Dave Ruel How To Set Up Business

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Yahya: My name is Yahya Bakkar.

I’m a motivational speaker and confidence coach and I will be your MC

and host for the NonJob Summit.

So, first of all I’d like to welcome you guys to the 2nd annual NonJobs Summit. Make some noise.
(Cheering) Second Annual.

From the bottom of my heart I’m very honored and grateful to be here. You’ll find out why. I’ll share my
story tomorrow. But the fact that you are all here, I know we’ve got some people from, we’ve got a
person from Japan. Where are you? Please stand up. (Clapping) Stand up. Let’s acknowledge. Awesome,
awesome. We’ve got a person from Ecuador. Please stand up. Where are you? He’s still sleeping, on his
time. Never mind. He’s still sleeping. We’ve got a person, let’s see, we’ve got some Canadians up in
here. Stand up. (Cheering) They’re going to dominant North America. That’s what’s up. And what else
have we got? We’ve got Australia. Where is Australia? There we go. (Clapping) Awesome. Awesome.
And we’ve got a bunch of people from all over the country. We’ve got some people from Florida here

So the fact that you guys are here tells me something about you. It tells me that you are committed to
living your life beyond the status quo. It says that you are willing to take action in directions of your
dreams. You know you are part, as Dave Ruel, who you’ll hear in a few minutes, you are part of the 2%
of people, the people who are willing to get out of their comfort zone, the people who are willing to
stand for something that they believe in, the people who are willing to follow their hearts regardless of
the outcome. Other people might not understand what you’re doing. People will judge you. People will
ridicule you. People will tell you like oh man you’re making a stupid decision. But it’s all good. So the fact
that you’re here says something about you and that’s why I’m honored and humbled to be in your
presence. Give yourselves a round of applause. (Clapping) You guys are fucking awesome.

I’d like to begin by introducing someone who is probably the main reason why we’re all here. Okay
someone that I respect, the I deeply admire. I’ve known him for almost two years now, or maybe a little
over two years. And he is someone who has paved the path for all of us to be here. He’s a great
example, a leader in his own right and light and he’s a founder of NonJobs. He has a combined platform
of over 2.5 million subscribers. You guys know who I’m talking about? What’s his name? (Shouting -
Elliott) What’s his name? (Shouting - Elliott) What’s his name? (Shouting - Elliott) That’s right. So ladies
and gentleman please give me and give Elliott a warm welcome and round of applause. Give it up for
Elliott Hulse. (Clapping) Bring it on church. Yeah that’s right, standing ovation.

Elliott: Ladies and gentleman Yahya Bakkar.

Yahya: (Laugh) Thank you guys. Thank you. (Clapping)

Elliott: Who was here last night and got to listen to Yahya do that at the meet and greet? Hands? We
had a good time last night. Where’s Brandon? Is Brandon sleeping in? Brandon Carter. Brandon Carter?
Paging Brandon Carter? He and I were singing a Humpty Dance. Who got to see that? And what else did
we have? We had Drew Phoenix. Where’ Drew? Oh my shining light. So sleeping still. What happened?


They showed up last night to entertain with me and now they still sleeping. It’s 9:20. Yahya showed up
so me and him, Yahya and I are kind of cut from the same cloth so that makes sense. We’re up early.
Okay cool.

So, the first thing I’d like to do is acknowledge you all for being here and say thank you. How many
people were here for the Grow Stronger event yesterday? Good. Shout out to you guys because you’ve
got greater perspective on what we’re going to be speaking about today and particularly, in particular
my two talks. So I want to thank you and quickly share why we’re here, how we all came to be here.

I was never a good student in school but when I was in socially class, I think they called it Social Studies. I
was about fourth grade. We were going over careers and we were talking about all the various different
options for what you can be when you grow up. Right? And I’m sure you guys can rattle off some of
those options and we have doctor, you guys can think of any others. Lawyer, right of course. What else?
Engineer. We have one right here. What else did they show us? Kids like me they show mechanic or
plumber. (Laugh) Alright? (Laugh) Well you might be able to figure out how to use your hands because
your head ain’t so good. What else? Musician. There was one, there was one word, of course, musician
might even fall into this category. There was one word that stuck out to me when we did this lesson and,
and it was a strange word. It’s the first time I ever heard it but as soon as I heard it I knew that that’s
what I was and that’s what I was going to do. And the teacher introduced us to the concept of an
entrepreneur. I mean that doesn’t roll off the tongue like doctor and lawyer. Right? That’s what you’re
supposed to aspire to. But entrepreneur was kind of a strange concept. Dave, correct me if I’m wrong
but is that a French word? Entrepreneur. Somebody seems to have known over here. Entrepreneur is a
French word. I think it kind of tied in with our French lesson. And I was like hmm strange word. But then
the teacher began to explain to me how entrepreneurs sort of built the country that we live in. Actually I
added that part. She started to explain how entrepreneur, right, I realized, I was like wait a second.
These were all really entrepreneurs and we’re here because of entrepreneurs. But people who are, seek
after enterprise but in a way that is completely unique to them and to a market they want to serve.
People who do what they want to do and make money doing it is what I really heard. People who fill a
niche, people who see that there’s something to be, some way that people can be served, others can be
served and they find a way to serve them so they go straight to customers and remove the middle man
of a factory or a law firm or whatever the case may be. And I knew that’s what I wanted. I wanted to be
my own guy. I’m going to do that. I’m going to go straight to customer and I’m going to do something I
really love and I’m going to share it with people and that’s how I’m going to make a million dollars. I was
a kid thinking this.

Then when I was about 14 years old when I guess you start becoming a little bit more of a big boy and
you start having to put rubber to the pavement about the idea of what you will become I was
confronted with my Uncle Elroy. My brother’s here. He knows the story. Who shows up one day and he
lived in New Jersey, we lived in Long Island. He showed up one day carrying a duffle bag and a big
textbook. And he shows up and he explains to my mom that he quit his job as an accountant. My uncles
been in athletics but you know he had to be a big boy and get an accounting job. He said he quit his job


in accounting because for now on he’s going to teach people how to exercise in the gym. He was an
entrepreneur. I recognized it right away. I was like you’re an entrepreneur Uncle Elroy, aren’t you? It
was crazy. And not only was he an entrepreneur, he was doing the very thing that I fell in love with
because of him. He taught me how to exercise and he taught me fitness when I was a kid. And here he
comes showing up with a duffle bag with a basketball and some jump ropes and a textbook on how to
exercise properly and introduced me to the idea that, introduced me to my fate that I will make a living
teaching people how to exercise, just like my Uncle Elroy.

Well obviously it’s gone far beyond that but that’s where this road started and it’s the seeds that bring
you to the seat that you’re sitting in right now. Because as a coach I decided to spread my coaching
methods through an interesting new technology we call the internet. And we have videos that were just
being able to, that were being brought to the public where any one of us, this is really, really
revolutionary. This is crazy stuff because if I were to describe what I’m about to describe to you to
somebody that was to me even 10-15 years ago I’d be like that doesn’t exist. You can have your own TV
show. Isn’t that crazy? It’s called YouTube. So I started making videos of myself training people. And
along the way I had to learn marketing because if I was going to turn the people that were watching my
videos into customers at my gym because I was a personal trainer I had to figure out how to attract as
many eyeballs to my offer as possible and learn how to convert them into customers and clients. So I
had to learn marketing and sales. The best thing that ever happened to me as an entrepreneur/personal
trainer was marketing and sales.

Oftentimes we become passionate about an idea but we fail to realize that it doesn’t grow any feet
without an offer, without an exchange. Otherwise it’s just a hobby. It’s not a business. We’ve got to
learn how to draw people in with our brilliant idea or offer, meaning service or product, convert them
into our customers and clients and then create more and better ways to serve them along the way and
that’s kind of how this happens right here. Because along the way I realized that I could serve the people
that I was teaching fitness to how to make a living doing what they like to do because I was forced to
learn marketing and sales and I happened to have used the internet. I decided to teach it via my TV
channel. So I created a NonJobs YouTube channel, just kind of as a whim. I don’t know. I answered a few
questions from young men and I realized that they’re kind of stuck in this mentality that because their
mommy and daddy was a lawyer and a doctor and great-grandpa was a doctor, a lawyer, that they had
to be a doctor or an engineer even though it wasn’t something that was really of their heart and that
there’s another way. I figured it out. I know how to do it. You can get out of the rat race. And I named
the video How to Escape the Rat Race: Create Yourself a NonJob. And so forth and so on. It’s escalated
to the point where I’m blessed and I’m pleased and I’m excited to spend this weekend with you guys
sharing all that I’ve learned about turning my passion for fitness into an entrepreneurial venture, profits
and I have a really good time doing it.

And you’ll also get to learn from my friends who happen to be experts in various aspects of building your
business from marketing and sales, copywriting, to the nuts and bolts of what it takes to create a team
and the infrastructure for your business to succeed.


