Mathematicalformulas : Quadratic Formula Derivatives and Integrals

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Quadratic Formula Derivatives and Integrals

b 1b2 4ac d
If ax2 bx c 0, then x sin x cos x sin x dx cos x
2a dx
Binomial Theorem cos x sin x cos x dx sin x
nx n(n 1)x2
(1 x)n 1 .. . (x2 1)
1! 2! d x
e ex ex dx ex
Products of Vectors dx
ln(x 2x2 a2)
Let u be the smaller of the two angles between a and b . :
2x2 a2
Then x dx 1
: :
a: b b a: axbx ayby azbz ab cos u (x2 a2)3/2 (x2 a2)1/2
dx x
iˆ ˆj kˆ (x2 a2)3/2 a2(x2 a2)1/2
: : : :
a b b a ax ay az
bx by bz Cramer’s Rule
Two simultaneous equations in unknowns x and y,
ˆi ay az ˆj ax az kˆ
ax ay
by bz bx bz bx by a1x b1 y c1 and a2x b2 y c2,

have the solutions

(aybz by az)iˆ (azbx bzax)jˆ (axby bxay)kˆ
c1 b 1
: : c2 b 2 c1b2 c2b1
|a b| ab sin u x
a 1 b1 a1b2 a2b1
a 2 b2
Trigonometric Identities
1 1
sin a sin b 2 sin 2 (a b) cos 2 (a b) a1 c1
a2 c2 a1c2 a2c1
y .
cos a cos b 2 cos 12(a b) cos 12 (a b) a1 b1 a1b2 a2b1
a2 b2
*See Appendix E for a more complete list.

Factor Prefix Symbol Factor Prefix Symbol
24 –1
10 yotta Y 10 deci d
1021 zetta Z 10–2 centi c
1018 exa E 10–3 milli m
1015 peta P 10–6 micro m
1012 tera T 10–9 nano n
109 giga G 10–12 pico p
106 mega M 10–15 femto f
103 kilo k 10–18 atto a
102 hecto h 10–21 zepto z
101 deka da 10–24 yocto y
*In all cases, the first syllable is accented, as in ná-no-mé-ter.

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