Essay Brainstorming

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1) Does a certain type of music affect young children's

learning? Agree / Disagree

➢ Concentration and memory power- increase
➢ Relaxation
➢ Stress-relief
➢ Remove health problem
➢ Heart rate, blood pressure- reduce
➢ Cognitive knowledge- improve
➢ New creative idea
➢ Boost conference
➢ Personal and professional development

Synonyms: pupils’ study, student, children’s education,

learners, juveniles’ academic work, schoolchild, scholar,

2) The time people devote in job leaves very little time for
personal life. How widespread is the problem. What
problem will this shortage of time causes.
➢ High rate of unemployment, tough competition
➢ No proper organisation in life
➢ Become selfish for earning more money
➢ Emotional bonding between family members- decrease

➢ It leads to divorce

Synonyms: job, work, professional life, office life

3) Schools should organise activities after class. To what
extent do you agree
➢ Practical form
➢ Physical fitness
➢ Improve mental ability
➢ Inner abilities- creativity- innovation
➢ Skill development- team and time management- leadership
➢ Sportsman spirit
➢ Burden of studies- reduce
➢ Rejuvenates
➢ Extroverts
➢ Pursue as career

Synonyms: school, faculty, school department, institute,

university, alma mater
-Organisation, arrangement, management, planning,
making, format, structuring

4) Experience is a more effective way to teach, compared to

books. Experimental learning or traditional learning in
high school and university. Which one do you agree is
more effective?
➢ Everything is not mentioned into book, some is learnt
through experience
➢ Book has only basic knowledge of topic, techniques are
learnt with experience
➢ Hardest situation are faced by experience
➢ Books are like building blocks

“Experimental learning is nothing but information that

we earn from our daily activities in school and

Synonyms: experimental, empirical, realistic, sensible,

ideological, and logical
-Traditional, speculative, formularized, untested

5) Some universities deduct marks from students' works if

given in late, what are your views and what action will
you recommend to take?
➢ If student cannot understand, then how can he complete
➢ Some are waiting to copy from another student (e.g. Global
warming topic)
➢ Discrimination between students by teacher

➢ Make rules to full attendance by which students can solve

their doubt
➢ Proper guidelines should provide by university to student

Synonyms: university, institution of higher education, alma

mater, halls of knowledge
-Students, schoolchild, scholar, observer, learner
6) Children should take large number of exams or learn
more in schools.

➢ Check student's ability, strong and weak points

➢ Exam shows our skills to remember power and knowledge
➢ Time management

➢ Knowledge increased without taking tension of exam in our

➢ Teacher have focus more on teaching new technology,
innovation and development

Synonyms: pupils, student, children, learners, juveniles,

schoolchild, scholar, observer, novice
-Exam, test, catechization

****7) Whether studying films at school is as important as

studying literature? Do you think school should have
curriculum asking students to play old drama and work for
theatre centuries ago?
➢ Knowledge about literature, culture, lifestyle, custom
➢ Children can understand human behaviour (Shakespeare
was not popular, now his drama is most watched in you-
➢ Studying theatre during student career is considered as a
sheer wastage of time and energy

➢ Drama, tragic district youngsters' mind

***8) The importance of cars and airplane in modern life. Give


➢ Car: travel through car is best way to reach destination on

land ( own car, we can travel anywhere, anytime
instead of planning or ticket booking. We can give tight
fight to temperature which is very cold or hot)
➢ Airplane: between 2 countries which has not jointed land
(e.g. CEO can travel from 1 to another branch for meeting)

9) Medical technology can increase the human’s life expectancy.

Is it blessing or curse?

➢ Share important experiences
➢ Solutions of diseases-cancer
➢ Asset to society
➢ Guide the family and nation
➢ Better nurturing of children
➢ Mature leaders
➢ Socialised families
➢ Social services
➢ Transmute culture and tradition

➢ Over population
➢ Poverty problem
➢ Unproductive souls
➢ Scarcity of prima facie requirement
➢ Reduce percapita resources
➢ Older people give finance burden to family and government
➢ Economic imbalance
➢ Unemployment increases
➢ Conflict and quarrel in family
“Necessity is the mother of all inventions”

10), 12), 17), 31) Do you think carless society is realistic and
why? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
➢ Time save
➢ Internet fast- transaction can be fast by using net-banking,
ATM, debit card
➢ We can easily track black money, illegal activity (e.g. PM –
digital transaction)
➢ Security problem- cybercrime increase (lautry call e.g.)
➢ People are not aware about it

Synonyms: advantage, plus point, merits, benefits,


11) Whether design of buildings will have a positive or negative

impact on people’s life and work?
➢ Intelligent people are attracted to work in building(e.g.
Dubai- Burg khalifa)
➢ Not only attract people but also it increase productivity of
organisation and boost up their mood (terrorist attack
affects building design, earth quake, flood)
➢ Economy of country are affected
➢ Huge amount is required for maintaining it