So, what we’ll do, the next three minutes, I’ll try to keep it short, is I’m going to give you guys just a
quick rundown of what we’re going to experience here today and then I’m going to let Yahya introduce
our first guest. How does that sound to you guys? (Cheering) Sweet.

So, right after I exit stage left we’ve got Dave Ruel who’s my friend. Dave is going to speak about how to
set up your business for success. This is really the nuts and bolts I was talking about before. You can
learn the hard way or you can learn by someone who’s built several businesses and has them running
like finely tuned machines with or without his effort. And I think, or maybe you’ll let me know, does that
sound valuable to you guys? (Shouting) Yeah, yeah baby. Some of the things, every time I listen to him
speak I learn something brand new also because he’s always got his finger on the pulse of new
technology, new services and things that can support us in building our businesses seamlessly. I think
that’s the best way to put it.

After Dave, Matt’s going to come up. And he’s also a great friend of mine. He’s going to talk about the
best traffic generating secrets in 2015. So that’s pretty timely. The fact that it’s 2015 means anything
from 2014 is outdated. It’s kind of crazy that things happen that fast but from month to month there’s
brand new technology available to help you get the number one thing you need to help build your
NonJob, your passion and your vocation should be yours. I’m not here to, honestly we spent a lot of
time talking about this in group circles last night, but I’m not here to teach you to do what you’re
supposed to do with regard to vocation. You’ve got to either take some time to search your heart and
discover what it is that you love and that you can offer people or you’ve already got it down pat and
you’re becoming a master at your thing. That was kind of a rant. I don’t remember where I was going
with that. But anyway (laugh), Matt’s expertise in that particular way is to find out what’s brand new
and is going to support you, oh, in getting leads into your business because that’s the other important
thing. You’ve got to be damned good at what you do but you also need to put in front of people and
that’s what traffics all about.

We will take a lunch break and then I’m excited to announce that we have Nathan Latka here. Some of
you may, may be familiar with him. He’s got a podcast. He’s pretty popular in the internet marketing
niche because he’s got a service, a product that is well known and well used amongst many of us. But
he’s going to be talking and I think this is going to appeal to quite a bit of you here. What a great topic.
He’s going to talk about how he launched a $10 million business from his dorm room at 21 years old.
That’s a great hook. I love that. And I think what he has to share is going to resonate with a lot of you
guys. And also gives hope. I think that’s really important also, to know that no matter what age you are,
what profession or vocation you’re going into, and even if you still live in your parents’ house or in a
dorm room you can launch a $10 million business. He’s an exciting guy and you’ll get to hear all about it.

Gina is going to come up next, by the way this is all after lunch. Lunch is from 12 to 1. Gina who’s a good
old friend of mine, we’ve known each other over a decade. We went to college together. And now she’s
doing some incredible things with her NonJob. She’s going to come up at 1:30 and she’s going to talk
about how she quit the job she hated, which was at a spa, I can see why you would hate that, and open
her own gym and turn her passion for fitness into profits. Excited to hear what you have to say. And


Gina’s an exciting person, just like Yahya. Quite honestly it doesn’t matter what, if you’re an exciting
person you don’t have to say anything to stir up excitement, just your being does that, like Yahya. He
didn’t say shit. He just made some noise with his mouth and you guys (laugh) were jumping around and
excited and shit. I got it. I’d love to see the ladies smiling too. You got that affect Yahya. Well Gina is the
same type of person and the minute you see her you’ll know what I’m talking about. She’ll light you up.

And then we’ll take a quick break at 2:15. I’m going to speak last and wrap up day one. And what I’m
going to talk about and I’ve titled and if you have an outline it might be a little different. I’ve changed
some things. A million dollar YouTube Funnel. I’m going to talk about the infrastructure, the nuts and
bolts, the things that you’re not seeing behind the scenes when I make YouTube videos in order to
create a funnel that serves my people along the way. Some of you, who’s watched the NonJob Ladder
video? Probably the most important video on the channel or video I’ve made about NonJobs. Well I’m
taking that generic outline and I’m showing you exactly how to do it with YouTube. Anybody here use
YouTube as a lead generator? Good. Well, by the end of my talk those of you who didn’t have your
hands up you might reconsider.

So ladies and gentleman I’m going to bring Yahya back up. Round of applause because he’s just a cool
dude. (Clapping) And Yahya’s going to introduce our first speaker. Ladies and gentleman enjoy today.
Tonight we’re going to have a beautiful bash over by the pool. So I’m looking forward to getting a little
bit more intimate with you guys later on. Take care. (Clapping)

Yahya: Alright, alright. I could listen to Elliott talk about dog shit and I’ll still be like fascinated. It’s
amazing. It’s like hypnotized, like whoa. Alright so, as he eloquently stated our next speaker, how many
of you guys know Dave Ruel? Raise your hands. Okay so you know like he’s a big dude. Right? But don’t
be deceived by his bigness, like he has a great big heart as well.

So on the professional side he’s a serial entrepreneur who’s founded several seven figure online
companies, that means he’s a boss. He specializes in creating business systems that make you mad
money. And among his peers, among his homies and homettes he’s known as The Architect. The man
who can create highly efficient and sustainable business structures better than anyone else. He builds
shit up. And on top of that he gives one of the best bear hugs in the world. Ladies and gentleman let’s
welcome Dave Ruel! (Clapping) Yes! Yes.

Dave: Are we going for a bear hug?

Yahya: Let’s do it bro! Oh man!

Dave: I’m Canadian. It’s like second nature. Right?

Yahya: Thank you man. Thank you brother.

Dave: Actually we’ve got, Yahya and I have a secret is that we’re actually starting our break dance crew
pretty soon. Right? You want to give a sample?


Yahya: Yes.

Dave: Do you want to do a sample?

Yahya: Okay.

Dave: We’re pros. Ready? Yeah. We’re going to break dance. Ready? Three, two, one.

Yahya: There we go. (Laughing)

Dave: We figured it out at the bar a couple nights ago. That was funny.

Who in here, raise of hand, wants to build a badass startup who’s going to sell for eight figures within
the next 24 months? I’m sorry guys I can’t help you out with that. (Laugh) But I can help you build a
great business, a lifestyle oriented business that’s going to be generating profits even when you’re not
there. That’s what I specialize into and that’s what I’m going to teach you today. I think these guys need
my password. Got it. Awesome, cool.

So how was last night? You guys made a lot of connections? Met a lot of new people? That’s amazing.
You know one part of business, a big part of business you’re going to see is the connections you’re going
to make, you know people you’re going to meet, people who are going to grow with you in business.
You know? So that’s me looking like, what am I doing there? How do you go back? You can’t. I can go
back. I’m too far away. There you go. So that’s, that’s what I’m going to talk about today. Who I am, how
I started in business and how I left my well paid six figure job to start my business and made my mom

I’m going to show you how to get extreme clarity on your business steps when you get started. So I have
four steps, okay, that I’m going to show you. I’m going to show you nine ways to make money online. So
I made actually money into these, from these nine ways through my online businesses. So I’m going to
show you my best and favorite and least favorite ways to make money online. Whoa. There we go.

What you focus when you get started. You know something when you get started you don’t know where
to start, you don’t know what to do. What should I do first? Should I get a blog? Should I like have a
Facebook? What should I do? I’ll show you. I’ll make it simple stupid for you guys.

I’m going to show you a perpetual money machine. Is that exciting? (Shouting) So that’s the way I set up
most of my businesses. I’m going to show you pretty much the engine of my business of how they run
and pretty much that’s going to allow you to make money over and over again even when you’re in your
business four months at a time. Sounds maybe too good to be true but there’s ways to do it. Trust me.

How to build your team for your business in growing stages so you can run it hands off… Alright? You
don’t want to be the guy who’s already always like doing everything in your business. So I’m going to
show you how to outsource, where to do it, where to start and all that nice stuff.


All the tools that you’re going to need to run your business online. I run business 100% online. I don’t
have a big office. I don’t have like staff working with me all. All my staff is spread through the world and
all my business is 100% online. And I do it for reason is that it gives me flexibility. It gives me freedom.
And that’s what my businesses are all about.

And 25 bullets of wisdom. So it’s 25 things that I’ve learned over years in business and might be useful,
or not, to you but more than likely I think they’re going to be helping out.

One thing I’m going to do is do you guys have one of these in your pocket? Take them out. Don’t say
what Yahya says. Don’t listen. Take it out. Your iPhones, Androids, Blackberries, sorry. No? It doesn’t
exist anymore. Take it out. Snap pictures, tell where you are, say what you’re doing. You know what’s
going to be your NonJob, you know what you’re into, what you’re up to. Let the world know what you’re
all about. So you have my full permission and you have to have you know your divided attention today.
You know I really want you to share with the world what you’re doing right now, you know what you’re
learning and what you’re up to. Alright?

