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National Highway, Basak Malutlut, Marawi City, Philippines
2nd Semester, S.Y. 2018-2019

Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ____________________

Grade/ Section: ______________________________________ Score: ____________________

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Strictly, NO ERASURES and NO CHEATING. If you are caught cheating, you will
get a final grade of 5.0. Any erasures will not be checked.

TEST I. IDENTIFICATION. Identify the term(s) being defined/described in each statement. Write your answer
on the line provided before each number. (2 points each)

____________________ 1. A type of nonfiction which is based on fact that is presented in a format which tells a
____________________ 2.This appeals to man’s higher nature and its needs – emotional, spiritual, intellectual and
creative. It fires the imagination and arouses noble emotions and it enriches man by enabling him to reflect on life
by filling him new ideas.
____________________ 3. A short literary composition that reflects the author’s outlook or point.
____________________ 4. A type of fiction that involves animal often speak as humans that are legendary and
supernatural tales.
____________________ 5. A type of fiction with full of fun, fancy, and excitement which meant to entertain.
____________________ 6. Complications or intensifications of the conflict that lead to a crisis or moment of great
____________________ 7. Conflict that pits one person against another.
____________________ 8. A person who opposes the main character.
____________________ 9. It is the central idea or meaning of a story. It provides a unifying point around which
the plot, character, setting, point of view, symbols and other elements of a story are organized.
____________________ 10. A type of conflict which involves a run-in with the forces of nature.
____________________ 11. It is the falls off as the plot’s complications are sorted out and resolved.
____________________ 12. It is a genre of fiction that deals with the solution of a crime or the unraveling of
____________________ 13. It is the history of person’s life, written or told by a person and often written in
Narrative form of their person’s life.
____________________ 14. A genre of literature that is subject for compositions dramatic act in the way it is
____________________ 15. Created to simply tell a story that are not factual, but rather made up only by the
imagination of the author.

TEST II. TRUE OR FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is true and if FALSE, write the correct answer on the
space provided before the number. (1 point each)

_________1. Antagonist is the character that goes against the main character, usually the protagonist.
_________2. Dynamic is the character who exhibits no changes and development.
_________3. Static is the character that displays different/multiple personalities throughout the story.
_________4. Rising action or turning point – a moment of greatest tension that fixes the outcome.
_________5. Setting is the central idea or the understanding around which story is constructed.
_________6. Time is the geographical location where the action takes place.
_________7. Autobiography gives a detailed history of a person’s life, written or told by that person.
_________8. Conflict is the opposition between forces/characters that is intensified and then resolved during the
_________9. Plot is the arrangement of events that make up a story. It is a series of events that form the story in a
short story, novel, movies, etc.
_________10. First – Person Narrator uses pronouns such as he, she or they.
TEST III. MATCHING TYPE. Match Column A to Column B. Write the letter of your answer on the line
provided before each number. (1 point each)


_______1. Drama a. Lengua Para Diablo

_______2. Poetry b. Place
_______3. Fantasy c. Rajah Indarapatra and Solaiman
_______4. Humor d. Poseidon
_______5. Fable e. Resolution
_______6. Fairy Tales f. Star Wars
_______7. Science Fiction g. Ang Probinsyano
_______8. Short Story h. Sonnet 116
_______10. Folklore i. Theme
_______11. Horror j. The Three Idiots
_______12. Legend k. Time
_______13. Mystery l. Lion King
_______14. Denouement m. Makawgis
_______15. Mythology n. Sleeping Beauty
o. Conflict
p. Conjuring
q. Bagani

TEST IV. FILL IN THE CHART. Label the Elements of Fiction: Story Chart. Write your answer on the line
provided in each number. (1 point each)

