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Writing Complete Comments

Please carefully review the information below, aimed to address the client’s requirements for writing concise
and complete comments.

• Comments are an essential part of your task and are incredibly important to the client!
• The quality of your comments, among other items, are being evaluated by the client on a weekly basis. If
your comments don’t meet the client’s expectation, you may be removed for requalification or permanently
removed from production.
• Necessary aspects of each comment are to mention the topic of the ad and to reference your Overall rating
using the specific language from the guidelines as far as possible (e.g. I “don’t mind” seeing this rap
music ad because…; I “definitely want to see” this vegetarian restaurant ad in my Messenger
because…). Equally important is providing the “why” behind each of your ratings - the “why” will need
to be a comprehensive summary of your feelings toward the ad and will need to specifically mention at
least 2 of the ratings that you assigned (the 2 which have the strongest impact in your Overall rating
selection). Please note that a mention of a rating should include the corresponding level: A little / A lot /
Not at all. Modifications such as “somewhat”, “slightly”, “very”, “hugely” which clearly refer to one of those
levels are acceptable as well.
• Your comment is not complete until you have mentioned the topic of the ad, referenced your rating in your
comment, AND provided the additional details about why you selected your Overall rating.
This is true, even if you have seen the ad before and written a comment for it. Your comments must
be able to stand on their own without assuming the reader has reviewed the ad or any other ratings
or comments.
• Remember to keep your comments concise – many comments can meet all of the criteria in 1-2 sentences,
and you likely will never need to exceed 3 sentences.
You do not need to include information in your comments that did not fundamentally impact your
Overall rating of the ad. In other words, do not feel obligated to mention all 5 of the category ratings -
focus only on those that were the most influential, being certain to mention a minimum of two.

Why providing the reasons for your ratings is so important?

• Provides support for your numerical ratings
• Adds necessary personalized detail to your comment
• Provides you a second opportunity to evaluate if the ratings you have assigned to that ad match your
• Helps the client and others assessing your work to better understand your thought processes
• Ensures your comments meet the client’s standards

Samples of concise, complete comments properly referencing the ad and guideline language, and
including a thorough “why”:

Sample for: Comment supporting rating of 1 – Definitely don’t want to see:

“I definitely do not want to see this ad for why men cheat on their spouses in my Messenger because I find it very
offensive. I find cheating to be extremely hurtful and I do not care to read about the reasons for it. This is
absolutely not useful to me and reminds me of someone who cheated on me - this would ruin my whole day.”

Sample for: Comment supporting rating of 2 – Do not want to see:

“I do not invest since I do not feel it is the right time with our economy and political position to think about
investing. So, while it’s not offensive to me, this ad from personal capital is not relevant or useful at this time. I
do not want to see this ad in my Messenger as i do not intend to invest until after the election and do not want
to see this ad cluttering my Messenger in the meantime.”
Samples for: Comment supporting rating of 3 – Don’t mind:
Note: The “Don’t mind” rating has the widest possible range of reasons for selection. It is therefore especially
important in this instance to provide a detailed “why” that clearly explains your reason for the rating, and both
the positive and negative feelings that contributed to it.

“I don't mind either way if I see this ad from Bowflex fitness, since while it’s a lot relevant because I do like
working out at home, it’s only a little useful as this is not the type of exercise I would want to do but it does
remind me to exercise though, so I would not mind if it was in my Messenger.”

“Because I play computer games, this Happy Acres game ad is a little relevant. However, I don't enjoy farming
games, so I wouldn't play this one. I don't mind seeing the ad in my Messenger, though, because the picture is
a little entertaining and I love games, but I wouldn't play this game.”
Samples for: Comment supporting rating of 4 - Want to see:
“This ad from Full Sail University for a masters degree in Instructional Design is a little relevant to me as my
background is in instructional design, but I am not considering doing a Masters program right now. Because I
may change my mind in the future, it is good to understand the options available to me, so this ad is a little useful
to me, and I do want to see this ad in my Messenger.”

“This ad about a creme for natural hair is very relevant to me because I have natural hair and I like to take care
of it. The ad is also very useful to me because it provides a picture of what the creme may look like and a website
where I can receive more information. Even though I feel the ad may be a little misleading about its potential
results, I would like to see this ad in my Messenger.”

Sample for: Comment supporting rating of 5 – Definitely want to see:

“This ad listing how important daughters are to their mothers is very relevant to me - it hits a very special spot
as my daughter is my baby no matter how old she gets; she will always be my baby girl. I found this very useful
and entertaining and I would definitely like to see this ad in my Messenger - it made me cry, in a good way!”
Final Notes:
In summary, you will always want to ensure that your comment:
• Notes what the ad is about
The reader should be able to understand the basics of the ad without ever seeing the ad.

• Clearly addresses your rating

The reader should be able to easily know what rating you assigned just by reading your comment.

• Clearly addresses the “why” and a minimum of two rating categories

The reader should be able to fully understand the reason behind your rating.

• Clearly mentions 2 of the other ratings (relevance/usefulness/entertainment/

offensiveness/misleadingness) to support your Overall rating (the 2 which best support the Overall rating).

• Contains only professional language that is suitable for the client

• Applies to only your personal feelings about the ad

You should refrain from commenting about how most other people would feel about the ad – we’re
only interested in how you feel about it.
Exception: You may reference popular opinion on the comment if you feel the client would
benefit from the added detail, as long as you include your own opinion (e.g. While most other
people might be offended by this rather vulgar ad, it does not offend me.)

Thank you for your efforts in improving the quality of your work!

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