Okay. Yahya are you messing with my things? What are you doing? Are you putting a virus on my
computer? I feel like I’m like, seen that movie like with Matt Damon, Elysium or something that. He’s
like a robot. That’s how I feel. (Laughing) You saw my dance moves, right, I’m really robotic. (Laughing)

Alright so who I am, how I got started and why I left my six figure job to create my NonJob. So, that
things not working well. Next, go. Hold on. Yahya. There you go. Whoa. There, boom.

So I’m a serial entrepreneur. I don’t really like this word because it makes me feel like I’ve got some kind
of ADHD is business which I do. So I founded six companies over the years. As Yahya said I’m really
specialized into highly efficient sustainable business models, okay, and structures that maximize profit
rapidly. I call it business architecture because it’s like, it’s like a house. You know a house without the
blueprint, without an architect actually designing the house where telling you this is your foundation,
this is what you’re going to, how your walls are going to be, this is how you know things are going to be
holding together, the beams you’re going to put in this place and this place. This is what to do while in
business, just like you would build a house. Okay? I’m extremely lifestyle oriented. That means you’re
not going to see me like full on CEO mode and board meetings and stuff. I hate that stuff. I wanted to
live you know my life to the fullest. I don’t want to be tied to a physical place. I want to be free. So I’m
very lifestyle oriented. I’m French-Canadian. You probably noticed my accent, right? I think there’s a
couple French-Canadians in place. One, two, that’s it. Okay. (Laugh) Big market.

I’m a husband. My wife’s in there with my baby girl. I’m a dad. I’m a world traveler. I travel quite a bit
and that’s what I love. I’m a cigar lover. It’s like, as you’ve probably seen already. These are pictures of
my last trips. This is, we went to London, we went, so that’s me having breakfast you know on a Tuesday
morning with my baby girl on the beach. That’s my beautiful wife. Here’s me and Elliott smoking a big
cigar. Here’s us in Iceland at the Blue Lagoon. My daughter in the plane, my house. And yeah my
daughter’s visited ten countries already. She’s 22 months old. (Laugh) So you know that was a standard


that I set for myself when I started in business was to be able to travel freely, work freely with people
that I love, with you know about topics and subjects that I love to, and that was what I was able to do.
And you know it’s something that you’re going to see that I’m going to tell you to consider when you
start a business is what type of lifestyle you want.

Damn. Boom. But you know it wasn’t like given to me like easy. I didn’t like landed on that thing by, you
know it wasn’t easy at all. (Laugh) So I grew up in a small nine square mile island. I lived 18 years of my
life on a nine square mile island on the south coast of Newfoundland and French island in the Atlantic
and yeah spent the first 18 years of my life. You know I wasn’t born in a big city. I wasn’t born with that
entrepreneurial mindset. My mom was a government worker, still is, after 34 years I think. My dad’s a
mechanic. You know I was born, any people from small towns here? Many people. So you know how
tough it is when you have like everybody looking and you feel like you’re different and you’re stuck. And
when you’re a nine square mile island you’re freakin’ stuck. I mean you can’t escape. Right? So you
know it’s challenging times. It was challenging times to get started. But you know it means like no
matter what your circumstances are at birth or where you’re from or what you do and, and the people
you have around you. You can change that. You have the power to do it. If I did it you know growing up
on a nine square mile island on the south coast of Newfoundland and you know being able to do what I
do now, if I was able to do it that means everybody can do it. Trust me.

I wasn’t a good student. I actually graduated 20 years old. I was a poor academic student. I hated school.
I totally hated school. I thought it wasn’t like, who thinks the school wasn’t appropriate for them or
made for them? Yeah. You know a lot of people, right? And we’re getting stuck for years into, into
homework and learning things that we don’t care about and that was me. And I kind of, you know I was
a rebel. I just decided damn I’m not going to do it. So yeah I graduated 20 years old. And you know the,
the orienteers at school told me that I wouldn’t do anything good with me life. You know? It’s like hey
man you’re setting yourself up for a life of misery. Actually it’s pretty good because I showed them.

Then I went to community college because I couldn’t go to a super fancy university because my academy
grades weren’t great enough. So I had to, I decided to go for a useless marketing degree. I’m saying
useless is useless. I mean the things that we learn, I’m not kidding, didn’t serve me at all. So it was, the
party was fun though. College is fun for partying.

So, and that’s the thing, right? They’re like yeah you know we’ve got a 92% like employment rate after
you graduate and stuff like that. I graduate, I knock on doors, doors don’t open. So at this point I’m like
and I’m going for marketing positions. Right? So at this point I’m like what’s the thing that I don’t know
what to do well? And at this point that was sales. I was like I don’t really know how to sell well. They
didn’t teach me that in school. Marketing degree, see how absurd is that? Anyway I think I had one
module you know of like ten hours about sales. I mean come on.

So I decided to get a job in sales and I kind of loved that stuff. I started love selling. I became a good
salesman and it looks like that when you’re a great salesman the logical thing to do is that you get


promoted into management, which I don’t know why but anyway. They, and I really made bank. Like it
was like they pretty much asked me to run like multiple stores and stuff. That was perfect. I was getting
percentage of the sales. I really made good money at that point but I hated it. I hated it like with a
passion. You have no idea. It was, it was an office job. It was very, very corporate and I’m not corporate.
So yeah I hated it. I did that for a couple years. Money was good but I reached a point where you know I
didn’t want to do it anymore.

So I was competing in bodybuilding at the time. I was an amateur bodybuilder, doing that for fun. And I
discovered online marketing by accident at a bodybuilding show. I was competing. It was 2007. I was
competing at a show and I became friends with a guy named Lee Hayward. I don’t know if you guys
know who Lee is. He’s pretty big online now on YouTube. But at that time like he had, his website for
like ten years making six figures a year out of his blog. And I was staying at his during that bodybuilding
show and I saw the guy like how he was living. He was waking up in the morning, having a little sip of
coffee, you know chill, no rush, doing a little bit of work, answering emails, going to the gym in the
afternoon, taking a nap, then going back to his emails at five. You know I was like whoa that’s what I
want. I need to know; I need to learn what he’s doing. That looks pretty damn good. So that’s what I did.

I started like being, learning online marketing and that became my obsession. And I spent the next,
pretty much next two years developing my, my dream life vision and dream life context and, and
decided in 2009 to leave my six figure corporate job to start my online business.

So, damn. I hate that thing. Technology. There you go. And I started my first million-dollar online
business from my kitchen table. So my wife can attest. Like that was our table. It was a reclaimed, old
reclaimed like table found at a yard sale and we put a piece of plywood on top and we stained it. It looks
good. But that’s what we had. You know? And I started the business from there with my old Dell
computer. Yes, I had a Dell. And that’s my gym bag and I started my business. And my first business,
actually I’ll show you in a few minutes what it was. But that’s how I started. That’s how I got my first

So my first online business was fitness cookbook. Anybody here familiar with the cookbooks that I
launched? I know a lot of people, a few people bought it here from me. That was my first profitable
online business. I started a site called The Muscle Cook and I had, I had, yeah that was me a long time
ago. But it was the first profitable business, fitness cookbooks. And at that time there was a market for it
and people liked it. Well I’ll tell you how I went about it shortly.

So what I want to share with you guys right now is the four steps. I want to take you, your notepad and
your pens out because there’s going to be a couple of exercises I want to put you guys through. Okay?
So there’s four steps to really know if something is right for you and I’m going to use my, my business,
my cooking business as an example, alright, of how I did it.

Alright step number one, figure out what type of business and life you want. Okay as I said like it was
very clear for me that I didn’t want to work corporate. I didn’t want to have a big office. I wanted to


travel. I wanted to spend time with my family. I wanted to have time to you know in the morning spend
time with my, my kids. You know these were non-negotiables for me. Right? So project yourself in the
future and be extremely realistic about what you want. Okay? What you want about, what you want
your life to look like, okay, in real life. So I want you write down, “I want to”, I want to fill in the blanks.
What do you want? What do you want your life to look like? Okay? Example for me, I wanted to live
multiple places, have time for my family and live a relaxed lifestyle. Be specific with what you’re going to
put in there. That’s very important. That’s going to be, what you’re going to be working for. Okay?
Because sometimes we don’t have that clarity. We’re like well I’m going to build a business. Okay but
what type of business? What type of life do you want with your business?

Step number two, figure out what you’re great at right now. Not what you want to be great at. What
you’re great at right now, skills, talents or unique abilities. We all have unique abilities, special talents,
things that we do better than others. It might be something like that you don’t realize you have but we
all have something. Dig deep. So “I am talented at” or “skilled at” or “have unique abilities” fill in the
blank. Example, I was really good at creating meal plans using amazing recipes. That was my thing. You
know when I realized like I kind of stumbled into that business because I was coaching people on the
side for bodybuilding shows and what made me successful with my one on one coaching is my meal
plans were not like cookie cutter or anything like that. They had actually great recipes. And people loved
them. They loved them. They’re like damn. Your meal plans are not like bland. How many bodybuilders
or people competing know like how diet food sucks when you’re a bodybuilder? It does. It sucks balls.
(Laugh) So it’s, it’s, that’s what I was doing well. And I had that solution. That was the thing that was my
unique ability at that time. You know? And that’s why I identified.

