the country. From doctors to nurses innovating their business models—for example Cengage
to ambulance drivers and security guards, iPC Health is Learning’s Netflix model for higher-ed content. There are
already touching thousands of lives at different levels by facili- other socioeconomic factors affecting the education seg-
tating holistic development of healthcare establishments,” ment, but the education publishing segment is highly
Majithia says. resilient.”
Both iPC Scholar and iPC Health are undergoing contin- In recent months, more publishers are requesting systems
uous innovation and development. New feature enhancements and platforms through which they could see metadata through
and a complete microservices-based architecture are among a simple user interface during the content-production stage,
the product updates in the coming months. “Impelsys and verify the metadata accuracy prior to product distribution.
Innovations Lab will also be launched later this year,” Majithia “So we have updated our tools to extract the appropriate meta-
adds. “It will be a collaborative platform for our technology data and display them to authors and publishers within our
leaders and engineers to work alongside our partners and cli- platforms,” Subramanya adds.
ents on cutting-edge technologies such as AI, Big Data, ana- As a part of its CSR initiative, Integra has been building
lytics, and blockchain to push the envelope and keep classrooms and refurbishing infrastructure at a 135-year-old
innovating.” rural school—founded by Subramanya’s great-grandfather and
managed by Subramanya as a nonprofit—benefitting 1,200
Integra Software Services underprivileged students. Integra has set up IT and science
Cloud-based authoring plat- labs to enable students to start learning computer and science
form iAuthor, which has skills from an early age; Integra has also provided scholarships
NLP capabilities, is the for those struggling financially to continue their education,
latest solution from Integra. and it has launched a school website to bring together its
“A number of journal pub- alumni and collectively contribute to the betterment of both
lishers are piloting the the school and students.
product to re-engineer their
workflows by onboarding Lapiz Digital
some of their authors and Accessibility-related services were the most sought-after
editors in the iAuthor envi- solution at Lapiz Digital last year. “Then there were requests
ronment,” company founder for e-book conversion, composition, digital services, interac-
and CEO Sriram Subramanya tive whiteboard development, and e-learning,” president V.
says, adding that the pub- Bharathram says, adding that AR/VR is more popular among
lishers are able to see real- his corporate clients. “Cost remains the deciding factor in
time results. “There is a Sriram Subramanya, founder and whether we adopt HTML5 for e-learning, go for a less com-
turnaround-time reduction CEO of Integra Software Services plicated e-book, or simply use an editable PDF as a
of up to 30% accompanied by efficiency gains, which trans- solution.”

14 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y ■ A U G U S T 5 , 2 0 1 9
One-Stop Partner

We, at Lapiz, provide end-to-end

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needs of your customers.

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DEVELOPMENT SERVICES • Scanning – Book & Journals
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Contact Us
Digital Solutions in India 2019