Elements of Fiction: Story Chart

TEST V. MULTIPLE CHOICE. The following statements below are sentences that uses FIGURATIVE
LANGUAGE. Encircle the correct answer that correspond to the given statement. (1 point each)
1. He is as funny as a barrel of monkey.
a. Personification b. Hyperbole c. Idiom d. Simile
2. The first rays of morning tiptoed through the meadow.
a. Personification b. Hyperbole c. Idiom d. Simile
3. Stop talking non sense words! You are just adding fuel to the fire.
a. Metaphor b. Idiom c. Onomatopoeia d. Oxymoron
4. It was so cold, I saw Polar bear wearing hats and jackets.
a. Hyperbole b. Metaphor c. Oxymoron d. Idiom
5. Her dress is perfect! It fits on her curvy body like an expensive glove.
a. Metaphor b. Simile c. Hyperbole d. Oxymoron
6. The email she sent me is a snail
a. Metaphor b. Simile c. Hyperbole d. Personification
7. Don’t count your chickens before the eggs have hatched.
a. Alliteration b. Idiom c. Simile d. Hyperbole
8. Nick needed new notebook.
a. Alliteration b. Idiom c. Simile d. Hyperbole
9. She was acting like a pig
a. Metaphor b. Personification c. Simile d. Idiom
10. Nashiba clearly misunderstood the meaning of racism.
a. Alliteration b. Personification c. Oxymoron d. Hyperbole
11. I’m drowning in a sea of grief.
a. Simile b. Metaphor c. Personification d. Oxymoron
12. Zenobia borrowed the original copies of the books.
a. Alliteration b. Oxymoron c. Personification d. Hyperbole
13. Samantha saw seven silly soldiers selling strawberries Saturday.
a. Alliteration b. Oxymoron c. Personification d. Hyperbole
14. Click the button to take the picture.
a. Oxymoron b. Onomatopoeia c. Oxymoron d. Hyperbole
15. The test was a long never – ending marathon.
a. Personification b. Metaphor c. Simile d. Hyperbole
16. The student was as quiet as a mouse.
a. Metaphor b. Hyperbole c. Oxymoron d. Simile
17. She read the book at a snail’s pace
a. Metaphor b. Hyperbole c. Oxymoron d. Simile
18. I ate five – thousand pancakes for breakfast!
a. Hyperbole b. Personification c. Hyperbole d. Idiom
19. The early bird gets the worm.
a. Onomatopoeia b. Hyperbole c. Idiom d. Metaphor.
20. We are in the same boat.
a. Onomatopoeia b. Hyperbole c. Idiom d. Metaphor
21. The new couch was as big as a bus and could hardly fit inside their small living room.
a. Hyperbole b. Oxymoron c. Metaphor d. Simile
22. He stayed out in the sun all day and after his face looked as red as a tomato.
a. Metaphor b. Simile c. Personification d. Metaphor
23. Maria made millions of marshmallow muffins for many mellow messengers.
a. Personification b. Onomatopoeia c. Alliteration d. Simile
24. The pig squealed when it saw the dog coming.
a. Personification b. Onomatopoeia c. Alliteration d. Simile
25. The fire ran wild and spread really quickly putting the homes in danger.
a. Personification b. Onomatopoeia c. Alliteration d. Simile

TEST VI. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is true and if FALSE, write the correct answer
on the space provided before the number. (2 points each)

_____________________1. Creative Writing appeals to man’s higher nature and its needs – emotional, spiritual,
intellectual and creative. It is the production of literary work especially as an occupation.
_____________________2. Biography is a kind of folktale or fable. Sometimes the stories are about fairies or other
magical creatures, usually for children.
_____________________3. Exposition provides the action falls off as the plot’s complications are sorted out and
_____________________4. Plot refers to who tells the story and how it is told.
_____________________5. Static is the character who exhibits no changes and development.
_____________________6. Dynamic is the character that displays different/multiple personalities throughout the
_____________________7. Third – Person Narrator presents the point of view of one character’s consciousness. It
mainly uses the pronoun I and we.
_____________________8. Time is the geographical location where the action takes place.
_____________________9. Rising Action is the opposition between forces/characters that is intensified and then
resolved during the narrative.
_____________________10. Human vs Society refers to the internal conflict.
_____________________11. Oxymoron is when you use two words together that have contradictory meanings.
_____________________12. Non Fiction it is a literary work of “real life” narration or exposition based on history
and facts.
_____________________13. Biography gives a detailed history of a person’s life, written or told by that person.
_____________________14. Horror is an overwhelming and painful feeling caused by literature that is frightfully
shocking, terrfying, or revolting.
_____________________15. Mystery is a story based on impact of potential science, either actual or imagined. It
is one of the genres of literature that is set in the future or on other planets.

TEST VII. IDENTIFICATION. Identify the term(s) being defined/described in each statement. Write your answer on
the space provided before each number. (2. Points each)

_____________________1. A type of figurative language that is a combination of words that have opposite or very
different meaning.
_____________________2. It is an attribution of personal qualities; especially representation of a thing or
abstraction as a person or by the human form.
_____________________3. A figurative language that describes something as better or worse than it really is. It
implies exaggeration of the term/s used.
_____________________4. It is a comparison between to unlike things that is often introduced by like or as.
_____________________5. It is a word or phase that has other meaning than it normal definition. These speeches
rely on implied or suggested meaning, rather than a dictionary definition.
_____________________6. Direct comparison between two unlike things. It does not use the words like or as.
_____________________7. It is the central idea or meaning of a story. It provides a unifying point around which
the plot, character, setting, point of view, symbols and other elements of a story are organized.
_____________________8. A person who opposes the main character.
_____________________9. A type of figurative language that use of words that sound like the noises they
_____________________10. It is a group of words that are used in a new way, giving the words a whole new

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