Step number three, plan how you will make money by identifying an existing need, how you will fill it
and how you will sell your solution. Again I will show you like nine ways to make money online in your
next section, but how you’re going to do that. So, money will come from what? That and sell it with
what? Example, I decided I would create a cookbook. So money will come from cookbooks. That helped
bodybuilders with their boring diets. And sell it with affiliate marketing. That’s why I identified. Okay?

The last part, if you’re not sure how you want to sell your unique ability I’m going to give you some ideas
later. Okay? But write it down please and, and try to identify you know how you’re going to make
money first. Don’t try to, it’s not big picture. It’s based on your skills that you have right now and what
you can offer to the world and how you’re going to sell it. Boom.

Set goals, make your plan and get shit done. That’s my motto. GSD, get shit done. Write down ten clear
goals from the next twelve months with deadlines. Okay? Not, not vague goals, be specific. Like don’t
write, “I want to become the strongest version of myself”, of course you want that. Be specific. I’m going
to gain ten pounds of muscle. I’m going to make my first sell online before February 28th. I’m going to
make $50,000 from my online businesses within the next twelve months. I’m going to save $20,000. I
want to relocate to California. Be specific with what you want to do. Make a list. I’m going to give you
two minutes, two minutes and start your list. You can continue later. Two minutes, start with the, start


your list. Ten. Write down, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Next twelve months
what you want to do.

(39:06 – 39:48 – Silence)

Alright. I’m going to keep going through the day but always have that top ten list. You know? I have this
top ten list in my office on a pin board right next to my, to my desk. And every day, it could be on your
fridge. You could put it on your fridge. Wherever you can see it the most reminds me of my goals that I
set for myself for the year. My non-negotiable goals that I want to achieve. Okay? It’s very important.

You’ve got to make a list of what you need to learn or figure out within these next twelve months.
What’s going on there? Boom, back. And you see like my beautiful word here. Everything is figure-out-
able. There’s nothing you can’t figure out. Is Gina? Gina. So I had a coaching call with Gina a couple
months ago and I said something that really resonated with you. What did you write on your whiteboard
that day?

Gina: Literally after the call, we have a giant whiteboard in our office and I wrote and red marker,
“Successful business owners figure shit out”, period.

Dave: (Laugh) That’s what you have to do. Like we get so overwhelmed sometimes with little details.
How do I set up a website? How do I build a blog? How am I going to create my, my book or my
product? I don’t know how to do that. Everything is figure-out-able. You’ve got to figure this shit out. I’m
serious. There’s nothing that you can’t figure out in this day and age. There’s experts are, if you don’t
know the answer you can reach an expert pretty easily. Okay? Websites, YouTube, Google, I mean
Google is my best friend. I can ask Google anything. It’s going to tell me what I need to know. You know?
And you’re very like a search bar away from getting your answers. So don’t get intimidated by
information or things you don’t know how to do. You can figure anything, figure out anything.
Everything’s figure-out-able. Very important.

So make a list. Make a list of the things that you don’t know how to do or that you need to learn in order
to create a successful business. Okay? What do you need? Is it I need to learn how to set up a
WordPress blog? Is it I need to learn how to make my first sale? I need to learn email marketing. I need
to learn how to do Facebook ads. Write it down. Make a list of what you need to do. Okay?

When I, when I first started, I’ve got an example here, but you know I decided I need to meet affiliates in
my niche, in fitness industry that would, because I wanted to sell through affiliate marketing so I joined a
mastermind group and made partnerships within the industry. So that brings me to my point number
three on step four.

Use your circle of influence. You know evaluate how, you know people surrounding you right now in
your business. Okay? Maybe guys from small towns like, like me you know who are not surrounded by
entrepreneurs, by people who were influencing you or pushing you towards your dreams. Okay? Most,
it’s like, it’s mostly it’s like the, you know being surrounded by negative people is like the crab bucket


theory. Right? So you put a bunch of crabs in a bucket and a crab wants to get out of the bucket. What
do the other crabs are going to do? Pull him down. Every single time. They’re going to pull you down
because they don’t want you to escape the bucket. It’s like hey we’ve got to share the misery bro.
(Laugh) That’s what happens. Right? So really your circle of influence is extremely important. I mean you
guys are here today, as Yahya said, you know you are the movers and shakers. You’re the people who
took action to be here with us, you know to make a difference, to live out of your passion, you know to
get out of the rat race. Well you’re probably going to make friends today that you’re going to have for a
lifetime. Having some of our you know mastermind students are actually thinking about moving in
together in California this year. They met last year at the 2014 NonJob Summit. You know what I mean?
You make lifelong friendships, partnerships and that’s extremely important. Like for me joining a
mastermind group in the early stages of my business, getting like a group of peers that understood what
I was going through, who are doing the same things I was aiming for was everything. You know it’s like
wow. People finally speak my language, who understand me. Do you guys feel like sometimes people
like don’t understand you at all like what you want to do? And they’re like what are you doing? Online
business? Get a job. No. You know? That’s the way it is. So the circle of influence is, it’s one of the big
things. Okay the people you’re going to surround yourself with.

Make a list of the top five people that you look up for or the style of people you want to surround
yourself with. And compare it to your list of your top five list right now or the people you hang out the
most with, okay, and see the difference.

So to recap you know with how I did it with you know by cookbook was my first successful online
product. I had a clear vision of life and business. Okay? So I knew what I wanted. I knew I wanted to
wake up in the morning slowly. I know I wanted to grab my cup of coffee, you know work out, meditate,
have time, then wake up with my daughter and my wife. You know have breakfast and then get to the
office, take a break, travel, you know and do my stuff on my own terms. And that was my non-
negotiables. You know I had that clear life vision. I wanted to live in a specific, with a house with a big
wall of windows looking at the water. When I had the opportunity I made it possible by, I stumbled onto
a piece of land that was like perfect. This is where I’m going to build this house. You know I had the
vision. I knew it was going to happen. I didn’t know when but I had that clear vision. Okay I know I
wanted to live in a wooded area. I know I wanted to travel quite a bit. So I had that in mind. I was lucky
enough to witness you know Lee in the early stages of my business live like that. He proved to me that
was possible because you can ask most people. Like that shits not possible. You can’t like live on your
own terms. You got like kids to bring to school. You have this. You have that. Take out a mortgage, get a
credit cards. I mean if you want it to be you can. If you don’t want it to be it’s your choice, totally your
choice. Totally your choice. You have to have to be clear with your vision, how you want to live your life,
how you want to live your business.

So second point, it was based on my passion for bodybuilding and the ability to create awesome meal
plans using my recipes. Simple. That was my skill at the time. My main skill was to create cool meal
plans. I mean that’s nice. I like the ninja stuff. Tactical, Russian ninja stuff. Right? (Laugh)


So that was my unique ability. Don’t try to go too far. Like just think about the small things you’re doing
that help people the most right now. Right now. Okay? Because passion is one thing but it needs to be
backed with unique abilities. Okay? Like I’m passionate about hockey. I love hockey. I mean, I mean any
hockey fans here? Any Montreal Canadians fans? Yay! I’m super passionate about hockey but guess
what? I play hockey but I’m not a great hockey player. Like I can’t play in the NHL. You know I can’t make
a living out of it. It’s going to stay my passion probably forever but I’m never going to be able to make
money out of it. You know? I don’t have the ability, the unique skills. I wasn’t born with that gift. My gift
is somewhere else and that’s fine. You know what I mean? Because I’m passionate about other stuff too.
But if you ask me like what would be the best thing you’d love to do? I’d love to be an NHL player. Am I
being realistic? No, because I don’t have the ability to be an NHL player. I don’t have the skills or the
talent to do so. So focus on the right now.

I serve an ignored existing need. At that time when I launched it it was ignored. Now it seems like
everybody has a freakin’ cookbook for everything. But when I launched my first site it was a need.
Bodybuilders wanted a cookbook. There was nothing there. Nothing. And I built a powerful selling
machine around it. Now I’ll show you the machine in, in the next session, the session, the section after.

And make a list. And I made a list of who, what I needed to do and who I needed to meet you know to
make that happen. Right? So the exercise that I put you through, guys.

Nine ways to make dollars online. So the ways, there’s maybe more ways than that but this is the nine
ways where I, that I use to make money online. Some are better than other.

Numero uno, education and coaching. Okay? Think about the things you can coach; things you can
educate people on. You know what are you good at? Can you coach that? Okay you’re a fitness coach.
You can teach people how to get in shape. Okay? Example. I don’t know. You’re a coder. You can teach
people how to code. Actually you have a cool niche, learning coders how to get in shape. That’s even
better. You know? But you all, you all have something that you can teach people, you can coach people
on. Okay that’s number one. It’s pretty simple. And you can sell that online now. You know? Building a
website is not complicated. You can figure this shit out.