Content creation and specific publishing issues, while our new solutions, such as
rewriting is another area MARS, help to improve the overall efficiencies of the journal
in which the Lapiz peer-review process,” vice chairman Vidur Bhogilal says.
Digital team has been Its market-leading RightsPlatform tool, for instance, has
doing very well in recent been upgraded to automate the rights-acquisition process. “It
months. “We are basi- is the chief source of auditable transactional details for dozens
cally ghostwriting blogs of clients. RapidRightsChain, backed by blockchain, now
and books, and most of enables instant transactions,” Bhogilal adds. “Authors, edi-
these projects involve tors, and designers can quickly and easily approve their image,
technical research con- send their rights requests with one click, and receive licensing
tent in areas such as engi- grants without leaving the system or performing additional
neering, technology, and data entry. This dramatically lowers acquisition costs and
the internet of things, increases creators’ control in the process.”
which require web Two of the world’s largest STM/scholarly publishers now
mining and are quite have all their visual assets on Lumina Datamatics’
V. Bharathram, president of Lapiz
Digital Services
straightforward. We also RightsPlatform Marketplace. “We are currently facilitating
work on tests and assess- access to collections of materials and implementing taxono-
ments, create question banks for various subjects, and write mies that help drive more targeted searches in specialty areas,”
alternate texts for accessibility content,” Bharathram says. Bhogilal says, pointing out that the platform manages more
The team has been working on auditing other vendors’ than two million assets.
works for many years. The auditing projects, Bharathram adds, Meanwhile, the latest ver-
“revealed common content errors related to spacing and entity sion of ExpertSource now
issues as well as formatting errors and missing links. The con- matches clients with free-
cept of ‘first time right’ is yet to sink in with the younger lancers on tens of thousands
workforce, and so there is an urgent need for more training to of tasks, including complex
overcome negligence and to provide error-free products and math and science writing as
content.” w e l l a s e d i t i n g , proof-
Meanwhile, publishers are becoming more focused on cap- reading, indexing, and fact
turing the correct metadata. Bharathram explains, “We know checking. “When free-
the importance of having the correct metadata, which are lancers sign up, we use
extensively used to search, identify, collect, and trace resources LightPayCoin to reward
of all kinds. Publishers are increasingly going for semantic their activities. Clients are
metadata, which describes the resources or objects at a gran- also rewarded for rating
ular level and makes the content search more effective and freelancers and their
efficient.” The metadata input and output are validated ongoing participation on
through automation tools that collect data based on client Vidur Bhogilal, vice-chairman of the platform,” Bhogilal
requirements. For some customers, the team uses a purpose- Lumina Datamatics explains, adding that clients
built web engine that utilizes crawlers to search for all meta- “can exchange LightPayCoin rewards for freelance services,
data and generate the raw output. Specific algorithms are then award bonuses to high-performing freelancers, or bank their
used to index and validate the metadata. rewards for more speculative projects that are harder to fund.”
Going forward, Lapiz will focus on two new business initia- Now that publishers are busy reorganizing not just their
tives involving e-commerce and analytics. “Though we started business models but also cost structures and the way services
working on these two last year, there will be a lot more push are delivered, Lumina Datamatics is focused on under-
in terms of investment in technology and resources in the standing the shifts and reinventing itself to fit evolving client
coming months. An aggressive push in e-learning is also on needs. “Our goal is to leverage technology to solve client’s pain
the table,” Bharathram adds. points. For instance, we are developing platforms for pre-
manuscript screening to enhance peer-review efficiencies,
Lumina Datamatics improving copyediting capabilities via contextualized pro-
Among the latest solutions from Lumina Datamatic are MARS cesses, and supporting publishers’ new Open Access eco-
(Manuscript Assessment & Reporting System), Rights system,” says Bhogilal, who is establishing Lumina Datamatics
Platform (enhanced with blockchain technology), ExpertSource as a core supplier for educational publishers and collabo-
Pro (powered by Smart Test Technology), and the rating with them across their businesses in different
RightsPlatform Marketplace. “Our custom solutions address geographies.

16 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y ■ A U G U S T 5 , 2 0 1 9
Digital Solutions in India 2019

MPS Modules within the cloud-based digital publishing plat-

MPS has entered another form DigiCore have been enhanced and expanded. For
phase of growth, according instance, DigiXML now accepts a broader scope of normal-
to company CEO Rahul ized input files for advanced structuring and XML genera-
Arora. “Our focus has tion, and new validation and QC tools to unlock machine
expanded to include all learning. DigiRights (a rights and permissions platform) has
forms of learning. Now we been integrated into, and now offered as an additional module
view content as global and of, DigiCore.
all-encompassing, from As for the e-commerce ecosystem Think360, which MPS
educational to science and acquired in April 2017, enhancements include integration
scholarly to professional with ERPs and CRMs with the bidirectional flow of data, PCI
development to learning compliance, multifactor authentication for payment gateway
within an enterprise.” And integration, flexible invoicing with custom templates, and
MPS’s ability to author, dynamic report generation through advanced analytics,
Rahul Arora, CEO of MPS
develop, manage, produce, custom KPIs, and customizable dashboards. The company’s
and deliver content through smarter technologies and work- business intelligence module, MPSinsight, is now equipped
flows is what binds it all together. to generate Counter 5 statistics and reports.
“Our vision is to power the competitiveness and differentia- The digital and mobile publishing platform Magplus,
tion of our customers by making the process transparent, real- which is targeted at creative professionals, now has a powerful
time, and always focused on the learning outcomes,” adds content-management system, enhanced authoring and pro-
Arora, whose company’s Vision 2023 plan centers on three duction environments, and advanced analytics on user-
strategies—leverage, diversify, and disrupt—and through behavior insights.
further developments on its three platform ecosystems The acquisition of Tata Interactive Systems (TIS) in June
(DigiCore, Magplus, and Think360). 2018 marked a significant milestone in MPS history. “We now


