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Free Copy. Nº 850. From 2nd to 8th of August 2019

The world paddle tour, celtic night arrives at musical evenings under
at La Cala de Mijas the municipal auditorium the Folk Museum Vine
The Cervezas Victoria Enjoy music and dance The Skafeinados group
Mijas Open will bring performances, bag pipes,

opens this cycle on
the best national players typical food and drink and Wednesday 7th, which
to Mijas from August concerts on Saturday the 3rd includes 2 other events
NEWS 06 4th to 11th NEWS 07 at this free event NEWS 08 during August


The Town Hall
The plenary session approves a budget undertakes the
remodeling of El
modification for five million euros Limonar Park in
La Cala de Mijas
With this procedure, the executive will modify some items to address concepts The investment in the
such as the granting of subsidies to social groups and parent’s associations, works, which have an
execution period of five
which implies a large investment in social spending NEWS/02 months, amounts to
170,000 euros

The residents decide

that the Mijas
Village Fair will be
from September
7th to 11th
A total of 183 people
voted in the consultation
called by Citizen
Participation; 107 opted
for that date

Promotion launches
Seeking a cleaner four new courses
within the Mijas
municipality Impulsa programme
The period to
register for these training
Crash-plan against dirtiness.- The Mijas Town Hall has intensified in recent weeks the cleaning work throughout courses aimed at labour
the municipality. With the aim of making the municipality look as clean as possible. A crash-plan has been launched by the Road insertion begins on
Cleaning area, which has already benefited more than fifty streets over the last fifteen days. In the same way, a special device has
been initiated by the Town Hall, which will watch over to control the spillage of waste on public roads, making citizens aware of the August 19th
importance of complying with current regulations and respecting the schedules for waste disposal. Photo: C.Martín. NEWS/05 SPANISH PAGE /13
Mijas News
Ordinary July plenary session


Mayor of Mijas (PSOE)
“This modification is vital for the ope-
ration of the City Council until the end
of the year and comes as a result of
having an extended budget that does
not meet the needs of the current year”

The corporation approves a budget

modification of more than five
million euros in plenary session JOSÉ CARLOS MARTÍN
Spokesperson Ciudadanos Mijas
“The most important part of this mo-
With this procedure, the executive will modify some items to address dification will go to chapter 1 which is
personnel. This comes as a result of the
concepts such as the granting of subsidies to social groups and parent’s approval from the central government
of the salary increase to officials ”
associations, which implies a large investment in social spending
Jorge Coronado the requests of departments Coexistence Rooms for the Red dit supplement worth 2,350,423
such as Operational Services, Cross; 112,818 euros for the Adimi euros for the proper processing
The government team has laun- Parks and Gardens, Energy Ma- Comprehensive Care Program- and management of staff sala-
ched the first draft measure of nagement, Education, Historical me; 62,382 euros for the AFA Fa- ries, correct compliance with
the new mandate. The corpo- Heritage or human resources”, mily Respite Unit; 60,000 euros the rules after the approval of the
ration unanimously approved said Pérez. for the Afesol Job Insertion Sup- budget for the 2018 fiscal year
in plenary session a budget port Programme; 40,000 euros and extension thereof in 2019
modification for the amount Social Welfare for Cudeca Home Care or 15,931 which include the salary increa- ÁNGEL NOZAL
Spokesperson Municipal PP
of 5,120,637.16 euros that will be Among the aspects included euros for Apaffer Professional se approved in Royal Decree-
borne by the Treasury Remnant in the budget modification are Intervention and 16,781 euros for Law 24/2018 of December 21st or “We are going to vote in favour and we
are going to get wet with the new cor-
for the year 2018. With this pro- grants for the Social Support the Malaga Sadhana Programme. the increase in social contribu- poration, but they must make an eco-
cedure, the executive will modify Programme for Persons with The modification also includes tions derived from said increase. nomic-financial plan before December
some items to address concepts a credit supplement of 80,000 “The most important part of this 31st. It will work or it won’t work, but

