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What Will You Do?


Coach Mitchell’s football team the Wildcats are down 14-12 with one minute to play.
The fans scream as Robbie, the Wildcat’s star tailback, makes his way downfield,
dodging and spinning his way to the two-yard line. As Robbie gets to his feet, he takes
a cheap shot to the kidney of his tackler and spits toward the tackler. Turning around,
Robbie sees Coach Mitchell staring directly at him. Both Coach Mitchell and Robbie
know that this behavior goes against the coach’s philosophy and the team rules. The
crowd is going wild in the stands as the referee signals first down. The Wildcats are
only two yards away from a win and the team’s first postseason game in 15 years.

Think about the incredible amount of pressure that Coach Mitchell is experiencing
because of the importance of this play. And now the coach is under even more
pressure. Robbie has displayed flagrant and dangerous unsportsmanlike conduct and
knows that the coach witnessed it. If the coach lets Robbie stay in the game, he is
sending the message that Robbie’s behavior is okay. But if the coach takes Robbie out,
the team will likely lose the game.

1. How would you respond if you were the coach?

If I was put in Coach Mitchell situation I would listen to my conscious and do what I
believe is right. I would pull out Robbie out of the game immediately because of his
unsportsmanlike conduct and the danger he faces to hurt himself and other players.

1. Who will be affected by your decision?

My decision would affect both the team and fans. Pulling Robbie out of the game would
most likely result in a loss but it would send a positive message that his behavior is not

1. How will your decision affect Robbie?

My decision of pulling Robbie from the game would hopefully be a lesson for him to play
right and to follow the rules of the game or suffer the consequences. Rules are made for
a reason and should be followed by every player the same.

1. How will your decision affect the rest of the team?

My decision would affect the whole team because Robbie is one of the best players on
the team. Without Robbie the team faces a harder chance of winning.

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