W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY. C O M 17
Digital Solutions in India 2019

have nearly 3,000 associates—in 19 cities worldwide—that already being used to support publishers in content develop-
are working towards making learning smarter,” says Arora, ment, early manuscript assessment, and author management.
who has added new services in learning solutions (including Increasingly, activities such as list management, content
AR/VR/MR, games, and simulations), consulting services, acquisition, rights and permissions, peer-review management,
and platforms (such as the CyberTest assessment engine and and product design are coming to vendors like us, and many
the Learning Planet LMS). of these services are being delivered through our hybrid
“We see a boom in the emerging-technology space, specifi- onshore/offshore solutions.”
cally within AR and VR, and we are doing exciting work with Such hybrid solutions, Elancheran adds, “are helping new
customized AR/VR solutions to address client-specific busi- publishing entrants and established presses to confidently
ness needs,” adds Arora, whose team’s VR-based program for grow their lists within their tight operating budgets. Newgen
mechatronics students won a prestigious Brandon Hall KnowledgeWorks is here to partner them in achieving their
Technology award last year. goals.”

Newgen KnowledgeWorks Thomson Digital

The focus on reducing production time and costs while Innovative process automation is driving Thomson Digital’s
increasing production efficiencies has seen Newgen business operations. “We have invested in a technology frame-
KnowledgeWorks creating several major platforms and work based on AI, ML, NLP, Big Data, and cloud integration
solutions. that gives us a competitive edge in terms of efficiency, speed,
There is PubKit, an end-to-end journal-management system quality, and cost-effectiveness while also enabling us to help
that incorporates dynamic scheduling with content-automa- global publishers to design their publishing solutions,” execu-
tion tools to optimize workflows and task scheduling to meet tive director and CEO Vinay Kumar Singh says, adding that
the needs of each individual journal. “From submission right there is a paradigm shift in his company’s focus from service-
through to delivery, publishers adopting PubKit have a single centric offerings to tech-
dashboard to view the content progress throughout the work- nology-centric solutions.
flow,” v-p Srikanth Srinivasan says. “So we have invested
Then there is SilkEvolve, which can read legacy content these technology capa-
intelligently and know when human intervention is required bilities by forming an
to validate a decision. “This intelligent ‘guided’ process dra- independent software-
matically improves the fidelity of e-book content to the print solution vertical called
original,” v-p Muralidharan Pattabiraman adds, explaining DigiScape, a hub for
that SilkEvolve embraces all ePub3 functionalities and is designing and devel-
capable of implementing enhancements such as audio and oping workflow and solu-
video support, SVG, MathML, multiple navigation tables, and tions for publishers,”
many new CSS3 formatting properties. “When combined with adds Singh, whose team
our accessibility services, SilkEvolve is perfectly placed to has been using TD-XPS,
combine fast and efficient legacy conversion with the bespoke its flagship web-based
content-enrichment processes required to bring legacy content digital publishing plat-
up to the latest WCAG standards.” form for books, for the
Vinay Kumar Singh, executive direc-
As for RedShift, the focus is on transforming the author tor and CEO of Thomson Digital past five years. “TD-XPS
experience within the content-production workflow. “Authors provides us with the con-
now have the opportunity to work in their familiar Word or cept of 1P1P [one person, one project], which we then applied
LaTeX environment. RedShift gives authors ownership of the and expanded to create UniTouch, our state-of-the-art set of
content-production workflow like never before, while tools and workflow-management systems driven by AI, ML,
retaining the important checks and balances publishers need and NLP, and which consist of modular services.”
to ensure high editorial standards and rigorous cost control,” Each UniTouch module is designed and developed to aim
company president Maran Elancheran adds. “By automating at a specific service, thereby giving the tool a dynamic and
the process, we have been able to incorporate machine learning agile set of features. The modules act as plug-and-play decou-
into page composition and constantly refine the templates, pled services deployed via cloud for easy integration and acces-
thus embedding continuous improvement into the very core sibility. UniTouch, Singh adds, has helped in improving the
of this platform.” company’s internal efficiencies by 80%. “Our deep insight of,
For Elancheran, extending Newgen’s range of services and and over 50 years of working with, the publishing industry
applying technological solutions earlier in the product life- has guided us to create these sets of digital publishing and
cycle is becoming an important focus. “Our editorial skills are content solutions.”