Provide a service. Okay. Webmaster, transcribing, customer service, editor, etcetera. It’s the easiest way
to get started online. That’s my least favorite. It’s the easiest way but least favorite because you’re
trading time for money and I’m all about building machines. But guess what? When I first started that’s
what I did. You know I left my job but hey guess what? I had to pay some bills. Right? So I offered one on
one coaching on my website and put down on Facebook and all that stuff and I was getting you know a
few clients. I paid the bills you know while I was building my website and my products and my machine.
So that’s easy to get started but remember that it should always be temporary because you’re trading
time for money and that’s what you don’t want to do when you’re building a lifestyle business.

Creating and selling products. You know that’s what I did with the cookbook. Cookbook was my first
product then we launched I mean many, many products in many different niches after that but that’s


one way to make money online is to create products and sell them. And don’t be intimidated by I don’t
know how to do an e-book, I don’t know how to create a physical book to sell on Amazon. There’s
courses for that that you can buy, there’s guides on YouTube, there’s blogs about it. I mean there’s no
excuse not to figure this thing out. It’s not complicated.

Membership sites and continuity. So if you have something where you can charge monthly for it’s great.
For example, with our cookbooks we have the cookbook of the month club with is continuity program
that can receive a new cookbook every month. That’s a type of continuity. You know membership site
about a specific topic where people pay you X amount of dollars to receive you know something, for
example you’re an expert about coding. You can have like monthly workshops, online workshops,
webinars where you can teach coding to people who want to become a marketing coder, for example,
and you can charge $69 for that. I don’t know. Like it’s, that’s what a membership site is all about. So
that’s one other way to make money.

Affiliate marketing, creating content and selling other people’s products. That’s how I sold, I’m selling
most of my cookbooks is people actually have websites, trainers, online fitness experts and they just
plug my cookbook into their sales funnels or their emails or they have a banner on their website, they
have an affiliate link and receive 75% commission. Or just after the Q&A, yeah. We’ll have a Q&A right
after if I have time. If not like we’re going to have a Q&A session today. So that’s actually a great way to
get started. Obviously you’re going to have to leverage some relationships to do it. That’s what I did
because that’s the way I wanted my products to be sold. But it’s actually a great way to get started when
you have the website, you have something to say but no products affiliate marketing is actually an
awesome way to make, start to make money online. One of my favorite.

Build a site and sell ads. That’s one of my least favorites too because you need a boatload of traffic.
Okay? A site like Buzzfeed, for example, who have huge, huge, huge traffic can sell ads. Okay they can
sell, they can plug themselves into the Ad Sense network or any, any ad network or have their own, sell
their own ads on their website. But you need a lot of traffic. Okay? So if, it’s very hard to do. It’s a good
model but it’s, it’s not my favorite. It’s not my favorite.

Sponsorship for branded content, example podcasts where you listen to these podcasts. This podcast is
brought to you by blah, blah, blah. Well blah, blah, blah paid the podcast you know maybe $5-10-50,000
to sponsor the podcast. That’s how they make money. Again, there Nathan Latka is coming today can
probably talk about it but you know that’s how he makes a lot of money from his podcast as a very, very
popular podcast. I think it’s the number one in business right now. And, and he has sponsors and they
make money out of sponsors. So it’s a great way to do it. But like again you need traffic, you need a
following to do it.

Show, create, promote events. It’s why you guys are here today. You know? You go onto NonJobs, you
got interest, we offered content and you know ask you if you wanted to come to a live event, a
workshop or a big event like this one. Okay? So that’s, Elliott’s going to talk today about the big funnel,
the NonJobs ladder. That’s on the top end of the NonJobs ladder. But you can do that. I know people


who do only workshops. They do workshops and live events. They have a following and that’s all they
do. They don’t sell products. They don’t do affiliate marketing. They don’t have a membership site. They
just sell high level events. Okay? If you can find a way to gather people into a place about a specific
topic, interesting stuff that you can teach people do it. It’s a great way to do it. It’s a bit more like
bringing online to offline but guess what? It’s not complicated. You can bring people in for a weekend
and usually payout is pretty good. So it’s something to consider if you have an expertise and, and you
have like for example different products and stuff. That’s a good brand extension.

Mastermind and coaching. You know coaching I said it first but for example like I’m part as a student in
many, in a couple of mastermind groups. So I pay to be mentored by people that are at a higher level
than me and I’m also a coach where I have students like Gina and Rake who are here to learn from me
on the one on one setting over a year. So it’s more of a mentorship program. That’s pretty much what a
mastermind is. Anybody here been part of a mastermind group before? A few. Can we all say that it’s a
valuable experience to be a part of a group? It’s very, it’s very valuable. So if you have an expertise and
you’re at a good level go, you know you can maybe have a little mastermind group on your own and
offer one on one coaching because there’s nothing better than learning from people who did it, did it
before versus going to school. You might invest $10,000 in a mastermind. How much is a year at school
cost? Probably the same price and you have to do four years of that. But you can learn it with a
mastermind, I mean it’s education on steroids. That’s how I built most of my businesses, got most of my
online business education was with mastermind groups like that and different workshops.

Ten, bonus! Get creative. (Laugh) You know there’s, there’s nine ways. This is, I’ve made money in these
nine ways but there’s so many ways to make money online. The internet now is the engine of the world.
I mean as long as you’re creative, if you have ideas the sky’s the limit guys. I mean get creative. It’s not
because a model has been proven that you can’t come up with something brand new. Obviously it’s
always good and safer to copy what works but you know it’s okay to innovate. It’s actually encouraged
to innovate. So be creative, you know be creative.

So what, who here has a business already? Who has a business idea that they want to do? Who here is
not sure how to start? I’ll show you what, what to do when you get started. Okay? That’s the most, this
is, it’s a very, it’s a critical point you know in your business just the fact of getting started. A lot of people
get discouraged at that stage because I don’t know how to do this. I don’t know how to do that. We’ll do
that Q&A at the end.

(Audience member speaking)

I think I have to ask Kimberly but I think for those who bought the DVDs we’re giving the slides for it
yeah. The free, like for my presentation snap pictures if you want.

So when you get started. Uno, focus on building the machine. I’ll show you in a few minutes how to
build an engine for your business. It’s like a car. You know a car with no engine doesn’t go far unless
you’re Fred Flintstone but you need strong feet. (Laugh)


You need to taste everything and know where you are with average to good, excellent and genius and
I’ll show you why in a second but in the early stage of business it’s good to be a little bit everywhere.
Don’t start your business and outsource right away. You know I always advise to you know take time to
learn things and new things. You know when, for example when Elliott and started business we were
actually in the same mastermind group and you know to build web pages you had to learn code, you
need to learn HTML. So you could hire a webmaster to do it which is always a good investment, you’re
going to see, but for me like learning code in the early stages made me understand how much work
needs to be put into website, you know how much money can I spend on website creation and things
like that. So it’s always good to know a little bit about you know, know how your business runs. It’s going
to make you a stronger business person and you’re going to understand your staff’s reality after that.

You need to delegate, outsource automate. It’s critical for your business to grow. So the next step after
you figure things out and you spend time you know understanding how to build your business properly
start to delegate. Okay? Outsourcing and you need to do it in a way, I’ll show you how to do it but
basically you have to do it in a way where you keep your genius for yourself, what you do very, very well
keep it for yourself and start outsourcing with, by the things that are one, easy to do and are like pretty
much time sucks and don’t pay much, okay, and the things that you hate doing or that you’re not good
at, like literally like suck at.

How to build a team? How am I doing on time guys? Yeah I’m late. (Laugh) I’m going to hurry up.

So the first hire should be a virtual assistant, okay, so using her for customer service or other clearly
defined tasks. You can find assistants now like all over the world. You know for example you can go into,
you can hire people from the Philippines at $3-5 an hour to help you with day to day tasks, upload a blog
post and things like that. You know? How many people in North America want to work for $3-5 an hour?
Not me. No. So in these countries like it’s, it’s respectable. It’s a respectable income. So there are
platforms that where you can hire these people. Okay? So it’s always good when you get started, as I
said, like don’t outsource everything right away. For example, Elijah, one of our mentoring students, he
has a cool leather wristband that he does for the Apple iWatch. Okay? And he’s in the early stages of his
business. And what I told him yesterday is like I received this sale, we’re in the car, and it’s like ding you
received a sale, $180. And I’m like don’t outsource customer service just yet. You have the one to two
sales a day you know point where you can actually hey snap a picture, when you’re about to make the
wristband. Okay he’s making them himself. It’s handmade in Alaska. And when you’re about to start the
creation of the wristband snap a picture and send it to your customer say, “Hey John I’m starting your
wristband right now.” Like how would you appreciate that? Like to receive that you feel like the
connection with the person that’s actually building your thing. Right? So when you’re at this stage, in the
early stages when you can have the one on one connection with your customer, when you can interact
do it because trust me you can’t do it when you have 100, 200 customers a day. You can’t do that. It’s
when you have to outsource. Right? But when you’re at that early stages that’s the part that I actually
miss in some of my businesses is to be able to interact even more. You have social media now where


you create special groups and stuff like that but I loved when I had like three or four sales a day and I
could just like, “Dude thank you so much for ordering the cookbook. You know I’m here, whatever you
need.” Like you have the time to do it, creates such a good connection. And some of these customers
have become lifelong customers just because that special attention.