875,000 euros
such as social welfare grants euros for the improvement and modification will go to chapter 1 we will have complied with the Law”
and subsidies for the parent’s maintenance of energy efficien- which is personnel. This comes
associations. “The modification will go to the Home cy in deteriorated municipal fa- as a result of the approval by the The councillor for the Trea-
is due to the fact that, once in- cilities; of 127,050 euros for the central government of the salary sury responded to the popular
corporated into the new gover-
Assistance Programme acquisition of computer equip- increase to the officials”, said the bench showing his commitment
nment team, we realized that in and the Law for ment and equipment; of 38,000 spokesperson for the C’s group in this regard and said that it is
some chapters there was a lack Dependency euros for aid to the parent’s asso- in the Mijas Town Hall, José Car- an extraordinary measure due to
of credit to face the remainder of ciations of the municipality and los Martín. the circumstances of the current
the year”, explained the counci- Functional Diversity or Home 80,856 euros for the maintenance Although the measure was mandate.
llor for the Treasury, Roy Pérez Assistance Programmes and De- of public buildings, acquisition approved unanimously, from the For his part, and after the ple-
(PSOE), during the session. who pendency Law for 875,000 euros; of machinery, new infrastructure popular bench it was questio- nary debate, the mayor of Mijas,
indicated that as the municipal aid to various social groups such and provision of services in ge- ned whether the modification Josele González (PSOE), valued
budget was extended, “we had as the AFAM Family Respite Unit neral, among others. will violate some rules, such as the importance of this measure
to accommodate subsidies to the worth 159,248 euros; 41,416 and the one that limits the ceiling of and thanked all the groups for
parent’s associations and social 32,298 euros in aid for Training Personnel expenses expenditure. Therefore, and to their support. “It is not a whim of
groups, in addition to attending and Professional Experience and The proposal also included a cre- comply with current regulations, the government team. This modi-
the Popular Party has requested fication is vital for the operation
that an economic-financial plan of the Town Hall until the end of
be prepared to support this mea- the year and comes as a result of
sure and that the central gover- having an extended budget that
nment be consulted on whether does not meet the needs of the
the state law on public admi- current year”, said González.
nistration budgets will be made The mayor also announced that
more flexible. . “We are going to the government team is already
vote in favor and we are going working on the municipal budget
to get wet with the new corpo- for next year. “The Department
ration, but they must make an for Finance has instructions to
economic-financial plan before start working on a new budget
December 31st. Then it will work for 2020 so that from January we
or it won’t work, but we will have can operate in an ordinary and
complied with what the Law sta- not extraordinary manner with
tes”, said the popular spokesper- this type of budget changes”, as-
son, Ángel Nozal. sured the mayor.
Mijas News 03