Synonyms: design, idea, layout, pattern, construction,

architecture, plan, drawing, outline, model

13) Students doing part-time jobs - advantages and

➢ Be multi-talented
➢ Earn money for materials for education
➢ Salary is not important for only study but also in other
➢ Get knowledge and experience about particularly field

➢ Study can be affected-academic marks

➢ Students become greedy for earning more money and
they can leave study

Synonyms: pupils, student, children, learners,

juveniles, schoolchild, scholar, observer, novice
-Job, task, work, assignment

14) Large shopping malls are replacing small shops. What is

your opinion on this? Do you think this is a good or bad
➢ All products can available in a mall “ocean is accommodate
in a pot”
➢ Cheaper products can be buy
➢ Time saver
➢ People attracted
(E.g. discount scheme, point scheme)

➢ Product damage(e.g. mobile phone)
➢ Proper response
Synonyms: mall, plaza, market, shopping centre, commercial
centre, mini-mart
***15) Should government build more road to allow more
vehicle owner or improve the network of public transport?
➢ Traffic and noise pollution ન
➢ Environment damage which is done by private cars is
reduced (increase vehicle in Sydney)
➢ Economy growth

➢ Time consuming

Synonyms: government, authority, empire, governance,


16) Effective learning requires time, comfort and peace so it is

impossible to combine study and employment. Study and
employment distract one from another. To what extent do you
think the statements are realistic? Support your opinion with
20) Which should require more financial support from the
government? Health or education? To what extend do you agree
or not. Use your experience.
“Health is wealth”
➢ Hospital fee is not affordable by some
(Remote area have to more) emergency services

Education: scholarship (e.g. MBBS)

Education is the factor to development of nation
Synonyms: finance, economics, investments, money, financial
-Health, wellness, fitness, good condition, vigorous

***21) Whether studying films at school is as important as

studying literature? Do you think school should have curriculum
asking students to play old drama and work for theatre centuries

➢ Are has vital connection with culture

➢ Identity of nation
➢ Art destroyed, culture will die in sky
➢ Government invest in paint gallery, interested people buy
it, profit of government.

➢ Education, health, others are more important to invest for

people and government

22) University only requires to apply digital media rather

than continuously upgrading textbook. Agree or disagree.

➢ Purchased cheaper
➢ Interesting to read
➢ Paper save
➢ Textbook boring
➢ Transfer process is easy (e.g. E-book)

➢ Updated book is costly

➢ Students become confuse
➢ Reduce time

Synonyms: mass media, digital media, electronic media,

information media,
-Media, cable, intelligence, correspondence

23) The belching and unauthorised behaviour is unacceptable in

modern offices. How far you support this view? Give your
response with justification.

-Company build with guidelines and policies under several
categories to support the employees
-Meaning of belching
➢ It disturb others and make them feel uncomfortable
(Example: employees after taking lunch- disturbing others)
Understanding between employer and employee have to be good
but it not be because of
➢ Unauthorized problems- accessing restricted content
➢ Bullying other employees
➢ Harassment, abusive language, aggressive
Synonyms: worker, employees, staff member, wage earner
24) More information is available online so library's books are
useless. Agree or disagree.
➢ Purchased cheaper
➢ Interesting to read
➢ Paper save
➢ Book boring
➢ Saving process is easy (e.g. E-book)
➢ Book is costly
➢ Reduce time

Synonyms: mass media, digital media, electronic media,

information media,
-Media, cable, intelligence, correspondence

25. Whether parents should be held legally be responsible for

26. Whether universities offer popular culture (?)
27. When you're at the end of your rope, tie a knot and hold on.
How far do you agree with Theodore Roosevelt quote?

Introduction: we should be strong enough to face any difficulty

at the hard times
Conclusion: It is better to wait with patience and don’t give up at
any situation in life
➢ Quote is all about not to giving up.
If all seems lost and you are end of the rope, we should hold on
and help yourself by adding a knot at the end
➢ Many things in life take effort
If everything is easy, nothing would have much value
-you are tested in hard situation, not is easy work
(Example: every human on earth has problem and they have to
tackle to live prosperous and healthy)

28. Nowadays, the bickering has common trend amongst

youngsters and married people. This has led polygamy and high
divorce rates. Justify the response with your positive or negative

➢ Less amount of patience in youngsters

(Because of high salary, bigger friend circle, luxuries
As a result, once ego can be hurt and the argument
converted into immensely huge decisions like divorce and
Gives birth to many problems and creates disharmony in
one’s life
➢ It causes jealousy among husbands and wives which
affects relationship
➢ Polygamist children face emotion problems
➢ Polygamy is injurious and create mental health
Synonyms: - polygamy, plural marriage, bigamy,
-Divorce, breakup, separation, dissolution, split,
-Young, youngsters, juveniles, immature, underdeveloped

29) The traditional subjects are soon moving off in last

years. Kindly provide the solutions and ideas to save such
subjects. Opinion.