Get someone for bookkeeping and meet once a month. I think financial education is very, very
important in the business but the bookkeeping can be frustrating and it’s to be honest with you it’s not
something that you want to do. You want to outsource it early in the business. Okay? So that’s
something you really want to do because not a whole lot of people like understand like accounting
properly. It’s better to have like someone doing it and then you set up an appointment with your
accountant and you say, “Hey you know teach me how you do it, how it works, where I made money,
where I lost money, what can I improve.” These guys have knowledge and is going to get you to
knowledge. It’s easier that way. Trying to figure out on your own numbers are not the best.

Webmaster, you know look him up, hook him up with tools like click pages and click funnels for
example. You know a couple of years ago I would have told you like a webmaster is a must do unless you
want to learn code but even there like you know your skills might be limited. So webmaster is a good
idea. You have a lot of tools now available online. Like building a website has never been easier than
right now. Always, it’s extra easy. So but still get a webmaster. What I do is like I have a bunch of
webmasters and I hook them up with lead pages, click funnels. I’ll show you what it is in a second. And
they can use these platforms to create websites and web pages and sales funnels in seconds. Right?
These guys are like super fast. So it’s actually it’s going to save you a lot of money.

When you’re growing your business start with your weak. So outsource with the weak stuff. So you
know for example (laugh) my daughter’s right there in the hall. You start with what you’re weak. Okay?
So for me for example paid traffic wasn’t my, my cup of tea. It was something I outsourced. Obviously
customer service as, as you grow but start with where you’re weak then what you’re average to good,
then you’re excellent but keep it genius. Okay so always keep what you’re really, really good at. Your
unique ability don’t outsource that. Okay? Keep that alive. But everything else like as you can outsource,
as you make money online it’s always good to reinvest in your business that way. That’s going to make,
give you the freedom. Okay? Like it’s going to be, it’s a gradual thing, thing you know. It’s like I didn’t go
from like getting up and starting my business to like total freedom and lifestyle and I’m not doing
anything. No, it’s gradual thing. You’ve got to be smart about it. You start reinvesting in your company,
you start outsourcing to competent people and, and you have the machine, the engine who actually like
builds your money.

Tips for hiring. Ignore the natural resistance and let go. You know when we start a business we’re a one-
person operation we have the natural resistance to just like you know it’s mine I can’t just let it out. You
know I like it. It’s my baby. Okay it’s like handing your baby to someone else. There’s a natural resistance
to it. You’re going to have to start to ignore it and, and not listen to it. You know you’re going to have to
make the move and then when you hire your first person you just get easier and easier to just let go. It’s
natural. It’s a natural thing.


Hire remotely and only subcontractors, less paperwork and more motivated. So we, actually I have no
employees on payroll. I just hire subcontractors or independent contractors and some work for me full
time, some work for me part-time, some work for me you know sporadically, one hour at a time, one
hour a week, two hours a week depending on the demand that I have. So this is always good. And
they’re more motivated because they’re own little business. People who get on payroll sometimes get
lazy because they have the sentiment that you know I’ve got a job. You know I’m good. I’m set. I’ve got
security. So I like subcontractors better.

Always start with two week trial. So whenever we start a new, we have something where we have, need
someone for a long term, like a new webmaster, for example, the customer service agent, we give them
a two week trial, like see if they fit the company culture, what we’re all about, if they’re, they’re
competent first of all because it’s easy to put a resume online but if you’re not good it’s going to show.
Right? You can’t lie. So two week trial and, and you know you have to kiss some frogs. Not all of them
are going to be princes or princesses. So two trial is fine. It gives you time to evaluate the work and see if
it’s a good fit.

Yay! (Laugh) That’s right. She’s the boss. (Laugh)

Know exactly what your employees need before you do, what your employees need to do. Before hiring
you need to have a clear task list. I see too many people hiring it’s like yeah do that. No. Like you need to
give people clarity, a task list, how they need to do that thing, a clear operations manual if you have one
or a point by point list on how you need to do it. Be very clear. It’s going to save you a lot of time, a lot
of money, a lot of frustration, and a better relation with your subcontractors.

Hire someone who’s better and smarter than you in a specific field. Example like I’m an organized
person but I hire very organized person to do like events like this. Okay? We have Kimberly Bohannon
who is our manager and she’s, like for her like setting something like that. She’s loves that. Like that’s
her thing. Right? It’s a big thing to set up like a big event like this. You know but for her it’s second
nature. Right? She’s better than me at that so that’s why we’re hiring people like that so you guys have a
better experience than if I was you know organizing things. And there you go.

Where to find them, where you’re going to find these players? So professional networks, ask other
business owners, okay people that you know when you’re in a mastermind group. It’s like hey you have
a cool webmaster or a good webmaster I can use or you can even share like people, I do that with a few
other businesses. I do that in house with, within a few of my businesses or with colleagues in the same
industry. Say yeah I have this guy but I don’t have enough time like to keep him full time. Like do you
have like 20 hours for him so we can, we can share this guy and offer him a full time position? And a lot
of them do. So we, we just share people and ask, we just ask our network. You know do you have a guy
like that? And what’s he going to do?

Your current staff. You know we hired some of our best, best people from current staff. Like hey do you
know someone who would be able to do that? And since they’re working to your business, they know


your business, they know who they can fit in and who they can, you know who’s going to work with you

Online platforms, there’s a few of them, Odesk which is now called UpWork actually, they merged with
Elance. By far my favorite online hiring platform. You can hire people. It’s a time tracking. It has internal
time tracking software. It actually takes screenshots, okay screenshots, of their work. So let’s say I hire
someone for, to be a webmaster and create websites and I see that the guy is on Facebook and he goes
to see, I don’t know he’s betting online or whatever and taking screenshots, like hey dude. You’re not
doing your work, like you’re playing online. You know what I mean? So it actually cool for that because
you can see what they do remotely without like being there looking over their shoulder. You can do that
on your end and take, I take like maybe like five minutes every three or four days just to check on
screenshots and stuff. But usually like after the two weeks you know what these people are all about. If
the person’s dishonest he’s always going to be dishonest. A person that’s a hard worker you’re going to
see that. Odesk, UpWork.com now it’s great to hire people. There’s experts on every single thing on
that. Many, many countries.

And your followers, email subscribers. Okay from all my affiliates there’s a lot of people who wanted to
live the online lifestyle but like couldn’t find a right idea or build the right, the right products but still
wanted to, you know to live their lifestyle. I send an email to my affiliates like hey we have a position for
a content creation manager and hired a few people raising their hands and we ended up hiring this lady
and you know to that day she’s been with us for three years now. You know and she’s perfect, she’s
working online from everywhere she wants, anywhere she wants and she’s happy with it. You know
what I mean? So sometimes when you have an email list a lot of people want to do what you do. They
want to be part of your world. You know Elliott could send an email and say, “Hey I need volunteers for
this or that” or “Do you guys want to be in internet Strength Camp?” a lot of people are going to raise
their hands you know because they want to be in your world. So you know your followers and email
subscribers is usually a good source of staff to hire.

Tools to run your business. As I said UpWork you can take screenshots. All of our businesses are run
through UpWork. So even, even if you are like my next door neighbor I’m going to get you to go on
UpWork, sign up on UpWork and you sign your hours on UpWork. Okay? Great all in one hiring, hiring
and staff management platform.

Skype, I mean how much time is being wasted in board meetings? Board meetings you get there, you
get coffee, you talk about the weather, so inefficient. You know like all the time wasted in board
meetings. Right? We have all of our businesses and different things that we do on Skype. We do groups
on Skype. And so let’s say here we’ve got, I don’t know probably like the split test ninja. Okay? (Laugh)
So we’ll do split testing. We have a team of a couple of people who take care of the split testing on the
websites. So Andy here is asking questions. Like hey guys do we do this, do we do that and we’re able to
keep in contact. We do meetings at specific times. We all meet online and we have people from
sometimes Mexico, UK, where, Denmark, Canada, U.S., like altogether in one, one big virtual office. So
Skype is cool for that. I mean you can run your business out of Skype.


You want tools that are online. You don’t want tools that stick you to an office. You know these are the
tools to manage your business online.

Click funnel is a quite new, maybe year old platform to help you build sales pages, sales funnels, up sell
flows, all that jazz. Pretty easy. I think it’s like $100 a month and it’s going to save you a lot of money on,
on the website creation side of things, okay, because sometimes I can spend $2,000 on a website and it
looks like shit. This is like made by a marketer. It’s great. It’s going to save you a lot of money.