Ordinary July plenary session

Plenary session approves the

payment of invoices to suppliers
worth 1,3 million euros
All invoices belong to the previous municipal government
team, the majority are from the 2018 exercise
Jacobo Perea
Carlos Rivero, and the vote aga- the plenary session, there is no
inst of the PP. The rest of the in- problem, and they can be voted
The Plenary Session approved voices had the support of PSOE, independently”, said José Carlos
last Wednesday, July the 31st, Ciudadanos and PP and the Martín, spokesperson for Ciu-
the payment of invoices worth abstention of Podemos and the dadanos in the Mijas Town Hall. Councillor for Economy and Finance, Roy Pérez during his intervention,
explaining the motions regarding the extrajudicial files / Patricia Murillo.
1,345,971.66 euros. The first of the unassigned councillor. For his part, Nozal said that “it
Records of Extrajudicial Recog- will not be our tendency”, but
nition of Credit had compliance
by the Intervention; Invoices for The PP asked “voting against 70 invoices be-
cause there is one that we do not
the year 2018 and with a value to vote separately for like does not seem appropriate”,
of almost 860 thousand euros some of the invoices to which he added that “we sup-
(856,393.55 euros). At this point, port this and the previous team
the spokeswoman for Podemos, For the vote of the second ex- of government in a series of ex-
Remedios Leiva, requested to trajudicial credit worth almost penses that they had to do and
establish a maximum period of 444,000 euros (443,702 euros) they have had to skip the admi-
one month for the presentation the same formula was used nistrative procedure, we unders-
of invoices, while the Popular at the request of the popular tand that, therefore we want to The Partido Popular requested to vote the invoices separately in two of the files
Party proposed to the govern- spokesperson, Ángel Nozal, who support it, but there are some / Patricia Murillo.
ment team to separate the invoi- showed his disagreement with invoices that do not”, he said. groups except Podemos, which ted the councillor for Podemos
ces related to Town Hall for their invoices from the previous cor- The result of this first vote abstained. “Our group would to read the motion file.
vote. The councillor for the Tre- poration corresponding to the was supported by the govern- like to clarify the invoices rela- The last extrajudicial credit file
asury, Roy Pérez (PSOE), agreed Public Road areas, Heritage and ment team, with the abstentions ted to Prensa Malagueña, Pren- was not subject to intervention
to this proposal, submitting the Town Hall. “If the positioning of Podemos and the unassigned sa Ibérica, La Opinión de Má- and was approved unanimously.
invoices to the mayor, who had of the Popular Party is going to councilor, and the vote against laga, Antonio Luis G. A., y Más It corresponds to suppliers and
the support of the government be this in the rest of the plenary the by the Partido Popular. Animación S.L”, Leiva was an- services invoices for 2018 with
team, the abstention of Podemos session, they should bring them The remaining invoices were swered by the councillor for the a value of almost 45,900 euros
and the unassigned councillor, separated before raising them in approved with the support of all Treasury, Roy Pérez, who invi- (45,876.11 euros).


Access with bicycles to the Coastal Path

will be prohibited until September 15th
The City Council will restrict ac- most appropriate way, especially bicycles will be restricted. The
cess with bicycles to the coastal in these months that there is a lot rest of the year they will only be
path. This was announced by the of tourism”, said the councillor allowed during school hours”,
Mayor of Mijas, Josele González
(PSOE), during the plenary ses-
for the PP, Lourdes Burgos.
The mayor explained to the
explained González. restrictions
sion, noting that during the sum- councilor that measures have Restrictions 15th of June to 15th of September
mer we will not be able to ride already been taken and that the Thus, from June the 15th to Sep- Access with bikes to the Coastal Path will be prohibited.
bicycles along the route and that passage of bicycles has been tember the 15th, we cannot ride
in winter they will only be able restricted. “It is true that now bicycles along the path. The rest Rest of the year
to be used during school hours, in summer the traffic between of the year, bicycles are also for- Access to the Coastal Path with bikes is forbidden on weekends
in response to a request from the pedestrians and bicycles is un- bidden on weekends and holidays and holidays.
popular bench. “We are asking feasible. From Operational Servi- and we cannot cycle during week- On working days, bikes will be allowed from 11:00 a 14:00
that access be restricted so that ces, measures have already been days from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm and hours and from 16:00 to 19:00 hours
pedestrians can circulate in the taken and access to the path with from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
04 MijasNews
Mijas Weekly
2nd to 8th of August 2019

The Mijas Village Fair will be

from September 7th to 11th
This was decided by the residents who attended the
consultation that the Citizen Participation area convened
on Monday 29th to decide the date of the festivities
Text: P.Murillo / Info. & Photos: Image of the Mijas Village Day Fair,
7th to 11th of September.
I. Pérez /Design: I.Merino held in the gardens of La Muralla
/ Archive.
107 neighbors decided on Mon- 5th to 9th of September.
day 29th with their vote in a
popular consultation called by
the Citizen Participation area
that the next Mijas Pueblo Fair
will be held from September 7th
to 11th. Facing these, 76 opted
for the other proposed option,
which advocated that the festi-
vities be from September 5th to
9th. Aware of the strong debate Councillor for Citizen Participation (PSOE) Resident
that existed in the village around “Throughout these four years, there “I belong to the band, I like to partici-
the date of the celebration of the will also be many other consultations pate in the fair and when the proces-
that will be carried out so that, in this sion falls on a penultimate day, we are