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Digital Solutions in India 2019

As for its New York–based TDI Digital Solutions, editorial duce at the issue level and
and project-management services are one niche solution, for print editions. “We have
offering onshore capabilities where native support is provided enhanced Page Central’s
for content writing and development, copyediting, proof- underlying architecture
reading, indexing, and a whole array of content competencies. with an extended set of
The hub also provides consultancy and content designing for APIs that will allow for
Fortune 500 companies in various domains to fulfill their comprehensive integra-
learning requirements. tion,” says Gary Scott, v-p
The past three years have seen Thomson Digital invest in of products. “It enables on-
further growing its journal division by 20% in terms of man- the-fly typeset documents
power and infrastructure. Singh explains, “This is where to be created within a user’s
Coast, our Web-based tool, comes in as a part of our 2020 browser, directly from
technology roadmap. Coast provides researchers and scien- within an organization’s
tists with tools to make their work organized, analyzed, and production workflow and
value-added. New features—available within the next few delivery platforms, thus
months—will assist researchers in getting their articles reducing the need to create
accepted quickly by publishers without rounds of to-and-fro and manage an inventory of Abhigyan Arun, CEO of TNQ
revisions.” PDFs.” Technologies
As for AuthorCafé, this
TNQ Technologies HTML-authoring platform has been validated by the Science
Page Central, the browser-based pagination engine from Academies of India and now hosts the institution’s summer-
TNQ Technologies, is being further enhanced to increase its research fellowship program. “More than one thousand visitors
typesetting capabilities. Alongside article- and chapter-level from all over the world read the reports each week, giving
online capabilities, the engine now offers the option to pro- the academies a substantially higher level of visibility,” chief
Digital Solutions in India 2019

