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Hailey C
ollege of
y Test: M. C
om (3.5 yea
These questions
and content may
or may not be rep
resentative of qu
estions you may s
ee in theentrance
They are meant
for the help of t
he candidates a
nd in no way are
a fullrepresenta
tive of level of di
fficulty or exact
type of question
s or number of q
uestions that wi
llbe given in the
entrance test
.The test will cont
ain MCQs of 5 diff
erent categories a
s given below an
d, in addition, ma
y have anessay ty
pe question that r
equires the stude
nts to write a co
mprehensive ans
The total durati
onof the test is 6
0 minutes and t
otal number of q
uestions will be
.For the convenie
nce of the candid
ates, the answers
to the MCQs are g
iven in bold. On t
he test day,candi
dates will be requ
ired to fill an app
ropriate circle on
an answer sheet
depending on the
correctanswer. O
nly lead pencil is
allowed. A speci
men of answer sh
eet can be found
with this sample t
Section I: Englis
h Language Skill
s including verb
al ability
1. Which word D
OES NOT have a s
imilar meaning to
a. Affect
b. Resultc. upshot
d. Effecte. Produc
tThe following pa
ssage is taken fro
m an online ency
clopedia. Read it
and answer the f
ollowing questio
n(You may be ask
ed to answer sev
eral questions fro
m a bit longer pas
Reading compreh
ension is defined
as the level of un
derstanding of w
riting. Proficient
reading depends
on the ability to r
ecognize words q
uickly and effortl
essly. If word rec
ognition is difficu
lt, students useto
o much of their p
rocessing cap rea
d individualword
s, which interfere
s with their abilit
y tocomprehend
what is read. Man
y educators belie
ve that students
need to learn to a
nalyze text(comp
rehend it) even b
efore they can re
ad it on their own
, andcomprehensi
oninstruction gen
erallybegins in pr
Kindergarten or
Kindergarten. Bu
t some other edu
cators consider t
his reading appro
achto be complet
ely backward for
very young stude
nts, arguing that t
he students must

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