Lead pages same thing. You know you can build sales pages, opt in pages, webinar pages, thank you
pages, up sell pages. It’s a few bucks a month and it’s all made for you, all templates you can like, you
can pretty much edit them online, click a button, publish, it’s all on, you take the URL and you can post
it. It’s super easy.

Zendesk for customer service. Those of you guys who have customer service you can use Zendesk for, to
manage the tickets and, and anything to do with customer service. It’s a pretty cool platform.

Redbooth, it’s a project management platform. So if you have like projects with different team members
you can use Redbooth. There’s also Trello, T-R-E-L-L-O, who’s, what’s, that’s a good platform for project
management. It gives you step by step plans. And if you have a team working together its’ nice because
it, it regroups everybody.

ClickBank, ClickBank is a great like if you want to accept payments, have affiliate offers and things like
that. ClickBank is great for that. It gives you some stats on, on your traffic, you know what’s your
conversion rate and all that stuff.

Infusionsoft, Infusionsoft is, it’s pretty much a CRM, customer relations management system where you
can have all of your, you can send emails from Infusionsoft. You have all your list of customers you can
integrate with different things. It’s a good all in one platform if you want to manage your business.
Okay? You can get started. It’s pretty costly. You can do without in the early stages but if you think your
business if really going to get bigger it’s good to have like a good, a good platform to, to get started. So
Infusionsoft is pretty, pretty good.

Aweber, we talked about emails, auto responders, that does all that. I think it starts at like as low as like
$9 a month or something. And it pretty much, you can send emails to your list, you can set automatic
emails as well to your list. So it’s a pretty, it’s a pretty good system to get, to get emails. Okay? Aweber it
is. Other email service providers, Mail Chimp, Get Response, all that stuff. Aweber as far as a standalone
email service provider is very solid. That’s the one I recommend. And if you’re with Infusionsoft has an
in-house one.

Dropbox pretty cool. You can share files with your staff, you can share a folder, drop like I don’t know a
PowerPoint presentation. Say I want to send you a PowerPoint presentation. If we share a Dropbox
folder together I slide it into the Dropbox, it syncs on your computer, super easy to share stuff. You
don’t have to email you know two people. And it’s always so good, I have all my stuff on my computer


on Dropbox. So let’s say my computer crashes I won’t lose anything. It’s all in the clouds and then I just
hook up a Dropbox to my new computer and just get my files back. So it’s pretty, pretty cool to have.

Google Docs, we do that a lot. You can create like WordPress, word, word docs. You can create
PowerPoint presentation, Excel spreadsheets, all that stuff. We can Google, we can share that with
people. It’s, it’s super, super easy when you work with people to, to share documents and then you can
export to, to PowerPoint. Example, this presentation I did it on Google Doc presentations. So I did that
on my computer, saved it, gave the link to that presentation to Kimberly, Kimberly downloaded it to
PowerPoint, uploaded it to our computers and that was it. So it’s super easy to share with people.

24 bullets of business wisdom, I’m going to slide through these because I’m late and I talk too much. So
is it good guys? Like have you guys got a lot of information out of it? (Clapping) Awesome. Again it’s a lot
of information I’m throwing at you. We’re going to have a Q&A today, tonight. Feel free to ask
questions. We’re going to be like in, going to have the super, the dinner tonight. You know feel free to
ask questions and stuff like that, specific questions about your business, how you can automate this or
that and I can help you out with it. But this is a lot. This is a lot of material. And remember something,
you don’t have to implement all that stuff right now. You know even if you have one, two or three things
that you can implement in your business right now to get you started you know implement that. You
know don’t be overwhelmed by, by the amount of information.

So focus on value. Okay? That’s something I realized that a lot of people like have information, they
know a lot of information but they don’t think about what value do they provide to other people. Okay?
So it’s all about the value you are providing through your expertise. Okay? It’s not your knowledge, it’s
your value. Okay what value you have to offer. What value you’re providing to a person that that
person’s willing to give you some money for it or exchange for something else, an exchange of value.

Find your genius. As I said you know once you know what you’re really good at, what your talent right
now keep it. You know you can outsource the rest for, for more, you know better lifestyle for example
but keep the genius and find it. Find it and keep it. Okay? It’s very important that you find like what you
do better than other people right now.

Again focus on the right now. What you do well right now. Don’t think about I’m going to be a marketing
genius in five years. It doesn’t matter. It’s what you do better right now. When I started in business I
didn’t go with the intent of being an online marketing coach you know seven years after that. For me it
was like I’m good at building delicious meal plans. That was my value. That was my genius at the time.

Build your business around your life, not your life around your business. How many people have heard
that before? How many people apply it? Not many. You do? Good. But not many people apply it. You
know it’s a lot of people build a business and then like they build a life around it. And usually it’s better
to like have the vision as I said of your ultimate life, what you want to do and, and build your business


around it. And you have non-negotiable, you know the things in life that are non-negotiable and you
build your business around that.

You know always think problem-solution. You know a lot of people think problem, problem, problem
but there’s no solution. You know you see a lot of these guys, a lot of haters online like kids like being in
gangs and all that stuff like all they are is like they’re hating. They have problems, problems, problems,
problems. What’s your fucking solution bro? What is it? (Laughter) What is it? Hating? That’s not a
solution. You know always think problem-solution. You know you need to solve people’s problems, how
you build a business. You need to be a problem solver. Got it?

Know how you will get traffic and monetize. You know as I said traffic, like no traffic, no business.
Monetization, a lot of people focus on the traffic and build a Facebook page and get a boatload of
people or Instagram followers but they have no idea how to monetize that. I was talking to Brandon
Carter about it. He has a lot of friends like Brandon was smart enough to have a monetization for his
business. A lot of his friends who have big Instagram accounts or YouTube followings or Facebook pages
have no clue how to monetize that. So don’t build a site just to be popular online. Build a site actually
that you know like okay I’ve got a monetization plan. I can offer this, can offer that, that can solve this
problem and offer this solution.

Seek clarity. The clearer you are in your mind the better your business is going to be. When you’re foggy
and confused things don’t get done. Okay? Clarity, your ten, top ten goals for the year, your action plan,
the fill in the blanks, four steps that I gave you guys is going to help you seek more clarity in your mind.
So use them, go back to them often, put them in places you can see them, and seek that clarity in your
mind. Don’t try to do too many things. Be clear. Try to seek clarity as much as you can.

Build brands or brands where you can plug yourself in. You know the Muscle Cook; anabolic cooking was
a cool brand that I could plug myself in as the expert but then hey guess what? Now I’m into online,
teaching online marketing. So I’m going to plug myself into another brand. You know what I mean? It
was not tied to, tied to me personally that much. Shit I have another person right now, a cool gentleman
named Liam who’s the new Muscle Cook. And he does the videos, he does all the content, he’s right
there. He takes over the brand that I can, I don’t have to do it. Okay? And I can plug myself in, in another
brand. So it’s always cool to build that type of brand. You know for example Elliott has Strength Camp.
So Elliott can plug himself in Strength Camp and can do, can plug himself in NonJobs as well and can plug
himself in different brands that fits you know his values and what he wants to do.

Have a clear and defined written goal. So seek clarity, same thing. Do that often. It’s always good to put
things on paper. Daily agendas, you know gratitude journal. Anybody does gratitude journal? Puts things
into perspective just writing them down. You know? And you do the same thing with the task list you
have. I’m super old school. I mean I don’t have things on my phone. I’ve got an old school agenda and
every day I write my bullets on what I need to do for the next day or even for the week. Okay it’s super
old school but for me that’s what works for clarity.


Build an email list. Okay? Very important. I mean it’s, it’s what’s going to get your customers to come
back. It’s pretty much one of the most important pieces in my opinion when you build a business. A lot
of people don’t do it. They have followings online, no email list, I think it’s a shame. Build an email list as
fast as you can.

Figure it out. Figure shit out. Right, Gina? Everything’s figure-out-able. Don’t tell me you can’t figure out
something. Everything is figure-out-able. If I wanted to know something and I don’t know it, I’ll figure it
out. I’ll spend a week if I need to. I’ll just figure it out. It’s an excuse to say that oh yes but I don’t know
how to do this or that. Just figure it out. Successful business people figure shit out. Write it down. Put it
on your board like Gina. She sees that every day and she remembers, remember when you were stuck
on small, small things. Small timey things and you were stuck there and you’re like “I can’t move”. Stuck.
Don’t know what to do. I don’t know it. You figure it out. She figured it out, she moved on. So you know
write it down. Seriously.

Build a team, build system, automate everything that can be automated. Obviously not everything can
be automated but everything can be you know optimized in a certain way. So one can build a team,
build a sales system like the machine I showed you, outsourcing, that helps a lot, okay, especially if
you’re going to have a great lifestyle. For me that’s my non-negotiable is the lifestyle. I need to do that.
Okay? So automate everything that can be automated.