183 residents way, residents can decide on the cu-

rrent situation of their municipality”
tired after so many days of the fair and
we do not have so much to give”
participated in the consul-
tation; 107 voted for the
Fair to be held from the 7th
to the 11th of September
fair, the City Council decided to
The vote took place on the afternoon of Monday 29th in the plenary hall of the
convene a popular consultation
Mijas Town Hall / I.P.
in the form of a public hearing. TATIANA RUIZ IRENE JAIME
A total of 183 neighbors wanted ppy with the participation and them so that the residents feel Resident Resident
to vote according to their prefe- said that this will be the line of represented in the important de- “I am in favor of respecting the tradi- “The proposal has seemed phenome-
rences. work of her council. “I think it is cisions of our municipality. The- tions but we must also take into ac- nal because we have the right to say
The councillor responsible for important to have the opinion of refore, this will not be the only count the artists that come, the mer- what we want, also so that no one
chants and the traders, as well as that complains because we had the oppor-
the area of Citizen Participation, our neighbors, we have different consultation we will arrange”, the children start school” tunity to vote”
Tamara Vera (PSOE), was ha- options at our fingertips, let’s use assured Vera.


The remodeling of the El

Limonar park has started
The investment in this project amounts to 170,000
euros and it has an execution period of five months
Editorial Department. As an-
nounced on Monday the 29th,
the councillor for Infrastructure
and Works, José Carlos Martín
(C’s), this week the remodeling
of the El Limonar park, located
in La Cala de Mijas, has begun,
after the signing of the start of
the works.
“This refurbishment project is
in answer to the demands of the
residents in the district and to va-
lue this dedicated space, especia-
lly for the children. Precisely, for El Limonar Park, in La Cala, will
the children we are going to ins- have a new image in a few months / P.M.
tall two new modern children’s
amenities adapted to current ros and has an execution period drainage, among others, as well
regulations with all the neces- of five months. “We are going to as the installation of new paving,
sary security measures”, said renovate all the infrastructures, including the rubber flooring for
the councillor. The investment in going from the supply network the children’s game areas”, added
this work amounts to 170,000 eu- to the public lighting and the Martin.
2nd to 8th of August 2019 MijasNews
Mijas Weekly 05

Street cleaning

Mijas intensifies the cleaning and street OPINIONS

on the crash-plan
washing services with a crash plan
The initiative has already seen about 50 interventions in the 3 nuclei
C. Martín / Info: C. Jiménez / P. Murillo
Crash-plan and street washing
“The washing seems great to me.
in the municipality. This is the
I see that Mijas is more cared for
last committment of the Town than Fuengirola in terms of cleaning,
Hall and it already counts fifty although I see that there are people
interventions in the three nuclei who do not throw the rubbish inside
of Mijas. This intensive cleaning the containers”
campaign is being developed
throughout the entire munici-
pality. In areas such as El Greco
street, El Juncal, Campo street,
Los Siete Caños square, Anto-
nio Machado, María Zambrano,
streets, the health centre and FRANCISCA RUIZ
surrounding areas, Clavel street, Resident
Tulipán, Colina Blanca streets, “The street washing is fine, but there
Camino Campanales, San Anto- are other places that are quire dirty and
nio, San Dionisio, and San Víctor need to be cleaned, such as the Llano
Photos: C. Martín. de La Candelaria and the garden next to
streets. These cleaning works the bridge of the San Manuel church”
have been intensified with the
washing down of the streets
Take note!
over the last two weeks.
In addition, this crash plan
coincides with other cleaning awareness in the municipality
Campaign intensive cleaning The schedule to deposit rub-
bish is from 20 to 00 hours
About 50 interventions within this crash-plan have already
initiatives implemented by of the increase in uncontrolled
been carried out. In El Greco, El Juncal, and Campo streets. To notify of the collection of
the local council in order to dumping of rubbish and house-
Siete Caños square, Antonio Machado, María Zambrano streets, household items you must call
make Mijas look cleaner. Thus, hold items in different parts of 952 666 866
the health centre and surrounding areas, Clavel street, Tulipán,
through the Local Police, a spe- the municipality; a device that
Colina Blanca, Camino Campanales, San Antonio, San Dionisio In La Cala, there is a clean
cial device for the control of clea- will issue fines for the different
and San Víctor streets have been washed in the last two weeks. point for the deposit of various
ning on public roads has been infractions by citizens in this types of waste. It is on the Ca-
launched in order to raise public regard. mino de la Majadilla del Muer-
to, next to the treatment plant