domain officer Shanthi Krishnamurthy says, adding that “a Westchester Publishing Services
host of other India-based institutions are also engaged with This year marks a major milestone as Westchester celebrates
AuthorCafé in various states of their trial programs. The plat- its 50th anniversary, as well as its fifth anniversary as a U.S.
form now covers academic content such as grant approvals, employee-owned company. “Our U.K. operation continues to
theses, and dissertations.” grow with more university presses, academic, and trade
Then there is Proof Central, which has been serving authors accounts signing up,” chief revenue officer Tyler Carey says,
and publishers for more than seven years. Two million articles adding that his K–12/educational unit is working with more
across 2,000 journals, 1,700 books, and 20 major reference U.S. publishers as well as starting to onboard new U.K.
works have been proofed using this HTML platform. The accounts. To support the needs for a more global perspective
latest update includes automated bibliographic reference on educational content, Westchester has hired Walter
structuring with PubMed validation, and citation and refer- Henderson, a classroom instructor and professor of the English
ence renumbering. There is also the capability to edit a range language, as its ELT subject-matter expert.
of structured front-matter elements, an advanced XML editor “We have also been migrating more customers to our cloud-
for nuanced structuring, and real-time collaboration and feed- based client portal,” Carey says. “Early adopters gave us feed-
back sharing on proofs. back that allowed us to customize and add new features for
RevView Central, the latest from TNQ Technologies, is a journal, white paper, and book-project management, and by
browser-based submission and peer-review platform built to ticking more boxes for our customers, adoption on the portal
help accelerate decision-making. “It uses ML, auto-struc- has continued and accelerated. We are quite proud that the
turing, and data-driven insights to present an attachment-free portal has been shortlisted for the prestigious 2019 Stationers’
workflow to fast track the entire process,” Krishnamurthy Company Innovation Excellence Awards for technology used
says, adding that RevView Central was launched in late 2018 by the media industries.”
with the Indian Academy of Sciences. “We plan to roll this out Almost 150 accounts—and thousands of projects—are
in other markets in the upcoming months.” expected to use the free client portal by year-end. “Dropbox
The company, Krishnamurthy adds, “has been moving from continues to be a very dedicated partner in our success with
monolithic systems to a services-based architecture in recent the portal. Internally, Dropbox products have made it even
months. We see this trend with our clients, and so we have easier for us to disseminate client information across our global
embarked on a model of service enablement to allow produc- operation, and to interact with clients and their projects in a
tion workflows to be flexible, modular, and eventually lead to more engaging, customer-centric way.”
tiered workflows where publishers can choose the combination His U.K. clients, Carey adds, are often more interested in
that works best for their needs.” Westchester’s India Direct offerings, through which pub-
lishers engage directly with its India-
based editorial and production opera-
tions. “The five-hour time difference
with our Indian offices is probably
the major attraction. But we do offer
options that U.K. publishers can
adjust, including having design,
copyediting, indexing, and proof-
reading in the U.K., India, or the
U.S. So we are seeing clients heavily
customizing their workflows with us
according to their content or
As its 50th-anniversary year con-
tinues and draws to a close, the
Westchester management team is
looking at its growth plans for the
next five to 10 years. “We are eager to
see what our clients, partners, and
fellow vendors are doing as we all con-
(l. to r.) U.K. managing director Tim Davies, chief revenue officer Tyler Carey, and company tinue to expand and adjust what we do
chairman Dennis Pistone celebrate Westchester Publishing Services’ 50th anniversary at the 2019 to suit the changing needs of the pub-
London Book Fair lishing landscape,” Carey adds. ■

20 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y ■ A U G U S T 5 , 2 0 1 9
Enriching Content for
Much has been said about discoverability and monetization,
but real-world applications remain slow and erratic
By Teri Tan

ontent is everywhere. In fact, there is an overabun- well-versed in “born accessible” content, Groth adds, “but
dance of content out there at the click of a button journal publishers are still waking up to the notion that properly
or the swipe of the screen. Now more than ever, structured and tagged content and metadata—the foundation
with digital content on the rise, it is imperative of accessible content—provide a better product experience,
for publishers (and their digital solutions part- improve rendering for multiple formats, and increase discover-
ners) to connect content and users. That means ability.” (Groth chaired a panel discussion at the SSP annual
having to understand consumer behavior, viewer engagement, meeting in May on the importance of accessibility in scholarly
and user experience to ensure targeted and successful (read: publishing.)
monetized) content dissemination. Moreover, making content accessible provides a competitive
And all this involves ensuring content—specifically articles, edge over other products or companies, and it protects against
books, journals, and media assets—that is meta-tagged and having to (re-)convert static formats in the future. “The market
enriched, made agile and adaptive for multichannel distribu- is large. According to the U.S. Government Accountability
tion, and kept future-ready for transformation and retooling Office, over 10% of students enrolled in higher education have
into new products through different delivery formats. That is a disability, and this includes a large and growing number of
quite a tall order. students with visual and cognitive impairments and print-based
disabilities,” Groth says.
Ensuring Accessible Content
Content that is “born accessible” enhances discoverability and Further Improving Metadata
usability, says Mike Groth, marketing director at Cenveo Metadata management is key to creating better visibility,
Publisher Services, which has long been a champion of digital searchability, and discoverability across the digital landscape.
equality. “The same metadata is often used multiple times to generate
Accessible content, for instance, plays better in the Siri and revenues,” says Vinay Kumar Singh, executive director and CEO
Alexa era. Voice searching is exploding, and content with high- of Thomson Digital. He adds, “The speed of managing content
quality metadata is perfectly optimized for this phenomenon, simultaneously on multiple platforms becomes essential for
while content that meets accessibility standards can avoid making content ready for all types of users at every digital plat-
being penalized in search rank-
ings. Groth adds that “acces-
sibility also involves adding
meaning to content via

