Job Interview

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M: (sonido de puerta toc toc)

E: Pase... Me ve y se para para saludarme…

E: Hello nice to meet you

M: Hi

E: Take a seat please

M: Thank you!!!

E: Welcome to the company "Ecomóda". My name is Erick Elias and I am the head of human
resources. What’s your name?

M: My name is María Rodríguez

E: Ok María. We start with the interview?

M: Of course, I'm ready

E: How old are you María?

M: I am 23 years old

E: Where you have study?

M: I studied in InturPerú

E: Ohh… I have very good references of that institute (tengo muy buenas referencias de ese
instituto). And what career did you study? (y que carrera estudiaste)

M: Flight attendant
E: Can you speak english?
M: Yes, I can
E: Can you speak another languaje?
M: French and Portuguese
E: How you well can you speak it?
M: I speak very well the three languages

E: Ok and a part of your studies Do you have hobby?

M: Mmmm, I really like sports. That's why in my free time I train volleyball.

E: I also like sports, since it is a way to stay active and it is also very good for your health. Good
thing you do, that speaks very well of you.

M: Thanks!!

E: Well, Maria, we have your most general information now, I would like to know you in more
detail. What are you like?
M: Consider myself a responsible, motivated and very organized person. I also like to get along with
my colleagues
E: What is your goals?
M: Work with you

E: Why are you interested in working with us?

M: Because it is one of the best companies nationally and internationally, in addition to gaining
experience and knowledge
E: And if we give you the opportunity to work with us. When could you start working?
M: Will be available to start immediately.
E: Ok, María, we have finished with the interview, thank you very much for your time, we will be
calling you.
M: Ok thank you, have a nice day
E: Thank!!!

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