Traditional subjects = maths, science, English

Not only provide knowledge but also gives some interesting
➢ Government has to come with policy- traditional subjects
are mandatory in every school
(E.g. English take as an example- main source of
➢ School has to take responsibility to encourage students
(Explain the importance of these subjects)
➢ Parents have to teach their children about it whereby they
can make it as profession(permanent job, teacher)
➢ Implementing these subjects in to competitive exams

Synonyms: main, chief, useful subjects

30) Put the examination at the end of the semester or separated
small tests throughout the entire semester, which one do you
➢ Knowledge increased without taking tension of exam in our
➢ Teacher have focus more on teaching new technology,
innovation and development

➢ Check student's ability, strong and weak points

➢ Exam shows our skills to remember power and knowledge
➢ Time management

Synonyms: pupils, student, children, learners, juveniles,

schoolchild, scholar, observer, novice
-Exam, test, catechization
32) Workers and nurses should be paid more. What is your
➢ Take care of patient
➢ Treat a number of injured person, save people’s life (e.g.
nurse works more than 12 hours compare to football
players who earn by kicking a kick)

➢ Work for their company

➢ Government should provide a good salary for workers who
work for nation development
Conclusion: we cannot ignore both whose role is important
in our daily life

Synonyms: worker, employees, staff member

33) Education is important as it teach ethics and life value

as it teaches us practical things for future employment.
What is your opinion?

➢ Important role in success

➢ Increase knowledge
➢ Important for personal, social and economic developments
of the nations
➢ Students to build confidence
(If the students have high qualification then they are getting
a good job in MNC Company)
➢ Teaches various skill our professional life
➢ Think a new thought and ideas
➢ Take decision about their life
➢ Remove unemployment and corruption and environmental
➢ Life is challenge but the Education guide how to fight them
and solve problems\

How to live our life and not only for our job
34) Creativity is inborn skill or can be developed through
learning? Your opinion.

➢ Creativity is not inborn skill

Because we can developed by practicing and practices
make a man perfects.
➢ Hard work required
➢ Example:
virat kohli becomes legend because of hard work and
commitment to desired a goal
➢ Some lesion learn from parents and teachers
➢ Example: professors says “Creativity is renewable source
of energy ”

But it can be achieved by dedication and encourage

Synonyms: creativity, talent, genius, cleverness,

inspiration, inventiveness
35) Transportation vs. build a new building

➢ Most of the people use Public transportation

➢ Example: 70% uses public transportation
➢ People easily travel by one to another city

➢ Time consuming
➢ Example: public travel time more
➢ Make good road for reducing traffic
People should use public transportation

36) Most people with university degree can earn higher salaries
than those who not go to the university, so they should pay full
cost of their education. Your opinion.

➢ Education is the main factor to get settled job

➢ Most of the organization see first degree then give job
➢ Example: intelligent people are benefited
➢ Some of the people well settled and they pay full
tuition fees

➢ Students who can able to pay fees, depends on


➢ Financial condition weak

Gov. should take proper steps. Don’t discrimination
among students.

37) Moving from rural areas to big cities will provide more
opportunities. Your opinion.
➢ Better job opportunity (easily find job and better salary)
➢ Better university (students earn higher degree)

➢ Population growth
➢ Pollution increase
➢ Destroy farming

Related to their career and education and to live a good life


Recently, ____ (topic) ______ has sparked a heated debate

among individuals. There is a school of thought that______
(agree point) ____ whereas there are those who maintain a
contradict view. However, it does not seem unreasonable to
suggest that___ (opinion) _____. In this essay, I will elaborate
both positive and negative sides with clear examples and thus
lead to a plausible conclusion.
To commence with, there are myriad of reasons why__ (agree
point) ___, are as follows. At the heart of this matter is
that______ (1st reason) _______. To be more precise, __
(explanation) _____. Another major contributing factor, of
course, is that__ (2nd reason) ___. To cite a tangible example,
specifically, a study conducted by the University of Oxford
found that__ (example) ______.
Nevertheless, there are pitfalls that negate with this argument
and that can certainly overwhelm the potential influence of__
(topic) ______, still the most alarming one rooted to the fact
that__ (1st reason) _____. Moreover, ___ (2nd reason) ____.
According to argument aforementioned, one can reach to a
conclusion that__ (conclusion) _____. (140 words)

Summarise Written Text FORMAT:

Whereas/While/Although principle/significance/concept of N
attribute/connect/associate to N and N, the significance
/definition/pivotal aspect of N would relate to/point to/
empathize to not only N but also N and/plus/as well as/along
with N, so as not to undermine/understand the
implications/conclusion/connotations of N, N, N, N, N, and N
as well as/plus/together with/including N.

The lecture was discussing N. The lecturer firstly provided
information about N, which indicates that N, N and N are
fundamental elements. Secondly, whereas unique aspects of N,
N and N were delineated, he asserted that the significance of N
and N really could not be overestimated. Finally, he deduced N
from what elaborated on N.

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