alternate text descriptions

to images and non-text
items, and semantic tag-
ging—both of which cap-
ture more discoverable
information than keyword
searches alone.”
K–12 publishers who
must comply with gov-
ernment mandates are

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY. C O M 21
Digital Solutions in India 2019

form. With our efficient workflow and delivery mechanism, we related activities, such as customer segmentation based on
can drive the speed to achieve faster reach of the content through behavior and intent, lead prioritization, sales strategy, and
improved metadata management.” retargeting.”
Thomson Digital, and in particular DigiScape (its innovative Semantic tagging for research content, for instance, is a
technology wing), offers automation in metadata management powerful method for accurate content discovery, and Impelsys’s
and helps clients to build content-monetization strategies. “We iPC platforms currently support semantic tagging, which is
provide innovation support and technology expertise to build an AI-based operation. “For discoverability, we have widgets,
solutions that can handle the business case of discoverability and a type of promotional tool that consists of smart cover art for
content monetization,” adds Singh, whose team is now devel- titles that can be embedded as banner advertisements in
oping intelligent usage-analytics tools that will offer data drill- social networking sites, blogs, and book-review pages.
down capabilities to help publishers in further increasing their Widgets add to the visibility of the titles across the web,”
content reach to users, and thus better monetization. Majithia explains.
Publishers, Singh says, are experimenting with different “ViewInside is another marketing tool that we use to help
models of content monetization. “New technology and innova- publishers showcase their titles and let the readers have a
tion in digital media have opened newer avenues for building glimpse of what’s in the book, eventually helping them to buy.
various monetization models. We understand that content must Readers can view the table of contents and share sample content
be adaptive for future use, and the same must go for monetiza- on social media and through email,” Majithia adds.
tion strategy, which must also be flexible and nimble.”
“Our clients are making their content discoverable by Enhancing Content for Marketing
indexing it using keywords from a structured thesaurus and Content plays a crucial role in marketing and reaching out to
providing an abstract so that the customer can make a ‘buy’ consumers across digital touchpoints, says Subrat Mohanty,
decision, and thus monetizing the content,” explains Vidur CEO of HurixDigital. “We have identified this potential for
Bhogilal, vice chairman of Lumina Datamatics. “Publishers content marketing and built our DigiCM360 services to help
need to use machine learning for automated indexing and brands and companies engage with their customers on digital
search-engine optimization. They can also ensure that the meta- platforms. Our team helps enterprises drive positive business
data for their content is crisp and accurate, which is certainly a outcomes with DigiCM360 content-marketing solutions.”
plus.” HurixDigital combines social listening, analytics, and
For one of Lumina Datamatics’ university clients, the team insights with compelling digital content to deliver maximum
captures metadata in a semiautomated fashion and ensures customer engagement. “Some of the biggest names in the
100% accuracy using custom-built validators. “We are also banking, financial-services, and insurance industry have lever-
indexing the content with headings and subject descriptors, so aged DigiCM360 solutions to augment their online presence.
that it is discoverable and relevant to the user,” Bhogilal adds. It is a matter of time before traditional publishers realize the
For another client, a content aggregator, the team indexes benefits of digital marketing to improve reader engagement and
approximately 400,000 articles annually so that users can find enhance discoverability, which will then lead to improved mon-
the appropriate content from a vast collection of titles com- etization. And when that happens, HurixDigital will be well
prising various genres and languages. placed to offer publishers its content-marketing services.”
“Existing projects can be tweaked to include semiautomated Emerging technologies can provide substantial benefits to
indexing engines based on business rules,” Bhogilal says. “This publishers in terms of enhanced end-user experience, competi-
coupled with machine learning will enable us and publishers to tive advantage, and monetization, says Rahul Arora, CEO of
process high volumes of content to make it discoverable. MPS. “One of our short-term priorities is to collaborate with
Publishers can also ensure that the content is high-quality and our customers as their trusted technology partner to help them
engaging, which in itself will ensure that it is monetized by identify and implement the latest technology innovations that
multiple shares on social media.” make the most sense.”
The future of publishing, Arora adds, “will be more about
Deploying Artificial Intelligence engaging, nurturing, and monetizing the end consumer. So
Discoverability is one of the best AI applications for publishers, personalization of content is crucial, and our product-enhance-
says Uday Majithia, assistant v-p of technology, services, and ment initiative is focused on driving the content strategy by
presales at Impelsys. “AI tools can help discover characteristics using technology that can leverage audience data and recom-
of top-ranking content and offer real-time recommendations mend relevant content for consumption. Another of our initia-
on how to improve content performance. Based on user tives is improving the mobile experience and helping publishers
behavior, AI can make content recommendations, and based on to transition into a mobile-first culture for successfully inter-
the interaction, it can recommend and implement campaign acting with, and engaging consumers in, what has become the
strategies. Besides, AI can also be used for other marketing- primary browsing environment.” ■