regarding the depositing of rubbish, hou-

Fines for sehold goods and all types of waste. Seve-
ral agents will monitor the most conflictive
on the fines
spoiling Mijas points at different times of the day and will
pay special attention to the depositing of
In addition to the crash plan, Mijas will rubble and household items in non-autho-
sanction uncontrolled dumping of rub- rized places. On the first day of this device,
bish on public roads. Thus, this week on Monday the 29th, up to 13 infractions
the Town Hall has launched a special were detected. A campaign will also be
device to ensure and raise awareness launched to raise awareness about road
of compliance with current regulations cleaning.

Fines of up to 3,000 euros VALERIA PASTOR

in the case of very serious infractions such as the depositing in containers of toxic, “I think the campaign is very good be- “It seems good to me that are fines “I think it’s good that and they have
hazardous waste or special urban waste. cause there are people who leave the because the street has to be clean everything clean. Isn’t there a sche-
Fines of up to 1,500 euros rubbish out at times that are not co-
rrect and that causes a rather noticea-
and nobody likes to find rubbish, dog
poops, bags ... It should be clean and
dule? Well, at that time it is when
you have to throw the rubbish out.
in the case of serious infractions such as the dumping of rubbish or waste on public ble smell and more now in summer those who are caught should do so- It’s good that fine. I would also like
roads that hinders traffic or generates a public health risk, as well as the depositing of when there is much more population” cial services or be fined” them to clean La Cala”
household waste outside the places provided by the Town Hall.
06 MijasNews
Mijas Weekly
2nd to 8th of August 2019