Reinvest in your business. Okay? Like don’t, like let’s say you have some success with a product, you
make a good amount of income. Just don’t go spend it all and fly to Vegas and rent the penthouse and
the bottle service at the club. No, reinvest in your business. That’s going to serve you better than
anything else. What I do usually in my first business I reinvested most of the profits to another business
or growing the business and I do that with every single one of my businesses. I’ve never asked for a loan
at the bank. Never, ever. I’ve built my businesses, I’ve created value, earn money from it, reinvested,
reinvested, reinvested. And when you do that with multiple businesses you have, you know you can
create a really good income for yourself. Okay? So reinvest the profit. Not saying you shouldn’t go to
Vegas. It’s a cool place.

Learn how to sell. If you don’t know how to sell I mean business is going to be tough. You know it’s, I
think a lot of people are intimidated or have stigmata that you know salesman like they have the used
car salesman or I started selling cell phones actually when I started in sales. That’s a shitty job. (Laugh) It
taught me how to sell properly. Up selling people, down selling people, all that stuff. So you’ve got to
learn sales. You know study that. If you have the opportunity, if you feel like you suck at selling get a
tough sales job. You know go door to door for like a week or a month and try it out. It doesn’t need to
be your NonJob but I mean it can be something that you know gets you out of your comfort zone. Selling
is not easy but when you know how to sell properly it’s a huge advantage.

Surround yourself with successful people. As I said the circle of influence is everything. Make the list of
the top five people you’re hanging out with right now, make a list of the top five people you want, you
would love to hang out with and see the difference between these people. Right? So it’s everything.


Trust me. The circle of influence is one of the most important things in business. We’re all products of
our environments. Okay? You live in a toxic environment you’re going to have a toxic attitude. Trust me.
Like I was born on a small island. I know like I had to move to do what I do now. I knew I couldn’t stay in
that; I couldn’t stay in the crab bucket. Right? But what, what happens is how you get out of the crab
bucket? You need a crab who’s already out of the bucket who’s like going to give you a claw (laugh), get
you out of the bucket. So you know it’s a silly analogy but that’s what it is. You know some people are
already out of the crab bucket and all they want is actually help you get out of the crab bucket. So when
you can join a business group or a mastermind or here like make friendships, have accountability with
people that you meet here, do it, do it guys.

Don’t listen to others. I’m saying like hey get surrounded by people but don’t listen to anybody. Right?
(Laugh) Well it means like develop your own style. You know don’t try to be unauthentic. Like just try to
develop your own style. I had some people saying to me like you should do this, you should do that.
People have opinions about, all kinds of opinions about who you should be and what you should do. You
know if your gut feeling says I should do this follow your gut feeling, follow your heart. It’s rarely wrong.
Trust me.

Study what others are doing but don’t copy. Again, like you have to see what successful people are
doing, you know, and try to, you know don’t copy it but be inspired by it. You know see how they do it
and see how you can do it yourself in your own way, own unique way. People are going to be, if you
want to be a personality too online or if you want to coach or something people are going to be
attracted to, we all teach the same type of content. You know? Online marketing is online marketing but
people are going to be attracted to you or to the person that you are compared to you know another
person. People are attracted to Elliott for who he is. You know his content, for the same content we
would have Elliott teaching that content another person most people would choose Elliott here because
for who he is. Alright? Be unique.

Keep learning. You know don’t fall in the degree trap. It doesn’t mean because you have a degree that
you’re going to get like a big ass income and job and stuff. It’s all about the value you’re providing to
people not because it says MBA after your name or something like that. Actually a lot of my clients are
MBAs and I graduated at 20. You know so don’t fall in the trap. There’s a cool, so it seems like a big train
right now is knowledge. Everybody wants to have knowledge. Knowledge. It’s great. You should have
knowledge but don’t fall in the trap of learning, learning, learning, having knowledge, knowledge,
knowledge and don’t apply it anywhere. Okay? Lots of words. That’s the biggest mistake you can do. I
know a lot of people promote that right now. So just in time learning versus just in case learning that’s
what people are teaching right now. Just in case learning, learn as much as possible and maybe one day I
will need to use that knowledge to do something. I’m a big fan of just in case learning. I want to learn
online marketing. I want to learn email marketing. I’m going to go find a good course, a good book about
email marketing. I’m going to learn it. I’m not going to get bombarded with things. I’m just going to learn
what I need to learn right now, understand it and apply it. Okay? So think about when you’re learning
something when you’re bombarded with information. I mean the internet right now; the amount of


information online is insane. It’s crazy. Everything. You can anything online you want. It’s just like you’ve
got to be picky about how you learn stuff. For me just in time versus just in case is a good way to see it
and, and I’m a big fan of the just in time learning.

Have an official business. Sounds stupid but a lot of guys just like start their business don’t have any like
LLC or S-Corp or C-Corp or whatever you are, corporation in Canada. Start legit. You know have legit.
Okay have a legit business to start. Don’t wait until you’re successful to just say “Shit I’ve got to figure
out that tax stuff” and like next thing you know you owe like 50,000 to the government and like “Fuck
I’ve got to pay it”. So be legit. Like you know if you want to be in business start a business. It’s going to
keep you accountable too. You’re going to feel more like a real businessman too by having a business
structure. And there’s a lot of tax write offs too that you can do that you can’t do on a personal account.
Okay? If you have a business, like if you have a business and you come here to learn that’s a business
expense. Your hotel is taken care of, your foods taken care of, your car rental is taken care of by the
business. Okay? You can put that as an expense. It’s a tax write off. It has its advantages even though
you’re not generating that much income that’s fine.

Similar way to success, you know little things, having success. I don’t know you launch a product; you’re
making a few thousand dollars. Hey go to a nice restaurant with your wife, girlfriend or boyfriend and
just celebrate. Celebrate small things. You know for me when I have small victories I like to sit down with
a good cigar and a scotch. That’s my thing. I just love it. And I reward myself like that. Okay? So don’t be,
don’t be shy. You know just celebrate that thing.

Take vacation. It’s very important to a lot of people. It’s like hustle, hustle, hustle, hustle. I’ve got to
hustle. It seems like it’s the new trend as well in life. You’ve got to hustle. It’s good to hustle. It’s also
good to rest. Okay? I do six weeks, six weeks on, one week off. Always. Even though I have a lifestyle
oriented business where I can pretty much have the freedom to wake up in the morning at whatever
time I want, go to bed whatever time I want I still take vacation where I’m unplugged. Okay? Like phone
is off, computer is off, don’t reach me. I’m away. It feels good. You recharge the battery and you know
what the weird thing is? What happens when you take vacations? Your best ideas show up. They arise
because you’re not, your heads not filled with all the hustle that’s going on. So your best ideas time to
rise up. So it’s pretty cool. That’s why I love vacation.

Your actions need to make your ambition. You know if you want to be a successful person you have to
act like a successful person. You know if you want to be successful but act like a loser and an idiot you’re
never going to be successful. You know what I mean? That’s, that’s the hard truth. So if you want to be
successful act like a successful person. You know embody that thing. Really. I think the attitude is
everything in business. With value obviously.

Okay here we go. Be authentic, stay humble, have your ego in check. You can make millions of dollars
online, bottom line we’re all the same level. We’re all human beings. We’re all the same. We all have
feelings. We all have you know our challenges in life. We all have kids or you know life. You know what I
mean? We’re all human beings so regardless of your income or who you are or how big you are or


whatever listen, we’re all the same. Stay humble. Trust me. When you go with the perspective of
creating value to people, of helping genuinely without expecting to receive something it’s like, “Oh I’m
going to do this but I can do this in return”. If you do that stuff you’re never going to get anything in
return. You do it, you give genuinely, you give advice to people who need it with respect of your time
obviously but you’re going to get stuff back. And don’t expect things to be handed to you. Just give and
stuff is going to come. Always. Okay? And stay humble. It’s a big thing. It’s hard you know to, to let go of
the ego. You know when you’re successful, you start making money and, and you know or you have
people following you everywhere because they recognize you on the street and stuff you’re like it’s so
easy, so easy. Every day I’m like okay it’s your ego talking right now. Chill. You know when you realize
that and you can keep it in check you know it’s, it’s good. It’s good to stay humble. Yeah always be self-
aware of that. And it will happen. If you have some success it will happen. It happened to me. It
happened to everybody. You can ask anybody. You can ask Elliott. You can ask Matt. You can ask Yahya.
Ego is there. You just have to keep it in check.

Inspiration is perishable and I finish with that. You know if you’re inspired, if you have like an action
plan, even fits with two top, two to three things that you want to do, do them now. It’s, that thing is
perishable. There’s an expiration date on it and if you don’t act now that stuff is going to turn bad. So
act right now on it.

You know guys thank you very much for, for listening today. I’m Dave Ruel. You can follow me on
Facebook, go to my website and I hope you are all, thank you. (Clapping)

Yahya: Let’s give Dave a round of applause again one more time ladies and gentleman. (Clapping)


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