22 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y ■ A U G U S T 5 , 2 0 1 9
Project management, production, and editorial
services for book and journal publishers.
Proudly 100% employee-owned since 2014 |

Our updated Client Portal provides secure access to your projects and real-time reporting
customized to your needs. Clients including the American Society of Civil Engineers,
Rutgers University Press, and Columbia University Press, appreciate the visibility
the Portal provides to projects that are assigned to Westchester, while still receiving the
attentive customer support they have come to know and expect over the years.

“Our authors and editors value high-quality copyediting and service. The Westchester Client
Portal, an online platform giving us real-time access to check on the status of manuscripts and
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—Angela Cochran, Managing Director and Publisher, American Society of Civil Engineers

Westchester Publishing Services continues to serve the evolving editorial and composition
requirements of our clients in the trade, academic, policy group, legal, and professional
publishing markets, providing services including:

Project management led by your choice of Book and Journal Production

a U.S. or India-based Project Manager managed in the U.S., or India Direct

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Microsoft Word styling, and XML Tagging PDF, XML, ePub3, and other assets

Composition services using InDesign, Copyediting, proofreading and

3B2, or LaTeX indexing services available

Contact Westchester to see how the Client Portal, along with our full range
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condense publication schedules and reduce costs. | 203-658-6581

Services and Solutions

• Business Solutions 10
• Content Solutions
09 Integrated single platform
• Technology Solutions Collaborative issue compilation
• Design & Illustration 08 Article landing and auto-trigger
Alerts for risk mitigation

• Composition 03
• Manufacturing Services 07 Intelligent auto-scheduling
Shared dashboard

• Digital Marketing Solutions 06 04

Author / Editorial Office portal
Converse with external systems
• Digital Books 05
In-built mail management system

Newgen can improve the accessibility of your content for
screen-reading and text-to-speech systems by tagging the
structure and the reading order of content and providing
new descriptive text for images making you compliant
with the regulations prescribed by the Web Content
Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0) Level AA

Alternate Text Solutions Born Accessible Consulting Digital Accessibility Audit

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