Mijas enlarges the


Sports Centre in
Las Cañadas
Looking ahead in this month, a second
reform is proposed to provide the clubs
with more space outside
Text: Ed. Dep. / Photos: P.Murillo
Design & Layout: I.Merino
La Cala hosts
The Cervezas Victoria Open
The councillor for Operational The world professional paddle circuit
Services, José Carlos Martín
(C’s), announced on Tuesday arrives in Mijas from August 4th to 11th
the 30th that the works on the
expansion and improvement of
the Las Cañadas Sports Centre information & tickets:
have been completed in relation Registered players, match schedules and match re-
to the interior part of the enclo- sults can be found at:
sure. This work has had an in- Presently, a warehouse is being built outside for the clubs.
vestment of 22,000 euros and an *Tickets are also available on this web.
execution period of one month
and a half. “We continue working
& in El Albero OPINION
to condition and improve muni-
cipal buildings and, specifically,
sports areas. On this occasion, we End of the works to
have expanded the entrance hall
to the Las Cañadas Sports Centre condition and renew
the paving
as well as the warehouse and the
concierge department”, said Mar-
tín, who added that “in addition to JOSÉ CARLOS MARTÍN
Councillor for Operative Services (C’s)
the ample space obtained through
“El Albero had very worn-out streets Image of the tournament last year in La Cala / Archive.
the works, municipal operators
and, in addition, lacked access for
have conditioned and adapted
persons with reduced mobility. We
the accesses, such as the entrance have made a leap in quality to the I.M. The best paddle in the tracks with 2,500 and 500 spec-
door, the one at the seating areas, area, in addition to the aesthetic world will arrive for another tators capacity “to double the
the one off the tracks and the one improvement” year to Mijas. The fairground of passion, spectacle, and emotion
at the changing rooms”. La Cala de Mijas hosts the bi- of World Paddle Tour”, as they
also been completed, which has ggest sporting event of the Ma- point out from the organization.
Upcoming works had an investment of 170,000 eu- laga summer. Between August
Once these interior works are fi-
nished, in the outer area of the
ros. The work by the municipal
operators has focused on 3,500
4th and 11th, the World Cervezas
Victoria Mijas Open 2019 World
The official
pavilion, the Operational Services square metres, where tiles have Paddle Tour will bring together presentation of the tourna-
are conditioning a new warehou- been used, most of the parch- the best female and male pla- ment is next Tuesday 6th
se. “This second work will also ment type, in line with those yers of the moment, such as
have an execution period of ap- implemented in the rest of the Bea González, Álex Ruiz and
at 1 pm at El Torreón
proximately one month, thus con- town, as well as buttons for pre- Ernesto Moreno, who will be As for the tournament calendar,
ditioning this area that will give In El Albero, the pavement has been fabricated pedestrian crossings present with the mayor of Mijas, the matches of the final draw
more space to clubs that carry out renovated, as it was very worn out and concrete cobblestones for Josele González (PSOE), at the can be lived from Wednesday,
over the years.
their activities in these facilities”, the speed reduction bumps for presentation of the tournament, August 7th, with the dispute of
added the councillor. According Together with the reforms ca- vehicles. The project has also next Tuesday 6th at the Torreón the 16th round of the final. As
to the government team, “a strong rried out in Las Cañadas, the seen the refurbishment of 300 in La Cala. for the previous phases, they
commitment is being made to im- conditioning of the streets and linear meters of curbs and the The tenth tournament of the will be played from Sunday 4th
prove sports facilities by the Lo- renovation work in El Albero has upgrading of 227 manholes. year, just crossing the equator in the official club, located at
cal Council”. of the season, will have two Cerrado del Águila.
2nd to 8th of August 2019 MijasNews
Mijas Weekly 07

Irish roots
On Saturday 3rd, the
Municipal Auditorium
hosts a concert of
Celtic music from 9 in
the evening
In mijas GET TO KNOW
The Mijas Foreigners
Redacción Department attended
the La Cala Day Fair
celebrated last week,
The Tourism Department of the
handing out fans to
Mijas Town Hall, in collaboration all visitors. The fans,
with BigM Promotions, has or- published in 4 diffe-
ganised a festival entitled ‘Celtic rent languages, were
Night 2019’ on Saturday, August made to inform about
the ultraviolet index
the 3rd. The Miguel González
and how to prevent
Berral Municipal Auditorium will The Councillors Arancha López and MºDolores
sunburns, which forms
host this event full of Irish culture Olmedo - Anette Skou and Katja Thiron.
part of the Photopro-
Foreigners Department, Mijas Town Hall
that will begin at 9 pm. However, tection Campaign, or-
the doors will be open from 20 ganized by the Hospital Costa del Sol, Sanitary Agency in collaboration with
the Beach and Foreigners Department, Mijas Town Hall. “We are pleased to
hours for those interested in visi-
take part in this campaign again this year,
ting the Celtic market that will be and the publication of the fans, is a good
installed in this area. way to inform the visitors and specially
There will be music and dance the foreign holiday makers about the pre-
performances, pipers, and con- cautions to take to avoid sunburns” com-
mented Arancha López, the new counci-
certs by Stolen Gnomes and Dex’s
llor for the Foreigners Department.
Celtic Connections. Likewise,
gastronomy and typical drinks re-
presenting the Celtic culture will
be offered. Admission is free for LANGUAGE
all attendees. EXCHANGE
Special bus line LEAVING LEAVING

LINE m-122
The workshop at La Cala is in sum-
& shuttle
mer holidays until September 11th.
21:30 22:00 Participants at the Tuesday work-

22:30 23:00 shop in Mijas Village are in holidays

service 23:30 00:00 during the entire month of August.

00:30 02:00 However, the workshop on Thurs-
01:30 02:00 days in Las Lagunas is continuing
their activity in the mornings from
9:30 to 11am. If you wish to partici-
pate just join the workshops and ask
COLECTIVES for the coordinator who will assist
you in finding an appropriate con-
Costa Women celebrating 8000 members! versation group.

Costa Women. Costa Women

continue to grow its community
and last week were excited to wel-
come its 8000th member at cos- The community
was created in 2010 by Ali Meehan
as a way to connect, inspire, enable
and support women in their jour-
neys to and around Spain. The on-
line platform inspired local events
and members can now enjoy over
20 events per month at different
locations in Spain.
Ali Meehan said, “Costa Women
offer ways for women to connect The website is free to join and is sponsored by My Lawyer in Spain, Currencies
Direct, The Good Care Group and with Media Sponsor, Euro Weekly News.
whatever stage they are at of their
life in Spain. We have women the community offers a rich cultu- to Canary Islands and all the places
who are want to make friends and re, as well as Women sharing an in-between.
attend social events, others who adventurous spirit as they have Some of the highlights include REGISTER ON THE PADRON
want to share their businesses and stepped outside of their normal the International Women’s Day Contact us to find out how to register for the first time, or renew your registration,
network and of course many who environments and moved over- Conference, the annual summer change of address, adding a new member of the family etc.
want both! The website is a con- seas. Costa Women provides a and Christmas parties, the two Every 2 years if you registered with a NIE-certificate and every 5 years if you presen-
nection point for Women to make wonderful link whatever culture or free ebooks filled with stories ted your residence certificate.
new friends as well as get real life, country they have arrived from. about daily life in Spain (written by
essential tips and advice about life Costa Women connect Women the members), a pilot mentorship If you have a query or a problem and need clarification or general information
in sunny Spain.” over the whole of Spain - from scheme and the online course with on matters related to the Town Hall and the Spanish administration, please
contact the Department at the Town Hall, Bulevar de La Cala nº 45, La Cala de
With over 68 different nationali- Costa del Sol to Asturias, from tips, advice and information about Mijas Costa. 952 58 90 10
ties (including Spanish members), Barcelona to Cadiz, from Madrid moving to Spain –
08 MijasNews
Mijas Weekly
2nd to 8th of August 2019

XXIII Antonia Cortés Fernández golf Exhibition of photographs

friday 2nd tournament (Ninou)
world paddle live mijas ‘Madres de vinos andaluces’ by
Exhibition The Raising funds for the Spanish Associa- tour by night Bosco Martín
tion Against Cancer Nuevo Enfoque Headquarters
Beatles vs The
Rolling Stones Los Olivos Golf Course, starting at Tuesday & Thursday: Mijas Until the 15th of September
Folk Museum in 9:30 hours Village, Virgen de la Peña Sq., 22h
Information and registrations on Friday: Las Lagunas, Verbena Barrio Santana
Mijas Village
952 47 68 43 Andalucía Park, 22 h Plaza de los Siete Caños (Mijas
Until the 1st
Wednesday: La Cala, La Village), 15th, 16th & 17th of August
of September.
Organised by La sunday 4th Butibamba Park, 22 h
Térmica and the ‘Pastorales al fresquito’
Outdoor cinema: ‘Campeones’ contest
Cultural Department Municipal Auditorium in Mijas don't miss Plaza de los Siete Caños. 24th of
Village, 22 hours August from 20 hours
Free Entrance ‘Música a la fresca’
End of term party for the Five ‘pastorales’ groups from the pro-
Torreón Square in La Cala, 21
Costurmoda Academy vince of Málaga will act
Cepyme Booth (Fuengirola Fair-
- Saturday 10th: III International Measuring and registration of ca-
ground), 20 hours
Folklore Festival rriers for the procession of the Virgen
Free welcome cocktail, image consul-
- Friday 16th: Fran Blanco and Clau- de la Peña
tancy talk, exhibition of works and more
dia Vega From August 5 to 25 at the Brother-
surprises Cervezas Victoria Mijas Open - Friday 23rd: hood House of the Virgen de la Peña
4th to 11th of August, Club Bohío flamenco (calle Málaga, 26)
Verbena Doña Ermita NA Cerrado del Águila and La Cala with Adriana la Monday to Friday, 18 to 21 hours and
Doña Ermita Park, starting at 17:30 fairground Pimienta Saturdays and Sundays, 12 to 14 hours
hours More information and tickets at
More information on Spanish page 33 Exhibition of paintings by the
students of the Association of Las
saturday 3rd Cañadas territory
Civic Centre in Las Cañadas

Registration for the trip to the

Malaga Fair by the Association of
Pensioners of La Cala
Celtic Night
wednesday 7th Pensioners Centre in La Cala
Municipal Miguel González
urban circus
From July 25th to August 13th
Berral Auditorium (Mijas Village), 11th of August, Torreón in Fridays and Saturdays, from
during office hours; Tuesday and
20 hours La Cala 17 to 20 hours, on the el Torreón
Thursday from 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm.
Free Entrance 29th of August, Andalucía beach in La Cala
The excursion will be on August
Park, Las Lagunas Free activities, kayak, paddle
21st. Price for members to date
Free event. From 21:30 h. surf or volleyball. To participate
with fees: 15 euros per person
Organised by: Youth Department you have to sign up half an hour
of the Mijas Town Hall before
Exhibition of paintings by Mila
Music under the vine: Milian
- Skafeinados tapa Until Summer open air cinema
the 19th of - 8th of August, María Zamb.
Folk Museum (Mijas Village), route Park Hotel Transylvania 3
21 hours August at
Free Entrance the Cultural - 22nd of Augst El Torreón Beach.
Centre in Los futbolísimos
Pool party La Cala Both films will start at 22 hours
Municipal cc costa mijas
pool in Osunillas, Exhibition 50th anniversary of
from 8 pm to 12 the landing of man on the moon
midnight Tourist Office in Mijas
Free entrance. The activitiy will be Until September 30th. Monday to
repeated on August 7th and 21st Friday, 9 to 20 hours and Saturdays
Verbena La Loma NA and Sundays, 10 to 14 hours
Diseminado La Loma (Main CAC MIJAS
street), from 19:30 hours Exhibition by the Open University
photography students
There will be a raffle for gifts, Children’s workshops Cultural Centre in Las Lagunas,
among other activities Free every Saturday Until the 2nd of September
Verbena Doña Ermita NA Permanent exhibitions by Tuesdays and Thursdays, from Live demonstration of tuna
Picasso y Dalí Exhibition by the Open University
Field next to sports stadium, 10 h 19:30 to 23 hours, in Mijas Village photography students ‘ronqueo’
Park in Doña Ermita, 14 hours Exhibition ‘La divina comedia. El in July and August Cultural Centre in Las Lagunas, August 9th, 12 hours at the fish
More information on Spanish page 33 paraíso’, by Salvador Dalí Drink and tapa for 2,5 euros Until the 2nd of September market of Hipercor


Knitted Knockers Association

TELEPHONE: 616871952 NATIONALITY: inglesa-española

Knitted Knockers Costa del Sol Association

The ‘Knitted Knockers’ is an association formed by volunteers who make what they call
“Knitted Knockers”, that is, knitted prostheses, for those women who have overcome breast
cancer through a mastectomy
- Handmade woven prostheses, made by volunteers - Project in collaboration with the
and donated to women who have overcome this Spanish Association Against Cancer.

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